%define ver @VERSION@ %define rel 1 %define prefix / Summary: Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) - Utils Name: alsa-utils Version: %ver Release: %rel Copyright: GPL Group: System/Libraries Source: ftp://alsa.jcu.cz/pub/utils/alsa-utils-%{ver}.tar.gz BuildRoot: /tmp/alsa-utils-%{ver} Packager: Helge Jensen URL: http://alsa.jcu.cz Docdir: %{prefix}/usr/doc Requires: alsa-lib alsa-driver %description Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) - Utils Features ======== * general - modularized architecture with support for 2.0 and latest 2.1 kernels - support for versioned and exported symbols - full proc filesystem support - /proc/sound * ISA soundcards - support for 128k ISA DMA buffer * mixer - new enhanced API for applications - support for unlimited number of channels - volume can be set in three ways (percentual (0-100), exact and decibel) - support for mute (and hardware mute if hardware supports it) - support for mixer events - this allows two or more applications to be synchronized * digital audio (PCM) - new enhanced API for applications - full real duplex support - full duplex support for SoundBlaster 16/AWE soundcards - digital audio data for playback and record should be read back using proc filesystem * OSS/Lite compatibility - full mixer compatibity - full PCM (/dev/dsp) compatibility %changelog * Mon May 28 1998 Helge Jensen - Made SPEC file %prep %setup %build ./configure --prefix=/usr make %install mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/bin $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/man/man1 make prefix="$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr" install %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %files %defattr(-, root, root) %doc ChangeLog COPYING README config.status %{prefix}/usr/sbin/* %{prefix}/usr/bin/* %{prefix}/usr/man/man1/*