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2024-04-16 23:26:45 +02:00
TEXT_CONTINUE;Press Enter or B to continue;Presiona Intro o B para continuar;Enter または B を押して続行します
2024-04-17 02:42:53 +02:00
TEXT_START;Press Enter or B to start;Presiona Intro o B para iniciar;EnterまたはBを押して開始します
2024-04-16 23:26:45 +02:00
TEXT_EXIT;Press Escape or A to exit;Presiona Escape o A para salir;終了するにはEscまたはAを押してください
GAME_NAME;Midori in the Magic School;Midori in the Magic School;改造魔法学校のミドリ
2024-04-17 20:33:27 +02:00
MENU_DEBUG;Debug Menu;Menú de Depuración;デバッグメニュー
2024-04-23 00:19:53 +02:00
START_THISFIRST;Try this First;Prueba Esto Primero;まずはこれを試してください
START_CHALLENGE;True Challenge;Reto Verdadero;真の挑戦
2024-04-17 20:33:27 +02:00
2024-04-21 03:56:48 +02:00
BUTTON_GAMEPADTEST;Gamepad Test;Prueba de mando;ゲームパッドテスト
BUTTON_SCENESELECT;Scene Selector;Selector de escena;シーンセレクター
BUTTON_SOUNDTEST;Sound Test;Prueba de sonido;サウンドテスト
BUTTON_GAMEPADTEST_DONE;Press Escape or A + B to return;Presione Escape o A + B para regresar;戻るにはEscまたはA + Bを押してください
BUTTON_SCENE_DISCLAIMER;Disclaimer;Descargo de responsabilidad;免責事項
BUTTON_TESTROOMS;Shrine of the doomed souls;Santuario de las almas condenadas;呪われた魂の聖域
BUTTON_SCORESCREEN;Result Screen;Pantalla de resultados;結果を表示
BUTTON_WIP;Work in Progress;Aún en desarrollo;まだ開発中
BUTTON_SPAWNTEST;Spawn Test;Prueba de generación;スポーンテスト
BUTTOM_TESTBOSS;Test Boss (Lily);Jefe de prueba (Lily);テストボス(リリー)
BUTTON_DIALOGTEST;Dialog Test;Prueba de diálogos;ダイアログテスト
BUTTON_DANMAKUTEST;Bullet hell test (Natasha);Prueba del infierno de balas (Natasha);弾幕テスト(ナターシャ)
BUTTON_PLACEHOLDER;Unused; Sin utilizar;未使用
BUTTON_SFXTEST;Sound Effects;Efectos de Sonido;音響効果
MENU_SFXTEST;Sound Effects Test;Prueba de efectos de sonido;音響効果テスト
MENU_MUSICTEST;Music Test;Prueba de música;音楽テスト
LABEL_STOPPLAYBACK;Press X to stop playback;Presione X para detener la reproducción;再生を停止するにはXを押してください
SONG0_LABEL;Title Screen;Pantalla de título;タイトル画面
2024-04-16 23:26:45 +02:00
2024-04-21 03:56:48 +02:00
SONG1_LABEL;Disclaimer;Descargo de responsabilidad;免責事項
SONG1_INFO;Vince Kaichan\nJellies in the Sea\nA relaxing sea music to prepare you for this explosive Action RPG;Vince Kaichan\nJellies in the Sea\nUna relajante música marina que te preparará para este explosivo Action RPG;ヴィンス・カイチャン\nJellies in the Sea\n爆発的なアクションRPGに備えてリラックスできる海の音楽
SONG2_LABEL;Shrine of the doomed souls;Santuario de las almas condenadas;呪われた魂の聖域
2024-04-16 23:26:45 +02:00
SONG2_INFO;Fearofdark\nGet A Brain Morans\nMeme Music for a meme themed stage.\nYou can enter here using Test Milk and\nget something interesting;Fearofdark\nGet A Brain Morans\nMúsica de Meme para un escenario con temática de memes.\nPuedes ingresar aquí usando la Leche de Pruebas y obtener algo interesante.;Fearofdark\nGet A Brain Morans\nミームをテーマにしたステージのミームミュージック\nTest Milkを使用してここに参加して、\t何か面白いものを手に入れましょう
2024-04-21 03:56:48 +02:00
SONG3_LABEL;Friendly challenge;Reto amistoso;フレンドリーなチャレンジ
2024-04-16 23:26:45 +02:00
SONG3_INFO;MrGamer\nOskars Skarmslackare\nPianola and Mechanical Drummer makes a great duo\nCenturies pass in the blink of an eye\nDo you feel old with this song? I too;MrGamer\nOskars Skarmslackare\nLa Pianola y el Baterista Mecánico hacen un gran dúo\nLos siglos pasan en un abrir y cerrar de ojos.\n¿Te sientes viejo con esta canción? Yo también;MrGamer\nOskars Skarmslackare\nピアラとメカニカルドラマーは素晴らしいデュオです\n瞬く間に何世紀も経つ\nこの曲を聞くと年をとったように感じますか 私も
2024-04-21 03:56:48 +02:00
SONG4_LABEL;school nursing;enfermería escolar;学校看護
2024-04-16 23:26:45 +02:00
SONG4_INFO;JosSs\nExtra Life\nDo you want an Extra Life?\nYou need them;JosSs\nExtra Life\nDo you want an Extra Life?\nYou need them;JosSs\nExtra Life\nDo you want an Extra Life?\nYou need them
2024-04-21 03:56:48 +02:00
SONG5_LABEL;Overworld (Ceres);Mundo superior (Ceres);オーバーワールド(ケレス)
2024-04-16 23:26:45 +02:00
SONG5_INFO;Ceekayed\nLayers\nGame graphics are made with a lot of texture layers\nmerged inside a single canvas;Ceekayed\nLayers\nGame graphics are made with a lot of texture layers\nmerged inside a single canvas;Ceekayed\nLayers\nGame graphics are made with a lot of texture layers\nmerged inside a single canvas
