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2014-02-09 22:10:30 -03:00
import os
import sys
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from methods import detect_darwin_sdk_path, get_compiler_version, is_vanilla_clang, print_error
from platform_methods import detect_arch, detect_mvk
from SCons.Script.SConscript import SConsEnvironment
# To match other platforms
STACK_SIZE = 8388608
STACK_SIZE_SANITIZERS = 30 * 1024 * 1024
2014-02-09 22:10:30 -03:00
def get_name():
return "macOS"
2014-02-09 22:10:30 -03:00
2014-02-09 22:10:30 -03:00
def can_build():
if sys.platform == "darwin" or ("OSXCROSS_ROOT" in os.environ):
return True
2014-02-09 22:10:30 -03:00
return False
2014-02-09 22:10:30 -03:00
2014-02-09 22:10:30 -03:00
def get_opts():
2018-01-26 22:39:08 +02:00
from SCons.Variables import BoolVariable, EnumVariable
2014-02-09 22:10:30 -03:00
return [
("osxcross_sdk", "OSXCross SDK version", "darwin16"),
("MACOS_SDK_PATH", "Path to the macOS SDK", ""),
("vulkan_sdk_path", "Path to the Vulkan SDK", ""),
EnumVariable("macports_clang", "Build using Clang from MacPorts", "no", ("no", "5.0", "devel")),
BoolVariable("use_ubsan", "Use LLVM/GCC compiler undefined behavior sanitizer (UBSAN)", False),
BoolVariable("use_asan", "Use LLVM/GCC compiler address sanitizer (ASAN)", False),
BoolVariable("use_tsan", "Use LLVM/GCC compiler thread sanitizer (TSAN)", False),
BoolVariable("use_coverage", "Use instrumentation codes in the binary (e.g. for code coverage)", False),
("angle_libs", "Path to the ANGLE static libraries", ""),
"The 'Full Name', 'Common Name' or SHA-1 hash of the signing identity used to sign editor .app bundle.",
BoolVariable("generate_bundle", "Generate an APP bundle after building iOS/macOS binaries", False),
2014-02-09 22:10:30 -03:00
def get_doc_classes():
return [
def get_doc_path():
return "doc_classes"
2014-02-09 22:10:30 -03:00
def get_flags():
return {
"arch": detect_arch(),
"use_volk": False,
"metal": True,
"supported": ["metal", "mono"],
def configure(env: "SConsEnvironment"):
# Validate arch.
supported_arches = ["x86_64", "arm64"]
if env["arch"] not in supported_arches:
'Unsupported CPU architecture "%s" for macOS. Supported architectures are: %s.'
% (env["arch"], ", ".join(supported_arches))
## Build type
SCons: Unify tools/target build type configuration Implements New `target` presets ==================== The `tools` option is removed and `target` changes to use three new presets, which match the builds users are familiar with. These targets control the default optimization level and enable editor-specific and debugging code: - `editor`: Replaces `tools=yes target=release_debug`. * Defines: `TOOLS_ENABLED`, `DEBUG_ENABLED`, `-O2`/`/O2` - `template_debug`: Replaces `tools=no target=release_debug`. * Defines: `DEBUG_ENABLED`, `-O2`/`/O2` - `template_release`: Replaces `tools=no target=release`. * Defines: `-O3`/`/O2` New `dev_build` option ====================== The previous `target=debug` is now replaced by a separate `dev_build=yes` option, which can be used in combination with either of the three targets, and changes the following: - `dev_build`: Defines `DEV_ENABLED`, disables optimization (`-O0`/`/0d`), enables generating debug symbols, does not define `NDEBUG` so `assert()` works in thirdparty libraries, adds a `.dev` suffix to the binary name. Note: Unlike previously, `dev_build` defaults to off so that users who compile Godot from source get an optimized and small build by default. Engine contributors should now set `dev_build=yes` in their build scripts or IDE configuration manually. Changed binary names ==================== The name of generated binaries and object files are changed too, to follow this format: `godot.<platform>.<target>[.dev][.double].<arch>[.<extra_suffix>][.<ext>]` For example: - `` - `` Be sure to update your links/scripts/IDE config accordingly. More flexible `optimize` and `debug_symbols` options ==================================================== The optimization level and whether to generate debug symbols can be further specified with the `optimize` and `debug_symbols` options. So the default values listed above for the various `target` and `dev_build` combinations are indicative and can be replaced when compiling, e.g.: `scons p=linuxbsd target=template_debug dev_build=yes optimize=debug` will make a "debug" export template with dev-only code enabled, `-Og` optimization level for GCC/Clang, and debug symbols. Perfect for debugging complex crashes at runtime in an exported project.
