Jaska Uimonen f9e6010d5e topology: plugins - add Intel nhlt encoder plugin
Add Intel nhlt acpi table encoder plugin into topology2.0 processing.
Nhlt internal structure is defined in:
Nhlt acpi table contain vendor specific binary data blobs that are used
in some Intel dsp platforms for configuring the dmic and ssp hardware.

The function of this code is mainly to generate the vendor specific
binary blobs, but as there is existing nhlt parser code and header in
kernel there's no point of re-inventing the container: just use the
existing nhlt acpi table format. Basically this code is creating similar
nhlt acpi table that you would get from: cat

This code will have implementation for dmic and ssp endpoints. Thus the
code will translate the topology dai tokens into vendor specific binary
blobs and pack them into nhlt acpi table. Ssp and dmic code is lifted
from Sound Open Firmware (sof) code base, thus it will have BSD-3

This plugin can be enabled from command line with:

alsatplg -DPREPROCESS_PLUGINS="nhlt" -c foo.conf -p -o bar.tplg

You can also dump the nhlt binary into a file with additional define:


Signed-off-by: Jaska Uimonen <>
Signed-off-by: Jaroslav Kysela <>
2022-05-03 13:24:03 +02:00

402 lines
20 KiB

// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
// Copyright(c) 2021 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Author: Seppo Ingalsuo <>
// Jaska Uimonen <>
#include <stdint.h>
struct pdm_decim {
int decim_factor;
int length;
int shift;
int relative_passband;
int relative_stopband;
int passband_ripple;
int stopband_ripple;
const int32_t *coef;
const int32_t fir_int32_02_4323_5100_010_095[95] = {
178179, -158757, -2195582, -5296650, -5737416, -1057695,
4405719, 3336648, -3249588, -5061179, 1984305, 6895125, 68826,
-8433396, -2933479, 9499107, 6882087, -9330152, -11397510,
7807097, 16376076, -4402338, -21239788, -1118085, 25423993,
9062534, -27935015, -19203927, 28049586, 31500423, -24524863,
-45191501, 16582731, 59861920, -2808306, -74639091, -18696113,
88054673, 50505898, -98266320, -97865783, 101816481,
173879965, -88042495, -320187025, -1193013, 740698712,
1139586920, 740698712, -1193013, -320187025, -88042495,
173879965, 101816481, -97865783, -98266320, 50505898,
88054673, -18696113, -74639091, -2808306, 59861920, 16582731,
-45191501, -24524863, 31500423, 28049586, -19203927,
-27935015, 9062534, 25423993, -1118085, -21239788, -4402338,
16376076, 7807097, -11397510, -9330152, 6882087, 9499107,
-2933479, -8433396, 68826, 6895125, 1984305, -5061179,
-3249588, 3336648, 4405719, -1057695, -5737416, -5296650,
-2195582, -158757, 178179
struct pdm_decim pdm_decim_int32_02_4323_5100_010_095 = {
2, 95, 0, 4323, 5100, 10, 95, fir_int32_02_4323_5100_010_095
const int32_t fir_int32_02_4375_5100_010_095[101] = {
-587830, 2653881, 5154608, 4845367, 226474, 4220832, 2571159,
-3184700, 4043579, 2206821, 5554546, 750495, 6923897, 1268580,
-8073364, 4085184, 8546479, 7505366, 8176184, 11533751,
-6471060, 15704257, 3359705, 19852407, 1635592, 23144509,
-8252640, 25285011, 16574477, 25723227, 26663303, 23549736,
-38139662, 17943368, 50446982, 8141045, 63090266, 7051348,
-75166961, 29039893, 85772628, 60568976, 93167361, 106799777,
-94198977, 180962817, 78385599, 324820256, 12243140,
-742491464, 1151461314, 742491464, 12243140, 324820256,
-78385599, 180962817, 94198977, 106799777, 93167361, 60568976,
-85772628, 29039893, 75166961, 7051348, 63090266, 8141045,
-50446982, 17943368, 38139662, 23549736, 26663303, 25723227,
-16574477, 25285011, 8252640, 23144509, 1635592, 19852407,
