#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include CURSESINC #include "colors.h" #include "gettext_curses.h" #include "utils.h" #include "curskey.h" #include "bindings.h" #include "mixer_widget.h" #define ERROR_CONFIG (-1) #define ERROR_MISSING_ARGUMENTS (-2) #define ERROR_TOO_MUCH_ARGUMENTS (-3) static const char *error_message; static const char *error_cause; static int strlist_index(const char *haystack, unsigned int itemlen, const char *needle) { unsigned int needle_len; unsigned int pos; const char *found; needle_len = strlen(needle); if (needle_len <= itemlen && needle[needle_len - 1] != ' ') { found = strstr(haystack, needle); if (found) { pos = (found - haystack); if (pos % itemlen == 0 && (needle_len == itemlen || haystack[pos+needle_len] == ' ')) return pos / itemlen; } } return -1; } static int color_by_name(const char *name) { return strlist_index( "default" "black " "red " "green " "yellow " "blue " "magenta" "cyan " "white ", 7, name) - 1; }; static int attr_by_name(const char *name) { return (int[]) { -1, A_BOLD, A_REVERSE, A_STANDOUT, A_DIM, A_UNDERLINE, #ifdef A_ITALIC A_ITALIC, #endif A_NORMAL, A_BLINK, }[strlist_index( "bold " "reverse " "standout " "dim " "underline" #ifdef A_ITALIC "italic " #endif "normal " "blink ", 9, name) + 1]; }; #define W_NUMBER (1U << 0) enum textbox_word { TW_BOTTOM = (1U << 1), TW_CLOSE = (1U << 2), TW_DOWN = (1U << 3), TW_LEFT = (1U << 4), TW_PAGE = (1U << 5), TW_RIGHT = (1U << 6), TW_TOP = (1U << 7), TW_UP = (1U << 8), }; const char *textbox_words = "bottom" "close " "down " "left " "page " "right " "top " "up "; enum mixer_word { MW_ALL = (1U << 1), MW_BALANCE = (1U << 2), MW_CAPTURE = (1U << 3), MW_CARD = (1U << 4), MW_CLOSE = (1U << 5), MW_CONTROL = (1U << 6), MW_DOWN = (1U << 7), MW_FOCUS = (1U << 8), MW_HELP = (1U << 9), MW_INFORMATION = (1U << 10), MW_LEFT = (1U << 11), MW_MODE = (1U << 12), MW_MUTE = (1U << 13), MW_NEXT = (1U << 14), MW_PLAYBACK = (1U << 15), MW_PREVIOUS = (1U << 16), MW_REFRESH = (1U << 17), MW_RIGHT = (1U << 18), MW_SELECT = (1U << 19), MW_SET = (1U << 20), MW_SYSTEM = (1U << 21), MW_TOGGLE = (1U << 22), MW_UP = (1U << 23), }; const char *mixer_words = "all " "balance " "capture " "card " "close " "control " "down " "focus " "help " "information" "left " "mode " "mute " "next " "playback " "previous " "refresh " "right " "select " "set " "system " "toggle " "up "; static unsigned int parse_words(const char *name, const char* wordlist, unsigned int itemlen, unsigned int *number) { unsigned int words = 0; unsigned int word; int i; char buf[16]; char *endptr; while (*name) { for (i = 0; i < (int)sizeof(buf) - 1; ++i) { if (*name == '\0') break; if (*name == '_') { ++name; break; } buf[i] = *name; ++name; } buf[i] = '\0'; if (buf[0] >= '0' && buf[0] <= '9') { if (number) { *number = strtoumax(buf, &endptr, 10); if (*endptr != '\0') return 0; } word = W_NUMBER; } else if ((i = strlist_index(wordlist, itemlen, buf)) >= 0) word = i <= 30 ? (2U << i) : 0; else return 0; if (words & word) // no duplicate words return 0; words |= word; } return words; } static int