/* * Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Control Program * Copyright (c) 1997 by Perex, APS, University of South Bohemia * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ #include "alsactl.h" #define SND_INTERFACE_CONTROL 0 #define SND_INTERFACE_MIXER 1 #define SND_INTERFACE_PCM 2 #define SND_INTERFACE_RAWMIDI 3 extern int yyparse(void); extern int linecount; extern FILE *yyin; extern int yydebug; struct soundcard *soundcards = NULL; /* * free functions */ static void soundcard_ctl_switch_free(struct ctl_switch *first) { struct ctl_switch *next; while (first) { next = first->next; free(first); first = next; } } static void soundcard_mixer_channel_free(struct mixer_channel *first) { struct mixer_channel *next; while (first) { next = first->next; free(first); first = next; } } static void soundcard_mixer_switch_free(struct mixer_switch *first) { struct mixer_switch *next; while (first) { next = first->next; free(first); first = next; } } static void soundcard_mixer_free1(struct mixer *mixer) { if (!mixer) return; soundcard_mixer_channel_free(mixer->channels); soundcard_mixer_switch_free(mixer->switches); free(mixer); } static void soundcard_mixer_free(struct mixer *first) { struct mixer *next; while (first) { next = first->next; soundcard_mixer_free1(first); first = next; } } static void soundcard_pcm_switch_free(struct pcm_switch *first) { struct pcm_switch *next; while (first) { next = first->next; free(first); first = next; } } static void soundcard_pcm_free1(struct pcm *pcm) { if (!pcm) return; soundcard_pcm_switch_free(pcm->pswitches); soundcard_pcm_switch_free(pcm->rswitches); free(pcm); } static void soundcard_pcm_free(struct pcm *first) { struct pcm *next; while (first) { next = first->next; soundcard_pcm_free1(first); first = next; } } static void soundcard_rawmidi_switch_free(struct rawmidi_switch *first) { struct rawmidi_switch *next; while (first) { next = first->next; free(first); first = next; } } static void soundcard_rawmidi_free1(struct rawmidi *rawmidi) { if (!rawmidi) return; soundcard_rawmidi_switch_free(rawmidi->iswitches); soundcard_rawmidi_switch_free(rawmidi->oswitches); free(rawmidi); } static void soundcard_rawmidi_free(struct rawmidi *first) { struct rawmidi *next; while (first) { next = first->next; soundcard_rawmidi_free1(first); first = next; } } static void soundcard_free1(struct soundcard *soundcard) { if (!soundcard) return; soundcard_ctl_switch_free(soundcard->control.switches); soundcard_mixer_free(soundcard->mixers); soundcard_pcm_free(soundcard->pcms); soundcard_rawmidi_free(soundcard->rawmidis); free(soundcard); } static void soundcard_free(struct soundcard *first) { struct soundcard *next; while (first) { next = first->next; soundcard_free1(first); first = next; } } static int soundcard_remove(int cardno) { struct soundcard *first, *prev = NULL, *next; first = soundcards; while (first) { next = first->next; if (first->no == cardno) { soundcard_free1(first); if (!prev) soundcards = next; else prev->next = next; return 0; } prev = first; first = first->next; } return -1; } /* * exported functions */ void soundcard_setup_init(void) { soundcards = NULL; } void soundcard_setup_done(void) { soundcard_free(soundcards); soundcards = NULL; } int soundcard_setup_collect(int cardno) { void *handle, *mhandle; struct soundcard *card, *first, *prev; int err, idx, count, device; struct ctl_switch *ctl, *ctlprev; struct mixer *mixer, *mixerprev; struct mixer_switch *mixsw, *mixswprev; struct mixer_channel *mixerchannel, *mixerchannelprev; struct pcm *pcm, *pcmprev; struct pcm_switch *pcmsw, *pcmswprev; struct rawmidi *rawmidi, *rawmidiprev; struct rawmidi_switch *rawmidisw, *rawmidiswprev; soundcard_remove(cardno); if ((err = snd_ctl_open(&handle, cardno)) < 0) { error("SND CTL open error: %s", snd_strerror(err)); return 1; } /* --- */ card = (struct soundcard *) malloc(sizeof(struct soundcard)); if (!card) { snd_ctl_close(handle); error("malloc error"); return 1; } bzero(card, sizeof(struct soundcard)); card->no = cardno; for (first = soundcards, prev = NULL; first; first = first->next) { if (first->no > cardno) { if (!prev) { soundcards = card; } else { prev->next = card; } card->next = first; break; } prev = first; } if (!first) { if (!soundcards) { soundcards = card; } else { prev->next = card; } } if ((err = snd_ctl_hw_info(handle, &card->control.hwinfo)) < 0) { snd_ctl_close(handle); error("SND CTL HW INFO error: %s", snd_strerror(err)); return 1; } /* --- */ count = snd_ctl_switches(handle); for (idx = 0, ctlprev = NULL; idx < count; idx++) { ctl = (struct ctl_switch *) malloc(sizeof(struct ctl_switch)); if (!ctl) { snd_ctl_close(handle); error("malloc error"); return 1; } bzero(ctl, sizeof(struct ctl_switch)); ctl->no = idx; if ((err = snd_ctl_switch_read(handle, idx, &ctl->s)) < 0) { free(ctl); error("CTL switch read error (%s) - skipping", snd_strerror(err)); break; } if (!ctlprev) { card->control.switches = ctl; } else { ctlprev->next = ctl; } ctlprev = ctl; } /* --- */ for (device = 0, mixerprev = NULL; device < card->control.hwinfo.mixerdevs; device++) { mixer = (struct mixer *) malloc(sizeof(struct mixer)); if (!mixer) { snd_ctl_close(handle); error("malloc problem"); return 1; } bzero(mixer, sizeof(struct mixer)); mixer->no = device; count = snd_ctl_mixer_switches(handle, device); for (idx = 0, mixswprev = NULL; idx < count; idx++) { mixsw = (struct mixer_switch *) malloc(sizeof(struct mixer_switch)); if (!mixsw) { snd_ctl_close(handle); error("malloc error"); return 1; } bzero(mixsw, sizeof(struct mixer_switch)); mixsw->no = idx; if ((err = snd_ctl_mixer_switch_read(handle, device, idx, &mixsw->s)) < 0) { free(mixsw); error("MIXER switch read error (%s) - skipping", snd_strerror(err)); break; } if (!mixswprev) { mixer->switches = mixsw; } else { mixswprev->next = mixsw; } mixswprev = mixsw; } if (!mixerprev) { card->mixers = mixer; } else { mixerprev->next = mixer; } mixerprev = mixer; if ((err = snd_mixer_open(&mhandle, cardno, device)) < 0) { snd_ctl_close(handle); error("MIXER open error: %s\n", snd_strerror(err)); return 1; } if ((err = snd_mixer_exact_mode(mhandle, 1)) < 0) { snd_mixer_close(mhandle); snd_ctl_close(handle); error("MIXER exact mode error: %s\n", snd_strerror(err)); return 1; } if ((err = snd_mixer_info(mhandle, &mixer->info)) < 0) { snd_mixer_close(mhandle); snd_ctl_close(handle); error("MIXER info error: %s\n", snd_strerror(err)); return 1; } count = snd_mixer_channels(mhandle); for (idx = 0, mixerchannelprev = NULL; idx < count; idx++) { mixerchannel = (struct mixer_channel *) malloc(sizeof(struct mixer_channel)); if (!mixerchannel) { snd_mixer_close(mhandle); snd_ctl_close(handle); error("malloc problem"); return 1; } bzero(mixerchannel, sizeof(struct mixer_channel)); mixerchannel->no = idx; if ((err = snd_mixer_channel_info(mhandle, idx, &mixerchannel->i)) < 