2022-09-22 08:28:55 +02:00
if env["target"] == "template_release":
if env["arch"] != "arm64":
SCons: Unify tools/target build type configuration Implements New `target` presets ==================== The `tools` option is removed and `target` changes to use three new presets, which match the builds users are familiar with. These targets control the default optimization level and enable editor-specific and debugging code: - `editor`: Replaces `tools=yes target=release_debug`. * Defines: `TOOLS_ENABLED`, `DEBUG_ENABLED`, `-O2`/`/O2` - `template_debug`: Replaces `tools=no target=release_debug`. * Defines: `DEBUG_ENABLED`, `-O2`/`/O2` - `template_release`: Replaces `tools=no target=release`. * Defines: `-O3`/`/O2` New `dev_build` option ====================== The previous `target=debug` is now replaced by a separate `dev_build=yes` option, which can be used in combination with either of the three targets, and changes the following: - `dev_build`: Defines `DEV_ENABLED`, disables optimization (`-O0`/`/0d`), enables generating debug symbols, does not define `NDEBUG` so `assert()` works in thirdparty libraries, adds a `.dev` suffix to the binary name. Note: Unlike previously, `dev_build` defaults to off so that users who compile Godot from source get an optimized and small build by default. Engine contributors should now set `dev_build=yes` in their build scripts or IDE configuration manually. Changed binary names ==================== The name of generated binaries and object files are changed too, to follow this format: `godot.<platform>.<target>[.dev][.double].<arch>[.<extra_suffix>][.<ext>]` For example: - `` - `` Be sure to update your links/scripts/IDE config accordingly. More flexible `optimize` and `debug_symbols` options ==================================================== The optimization level and whether to generate debug symbols can be further specified with the `optimize` and `debug_symbols` options. So the default values listed above for the various `target` and `dev_build` combinations are indicative and can be replaced when compiling, e.g.: `scons p=linuxbsd target=template_debug dev_build=yes optimize=debug` will make a "debug" export template with dev-only code enabled, `-Og` optimization level for GCC/Clang, and debug symbols. Perfect for debugging complex crashes at runtime in an exported project.
2022-09-22 08:28:55 +02:00
elif env.dev_build:
2020-08-15 01:55:36 +01:00
env.Prepend(LINKFLAGS=["-Xlinker", "-no_deduplicate"])
2014-02-09 22:10:30 -03:00
## Compiler configuration
# Save this in environment for use by other modules
if "OSXCROSS_ROOT" in os.environ:
env["osxcross"] = True
# CPU architecture.
if env["arch"] == "arm64":
print("Building for macOS 11.0+.")
env.Append(ASFLAGS=["-arch", "arm64", "-mmacosx-version-min=11.0"])
env.Append(CCFLAGS=["-arch", "arm64", "-mmacosx-version-min=11.0"])
env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-arch", "arm64", "-mmacosx-version-min=11.0"])
elif env["arch"] == "x86_64":
print("Building for macOS 10.13+.")
env.Append(ASFLAGS=["-arch", "x86_64", "-mmacosx-version-min=10.13"])
env.Append(CCFLAGS=["-arch", "x86_64", "-mmacosx-version-min=10.13"])
env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-arch", "x86_64", "-mmacosx-version-min=10.13"])
2024-07-23 08:52:40 +03:00
cc_version = get_compiler_version(env)
cc_version_major = cc_version["apple_major"]
cc_version_minor = cc_version["apple_minor"]
vanilla = is_vanilla_clang(env)