-3359705, 15704257, 6471060, 11533751, 8176184, 7505366,
-8546479, 4085184, 8073364, 1268580, 6923897, 750495, 5554546,
-2206821, 4043579, 3184700, 2571159, 4220832, 226474, 4845367,
-5154608, 2653881, 587830
struct pdm_decim pdm_decim_int32_02_4375_5100_010_095 = {
2, 101, 0, 4375, 5100, 10, 95, fir_int32_02_4375_5100_010_095
const int32_t fir_int32_03_4375_5100_010_095[157] = {
350908, 1127906, 2233575, 3059598, 2752218, 818077, -2252677,
-4944563, -5550761, -3466262, 53093, 2496787, 1904133,
-1421749, -4818616, -5204506, -1721103, 3155344, 5311508,
2454543, -3518663, -7589567, -5713379, 1327838, 7901439,
7958184, 527907, -8634105, -11354937, -4214569, 7627213,
13970417, 8263468, -5862019, -16549858, -13530131, 2213952,
17870989, 19056458, 2854116, -18029944, -24979416, -9860304,
16175288, 30546328, 18606151, -11894439, -35172976, -28918520,
4746588, 38201563, 40591159, 5825487, -38713444, -53159813,
-20283635, 35723701, 66121349, 39266346, -27911327, -78796917,
-63664545, 13459132, 90417174, 95194527, 10755265, -99898306,
-137498952, -51076476, 105458775, 200050300, 124562550,
-101613472, -313388303, -297347454, 53702567, 639689683,
1187815441, 1411068556, 1187815441, 639689683, 53702567,
-297347454, -313388303, -101613472, 124562550, 200050300,
105458775, -51076476, -137498952, -99898306, 10755265,
95194527, 90417174, 13459132, -63664545, -78796917, -27911327,
39266346, 66121349, 35723701, -20283635, -53159813, -38713444,
5825487, 40591159, 38201563, 4746588, -28918520, -35172976,
-11894439, 18606151, 30546328, 16175288, -9860304, -24979416,
-18029944, 2854116, 19056458, 17870989, 2213952, -13530131,
-16549858, -5862019, 8263468, 13970417, 7627213, -4214569,
-11354937, -8634105, 527907, 7958184, 7901439, 1327838,
-5713379, -7589567, -3518663, 2454543, 5311508, 3155344,
-1721103, -5204506, -4818616, -1421749, 1904133, 2496787,
53093, -3466262, -5550761, -4944563, -2252677, 818077,
2752218, 3059598, 2233575, 1127906, 350908
struct pdm_decim pdm_decim_int32_03_4375_5100_010_095 = {
3, 157, 1, 4375, 5100, 10, 95, fir_int32_03_4375_5100_010_095
const int32_t fir_int32_04_4318_5100_010_095[195] = {
111466, 733409, 1749250, 3319696, 5129378, 6676209, 7309490,
6506584, 4154756, 734975, -2729377, -4998637, -5126868,
-2945573, 726080, 4306371, 6084832, 5022201, 1343898,
-3405897, -6962146, -7384707, -4083477, 1706504, 7322247,
9858386, 7634375, 1218279, -6584983, -11909667, -11705999,
-5426216, 4387589, 13057254, 15953274, 10914694, -336708,
-12649310, -19740590, -17350504, -5691816, 10168034, 22423979,
24315225, 13770305, -5012695, -23099234, -30992981, -23541145,
-3074594, 21044646, 36602258, 34627991, 14410179, -15304906,
-39942350, -46136506, -28837515, 5227124, 39904111, 57125295,
46160603, 9951610, -35069112, -66221384, -65802058, -30833475,
23892424, 71729303, 86873627, 57925919, -4643620, -71630929,
-108312985, -91957579, -25024430, 63233146, 128873180,
134384678, 69003997, -42277605, -146972769, -188542432,
-135065835, 625004, 160544910, 263771211, 243538822, 83417905,
-164654723, -391259178, -468017530, -299941690, 129616412,
741218294, 1378462855, 1858765025, 2037199780, 1858765025,
1378462855, 741218294, 129616412, -299941690, -468017530,
-391259178, -164654723, 83417905, 243538822, 263771211,
160544910, 625004, -135065835, -188542432, -146972769,
-42277605, 69003997, 134384678, 128873180, 63233146,
-25024430, -91957579, -108312985, -71630929, -4643620,
57925919, 86873627, 71729303, 23892424, -30833475, -65802058,
-66221384, -35069112, 9951610, 46160603, 57125295, 39904111,