2024-04-21 03:56:48 +02:00
SONG6_LABEL;Boss fight (Ceres);Pelea de jefes (Ceres);ボス戦(ケレス)
2024-04-16 23:26:45 +02:00
SONG6_INFO;ko0x\ncaramel condition\nPamela stole your candy using her Kung Fu Powers\nYou have a better weapon: Fireballs;ko0x\ncaramel condition\nPamela stole your candy using her Kung Fu Powers\nYou have a better weapon: Fireballs;ko0x\ncaramel condition\nPamela stole your candy using her Kung Fu Powers\nYou have a better weapon: Fireballs
SONG7_INFO;JosSs\nXs EdzesSs\nMost players can be confused by\nthe ways to earn experience in this game;JosSs\nXs EdzesSs\nMost players can be confused by\nthe ways to earn experience in this game;JosSs\nXs EdzesSs\nMost players can be confused by\nthe ways to earn experience in this game
SONG8_INFO;Vince Kaichan\nShakeshack Galaxy\nA song composed at Earth made to spread across the Galaxy\nYour father can give you an asteroid to achieve that;Vince Kaichan\nShakeshack Galaxy\nA song composed at Earth made to spread across the Galaxy\nYour father can give you an asteroid to achieve that;ヴィンス・カイチャン\nShakeshack Galaxy\nA song composed at Earth made to spread across the Galaxy\nYour father can give you an asteroid to achieve that
SONG9_INFO;Vince Kaichan\nThe Zubmarine Zone\nA militar base fill with Zubmarines and fire weapons\nYou can find a lot of Heavy Machine Guns here;Vince Kaichan\nThe Zubmarine Zone\nA militar base fill with Zubmarines and fire weapons\nYou can find a lot of Heavy Machine Guns here;ヴィンス・カイチャン\nThe Zubmarine Zone\nA militar base fill with Zubmarines and fire weapons\nYou can find a lot of Heavy Machine Guns here
SONG10_INFO;Vince Kaichan\ncrammin jammin\nDesert radiation can kill humans instantly\nBut you can stay here without issues\nAt June 2 2002 a Half Genie Girl born here\nIf you think that this game has an unique humour\nhere is the answer;Vince Kaichan\ncrammin jammin\nDesert radiation can kill humans instantly\nBut you can stay here without issues\nAt June 2 2002 a Half Genie Girl born here\nIf you think that this game has an unique humour\nhere is the answer;ヴィンス・カイチャン\ncrammin jammin\nDesert radiation can kill humans instantly\nBut you can stay here without issues\nAt June 2 2002 a Half Genie Girl born here\nIf you think that this game has an unique humour\nhere is the answer
SONG11_INFO;Vince Kaichan\nThe Func\nYou are fighting against a Maverick Fairy with a sad past\nand a hate against humans.\nA Lunate Elf like you can change her mind\nbecause that fairy also has pointy ears;Vince Kaichan\nThe Func\nYou are fighting against a Maverick Fairy with a sad past\nand a hate against humans.\nA Lunate Elf like you can change her mind\nbecause that fairy also has pointy ears;ヴィンス・カイチャン\nThe Func\nYou are fighting against a Maverick Fairy with a sad past\nand a hate against humans.\nA Lunate Elf like you can change her mind\nbecause that fairy also has pointy ears
SONG12_INFO;xerxes\nKaveh's theme\nThe Blacksmith of Destruction gave his name to a former untitled theme\nHe can give you the best weapon set from the universe\nbut you must earn them\nThe Chosen One has a harder life that normal people;xerxes\nKaveh's theme\nThe Blacksmith of Destruction gave his name to a former untitled theme\nHe can give you the best weapon set from the universe\nbut you must earn them\nThe Chosen One has a harder life that normal people;xerxes\nKaveh's theme\nThe Blacksmith of Destruction gave his name to a former untitled theme\nHe can give you the best weapon set from the universe\nbut you must earn them\nThe Chosen One has a harder life that normal people
SONG13_INFO;ko0x\nzenon\nYou trained for this\nIt's time to shine like fireworks\nand make you final explosion;ko0x\nzenon\nYou trained for this\nIt's time to shine like fireworks\nand make you final explosion;ko0x\nzenon\nYou trained for this\nIt's time to shine like fireworks\nand make you final explosion
SONG14_INFO;Vince Kaichan\nMilky Way\nWe won, but at what cost?;Vince Kaichan\nMilky Way\nWe won, but at what cost?;ヴィンス・カイチャン\n天の川\nWe won, but at what cost?
