2020-12-27 15:30:33 +02:00
# include "MSDFErrorCorrection.h"
# include <cstring>
# include "arithmetics.hpp"
# include "equation-solver.h"
# include "EdgeColor.h"
# include "bitmap-interpolation.hpp"
# include "edge-selectors.h"
# include "contour-combiners.h"
# include "ShapeDistanceFinder.h"
# include "generator-config.h"
namespace msdfgen {
2024-03-12 10:26:55 +02:00
MSDFGEN_PUBLIC const double ErrorCorrectionConfig : : defaultMinDeviationRatio = 1.11111111111111111 ;
MSDFGEN_PUBLIC const double ErrorCorrectionConfig : : defaultMinImproveRatio = 1.11111111111111111 ;
2020-12-27 15:30:33 +02:00
/// The base artifact classifier recognizes artifacts based on the contents of the SDF alone.
class BaseArtifactClassifier {
public :
inline BaseArtifactClassifier ( double span , bool protectedFlag ) : span ( span ) , protectedFlag ( protectedFlag ) { }
/// Evaluates if the median value xm interpolated at xt in the range between am at at and bm at bt indicates an artifact.
inline int rangeTest ( double at , double bt , double xt , float am , float bm , float xm ) const {
// For protected texels, only consider inversion artifacts (interpolated median has different sign than boundaries). For the rest, it is sufficient that the interpolated median is outside its boundaries.
if ( ( am > .5f & & bm > .5f & & xm < = .5f ) | | ( am < .5f & & bm < .5f & & xm > = .5f ) | | ( ! protectedFlag & & median ( am , bm , xm ) ! = xm ) ) {
double axSpan = ( xt - at ) * span , bxSpan = ( bt - xt ) * span ;
// Check if the interpolated median's value is in the expected range based on its distance (span) from boundaries a, b.
if ( ! ( xm > = am - axSpan & & xm < = am + axSpan & & xm > = bm - bxSpan & & xm < = bm + bxSpan ) )
return 0 ;
/// Returns true if the combined results of the tests performed on the median value m interpolated at t indicate an artifact.
inline bool evaluate ( double t , float m , int flags ) const {
return ( flags & 2 ) ! = 0 ;
private :
double span ;
bool protectedFlag ;
} ;
/// The shape distance checker evaluates the exact shape distance to find additional artifacts at a significant performance cost.
template < template < typename > class ContourCombiner , int N >
class ShapeDistanceChecker {
public :
class ArtifactClassifier : public BaseArtifactClassifier {
public :
inline ArtifactClassifier ( ShapeDistanceChecker * parent , const Vector2 & direction , double span ) : BaseArtifactClassifier ( span , parent - > protectedFlag ) , parent ( parent ) , direction ( direction ) { }
/// Returns true if the combined results of the tests performed on the median value m interpolated at t indicate an artifact.
inline bool evaluate ( double t , float m , int flags ) const {
// Skip expensive distance evaluation if the point has already been classified as an artifact by the base classifier.
return true ;
Vector2 tVector = t * direction ;
float oldMSD [ N ] , newMSD [ 3 ] ;
// Compute the color that would be currently interpolated at the artifact candidate's position.
Point2 sdfCoord = parent - > sdfCoord + tVector ;
interpolate ( oldMSD , parent - > sdf , sdfCoord ) ;
// Compute the color that would be interpolated at the artifact candidate's position if error correction was applied on the current texel.
double aWeight = ( 1 - fabs ( tVector . x ) ) * ( 1 - fabs ( tVector . y ) ) ;
float aPSD = median ( parent - > msd [ 0 ] , parent - > msd [ 1 ] , parent - > msd [ 2 ] ) ;
newMSD [ 0 ] = float ( oldMSD [ 0 ] + aWeight * ( aPSD - parent - > msd [ 0 ] ) ) ;
newMSD [ 1 ] = float ( oldMSD [ 1 ] + aWeight * ( aPSD - parent - > msd [ 1 ] ) ) ;
newMSD [ 2 ] = float ( oldMSD [ 2 ] + aWeight * ( aPSD - parent - > msd [ 2 ] ) ) ;
// Compute the evaluated distance (interpolated median) before and after error correction, as well as the exact shape distance.
