2023-01-05 13:25:55 +01:00
/* ss_effects.cpp */
/* This file is part of: */
/* https://godotengine.org */
/* Copyright (c) 2014-present Godot Engine contributors (see AUTHORS.md). */
/* Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */
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/* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */
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2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
# include "ss_effects.h"
2022-09-29 15:37:10 +10:00
# include "core/config/project_settings.h"
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
# include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_compositor_rd.h"
# include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/storage_rd/material_storage.h"
2022-08-04 18:40:39 +10:00
# include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/storage_rd/render_scene_buffers_rd.h"
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
# include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/uniform_set_cache_rd.h"
using namespace RendererRD ;
SSEffects * SSEffects : : singleton = nullptr ;
Implement Vector4, Vector4i, Projection
Implement built-in classes Vector4, Vector4i and Projection.
* Two versions of Vector4 (float and integer).
* A Projection class, which is a 4x4 matrix specialized in projection types.
These types have been requested for a long time, but given they were very corner case they were not added before.
Because in Godot 4, reimplementing parts of the rendering engine is now possible, access to these types (heavily used by the rendering code) becomes a necessity.
**Q**: Why Projection and not Matrix4?
**A**: Godot does not use Matrix2, Matrix3, Matrix4x3, etc. naming convention because, within the engine, these types always have a *purpose*. As such, Godot names them: Transform2D, Transform3D or Basis. In this case, this 4x4 matrix is _always_ used as a _Projection_, hence the naming.
2022-07-20 01:11:13 +02:00
static _FORCE_INLINE_ void store_camera ( const Projection & p_mtx , float * p_array ) {
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i + + ) {
for ( int j = 0 ; j < 4 ; j + + ) {
2022-10-04 11:44:48 -05:00
p_array [ i * 4 + j ] = p_mtx . columns [ i ] [ j ] ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
SSEffects : : SSEffects ( ) {
singleton = this ;
2022-09-29 15:37:10 +10:00
// Initialize depth buffer for screen space effects
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
Vector < String > downsampler_modes ;
downsampler_modes . push_back ( " \n " ) ;
downsampler_modes . push_back ( " \n #define USE_HALF_SIZE \n " ) ;
downsampler_modes . push_back ( " \n #define GENERATE_MIPS \n " ) ;
downsampler_modes . push_back ( " \n #define GENERATE_MIPS \n #define USE_HALF_SIZE \n " ) ;
downsampler_modes . push_back ( " \n #define USE_HALF_BUFFERS \n " ) ;
downsampler_modes . push_back ( " \n #define USE_HALF_BUFFERS \n #define USE_HALF_SIZE \n " ) ;
downsampler_modes . push_back ( " \n #define GENERATE_MIPS \n #define GENERATE_FULL_MIPS " ) ;
ss_effects . downsample_shader . initialize ( downsampler_modes ) ;
ss_effects . downsample_shader_version = ss_effects . downsample_shader . version_create ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < SS_EFFECTS_MAX ; i + + ) {
ss_effects . pipelines [ i ] = RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_pipeline_create ( ss_effects . downsample_shader . version_get_shader ( ss_effects . downsample_shader_version , i ) ) ;
ss_effects . gather_constants_buffer = RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > uniform_buffer_create ( sizeof ( SSEffectsGatherConstants ) ) ;
SSEffectsGatherConstants gather_constants ;
const int sub_pass_count = 5 ;
for ( int pass = 0 ; pass < 4 ; pass + + ) {
for ( int subPass = 0 ; subPass < sub_pass_count ; subPass + + ) {
int a = pass ;
int spmap [ 5 ] { 0 , 1 , 4 , 3 , 2 } ;
2023-06-09 17:00:50 +02:00
int b = spmap [ subPass ] ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
float ca , sa ;
float angle0 = ( float ( a ) + float ( b ) / float ( sub_pass_count ) ) * Math_PI * 0.5f ;
ca = Math : : cos ( angle0 ) ;
sa = Math : : sin ( angle0 ) ;
float scale = 1.0f + ( a - 1.5f + ( b - ( sub_pass_count - 1.0f ) * 0.5f ) / float ( sub_pass_count ) ) * 0.07f ;
gather_constants . rotation_matrices [ pass * 20 + subPass * 4 + 0 ] = scale * ca ;
gather_constants . rotation_matrices [ pass * 20 + subPass * 4 + 1 ] = scale * - sa ;
gather_constants . rotation_matrices [ pass * 20 + subPass * 4 + 2 ] = - scale * sa ;
gather_constants . rotation_matrices [ pass * 20 + subPass * 4 + 3 ] = - scale * ca ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > buffer_update ( ss_effects . gather_constants_buffer , 0 , sizeof ( SSEffectsGatherConstants ) , & gather_constants ) ;
// Initialize Screen Space Indirect Lighting (SSIL)
2022-09-29 15:37:10 +10:00
ssil_set_quality ( RS : : EnvironmentSSILQuality ( int ( GLOBAL_GET ( " rendering/environment/ssil/quality " ) ) ) , GLOBAL_GET ( " rendering/environment/ssil/half_size " ) , GLOBAL_GET ( " rendering/environment/ssil/adaptive_target " ) , GLOBAL_GET ( " rendering/environment/ssil/blur_passes " ) , GLOBAL_GET ( " rendering/environment/ssil/fadeout_from " ) , GLOBAL_GET ( " rendering/environment/ssil/fadeout_to " ) ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
Vector < String > ssil_modes ;
ssil_modes . push_back ( " \n " ) ;
ssil_modes . push_back ( " \n #define SSIL_BASE \n " ) ;
ssil_modes . push_back ( " \n #define ADAPTIVE \n " ) ;
ssil . gather_shader . initialize ( ssil_modes ) ;
ssil . gather_shader_version = ssil . gather_shader . version_create ( ) ;
for ( int i = SSIL_GATHER ; i < = SSIL_GATHER_ADAPTIVE ; i + + ) {
ssil . pipelines [ i ] = RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_pipeline_create ( ssil . gather_shader . version_get_shader ( ssil . gather_shader_version , i ) ) ;
ssil . projection_uniform_buffer = RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > uniform_buffer_create ( sizeof ( SSILProjectionUniforms ) ) ;
Vector < String > ssil_modes ;
ssil_modes . push_back ( " \n #define GENERATE_MAP \n " ) ;
ssil_modes . push_back ( " \n #define PROCESS_MAPA \n " ) ;
ssil_modes . push_back ( " \n #define PROCESS_MAPB \n " ) ;
ssil . importance_map_shader . initialize ( ssil_modes ) ;
ssil . importance_map_shader_version = ssil . importance_map_shader . version_create ( ) ;
ssil . pipelines [ i ] = RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_pipeline_create ( ssil . importance_map_shader . version_get_shader ( ssil . importance_map_shader_version , i - SSIL_GENERATE_IMPORTANCE_MAP ) ) ;
ssil . importance_map_load_counter = RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > storage_buffer_create ( sizeof ( uint32_t ) ) ;
int zero [ 1 ] = { 0 } ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > buffer_update ( ssil . importance_map_load_counter , 0 , sizeof ( uint32_t ) , & zero ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > set_resource_name ( ssil . importance_map_load_counter , " Importance Map Load Counter " ) ;
Vector < RD : : Uniform > uniforms ;
RD : : Uniform u ;
u . uniform_type = RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER ;
u . binding = 0 ;
u . append_id ( ssil . importance_map_load_counter ) ;
uniforms . push_back ( u ) ;
