2023-09-28 11:51:16 +02:00

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# S3 Manager
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A Web GUI written in Go to manage S3 buckets from any provider.
## Features
- List all buckets in your account
- Create a new bucket
- List all objects in a bucket
- Upload new objects to a bucket
- Download object from a bucket
- Delete an object in a bucket
## Usage
### Configuration
The application can be configured with the following environment variables:
- `ENDPOINT`: The endpoint of your S3 server (defaults to `s3.amazonaws.com`)
- `REGION`: The region of your S3 server (defaults to `""`)
- `ACCESS_KEY_ID`: Your S3 access key ID (required) (works only if `USE_IAM` is `false`)
- `SECRET_ACCESS_KEY`: Your S3 secret access key (required) (works only if `USE_IAM` is `false`)
- `USE_SSL`: Whether your S3 server uses SSL or not (defaults to `true`)
- `SKIP_SSL_VERIFICATION`: Whether the HTTP client should skip SSL verification (defaults to `false`)
- `SIGNATURE_VERSION`: Signature version (defaults to `V4`; valid values are `V2, V4, V4Streaming, Anonymous`)
- `PORT`: The port the s3manager app should listen on (defaults to `8080`)
- `ALLOW_DELETE`: Enable buttons to delete objects (defaults to `true`)
- `FORCE_DOWNLOAD`: Add response headers for object downloading instead of opening in a new tab (defaults to `true`)
- `LIST_RECURSIVE`: List all objects in buckets recursively (defaults to `false`)
- `USE_IAM`: Use IAM role instead of key pair (defaults to `false`)
- `IAM_ENDPOINT`: Endpoint for IAM role retrieving (Can be blank for AWS)
- `SSE_TYPE`: Specified server side encrpytion (defaults blank) Valid values can be `SSE`, `KMS`, `SSE-C` all others values don't enable the SSE
- `SSE_KEY`: The key needed for SSE method (only for `KMS` and `SSE-C`)
- `TIMEOUT`: The read and write timout in seconds (default to `600` - 10 minutes)
### Build and Run Locally
1. Run `make build`
1. Execute the created binary and visit <http://localhost:8080>
### Run Container image
1. Run `docker run -p 8080:8080 -e 'ACCESS_KEY_ID=XXX' -e 'SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=xxx' cloudlena/s3manager`
### Deploy to Kubernetes
You can deploy s3manager to a Kubernetes cluster using the [Helm chart](https://github.com/sergeyshevch/s3manager-helm).
## Development
### Lint Code
1. Run `make lint`
### Run Tests
1. Run `make test`
### Build Container Image
The image is available on [Docker Hub](https://hub.docker.com/r/cloudlena/s3manager/).
1. Run `make build-image`
### Run Locally for Testing
There is an example [docker-compose.yml](https://github.com/cloudlena/s3manager/blob/master/docker-compose.yml) file that spins up an S3 service and the s3manager. You can try it by issuing the following command:
$ docker-compose up