float oldPSD = median ( oldMSD [ 0 ] , oldMSD [ 1 ] , oldMSD [ 2 ] ) ;
float newPSD = median ( newMSD [ 0 ] , newMSD [ 1 ] , newMSD [ 2 ] ) ;
float refPSD = float ( parent - > invRange * parent - > distanceFinder . distance ( parent - > shapeCoord + tVector * parent - > texelSize ) + .5 ) ;
// Compare the differences of the exact distance and the before and after distances.
return parent - > minImproveRatio * fabsf ( newPSD - refPSD ) < double ( fabsf ( oldPSD - refPSD ) ) ;
return false ;
private :
ShapeDistanceChecker * parent ;
Vector2 direction ;
} ;
Point2 shapeCoord , sdfCoord ;
const float * msd ;
bool protectedFlag ;
inline ShapeDistanceChecker ( const BitmapConstRef < float , N > & sdf , const Shape & shape , const Projection & projection , double invRange , double minImproveRatio ) : distanceFinder ( shape ) , sdf ( sdf ) , invRange ( invRange ) , minImproveRatio ( minImproveRatio ) {
texelSize = projection . unprojectVector ( Vector2 ( 1 ) ) ;
inline ArtifactClassifier classifier ( const Vector2 & direction , double span ) {
return ArtifactClassifier ( this , direction , span ) ;
private :
ShapeDistanceFinder < ContourCombiner < PseudoDistanceSelector > > distanceFinder ;
BitmapConstRef < float , N > sdf ;
double invRange ;
Vector2 texelSize ;
double minImproveRatio ;
} ;
MSDFErrorCorrection : : MSDFErrorCorrection ( ) { }
MSDFErrorCorrection : : MSDFErrorCorrection ( const BitmapRef < byte , 1 > & stencil , const Projection & projection , double range ) : stencil ( stencil ) , projection ( projection ) {
invRange = 1 / range ;
minDeviationRatio = ErrorCorrectionConfig : : defaultMinDeviationRatio ;
minImproveRatio = ErrorCorrectionConfig : : defaultMinImproveRatio ;
memset ( stencil . pixels , 0 , sizeof ( byte ) * stencil . width * stencil . height ) ;
void MSDFErrorCorrection : : setMinDeviationRatio ( double minDeviationRatio ) {
this - > minDeviationRatio = minDeviationRatio ;
void MSDFErrorCorrection : : setMinImproveRatio ( double minImproveRatio ) {
this - > minImproveRatio = minImproveRatio ;
void MSDFErrorCorrection : : protectCorners ( const Shape & shape ) {
for ( std : : vector < Contour > : : const_iterator contour = shape . contours . begin ( ) ; contour ! = shape . contours . end ( ) ; + + contour )
if ( ! contour - > edges . empty ( ) ) {
const EdgeSegment * prevEdge = contour - > edges . back ( ) ;
for ( std : : vector < EdgeHolder > : : const_iterator edge = contour - > edges . begin ( ) ; edge ! = contour - > edges . end ( ) ; + + edge ) {
int commonColor = prevEdge - > color & ( * edge ) - > color ;
// If the color changes from prevEdge to edge, this is a corner.
if ( ! ( commonColor & ( commonColor - 1 ) ) ) {
// Find the four texels that envelop the corner and mark them as protected.
Point2 p = projection . project ( ( * edge ) - > point ( 0 ) ) ;
if ( shape . inverseYAxis )
p . y = stencil . height - p . y ;
int l = ( int ) floor ( p . x - .5 ) ;
int b = ( int ) floor ( p . y - .5 ) ;
int r = l + 1 ;
int t = b + 1 ;
// Check that the positions are within bounds.