ssil . counter_uniform_set = RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > uniform_set_create ( uniforms , ssil . importance_map_shader . version_get_shader ( ssil . importance_map_shader_version , 2 ) , 2 ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > set_resource_name ( ssil . counter_uniform_set , " Load Counter Uniform Set " ) ;
Vector < String > ssil_modes ;
ssil_modes . push_back ( " \n #define MODE_NON_SMART \n " ) ;
ssil_modes . push_back ( " \n #define MODE_SMART \n " ) ;
ssil_modes . push_back ( " \n #define MODE_WIDE \n " ) ;
ssil . blur_shader . initialize ( ssil_modes ) ;
ssil . blur_shader_version = ssil . blur_shader . version_create ( ) ;
for ( int i = SSIL_BLUR_PASS ; i < = SSIL_BLUR_PASS_WIDE ; i + + ) {
ssil . pipelines [ i ] = RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_pipeline_create ( ssil . blur_shader . version_get_shader ( ssil . blur_shader_version , i - SSIL_BLUR_PASS ) ) ;
Vector < String > ssil_modes ;
ssil_modes . push_back ( " \n #define MODE_NON_SMART \n " ) ;
ssil_modes . push_back ( " \n #define MODE_SMART \n " ) ;
ssil_modes . push_back ( " \n #define MODE_HALF \n " ) ;
ssil . interleave_shader . initialize ( ssil_modes ) ;
ssil . interleave_shader_version = ssil . interleave_shader . version_create ( ) ;
for ( int i = SSIL_INTERLEAVE ; i < = SSIL_INTERLEAVE_HALF ; i + + ) {
ssil . pipelines [ i ] = RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_pipeline_create ( ssil . interleave_shader . version_get_shader ( ssil . interleave_shader_version , i - SSIL_INTERLEAVE ) ) ;
2022-09-29 15:37:10 +10:00
// Initialize Screen Space Ambient Occlusion (SSAO)
ssao_set_quality ( RS : : EnvironmentSSAOQuality ( int ( GLOBAL_GET ( " rendering/environment/ssao/quality " ) ) ) , GLOBAL_GET ( " rendering/environment/ssao/half_size " ) , GLOBAL_GET ( " rendering/environment/ssao/adaptive_target " ) , GLOBAL_GET ( " rendering/environment/ssao/blur_passes " ) , GLOBAL_GET ( " rendering/environment/ssao/fadeout_from " ) , GLOBAL_GET ( " rendering/environment/ssao/fadeout_to " ) ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
2022-09-29 15:37:10 +10:00
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
RD : : SamplerState sampler ;
sampler . mag_filter = RD : : SAMPLER_FILTER_NEAREST ;
sampler . min_filter = RD : : SAMPLER_FILTER_NEAREST ;
sampler . mip_filter = RD : : SAMPLER_FILTER_NEAREST ;
sampler . max_lod = 4 ;
uint32_t pipeline = 0 ;
Vector < String > ssao_modes ;
ssao_modes . push_back ( " \n " ) ;
ssao_modes . push_back ( " \n #define SSAO_BASE \n " ) ;
ssao_modes . push_back ( " \n #define ADAPTIVE \n " ) ;
ssao . gather_shader . initialize ( ssao_modes ) ;
ssao . gather_shader_version = ssao . gather_shader . version_create ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < = SSAO_GATHER_ADAPTIVE ; i + + ) {
ssao . pipelines [ pipeline ] = RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_pipeline_create ( ssao . gather_shader . version_get_shader ( ssao . gather_shader_version , i ) ) ;
pipeline + + ;
Vector < String > ssao_modes ;
ssao_modes . push_back ( " \n #define GENERATE_MAP \n " ) ;
ssao_modes . push_back ( " \n #define PROCESS_MAPA \n " ) ;
ssao_modes . push_back ( " \n #define PROCESS_MAPB \n " ) ;
ssao . importance_map_shader . initialize ( ssao_modes ) ;
ssao . importance_map_shader_version = ssao . importance_map_shader . version_create ( ) ;
ssao . pipelines [ pipeline ] = RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_pipeline_create ( ssao . importance_map_shader . version_get_shader ( ssao . importance_map_shader_version , i - SSAO_GENERATE_IMPORTANCE_MAP ) ) ;
pipeline + + ;
ssao . importance_map_load_counter = RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > storage_buffer_create ( sizeof ( uint32_t ) ) ;
int zero [ 1 ] = { 0 } ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > buffer_update ( ssao . importance_map_load_counter , 0 , sizeof ( uint32_t ) , & zero ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > set_resource_name ( ssao . importance_map_load_counter , " Importance Map Load Counter " ) ;
Vector < RD : : Uniform > uniforms ;
RD : : Uniform u ;
u . uniform_type = RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER ;
u . binding = 0 ;
u . append_id ( ssao . importance_map_load_counter ) ;
uniforms . push_back ( u ) ;
ssao . counter_uniform_set = RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > uniform_set_create ( uniforms , ssao . importance_map_shader . version_get_shader ( ssao . importance_map_shader_version , 2 ) , 2 ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > set_resource_name ( ssao . counter_uniform_set , " Load Counter Uniform Set " ) ;
Vector < String > ssao_modes ;
ssao_modes . push_back ( " \n #define MODE_NON_SMART \n " ) ;
ssao_modes . push_back ( " \n #define MODE_SMART \n " ) ;
ssao_modes . push_back ( " \n #define MODE_WIDE \n " ) ;
ssao . blur_shader . initialize ( ssao_modes ) ;
ssao . blur_shader_version = ssao . blur_shader . version_create ( ) ;
for ( int i = SSAO_BLUR_PASS ; i < = SSAO_BLUR_PASS_WIDE ; i + + ) {
ssao . pipelines [ pipeline ] = RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_pipeline_create ( ssao . blur_shader . version_get_shader ( ssao . blur_shader_version , i - SSAO_BLUR_PASS ) ) ;
pipeline + + ;
Vector < String > ssao_modes ;
ssao_modes . push_back ( " \n #define MODE_NON_SMART \n " ) ;
ssao_modes . push_back ( " \n #define MODE_SMART \n " ) ;
ssao_modes . push_back ( " \n #define MODE_HALF \n " ) ;
ssao . interleave_shader . initialize ( ssao_modes ) ;
ssao . interleave_shader_version = ssao . interleave_shader . version_create ( ) ;
for ( int i = SSAO_INTERLEAVE ; i < = SSAO_INTERLEAVE_HALF ; i + + ) {
ssao . pipelines [ pipeline ] = RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_pipeline_create ( ssao . interleave_shader . version_get_shader ( ssao . interleave_shader_version , i - SSAO_INTERLEAVE ) ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > set_resource_name ( ssao . pipelines [ pipeline ] , " Interleave Pipeline " + itos ( i ) ) ;
pipeline + + ;
ERR_FAIL_COND ( pipeline ! = SSAO_MAX ) ;
ss_effects . mirror_sampler = RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > sampler_create ( sampler ) ;
2022-09-29 15:37:10 +10:00
// Screen Space Reflections
ssr_roughness_quality = RS : : EnvironmentSSRRoughnessQuality ( int ( GLOBAL_GET ( " rendering/environment/screen_space_reflection/roughness_quality " ) ) ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
2022-09-29 15:37:10 +10:00
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
Vector < RD : : PipelineSpecializationConstant > specialization_constants ;
RD : : PipelineSpecializationConstant sc ;
sc . constant_id = 0 ; // SSR_USE_FULL_PROJECTION_MATRIX
sc . bool_value = false ;
specialization_constants . push_back ( sc ) ;
Vector < String > ssr_scale_modes ;
ssr_scale_modes . push_back ( " \n " ) ;
ssr_scale . shader . initialize ( ssr_scale_modes ) ;
ssr_scale . shader_version = ssr_scale . shader . version_create ( ) ;
for ( int v = 0 ; v < SSR_VARIATIONS ; v + + ) {
specialization_constants . ptrw ( ) [ 0 ] . bool_value = ( v & SSR_MULTIVIEW ) ? true : false ;
ssr_scale . pipelines [ v ] = RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_pipeline_create ( ssr_scale . shader . version_get_shader ( ssr_scale . shader_version , 0 ) , specialization_constants ) ;
Vector < String > ssr_modes ;
ssr_modes . push_back ( " \n " ) ; // SCREEN_SPACE_REFLECTION_NORMAL
ssr_modes . push_back ( " \n #define MODE_ROUGH \n " ) ; // SCREEN_SPACE_REFLECTION_ROUGH
ssr . shader . initialize ( ssr_modes ) ;
