2015-11-08 23:54:41 +01:00
/* Copyright (c) 2015 dx, http://kaimi.ru */
/* */
/* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person */
/* obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation */
/* files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without */
/* restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, */
/* copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or */
/* sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the */
/* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: */
/* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */
/* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */
/* */
2015-11-08 23:53:58 +01:00
# include <algorithm>
# include <string.h>
# include "resource_cursor_icon_writer.h"
namespace pe_bliss
using namespace pe_win ;
resource_cursor_icon_writer : : resource_cursor_icon_writer ( pe_resource_manager & res )
: res_ ( res )
{ }
//Add icon helper
void resource_cursor_icon_writer : : add_icon ( const std : : string & icon_file , const resource_data_info * group_icon_info /* or zero */ , resource_directory_entry & new_icon_group_entry , const resource_directory : : entry_finder & finder , uint32_t language , icon_place_mode mode , uint32_t codepage , uint32_t timestamp )
//Check icon for correctness
if ( icon_file . length ( ) < sizeof ( ico_header ) )
throw pe_exception ( " Incorrect resource icon " , pe_exception : : resource_incorrect_icon ) ;
const ico_header * icon_header = reinterpret_cast < const ico_header * > ( & icon_file [ 0 ] ) ;
unsigned long size_of_headers = sizeof ( ico_header ) + icon_header - > Count * sizeof ( icondirentry ) ;
if ( icon_file . length ( ) < size_of_headers | | icon_header - > Count = = 0 )
throw pe_exception ( " Incorrect resource icon " , pe_exception : : resource_incorrect_icon ) ;
//Enumerate all icons in file
for ( uint16_t i = 0 ; i ! = icon_header - > Count ; + + i )
//Check icon entries
const icondirentry * icon_entry = reinterpret_cast < const icondirentry * > ( & icon_file [ sizeof ( ico_header ) + i * sizeof ( icondirentry ) ] ) ;
if ( icon_entry - > SizeInBytes = = 0
| | icon_entry - > ImageOffset < size_of_headers
| | ! pe_utils : : is_sum_safe ( icon_entry - > ImageOffset , icon_entry - > SizeInBytes )
| | icon_entry - > ImageOffset + icon_entry - > SizeInBytes > icon_file . length ( ) )
throw pe_exception ( " Incorrect resource icon " , pe_exception : : resource_incorrect_icon ) ;
std : : string icon_group_data ;
ico_header * info = 0 ;
if ( group_icon_info )
//If icon group already exists
icon_group_data = group_icon_info - > get_data ( ) ;
codepage = group_icon_info - > get_codepage ( ) ; //Don't change codepage of icon group entry
//Check resource data size
if ( icon_group_data . length ( ) < sizeof ( ico_header ) )
throw pe_exception ( " Incorrect resource icon " , pe_exception : : resource_incorrect_icon ) ;
//Get icon header
info = reinterpret_cast < ico_header * > ( & icon_group_data [ 0 ] ) ;
//Check resource data size
if ( icon_group_data . length ( ) < sizeof ( ico_header ) + info - > Count * sizeof ( icon_group ) )
throw pe_exception ( " Incorrect resource icon " , pe_exception : : resource_incorrect_icon ) ;
icon_group_data . resize ( sizeof ( ico_header ) + ( info - > Count + icon_header - > Count ) * sizeof ( icon_group ) ) ;
info = reinterpret_cast < ico_header * > ( & icon_group_data [ 0 ] ) ; //In case if memory was reallocated
else //Entry not found - icon group doesn't exist
icon_group_data . resize ( sizeof ( ico_header ) + icon_header - > Count * sizeof ( icon_group ) ) ;
memcpy ( & icon_group_data [ 0 ] , icon_header , sizeof ( ico_header ) ) ;
//Search for available icon IDs
std : : vector < uint16_t > icon_id_list ( get_icon_or_cursor_free_id_list ( pe_resource_viewer : : resource_icon , mode , icon_header - > Count ) ) ;
//Enumerate all icons in file
for ( uint16_t i = 0 ; i ! = icon_header - > Count ; + + i )
