#!/bin/bash # #tput setaf 0 = black #tput setaf 1 = red #tput setaf 2 = green #tput setaf 3 = yellow #tput setaf 4 = dark blue #tput setaf 5 = purple #tput setaf 6 = cyan #tput setaf 7 = gray #tput setaf 8 = light blue ################################################################################################################## # Written to be used on 64 bits computers # Author : Erik Dubois # Website : http://www.erikdubois.be ################################################################################################################## ################################################################################################################## # # DO NOT JUST RUN THIS. EXAMINE AND JUDGE. RUN AT YOUR OWN RISK. # ################################################################################################################## # Problem solving commands # Read before using it. # https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/undoing-changes/git-reset # git reset --hard orgin/master # ONLY if you are very sure and no coworkers are on your github. # Command that have helped in the past # Force git to overwrite local files on pull - no merge # git fetch all # git push --set-upstream origin master # git reset --hard orgin/master #setting up git #https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/setting-up-a-repository/git-config #https://medium.com/clarusway/how-to-use-git-github-without-asking-for-authentication-always-passwordless-usage-of-private-git-8c32489bc2e9 #https://blog.nillsf.com/index.php/2021/05/27/github-sso-using-password-protected-ssh-keys project=$(basename `pwd`) githubdir="arcolinux" echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "this is project https://github.com/$githubdir/$project" echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo tput setaf 1 echo "################################################################" echo "##### Choose wisely - one time setup after clean install ####" echo "################################################################" tput sgr0 echo echo "Select the correct desktop" echo echo "0. Do nothing" echo "1. Erik" echo "2. Raniel" echo "3. Steve" echo "Type the number..." read CHOICE case $CHOICE in 0 ) echo echo "########################################" echo "We did nothing as per your request" echo "########################################" echo ;; 1 ) git config --global pull.rebase false git config --global push.default simple git config --global user.name "arcolinuxz" git config --global user.email "arcolinuxinfo@gmail.com" sudo git config --system core.editor nano #git config --global credential.helper cache #git config --global credential.helper 'cache --timeout=32000' git remote set-url origin git@github.com-arc:$githubdir/$project echo echo "Everything set" ;; 2 ) git config --global pull.rebase false git config --global push.default simple git config --global user.name "Raniel Laguna" git config --global user.email "avraniel@gmail.com" sudo git config --system core.editor nano git config --global credential.helper cache git config --global credential.helper 'cache --timeout=32000' ;; 3 ) git config --global pull.rebase false git config --global push.default simple git config --global user.name "Steve Younger" git config --global user.email "coritanie@gmail.com" sudo git config --system core.editor nano git config --global credential.helper cache git config --global credential.helper 'cache --timeout=32000' ;; * ) echo "#################################" echo "Choose the correct number" echo "#################################" ;; esac echo "################################################################" echo "################### T H E E N D ######################" echo "################################################################"