/* * aseqdump.c - show the events received at an ALSA sequencer port * * Copyright (c) 2005 Clemens Ladisch * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "aconfig.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "version.h" #include enum { VIEW_RAW, VIEW_NORMALIZED, VIEW_PERCENT }; static snd_seq_t *seq; static int port_count; static snd_seq_addr_t *ports; static volatile sig_atomic_t stop = 0; static int ump_version; static int view_mode = VIEW_RAW; /* prints an error message to stderr, and dies */ static void fatal(const char *msg, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, msg); vfprintf(stderr, msg, ap); va_end(ap); fputc('\n', stderr); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* memory allocation error handling */ static void check_mem(void *p) { if (!p) fatal("Out of memory"); } /* error handling for ALSA functions */ static void check_snd(const char *operation, int err) { if (err < 0) fatal("Cannot %s - %s", operation, snd_strerror(err)); } static void init_seq(void) { int err; /* open sequencer */ err = snd_seq_open(&seq, "default", SND_SEQ_OPEN_DUPLEX, 0); check_snd("open sequencer", err); /* set our client's name */ err = snd_seq_set_client_name(seq, "aseqdump"); check_snd("set client name", err); } /* parses one or more port addresses from the string */ static void parse_ports(const char *arg) { char *buf, *s, *port_name; int err; /* make a copy of the string because we're going to modify it */ buf = strdup(arg); check_mem(buf); for (port_name = s = buf; s; port_name = s + 1) { /* Assume that ports are separated by commas. We don't use * spaces because those are valid in client names. */ s = strchr(port_name, ','); if (s) *s = '\0'; ++port_count; ports = realloc(ports, port_count * sizeof(snd_seq_addr_t)); check_mem(ports); err = snd_seq_parse_address(seq, &ports[port_count - 1], port_name); if (err < 0) fatal("Invalid port %s - %s", port_name, snd_strerror(err)); } free(buf); } static void create_port(void) { int err; err = snd_seq_create_simple_port(seq, "aseqdump", SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_WRITE | SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_SUBS_WRITE, SND_SEQ_PORT_TYPE_MIDI_GENERIC | SND_SEQ_PORT_TYPE_APPLICATION); check_snd("create port", err); } static void connect_ports(void) { int i, err; for (i = 0; i < port_count; ++i) { err = snd_seq_connect_from(seq, 0, ports[i].client, ports[i].port); if (err < 0) fatal("Cannot connect from port %d:%d - %s", ports[i].client, ports[i].port, snd_strerror(err)); } } static int channel_number(unsigned char c) { if (view_mode != VIEW_RAW) return c + 1; else return c; } static const char *midi1_data(unsigned int v) { static char tmp[32]; if (view_mode == VIEW_PERCENT) { if (v <= 64) snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%.2f%%", ((double)v * 50.0) / 64); else snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%.2f%%", ((double)(v - 64) * 50.0) / 63 + 50.0); return tmp; } sprintf(tmp, "%d", v); return tmp; } static const char *midi1_pitchbend(int v) { static char tmp[32]; if (view_mode == VIEW_PERCENT) { if (v < 0) snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%.2f%%", ((double)v * 100.0) / 8192); else snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%.2f%%", ((double)v * 100.0) / 8191); return tmp; } sprintf(tmp, "%d", v); return tmp; } static void dump_event(const snd_seq_event_t *ev) { printf("%3d:%-3d ", ev->source.client, ev->source.port); switch (ev->type) { case SND_SEQ_EVENT_NOTEON: if (ev->data.note.velocity) printf("Note on %2d, note %d, velocity %s\n", channel_number(ev->data.note.channel), ev->data.note.note, midi1_data(ev->data.note.velocity)); else printf("Note off %2d, note %d\n", channel_number(ev->data.note.channel), ev->data.note.note); break; case SND_SEQ_EVENT_NOTEOFF: printf("Note off %2d, note %d, velocity %s\n", channel_number(ev->data.note.channel), ev->data.note.note, midi1_data(ev->data.note.velocity)); break; case SND_SEQ_EVENT_KEYPRESS: printf("Polyphonic aftertouch %2d, note %d, value %s\n", channel_number(ev->data.note.channel), ev->data.note.note, midi1_data(ev->data.note.velocity)); break; case SND_SEQ_EVENT_CONTROLLER: printf("Control change %2d, controller %d, value %d\n", channel_number(ev->data.control.channel), ev->data.control.param, ev->data.control.value); break; case SND_SEQ_EVENT_PGMCHANGE: printf("Program change %2d, program %d\n", channel_number(ev->data.control.channel), ev->data.control.value); break; case SND_SEQ_EVENT_CHANPRESS: printf("Channel aftertouch %2d, value %s\n", channel_number(ev->data.control.channel), midi1_data(ev->data.control.value)); break; case SND_SEQ_EVENT_PITCHBEND: printf("Pitch bend %2d, value %s\n", channel_number(ev->data.control.channel), midi1_pitchbend(ev->data.control.value)); break; case SND_SEQ_EVENT_CONTROL14: printf("Control change %2d, controller %d, value %5d\n", channel_number(ev->data.control.channel), ev->data.control.param, ev->data.control.value); break; case SND_SEQ_EVENT_NONREGPARAM: printf("Non-reg. parameter %2d, parameter %d, value %d\n", channel_number(ev->data.control.channel), ev->data.control.param, ev->data.control.value); break; case SND_SEQ_EVENT_REGPARAM: printf("Reg. parameter %2d, parameter %d, value %d\n", channel_number(ev->data.control.channel), ev->data.control.param, ev->data.control.value); break; case SND_SEQ_EVENT_SONGPOS: printf("Song position pointer value %d\n", ev->data.control.value); break; case SND_SEQ_EVENT_SONGSEL: printf("Song select value %d\n", ev->data.control.value); break; case SND_SEQ_EVENT_QFRAME: printf("MTC quarter frame %02xh\n", ev->data.control.value); break; case SND_SEQ_EVENT_TIMESIGN: // XXX how is this encoded? printf("SMF time signature (%#010x)\n", ev->data.control.value); break; case SND_SEQ_EVENT_KEYSIGN: // XXX how is this encoded? printf("SMF key signature (%#010x)\n", ev->data.control.value); break; case SND_SEQ_EVENT_START: if (ev->source.client == SND_SEQ_CLIENT_SYSTEM && ev->source.port == SND_SEQ_PORT_SYSTEM_TIMER) printf("Queue start queue %d\n", ev->data.queue.queue); else printf("Start\n"); break; case SND_SEQ_EVENT_CONTINUE: if (ev->source.client == SND_SEQ_CLIENT_SYSTEM && ev->source.port == SND_SEQ_PORT_SYSTEM_TIMER) printf("Queue continue queue %d\n", ev->data.queue.queue); else printf("Continue\n"); break; case SND_SEQ_EVENT_STOP: if (ev->source.client == SND_SEQ_CLIENT_SYSTEM && ev->source.port == SND_SEQ_PORT_SYSTEM_TIMER) printf("Queue stop queue %d\n", ev->data.queue.queue); else printf("Stop\n"); break; case SND_SEQ_EVENT_SETPOS_TICK: printf("Set tick queue pos. queue %d\n", ev->data.queue.queue); break; case SND_SEQ_EVENT_SETPOS_TIME: printf("Set rt queue pos. queue %d\n", ev->data.queue.queue); break; case SND_SEQ_EVENT_TEMPO: printf("Set queue tempo queue %d\n", ev->data.queue.queue); break; case SND_SEQ_EVENT_CLOCK: printf("Clock\n"); break; case SND_SEQ_EVENT_TICK: printf("Tick\n"); break; case SND_SEQ_EVENT_QUEUE_SKEW: printf("Queue timer skew queue %d\n", ev->data.queue.queue); break; case SND_SEQ_EVENT_TUNE_REQUEST: printf("Tune request\n"); break; case SND_SEQ_EVENT_RESET: printf("Reset\n"); break; case SND_SEQ_EVENT_SENSING: printf("Active Sensing\n"); break; case SND_SEQ_EVENT_CLIENT_START: printf("Client start client %d\n", ev->data.addr.client); break; case SND_SEQ_EVENT_CLIENT_EXIT: printf("Client exit client %d\n", ev->data.addr.client); break; case SND_SEQ_EVENT_CLIENT_CHANGE: printf("Client changed client %d\n", ev->data.addr.client); break; case SND_SEQ_EVENT_PORT_START: printf("Port start %d:%d\n", ev->data.addr.client, ev->data.addr.port); break; case SND_SEQ_EVENT_PORT_EXIT: printf("Port exit %d:%d\n", ev->data.addr.client, ev->data.addr.port); break; case SND_SEQ_EVENT_PORT_CHANGE: printf("Port changed %d:%d\n", ev->data.addr.client, ev->data.addr.port); break; case SND_SEQ_EVENT_PORT_SUBSCRIBED: printf("Port subscribed %d:%d -> %d:%d\n", ev->data.connect.sender.client, ev->data.connect.sender.port, ev->data.connect.dest.client, ev->data.connect.dest.port); break; case