const icondirentry * icon_entry = reinterpret_cast < const icondirentry * > ( & icon_file [ sizeof ( ico_header ) + i * sizeof ( icondirentry ) ] ) ;
icon_group group = { 0 } ;
//Fill icon resource header
group . BitCount = icon_entry - > BitCount ;
group . ColorCount = icon_entry - > ColorCount ;
group . Height = icon_entry - > Height ;
group . Planes = icon_entry - > Planes ;
group . Reserved = icon_entry - > Reserved ;
group . SizeInBytes = icon_entry - > SizeInBytes ;
group . Width = icon_entry - > Width ;
group . Number = icon_id_list . at ( i ) ;
memcpy ( & icon_group_data [ sizeof ( ico_header ) + ( ( info ? info - > Count : 0 ) + i ) * sizeof ( icon_group ) ] , & group , sizeof ( group ) ) ;
//Add icon to resources
resource_directory_entry new_entry ;
new_entry . set_id ( group . Number ) ;
res_ . add_resource ( icon_file . substr ( icon_entry - > ImageOffset , icon_entry - > SizeInBytes ) , pe_resource_viewer : : resource_icon , new_entry , resource_directory : : entry_finder ( group . Number ) , language , codepage , timestamp ) ;
if ( info )
info - > Count + = icon_header - > Count ; //Increase icon count, if we're adding icon to existing group
//Add or replace icon group data entry
res_ . add_resource ( icon_group_data , pe_resource_viewer : : resource_icon_group , new_icon_group_entry , finder , language , codepage , timestamp ) ;
//Returns free icon or cursor ID list depending on icon_place_mode
const std : : vector < uint16_t > resource_cursor_icon_writer : : get_icon_or_cursor_free_id_list ( pe_resource_viewer : : resource_type type , icon_place_mode mode , uint32_t count )
//Search for available icon/cursor IDs
std : : vector < uint16_t > icon_cursor_id_list ;
//If any icon exists
//List icon IDs
std : : vector < uint32_t > id_list ( res_ . list_resource_ids ( type ) ) ;
std : : sort ( id_list . begin ( ) , id_list . end ( ) ) ;
//If we are placing icon on free spaces
//I.e., icon IDs 1, 3, 4, 7, 8 already exist
//We'll place five icons on IDs 2, 5, 6, 9, 10
if ( mode ! = icon_place_after_max_icon_id )
if ( ! id_list . empty ( ) )
//Determine and list free icon IDs
for ( std : : vector < uint32_t > : : const_iterator it = id_list . begin ( ) ; it ! = id_list . end ( ) ; + + it )
if ( it = = id_list . begin ( ) )
if ( * it > 1 )
for ( uint16_t i = 1 ; i ! = * it ; + + i )
icon_cursor_id_list . push_back ( i ) ;
if ( icon_cursor_id_list . size ( ) = = count )
break ;
else if ( * ( it - 1 ) - * it > 1 )
for ( uint16_t i = static_cast < uint16_t > ( * ( it - 1 ) + 1 ) ; i ! = static_cast < uint16_t > ( * it ) ; + + i )
icon_cursor_id_list . push_back ( i ) ;
if ( icon_cursor_id_list . size ( ) = = count )
break ;
if ( icon_cursor_id_list . size ( ) = = count )
break ;
uint32_t max_id = id_list . empty ( ) ? 0 : * std : : max_element ( id_list . begin ( ) , id_list . end ( ) ) ;
for ( uint32_t i = static_cast < uint32_t > ( icon_cursor_id_list . size ( ) ) ; i ! = count ; + + i )
icon_cursor_id_list . push_back ( static_cast < uint16_t > ( + + max_id ) ) ;
catch ( const pe_exception & ) //Entry not found
for ( uint16_t i = 1 ; i ! = count + 1 ; + + i )
icon_cursor_id_list . push_back ( i ) ;
return icon_cursor_id_list ;
//Add cursor helper
void resource_cursor_icon_writer : : add_cursor ( const std : : string & cursor_file , const resource_data_info * group_cursor_info /* or zero */ , resource_directory_entry & new_cursor_group_entry , const resource_directory : : entry_finder & finder , uint32_t language , icon_place_mode mode , uint32_t codepage , uint32_t timestamp )
//Check cursor for correctness
if ( cursor_file . length ( ) < sizeof ( cursor_header ) )
throw pe_exception ( " Incorrect resource cursor " , pe_exception : : resource_incorrect_cursor ) ;
const cursor_header * cur_header = reinterpret_cast < const cursor_header * > ( & cursor_file [ 0 ] ) ;
unsigned long size_of_headers = sizeof ( cursor_header ) + cur_header - > Count * sizeof ( cursordirentry ) ;
if ( cursor_file . length ( ) < size_of_headers | | cur_header - > Count = = 0 )