if ( l < stencil . width & & b < stencil . height & & r > = 0 & & t > = 0 ) {
if ( l > = 0 & & b > = 0 )
* stencil ( l , b ) | = ( byte ) PROTECTED ;
if ( r < stencil . width & & b > = 0 )
* stencil ( r , b ) | = ( byte ) PROTECTED ;
if ( l > = 0 & & t < stencil . height )
* stencil ( l , t ) | = ( byte ) PROTECTED ;
if ( r < stencil . width & & t < stencil . height )
* stencil ( r , t ) | = ( byte ) PROTECTED ;
prevEdge = * edge ;
/// Determines if the channel contributes to an edge between the two texels a, b.
static bool edgeBetweenTexelsChannel ( const float * a , const float * b , int channel ) {
// Find interpolation ratio t (0 < t < 1) where an edge is expected (mix(a[channel], b[channel], t) == 0.5).
double t = ( a [ channel ] - .5 ) / ( a [ channel ] - b [ channel ] ) ;
if ( t > 0 & & t < 1 ) {
// Interpolate channel values at t.
float c [ 3 ] = {
mix ( a [ 0 ] , b [ 0 ] , t ) ,
mix ( a [ 1 ] , b [ 1 ] , t ) ,
mix ( a [ 2 ] , b [ 2 ] , t )
} ;
// This is only an edge if the zero-distance channel is the median.
return median ( c [ 0 ] , c [ 1 ] , c [ 2 ] ) = = c [ channel ] ;
return false ;
/// Returns a bit mask of which channels contribute to an edge between the two texels a, b.
static int edgeBetweenTexels ( const float * a , const float * b ) {
return (
RED * edgeBetweenTexelsChannel ( a , b , 0 ) +
GREEN * edgeBetweenTexelsChannel ( a , b , 1 ) +
BLUE * edgeBetweenTexelsChannel ( a , b , 2 )
) ;
/// Marks texel as protected if one of its non-median channels is present in the channel mask.
static void protectExtremeChannels ( byte * stencil , const float * msd , float m , int mask ) {
if (
( mask & RED & & msd [ 0 ] ! = m ) | |
( mask & GREEN & & msd [ 1 ] ! = m ) | |
( mask & BLUE & & msd [ 2 ] ! = m )
* stencil | = ( byte ) MSDFErrorCorrection : : PROTECTED ;
template < int N >
void MSDFErrorCorrection : : protectEdges ( const BitmapConstRef < float , N > & sdf ) {
float radius ;
// Horizontal texel pairs
radius = float ( PROTECTION_RADIUS_TOLERANCE * projection . unprojectVector ( Vector2 ( invRange , 0 ) ) . length ( ) ) ;
for ( int y = 0 ; y < sdf . height ; + + y ) {
const float * left = sdf ( 0 , y ) ;
const float * right = sdf ( 1 , y ) ;
for ( int x = 0 ; x < sdf . width - 1 ; + + x ) {
float lm = median ( left [ 0 ] , left [ 1 ] , left [ 2 ] ) ;
float rm = median ( right [ 0 ] , right [ 1 ] , right [ 2 ] ) ;
if ( fabsf ( lm - .5f ) + fabsf ( rm - .5f ) < radius ) {
int mask = edgeBetweenTexels ( left , right ) ;
protectExtremeChannels ( stencil ( x , y ) , left , lm , mask ) ;
protectExtremeChannels ( stencil ( x + 1 , y ) , right , rm , mask ) ;
left + = N , right + = N ;
// Vertical texel pairs
radius = float ( PROTECTION_RADIUS_TOLERANCE * projection . unprojectVector ( Vector2 ( 0 , invRange ) ) . length ( ) ) ;
for ( int y = 0 ; y < sdf . height - 1 ; + + y ) {
const float * bottom = sdf ( 0 , y ) ;
const float * top = sdf ( 0 , y + 1 ) ;
for ( int x = 0 ; x < sdf . width ; + + x ) {
