4 About
Page Asgardius edited this page 2022-01-11 21:46:06 -07:00

In a couple of centuries humans are about to disappear due to war. In a desperate attempt to get help, the decision is made to build a radio station in the Asteroid Belt, whose announcer is an experimental robot named Frank Pi. Because there are few humans left on planet Earth, maintenance tasks are entrusted to a group of robots, which make 6-day trips from planet Earth to the Asteroid Belt to carry the parts required to continue transmitting. Some of these robots manage to reach their destination and return to Earth, but others are not so lucky. The goal of the player is to get one of the maintenance robots to fulfill its task


  • Spaceship moves with the mouse
  • Press M key to listen space music (Dawn of the Cosmos by Mid-air Machine)
  • Press N key to stop space music
  • Press R to restart level
  • Press Escape to exit

Difficulty levels: These depend on the pointing device used

  • Laser mouse: very easy to control
  • Cheap bluetooth mouse: Easy to control at optimal conditions
  • Laptop touchpad: you need precise fingers
  • DS4 touchpad: same as laptop touchpad (at least on linux 5.15 driver)
  • DS4 joystick with AntiMicroX mouse emulation: very sensitive, hard to control
  • Laptop trackpoint: super hardcore (these devices are not made for games)