throw pe_exception ( " Incorrect resource cursor " , pe_exception : : resource_incorrect_cursor ) ;
//Enumerate all cursors in file
for ( uint16_t i = 0 ; i ! = cur_header - > Count ; + + i )
//Check cursor entries
const cursordirentry * cursor_entry = reinterpret_cast < const cursordirentry * > ( & cursor_file [ sizeof ( cursor_header ) + i * sizeof ( cursordirentry ) ] ) ;
if ( cursor_entry - > SizeInBytes = = 0
| | cursor_entry - > ImageOffset < size_of_headers
| | ! pe_utils : : is_sum_safe ( cursor_entry - > ImageOffset , cursor_entry - > SizeInBytes )
| | cursor_entry - > ImageOffset + cursor_entry - > SizeInBytes > cursor_file . length ( ) )
throw pe_exception ( " Incorrect resource cursor " , pe_exception : : resource_incorrect_cursor ) ;
std : : string cursor_group_data ;
cursor_header * info = 0 ;
if ( group_cursor_info )
//If cursor group already exists
cursor_group_data = group_cursor_info - > get_data ( ) ;
codepage = group_cursor_info - > get_codepage ( ) ; //Don't change codepage of cursor group entry
//Check resource data size
if ( cursor_group_data . length ( ) < sizeof ( cursor_header ) )
throw pe_exception ( " Incorrect resource cursor " , pe_exception : : resource_incorrect_cursor ) ;
//Get cursor header
info = reinterpret_cast < cursor_header * > ( & cursor_group_data [ 0 ] ) ;
//Check resource data size
if ( cursor_group_data . length ( ) < sizeof ( cursor_header ) + info - > Count * sizeof ( cursor_group ) )
throw pe_exception ( " Incorrect resource cursor " , pe_exception : : resource_incorrect_cursor ) ;
cursor_group_data . resize ( sizeof ( cursor_header ) + ( info - > Count + cur_header - > Count ) * sizeof ( cursor_group ) ) ;
info = reinterpret_cast < cursor_header * > ( & cursor_group_data [ 0 ] ) ; //In case if memory was reallocated
else //Entry not found - cursor group doesn't exist
cursor_group_data . resize ( sizeof ( cursor_header ) + cur_header - > Count * sizeof ( cursor_group ) ) ;
memcpy ( & cursor_group_data [ 0 ] , cur_header , sizeof ( cursor_header ) ) ;
//Search for available cursor IDs
std : : vector < uint16_t > cursor_id_list ( get_icon_or_cursor_free_id_list ( pe_resource_viewer : : resource_cursor , mode , cur_header - > Count ) ) ;
//Enumerate all cursors in file
for ( uint16_t i = 0 ; i ! = cur_header - > Count ; + + i )
const cursordirentry * cursor_entry = reinterpret_cast < const cursordirentry * > ( & cursor_file [ sizeof ( cursor_header ) + i * sizeof ( cursordirentry ) ] ) ;
cursor_group group = { 0 } ;
//Fill cursor resource header
group . Height = cursor_entry - > Height * 2 ;
group . SizeInBytes = cursor_entry - > SizeInBytes + 2 * sizeof ( uint16_t ) /* hotspot coordinates */ ;
group . Width = cursor_entry - > Width ;
group . Number = cursor_id_list . at ( i ) ;
memcpy ( & cursor_group_data [ sizeof ( cursor_header ) + ( ( info ? info - > Count : 0 ) + i ) * sizeof ( cursor_group ) ] , & group , sizeof ( group ) ) ;
//Add cursor to resources
resource_directory_entry new_entry ;
new_entry . set_id ( group . Number ) ;
//Fill resource data (two WORDs for hotspot of cursor, and cursor bitmap data)
std : : string cur_data ;
cur_data . resize ( sizeof ( uint16_t ) * 2 ) ;
memcpy ( & cur_data [ 0 ] , & cursor_entry - > HotspotX , sizeof ( uint16_t ) ) ;
memcpy ( & cur_data [ sizeof ( uint16_t ) ] , & cursor_entry - > HotspotY , sizeof ( uint16_t ) ) ;
cur_data . append ( cursor_file . substr ( cursor_entry - > ImageOffset , cursor_entry - > SizeInBytes ) ) ;
res_ . add_resource ( cur_data , pe_resource_viewer : : resource_cursor , new_entry , resource_directory : : entry_finder ( group . Number ) , language , codepage , timestamp ) ;
if ( info )
info - > Count + = cur_header - > Count ; //Increase cursor count, if we're adding cursor to existing group
//Add or replace cursor group data entry
res_ . add_resource ( cursor_group_data , pe_resource_viewer : : resource_cursor_group , new_cursor_group_entry , finder , language , codepage , timestamp ) ;
