# Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project # # IMPORTANT: Do not create world writable files or directories. # This is a common source of Android security bugs. # service sec_diag_uart_log /system/bin/sec_diag_uart_log class main user root group radio oem_2901 system service SMD-daemon /system/bin/smdexe class main user root group system radio inet net_raw service vendor.atfwd /vendor/bin/ATFWD-daemon class late_start user system group system radio service start_netmgrd /vendor/bin/sh /system/etc/control_netmgrd.sh start class main user root group radio disabled oneshot service stop_netmgrd /vendor/bin/sh /system/etc/control_netmgrd.sh stop class main user root group radio disabled oneshot on property:ril.restart.netmgrd=true start stop_netmgrd on property:init.svc.netmgrd=stopped start start_netmgrd on property:sys.control.netmgr=started setprop ril.restart.netmgrd false setprop sys.control.netmgr done on property:init.svc.netmgrd=restarting setprop sys.control.netmgr restarted