5227124, -28837515, -46136506, -39942350, -15304906, 14410179,
34627991, 36602258, 21044646, -3074594, -23541145, -30992981,
-23099234, -5012695, 13770305, 24315225, 22423979, 10168034,
-5691816, -17350504, -19740590, -12649310, -336708, 10914694,
15953274, 13057254, 4387589, -5426216, -11705999, -11909667,
-6584983, 1218279, 7634375, 9858386, 7322247, 1706504,
-4083477, -7384707, -6962146, -3405897, 1343898, 5022201,
6084832, 4306371, 726080, -2945573, -5126868, -4998637,
-2729377, 734975, 4154756, 6506584, 7309490, 6676209, 5129378,
3319696, 1749250, 733409, 111466
struct pdm_decim pdm_decim_int32_04_4318_5100_010_095 = {
4, 195, 2, 4318, 5100, 10, 95, fir_int32_04_4318_5100_010_095
const int32_t fir_int32_05_4325_5100_010_095[249] = {
-207469, 340409, 498144, 558705, 409384, 55040, 891125,
-2067198, 3439775, 4759611, 5714914, 6006588, 5438767,
-3999938, 1904139, 429386, 2461501, 3672469, 3715731, 2543409,
-455850, 1949813, 3931230, 4816572, 4223058, 2208032, 705100,
-3649781, 5664341, 5997954, 4379534, 1155856, 2760627,
-6138124, 7803235, 7038238, 3865643, 886573, 5783539, 9205487,
-9873081, 7309023, 2074085, 4324112, 9849851, 12575185,
-11338304, 6203771, 1449001, 9273272, 14659745, 15592551,
-11379919, 3001447, 7079011, 15617750, 19618936, 17365380,
-9103870, 2875883, 14845719, 22779047, 23684744, 16699479,
-3549687, 11824128, 24420688, 29781202, 25536278, 12369331,
-5975020, 23715313, 34825066, 35046780, 23465500, 3076561,
-19921841, 37971240, 44596949, 36675890, 15750350, 12128842,
-38090537, 53213360, 51529430, 32269554, 535756, 33948414,
-59741809, 67400482, 52822241, 19070165, 24058950, 62761384,
-83526757, 77707237, 44854657, 6391470, 60372631, 99010031,
-107635426, 80237884, 22341840, 49653145, 112793869,
-144502927, 130123093, 68698546, 25049444, 123586766,
-193887099, 207405271, 149914650, 28201854, 128717667,
-274782040, 357589632, 332094228, 173714910, 112793207,
-491412574, 900833942, 1267184732, 1520519220, 1610979079,
-1520519220, 1267184732, 900833942, 491412574, 112793207,
-173714910, 332094228, 357589632, 274782040, 128717667,
-28201854, 149914650, 207405271, 193887099, 123586766,
-25049444, 68698546, 130123093, 144502927, 112793869,
-49653145, 22341840, 80237884, 107635426, 99010031, 60372631,
-6391470, 44854657, 77707237, 83526757, 62761384, 24058950,
-19070165, 52822241, 67400482, 59741809, 33948414, 535756,
-32269554, 51529430, 53213360, 38090537, 12128842, 15750350,
-36675890, 44596949, 37971240, 19921841, 3076561, 23465500,
-35046780, 34825066, 23715313, 5975020, 12369331, 25536278,
-29781202, 24420688, 11824128, 3549687, 16699479, 23684744,
-22779047, 14845719, 2875883, 9103870, 17365380, 19618936,
-15617750, 7079011, 3001447, 11379919, 15592551, 14659745,
-9273272, 1449001, 6203771, 11338304, 12575185, 9849851,
-4324112, 2074085, 7309023, 9873081, 9205487, 5783539, 886573,
-3865643, 7038238, 7803235, 6138124, 2760627, 1155856,
-4379534, 5997954, 5664341, 3649781, 705100, 2208032, 4223058,
-4816572, 3931230, 1949813, 455850, 2543409, 3715731, 3672469,
-2461501, 429386, 1904139, 3999938, 5438767, 6006588, 5714914,
-4759611, 3439775, 2067198, 891125, 55040, 409384, 558705,
-498144, 340409, 207469
struct pdm_decim pdm_decim_int32_05_4325_5100_010_095 = {
5, 249, 2, 4325, 5100, 10, 95, fir_int32_05_4325_5100_010_095
const int32_t fir_int32_06_4172_5100_010_095[247] = {
-128632, 59497, 27046, 238561, 615381, 1180391, 1925670,
-2802557, 3718091, 4541067, 5118546, 5302088, 4979296,
-4105097, 2725202, 985340, 879509, 2576724, 3805615, 4316339,