textbox_command_by_name(const char *name) { switch (parse_words(name, textbox_words, 6, NULL)) { case TW_TOP: return CMD_TEXTBOX_TOP; case TW_BOTTOM: return CMD_TEXTBOX_BOTTOM; case TW_CLOSE: return CMD_TEXTBOX_CLOSE; case TW_UP: return CMD_TEXTBOX_UP; case TW_DOWN: return CMD_TEXTBOX_DOWN; case TW_LEFT: return CMD_TEXTBOX_LEFT; case TW_RIGHT: return CMD_TEXTBOX_RIGHT; case TW_PAGE|TW_UP: return CMD_TEXTBOX_PAGE_UP; case TW_PAGE|TW_DOWN: return CMD_TEXTBOX_PAGE_DOWN; case TW_PAGE|TW_LEFT: return CMD_TEXTBOX_PAGE_LEFT; case TW_PAGE|TW_RIGHT: return CMD_TEXTBOX_PAGE_RIGHT; default: return 0; } } static int mixer_command_by_name(const char *name) { unsigned int channel = 0; unsigned int number = 1; // default numeric arg unsigned int words = parse_words(name, mixer_words, 11, &number); switch (words) { case MW_HELP: return CMD_MIXER_HELP; case MW_CLOSE: return CMD_MIXER_CLOSE; case MW_REFRESH: return CMD_MIXER_REFRESH; case MW_SELECT|MW_CARD: return CMD_MIXER_SELECT_CARD; case MW_SYSTEM|MW_INFORMATION: return CMD_MIXER_SYSTEM_INFORMATION; case MW_MODE|MW_ALL: return CMD_WITH_ARG(CMD_MIXER_SET_VIEW_MODE, VIEW_MODE_ALL); case MW_MODE|MW_CAPTURE: return CMD_WITH_ARG(CMD_MIXER_SET_VIEW_MODE, VIEW_MODE_CAPTURE); case MW_MODE|MW_PLAYBACK: return CMD_WITH_ARG(CMD_MIXER_SET_VIEW_MODE, VIEW_MODE_PLAYBACK); case MW_MODE|MW_TOGGLE: return CMD_MIXER_TOGGLE_VIEW_MODE; case MW_CONTROL|MW_BALANCE: return CMD_MIXER_BALANCE_CONTROL; case MW_NEXT: case MW_NEXT|W_NUMBER: case MW_PREVIOUS: case MW_PREVIOUS|W_NUMBER: return ((number < 1 || number > 511) ? 0 : CMD_WITH_ARG((words & MW_NEXT ? CMD_MIXER_NEXT : CMD_MIXER_PREVIOUS), number)); case MW_CONTROL|MW_FOCUS|W_NUMBER: return ((number < 1 || number > 512) ? 0 : CMD_WITH_ARG(CMD_MIXER_FOCUS_CONTROL, number - 1)); } if (words & MW_LEFT) channel |= LEFT; if (words & MW_RIGHT) channel |= RIGHT; if (!channel) channel = LEFT|RIGHT; switch (words & ~(MW_LEFT|MW_RIGHT)) { case MW_CONTROL|MW_UP: case MW_CONTROL|MW_UP|W_NUMBER: case MW_CONTROL|MW_DOWN: case MW_CONTROL|MW_DOWN|W_NUMBER: return ((number < 1 || number > 100) ? 0 : CMD_WITH_ARG((words & MW_UP ? CMD_MIXER_CONTROL_UP_LEFT : CMD_MIXER_CONTROL_DOWN_LEFT) + channel - 1, number)); case MW_CONTROL|MW_SET|W_NUMBER: return (number > 100 ? 0 : CMD_WITH_ARG(CMD_MIXER_CONTROL_SET_PERCENT_LEFT + channel - 1, number)); case MW_TOGGLE|MW_MUTE: return CMD_WITH_ARG(CMD_MIXER_TOGGLE_MUTE, channel); case MW_TOGGLE|MW_CAPTURE: return CMD_WITH_ARG(CMD_MIXER_TOGGLE_CAPTURE, channel); } return 0; } static int* element_by_name(const char *name) { int idx = strlist_index( #ifdef TRICOLOR_VOLUME_BAR "ctl_bar_hi " #endif "ctl_bar_lo " #ifdef TRICOLOR_VOLUME_BAR "ctl_bar_mi " #endif "ctl_capture " "ctl_frame " "ctl_inactive " "ctl_label " "ctl_label_focus " "ctl_label_inactive" "ctl_mark_focus " "ctl_mute " "ctl_nocapture " "ctl_nomute " "errormsg " "infomsg " "menu " "menu_selected " "mixer_active " "mixer_frame " "mixer_text " "textbox " "textfield ", 18, name); if (idx < 0) { #ifndef TRICOLOR_VOLUME_BAR if (strlist_index( "ctl_bar_hi" "ctl_bar_mi", 10, name) >= 0) return &errno; // dummy