SND_SEQ_EVENT_PORT_UNSUBSCRIBED: printf("Port unsubscribed %d:%d -> %d:%d\n", ev->data.connect.sender.client, ev->data.connect.sender.port, ev->data.connect.dest.client, ev->data.connect.dest.port); break; case SND_SEQ_EVENT_SYSEX: { unsigned int i; printf("System exclusive "); for (i = 0; i < ev->data.ext.len; ++i) printf(" %02X", ((unsigned char*)ev->data.ext.ptr)[i]); printf("\n"); } break; default: printf("Event type %d\n", ev->type); } } static int group_number(unsigned char c) { if (view_mode != VIEW_RAW) return c + 1; else return c; } static const char *pitchbend_value(uint8_t msb, uint8_t lsb) { int pb = (msb << 7) | lsb; return midi1_pitchbend(pb - 8192); } static void dump_ump_midi1_event(const unsigned int *ump) { const snd_ump_msg_midi1_t *m = (const snd_ump_msg_midi1_t *)ump; unsigned char group = group_number(m->hdr.group); unsigned char status = m->hdr.status; unsigned char channel = channel_number(m->hdr.channel); printf("Group %2d, ", group); switch (status) { case SND_UMP_MSG_NOTE_OFF: printf("Note off %2d, note %d, velocity %s", channel, m->note_off.note, midi1_data(m->note_off.velocity)); break; case SND_UMP_MSG_NOTE_ON: printf("Note on %2d, note %d, velocity %s", channel, m->note_off.note, midi1_data(m->note_off.velocity)); break; case SND_UMP_MSG_POLY_PRESSURE: printf("Poly pressure %2d, note %d, value %s", channel, m->poly_pressure.note, midi1_data(m->poly_pressure.data)); break; case SND_UMP_MSG_CONTROL_CHANGE: printf("Control change %2d, controller %d, value %d", channel, m->control_change.index, m->control_change.data); break; case SND_UMP_MSG_PROGRAM_CHANGE: printf("Program change %2d, program %d", channel, m->program_change.program); break; case SND_UMP_MSG_CHANNEL_PRESSURE: printf("Channel pressure %2d, value %s", channel, midi1_data(m->channel_pressure.data)); break; case SND_UMP_MSG_PITCHBEND: printf("Pitchbend %2d, value %s", channel, pitchbend_value(m->pitchbend.data_msb, m->pitchbend.data_lsb)); break; default: printf("UMP MIDI1 event: status = %d, channel = %d, 0x%08x", status, channel, *ump); break; } printf("\n"); } static const char *midi2_velocity(unsigned int v) { static char tmp[32]; if (view_mode == VIEW_NORMALIZED) { if (v <= 0x8000) snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%.2f", ((double)v * 64.0) / 0x8000); else snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%.2f", ((double)(v - 0x8000) * 63.0) / 0x7fff + 64.0); return tmp; } else if (view_mode == VIEW_PERCENT) { snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%.2f%%", ((double)v * 100.0) / 0xffff); return tmp; } sprintf(tmp, "0x%x", v); return tmp; } static const char *midi2_data(unsigned int v) { static char tmp[32]; if (view_mode == VIEW_NORMALIZED) { if (!v) return "0"; else if (v == 0xffffffffU) return "127"; if (v <= 0x80000000) snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%.2f", ((double)v * 64.0) / 0x80000000U); else snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%.2f", ((double)(v - 0x80000000U) * 63.0) / 0x7fffffffU + 64.0); return tmp; } else if (view_mode == VIEW_PERCENT) { snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%.2f%%", ((double)v * 100.0) / 0xffffffffU); return tmp; } sprintf(tmp, "0x%x", v); return tmp; } static const char *midi2_pitchbend(unsigned int v) { static char tmp[32]; if (view_mode == VIEW_NORMALIZED) { if (!v) return "-8192"; else if (v == 0xffffffffU) return "8191"; if (v <= 0x80000000) snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%.2f", ((int)(v ^ 0x80000000U) * 8192.0) / 0x80000000U); else snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%.2f", ((double)(v - 0x80000000U) * 8191.0) / 0x7fffffffU + 8192.0); return tmp; } else if (view_mode == VIEW_PERCENT) { snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%.2f%%", ((int)(v ^ 0x80000000U) * 100.0) / 0xffffffffU); return tmp; } sprintf(tmp, "0x%x", v); return tmp; } static void dump_ump_midi2_event(const unsigned int *ump) { const snd_ump_msg_midi2_t *m = (const snd_ump_msg_midi2_t *)ump; unsigned