-3968132, 2772637, 910841, 1284350, 3378797, 4918713, 5524148,
-4978750, 3294285, 731418, 2230825, 4978575, 6884637, 7446661,
-6411304, 3856078, 204820, 3832851, 7392855, 9635554, 9937191,
-8050966, 4198476, 936294, 6318030, 10761631, 13186246,
-12869044, 9641051, 3974915, 3065409, 10013209, 15296510,
-17584632, 16110734, 10893393, 2799042, 6583403, 15242334,
-21164579, 22791637, 19410411, 11383563, 154458, 11993186,
-22385766, 28535081, 28717126, 22423602, 10572914, 4585854,
-19878539, 31852959, 37539801, 35162895, 24634855, 7708109,
-12278651, 31033082, 44206560, 48374146, 41881953, 25360406,
-1761722, 24123604, 46603137, 60296121, 61373509, 48548023,
-23572693, 8903015, 42138419, 68642074, 81792054, 77398921,
-54859810, 17614341, 27257528, 70279853, 101467545, 112499312,
-98729567, 60589492, 4020371, 60241948, 118486175, 156668601,
-163407087, 132743110, 66089855, 27096695, 130167425,
-221612366, 278546163, 280773282, 214713860, 76455494,
-126679457, 376416772, 645705969, 902489232, 1114466646,
-1254066162, 1302772250, 1254066162, 1114466646, 902489232,
-645705969, 376416772, 126679457, 76455494, 214713860,
-280773282, 278546163, 221612366, 130167425, 27096695,
-66089855, 132743110, 163407087, 156668601, 118486175,
-60241948, 4020371, 60589492, 98729567, 112499312, 101467545,
-70279853, 27257528, 17614341, 54859810, 77398921, 81792054,
-68642074, 42138419, 8903015, 23572693, 48548023, 61373509,
-60296121, 46603137, 24123604, 1761722, 25360406, 41881953,
-48374146, 44206560, 31033082, 12278651, 7708109, 24634855,
-35162895, 37539801, 31852959, 19878539, 4585854, 10572914,
-22423602, 28717126, 28535081, 22385766, 11993186, 154458,
-11383563, 19410411, 22791637, 21164579, 15242334, 6583403,
-2799042, 10893393, 16110734, 17584632, 15296510, 10013209,
-3065409, 3974915, 9641051, 12869044, 13186246, 10761631,
-6318030, 936294, 4198476, 8050966, 9937191, 9635554, 7392855,
-3832851, 204820, 3856078, 6411304, 7446661, 6884637, 4978575,
-2230825, 731418, 3294285, 4978750, 5524148, 4918713, 3378797,
-1284350, 910841, 2772637, 3968132, 4316339, 3805615, 2576724,
-879509, 985340, 2725202, 4105097, 4979296, 5302088, 5118546,
-4541067, 3718091, 2802557, 1925670, 1180391, 615381, 238561,
-27046, 59497, 128632
struct pdm_decim pdm_decim_int32_06_4172_5100_010_095 = {
6, 247, 2, 4172, 5100, 10, 95, fir_int32_06_4172_5100_010_095
const int32_t fir_int32_08_4156_5301_010_090[249] = {
-436533, 30097, 185136, 599151, 1249127, 2156309, 3316125,
-4690126, 6201703, 7736149, 9146691, 10266194, 10924643,
-10970009, 10291237, 8839410, 6645091, 3827796, 595625,
-2767301, 5925074, 8524488, 10235869, 10797193, 10055131,
-7997758, 4771108, 678235, 3841448, 8252025, 11985305,
-14503017, 15375105, 14342998, 11370408, 6669744, 697166,
-5883789, 12270613, 17614188, 21126754, 22191034, 20457484,
-15913860, 8916788, 176408, 9306801, 18349873, 25728753,
-30337331, 31343834, 28324134, 21351665, 11028693, 1551253,
-14908738, 27343830, 37144407, 42813431, 43283070, 38091954,
-27492154, 12471488, 5321162, 23744416, 40410795, 52985294,
-59498920, 58637630, 49965561, 34048834, 12455105, 12379340,
-37407904, 59331472, 75016381, 81921345, 78477412, 64367569,
-40661743, 9779029, 24730505, 58569248, 87201632, 106433026,
-112987295, 105007254, 82406938, 47020690, 2512109, 45960354,
-92298012, 130180961, 153871591, 159007197, 143278921,
-106903512, 52811885, 13489989, 84396518, 150980417,
-204001696, 235041565, 237634873, 208265018, 147093489,
-58319704, 49897266, 165975625, 275876513, 364417203,
-416806765, 420248734, 365439450, 247794421, 68258347,