element #endif return NULL; } return &( ((int*) &attrs)[idx] ); } static int cfg_bind(char **argv, unsigned int argc) { const char *command_name; command_enum command = 0; unsigned int i; int keys[3] = { -1, -1, -1 }; union { command_enum *mixer_bindings; uint8_t *textbox_bindings; } bind_to = { .mixer_bindings = mixer_bindings }; if (argc == 2) command_name = argv[1]; else if (argc == 3) { command_name = argv[2]; if (! strcmp(argv[1], "textbox")) { bind_to.textbox_bindings = textbox_bindings; } else if (! strcmp(argv[1], "mixer")) ; // bind_to.mixer_bindings = mixer_bindings else { error_message = _("invalid widget"); error_cause = argv[1]; return ERROR_CONFIG; } } else { return (argc < 2 ? ERROR_MISSING_ARGUMENTS : ERROR_TOO_MUCH_ARGUMENTS); } keys[0] = curskey_parse(argv[0]); if (keys[0] < 0 || keys[0] >= (int)ARRAY_SIZE(mixer_bindings)) { error_message = _("invalid key"); error_cause = argv[0]; return ERROR_CONFIG; } if (keys[0] == KEY_ENTER || keys[0] == '\n' || keys[0] == '\r') { keys[0] = KEY_ENTER; keys[1] = '\n'; keys[2] = '\r'; } if (bind_to.textbox_bindings == textbox_bindings) command = textbox_command_by_name(command_name); else command = mixer_command_by_name(command_name); if (!command) { if (!strcmp(command_name, "none")) ; // command = 0 else { error_message = _("invalid command"); error_cause = command_name; return ERROR_CONFIG; } } for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(keys) && keys[i] != -1; ++i) { if (bind_to.textbox_bindings == textbox_bindings) bind_to.textbox_bindings[keys[i]] = command; else bind_to.mixer_bindings[keys[i]] = command; } return 0; } static int cfg_color(char **argv, unsigned int argc) { short fg_color, bg_color; unsigned int i; int *element; int attr; if (argc < 3) return ERROR_MISSING_ARGUMENTS; if (NULL == (element = element_by_name(argv[0]))) { error_message = _("unknown theme element"); error_cause = argv[0]; return ERROR_CONFIG; } if (-2 == (fg_color = color_by_name(argv[1]))) { error_message = _("unknown color"); error_cause = argv[1]; return ERROR_CONFIG; } if (-2 == (bg_color = color_by_name(argv[2]))) { error_message = _("unknown color"); error_cause = argv[2]; return ERROR_CONFIG; } *element = get_color_pair(fg_color, bg_color); for (i = 3; i < argc; ++i) { if (-1 == (attr = attr_by_name(argv[i]))) { error_message = _("unknown color attribute"); error_cause = argv[i]; return ERROR_CONFIG; } else *element |= attr; } return 0; } static int cfg_set(char **argv, unsigned int argc) { char *endptr; if (argc == 2) { if (! strcmp(argv[0], "mouse_wheel_step")) { mouse_wheel_step = strtoumax(argv[1], &endptr, 10); if (mouse_wheel_step > 100 || *endptr != '\0') { mouse_wheel_step = 1; error_message = _("invalid value"); error_cause = argv[1]; return ERROR_CONFIG; } } else if (! strcmp(argv[0], "mouse_wheel_focuses_control")) { if ((argv[1][0] == '0' || argv[1][0] == '1') && argv[1][1] == '\0') mouse_wheel_focuses_control = argv[1][0] - '0'; else { error_message = _("invalid value"); error_cause = argv[1]; return ERROR_CONFIG; } } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "background")) { int