ssr . shader_version = ssr . shader . version_create ( ) ;
for ( int v = 0 ; v < SSR_VARIATIONS ; v + + ) {
specialization_constants . ptrw ( ) [ 0 ] . bool_value = ( v & SSR_MULTIVIEW ) ? true : false ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < SCREEN_SPACE_REFLECTION_MAX ; i + + ) {
ssr . pipelines [ v ] [ i ] = RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_pipeline_create ( ssr . shader . version_get_shader ( ssr . shader_version , i ) , specialization_constants ) ;
Vector < String > ssr_filter_modes ;
ssr_filter_modes . push_back ( " \n " ) ; // SCREEN_SPACE_REFLECTION_FILTER_HORIZONTAL
ssr_filter_modes . push_back ( " \n #define VERTICAL_PASS \n " ) ; // SCREEN_SPACE_REFLECTION_FILTER_VERTICAL
ssr_filter . shader . initialize ( ssr_filter_modes ) ;
ssr_filter . shader_version = ssr_filter . shader . version_create ( ) ;
for ( int v = 0 ; v < SSR_VARIATIONS ; v + + ) {
specialization_constants . ptrw ( ) [ 0 ] . bool_value = ( v & SSR_MULTIVIEW ) ? true : false ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < SCREEN_SPACE_REFLECTION_FILTER_MAX ; i + + ) {
ssr_filter . pipelines [ v ] [ i ] = RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_pipeline_create ( ssr_filter . shader . version_get_shader ( ssr_filter . shader_version , i ) , specialization_constants ) ;
2022-08-04 18:40:39 +10:00
// Subsurface scattering
2022-09-29 15:37:10 +10:00
sss_quality = RS : : SubSurfaceScatteringQuality ( int ( GLOBAL_GET ( " rendering/environment/subsurface_scattering/subsurface_scattering_quality " ) ) ) ;
sss_scale = GLOBAL_GET ( " rendering/environment/subsurface_scattering/subsurface_scattering_scale " ) ;
sss_depth_scale = GLOBAL_GET ( " rendering/environment/subsurface_scattering/subsurface_scattering_depth_scale " ) ;
2022-08-04 18:40:39 +10:00
Vector < String > sss_modes ;
sss_modes . push_back ( " \n #define USE_11_SAMPLES \n " ) ;
sss_modes . push_back ( " \n #define USE_17_SAMPLES \n " ) ;
sss_modes . push_back ( " \n #define USE_25_SAMPLES \n " ) ;
sss . shader . initialize ( sss_modes ) ;
sss . shader_version = sss . shader . version_create ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < sss_modes . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
sss . pipelines [ i ] = RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_pipeline_create ( sss . shader . version_get_shader ( sss . shader_version , i ) ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
SSEffects : : ~ SSEffects ( ) {
// Cleanup SS Reflections
ssr . shader . version_free ( ssr . shader_version ) ;
ssr_filter . shader . version_free ( ssr_filter . shader_version ) ;
ssr_scale . shader . version_free ( ssr_scale . shader_version ) ;
if ( ssr . ubo . is_valid ( ) ) {
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > free ( ssr . ubo ) ;
// Cleanup SS downsampler
ss_effects . downsample_shader . version_free ( ss_effects . downsample_shader_version ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > free ( ss_effects . mirror_sampler ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > free ( ss_effects . gather_constants_buffer ) ;
// Cleanup SSIL
ssil . blur_shader . version_free ( ssil . blur_shader_version ) ;
ssil . gather_shader . version_free ( ssil . gather_shader_version ) ;
ssil . interleave_shader . version_free ( ssil . interleave_shader_version ) ;
ssil . importance_map_shader . version_free ( ssil . importance_map_shader_version ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > free ( ssil . importance_map_load_counter ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > free ( ssil . projection_uniform_buffer ) ;
// Cleanup SSAO
ssao . blur_shader . version_free ( ssao . blur_shader_version ) ;
ssao . gather_shader . version_free ( ssao . gather_shader_version ) ;
ssao . interleave_shader . version_free ( ssao . interleave_shader_version ) ;
ssao . importance_map_shader . version_free ( ssao . importance_map_shader_version ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > free ( ssao . importance_map_load_counter ) ;
2022-08-04 18:40:39 +10:00
// Cleanup Subsurface scattering
sss . shader . version_free ( sss . shader_version ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
singleton = nullptr ;
/* SS Downsampler */
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
void SSEffects : : downsample_depth ( Ref < RenderSceneBuffersRD > p_render_buffers , uint32_t p_view , const Projection & p_projection ) {
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
UniformSetCacheRD * uniform_set_cache = UniformSetCacheRD : : get_singleton ( ) ;
ERR_FAIL_NULL ( uniform_set_cache ) ;
MaterialStorage * material_storage = MaterialStorage : : get_singleton ( ) ;
ERR_FAIL_NULL ( material_storage ) ;
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
uint32_t view_count = p_render_buffers - > get_view_count ( ) ;
Size2i full_screen_size = p_render_buffers - > get_internal_size ( ) ;
Size2i size ( ( full_screen_size . x + 1 ) / 2 , ( full_screen_size . y + 1 ) / 2 ) ;
// Make sure our buffers exist, buffers are automatically cleared if view count or size changes.
if ( ! p_render_buffers - > has_texture ( RB_SCOPE_SSDS , RB_LINEAR_DEPTH ) ) {
p_render_buffers - > create_texture ( RB_SCOPE_SSDS , RB_LINEAR_DEPTH , RD : : DATA_FORMAT_R16_SFLOAT , RD : : TEXTURE_USAGE_SAMPLING_BIT | RD : : TEXTURE_USAGE_STORAGE_BIT , RD : : TEXTURE_SAMPLES_1 , size , view_count * 4 , 5 ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
// Downsample and deinterleave the depth buffer for SSAO and SSIL
RD : : ComputeListID compute_list = RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_begin ( ) ;
int downsample_mode = SS_EFFECTS_DOWNSAMPLE ;
2022-09-29 15:37:10 +10:00
bool use_mips = ssao_quality > RS : : ENV_SSAO_QUALITY_MEDIUM | | ssil_quality > RS : : ENV_SSIL_QUALITY_MEDIUM ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
2022-09-29 15:37:10 +10:00
if ( ssao_quality = = RS : : ENV_SSAO_QUALITY_VERY_LOW & & ssil_quality = = RS : : ENV_SSIL_QUALITY_VERY_LOW ) {
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
downsample_mode = SS_EFFECTS_DOWNSAMPLE_HALF ;
} else if ( use_mips ) {
bool use_half_size = false ;
bool use_full_mips = false ;
2022-09-29 15:37:10 +10:00
if ( ssao_half_size & & ssil_half_size ) {
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
downsample_mode + + ;
use_half_size = true ;
2022-09-29 15:37:10 +10:00
} else if ( ssao_half_size ! = ssil_half_size ) {
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
if ( use_mips ) {
use_full_mips = true ;
} else {
// Only need the first two mipmaps, but the cost to generate the next two is trivial
// TODO investigate the benefit of a shader version to generate only 2 mips
use_mips = true ;
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
RID shader = ss_effects . downsample_shader . version_get_shader ( ss_effects . downsample_shader_version , downsample_mode ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
int depth_index = use_half_size ? 1 : 0 ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > draw_command_begin_label ( " Downsample Depth " ) ;
2022-09-13 17:49:32 +10:00
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
RID downsample_uniform_set ;
if ( use_mips ) {
// Grab our downsample uniform set from cache, these are automatically cleaned up if the depth textures are cleared.
// This also ensures we can switch between left eye and right eye uniform sets without recreating the uniform twice a frame.
