.TH AXFER\-LIST 1 "28 November 2018" "alsa\-utils" .SH NAME axfer\-list \- dump lists of available sound devices and nodes to transfer audio data frame. .SH SYNOPSIS .B axfer list .I direction target direction = .B capture | .B playback target = .B device | .B pcm .SH DESCRIPTION The .B list subcommand of .B axfer dumps lists of available nodes to transfer audio data frame. At present, the subcommand is helpful just for libasound backend of .B transfer subcommand. .SH OPTIONS .SS Direction .TP .B capture Operates for capture transmission. .TP .B playback Operates for playback transmission. .SS Target .TP .B device Dumps a list of all soundcards and digital audio devices available in .I libasound backend for .I tranfer subcommand. .TP .B pcm Dumps a list of all PCM nodes available in alsa\-lib configuration space in .I libasound backend for .I transfer subcommand. .SH SEE ALSO .B axfer(1), .B axfer\-transfer(1), .B alsamixer(1), .B amixer(1) .SH AUTHOR Takashi Sakamoto