0) { free(mixerchannel); error("MIXER channel info error (%s) - skipping", snd_strerror(err)); break; } if ((err = snd_mixer_channel_read(mhandle, idx, &mixerchannel->c)) < 0) { free(mixerchannel); error("MIXER channel read error (%s) - skipping", snd_strerror(err)); break; } if ((mixerchannel->i.caps & SND_MIXER_CINFO_CAP_RECORDVOLUME) && (err = snd_mixer_channel_record_read(mhandle, idx, &mixerchannel->cr)) < 0) { free(mixerchannel); error("MIXER channel record read error (%s) - skipping", snd_strerror(err)); break; } if (!mixerchannelprev) { mixer->channels = mixerchannel; } else { mixerchannelprev->next = mixerchannel; } mixerchannelprev = mixerchannel; } snd_mixer_close(mhandle); } /* --- */ for (device = 0, pcmprev = NULL; device < card->control.hwinfo.pcmdevs; device++) { pcm = (struct pcm *) malloc(sizeof(struct pcm)); if (!pcm) { snd_ctl_close(handle); error("malloc problem"); return 1; } bzero(pcm, sizeof(struct pcm)); pcm->no = device; if ((err = snd_ctl_pcm_info(handle, device, &pcm->info)) < 0) { snd_ctl_close(handle); error("PCM info error: %s\n", snd_strerror(err)); return 1; } count = snd_ctl_pcm_playback_switches(handle, device); for (idx = 0, pcmswprev = NULL; idx < count; idx++) { pcmsw = (struct pcm_switch *) malloc(sizeof(struct pcm_switch)); if (!pcmsw) { snd_ctl_close(handle); error("malloc error"); return 1; } bzero(pcmsw, sizeof(struct mixer_switch)); pcmsw->no = idx; if ((err = snd_ctl_pcm_playback_switch_read(handle, device, idx, &pcmsw->s)) < 0) { free(pcmsw); error("PCM playback switch read error (%s) - skipping", snd_strerror(err)); break; } if (!pcmswprev) { pcm->pswitches = pcmsw; } else { pcmswprev->next = pcmsw; } pcmswprev = pcmsw; } count = snd_ctl_pcm_record_switches(handle, device); for (idx = 0, pcmswprev = NULL; idx < count; idx++) { pcmsw = (struct pcm_switch *) malloc(sizeof(struct pcm_switch)); if (!pcmsw) { snd_ctl_close(handle); error("malloc error"); return 1; } bzero(pcmsw, sizeof(struct mixer_switch)); pcmsw->no = idx; if ((err = snd_ctl_pcm_record_switch_read(handle, device, idx, &pcmsw->s)) < 0) { free(pcmsw); error("PCM record switch read error (%s) - skipping", snd_strerror(err)); break; } if (!pcmswprev) { pcm->rswitches = pcmsw; } else { pcmswprev->next = pcmsw; } pcmswprev = pcmsw; } if (!pcmprev) { card->pcms = pcm; } else { pcmprev->next = pcm; } pcmprev = pcm; } /* --- */ for (device = 0, rawmidiprev = NULL; device < card->control.hwinfo.mididevs; device++) { rawmidi = (struct rawmidi *) malloc(sizeof(struct rawmidi)); if (!rawmidi) { snd_ctl_close(handle); error("malloc problem"); return 1; } bzero(rawmidi, sizeof(struct rawmidi)); rawmidi->no = device; if ((err = snd_ctl_rawmidi_info(handle, device, &rawmidi->info)) < 0) { snd_ctl_close(handle); error("RAWMIDI info error: %s\n", snd_strerror(err)); return 1; } count = snd_ctl_rawmidi_input_switches(handle, device); for (idx = 0, rawmidiswprev = NULL; idx < count; idx++) { rawmidisw = (struct rawmidi_switch *) malloc(sizeof(struct rawmidi_switch)); if (!rawmidisw) { snd_ctl_close(handle); error("malloc error"); return 1; } bzero(rawmidisw, sizeof(struct rawmidi_switch)); rawmidisw->no = idx; if ((err = snd_ctl_rawmidi_input_switch_read(handle, device, idx, &rawmidisw->s)) < 0) { free(rawmidisw); error("RAWMIDI input switch read error (%s) - skipping", snd_strerror(err)); break; } if (!rawmidiswprev) { rawmidi->iswitches = rawmidisw; } else { rawmidiswprev->next = rawmidisw; } rawmidiswprev = rawmidisw; } count = snd_ctl_rawmidi_output_switches(handle, device); for (idx = 0, rawmidiswprev = NULL; idx < count; idx++) { rawmidisw = (struct rawmidi_switch *) malloc(sizeof(struct rawmidi_switch)); if (!rawmidisw) { snd_ctl_close(handle); error("malloc error"); return 1; } bzero(rawmidisw, sizeof(struct rawmidi_switch)); rawmidisw->no = idx; if ((err = snd_ctl_rawmidi_output_switch_read(handle, device, idx, &rawmidisw->s)) < 0) { free(rawmidisw); error("RAWMIDI output switch read error (%s) - skipping", snd_strerror(err)); break; } if (!rawmidiswprev) { rawmidi->oswitches = rawmidisw; } else { rawmidiswprev->next = rawmidisw; } rawmidiswprev = rawmidisw; } if (!rawmidiprev) { card->rawmidis = rawmidi; } else { rawmidiprev->next = rawmidi; } rawmidiprev = rawmidi; } /* --- */ snd_ctl_close(handle); return 0; } int soundcard_setup_load(const char *cfgfile, int skip) { extern int yyparse(void); extern int linecount; extern FILE *yyin; extern int yydebug; int xtry; #ifdef YYDEBUG yydebug = 1; #endif if (debugflag) printf("cfgfile = '%s'\n", cfgfile); if (skip && access(cfgfile, R_OK)) return 0; if ((yyin = fopen(cfgfile, "r")) == NULL) { error("Cannot open configuration file '%s'...", cfgfile); return 1; } linecount = 0; xtry = yyparse(); fclose(yyin); if (debugflag) printf("Config ok..\n"); if (xtry) error("Ignored error in configuration file '%s'...", cfgfile); return 0; } static void soundcard_setup_write_switch(FILE * out, int interface, const unsigned char *name, unsigned int type, unsigned int low, unsigned int high, void *data) { union { unsigned int enable; unsigned char data8[32]; unsigned short data16[16]; unsigned int data32[8]; } *pdata = data; char *s, v[16]; int idx, first, switchok = 0; const char *space = " "; v[0] = '\0'; switch (type) { case SND_CTL_SW_TYPE_BOOLEAN: s = "bool"; strcpy(v, pdata->enable ? "true" : "false"); break; case SND_CTL_SW_TYPE_BYTE: s = "byte"; sprintf(v, "%u", (unsigned int) pdata->data8[0]); break; case SND_CTL_SW_TYPE_WORD: s = "word"; if (interface == SND_INTERFACE_CONTROL && !strcmp(name, SND_CTL_SW_JOYSTICK_ADDRESS)) { sprintf(v, "0x%x", (unsigned int) pdata->data16[0]); } else { sprintf(v, "%u", (unsigned int) pdata->data16[0]); } break; case SND_CTL_SW_TYPE_DWORD: s = "dword"; sprintf(v, "%u", pdata->data32[0]); break; case SND_CTL_SW_TYPE_USER: s = "user"; break; default: s = "unknown"; } fprintf(out, "%s; Type is '%s'.\n", space, s); if (low != 0 || high != 0) fprintf(out, "%s; Accepted switch range is from %u to %u.\n", space, low, high); if (interface == SND_INTERFACE_CONTROL && type == SND_CTL_SW_TYPE_WORD && !strcmp(name, SND_CTL_SW_JOYSTICK_ADDRESS)) { for (idx = 1, first = 1; idx < 16; idx++) { if (pdata->data16[idx]) { if (first) { fprintf(out, "%s; Available addresses - 0x%x", space, pdata->data16[idx]); first = 0; } else { fprintf(out, ", 0x%x", pdata->data16[idx]); } } } if (!first) fprintf(out, "\n"); } if (interface == SND_INTERFACE_MIXER && type == SND_MIXER_SW_TYPE_BOOLEAN && !strcmp(name, SND_MIXER_SW_IEC958OUT)) { fprintf(out, "%sswitch( \"%s\", ", space, name); if (pdata->data32[1] == (('C' << 8) | 'S')) { /* Cirrus Crystal */ switchok = 0; fprintf(out, "iec958ocs( %s", pdata->enable ? "enable" : "disable"); if (pdata->data16[4] & 0x2000) fprintf(out, " 3d"); if (pdata->data16[4] & 0x0040) fprintf(out, " reset"); if (pdata->data16[4] & 0x0020) fprintf(out, " user"); if (pdata->data16[4] & 0x0010) fprintf(out, " valid"); if (pdata->data16[5] & 0x0002) fprintf(out, " data"); if (!