Vector < RD : : Uniform > u_depths ;
// Note, use_full_mips is true if either SSAO or SSIL uses half size, but the other full size and we're using mips.
// That means we're filling all 5 levels.
// In this scenario `depth_index` will be 0.
for ( int i = 0 ; i < ( use_full_mips ? 4 : 3 ) ; i + + ) {
RID depth_mipmap = p_render_buffers - > get_texture_slice ( RB_SCOPE_SSDS , RB_LINEAR_DEPTH , p_view * 4 , depth_index + i + 1 , 4 , 1 ) ;
RD : : Uniform u_depth ;
u_depth . uniform_type = RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE ;
u_depth . binding = i ;
u_depth . append_id ( depth_mipmap ) ;
u_depths . push_back ( u_depth ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
downsample_uniform_set = uniform_set_cache - > get_cache_vec ( shader , 2 , u_depths ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
2023-02-16 00:16:35 -08:00
float depth_linearize_mul = - p_projection . columns [ 3 ] [ 2 ] * 0.5 ;
2022-10-04 11:44:48 -05:00
float depth_linearize_add = p_projection . columns [ 2 ] [ 2 ] ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
if ( depth_linearize_mul * depth_linearize_add < 0 ) {
depth_linearize_add = - depth_linearize_add ;
ss_effects . downsample_push_constant . orthogonal = p_projection . is_orthogonal ( ) ;
ss_effects . downsample_push_constant . z_near = depth_linearize_mul ;
ss_effects . downsample_push_constant . z_far = depth_linearize_add ;
if ( ss_effects . downsample_push_constant . orthogonal ) {
ss_effects . downsample_push_constant . z_near = p_projection . get_z_near ( ) ;
ss_effects . downsample_push_constant . z_far = p_projection . get_z_far ( ) ;
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
ss_effects . downsample_push_constant . pixel_size [ 0 ] = 1.0 / full_screen_size . x ;
ss_effects . downsample_push_constant . pixel_size [ 1 ] = 1.0 / full_screen_size . y ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
ss_effects . downsample_push_constant . radius_sq = 1.0 ;
RID default_sampler = material_storage - > sampler_rd_get_default ( RS : : CANVAS_ITEM_TEXTURE_FILTER_LINEAR , RS : : CANVAS_ITEM_TEXTURE_REPEAT_DISABLED ) ;
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
RID depth_texture = p_render_buffers - > get_depth_texture ( p_view ) ;
RID depth_mipmap = p_render_buffers - > get_texture_slice ( RB_SCOPE_SSDS , RB_LINEAR_DEPTH , p_view * 4 , depth_index , 4 , 1 ) ;
RD : : Uniform u_depth_buffer ( RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER_WITH_TEXTURE , 0 , Vector < RID > ( { default_sampler , depth_texture } ) ) ;
RD : : Uniform u_depth_mipmap ( RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE , 0 , Vector < RID > ( { depth_mipmap } ) ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_compute_pipeline ( compute_list , ss_effects . pipelines [ downsample_mode ] ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_uniform_set ( compute_list , uniform_set_cache - > get_cache ( shader , 0 , u_depth_buffer ) , 0 ) ;
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_uniform_set ( compute_list , uniform_set_cache - > get_cache ( shader , 1 , u_depth_mipmap ) , 1 ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
if ( use_mips ) {
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_uniform_set ( compute_list , downsample_uniform_set , 2 ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_set_push_constant ( compute_list , & ss_effects . downsample_push_constant , sizeof ( SSEffectsDownsamplePushConstant ) ) ;
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
if ( use_half_size ) {
size . x = MAX ( 1 , size . x > > 1 ) ;
size . y = MAX ( 1 , size . y > > 1 ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_dispatch_threads ( compute_list , size . x , size . y , 1 ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_add_barrier ( compute_list ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > draw_command_end_label ( ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_end ( RD : : BARRIER_MASK_COMPUTE ) ;
ss_effects . used_full_mips_last_frame = use_full_mips ;
ss_effects . used_half_size_last_frame = use_half_size ;
2022-09-13 17:49:32 +10:00
ss_effects . used_mips_last_frame = use_mips ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
/* SSIL */
2022-09-29 15:37:10 +10:00
void SSEffects : : ssil_set_quality ( RS : : EnvironmentSSILQuality p_quality , bool p_half_size , float p_adaptive_target , int p_blur_passes , float p_fadeout_from , float p_fadeout_to ) {
ssil_quality = p_quality ;
ssil_half_size = p_half_size ;
ssil_adaptive_target = p_adaptive_target ;
ssil_blur_passes = p_blur_passes ;
ssil_fadeout_from = p_fadeout_from ;
ssil_fadeout_to = p_fadeout_to ;
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
void SSEffects : : gather_ssil ( RD : : ComputeListID p_compute_list , const RID * p_ssil_slices , const RID * p_edges_slices , const SSILSettings & p_settings , bool p_adaptive_base_pass , RID p_gather_uniform_set , RID p_importance_map_uniform_set , RID p_projection_uniform_set ) {
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
UniformSetCacheRD * uniform_set_cache = UniformSetCacheRD : : get_singleton ( ) ;
ERR_FAIL_NULL ( uniform_set_cache ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_uniform_set ( p_compute_list , p_gather_uniform_set , 0 ) ;
2022-09-29 15:37:10 +10:00
if ( ( ssil_quality = = RS : : ENV_SSIL_QUALITY_ULTRA ) & & ! p_adaptive_base_pass ) {
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_uniform_set ( p_compute_list , p_importance_map_uniform_set , 1 ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_uniform_set ( p_compute_list , p_projection_uniform_set , 3 ) ;
RID shader = ssil . gather_shader . version_get_shader ( ssil . gather_shader_version , 0 ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i + + ) {
2022-09-29 15:37:10 +10:00
if ( ( ssil_quality = = RS : : ENV_SSIL_QUALITY_VERY_LOW ) & & ( ( i = = 1 ) | | ( i = = 2 ) ) ) {
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
continue ;
RD : : Uniform u_ssil_slice ( RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE , 0 , Vector < RID > ( { p_ssil_slices [ i ] } ) ) ;
RD : : Uniform u_edges_slice ( RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE , 1 , Vector < RID > ( { p_edges_slices [ i ] } ) ) ;
ssil . gather_push_constant . pass_coord_offset [ 0 ] = i % 2 ;
ssil . gather_push_constant . pass_coord_offset [ 1 ] = i / 2 ;
ssil . gather_push_constant . pass_uv_offset [ 0 ] = ( ( i % 2 ) - 0.0 ) / p_settings . full_screen_size . x ;
ssil . gather_push_constant . pass_uv_offset [ 1 ] = ( ( i / 2 ) - 0.0 ) / p_settings . full_screen_size . y ;
ssil . gather_push_constant . pass = i ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_uniform_set ( p_compute_list , uniform_set_cache - > get_cache ( shader , 2 , u_ssil_slice , u_edges_slice ) , 2 ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_set_push_constant ( p_compute_list , & ssil . gather_push_constant , sizeof ( SSILGatherPushConstant ) ) ;
2023-02-24 13:50:13 +11:00
Size2i size ;
// Calculate size same way as we created the buffer
if ( ssil_half_size ) {
size . x = ( p_settings . full_screen_size . x + 3 ) / 4 ;
size . y = ( p_settings . full_screen_size . y + 3 ) / 4 ;
} else {
size . x = ( p_settings . full_screen_size . x + 1 ) / 2 ;
size . y = ( p_settings . full_screen_size . y + 1 ) / 2 ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_dispatch_threads ( p_compute_list , size . x , size . y , 1 ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_add_barrier ( p_compute_list ) ;
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
void SSEffects : : ssil_allocate_buffers ( Ref < RenderSceneBuffersRD > p_render_buffers , SSILRenderBuffers & p_ssil_buffers , const SSILSettings & p_settings ) {
2022-09-29 15:37:10 +10:00
if ( p_ssil_buffers . half_size ! = ssil_half_size ) {
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
p_render_buffers - > clear_context ( RB_SCOPE_SSIL ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
p_ssil_buffers . half_size = ssil_half_size ;
if ( p_ssil_buffers . half_size ) {
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
p_ssil_buffers . buffer_width = ( p_settings . full_screen_size . x + 3 ) / 4 ;
p_ssil_buffers . buffer_height = ( p_settings . full_screen_size . y + 3 ) / 4 ;
p_ssil_buffers . half_buffer_width = ( p_settings . full_screen_size . x + 7 ) / 8 ;
p_ssil_buffers . half_buffer_height = ( p_settings . full_screen_size . y + 7 ) / 8 ;
} else {
p_ssil_buffers . buffer_width = ( p_settings . full_screen_size . x + 1 ) / 2 ;
p_ssil_buffers . buffer_height = ( p_settings . full_screen_size . y + 1 ) / 2 ;
p_ssil_buffers . half_buffer_width = ( p_settings . full_screen_size . x + 3 ) / 4 ;
p_ssil_buffers . half_buffer_height = ( p_settings . full_screen_size . y + 3 ) / 4 ;
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
uint32_t view_count = p_render_buffers - > get_view_count ( ) ;
Size2i full_size = Size2i ( p_ssil_buffers . buffer_width , p_ssil_buffers . buffer_height ) ;
Size2i half_size = Size2i ( p_ssil_buffers . half_buffer_width , p_ssil_buffers . half_buffer_height ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
// We create our intermediate and final results as render buffers.
