/* * Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Intel Corporation * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "aconfig.h" #include "gettext.h" #include "common.h" #include "tinyalsa.h" struct format_map_table { enum _bat_pcm_format format_bat; enum pcm_format format_tiny; }; static struct format_map_table map_tables[] = { { BAT_PCM_FORMAT_S16_LE, PCM_FORMAT_S16_LE }, { BAT_PCM_FORMAT_S32_LE, PCM_FORMAT_S32_LE }, { BAT_PCM_FORMAT_MAX, }, }; static int format_convert(struct bat *bat, struct pcm_config *config) { struct format_map_table *t = map_tables; for (; t->format_bat != BAT_PCM_FORMAT_MAX; t++) { if (t->format_bat == bat->format) { config->format = t->format_tiny; return 0; } } fprintf(bat->err, _("Invalid format!\n")); return -EINVAL; } static int init_config(struct bat *bat, struct pcm_config *config) { config->channels = bat->channels; config->rate = bat->rate; config->period_size = 1024; config->period_count = 4; config->start_threshold = 0; config->stop_threshold = 0; config->silence_threshold = 0; return format_convert(bat, config); } /** * Called when thread is finished */ static void close_handle(void *handle) { struct pcm *pcm = handle; if (NULL != pcm) pcm_close(pcm); } /** * Check that a parameter is inside bounds */ static int check_param(struct bat *bat, struct pcm_params *params, unsigned int param, unsigned int value, char *param_name, char *param_unit) { unsigned int min; unsigned int max; int ret = 0; min = pcm_params_get_min(params, param); if (value < min) { fprintf(bat->err, _("%s is %u%s, device only supports >= %u%s!\n"), param_name, value, param_unit, min, param_unit); ret = -EINVAL; } max = pcm_params_get_max(params, param); if (value > max) { fprintf(bat->err, _("%s is %u%s, device only supports <= %u%s!\n"), param_name, value, param_unit, max, param_unit); ret = -EINVAL; } return ret; } /** * Check all parameters */ static int check_playback_params(struct bat *bat, struct pcm_config *config) { struct pcm_params *params; unsigned int card = bat->playback.card_tiny; unsigned int device = bat->playback.device_tiny; int err = 0; params = pcm_params_get(card, device, PCM_OUT); if (params == NULL) { fprintf(bat->err, _("Unable to open PCM device %u!\n"), device); return -EINVAL; } err = check_param(bat, params, PCM_PARAM_RATE, config->rate, "Sample rate", "Hz"); if (err < 0) goto exit; err = check_param(bat, params, PCM_PARAM_CHANNELS, config->channels, "Sample", " channels"); if (err < 0) goto exit; err = check_param(bat, params, PCM_PARAM_SAMPLE_BITS, bat->sample_size * 8, "Bitrate", " bits"); if (err < 0) goto exit; err = check_param(bat, params, PCM_PARAM_PERIOD_SIZE, config->period_size, "Period size", "Hz"); if (err < 0) goto exit; err = check_param(bat, params, PCM_PARAM_PERIODS, config->period_count, "Period count", "Hz"); if (err < 0) goto exit; exit: pcm_params_free(params); return err; } /** * Play sample */ static int play_sample(struct bat *bat, struct pcm *pcm, void *buffer, int bytes) { int err = 0; int frames = bytes / bat->frame_size; FILE *fp = NULL; int bytes_total = 0; if (bat->debugplay) { fp = fopen(bat->debugplay, "wb"); err = -errno; if (fp == NULL) { fprintf(bat->err, _("Cannot open file: %s %d\n"), bat->debugplay, err); return err; } /* leave space for file header */ if (fseek(fp, sizeof(struct wav_container), SEEK_SET) != 0) { err = -errno; fclose(fp); return err; } } while (1) { err = generate_input_data(bat, buffer, bytes, frames); if (err != 0) break; if (bat->debugplay) { if (fwrite(buffer, 1, bytes, fp) != bytes) { err = -EIO; break; } bytes_total += bytes; } bat->periods_played++; if (bat->period_is_limited && bat->periods_played >= bat->periods_total) break; err = pcm_write(pcm, buffer, bytes); if (err != 0) break; } if (bat->debugplay) { update_wav_header(bat, fp, bytes_total); fclose(fp); } return err; } static int get_tiny_device(struct bat *bat, char *alsa_device, unsigned int *tiny_card, unsigned int *tiny_device) { char *tmp1, *tmp2, *tmp3; if (alsa_device == NULL) goto fail; tmp1 = strchr(alsa_device, ':'); if (tmp1 == NULL) goto fail; tmp3 = tmp1 + 1; tmp2 = strchr(tmp3, ','); if (tmp2 == NULL) goto fail; tmp1 = tmp2 + 1; *tiny_device = atoi(tmp1); *tmp2 = '\0'; *tiny_card = atoi(tmp3); *tmp2 = ','; return 0; fail: fprintf(bat->err, _("Invalid tiny device: %s\n"), alsa_device); return -EINVAL; } /** * Play */ void *playback_tinyalsa(struct bat *bat) { int err = 0; struct pcm_config config; struct pcm *pcm = NULL; void *buffer = NULL; int bufbytes; fprintf(bat->log, _("Entering playback thread (tinyalsa).