char group = group_number(m->hdr.group); unsigned char status = m->hdr.status; unsigned char channel = channel_number(m->hdr.channel); printf("Group %2d, ", group); switch (status) { case SND_UMP_MSG_PER_NOTE_RCC: printf("Per-note RCC %2d, note %u, index %u, value 0x%x", channel, m->per_note_rcc.note, m->per_note_rcc.index, m->per_note_rcc.data); break; case SND_UMP_MSG_PER_NOTE_ACC: printf("Per-note ACC %2d, note %u, index %u, value 0x%x", channel, m->per_note_acc.note, m->per_note_acc.index, m->per_note_acc.data); break; case SND_UMP_MSG_RPN: printf("RPN %2d, bank %u:%u, value 0x%x", channel, m->rpn.bank, m->rpn.index, m->rpn.data); break; case SND_UMP_MSG_NRPN: printf("NRPN %2d, bank %u:%u, value 0x%x", channel, m->rpn.bank, m->rpn.index, m->rpn.data); break; case SND_UMP_MSG_RELATIVE_RPN: printf("relative RPN %2d, bank %u:%u, value 0x%x", channel, m->rpn.bank, m->rpn.index, m->rpn.data); break; case SND_UMP_MSG_RELATIVE_NRPN: printf("relative NRP %2d, bank %u:%u, value 0x%x", channel, m->rpn.bank, m->rpn.index, m->rpn.data); break; case SND_UMP_MSG_PER_NOTE_PITCHBEND: printf("Per-note pitchbend %2d, note %d, value %s", channel, m->per_note_pitchbend.note, midi2_pitchbend(m->per_note_pitchbend.data)); break; case SND_UMP_MSG_NOTE_OFF: printf("Note off %2d, note %d, velocity %s, attr type = %d, data = 0x%x", channel, m->note_off.note, midi2_velocity(m->note_off.velocity), m->note_off.attr_type, m->note_off.attr_data); break; case SND_UMP_MSG_NOTE_ON: printf("Note on %2d, note %d, velocity %s, attr type = %d, data = 0x%x", channel, m->note_off.note, midi2_velocity(m->note_off.velocity), m->note_off.attr_type, m->note_off.attr_data); break; case SND_UMP_MSG_POLY_PRESSURE: printf("Poly pressure %2d, note %d, value %s", channel, m->poly_pressure.note, midi2_data(m->poly_pressure.data)); break; case SND_UMP_MSG_CONTROL_CHANGE: printf("Control change %2d, controller %d, value 0x%x", channel, m->control_change.index, m->control_change.data); break; case SND_UMP_MSG_PROGRAM_CHANGE: printf("Program change %2d, program %d", channel, m->program_change.program); if (m->program_change.bank_valid) printf(", Bank select %d:%d", m->program_change.bank_msb, m->program_change.bank_lsb); break; case SND_UMP_MSG_CHANNEL_PRESSURE: printf("Channel pressure %2d, value %s", channel, midi2_data(m->channel_pressure.data)); break; case SND_UMP_MSG_PITCHBEND: printf("Channel pressure %2d, value %s", channel, midi2_pitchbend(m->channel_pressure.data)); break; case SND_UMP_MSG_PER_NOTE_MGMT: printf("Per-note management %2d, value 0x%x", channel, m->per_note_mgmt.flags); break; default: printf("UMP MIDI2 event: status = %d, channel = %d, 0x%08x", status, channel, *ump); break; } printf("\n"); } static void dump_ump_utility_event(const unsigned int *ump) { unsigned char status = snd_ump_msg_status(ump); unsigned int val = *ump & 0xfffff; printf(" "); switch (status) { case SND_UMP_UTILITY_MSG_STATUS_NOOP: printf("Noop\n"); break; case SND_UMP_UTILITY_MSG_STATUS_JR_CLOCK: printf("JR Clock value %d\n", val); break; case SND_UMP_UTILITY_MSG_STATUS_JR_TSTAMP: printf("JR Timestamp value %d\n", val); break; case SND_UMP_UTILITY_MSG_STATUS_DCTPQ: printf("DCTPQ value %d\n", val); break; case SND_UMP_UTILITY_MSG_STATUS_DC: printf("DC Ticks value %d\n", val); break; default: printf("UMP Utility event: status = %d, 0x%08x\n", status, *ump); break; } } static void dump_ump_system_event(const unsigned int *ump) { const snd_ump_msg_system_t *m = (const snd_ump_msg_system_t *)ump; printf("Group %2d, ", group_number(m->group)); switch (m->status) { case SND_UMP_MSG_MIDI_TIME_CODE: printf("MIDI Time Code value %d\n", m->parm1); break; case SND_UMP_MSG_SONG_POSITION: printf("Song position pointer value %d\n", ((unsigned int)m->parm2 << 7) | m->parm1); break; case SND_UMP_MSG_SONG_SELECT: printf("Song select value %d\n", m->parm1); break; case SND_UMP_MSG_TUNE_REQUEST: printf("Tune request\n"); break; case SND_UMP_MSG_TIMING_CLOCK: printf("Timing clock\n"); break; case SND_UMP_MSG_START: printf("Start\n"); break; case