// These are automatically cached and cleaned up when our viewport resizes
// or when our viewport gets destroyed.
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
if ( ! p_render_buffers - > has_texture ( RB_SCOPE_SSIL , RB_FINAL ) ) { // We don't strictly have to check if it exists but we only want to clear it when we create it...
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > texture_clear ( final , Color ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) , 0 , 1 , 0 , view_count ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
if ( ! p_render_buffers - > has_texture ( RB_SCOPE_SSIL , RB_LAST_FRAME ) ) {
RID last_frame = p_render_buffers - > create_texture ( RB_SCOPE_SSIL , RB_LAST_FRAME , RD : : DATA_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SFLOAT , RD : : TEXTURE_USAGE_SAMPLING_BIT | RD : : TEXTURE_USAGE_STORAGE_BIT | RD : : TEXTURE_USAGE_CAN_COPY_TO_BIT , RD : : TEXTURE_SAMPLES_1 , p_settings . full_screen_size , 0 , 6 ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > texture_clear ( last_frame , Color ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) , 0 , 6 , 0 , view_count ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
// As we're not clearing these, and render buffers will return the cached texture if it already exists,
// we don't first check has_texture here
p_render_buffers - > create_texture ( RB_SCOPE_SSIL , RB_DEINTERLEAVED , RD : : DATA_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SFLOAT , RD : : TEXTURE_USAGE_SAMPLING_BIT | RD : : TEXTURE_USAGE_STORAGE_BIT , RD : : TEXTURE_SAMPLES_1 , full_size , 4 * view_count ) ;
p_render_buffers - > create_texture ( RB_SCOPE_SSIL , RB_DEINTERLEAVED_PONG , RD : : DATA_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SFLOAT , RD : : TEXTURE_USAGE_SAMPLING_BIT | RD : : TEXTURE_USAGE_STORAGE_BIT , RD : : TEXTURE_SAMPLES_1 , full_size , 4 * view_count ) ;
p_render_buffers - > create_texture ( RB_SCOPE_SSIL , RB_EDGES , RD : : DATA_FORMAT_R8_UNORM , RD : : TEXTURE_USAGE_SAMPLING_BIT | RD : : TEXTURE_USAGE_STORAGE_BIT , RD : : TEXTURE_SAMPLES_1 , full_size , 4 * view_count ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
void SSEffects : : screen_space_indirect_lighting ( Ref < RenderSceneBuffersRD > p_render_buffers , SSILRenderBuffers & p_ssil_buffers , uint32_t p_view , RID p_normal_buffer , const Projection & p_projection , const Projection & p_last_projection , const SSILSettings & p_settings ) {
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
UniformSetCacheRD * uniform_set_cache = UniformSetCacheRD : : get_singleton ( ) ;
ERR_FAIL_NULL ( uniform_set_cache ) ;
MaterialStorage * material_storage = MaterialStorage : : get_singleton ( ) ;
ERR_FAIL_NULL ( material_storage ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > draw_command_begin_label ( " Process Screen Space Indirect Lighting " ) ;
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
// Obtain our (cached) buffer slices for the view we are rendering.
RID last_frame = p_render_buffers - > get_texture_slice ( RB_SCOPE_SSIL , RB_LAST_FRAME , p_view , 0 , 1 , 6 ) ;
RID deinterleaved = p_render_buffers - > get_texture_slice ( RB_SCOPE_SSIL , RB_DEINTERLEAVED , p_view * 4 , 0 , 4 , 1 ) ;
RID deinterleaved_pong = p_render_buffers - > get_texture_slice ( RB_SCOPE_SSIL , RB_DEINTERLEAVED_PONG , 4 * p_view , 0 , 4 , 1 ) ;
RID edges = p_render_buffers - > get_texture_slice ( RB_SCOPE_SSIL , RB_EDGES , 4 * p_view , 0 , 4 , 1 ) ;
RID importance_map = p_render_buffers - > get_texture_slice ( RB_SCOPE_SSIL , RB_IMPORTANCE_MAP , p_view , 0 ) ;
RID importance_pong = p_render_buffers - > get_texture_slice ( RB_SCOPE_SSIL , RB_IMPORTANCE_PONG , p_view , 0 ) ;
RID deinterleaved_slices [ 4 ] ;
RID deinterleaved_pong_slices [ 4 ] ;
RID edges_slices [ 4 ] ;
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i + + ) {
deinterleaved_slices [ i ] = p_render_buffers - > get_texture_slice ( RB_SCOPE_SSIL , RB_DEINTERLEAVED , p_view * 4 + i , 0 ) ;
deinterleaved_pong_slices [ i ] = p_render_buffers - > get_texture_slice ( RB_SCOPE_SSIL , RB_DEINTERLEAVED_PONG , p_view * 4 + i , 0 ) ;
edges_slices [ i ] = p_render_buffers - > get_texture_slice ( RB_SCOPE_SSIL , RB_EDGES , p_view * 4 + i , 0 ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
//Store projection info before starting the compute list
SSILProjectionUniforms projection_uniforms ;
store_camera ( p_last_projection , projection_uniforms . inv_last_frame_projection_matrix ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > buffer_update ( ssil . projection_uniform_buffer , 0 , sizeof ( SSILProjectionUniforms ) , & projection_uniforms ) ;
memset ( & ssil . gather_push_constant , 0 , sizeof ( SSILGatherPushConstant ) ) ;
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
RID shader = ssil . gather_shader . version_get_shader ( ssil . gather_shader_version , SSIL_GATHER ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
RID default_sampler = material_storage - > sampler_rd_get_default ( RS : : CANVAS_ITEM_TEXTURE_FILTER_LINEAR , RS : : CANVAS_ITEM_TEXTURE_REPEAT_DISABLED ) ;
RID default_mipmap_sampler = material_storage - > sampler_rd_get_default ( RS : : CANVAS_ITEM_TEXTURE_FILTER_LINEAR_WITH_MIPMAPS , RS : : CANVAS_ITEM_TEXTURE_REPEAT_DISABLED ) ;
RD : : ComputeListID compute_list = RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_begin ( ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > draw_command_begin_label ( " Gather Samples " ) ;
ssil . gather_push_constant . screen_size [ 0 ] = p_settings . full_screen_size . x ;
ssil . gather_push_constant . screen_size [ 1 ] = p_settings . full_screen_size . y ;
2023-02-16 00:16:35 -08:00
ssil . gather_push_constant . half_screen_pixel_size [ 0 ] = 2.0 / p_settings . full_screen_size . x ;
ssil . gather_push_constant . half_screen_pixel_size [ 1 ] = 2.0 / p_settings . full_screen_size . y ;
if ( ssil_half_size ) {
ssil . gather_push_constant . half_screen_pixel_size [ 0 ] * = 2.0 ;
ssil . gather_push_constant . half_screen_pixel_size [ 1 ] * = 2.0 ;
ssil . gather_push_constant . half_screen_pixel_size_x025 [ 0 ] = ssil . gather_push_constant . half_screen_pixel_size [ 0 ] * 0.75 ;
ssil . gather_push_constant . half_screen_pixel_size_x025 [ 1 ] = ssil . gather_push_constant . half_screen_pixel_size [ 1 ] * 0.75 ;
2022-10-04 11:44:48 -05:00
float tan_half_fov_x = 1.0 / p_projection . columns [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ;
float tan_half_fov_y = 1.0 / p_projection . columns [ 1 ] [ 1 ] ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
ssil . gather_push_constant . NDC_to_view_mul [ 0 ] = tan_half_fov_x * 2.0 ;
ssil . gather_push_constant . NDC_to_view_mul [ 1 ] = tan_half_fov_y * - 2.0 ;
ssil . gather_push_constant . NDC_to_view_add [ 0 ] = tan_half_fov_x * - 1.0 ;
ssil . gather_push_constant . NDC_to_view_add [ 1 ] = tan_half_fov_y ;
ssil . gather_push_constant . z_near = p_projection . get_z_near ( ) ;
ssil . gather_push_constant . z_far = p_projection . get_z_far ( ) ;
ssil . gather_push_constant . is_orthogonal = p_projection . is_orthogonal ( ) ;
ssil . gather_push_constant . radius = p_settings . radius ;
float radius_near_limit = ( p_settings . radius * 1.2f ) ;
2022-09-29 15:37:10 +10:00
if ( ssil_quality < = RS : : ENV_SSIL_QUALITY_LOW ) {
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
radius_near_limit * = 1.50f ;
2022-09-29 15:37:10 +10:00
if ( ssil_quality = = RS : : ENV_SSIL_QUALITY_VERY_LOW ) {
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
ssil . gather_push_constant . radius * = 0.8f ;
