/* ================================================================================= Name : i2c-arduino.c Version : 0.1 Copyright (C) 2012 by Andre Wussow, 2012, desk@binerry.de Description : Sample of controlling an Arduino connected to Raspberry Pi via I2C. Recommended connection (http://www.raspberrypi.org/archives/384): Arduino pins I2C-Shifter Raspberry Pi GND P06 - GND 5V 5V SDA SDA2 SCL SCL2 3V3 P01 - 3.3V SDA1 P03 - SDA SCL1 P05 - SCL References : http://binerry.de/post/27128825416/raspberry-pi-with-i2c-arduino-slave ================================================================================ This sample is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This sample is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. ================================================================================ */ #include #include #include #include #include int deviceHandle; int readBytes; char buffer[7]; void testCommand(char command[3], char identifier[5]); int main (void) { // print infos printf("Raspberry Pi I2C Arduino Sample\n"); printf("========================================\n"); // initialize buffer buffer[0] = 0x00; // address of i2c Arduino device int deviceI2CAddress = 0x2A; // (0x2A = 42) // open device on /dev/i2c-0 if ((deviceHandle = open("/dev/i2c-0", O_RDWR)) < 0) { printf("Error: Couldn't open device! %d\n", deviceHandle); return 1; } // connect to arduino as i2c slave if (ioctl(deviceHandle, I2C_SLAVE, deviceI2CAddress) < 0) { printf("Error: Couldn't find arduino on address!\n"); return 1; } // begin transmission and request acknowledgement readBytes = write(deviceHandle, buffer, 1); if (readBytes != 1) { printf("Error: Received no ACK-Bit, couldn't established connection!"); } else { // drive some tests testCommand("L11", "LED1 on"); usleep(2000000); // 2s testCommand("L10", "LED1 off"); usleep(2000000); // 2s testCommand("L21", "LED2 on"); usleep(2000000); // 2s testCommand("L20", "LED2 off"); usleep(2000000); // 2s testCommand("L31", "LED3 on"); usleep(2000000); // 2s testCommand("L30", "LED3 off"); usleep(2000000); // 2s testCommand("R11", "Relay on"); usleep(2000000); // 2s testCommand("R10", "Relay off"); } // close connection and return close(deviceHandle); return 0; } // function for testing command void testCommand(char command[3], char action[10]) { // switch on printf("Switching %s ... ", action); readBytes = write(deviceHandle, command, 3); // give arduino some reaction time usleep(100000); // 100ms // read success readBytes = read(deviceHandle, buffer, 1); if (readBytes != 1) { printf("Error: Received no data!"); } else { // check response: 0 = error / 1 = success if (buffer[0] == 1) { printf("OK!\n"); } } }