extends Control var player := AudioStreamPlayer.new() var infobox func _ready(): Input.set_mouse_mode(Input.MOUSE_MODE_HIDDEN) add_child(player) $"BoxContainer/VBoxContainer/Title Screen".grab_focus() infobox = $Info # Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame. func _process(delta): pass func _level(): # This is like autoloading the scene, only # it happens after already loading the main scene. get_tree().change_scene_to_file("res://backgounds/disclaimer.tscn") #Global.live = 1 #Global.gamelevel = randi() % 3 #if Global.gamelevel == 0: # get_tree().change_scene_to_file("res://backgounds/galaxy.tscn") #elif Global.gamelevel == 1: # get_tree().change_scene_to_file("res://backgounds/wormhole.tscn") #else: # get_tree().change_scene_to_file("res://backgounds/abstract.tscn") #get_tree().root.add_child(title) #get_tree().root.remove_child(boot) #boot.queue_free() func _input(event): # Mouse in viewport coordinates. if Input.is_action_just_pressed("ui_cancel"): _on_back_pressed() if Input.is_action_just_pressed("stopmusic"): infobox.set_text("") player.stop() #print("Mouse Click/Unclick at: ", event.position) # if highlighted == 1: # _on_debug_pressed() # if highlighted == 2: # _on_exit_pressed() # else: # _on_start_pressed() # elif Input.is_action_pressed("ui_up"): # focus_next func _on_back_pressed(): get_tree().change_scene_to_file("res://levels/ui/soundtest.tscn") func _on_title_screen_pressed(): player.stream = load(Global.musictracks[0]) infobox.set_text("RELOADED\nRELOADED THEME\nMidori is now RELOADED") player.play(0) func _on_disclaimer_settings_stores_pressed(): player.stream = load(Global.musictracks[1]) infobox.set_text("Vince Kaichan\nJellies in the Sea\nA relaxing sea music to prepare you for this explosive Action RPG") player.play(0) func _on_testrooms_pressed(): player.stream = load(Global.musictracks[2]) infobox.set_text("Fearofdark\nGet A Brain Morans\nMeme Music for a meme themed stage.\nYou can enter here using Test Milk and\nget something interesting") player.play(0) func _on_friendly_challenge_pressed(): player.stream = load(Global.musictracks[3]) infobox.set_text("MrGamer\nOskars Skarmslackare\nPlayer Piano and Mechanical Drummer makes a great duo\nCenturies pass in the blink of an eye\nDo you feel old with this song? I too") player.play(0) func _on_school_nursery_pressed(): player.stream = load(Global.musictracks[4]) infobox.set_text("JosSs\nExtra Life\nDo you want an Extra Life?\nYou need them") player.play(0) func _on_overworld_ceres_pressed(): player.stream = load(Global.musictracks[5]) infobox.set_text("Ceekayed\nLayers\nGame graphics are made with a lot of texture layers\nmerged inside a single canvas") player.play(0) func _on_boss_fight_ceres_pressed(): player.stream = load(Global.musictracks[6]) infobox.set_text("ko0x\ncaramel condition\nPamela stole your candy using her Kung Fu Powers\nYou have a better weapon: Fireballs") player.play(0) func _on_result_pressed(): player.stream = load(Global.musictracks[7]) infobox.set_text("JosSs\nXs EdzesSs\nMost players can be confused by\nthe ways to earn experience in this game") player.play(0) func _on_overworld_earth_pressed(): player.stream = load(Global.musictracks[8]) infobox.set_text("Vince Kaichan\nShakeshack Galaxy\nA song composed at Earth made to spread across the Galaxy\nYour father can give you an asteroid to achieve that") player.play(0) func _on_the_zubmarine_zone_pressed(): player.stream = load(Global.musictracks[9]) infobox.set_text("Vince Kaichan\nThe Zubmarine Zone\nA militar base fill with Zubmarines and fire weapons\nYou can find a lot of Heavy Machine Guns here") player.play(0) func _on_radioactive_desert_pressed(): player.stream = load(Global.musictracks[10]) infobox.set_text("Vince Kaichan\ncrammin jammin\nDesert radiation can kill humans instantly\nBut you can stay here without issues\nAt June 2, 2002 a Half Genie Girl born here\nIf you think that this game has an unique humour\nhere is the answer") player.play(0) func _on_natashas_theme_pressed(): player.stream = load(Global.musictracks[11]) infobox.set_text("Vince Kaichan\nThe Func\nYou are fighting against a Maverick Fairy with a sad past\nand a hate against humans.\nA Lunate Elf like you can change her mind\nbecause that fairy also has pointy ears") player.play(0) func _on_dungeon_of_destruction_pressed(): player.stream = load(Global.musictracks[12]) infobox.set_text("xerxes\nKaveh's theme\nThe Blacksmith of Destruction gave his name to a former untitled theme\nHe can give you the best weapon set from the universe,\nbut you must earn them\nThe Chosen One has a harder life that normal people") player.play(0) func _on_final_boss_fight_pressed(): player.stream = load(Global.musictracks[13]) infobox.set_text("ko0x\nzenon\nYou trained for this\nIt's time to shine like Zenon Lights\nand make you final explosion") player.play(0) func _on_ending_theme_pressed(): player.stream = load(Global.musictracks[14]) infobox.set_text("Vince Kaichan\nMilky Way\nWe won, but at what cost?") player.play(0) func _on_credits_1_pressed(): player.stream = load(Global.musictracks[15]) infobox.set_text("Funky Fish and raina\nartificial sweetener\nThat candy was a fake one?\nNow that you are dead doesn't matter") player.play(0) func _on_credits_2_pressed(): player.stream = load(Global.musictracks[16]) infobox.set_text("tj technoiZ\ntoo old\nI'm too old to see my daughter dying") player.play(0) func _on_credits_3_pressed(): player.stream = load(Global.musictracks[17]) infobox.set_text("motherchip\nportello\nI said that you are dead?\nForget it\nThis is the true beggining") player.play(0) func _on_the_magic_school_pressed(): player.stream = load(Global.musictracks[18]) infobox.set_text("Vince Kaichan\nsongbirds playground\nA happy song to forget that Kimberly will pull your ears\nwhen classes end\nYou know, that way to punish naughty elves like you") player.play(0) func _on_deep_forest_pressed(): player.stream = load(Global.musictracks[19]) infobox.set_text("Vince Kaichan\nGotanda Lights\nThis forest is under the effect of quantum ice\nGo further and you will find a frozen lake\n and the origin of that quamtum ice") player.play(0) func _on_boss_fight_earth_pressed(): player.stream = load(Global.musictracks[20]) infobox.set_text("rez-kenet\nunreeeal superhero 3\nReal superheroes are too mainstream\nYou can be somebody better") player.play(0)