SONG15_INFO;Funky Fish and raina\nartificial sweetener\nThat candy was a fake one?\nNow that you are dead doesn't matter;Funky Fish and raina\nartificial sweetener\nThat candy was a fake one?\nNow that you are dead doesn't matter;Funky Fish and raina\nartificial sweetener\nThat candy was a fake one?\nNow that you are dead doesn't matter
SONG16_INFO;tj technoiZ\ntoo old\nI'm too old to see my daughter dying;tj technoiZ\ntoo old\nI'm too old to see my daughter dying;tj technoiZ\ntoo old\nI'm too old to see my daughter dying
SONG17_INFO;motherchip\nportello\nI said that you are dead?\nForget it\nThis is the true beggining;motherchip\nportello\nI said that you are dead?\nForget it\nThis is the true beggining;motherchip\nportello\nI said that you are dead?\nForget it\nThis is the true beggining
SONG18_INFO;Vince Kaichan\nsongbirds playground\nA happy song to forget that Kimberly will pull your ears\nwhen classes end\nYou know, that way to punish naughty elves like you;Vince Kaichan\nsongbirds playground\nA happy song to forget that Kimberly will pull your ears\nwhen classes end\nYou know, that way to punish naughty elves like you;ヴィンス・カイチャン\nsongbirds playground\nA happy song to forget that Kimberly will pull your ears\nwhen classes end\nYou know, that way to punish naughty elves like you
SONG19_INFO;Vince Kaichan\nGotanda Lights\nThis forest is under the effect of quantum ice\nGo further and you will find a frozen lake\n and the origin of that quamtum ice;Vince Kaichan\nGotanda Lights\nThis forest is under the effect of quantum ice\nGo further and you will find a frozen lake\n and the origin of that quamtum ice;ヴィンス・カイチャン\nGotanda Lights\nThis forest is under the effect of quantum ice\nGo further and you will find a frozen lake\n and the origin of that quamtum ice
SONG20_INFO;rez-kenet\nunreeeal superhero 3\nReal superheroes are too mainstream\nYou can be somebody better;rez-kenet\nunreeeal superhero 3\nReal superheroes are too mainstream\nYou can be somebody better;rez-kenet\nunreeeal superhero 3\nReal superheroes are too mainstream\nYou can be somebody better
2024-04-17 20:33:27 +02:00
DIALOG_CERES_L20_0;I wont be a healer;No seré una sanadora;私はヒーラーにはなりません
DIALOG_CERES_L20_1;I want a friendly challenge, loser will obey the winner;Haremos un reto amistoso, El perdedor obedecerá al ganador;友好的な挑戦をしたい、負けた者は勝者に従う
DIALOG_CERES_L20_2;My magic wand VS your bow;Mi vara mágica contra tu arco;私の魔法の杖 VS あなたの弓
CERES_L20_DESC;Kimberlys Challenge;Reto de Kimberly;キンバリーの挑戦
2024-04-23 00:19:53 +02:00
CUTSCENE_0_0;most underrated children will be the best magicians\nFalcighol Arch, Kaizo Magic School founder;Los niños más subestimados serán los mejores magos\nFalcighol Arch, fundador de la Escuela de Magia Kaizo;最も過小評価されている子供たちが最高のマジシャンになるだろう\nファルシゴール・アーチ、カイゾー・マジック・スクール創設者