extends Area2D var velocity: Vector2 = Vector2() var direction var speciality var speed = 100 var btype var isvisible # Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time. func _ready(): if is_in_group("players"): speciality = Global.pcspecialities[Global.dparty[Global.dcpchar][0]] isvisible = $VisibleOnScreenNotifier2D add_to_group(btype) rotation = velocity.angle() #pass # Replace with function body. # Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame. func _process(delta): pass func _physics_process(delta): if isvisible.is_on_screen(): if direction == null: position += velocity * delta else: position += speed * delta * direction func _on_body_entered(body): if !body.is_in_group(btype): if body.is_in_group("players"): if body.weakness == speciality: print("weakness") Input.start_joy_vibration(0,0,1,3) else: Input.start_joy_vibration(0,1,0,2) elif body.is_in_group("boss") || body.is_in_group("enemies"): if body.weakness == speciality: print("weakness") #if body.is_in_group("players"): # Global.live = 2 #elif body.is_in_group("enemies"): # Global.live = 3 #elif body.is_in_group("boss"): # Global.live = 3 queue_free() func _on_area_entered(area): if !area.is_in_group(btype): queue_free() #pass # Replace with function body.