float bm = median ( bottom [ 0 ] , bottom [ 1 ] , bottom [ 2 ] ) ;
float tm = median ( top [ 0 ] , top [ 1 ] , top [ 2 ] ) ;
if ( fabsf ( bm - .5f ) + fabsf ( tm - .5f ) < radius ) {
int mask = edgeBetweenTexels ( bottom , top ) ;
protectExtremeChannels ( stencil ( x , y ) , bottom , bm , mask ) ;
protectExtremeChannels ( stencil ( x , y + 1 ) , top , tm , mask ) ;
bottom + = N , top + = N ;
// Diagonal texel pairs
radius = float ( PROTECTION_RADIUS_TOLERANCE * projection . unprojectVector ( Vector2 ( invRange ) ) . length ( ) ) ;
for ( int y = 0 ; y < sdf . height - 1 ; + + y ) {
const float * lb = sdf ( 0 , y ) ;
const float * rb = sdf ( 1 , y ) ;
const float * lt = sdf ( 0 , y + 1 ) ;
const float * rt = sdf ( 1 , y + 1 ) ;
for ( int x = 0 ; x < sdf . width - 1 ; + + x ) {
float mlb = median ( lb [ 0 ] , lb [ 1 ] , lb [ 2 ] ) ;
float mrb = median ( rb [ 0 ] , rb [ 1 ] , rb [ 2 ] ) ;
float mlt = median ( lt [ 0 ] , lt [ 1 ] , lt [ 2 ] ) ;
float mrt = median ( rt [ 0 ] , rt [ 1 ] , rt [ 2 ] ) ;
if ( fabsf ( mlb - .5f ) + fabsf ( mrt - .5f ) < radius ) {
int mask = edgeBetweenTexels ( lb , rt ) ;
protectExtremeChannels ( stencil ( x , y ) , lb , mlb , mask ) ;
protectExtremeChannels ( stencil ( x + 1 , y + 1 ) , rt , mrt , mask ) ;
if ( fabsf ( mrb - .5f ) + fabsf ( mlt - .5f ) < radius ) {
int mask = edgeBetweenTexels ( rb , lt ) ;
protectExtremeChannels ( stencil ( x + 1 , y ) , rb , mrb , mask ) ;
protectExtremeChannels ( stencil ( x , y + 1 ) , lt , mlt , mask ) ;
lb + = N , rb + = N , lt + = N , rt + = N ;
void MSDFErrorCorrection : : protectAll ( ) {
byte * end = stencil . pixels + stencil . width * stencil . height ;
for ( byte * mask = stencil . pixels ; mask < end ; + + mask )
* mask | = ( byte ) PROTECTED ;
/// Returns the median of the linear interpolation of texels a, b at t.
static float interpolatedMedian ( const float * a , const float * b , double t ) {
return median (
mix ( a [ 0 ] , b [ 0 ] , t ) ,
mix ( a [ 1 ] , b [ 1 ] , t ) ,
mix ( a [ 2 ] , b [ 2 ] , t )
) ;
/// Returns the median of the bilinear interpolation with the given constant, linear, and quadratic terms at t.
static float interpolatedMedian ( const float * a , const float * l , const float * q , double t ) {
return float ( median (
t * ( t * q [ 0 ] + l [ 0 ] ) + a [ 0 ] ,
t * ( t * q [ 1 ] + l [ 1 ] ) + a [ 1 ] ,
t * ( t * q [ 2 ] + l [ 2 ] ) + a [ 2 ]
) ) ;
/// Determines if the interpolated median xm is an artifact.
static bool isArtifact ( bool isProtected , double axSpan , double bxSpan , float am , float bm , float xm ) {
return (
// For protected texels, only report an artifact if it would cause fill inversion (change between positive and negative distance).
( ! isProtected | | ( am > .5f & & bm > .5f & & xm < = .5f ) | | ( am < .5f & & bm < .5f & & xm > = .5f ) ) & &
// This is an artifact if the interpolated median is outside the range of possible values based on its distance from a, b.