radius_near_limit / = tan_half_fov_y ;
ssil . gather_push_constant . intensity = p_settings . intensity * Math_PI ;
2022-09-29 15:37:10 +10:00
ssil . gather_push_constant . fade_out_mul = - 1.0 / ( ssil_fadeout_to - ssil_fadeout_from ) ;
ssil . gather_push_constant . fade_out_add = ssil_fadeout_from / ( ssil_fadeout_to - ssil_fadeout_from ) + 1.0 ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
ssil . gather_push_constant . inv_radius_near_limit = 1.0f / radius_near_limit ;
ssil . gather_push_constant . neg_inv_radius = - 1.0 / ssil . gather_push_constant . radius ;
ssil . gather_push_constant . normal_rejection_amount = p_settings . normal_rejection ;
ssil . gather_push_constant . load_counter_avg_div = 9.0 / float ( ( p_ssil_buffers . half_buffer_width ) * ( p_ssil_buffers . half_buffer_height ) * 255 ) ;
2022-09-29 15:37:10 +10:00
ssil . gather_push_constant . adaptive_sample_limit = ssil_adaptive_target ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
2022-09-29 15:37:10 +10:00
ssil . gather_push_constant . quality = MAX ( 0 , ssil_quality - 1 ) ;
ssil . gather_push_constant . size_multiplier = ssil_half_size ? 2 : 1 ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
// We are using our uniform cache so our uniform sets are automatically freed when our textures are freed.
// It also ensures that we're reusing the right cached entry in a multiview situation without us having to
// remember each instance of the uniform set.
RID projection_uniform_set ;
RD : : Uniform u_last_frame ;
u_last_frame . uniform_type = RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER_WITH_TEXTURE ;
u_last_frame . binding = 0 ;
u_last_frame . append_id ( default_mipmap_sampler ) ;
u_last_frame . append_id ( last_frame ) ;
RD : : Uniform u_projection ;
u_projection . uniform_type = RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER ;
u_projection . binding = 1 ;
u_projection . append_id ( ssil . projection_uniform_buffer ) ;
projection_uniform_set = uniform_set_cache - > get_cache ( shader , 3 , u_last_frame , u_projection ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
RID gather_uniform_set ;
RID depth_texture_view = p_render_buffers - > get_texture_slice ( RB_SCOPE_SSDS , RB_LINEAR_DEPTH , p_view * 4 , ssil_half_size ? 1 : 0 , 4 , 4 ) ;
RD : : Uniform u_depth_texture_view ;
u_depth_texture_view . uniform_type = RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER_WITH_TEXTURE ;
u_depth_texture_view . binding = 0 ;
2023-02-16 00:16:35 -08:00
u_depth_texture_view . append_id ( ss_effects . mirror_sampler ) ;
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
u_depth_texture_view . append_id ( depth_texture_view ) ;
RD : : Uniform u_normal_buffer ;
u_normal_buffer . uniform_type = RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE ;
u_normal_buffer . binding = 1 ;
u_normal_buffer . append_id ( p_normal_buffer ) ;
RD : : Uniform u_gather_constants_buffer ;
u_gather_constants_buffer . uniform_type = RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER ;
u_gather_constants_buffer . binding = 2 ;
u_gather_constants_buffer . append_id ( ss_effects . gather_constants_buffer ) ;
gather_uniform_set = uniform_set_cache - > get_cache ( shader , 0 , u_depth_texture_view , u_normal_buffer , u_gather_constants_buffer ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
RID importance_map_uniform_set ;
RD : : Uniform u_pong ;
u_pong . uniform_type = RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE ;
u_pong . binding = 0 ;
u_pong . append_id ( deinterleaved_pong ) ;
RD : : Uniform u_importance_map ;
u_importance_map . uniform_type = RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER_WITH_TEXTURE ;
u_importance_map . binding = 1 ;
u_importance_map . append_id ( default_sampler ) ;
u_importance_map . append_id ( importance_map ) ;
RD : : Uniform u_load_counter ;
u_load_counter . uniform_type = RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER ;
u_load_counter . binding = 2 ;
u_load_counter . append_id ( ssil . importance_map_load_counter ) ;
RID shader_adaptive = ssil . gather_shader . version_get_shader ( ssil . gather_shader_version , SSIL_GATHER_ADAPTIVE ) ;
importance_map_uniform_set = uniform_set_cache - > get_cache ( shader_adaptive , 1 , u_pong , u_importance_map , u_load_counter ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
2022-09-29 15:37:10 +10:00
if ( ssil_quality = = RS : : ENV_SSIL_QUALITY_ULTRA ) {
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > draw_command_begin_label ( " Generate Importance Map " ) ;
ssil . importance_map_push_constant . half_screen_pixel_size [ 0 ] = 1.0 / p_ssil_buffers . buffer_width ;
ssil . importance_map_push_constant . half_screen_pixel_size [ 1 ] = 1.0 / p_ssil_buffers . buffer_height ;
ssil . importance_map_push_constant . intensity = p_settings . intensity * Math_PI ;
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
//base pass
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_compute_pipeline ( compute_list , ssil . pipelines [ SSIL_GATHER_BASE ] ) ;
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
gather_ssil ( compute_list , deinterleaved_pong_slices , edges_slices , p_settings , true , gather_uniform_set , importance_map_uniform_set , projection_uniform_set ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
//generate importance map
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
RID gen_imp_shader = ssil . importance_map_shader . version_get_shader ( ssil . importance_map_shader_version , 0 ) ;
RD : : Uniform u_ssil_pong_with_sampler ( RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER_WITH_TEXTURE , 0 , Vector < RID > ( { default_sampler , deinterleaved_pong } ) ) ;
RD : : Uniform u_importance_map ( RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE , 0 , Vector < RID > ( { importance_map } ) ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_compute_pipeline ( compute_list , ssil . pipelines [ SSIL_GENERATE_IMPORTANCE_MAP ] ) ;
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_uniform_set ( compute_list , uniform_set_cache - > get_cache ( gen_imp_shader , 0 , u_ssil_pong_with_sampler ) , 0 ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_uniform_set ( compute_list , uniform_set_cache - > get_cache ( gen_imp_shader , 1 , u_importance_map ) , 1 ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_set_push_constant ( compute_list , & ssil . importance_map_push_constant , sizeof ( SSILImportanceMapPushConstant ) ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_dispatch_threads ( compute_list , p_ssil_buffers . half_buffer_width , p_ssil_buffers . half_buffer_height , 1 ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_add_barrier ( compute_list ) ;
// process Importance Map A
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
RID proc_imp_shader_a = ssil . importance_map_shader . version_get_shader ( ssil . importance_map_shader_version , 1 ) ;
RD : : Uniform u_importance_map_with_sampler ( RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER_WITH_TEXTURE , 0 , Vector < RID > ( { default_sampler , importance_map } ) ) ;
RD : : Uniform u_importance_map_pong ( RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE , 0 , Vector < RID > ( { importance_pong } ) ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_compute_pipeline ( compute_list , ssil . pipelines [ SSIL_PROCESS_IMPORTANCE_MAPA ] ) ;