(pdata->data16[5] & 0x0004)) fprintf(out, " protect"); switch (pdata->data16[5] & 0x0018) { case 0x0008: fprintf(out, " pre2"); break; default: break; } if (pdata->data16[5] & 0x0020) fprintf(out, " fsunlock"); fprintf(out, " type( 0x%x )", (pdata->data16[5] >> 6) & 0x7f); if (pdata->data16[5] & 0x2000) fprintf(out, " gstatus"); fprintf(out, " )"); goto __end; } } fprintf(out, "%sswitch( \"%s\", ", space, name); if (!switchok) { fprintf(out, v); if (type < 0 || type > SND_CTL_SW_TYPE_DWORD) { /* TODO: some well known types should be verbose */ fprintf(out, " rawdata( "); for (idx = 0; idx < 31; idx++) { fprintf(out, "@%02x:", pdata->data8[idx]); } fprintf(out, "%02x@ )\n", pdata->data8[31]); } } __end: fprintf(out, " )\n"); } static void soundcard_setup_write_mixer_channel(FILE * out, snd_mixer_channel_info_t * info, snd_mixer_channel_t * channel, snd_mixer_channel_t * record_channel) { fprintf(out, " ; Capabilities:%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s.\n", info->caps & SND_MIXER_CINFO_CAP_RECORD ? " record" : "", info->caps & SND_MIXER_CINFO_CAP_JOINRECORD ? " join-record" : "", info->caps & SND_MIXER_CINFO_CAP_STEREO ? " stereo" : "", info->caps & SND_MIXER_CINFO_CAP_HWMUTE ? " hardware-mute" : "", info->caps & SND_MIXER_CINFO_CAP_JOINMUTE ? " join-mute" : "", info->caps & SND_MIXER_CINFO_CAP_DIGITAL ? " digital" : "", info->caps & SND_MIXER_CINFO_CAP_INPUT ? " external-input" : "", info->caps & SND_MIXER_CINFO_CAP_LTOR_OUT ? " ltor-out" : "", info->caps & SND_MIXER_CINFO_CAP_RTOL_OUT ? " rtol-out" : "", info->caps & SND_MIXER_CINFO_CAP_SWITCH_OUT ? " switch-out" : "", info->caps & SND_MIXER_CINFO_CAP_LTOR_IN ? " ltor-in" : "", info->caps & SND_MIXER_CINFO_CAP_RTOL_IN ? " rtol-in" : "", info->caps & SND_MIXER_CINFO_CAP_RECORDVOLUME ? " record-volume" : ""); fprintf(out, " ; Accepted channel range is from %i to %i.\n", info->min, info->max); fprintf(out, " channel( \"%s\", ", info->name); if (info->caps & SND_MIXER_CINFO_CAP_STEREO) { char bufl[16] = ""; char bufr[16] = ""; if (info->caps & SND_MIXER_CINFO_CAP_RECORDVOLUME) { sprintf(bufl, " [%i]", record_channel->left); sprintf(bufr, " [%i]", record_channel->right); } fprintf(out, "stereo( %i%s%s%s%s%s, %i%s%s%s%s%s )", channel->left, channel->flags & SND_MIXER_FLG_MUTE_LEFT ? " mute" : "", channel->flags & SND_MIXER_FLG_RECORD_LEFT ? " record" : "", bufl, channel->flags & SND_MIXER_FLG_LTOR_OUT ? " swout" : "", channel->flags & SND_MIXER_FLG_LTOR_IN ? " swin" : "", channel->right, channel->flags & SND_MIXER_FLG_MUTE_RIGHT ? " mute" : "", channel->flags & SND_MIXER_FLG_RECORD_RIGHT ? " record" : "", bufr, channel->flags & SND_MIXER_FLG_RTOL_OUT ? " swout" : "", channel->flags & SND_MIXER_FLG_RTOL_IN ? " swin" : "" ); } else { char buf[16] = ""; if (info->caps & SND_MIXER_CINFO_CAP_RECORDVOLUME) sprintf(buf, " [%i]", (record_channel->left+record_channel->right) /2); fprintf(out, "mono( %i%s%s%s )", (channel->left + channel->right) / 2, channel->flags & SND_MIXER_FLG_MUTE ? " mute" : "", channel->flags & SND_MIXER_FLG_RECORD ? " record" : "", buf ); } fprintf(out, " )\n"); } int soundcard_setup_write(const char *cfgfile) { FILE *out; struct soundcard *first; struct ctl_switch *ctlsw; struct mixer *mixer; struct mixer_switch *mixersw; struct mixer_channel *mixerchannel; struct pcm *pcm; struct pcm_switch *pcmsw; struct rawmidi *rawmidi; struct rawmidi_switch *rawmidisw; if ((out = fopen(cfgfile, "w+")) == NULL) { error("Cannot open file '%s' for writing...