.TH ALSACTL 1 "15 May 2001" .SH NAME alsactl \- advanced controls for ALSA soundcard driver .SH SYNOPSIS \fBalsactl\fP [\fIoptions\fP] [\fIstore\fP|\fIrestore\fP] .SH DESCRIPTION \fBalsactl\fP is used to control advanced settings for the ALSA soundcard drivers. It supports multiple soundcards. If your card has features that you can't seem to control from a mixer application, you have come to the right place. .SH INVOKING \fBalsactl\fP [\fIoptions\fP] [\fIstore\fP|\fIrestore\fP] .SS Commands \fIstore\fP saves the current driver state for the selected soundcard to the configuration file. \fIrestore\fP loads driver state for the selected soundcard from the configuration file. If no soundcards are specified, setup for all cards will be saved or loaded. .SS Options .TP \fI-h, --help\fP Help: show available flags and commands. .TP \fI-f, --f\fP file Select the configuration file to use. The default is /etc/asound.state .TP \fI-d, --debug\fP Use debug mode: a bit more verbose. .TP \fI-v, --version\fP Print alsactl version number. .SH FILES \fI/etc/asound.state\fP (or whatever file you specify with the \fB-f\fP flag) is used to store current settings for your soundcards. The settings include all the usual soundcard mixer settings. More importantly, alsactl is capable of controlling other card-specific features that mixer apps usually don't know about. The configuration file is generated automatically by running \fBalsactl store\fP. Editing the configuration file by hand may be necessary for some soundcard features (e.g. enabling/disabling automatic mic gain, digital output, joystick/game ports, some future MIDI routing options, etc). .SH SEE ALSO \fB amixer(1), alsamixer(1), aplay(1) \fP .SH BUGS None known. .SH AUTHOR \fBalsactl\fP is by Jaroslav Kysela and Abramo Bagnara . This document is by Paul Winkler .