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_uniform_set ( compute_list , uniform_set_cache - > get_cache ( proc_imp_shader_a , 0 , u_importance_map_with_sampler ) , 0 ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_uniform_set ( compute_list , uniform_set_cache - > get_cache ( proc_imp_shader_a , 1 , u_importance_map_pong ) , 1 ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_set_push_constant ( compute_list , & ssil . importance_map_push_constant , sizeof ( SSILImportanceMapPushConstant ) ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_dispatch_threads ( compute_list , p_ssil_buffers . half_buffer_width , p_ssil_buffers . half_buffer_height , 1 ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_add_barrier ( compute_list ) ;
// process Importance Map B
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
RID proc_imp_shader_b = ssil . importance_map_shader . version_get_shader ( ssil . importance_map_shader_version , 2 ) ;
RD : : Uniform u_importance_map_pong_with_sampler ( RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER_WITH_TEXTURE , 0 , Vector < RID > ( { default_sampler , importance_pong } ) ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_compute_pipeline ( compute_list , ssil . pipelines [ SSIL_PROCESS_IMPORTANCE_MAPB ] ) ;
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_uniform_set ( compute_list , uniform_set_cache - > get_cache ( proc_imp_shader_b , 0 , u_importance_map_pong_with_sampler ) , 0 ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_uniform_set ( compute_list , uniform_set_cache - > get_cache ( proc_imp_shader_b , 1 , u_importance_map ) , 1 ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_uniform_set ( compute_list , ssil . counter_uniform_set , 2 ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_set_push_constant ( compute_list , & ssil . importance_map_push_constant , sizeof ( SSILImportanceMapPushConstant ) ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_dispatch_threads ( compute_list , p_ssil_buffers . half_buffer_width , p_ssil_buffers . half_buffer_height , 1 ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_add_barrier ( compute_list ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > draw_command_end_label ( ) ; // Importance Map
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_compute_pipeline ( compute_list , ssil . pipelines [ SSIL_GATHER_ADAPTIVE ] ) ;
} else {
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_compute_pipeline ( compute_list , ssil . pipelines [ SSIL_GATHER ] ) ;
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
gather_ssil ( compute_list , deinterleaved_slices , edges_slices , p_settings , false , gather_uniform_set , importance_map_uniform_set , projection_uniform_set ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > draw_command_end_label ( ) ; //Gather
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > draw_command_begin_label ( " Edge Aware Blur " ) ;
ssil . blur_push_constant . edge_sharpness = 1.0 - p_settings . sharpness ;
ssil . blur_push_constant . half_screen_pixel_size [ 0 ] = 1.0 / p_ssil_buffers . buffer_width ;
ssil . blur_push_constant . half_screen_pixel_size [ 1 ] = 1.0 / p_ssil_buffers . buffer_height ;
2022-09-29 15:37:10 +10:00
int blur_passes = ssil_quality > RS : : ENV_SSIL_QUALITY_VERY_LOW ? ssil_blur_passes : 1 ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
shader = ssil . blur_shader . version_get_shader ( ssil . blur_shader_version , 0 ) ;
for ( int pass = 0 ; pass < blur_passes ; pass + + ) {
int blur_pipeline = SSIL_BLUR_PASS ;
2022-09-29 15:37:10 +10:00
if ( ssil_quality > RS : : ENV_SSIL_QUALITY_VERY_LOW ) {
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
blur_pipeline = SSIL_BLUR_PASS_SMART ;
if ( pass < blur_passes - 2 ) {
blur_pipeline = SSIL_BLUR_PASS_WIDE ;
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
RID blur_shader = ssil . blur_shader . version_get_shader ( ssil . blur_shader_version , blur_pipeline - SSIL_BLUR_PASS ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i + + ) {
2022-09-29 15:37:10 +10:00
if ( ( ssil_quality = = RS : : ENV_SSIL_QUALITY_VERY_LOW ) & & ( ( i = = 1 ) | | ( i = = 2 ) ) ) {
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
continue ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_compute_pipeline ( compute_list , ssil . pipelines [ blur_pipeline ] ) ;
if ( pass % 2 = = 0 ) {
2022-09-29 15:37:10 +10:00
if ( ssil_quality = = RS : : ENV_SSIL_QUALITY_VERY_LOW ) {
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
RD : : Uniform u_ssil_slice ( RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER_WITH_TEXTURE , 0 , Vector < RID > ( { default_sampler , deinterleaved_slices [ i ] } ) ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_uniform_set ( compute_list , uniform_set_cache - > get_cache ( blur_shader , 0 , u_ssil_slice ) , 0 ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
} else {
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
RD : : Uniform u_ssil_slice ( RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER_WITH_TEXTURE , 0 , Vector < RID > ( { ss_effects . mirror_sampler , deinterleaved_slices [ i ] } ) ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_uniform_set ( compute_list , uniform_set_cache - > get_cache ( blur_shader , 0 , u_ssil_slice ) , 0 ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
RD : : Uniform u_ssil_pong_slice ( RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE , 0 , Vector < RID > ( { deinterleaved_pong_slices [ i ] } ) ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_uniform_set ( compute_list , uniform_set_cache - > get_cache ( blur_shader , 1 , u_ssil_pong_slice ) , 1 ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
} else {
2022-09-29 15:37:10 +10:00
if ( ssil_quality = = RS : : ENV_SSIL_QUALITY_VERY_LOW ) {
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
RD : : Uniform u_ssil_pong_slice ( RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER_WITH_TEXTURE , 0 , Vector < RID > ( { default_sampler , deinterleaved_pong_slices [ i ] } ) ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_uniform_set ( compute_list , uniform_set_cache - > get_cache ( blur_shader , 0 , u_ssil_pong_slice ) , 0 ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
} else {
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
RD : : Uniform u_ssil_pong_slice ( RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER_WITH_TEXTURE , 0 , Vector < RID > ( { ss_effects . mirror_sampler , deinterleaved_pong_slices [ i ] } ) ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_uniform_set ( compute_list , uniform_set_cache - > get_cache ( blur_shader , 0 , u_ssil_pong_slice ) , 0 ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
RD : : Uniform u_ssil_slice ( RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE , 0 , Vector < RID > ( { deinterleaved_slices [ i ] } ) ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_uniform_set ( compute_list , uniform_set_cache - > get_cache ( blur_shader , 1 , u_ssil_slice ) , 1 ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
RD : : Uniform u_edges_slice ( RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE , 0 , Vector < RID > ( { edges_slices [ i ] } ) ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_uniform_set ( compute_list , uniform_set_cache - > get_cache ( blur_shader , 2 , u_edges_slice ) , 2 ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_set_push_constant ( compute_list , & ssil . blur_push_constant , sizeof ( SSILBlurPushConstant ) ) ;
2023-02-24 13:50:13 +11:00
// Use the size of the actual buffer we're processing here or we won't cover the entire image.