\n", cfgfile); return 1; } fprintf(out, "# ALSA driver configuration\n"); fprintf(out, "# Generated by alsactl\n"); fprintf(out, "\n"); for (first = soundcards; first; first = first->next) { fprintf(out, "soundcard( \"%s\" ) {\n", first->control.hwinfo.id); if (first->control.switches) { fprintf(out, " control {\n"); for (ctlsw = first->control.switches; ctlsw; ctlsw = ctlsw->next) soundcard_setup_write_switch(out, SND_INTERFACE_CONTROL, ctlsw->s.name, ctlsw->s.type, ctlsw->s.low, ctlsw->s.high, (void *) &ctlsw->s.value); fprintf(out, " }\n"); } for (mixer = first->mixers; mixer; mixer = mixer->next) { fprintf(out, " mixer( \"%s\" ) {\n", mixer->info.name); for (mixerchannel = mixer->channels; mixerchannel; mixerchannel = mixerchannel->next) soundcard_setup_write_mixer_channel(out, &mixerchannel->i, &mixerchannel->c, &mixerchannel->cr); for (mixersw = mixer->switches; mixersw; mixersw = mixersw->next) soundcard_setup_write_switch(out, SND_INTERFACE_MIXER, mixersw->s.name, mixersw->s.type, mixersw->s.low, mixersw->s.high, (void *) (&mixersw->s.value)); fprintf(out, " }\n"); } for (pcm = first->pcms; pcm; pcm = pcm->next) { if (!pcm->pswitches && !pcm->rswitches) continue; fprintf(out, " pcm( \"%s\" ) {\n", pcm->info.name); if (pcm->pswitches) { fprintf(out, " playback {"); for (pcmsw = pcm->pswitches; pcmsw; pcmsw = pcmsw->next) soundcard_setup_write_switch(out, SND_INTERFACE_PCM, pcmsw->s.name, pcmsw->s.type, pcmsw->s.low, pcmsw->s.high, (void *) &pcmsw->s.value); fprintf(out, " }\n"); } if (pcm->rswitches) { fprintf(out, " record {"); for (pcmsw = pcm->pswitches; pcmsw; pcmsw = pcmsw->next) soundcard_setup_write_switch(out, SND_INTERFACE_PCM, pcmsw->s.name, pcmsw->s.type, pcmsw->s.low, pcmsw->s.high, (void *) &pcmsw->s.value); fprintf(out, " }\n"); } fprintf(out, " }\n"); } for (rawmidi = first->rawmidis; rawmidi; rawmidi = rawmidi->next) { if (!rawmidi->oswitches && !rawmidi->iswitches) continue; fprintf(out, " rawmidi( \"%s\" ) {\n", rawmidi->info.name); if (rawmidi->oswitches) { fprintf(out, " output {"); for (rawmidisw = rawmidi->oswitches; rawmidisw; rawmidisw = rawmidisw->next) soundcard_setup_write_switch(out, SND_INTERFACE_RAWMIDI, rawmidisw->s.name, rawmidisw->s.type, rawmidisw->s.low, rawmidisw->s.high, (void *) &rawmidisw->s.value); fprintf(out, " }\n"); } if (rawmidi->iswitches) { fprintf(out, " input {"); for (rawmidisw = rawmidi->iswitches; rawmidisw; rawmidisw = rawmidisw->next) soundcard_setup_write_switch(out, SND_INTERFACE_RAWMIDI, rawmidisw->s.name, rawmidisw->s.type, rawmidisw->s.low, rawmidisw->s.high, (void *) &rawmidisw->s.value); fprintf(out, " }\n"); } fprintf(out, " }\n"); } fprintf(out, "}\n%s", first->next ? "\n" : ""); } fclose(out); return 0; } static int soundcard_open_ctl(void **ctlhandle, struct soundcard *soundcard) { int err; if (*ctlhandle) return 0; if ((err = snd_ctl_open(ctlhandle, soundcard->no)) < 0) { error("Cannot open control interface for soundcard #%i.", soundcard->no + 1); return 1; } return 0; } static int soundcard_open_mix(void **mixhandle, struct soundcard *soundcard, struct mixer *mixer) { int err; if (*mixhandle) return 0; if ((err = snd_mixer_open(mixhandle, soundcard->no, mixer->no)) < 0) { error("Cannot open mixer interface for soundcard #%i.", soundcard->no + 1); return 1; } if ((err = snd_mixer_exact_mode(*mixhandle, 1)) < 0) { error("Cannot setup exact mode for mixer #%i/#%i: %s", soundcard->no + 1, mixer->no, snd_strerror(err)); return 1; } return 0; } int soundcard_setup_process(int cardno) { int err; void *ctlhandle = NULL; void *mixhandle = NULL; struct soundcard *soundcard; struct ctl_switch *ctlsw; struct mixer *mixer; struct mixer_channel *channel; struct mixer_switch *mixersw; struct pcm *pcm; struct pcm_switch *pcmsw; struct rawmidi *rawmidi; struct rawmidi_switch *rawmidisw; for (soundcard = soundcards; soundcard; soundcard = soundcard->next) { if (cardno >= 0 && soundcard->no != cardno) continue; for (ctlsw = soundcard->control.switches; ctlsw; ctlsw = ctlsw->next) { if (ctlsw->change) if (!soundcard_open_ctl(&ctlhandle, soundcard)) { if ((err = snd_ctl_switch_write(ctlhandle, ctlsw->no, &ctlsw->s)) < 0) error("Control switch '%s' write error: %s", ctlsw->s.name, snd_strerror(err)); } } for (mixer = soundcard->mixers; mixer; mixer = mixer->next) { for (channel = mixer->channels; channel; channel = channel->next) if (channel->change) if (!soundcard_open_mix(&mixhandle, soundcard, mixer)) { if ((err = snd_mixer_channel_write(mixhandle, channel->no, &channel->c)) < 0) error("Mixer channel '%s' write error: %s", channel->i.name, snd_strerror(err)); if ((channel->i.caps & SND_MIXER_CINFO_CAP_RECORDVOLUME) && (err = snd_mixer_channel_record_write(mixhandle, channel->no, &channel->cr)) < 0) error("Mixer channel '%s' record write error: %s", channel->i.name, snd_strerror(err)); } if (mixhandle) { snd_mixer_close(mixhandle); mixhandle = NULL; } for (mixersw = mixer->switches; mixersw; mixersw = mixersw->next) if (mixersw->change) if (!soundcard_open_ctl(&ctlhandle, soundcard)) { if ((err = snd_ctl_mixer_switch_write(ctlhandle, mixer->no, mixersw->no, &mixersw->s)) < 0) error("Mixer switch '%s' write error: %s", mixersw->s.name, snd_strerror(err)); } } for (pcm = soundcard->pcms; pcm; pcm = pcm->next) { for (pcmsw = pcm->pswitches; pcmsw; pcmsw = pcmsw->next) { if (pcmsw->change) if (!soundcard_open_ctl(&ctlhandle, soundcard)) { if ((err = snd_ctl_pcm_playback_switch_write(ctlhandle, pcm->no, pcmsw->no, &pcmsw->s)) < 0) error("PCM playback switch '%s' write error: %s", pcmsw->s.name, snd_strerror(err)); } } for (pcmsw = pcm->rswitches; pcmsw; pcmsw = pcmsw->next) { if (pcmsw->change) if (!soundcard_open_ctl(&ctlhandle, soundcard)) { if ((err = snd_ctl_pcm_playback_switch_write(ctlhandle, pcm->no, pcmsw->no, &pcmsw->s)) < 0) error("PCM record switch '%s' write error: %s", pcmsw->s.name, snd_strerror(err)); } } } for (rawmidi = soundcard->rawmidis; rawmidi; rawmidi = rawmidi->next) { for (rawmidisw = rawmidi->oswitches; rawmidisw; rawmidisw = rawmidisw->next) { if (rawmidisw->change) if (!soundcard_open_ctl(&ctlhandle, soundcard)) { if ((err = snd_ctl_rawmidi_output_switch_write(ctlhandle, rawmidi->no, rawmidisw->no, &rawmidisw->s)) < 0) error("RAWMIDI output switch '%s' write error: %s", rawmidisw->s.name, snd_strerror(err)); } } for (rawmidisw = rawmidi->iswitches; rawmidisw; rawmidisw = rawmidisw->next) { if (rawmidisw->change) if (!soundcard_open_ctl(&ctlhandle, soundcard)) { if ((err = snd_ctl_rawmidi_output_switch_write(ctlhandle, rawmidi->no, rawmidisw->no, &rawmidisw->s)) < 0) error("RAWMIDI input switch '%s' write error: %s", rawmidisw->s.name, snd_strerror(err)); } } } if(ctlhandle) { snd_ctl_close(ctlhandle); ctlhandle = NULL; } } return 0; }