! ( xm > = am - axSpan & & xm < = am + axSpan & & xm > = bm - bxSpan & & xm < = bm + bxSpan )
) ;
/// Checks if a linear interpolation artifact will occur at a point where two specific color channels are equal - such points have extreme median values.
template < class ArtifactClassifier >
static bool hasLinearArtifactInner ( const ArtifactClassifier & artifactClassifier , float am , float bm , const float * a , const float * b , float dA , float dB ) {
// Find interpolation ratio t (0 < t < 1) where two color channels are equal (mix(dA, dB, t) == 0).
double t = ( double ) dA / ( dA - dB ) ;
// Interpolate median at t and let the classifier decide if its value indicates an artifact.
float xm = interpolatedMedian ( a , b , t ) ;
return artifactClassifier . evaluate ( t , xm , artifactClassifier . rangeTest ( 0 , 1 , t , am , bm , xm ) ) ;
return false ;
/// Checks if a bilinear interpolation artifact will occur at a point where two specific color channels are equal - such points have extreme median values.
template < class ArtifactClassifier >
static bool hasDiagonalArtifactInner ( const ArtifactClassifier & artifactClassifier , float am , float dm , const float * a , const float * l , const float * q , float dA , float dBC , float dD , double tEx0 , double tEx1 ) {
// Find interpolation ratios t (0 < t[i] < 1) where two color channels are equal.
double t [ 2 ] ;
int solutions = solveQuadratic ( t , dD - dBC + dA , dBC - dA - dA , dA ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < solutions ; + + i ) {
// Solutions t[i] == 0 and t[i] == 1 are singularities and occur very often because two channels are usually equal at texels.
if ( t [ i ] > ARTIFACT_T_EPSILON & & t [ i ] < 1 - ARTIFACT_T_EPSILON ) {
// Interpolate median xm at t.
float xm = interpolatedMedian ( a , l , q , t [ i ] ) ;
// Determine if xm deviates too much from medians of a, d.
int rangeFlags = artifactClassifier . rangeTest ( 0 , 1 , t [ i ] , am , dm , xm ) ;
// Additionally, check xm against the interpolated medians at the local extremes tEx0, tEx1.
double tEnd [ 2 ] ;
float em [ 2 ] ;
// tEx0
if ( tEx0 > 0 & & tEx0 < 1 ) {
tEnd [ 0 ] = 0 , tEnd [ 1 ] = 1 ;
em [ 0 ] = am , em [ 1 ] = dm ;
tEnd [ tEx0 > t [ i ] ] = tEx0 ;
em [ tEx0 > t [ i ] ] = interpolatedMedian ( a , l , q , tEx0 ) ;
2024-03-12 10:26:55 +02:00
rangeFlags | = artifactClassifier . rangeTest ( tEnd [ 0 ] , tEnd [ 1 ] , t [ i ] , em [ 0 ] , em [ 1 ] , xm ) ;
2020-12-27 15:30:33 +02:00
// tEx1
if ( tEx1 > 0 & & tEx1 < 1 ) {
tEnd [ 0 ] = 0 , tEnd [ 1 ] = 1 ;
em [ 0 ] = am , em [ 1 ] = dm ;
tEnd [ tEx1 > t [ i ] ] = tEx1 ;
em [ tEx1 > t [ i ] ] = interpolatedMedian ( a , l , q , tEx1 ) ;
2024-03-12 10:26:55 +02:00
rangeFlags | = artifactClassifier . rangeTest ( tEnd [ 0 ] , tEnd [ 1 ] , t [ i ] , em [ 0 ] , em [ 1 ] , xm ) ;
2020-12-27 15:30:33 +02:00
if ( artifactClassifier . evaluate ( t [ i ] , xm , rangeFlags ) )
return true ;
return false ;
/// Checks if a linear interpolation artifact will occur inbetween two horizontally or vertically adjacent texels a, b.
template < class ArtifactClassifier >
static bool hasLinearArtifact ( const ArtifactClassifier & artifactClassifier , float am , const float * a , const float * b ) {
float bm = median ( b [ 0 ] , b [ 1 ] , b [ 2 ] ) ;
return (
// Out of the pair, only report artifacts for the texel further from the edge to minimize side effects.
fabsf ( am - .5f ) > = fabsf ( bm - .5f ) & & (
// Check points where each pair of color channels meets.
hasLinearArtifactInner ( artifactClassifier , am , bm , a , b , a [ 1 ] - a [ 0 ] , b [ 1 ] - b [ 0 ] ) | |
hasLinearArtifactInner ( artifactClassifier , am , bm , a , b , a [ 2 ] - a [ 1 ] , b [ 2 ] - b [ 1 ] ) | |
hasLinearArtifactInner ( artifactClassifier , am , bm , a , b , a [ 0 ] - a [ 2 ] , b [ 0 ] - b [ 2 ] )
) ;
/// Checks if a bilinear interpolation artifact will occur inbetween two diagonally adjacent texels a, d (with b, c forming the other diagonal).
