2017-04-07 10:07:23 +02:00

88 lines
2 KiB

package main
import (
minio "github.com/minio/minio-go"
// ObjectWithIcon is a minio object with an added icon
type ObjectWithIcon struct {
Icon string
// BucketPage defines the details page of a bucket
type BucketPage struct {
BucketName string
Objects []ObjectWithIcon
// BucketViewHandler shows the details page of a bucket
func BucketViewHandler(s3 S3Client) http.Handler {
return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
bucketName := mux.Vars(r)["bucketName"]
var objs []ObjectWithIcon
l := path.Join(tmplDirectory, "layout.html.tmpl")
p := path.Join(tmplDirectory, "bucket.html.tmpl")
t, err := template.ParseFiles(l, p)
if err != nil {
msg := "error parsing templates"
handleHTTPError(w, msg, err, http.StatusInternalServerError)
doneCh := make(chan struct{})
defer close(doneCh)
objectCh := s3.ListObjectsV2(bucketName, "", true, doneCh)
for object := range objectCh {
if object.Err != nil {
msg := "error listing objects"
code := http.StatusInternalServerError
if object.Err.Error() == "The specified bucket does not exist." {
msg = "bucket not found"
code = http.StatusNotFound
handleHTTPError(w, msg, object.Err, code)
objectWithIcon := ObjectWithIcon{object, icon(object.Key)}
objs = append(objs, objectWithIcon)
bucketPage := BucketPage{
BucketName: bucketName,
Objects: objs,
err = t.ExecuteTemplate(w, "layout", bucketPage)
if err != nil {
msg := "error executing template"
handleHTTPError(w, msg, err, http.StatusInternalServerError)
// icon returns an icon for a file type
func icon(fileName string) string {
e := path.Ext(fileName)
switch e {
case ".tgz", ".gz":
return "archive"
case ".png", ".jpg", ".gif", ".svg":
return "photo"
case ".mp3", ".wav":
return "music_note"
return "insert_drive_file"