# Workaround for Xcode 15 linker bug.
if not vanilla and cc_version_major == 1500 and cc_version_minor == 0:
2022-01-25 10:07:01 +02:00
if "osxcross" not in env: # regular native build
if env["macports_clang"] != "no":
mpprefix = os.environ.get("MACPORTS_PREFIX", "/opt/local")
mpclangver = env["macports_clang"]
env["CC"] = mpprefix + "/libexec/llvm-" + mpclangver + "/bin/clang"
env["CXX"] = mpprefix + "/libexec/llvm-" + mpclangver + "/bin/clang++"
env["AR"] = mpprefix + "/libexec/llvm-" + mpclangver + "/bin/llvm-ar"
env["RANLIB"] = mpprefix + "/libexec/llvm-" + mpclangver + "/bin/llvm-ranlib"
env["AS"] = mpprefix + "/libexec/llvm-" + mpclangver + "/bin/llvm-as"
env["CC"] = "clang"
env["CXX"] = "clang++"
detect_darwin_sdk_path("macos", env)
env.Append(CCFLAGS=["-isysroot", "$MACOS_SDK_PATH"])
env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-isysroot", "$MACOS_SDK_PATH"])
else: # osxcross build
root = os.environ.get("OSXCROSS_ROOT", "")
if env["arch"] == "arm64":
basecmd = root + "/target/bin/arm64-apple-" + env["osxcross_sdk"] + "-"
basecmd = root + "/target/bin/x86_64-apple-" + env["osxcross_sdk"] + "-"
2015-09-03 23:24:55 -03:00
ccache_path = os.environ.get("CCACHE")
if ccache_path is None:
env["CC"] = basecmd + "cc"
env["CXX"] = basecmd + "c++"
# there aren't any ccache wrappers available for macOS cross-compile,
# to enable caching we need to prepend the path to the ccache binary
env["CC"] = ccache_path + " " + basecmd + "cc"
env["CXX"] = ccache_path + " " + basecmd + "c++"
env["AR"] = basecmd + "ar"
env["RANLIB"] = basecmd + "ranlib"
env["AS"] = basecmd + "as"
if env["lto"] == "auto": # LTO benefits for macOS (size, performance) haven't been clearly established yet.
env["lto"] = "none"
if env["lto"] != "none":
if env["lto"] == "thin":
# Sanitizers
if env["use_ubsan"] or env["use_asan"] or env["use_tsan"]:
2021-12-10 10:10:47 -06:00
env.extra_suffix += ".san"
2020-01-29 13:12:38 +08:00
if env["use_ubsan"]:
2020-01-29 13:12:38 +08:00
if env["use_asan"]:
2020-01-29 13:12:38 +08:00
if env["use_tsan"]:
2020-01-29 13:12:38 +08:00
env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-Wl,-stack_size," + hex(STACK_SIZE_SANITIZERS)])
env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-Wl,-stack_size," + hex(STACK_SIZE)])
if env["use_coverage"]:
env.Append(CCFLAGS=["-ftest-coverage", "-fprofile-arcs"])
env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-ftest-coverage", "-fprofile-arcs"])
## Dependencies
if env["builtin_libtheora"] and env["arch"] == "x86_64":
env["x86_libtheora_opt_gcc"] = True
## Flags
2014-02-09 22:10:30 -03:00
env.Append(LIBS=["pthread", "z"])
if env["opengl3"]:
if env["angle_libs"] != "":
env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-L" + env["angle_libs"]])
env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-lANGLE.macos." + env["arch"]])
env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-lEGL.macos." + env["arch"]])
env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-lGLES.macos." + env["arch"]])
env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-rpath", "@executable_path/../Frameworks", "-rpath", "@executable_path"])
if env["metal"] and env["arch"] != "arm64":
# Only supported on arm64, so skip it for x86_64 builds.
env["metal"] = False
extra_frameworks = set()
if env["metal"]:
if env["vulkan"]:
if not env["use_volk"]:
2024-03-09 20:21:17 +01:00
mvk_path = ""
arch_variants = ["macos-arm64_x86_64", "macos-" + env["arch"]]
for arch in arch_variants:
mvk_path = detect_mvk(env, arch)
if mvk_path != "":
mvk_path = os.path.join(mvk_path, arch)
if mvk_path != "":
2024-03-09 20:21:17 +01:00
env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-L" + mvk_path])
"MoltenVK SDK installation directory not found, use 'vulkan_sdk_path' SCons parameter to specify SDK path."
if len(extra_frameworks) > 0:
frameworks = [item for key in extra_frameworks for item in ["-framework", key]]