template < class ArtifactClassifier >
static bool hasDiagonalArtifact ( const ArtifactClassifier & artifactClassifier , float am , const float * a , const float * b , const float * c , const float * d ) {
float dm = median ( d [ 0 ] , d [ 1 ] , d [ 2 ] ) ;
// Out of the pair, only report artifacts for the texel further from the edge to minimize side effects.
if ( fabsf ( am - .5f ) > = fabsf ( dm - .5f ) ) {
float abc [ 3 ] = {
a [ 0 ] - b [ 0 ] - c [ 0 ] ,
a [ 1 ] - b [ 1 ] - c [ 1 ] ,
a [ 2 ] - b [ 2 ] - c [ 2 ]
} ;
// Compute the linear terms for bilinear interpolation.
float l [ 3 ] = {
- a [ 0 ] - abc [ 0 ] ,
- a [ 1 ] - abc [ 1 ] ,
- a [ 2 ] - abc [ 2 ]
} ;
// Compute the quadratic terms for bilinear interpolation.
float q [ 3 ] = {
d [ 0 ] + abc [ 0 ] ,
d [ 1 ] + abc [ 1 ] ,
d [ 2 ] + abc [ 2 ]
} ;
// Compute interpolation ratios tEx (0 < tEx[i] < 1) for the local extremes of each color channel (the derivative 2*q[i]*tEx[i]+l[i] == 0).
double tEx [ 3 ] = {
- .5 * l [ 0 ] / q [ 0 ] ,
- .5 * l [ 1 ] / q [ 1 ] ,
- .5 * l [ 2 ] / q [ 2 ]
} ;
// Check points where each pair of color channels meets.
return (
hasDiagonalArtifactInner ( artifactClassifier , am , dm , a , l , q , a [ 1 ] - a [ 0 ] , b [ 1 ] - b [ 0 ] + c [ 1 ] - c [ 0 ] , d [ 1 ] - d [ 0 ] , tEx [ 0 ] , tEx [ 1 ] ) | |
hasDiagonalArtifactInner ( artifactClassifier , am , dm , a , l , q , a [ 2 ] - a [ 1 ] , b [ 2 ] - b [ 1 ] + c [ 2 ] - c [ 1 ] , d [ 2 ] - d [ 1 ] , tEx [ 1 ] , tEx [ 2 ] ) | |
hasDiagonalArtifactInner ( artifactClassifier , am , dm , a , l , q , a [ 0 ] - a [ 2 ] , b [ 0 ] - b [ 2 ] + c [ 0 ] - c [ 2 ] , d [ 0 ] - d [ 2 ] , tEx [ 2 ] , tEx [ 0 ] )
) ;
return false ;
template < int N >
void MSDFErrorCorrection : : findErrors ( const BitmapConstRef < float , N > & sdf ) {
// Compute the expected deltas between values of horizontally, vertically, and diagonally adjacent texels.
double hSpan = minDeviationRatio * projection . unprojectVector ( Vector2 ( invRange , 0 ) ) . length ( ) ;
double vSpan = minDeviationRatio * projection . unprojectVector ( Vector2 ( 0 , invRange ) ) . length ( ) ;
double dSpan = minDeviationRatio * projection . unprojectVector ( Vector2 ( invRange ) ) . length ( ) ;
// Inspect all texels.
for ( int y = 0 ; y < sdf . height ; + + y ) {
for ( int x = 0 ; x < sdf . width ; + + x ) {
const float * c = sdf ( x , y ) ;
float cm = median ( c [ 0 ] , c [ 1 ] , c [ 2 ] ) ;
bool protectedFlag = ( * stencil ( x , y ) & PROTECTED ) ! = 0 ;
const float * l = NULL , * b = NULL , * r = NULL , * t = NULL ;
// Mark current texel c with the error flag if an artifact occurs when it's interpolated with any of its 8 neighbors.
