.TH AMIXER 1 "27 Jul 1999" .SH NAME amixer \- commandline mixer for ALSA soundcard driver .SH SYNOPSIS \fBamixer\fP [\fI-c\fP card] [\fI-d\fP dev] [\fIcmd\fP] .SH DESCRIPTION \fBamixer\fP allows command-line control of the mixer for the ALSA soundcard driver. \fBamixer\fP supports multiple soundcards with multiple devices. .SH INVOKING \fBamixer\fR with no arguments will display the current mixer settings for the default soundcard and device. This is a good way to see a list of the groups you can control. .SH COMMANDS .TP \fIinfo\fP Shows the information about a mixer device. .TP \fIgroups\fP Shows a complete list of mixer groups. .TP \fIgcontents\fP Shows a complete list of mixer groups with their contents. .TP \fIset\fP Sets the group contents. The parameter can be the volume either as a percentage from 0% to 100% or a exact hardware value. The parameters \fIcapture, nocapture, mute, unmute\fP are used to toggle capture (recording) and muting for the group specified. A mixer group must be specified. Only one device can be controlled at a time. .TP \fIget\fP Shows the group contents. A mixer group must be specified. Only one device can be controlled at a time. .TP \fIelements\fP Shows a complete list of mixer elements. .TP \fIcontents\fP Shows a complete list of mixer elements with their contents. .TP \fIeset\fP Sets the mixer element contents. This feature is not documented and is intended for experienced users only. .TP \fIeget\fP Shows the mixer element contents. This feature is not documented and is indended for experienced users only. .SS Options .TP [\fI-c\fP card] [\fI-d\fP device] Select the card and device number to control. Cards are numbered from 0 (the default). Devices are numbered from 0 (the default). Note that here, "device" does \fBnot\fP mean "mixer channel", but refers to the architecture of your soundcard. Many soundcards will only have device 0. Some more complex cards may have more devices. Try using \fI-d 1\fP and if anything useful happens, now you know more than I do. :) .TP \fI-h\fP Help: show syntax. .TP \fI-q\fP Quiet mode. Do not show results of changes. .SS Example: .RS \fBamixer -c 1 set Line 80% unmute capture\fR .ID will set the second soundcard's line input volume to 80%, unmute it, and select it as a source for capture (recording). .SH BUGS None known. .SH AUTHOR \fBamixer\fP is by Jaroslav Kysela . This document is by Paul Winkler and Jaroslav Kysela .