//Adds icon(s) from icon file data
//timestamp will be used for directories that will be added
//If icon group with name "icon_group_name" or ID "icon_group_id" already exists, it will be appended with new icon(s)
//(Codepage of icon group and icons will not be changed in this case)
//icon_place_mode determines, how new icon(s) will be placed
void resource_cursor_icon_writer : : add_icon ( const std : : string & icon_file , const std : : wstring & icon_group_name , uint32_t language , icon_place_mode mode , uint32_t codepage , uint32_t timestamp )
resource_directory_entry new_icon_group_entry ;
new_icon_group_entry . set_name ( icon_group_name ) ;
std : : auto_ptr < resource_data_info > data_info ;
data_info . reset ( new resource_data_info ( res_ . get_resource_data_by_name ( language , pe_resource_viewer : : resource_icon_group , icon_group_name ) ) ) ;
catch ( const pe_exception & ) //Entry not found
add_icon ( icon_file , data_info . get ( ) , new_icon_group_entry , resource_directory : : entry_finder ( icon_group_name ) , language , mode , codepage , timestamp ) ;
void resource_cursor_icon_writer : : add_icon ( const std : : string & icon_file , uint32_t icon_group_id , uint32_t language , icon_place_mode mode , uint32_t codepage , uint32_t timestamp )
resource_directory_entry new_icon_group_entry ;
new_icon_group_entry . set_id ( icon_group_id ) ;
std : : auto_ptr < resource_data_info > data_info ;
data_info . reset ( new resource_data_info ( res_ . get_resource_data_by_id ( language , pe_resource_viewer : : resource_icon_group , icon_group_id ) ) ) ;
catch ( const pe_exception & ) //Entry not found
add_icon ( icon_file , data_info . get ( ) , new_icon_group_entry , resource_directory : : entry_finder ( icon_group_id ) , language , mode , codepage , timestamp ) ;
//Adds cursor(s) from cursor file data
//timestamp will be used for directories that will be added
//If cursor group with name "cursor_group_name" or ID "cursor_group_id" already exists, it will be appended with new cursor(s)
//(Codepage of cursor group and cursors will not be changed in this case)
//icon_place_mode determines, how new cursor(s) will be placed
void resource_cursor_icon_writer : : add_cursor ( const std : : string & cursor_file , const std : : wstring & cursor_group_name , uint32_t language , icon_place_mode mode , uint32_t codepage , uint32_t timestamp )
resource_directory_entry new_cursor_group_entry ;
new_cursor_group_entry . set_name ( cursor_group_name ) ;
std : : auto_ptr < resource_data_info > data_info ;
data_info . reset ( new resource_data_info ( res_ . get_resource_data_by_name ( language , pe_resource_viewer : : resource_cursor_group , cursor_group_name ) ) ) ;
catch ( const pe_exception & ) //Entry not found
add_cursor ( cursor_file , data_info . get ( ) , new_cursor_group_entry , resource_directory : : entry_finder ( cursor_group_name ) , language , mode , codepage , timestamp ) ;
void resource_cursor_icon_writer : : add_cursor ( const std : : string & cursor_file , uint32_t cursor_group_id , uint32_t language , icon_place_mode mode , uint32_t codepage , uint32_t timestamp )
resource_directory_entry new_cursor_group_entry ;
new_cursor_group_entry . set_id ( cursor_group_id ) ;
std : : auto_ptr < resource_data_info > data_info ;
data_info . reset ( new resource_data_info ( res_ . get_resource_data_by_id ( language , pe_resource_viewer : : resource_cursor_group , cursor_group_id ) ) ) ;
catch ( const pe_exception & ) //Entry not found
add_cursor ( cursor_file , data_info . get ( ) , new_cursor_group_entry , resource_directory : : entry_finder ( cursor_group_id ) , language , mode , codepage , timestamp ) ;
//Remove icon group helper
void resource_cursor_icon_writer : : remove_icons_from_icon_group ( const std : : string & icon_group_data , uint32_t language )
//Check resource data size
if ( icon_group_data . length ( ) < sizeof ( ico_header ) )