\n")); retval_play = 0; /* init device */ err = get_tiny_device(bat, bat->playback.device, &bat->playback.card_tiny, &bat->playback.device_tiny); if (err < 0) { retval_play = err; goto exit1; } /* init config */ err = init_config(bat, &config); if (err < 0) { retval_play = err; goto exit1; } /* check param before open device */ err = check_playback_params(bat, &config); if (err < 0) { retval_play = err; goto exit1; } /* open device */ pcm = pcm_open(bat->playback.card_tiny, bat->playback.device_tiny, PCM_OUT, &config); if (!pcm || !pcm_is_ready(pcm)) { fprintf(bat->err, _("Unable to open PCM device %u (%s)!\n"), bat->playback.device_tiny, pcm_get_error(pcm)); retval_play = -EINVAL; goto exit1; } /* init buffer */ bufbytes = pcm_frames_to_bytes(pcm, pcm_get_buffer_size(pcm)); buffer = malloc(bufbytes); if (!buffer) { retval_play = -ENOMEM; goto exit2; } /* init playback source */ if (bat->playback.file == NULL) { fprintf(bat->log, _("Playing generated audio sine wave")); bat->sinus_duration == 0 ? fprintf(bat->log, _(" endlessly\n")) : fprintf(bat->log, _("\n")); } else { fprintf(bat->log, _("Playing input audio file: %s\n"), bat->playback.file); bat->fp = fopen(bat->playback.file, "rb"); err = -errno; if (bat->fp == NULL) { fprintf(bat->err, _("Cannot open file: %s %d\n"), bat->playback.file, err); retval_play = err; goto exit3; } /* Skip header */ err = read_wav_header(bat, bat->playback.file, bat->fp, true); if (err != 0) { retval_play = err; goto exit4; } } err = play_sample(bat, pcm, buffer, bufbytes); if (err < 0) { retval_play = err; goto exit4; } exit4: if (bat->playback.file) fclose(bat->fp); exit3: free(buffer); exit2: pcm_close(pcm); exit1: pthread_exit(&retval_play); } /** * Capture sample */ static int capture_sample(struct bat *bat, struct pcm *pcm, void *buffer, unsigned int bytes) { int err = 0; FILE *fp = NULL; unsigned int bytes_read = 0; unsigned int bytes_count = bat->frames * bat->frame_size; remove(bat->capture.file); fp = fopen(bat->capture.file, "wb"); err = -errno; if (fp == NULL) { fprintf(bat->err, _("Cannot open file: %s %d\n"), bat->capture.file, err); return err; } /* leave space for file header */ if (fseek(fp, sizeof(struct wav_container), SEEK_SET) != 0) { err = -errno; fclose(fp); return err; } while (bytes_read < bytes_count && !pcm_read(pcm, buffer, bytes)) { if (fwrite(buffer, 1, bytes, fp) != bytes) break; bytes_read += bytes; bat->periods_played++; if (bat->period_is_limited && bat->periods_played >= bat->periods_total) break; } err = update_wav_header(bat, fp, bytes_read); fclose(fp); return err; } /** * Record */ void *record_tinyalsa(struct bat *bat) { int err = 0; struct pcm_config config; struct pcm *pcm; void *buffer; unsigned int bufbytes; pthread_setcancelstate(PTHREAD_CANCEL_DISABLE, NULL); fprintf(bat->log, _("Entering capture thread (tinyalsa).\n")); retval_record = 0; /* init device */ err = get_tiny_device(bat, bat->capture.device, &bat->capture.card_tiny, &bat->capture.device_tiny); if (err < 0) { retval_record = err; goto exit1; } /* init config */ err = init_config(bat, &config); if (err < 0) { retval_record = err; goto exit1; } /* open device */ pcm = pcm_open(bat->capture.card_tiny, bat->capture.device_tiny, PCM_IN, &config); if (!pcm || !pcm_is_ready(pcm)) { fprintf(bat->err, _("Unable to open PCM device (%s)!\n"), pcm_get_error(pcm)); retval_record = -EINVAL; goto exit1; } /* init buffer */ bufbytes = pcm_frames_to_bytes(pcm, pcm_get_buffer_size(pcm)); buffer = malloc(bufbytes); if (!buffer) { retval_record = -ENOMEM; goto exit2; } pthread_setcancelstate(PTHREAD_CANCEL_ENABLE, NULL); pthread_setcanceltype(PTHREAD_CANCEL_DEFERRED, NULL); pthread_cleanup_push(close_handle, pcm); pthread_cleanup_push(free, buffer); fprintf(bat->log, _("Recording ...\n")); err = capture_sample(bat, pcm, buffer, bufbytes); if (err != 0) { retval_record = err; goto exit3; } /* Normally we will never reach this part of code (unless error in * previous call) (before exit3) as this thread will be cancelled * by end of play thread. Except in single line mode. */ pthread_cleanup_pop(0); pthread_cleanup_pop(0); pthread_exit(&retval_record); exit3: free(buffer); exit2: pcm_close(pcm); exit1: pthread_exit(&retval_record); }