SND_UMP_MSG_CONTINUE: printf("Continue\n"); break; case SND_UMP_MSG_STOP: printf("Stop\n"); break; case SND_UMP_MSG_ACTIVE_SENSING: printf("Active sensing\n"); break; case SND_UMP_MSG_RESET: printf("Reset\n"); break; default: printf("UMP System event: status = %d, 0x%08x\n", m->status, *ump); break; } } static unsigned char ump_sysex7_data(const unsigned int *ump, unsigned int offset) { return snd_ump_get_byte(ump, offset + 2); } static void dump_ump_sysex_status(const char *prefix, unsigned int status) { printf("%s ", prefix); switch (status) { case SND_UMP_SYSEX_STATUS_SINGLE: printf("Single "); break; case SND_UMP_SYSEX_STATUS_START: printf("Start "); break; case SND_UMP_SYSEX_STATUS_CONTINUE: printf("Continue"); break; case SND_UMP_SYSEX_STATUS_END: printf("End "); break; default: printf("(0x%04x)", status); break; } } static void dump_ump_sysex_event(const unsigned int *ump) { int i, length; printf("Group %2d, ", group_number(snd_ump_msg_group(ump))); dump_ump_sysex_status("SysEx", snd_ump_sysex_msg_status(ump)); length = snd_ump_sysex_msg_length(ump); printf(" length %d ", length); if (length > 6) length = 6; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) printf("%s%02x", i ? ":" : "", ump_sysex7_data(ump, i)); printf("\n"); } static unsigned char ump_sysex8_data(const unsigned int *ump, unsigned int offset) { return snd_ump_get_byte(ump, offset + 3); } static void dump_ump_sysex8_event(const unsigned int *ump) { int i, length; printf("Group %2d, ", group_number(snd_ump_msg_group(ump))); dump_ump_sysex_status("SysEx8", snd_ump_sysex_msg_status(ump)); length = snd_ump_sysex_msg_length(ump); printf(" length %d ", length); printf(" stream %d ", (ump[0] >> 8) & 0xff); if (length > 13) length = 13; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) printf("%s%02x", i ? ":" : "", ump_sysex8_data(ump, i)); printf("\n"); } static void dump_ump_mixed_data_event(const unsigned int *ump) { const snd_ump_msg_mixed_data_t *m = (const snd_ump_msg_mixed_data_t *)ump; int i; printf("Group %2d, ", group_number(snd_ump_msg_group(ump))); switch (snd_ump_sysex_msg_status(ump)) { case SND_UMP_MIXED_DATA_SET_STATUS_HEADER: printf("MDS Header id=0x%x, bytes=%d, chunk=%d/%d, manufacturer=0x%04x, device=0x%04x, sub_id=0x%04x 0x%04x\n", m->header.mds_id, m->header.bytes, m->header.chunk, m->header.chunks, m->header.manufacturer, m->header.device, m->header.sub_id_1, m->header.sub_id_2); break; case SND_UMP_MIXED_DATA_SET_STATUS_PAYLOAD: printf("MDS Payload id=0x%x, ", m->payload.mds_id); for (i = 0; i < 14; i++) printf("%s%02x", i ? ":" : "", snd_ump_get_byte(ump, i + 2)); printf("\n"); break; default: printf("Extended Data (status 0x%x)\n", snd_ump_sysex_msg_status(ump)); break; } } static void dump_ump_extended_data_event(const unsigned int *ump) { unsigned char status = snd_ump_sysex_msg_status(ump); if (status < 4) dump_ump_sysex8_event(ump); else dump_ump_mixed_data_event(ump); } static void print_ump_string(const unsigned int *ump, unsigned int fmt, unsigned int offset, int maxlen) { static const char *fmtstr[4] = { "Single", "Start", "Cont", "End" }; unsigned char buf[32]; int i = 0; do { buf[i] = snd_ump_get_byte(ump, offset); if (!buf[i]) break; if (buf[i] < 0x20) buf[i] = '.'; offset++; } while (++i < maxlen); buf[i] = 0; printf("%6s: %s", fmtstr[fmt], buf); } static void dump_ump_stream_event(const unsigned int *ump) { const snd_ump_msg_stream_t *s = (const snd_ump_msg_stream_t *)ump; printf(" "); /* stream message is groupless */ switch (s->gen.status) { case SND_UMP_STREAM_MSG_STATUS_EP_DISCOVERY: printf("EP Discovery ver=%d/%d, filter=0x%x\n", (ump[0] >> 8) & 0xff, ump[0] & 0xff, ump[1] & 0xff); break; case SND_UMP_STREAM_MSG_STATUS_EP_INFO: printf("EP Info ver=%d/%d, static=%d, fb#=%d, midi2=%d, midi1=%d, rxjr=%d, txjr=%d\n", (ump[0] >> 8) & 0xff, ump[0] & 0xff, (ump[1] >> 31), (ump[1] >> 24) & 0x7f, (ump[1] >> 9) & 1, (ump[1] >> 8) & 1, (ump[1] >> 1) & 1, ump[1] & 1); break; case SND_UMP_STREAM_MSG_STATUS_DEVICE_INFO: printf("Device