* stencil ( x , y ) | = ( byte ) ( ERROR * (
( x > 0 & & ( ( l = sdf ( x - 1 , y ) ) , hasLinearArtifact ( BaseArtifactClassifier ( hSpan , protectedFlag ) , cm , c , l ) ) ) | |
( y > 0 & & ( ( b = sdf ( x , y - 1 ) ) , hasLinearArtifact ( BaseArtifactClassifier ( vSpan , protectedFlag ) , cm , c , b ) ) ) | |
( x < sdf . width - 1 & & ( ( r = sdf ( x + 1 , y ) ) , hasLinearArtifact ( BaseArtifactClassifier ( hSpan , protectedFlag ) , cm , c , r ) ) ) | |
( y < sdf . height - 1 & & ( ( t = sdf ( x , y + 1 ) ) , hasLinearArtifact ( BaseArtifactClassifier ( vSpan , protectedFlag ) , cm , c , t ) ) ) | |
( x > 0 & & y > 0 & & hasDiagonalArtifact ( BaseArtifactClassifier ( dSpan , protectedFlag ) , cm , c , l , b , sdf ( x - 1 , y - 1 ) ) ) | |
( x < sdf . width - 1 & & y > 0 & & hasDiagonalArtifact ( BaseArtifactClassifier ( dSpan , protectedFlag ) , cm , c , r , b , sdf ( x + 1 , y - 1 ) ) ) | |
( x > 0 & & y < sdf . height - 1 & & hasDiagonalArtifact ( BaseArtifactClassifier ( dSpan , protectedFlag ) , cm , c , l , t , sdf ( x - 1 , y + 1 ) ) ) | |
( x < sdf . width - 1 & & y < sdf . height - 1 & & hasDiagonalArtifact ( BaseArtifactClassifier ( dSpan , protectedFlag ) , cm , c , r , t , sdf ( x + 1 , y + 1 ) ) )
) ) ;
template < template < typename > class ContourCombiner , int N >
void MSDFErrorCorrection : : findErrors ( const BitmapConstRef < float , N > & sdf , const Shape & shape ) {
// Compute the expected deltas between values of horizontally, vertically, and diagonally adjacent texels.
double hSpan = minDeviationRatio * projection . unprojectVector ( Vector2 ( invRange , 0 ) ) . length ( ) ;
double vSpan = minDeviationRatio * projection . unprojectVector ( Vector2 ( 0 , invRange ) ) . length ( ) ;
double dSpan = minDeviationRatio * projection . unprojectVector ( Vector2 ( invRange ) ) . length ( ) ;
# pragma omp parallel
# endif
ShapeDistanceChecker < ContourCombiner , N > shapeDistanceChecker ( sdf , shape , projection , invRange , minImproveRatio ) ;
bool rightToLeft = false ;
// Inspect all texels.
# pragma omp for
# endif
for ( int y = 0 ; y < sdf . height ; + + y ) {
int row = shape . inverseYAxis ? sdf . height - y - 1 : y ;
for ( int col = 0 ; col < sdf . width ; + + col ) {
int x = rightToLeft ? sdf . width - col - 1 : col ;
if ( ( * stencil ( x , row ) & ERROR ) )
continue ;
const float * c = sdf ( x , row ) ;
shapeDistanceChecker . shapeCoord = projection . unproject ( Point2 ( x + .5 , y + .5 ) ) ;
shapeDistanceChecker . sdfCoord = Point2 ( x + .5 , row + .5 ) ;
shapeDistanceChecker . msd = c ;
shapeDistanceChecker . protectedFlag = ( * stencil ( x , row ) & PROTECTED ) ! = 0 ;
float cm = median ( c [ 0 ] , c [ 1 ] , c [ 2 ] ) ;
const float * l = NULL , * b = NULL , * r = NULL , * t = NULL ;
// Mark current texel c with the error flag if an artifact occurs when it's interpolated with any of its 8 neighbors.