-166406038, 443903891, 747260153, 1056170460, 1348727100,
-1603354585, 1800763975, 1925728602, 1968501522, 1925728602,
-1800763975, 1603354585, 1348727100, 1056170460, 747260153,
-443903891, 166406038, 68258347, 247794421, 365439450,
-420248734, 416806765, 364417203, 275876513, 165975625,
-49897266, 58319704, 147093489, 208265018, 237634873,
-235041565, 204001696, 150980417, 84396518, 13489989,
-52811885, 106903512, 143278921, 159007197, 153871591,
-130180961, 92298012, 45960354, 2512109, 47020690, 82406938,
-105007254, 112987295, 106433026, 87201632, 58569248,
-24730505, 9779029, 40661743, 64367569, 78477412, 81921345,
-75016381, 59331472, 37407904, 12379340, 12455105, 34048834,
-49965561, 58637630, 59498920, 52985294, 40410795, 23744416,
-5321162, 12471488, 27492154, 38091954, 43283070, 42813431,
-37144407, 27343830, 14908738, 1551253, 11028693, 21351665,
-28324134, 31343834, 30337331, 25728753, 18349873, 9306801,
-176408, 8916788, 15913860, 20457484, 22191034, 21126754,
-17614188, 12270613, 5883789, 697166, 6669744, 11370408,
-14342998, 15375105, 14503017, 11985305, 8252025, 3841448,
-678235, 4771108, 7997758, 10055131, 10797193, 10235869,
-8524488, 5925074, 2767301, 595625, 3827796, 6645091, 8839410,
-10291237, 10970009, 10924643, 10266194, 9146691, 7736149,
-6201703, 4690126, 3316125, 2156309, 1249127, 599151, 185136,
-30097, 436533
struct pdm_decim pdm_decim_int32_08_4156_5301_010_090 = {
8, 249, 3, 4156, 5301, 10, 90, fir_int32_08_4156_5301_010_090
const int32_t fir_int32_10_4156_5345_010_090[250] = {
1523665, 1033186, 1237912, 1334775, 1259136, 945771, 330804,
-639430, -2007230, -3782603, -5951062, -8464725, -11233139,
-14135396, -17013193, -19685639, -21953913, -23620153,
-24499971, -24438406, -23328862, -21124651, -17851431,
-13614282, -8597813, -3061758, 2673313, 8241850, 13260214,
17352951, 20183225, 21483036, 21079871, 18918865, 15076270,
9764507, 3325641, -3786831, -11034844, -17834361, -23598518,
-27786005, -29948197, -29773031, -27120493, -22045821,
-14809184, -5868041, 4147420, 14474606, 24273606, 32691772,
38934943, 42337380, 42426833, 38977193, 32043932, 21978645,
9419218, -4744590, -19429341, -33436251, -45544284, -54611932,
-59678078, -60055175, -55404949, -45789928, -31694490,
-14011800, 6004287, 26821132, 46737621, 64015881, 77024918,
84384267, 85096503, 78655977, 65124057, 45161629, 20014065,
-8553289, -38367257, -66999907, -91952963, -110860336,
-121693302, -122951962, -113826153, -94311463, -65267325,
-28409399, 13767679, 58135590, 101138413, 139047421,
168247614, 185536046, 188409622, 175319624, 145872050,
100954938, 42779310, -25174601, -98307054, -171138928,
-237629824, -291555223, -326919157, -338374861, -321624361,
-273768560, -193581379, -81686484, 59379271, 225223665,
409778420, 605591661, 804217132, 996677146, 1173970423,
1327592623, 1450036054, 1535235882, 1578933611, 1578933611,
1535235882, 1450036054, 1327592623, 1173970423, 996677146,
804217132, 605591661, 409778420, 225223665, 59379271,
-81686484, -193581379, -273768560, -321624361, -338374861,
-326919157, -291555223, -237629824, -171138928, -98307054,
-25174601, 42779310, 100954938, 145872050, 175319624,
188409622, 185536046, 168247614, 139047421, 101138413,
58135590, 13767679, -28409399, -65267325, -94311463,
-113826153, -122951962, -121693302, -110860336, -91952963,
-66999907, -38367257, -8553289, 20014065, 45161629, 65124057,
78655977, 85096503, 84384267, 77024918, 64015881, 46737621,
26821132, 6004287, -14011800, -31694490, -45789928, -55404949,
-60055175, -59678078, -54611932, -45544284, -33436251,
