extends Control # Declare member variables here. Examples: # var a = 2 # var b = "text" # Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time. func _ready(): if Global.quest[2] == 3: $HBoxContainer/VBoxContainer/Diana.visible = true $HBoxContainer/VBoxContainer/Pamela.visible = true $HBoxContainer/VBoxContainer/Lety.visible = true $HBoxContainer/VBoxContainer/Midori.grab_focus() #pass # Replace with function body. # Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame. #func _process(delta): # pass func _on_Return_pressed(): get_tree().change_scene("res://levels/ui/teams.tscn") func _on_Midori_pressed(): if Global.debug: Global.dparty[Global.charswitch][0] = 0 Global.dparty[Global.charswitch][1] = 0 else: Global.party[Global.charswitch][0] = 0 Global.party[Global.charswitch][1] = 0 _on_Return_pressed() func _on_Diana_pressed(): if Global.debug: Global.dparty[Global.charswitch][0] = 1 Global.dparty[Global.charswitch][1] = 0 else: Global.party[Global.charswitch][0] = 1 Global.party[Global.charswitch][1] = 0 _on_Return_pressed() func _on_Pamela_pressed(): if Global.debug: Global.dparty[Global.charswitch][0] = 7 Global.dparty[Global.charswitch][1] = 0 else: Global.party[Global.charswitch][0] = 7 Global.party[Global.charswitch][1] = 0 _on_Return_pressed() func _on_Lety_pressed(): if Global.debug: Global.dparty[Global.charswitch][0] = 8 Global.dparty[Global.charswitch][1] = 0 else: Global.party[Global.charswitch][0] = 8 Global.party[Global.charswitch][1] = 0 _on_Return_pressed()