bg_color = color_by_name(argv[1]); if (bg_color == -2) { error_message = _("unknown color"); error_cause = argv[1]; return ERROR_CONFIG; } reinit_colors(bg_color); } else { error_message = _("unknown option"); error_cause = argv[0]; return ERROR_CONFIG; } } else { return (argc < 2 ? ERROR_MISSING_ARGUMENTS : ERROR_TOO_MUCH_ARGUMENTS); } return 0; } /* Split $line on whitespace, store it in $args, return the argument count. * Return 0 for commented lines ('\s*#'). * * This will modify contents of $line. */ static unsigned int parse_line(char *line, char **args, unsigned int args_size) { unsigned int count; for (count = 0; count < args_size; ++count) { while (*line && isspace(*line)) ++line; if (*line == '\0') break; if (*line == '#' && count == 0) break; args[count] = line; while (*line && !isspace(*line)) ++line; if (*line != '\0') { *line = '\0'; ++line; } } return count; } static int process_line(char *line) { char *args[16]; unsigned int argc = parse_line(line, args, ARRAY_SIZE(args)); int ret = 0; if (argc >= 1) { error_cause = NULL; //error_message = _("unknown error"); if (argc >= ARRAY_SIZE(args)) ret = ERROR_TOO_MUCH_ARGUMENTS; else { ret = strlist_index( "bind " "color" "set ", 5, args[0]); switch (ret) { case 0: ret = cfg_bind(args + 1, argc - 1); break; case 1: ret = cfg_color(args + 1, argc - 1); break; case 2: ret = cfg_set(args + 1, argc - 1); break; default: error_message = _("unknown command"); } } if (ret == ERROR_MISSING_ARGUMENTS) error_message = _("missing arguments"); else if (ret == ERROR_TOO_MUCH_ARGUMENTS) error_message = _("too much arguments"); } return ret; } void parse_config_file(const char *file_name) { char *buf; unsigned int file_size; unsigned int lineno; unsigned int i; char *line; endwin(); // print warnings to stderr buf = read_file(file_name, &file_size); if (!buf) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", file_name, strerror(errno)); return; } curskey_init(); curskey_define_meta_keys(128); lineno = 0; line = buf; for (i = 0; i < file_size; ++i) { if (buf[i] == '\n') { buf[i] = '\0'; ++lineno; if (process_line(line) < 0) { if (error_cause) fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: %s: %s: %s\n", file_name, lineno, line, error_message, error_cause); else fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: %s: %s\n", file_name, lineno, line, error_message); } line = &buf[i + 1]; } } free(buf); curskey_destroy(); } void parse_default_config_file() { char file[4096]; const char *home; home = getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME"); if (home && *home) { snprintf(file, sizeof(file), "%s/alsamixer.rc", home); if (! access(file, F_OK)) return parse_config_file(file); } home = getenv("HOME"); if (!home || !*home) { struct passwd *pwd = getpwuid(getuid()); if (pwd) home = pwd->pw_dir; } if (home && *home) { snprintf(file, sizeof(file), "%s/.config/alsamixer.rc", home); if (! access(file, F_OK)) return parse_config_file(file); snprintf(file, sizeof(file), "%s/.alsamixer.rc", home); if (! access(file, F_OK)) return parse_config_file(file); } }