Info sysid=%02x:%02x:%02x, family=%02x:%02x, model=%02x:%02x, rev=%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n", (ump[1] >> 16) & 0x7f, (ump[1] >> 8) & 0x7f, ump[1] & 0x7f, (ump[2] >> 16) & 0x7f, (ump[2] >> 24) & 0x7f, ump[2] & 0x7f, (ump[2] >> 8) & 0x7f, (ump[3] >> 24) & 0x7f, (ump[3] >> 16) & 0x7f, (ump[3] >> 8) & 0x7f, ump[3] & 0x7f); break; case SND_UMP_STREAM_MSG_STATUS_EP_NAME: printf("EP Name "); print_ump_string(ump, (ump[0] >> 26) & 3, 2, 14); printf("\n"); break; case SND_UMP_STREAM_MSG_STATUS_PRODUCT_ID: printf("Product Id "); print_ump_string(ump, (ump[0] >> 26) & 3, 2, 14); printf("\n"); break; case SND_UMP_STREAM_MSG_STATUS_STREAM_CFG_REQUEST: printf("Stream Cfg Req protocl=%d, rxjr=%d, txjr=%d\n", (ump[0] >> 8) & 0xff, (ump[0] >> 1) & 1, ump[0] & 1); break; case SND_UMP_STREAM_MSG_STATUS_STREAM_CFG: printf("Stream Cfg protocl=%d, rxjr=%d, txjr=%d\n", (ump[0] >> 8) & 0xff, (ump[0] >> 1) & 1, ump[0] & 1); break; case SND_UMP_STREAM_MSG_STATUS_FB_DISCOVERY: printf("FB Discovery fb#=%d, filter=0x%x\n", (ump[0] >> 8) & 0xff, ump[0] & 0xff); break; case SND_UMP_STREAM_MSG_STATUS_FB_INFO: printf("FB Info fb#=%d, active=%d, ui=%d, MIDI1=%d, dir=%d, group=%d-%d, MIDI-CI=%d, SysEx8=%d\n", (ump[0] >> 8) & 0x7f, (ump[0] >> 15) & 1, (ump[0] >> 4) & 3, (ump[0] >> 2) & 3, ump[0] & 3, (ump[1] >> 24) & 0xff, (ump[1] >> 16) & 0xff, (ump[1] >> 8) * 0xff, ump[1] & 0xff); break; case SND_UMP_STREAM_MSG_STATUS_FB_NAME: printf("Product Id "); printf("FB Name #%02d ", (ump[0] >> 8) & 0xff); print_ump_string(ump, (ump[0] >> 26) & 3, 3, 13); printf("\n"); break; case SND_UMP_STREAM_MSG_STATUS_START_CLIP: printf("Start Clip\n"); break; case SND_UMP_STREAM_MSG_STATUS_END_CLIP: printf("End Clip\n"); break; default: printf("UMP Stream event: status = %d, 0x%08x:0x%08x:0x%08x:0x%08x\n", s->gen.status, ump[0], ump[1], ump[2], ump[3]); break; } } struct flexdata_text_prefix { unsigned char status_bank; unsigned char status; const char *prefix; }; static struct flexdata_text_prefix text_prefix[] = { { .status_bank = SND_UMP_FLEX_DATA_MSG_BANK_METADATA, .status = SND_UMP_FLEX_DATA_MSG_STATUS_PROJECT_NAME, .prefix = "Project" }, { .status_bank = SND_UMP_FLEX_DATA_MSG_BANK_METADATA, .status = SND_UMP_FLEX_DATA_MSG_STATUS_SONG_NAME, .prefix = "Song" }, { .status_bank = SND_UMP_FLEX_DATA_MSG_BANK_METADATA, .status = SND_UMP_FLEX_DATA_MSG_STATUS_MIDI_CLIP_NAME, .prefix = "MIDI Clip" }, { .status_bank = SND_UMP_FLEX_DATA_MSG_BANK_METADATA, .status = SND_UMP_FLEX_DATA_MSG_STATUS_COPYRIGHT_NOTICE, .prefix = "Copyright" }, { .status_bank = SND_UMP_FLEX_DATA_MSG_BANK_METADATA, .status = SND_UMP_FLEX_DATA_MSG_STATUS_COMPOSER_NAME, .prefix = "Composer" }, { .status_bank = SND_UMP_FLEX_DATA_MSG_BANK_METADATA, .status = SND_UMP_FLEX_DATA_MSG_STATUS_LYRICIST_NAME, .prefix = "Lyricist" }, { .status_bank = SND_UMP_FLEX_DATA_MSG_BANK_METADATA, .status = SND_UMP_FLEX_DATA_MSG_STATUS_ARRANGER_NAME, .prefix = "Arranger" }, { .status_bank = SND_UMP_FLEX_DATA_MSG_BANK_METADATA, .status = SND_UMP_FLEX_DATA_MSG_STATUS_PUBLISHER_NAME, .prefix = "Publisher" }, { .status_bank = SND_UMP_FLEX_DATA_MSG_BANK_METADATA, .status = SND_UMP_FLEX_DATA_MSG_STATUS_PRIMARY_PERFORMER, .prefix = "Performer" }, { .status_bank = SND_UMP_FLEX_DATA_MSG_BANK_METADATA, .status = SND_UMP_FLEX_DATA_MSG_STATUS_ACCOMPANY_PERFORMAER, .prefix = "Accompany Performer" }, { .status_bank = SND_UMP_FLEX_DATA_MSG_BANK_METADATA, .status = SND_UMP_FLEX_DATA_MSG_STATUS_RECORDING_DATE, .prefix = "Recording Date" }, { .status_bank = SND_UMP_FLEX_DATA_MSG_BANK_METADATA, .status = SND_UMP_FLEX_DATA_MSG_STATUS_RECORDING_LOCATION, .prefix = "Recording Location" }, { .status_bank = SND_UMP_FLEX_DATA_MSG_BANK_PERF_TEXT, .status = SND_UMP_FLEX_DATA_MSG_STATUS_LYRICS, .prefix = "Lyrics" }, { .status_bank = SND_UMP_FLEX_DATA_MSG_BANK_PERF_TEXT, .status = SND_UMP_FLEX_DATA_MSG_STATUS_LYRICS_LANGUAGE, .prefix = "Lyrics Language" }, { .status_bank = SND_UMP_FLEX_DATA_MSG_BANK_PERF_TEXT, .status = SND_UMP_FLEX_DATA_MSG_STATUS_RUBY, .prefix = "Ruby" }, { .status_bank = SND_UMP_FLEX_DATA_MSG_BANK_PERF_TEXT, .status = SND_UMP_FLEX_DATA_MSG_STATUS_RUBY_LANGUAGE, .prefix = "Ruby Language" }, {} }; static const char *ump_meta_prefix(const snd_ump_msg_flex_data_t *fh) { static char buf[32]; int i; for (i = 0; text_prefix[i].status_bank; i++) { if (text_prefix[i].status_bank == fh->meta.status_bank && text_prefix[i].status == fh->meta.status) return text_prefix[i].prefix; } sprintf(buf, "(%d:%d)", fh->meta.status_bank, fh->meta.status); return buf; } static void dump_ump_flex_data_event(const unsigned int *ump) { const snd_ump_msg_flex_data_t *fh = (const snd_ump_msg_flex_data_t *)ump; printf("Group %2d, ", group_number(snd_ump_msg_group(ump))); if (fh->meta.status_bank == SND_UMP_FLEX_DATA_MSG_BANK_SETUP && fh->meta.status == SND_UMP_FLEX_DATA_MSG_STATUS_SET_TEMPO) { printf("UMP Set Tempo value %d\n", fh->set_tempo.tempo); return; } if (fh->meta.status_bank == SND_UMP_FLEX_DATA_MSG_BANK_SETUP && fh->meta.status == SND_UMP_FLEX_DATA_MSG_STATUS_SET_TIME_SIGNATURE) { printf("UMP Set Time Signature value %d / %d, num_notes %d\n", fh->set_time_sig.numerator, fh->set_time_sig.denominator, fh->set_time_sig.num_notes); return; } if (fh->meta.status_bank == SND_UMP_FLEX_DATA_MSG_BANK_SETUP && fh->meta.status == SND_UMP_FLEX_DATA_MSG_STATUS_SET_METRONOME) { printf("UMP Set Metronome clock %d, bar %d/%d/%d, sub %d/%d\n", fh->set_metronome.clocks_primary, fh->set_metronome.bar_accent_1, fh->set_metronome.bar_accent_2, fh->set_metronome.bar_accent_3, fh->set_metronome.subdivision_1, fh->set_metronome.subdivision_2); return; } if (fh->meta.status_bank == SND_UMP_FLEX_DATA_MSG_BANK_SETUP && fh->meta.status == SND_UMP_FLEX_DATA_MSG_STATUS_SET_KEY_SIGNATURE) { printf("UMP Set Key Signature sharps/flats %d, tonic %d\n", fh->set_key_sig.sharps_flats, fh->set_key_sig.tonic_note); return; } if (fh->meta.status_bank == SND_UMP_FLEX_DATA_MSG_BANK_SETUP && fh->meta.status == SND_UMP_FLEX_DATA_MSG_STATUS_SET_CHORD_NAME) { printf("UMP Set Chord Name tonic %d %d %d, alt1 %d/%d, alt2 %d/%d, alt3 %d/%d, alt4 %d/%d, bass %d %d %d, alt1 %d/%d alt2 %d/%d\n", fh->set_chord_name.tonic_sharp, fh->set_chord_name.chord_tonic, fh->set_chord_name.chord_type, fh->set_chord_name.alter1_type, fh->set_chord_name.alter1_degree, fh->set_chord_name.alter2_type, fh->set_chord_name.alter2_degree, fh->set_chord_name.alter3_type, fh->set_chord_name.alter3_degree, fh->set_chord_name.alter4_type, fh->set_chord_name.alter4_degree, fh->set_chord_name.bass_sharp, fh->set_chord_name.bass_note, fh->set_chord_name.bass_type, fh->set_chord_name.bass_alter1_type, fh->set_chord_name.bass_alter1_type, fh->set_chord_name.bass_alter2_degree, fh->set_chord_name.bass_alter2_degree); return; } if (fh->meta.status_bank == SND_UMP_FLEX_DATA_MSG_BANK_METADATA || fh->meta.status_bank == SND_UMP_FLEX_DATA_MSG_BANK_PERF_TEXT) { printf("Meta (%s) ", ump_meta_prefix(fh)); print_ump_string(ump, fh->meta.format, 4, 12); printf("\n"); return; } printf("Flex Data: channel = %d, format = %d, addrs = %d, status_bank = %d, status = %d\n", fh->meta.channel, fh->meta.format, fh->meta.addrs, fh->meta.status_bank, fh->meta.status); } static void dump_ump_event(const snd_seq_ump_event_t *ev) { if (!snd_seq_ev_is_ump(ev)) { dump_event((const snd_seq_event_t *)ev); return; } printf("%3d:%-3d ", ev->source.client, ev->source.port); switch (snd_ump_msg_type(ev->ump)) { case SND_UMP_MSG_TYPE_UTILITY: dump_ump_utility_event(ev->ump); break; case SND_UMP_MSG_TYPE_SYSTEM: dump_ump_system_event(ev->ump); break; case SND_UMP_MSG_TYPE_MIDI1_CHANNEL_VOICE: dump_ump_midi1_event(ev->ump); break; case SND_UMP_MSG_TYPE_MIDI2_CHANNEL_VOICE: dump_ump_midi2_event(ev->ump); break; case SND_UMP_MSG_TYPE_DATA: dump_ump_sysex_event(ev->ump); break; case SND_UMP_MSG_TYPE_EXTENDED_DATA: dump_ump_extended_data_event(ev->ump); break; case SND_UMP_MSG_TYPE_FLEX_DATA: dump_ump_flex_data_event(ev->ump); break; case SND_UMP_MSG_TYPE_STREAM: dump_ump_stream_event(ev->ump); break; default: printf("UMP event: type = %d, group = %d, status = %d, 0x%08x\n", snd_ump_msg_type(ev->ump), snd_ump_msg_group(ev->ump), snd_ump_msg_status(ev->ump), *ev->ump); break; } } static void list_ports(void) { snd_seq_client_info_t *cinfo; snd_seq_port_info_t *pinfo; snd_seq_client_info_alloca(&cinfo); snd_seq_port_info_alloca(&pinfo); puts(" Port Client name Port name"); snd_seq_client_info_set_client(cinfo, -1); while (snd_seq_query_next_client(seq, cinfo) >= 0) { int client = snd_seq_client_info_get_client(cinfo); snd_seq_port_info_set_client(pinfo, client); snd_seq_port_info_set_port(pinfo, -1); while (snd_seq_query_next_port(seq, pinfo) >= 0) { /* we need both READ and SUBS_READ */ if ((snd_seq_port_info_get_capability(pinfo) & (SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_READ | SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_SUBS_READ)) != (SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_READ | SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_SUBS_READ)) continue; printf("%3d:%-3d %-32.32s %s\n", snd_seq_port_info_get_client(pinfo), snd_seq_port_info_get_port(pinfo), snd_seq_client_info_get_name(cinfo), snd_seq_port_info_get_name(pinfo)); } } } static void help(const char *argv0) { printf("Usage: %s [options]\n" "\nAvailable options:\n" " -h,--help this help\n" " -V,--version show version\n" " -l,--list list input ports\n" " -N,--normalized-view show normalized values\n" " -P,--percent-view show percent values\n" " -R,--raw-view show raw values (default)\n" " -u,--ump=version set client MIDI version (0=legacy, 1= UMP MIDI 1.0, 2=UMP MIDI2.0)\n" " -r,--raw do not convert UMP and legacy events\n" " -p,--port=client:port,... source port(s)\n", argv0); } static void version(void) { puts("aseqdump version " SND_UTIL_VERSION_STR); } static void sighandler(int sig ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) { stop = 1; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { static const char short_options[] = "hVlp:NPRu:r"; static const struct option long_options[] = { {"help", 0, NULL, 'h'}, {"version", 0, NULL, 'V'}, {"list", 0, NULL, 'l'}, {"port", 1, NULL, 'p'}, {"normalized-view", 0, NULL, 'N'}, {"percent-view", 0, NULL, 'P'}, {"raw-view", 0, NULL, 'R'}, {"ump", 1, NULL, 'u'}, {"raw", 0, NULL, 'r'}, {0} }; int do_list = 0; struct pollfd *pfds; int npfds; int c, err; init_seq(); while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, short_options, long_options, NULL)) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'h': help(argv[0]); return 0; case 'V': version(); return 0; case 'l': do_list = 1; break; case 'p': parse_ports(optarg); break; case 'R': view_mode = VIEW_RAW; break; case 'P': view_mode = VIEW_PERCENT; break; case 'N': view_mode = VIEW_NORMALIZED; break; case 'u': ump_version = atoi(optarg); if (ump_version < 0 || ump_version > 2) fatal("Invalid UMP version %d", ump_version); snd_seq_set_client_midi_version(seq, ump_version); break; case 'r': snd_seq_set_client_ump_conversion(seq, 0); break; default: help(argv[0]); return 1; } } if (optind < argc) { help(argv[0]); return 1; } if (do_list) { list_ports(); return 0; } create_port(); connect_ports(); err = snd_seq_nonblock(seq, 1); check_snd("set nonblock mode", err); if (port_count > 0) printf("Waiting for data."); else printf("Waiting for data at port %d:0.", snd_seq_client_id(seq)); printf(" Press Ctrl+C to end.\n"); printf("Source %sEvent Ch Data\n", ump_version ? "Group " : ""); signal(SIGINT, sighandler); signal(SIGTERM, sighandler); npfds = snd_seq_poll_descriptors_count(seq, POLLIN); pfds = alloca(sizeof(*pfds) * npfds); for (;;) { snd_seq_poll_descriptors(seq, pfds, npfds, POLLIN); if (poll(pfds, npfds, -1) < 0) break; for (;;) { snd_seq_event_t *event; snd_seq_ump_event_t *ump_ev; if (ump_version > 0) { err = snd_seq_ump_event_input(seq, &ump_ev); if (err < 0) break; if (ump_ev) dump_ump_event(ump_ev); continue; } err = snd_seq_event_input(seq, &event); if (err < 0) break; if (event) dump_event(event); } fflush(stdout); if (stop) break; } snd_seq_close(seq); return 0; }