throw pe_exception ( " Incorrect resource icon " , pe_exception : : resource_incorrect_icon ) ;
//Get icon header
const ico_header * info = reinterpret_cast < const ico_header * > ( icon_group_data . data ( ) ) ;
uint16_t icon_count = info - > Count ;
//Check resource data size
if ( icon_group_data . length ( ) < sizeof ( ico_header ) + icon_count * sizeof ( icon_group ) )
throw pe_exception ( " Incorrect resource icon " , pe_exception : : resource_incorrect_icon ) ;
//Remove icon data
for ( uint16_t i = 0 ; i ! = icon_count ; + + i )
const icon_group * group = reinterpret_cast < const icon_group * > ( icon_group_data . data ( ) + sizeof ( ico_header ) + i * sizeof ( icon_group ) ) ;
res_ . remove_resource ( pe_resource_viewer : : resource_icon , group - > Number , language ) ;
//Remove cursor group helper
void resource_cursor_icon_writer : : remove_cursors_from_cursor_group ( const std : : string & cursor_group_data , uint32_t language )
//Check resource data size
if ( cursor_group_data . length ( ) < sizeof ( cursor_header ) )
throw pe_exception ( " Incorrect resource cursor " , pe_exception : : resource_incorrect_cursor ) ;
//Get icon header
const cursor_header * info = reinterpret_cast < const cursor_header * > ( cursor_group_data . data ( ) ) ;
uint16_t cursor_count = info - > Count ;
//Check resource data size
if ( cursor_group_data . length ( ) < sizeof ( cursor_header ) + cursor_count * sizeof ( cursor_group ) )
throw pe_exception ( " Incorrect resource cursor " , pe_exception : : resource_incorrect_cursor ) ;
//Remove icon data
for ( uint16_t i = 0 ; i ! = cursor_count ; + + i )
const icon_group * group = reinterpret_cast < const icon_group * > ( cursor_group_data . data ( ) + sizeof ( cursor_header ) + i * sizeof ( cursor_group ) ) ;
res_ . remove_resource ( pe_resource_viewer : : resource_cursor , group - > Number , language ) ;
//Removes cursor group and all its cursors by name/ID and language
bool resource_cursor_icon_writer : : remove_cursor_group ( const std : : wstring & cursor_group_name , uint32_t language )
//Get resource by name and language
const std : : string data = res_ . get_resource_data_by_name ( language , pe_resource_viewer : : resource_cursor_group , cursor_group_name ) . get_data ( ) ;
remove_cursors_from_cursor_group ( data , language ) ;
return res_ . remove_resource ( pe_resource_viewer : : resource_cursor_group , cursor_group_name , language ) ;
//Removes cursor group and all its cursors by name/ID and language
bool resource_cursor_icon_writer : : remove_cursor_group ( uint32_t cursor_group_id , uint32_t language )
//Get resource by name and language
const std : : string data = res_ . get_resource_data_by_id ( language , pe_resource_viewer : : resource_cursor_group , cursor_group_id ) . get_data ( ) ;
remove_cursors_from_cursor_group ( data , language ) ;
return res_ . remove_resource ( pe_resource_viewer : : resource_cursor_group , cursor_group_id , language ) ;
//Removes icon group and all its icons by name/ID and language
bool resource_cursor_icon_writer : : remove_icon_group ( const std : : wstring & icon_group_name , uint32_t language )
//Get resource by name and language
const std : : string data = res_ . get_resource_data_by_name ( language , pe_resource_viewer : : resource_icon_group , icon_group_name ) . get_data ( ) ;
remove_icons_from_icon_group ( data , language ) ;
return res_ . remove_resource ( pe_resource_viewer : : resource_icon_group , icon_group_name , language ) ;
//Removes icon group and all its icons by name/ID and language
bool resource_cursor_icon_writer : : remove_icon_group ( uint32_t icon_group_id , uint32_t language )
//Get resource by name and language
const std : : string data = res_ . get_resource_data_by_id ( language , pe_resource_viewer : : resource_icon_group , icon_group_id ) . get_data ( ) ;
remove_icons_from_icon_group ( data , language ) ;
return res_ . remove_resource ( pe_resource_viewer : : resource_icon_group , icon_group_id , language ) ;