-19429341, -4744590, 9419218, 21978645, 32043932, 38977193,
42426833, 42337380, 38934943, 32691772, 24273606, 14474606,
4147420, -5868041, -14809184, -22045821, -27120493, -29773031,
-29948197, -27786005, -23598518, -17834361, -11034844,
-3786831, 3325641, 9764507, 15076270, 18918865, 21079871,
21483036, 20183225, 17352951, 13260214, 8241850, 2673313,
-3061758, -8597813, -13614282, -17851431, -21124651,
-23328862, -24438406, -24499971, -23620153, -21953913,
-19685639, -17013193, -14135396, -11233139, -8464725,
-5951062, -3782603, -2007230, -639430, 330804, 945771,
1259136, 1334775, 1237912, 1033186, 1523665
struct pdm_decim pdm_decim_int32_10_4156_5345_010_090 = {
10, 250, 3, 4156, 5345, 10, 90, fir_int32_10_4156_5345_010_090
const int32_t fir_int32_12_4156_5345_010_090[250] = {
3388064, 2103678, 2588621, 3003201, 3289311, 3375616, 3187681,
2654590, 1715972, 309000, -1610211, -4055571, -7035886,
-10511174, -14426105, -18683424, -23158811, -27697959,
-32125744, -36244313, -39850668, -42739502, -44716782,
-45614286, -45293362, -43663492, -40685637, -36382432,
-30840569, -24214188, -16719141, -8631481, -273616, 7996830,
15802429, 22766807, 28531588, 32779134, 35250465, 35763733,
34227329, 30653000, 25158397, 17970176, 9416017, -86479,
-10047026, -19926252, -29162149, -37200047, -43523733,
-47686853, -49340539, -48260145, -44362718, -37720992,
-28567244, -17289156, -4416600, 9400589, 23423041, 36858656,
48904650, 58793401, 65836995, 69472264, 69298737, 65111461,
56923398, 44977350, 29744904, 11913285, -7641844, -27894994,
-47720356, -65950400, -81438916, -93127908, -100112283,
-101700449, -97465921, -87287745, -71375413, -50277965,
-24873838, 3657557, 33882414, 64176403, 92802029, 117997525,
138071930, 151502587, 157029100, 153740023, 141145505,
119233461, 88503690, 49978361, 5186664, -43876910, -94819563,
-144940463, -191340721, -231048840, -261155504, -278952672,
-282068987, -268596392, -237200378, -187208906, -118674579,
-32406655, 70029801, 186348178, 313607557, 448310730,
586528751, 724047761, 856530828, 979688864, 1089452098,
1182135271, 1254588364, 1304326765, 1329634160, 1329634160,
1304326765, 1254588364, 1182135271, 1089452098, 979688864,
856530828, 724047761, 586528751, 448310730, 313607557,
186348178, 70029801, -32406655, -118674579, -187208906,
-237200378, -268596392, -282068987, -278952672, -261155504,
-231048840, -191340721, -144940463, -94819563, -43876910,
5186664, 49978361, 88503690, 119233461, 141145505, 153740023,
157029100, 151502587, 138071930, 117997525, 92802029,
64176403, 33882414, 3657557, -24873838, -50277965, -71375413,
-87287745, -97465921, -101700449, -100112283, -93127908,
-81438916, -65950400, -47720356, -27894994, -7641844,
11913285, 29744904, 44977350, 56923398, 65111461, 69298737,
69472264, 65836995, 58793401, 48904650, 36858656, 23423041,
9400589, -4416600, -17289156, -28567244, -37720992, -44362718,
-48260145, -49340539, -47686853, -43523733, -37200047,
-29162149, -19926252, -10047026, -86479, 9416017, 17970176,
25158397, 30653000, 34227329, 35763733, 35250465, 32779134,
28531588, 22766807, 15802429, 7996830, -273616, -8631481,
-16719141, -24214188, -30840569, -36382432, -40685637,
-43663492, -45293362, -45614286, -44716782, -42739502,
-39850668, -36244313, -32125744, -27697959, -23158811,
-18683424, -14426105, -10511174, -7035886, -4055571, -1610211,
309000, 1715972, 2654590, 3187681, 3375616, 3289311, 3003201,
2588621, 2103678, 3388064
struct pdm_decim pdm_decim_int32_12_4156_5345_010_090 = {
12, 250, 3, 4156, 5345, 10, 90, fir_int32_12_4156_5345_010_090