extends CharacterBody2D const SPEED = 300.0 var xm = 0 var ym = 0 const JUMP_VELOCITY = -400.0 var angle = 2 var sprite var anim var speed var csprite var attack var crit var bpress = false # Get the gravity from the project settings to be synced with RigidBody nodes. var gravity = ProjectSettings.get_setting("physics/2d/default_gravity") var weakness var speciality func _ready(): add_to_group("players") anim = $AnimationPlayer sprite = $Sprite2D #_charswitch() _charinit() func _physics_process(delta): # Add the gravity. #var velocity = Vector2.ZERO #if Global.live == 1 || (xm == 0 && ym == 0): if speed != null: velocity = (Vector2.RIGHT.rotated(rotation) * speed * xm * delta)-Vector2.UP.rotated(rotation) * speed * ym * delta #origmpos = get_viewport().get_mouse_position() #if Input.get_joy_axis(0,JOY_AXIS_LEFT_Y) != 0: # velocity = Vector2.UP.rotated(rotation) * -400 * Input.get_joy_axis(0,JOY_AXIS_LEFT_Y) position += velocity Global.playerx = position.x Global.playery = position.y if ym > 0.3: angle = 2 elif ym < -0.3: angle = 0 elif xm > 0.3: angle = 1 elif xm < -0.3: angle = 3 if velocity.y != 0 || velocity.x != 0: if angle == 0: anim.play("nwalk") elif angle == 1: anim.play("ewalk") elif angle == 3: anim.play("wwalk") else: anim.play("swalk") else: if angle == 0: anim.play("nidle") elif angle == 1: anim.play("eidle") elif angle == 3: anim.play("widle") else: anim.play("sidle") move_and_slide() func _input(event): xm = 0 ym = 0 if Global.live == 1: if Global.live == 1 && !Input.is_action_pressed("schar"): if Input.get_joy_axis(0,JOY_AXIS_LEFT_X) > 0.2 || Input.get_joy_axis(0,JOY_AXIS_LEFT_Y) > 0.2 || Input.get_joy_axis(0,JOY_AXIS_LEFT_X) < -0.2 || Input.get_joy_axis(0,JOY_AXIS_LEFT_Y) < -0.2: xm = Input.get_joy_axis(0,JOY_AXIS_LEFT_X) ym = Input.get_joy_axis(0,JOY_AXIS_LEFT_Y) else: if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_left"): xm = -1 if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_right"): xm = 1 if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_up"): ym = -1 if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_down"): ym = 1 if Input.is_action_pressed("schar") && (Input.is_action_just_released("ui_up") || Input.is_action_just_released("ui_down") || Input.is_action_just_released("ui_left") || Input.is_action_just_released("ui_right")): _charswitch() if Input.is_action_just_pressed("button0") && !bpress && Global.live == 1: bpress = true var bullet if Global.debug: bullet = load(Global.pbbullets[Global.dparty[Global.dcpchar][0]]) else: bullet = load(Global.pbbullets[Global.party[Global.cpchar][0]]) var new_pbullet = bullet.instantiate() new_pbullet.btype = "players" new_pbullet.attack = attack new_pbullet.crit = crit new_pbullet.speciality = speciality new_pbullet.velocity = Vector2(0, -speed).rotated(deg_to_rad(angle * 90)) var rposition = Vector2(0, -96).rotated(deg_to_rad(angle * 90)) if angle == 2: new_pbullet.position = Vector2(position.x + rposition.x, position.y + rposition.y + 98) else: new_pbullet.position = Vector2(position.x + rposition.x, position.y + rposition.y) if new_pbullet.position.x > 0 && new_pbullet.position.y > 0 && new_pbullet.position.x < 1280 && new_pbullet.position.y < 720: get_parent().add_child(new_pbullet) elif Input.is_action_just_released("button0") && bpress: bpress = false func _charinit(): if Global.debug: speed = Global.mstats[Global.dparty[Global.dcpchar][0]][6] attack = Global.mstats[Global.dparty[Global.dcpchar][0]][2] crit = Global.mstats[Global.dparty[Global.dcpchar][0]][3] #print(Global.dparty[Global.dcpchar][0]) #print(speed) else: speed = Global.mstats[Global.party[Global.cpchar][0]][6] attack = Global.mstats[Global.party[Global.cpchar][0]][2] crit = Global.mstats[Global.party[Global.cpchar][0]][3] #print(Global.dparty[Global.cpchar][0]) #print(speed) _charswitch() func _charswitch(): if Global.debug: if csprite != null && speed!=Global.mstats[Global.dparty[csprite][0]][6]: print("Script Kiddie") speed = Global.dparty/0 else: speed = Global.mstats[Global.dparty[Global.dcpchar][0]][6] if Global.dcpchar != csprite: csprite = Global.dcpchar sprite.texture = load(Global.pchars[Global.dparty[Global.dcpchar][0]][Global.dparty[Global.dcpchar][1]]) weakness = Global.specialities[Global.pcspecialities[Global.dparty[Global.dcpchar][0]]] speciality = Global.pcspecialities[Global.dparty[Global.dcpchar][0]] print(Global.dparty[Global.dcpchar][0]) print(speed) else: if csprite != null && speed!=Global.mstats[Global.party[csprite][0]][6]: print("Script Kiddie") speed = Global.party/0 else: speed = Global.mstats[Global.party[Global.cpchar][0]][6] if Global.cpchar != csprite: csprite = Global.cpchar sprite.texture = load(Global.pchars[Global.party[Global.cpchar][0]][Global.party[Global.cpchar][1]]) weakness = Global.specialities[Global.pcspecialities[Global.party[Global.cpchar][0]]] speciality = Global.pcspecialities[Global.party[Global.cpchar][0]]