<linktitle="GLTF camera detailed specification">https://registry.khronos.org/glTF/specs/2.0/glTF-2.0.html#reference-camera</link>
<linktitle="GLTF camera spec and example file">https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glTF-Tutorials/blob/master/gltfTutorial/gltfTutorial_015_SimpleCameras.md</link>
The FOV of the camera. This class and GLTF define the camera FOV in radians, while Godot uses degrees. This maps to GLTF's [code]yfov[/code] property. This value is only used for perspective cameras, when [member perspective] is true.
Whether or not the camera is in perspective mode. If false, the camera is in orthographic/orthogonal mode. This maps to GLTF's camera [code]type[/code] property. See [member Camera3D.projection] and the GLTF spec for more information.
The size of the camera. This class and GLTF define the camera size magnitude as a radius in meters, while Godot defines it as a diameter in meters. This maps to GLTF's [code]ymag[/code] property. This value is only used for orthographic/orthogonal cameras, when [member perspective] is false.