extends Node2D var talk = load("res://levels/ui/talk.tscn").instance() var boss var player # Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time. func _ready(): boss = $Lety player = $Player boss.add_to_group("boss") Global.cdialog = [[tr("DIALOG_TROUBLEMAKER_6"), true, 0, 0], ["...", true, 8, 0], ["...", true, 0, 0]] Global.live = 0 call_deferred("_talk") # Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame. func _process(delta): pass func _physics_process(delta): pass func _input(event): if Global.cboss[1] <= 0 && Global.live == 1: _winner() if Global.cdialog.size() != 0 && Global.live == 1: get_tree().root.remove_child(talk) Global.cdialog = [] func _winner(): Global.result[0] = 2 if Global.quest[1] != 3: Global.quest[2] = 3 Global.quest[3] = 1 Global.cdialog = [[tr("DIALOG_TROUBLEMAKER_7"), true, 0, 0], ["...", true, 8, 0], ["...", true, 0, 0]] Global.live = 3 Global.ccutscene = 19 #talk.queue_free() talk = load("res://levels/ui/talk.tscn").instance() call_deferred("_talk") func _statrebase(): if Global.debug: for i in 4: if Global.dparty[i][0] != null: for j in 7: Global.mstats[Global.dparty[i][0]][j] = Global.basestats[Global.dparty[i][0]][j] * Global.dlevel[Global.dparty[i][0]] else: for i in 4: if Global.party[i][0] != null: for j in 7: Global.mstats[Global.party[i][0]][j] = Global.basestats[Global.party[i][0]][j] * Global.level[Global.dparty[i][0]] func _talk(): get_tree().root.add_child(talk)