* stencil ( x , row ) | = ( byte ) ( ERROR * (
( x > 0 & & ( ( l = sdf ( x - 1 , row ) ) , hasLinearArtifact ( shapeDistanceChecker . classifier ( Vector2 ( - 1 , 0 ) , hSpan ) , cm , c , l ) ) ) | |
( row > 0 & & ( ( b = sdf ( x , row - 1 ) ) , hasLinearArtifact ( shapeDistanceChecker . classifier ( Vector2 ( 0 , - 1 ) , vSpan ) , cm , c , b ) ) ) | |
( x < sdf . width - 1 & & ( ( r = sdf ( x + 1 , row ) ) , hasLinearArtifact ( shapeDistanceChecker . classifier ( Vector2 ( + 1 , 0 ) , hSpan ) , cm , c , r ) ) ) | |
( row < sdf . height - 1 & & ( ( t = sdf ( x , row + 1 ) ) , hasLinearArtifact ( shapeDistanceChecker . classifier ( Vector2 ( 0 , + 1 ) , vSpan ) , cm , c , t ) ) ) | |
( x > 0 & & row > 0 & & hasDiagonalArtifact ( shapeDistanceChecker . classifier ( Vector2 ( - 1 , - 1 ) , dSpan ) , cm , c , l , b , sdf ( x - 1 , row - 1 ) ) ) | |
( x < sdf . width - 1 & & row > 0 & & hasDiagonalArtifact ( shapeDistanceChecker . classifier ( Vector2 ( + 1 , - 1 ) , dSpan ) , cm , c , r , b , sdf ( x + 1 , row - 1 ) ) ) | |
( x > 0 & & row < sdf . height - 1 & & hasDiagonalArtifact ( shapeDistanceChecker . classifier ( Vector2 ( - 1 , + 1 ) , dSpan ) , cm , c , l , t , sdf ( x - 1 , row + 1 ) ) ) | |
( x < sdf . width - 1 & & row < sdf . height - 1 & & hasDiagonalArtifact ( shapeDistanceChecker . classifier ( Vector2 ( + 1 , + 1 ) , dSpan ) , cm , c , r , t , sdf ( x + 1 , row + 1 ) ) )
) ) ;
template < int N >
void MSDFErrorCorrection : : apply ( const BitmapRef < float , N > & sdf ) const {
int texelCount = sdf . width * sdf . height ;
const byte * mask = stencil . pixels ;
float * texel = sdf . pixels ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < texelCount ; + + i ) {
if ( * mask & ERROR ) {
// Set all color channels to the median.
float m = median ( texel [ 0 ] , texel [ 1 ] , texel [ 2 ] ) ;
texel [ 0 ] = m , texel [ 1 ] = m , texel [ 2 ] = m ;
+ + mask ;
texel + = N ;
BitmapConstRef < byte , 1 > MSDFErrorCorrection : : getStencil ( ) const {
return stencil ;
template void MSDFErrorCorrection : : protectEdges ( const BitmapConstRef < float , 3 > & sdf ) ;
template void MSDFErrorCorrection : : protectEdges ( const BitmapConstRef < float , 4 > & sdf ) ;
template void MSDFErrorCorrection : : findErrors ( const BitmapConstRef < float , 3 > & sdf ) ;
template void MSDFErrorCorrection : : findErrors ( const BitmapConstRef < float , 4 > & sdf ) ;
template void MSDFErrorCorrection : : findErrors < SimpleContourCombiner > ( const BitmapConstRef < float , 3 > & sdf , const Shape & shape ) ;
template void MSDFErrorCorrection : : findErrors < SimpleContourCombiner > ( const BitmapConstRef < float , 4 > & sdf , const Shape & shape ) ;
template void MSDFErrorCorrection : : findErrors < OverlappingContourCombiner > ( const BitmapConstRef < float , 3 > & sdf , const Shape & shape ) ;
template void MSDFErrorCorrection : : findErrors < OverlappingContourCombiner > ( const BitmapConstRef < float , 4 > & sdf , const Shape & shape ) ;
template void MSDFErrorCorrection : : apply ( const BitmapRef < float , 3 > & sdf ) const ;
template void MSDFErrorCorrection : : apply ( const BitmapRef < float , 4 > & sdf ) const ;