
46 lines
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2023-09-08 22:55:16 +02:00
[gd_scene load_steps=5 format=3 uid="uid://c4oc3wj8vu5p0"]
[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://backgounds/radio.gd" id="1_hxbaj"]
[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://bows52y4q3suo" path="res://sprites/antenna.png" id="2_26tjs"]
[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://backgounds/Label3.gd" id="3_765rj"]
[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://fps.gd" id="4_5mydr"]
[node name="radio" type="Node2D"]
script = ExtResource("1_hxbaj")
[node name="TextureRect" type="TextureRect" parent="."]
offset_left = 438.0
offset_top = 14.0
offset_right = 864.0
offset_bottom = 751.0
scale = Vector2(1, 0.92)
texture = ExtResource("2_26tjs")
[node name="Label" type="Label" parent="."]
offset_left = 461.0
offset_top = 29.0
offset_right = 531.0
offset_bottom = 55.0
scale = Vector2(6.32794, 4.85128)
text = "Good Job"
[node name="Label2" type="Label" parent="."]
2023-12-02 21:44:54 +01:00
offset_left = 346.0
2023-09-08 22:55:16 +02:00
offset_top = 361.0
2023-12-02 21:44:54 +01:00
offset_right = 602.0
2023-09-08 22:55:16 +02:00
offset_bottom = 387.0
scale = Vector2(2.92998, 7.01768)
2023-12-02 21:44:54 +01:00
text = "Press Enter or A to return to title"
2023-09-08 22:55:16 +02:00
[node name="Label3" type="Label" parent="."]
offset_left = 158.0
offset_top = 593.0
offset_right = 198.0
offset_bottom = 616.0
script = ExtResource("3_765rj")
[node name="fps" type="Label" parent="."]
offset_right = 40.0
offset_bottom = 23.0
script = ExtResource("4_5mydr")