int x_groups = p_ssil_buffers . buffer_width ;
int y_groups = p_ssil_buffers . buffer_height ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_dispatch_threads ( compute_list , x_groups , y_groups , 1 ) ;
2022-09-29 15:37:10 +10:00
if ( ssil_quality > RS : : ENV_SSIL_QUALITY_VERY_LOW ) {
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_add_barrier ( compute_list ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > draw_command_end_label ( ) ; // Blur
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > draw_command_begin_label ( " Interleave Buffers " ) ;
ssil . interleave_push_constant . inv_sharpness = 1.0 - p_settings . sharpness ;
ssil . interleave_push_constant . pixel_size [ 0 ] = 1.0 / p_settings . full_screen_size . x ;
ssil . interleave_push_constant . pixel_size [ 1 ] = 1.0 / p_settings . full_screen_size . y ;
2022-09-29 15:37:10 +10:00
ssil . interleave_push_constant . size_modifier = uint32_t ( ssil_half_size ? 4 : 2 ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
int interleave_pipeline = SSIL_INTERLEAVE_HALF ;
2022-09-29 15:37:10 +10:00
if ( ssil_quality = = RS : : ENV_SSIL_QUALITY_LOW ) {
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
interleave_pipeline = SSIL_INTERLEAVE ;
2022-09-29 15:37:10 +10:00
} else if ( ssil_quality > = RS : : ENV_SSIL_QUALITY_MEDIUM ) {
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
interleave_pipeline = SSIL_INTERLEAVE_SMART ;
shader = ssil . interleave_shader . version_get_shader ( ssil . interleave_shader_version , 0 ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_compute_pipeline ( compute_list , ssil . pipelines [ interleave_pipeline ] ) ;
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
RID final = p_render_buffers - > get_texture_slice ( RB_SCOPE_SSIL , RB_FINAL , p_view , 0 ) ;
RD : : Uniform u_destination ( RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE , 0 , Vector < RID > ( { final } ) ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_uniform_set ( compute_list , uniform_set_cache - > get_cache ( shader , 0 , u_destination ) , 0 ) ;
2022-09-29 15:37:10 +10:00
if ( ssil_quality > RS : : ENV_SSIL_QUALITY_VERY_LOW & & ssil_blur_passes % 2 = = 0 ) {
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
RD : : Uniform u_ssil ( RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER_WITH_TEXTURE , 0 , Vector < RID > ( { default_sampler , deinterleaved } ) ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_uniform_set ( compute_list , uniform_set_cache - > get_cache ( shader , 1 , u_ssil ) , 1 ) ;
} else {
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
RD : : Uniform u_ssil_pong ( RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER_WITH_TEXTURE , 0 , Vector < RID > ( { default_sampler , deinterleaved_pong } ) ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_uniform_set ( compute_list , uniform_set_cache - > get_cache ( shader , 1 , u_ssil_pong ) , 1 ) ;
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
RD : : Uniform u_edges ( RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE , 0 , Vector < RID > ( { edges } ) ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_uniform_set ( compute_list , uniform_set_cache - > get_cache ( shader , 2 , u_edges ) , 2 ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_set_push_constant ( compute_list , & ssil . interleave_push_constant , sizeof ( SSILInterleavePushConstant ) ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_dispatch_threads ( compute_list , p_settings . full_screen_size . x , p_settings . full_screen_size . y , 1 ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_add_barrier ( compute_list ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > draw_command_end_label ( ) ; // Interleave
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > draw_command_end_label ( ) ; // SSIL
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_end ( RD : : BARRIER_MASK_NO_BARRIER ) ;
int zero [ 1 ] = { 0 } ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > buffer_update ( ssil . importance_map_load_counter , 0 , sizeof ( uint32_t ) , & zero , 0 ) ; //no barrier
/* SSAO */
2022-09-29 15:37:10 +10:00
void SSEffects : : ssao_set_quality ( RS : : EnvironmentSSAOQuality p_quality , bool p_half_size , float p_adaptive_target , int p_blur_passes , float p_fadeout_from , float p_fadeout_to ) {
ssao_quality = p_quality ;
ssao_half_size = p_half_size ;
ssao_adaptive_target = p_adaptive_target ;
ssao_blur_passes = p_blur_passes ;
ssao_fadeout_from = p_fadeout_from ;
ssao_fadeout_to = p_fadeout_to ;
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
void SSEffects : : gather_ssao ( RD : : ComputeListID p_compute_list , const RID * p_ao_slices , const SSAOSettings & p_settings , bool p_adaptive_base_pass , RID p_gather_uniform_set , RID p_importance_map_uniform_set ) {
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
UniformSetCacheRD * uniform_set_cache = UniformSetCacheRD : : get_singleton ( ) ;
ERR_FAIL_NULL ( uniform_set_cache ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_uniform_set ( p_compute_list , p_gather_uniform_set , 0 ) ;
2022-09-29 15:37:10 +10:00
if ( ( ssao_quality = = RS : : ENV_SSAO_QUALITY_ULTRA ) & & ! p_adaptive_base_pass ) {
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_uniform_set ( p_compute_list , p_importance_map_uniform_set , 1 ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
RID shader = ssao . gather_shader . version_get_shader ( ssao . gather_shader_version , 1 ) ; //
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i + + ) {
2022-09-29 15:37:10 +10:00
if ( ( ssao_quality = = RS : : ENV_SSAO_QUALITY_VERY_LOW ) & & ( ( i = = 1 ) | | ( i = = 2 ) ) ) {
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
continue ;
RD : : Uniform u_ao_slice ( RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE , 0 , Vector < RID > ( { p_ao_slices [ i ] } ) ) ;
ssao . gather_push_constant . pass_coord_offset [ 0 ] = i % 2 ;
ssao . gather_push_constant . pass_coord_offset [ 1 ] = i / 2 ;
ssao . gather_push_constant . pass_uv_offset [ 0 ] = ( ( i % 2 ) - 0.0 ) / p_settings . full_screen_size . x ;
ssao . gather_push_constant . pass_uv_offset [ 1 ] = ( ( i / 2 ) - 0.0 ) / p_settings . full_screen_size . y ;
ssao . gather_push_constant . pass = i ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_uniform_set ( p_compute_list , uniform_set_cache - > get_cache ( shader , 2 , u_ao_slice ) , 2 ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_set_push_constant ( p_compute_list , & ssao . gather_push_constant , sizeof ( SSAOGatherPushConstant ) ) ;
2023-02-24 13:50:13 +11:00
Size2i size ;
// Make sure we use the same size as with which our buffer was created
if ( ssao_half_size ) {
size . x = ( p_settings . full_screen_size . x + 3 ) / 4 ;
size . y = ( p_settings . full_screen_size . y + 3 ) / 4 ;
} else {
size . x = ( p_settings . full_screen_size . x + 1 ) / 2 ;
size . y = ( p_settings . full_screen_size . y + 1 ) / 2 ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_dispatch_threads ( p_compute_list , size . x , size . y , 1 ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_add_barrier ( p_compute_list ) ;
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
void SSEffects : : ssao_allocate_buffers ( Ref < RenderSceneBuffersRD > p_render_buffers , SSAORenderBuffers & p_ssao_buffers , const SSAOSettings & p_settings ) {
2022-09-29 15:37:10 +10:00
if ( p_ssao_buffers . half_size ! = ssao_half_size ) {
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
p_render_buffers - > clear_context ( RB_SCOPE_SSAO ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
p_ssao_buffers . half_size = ssao_half_size ;
2022-09-29 15:37:10 +10:00
if ( ssao_half_size ) {
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
p_ssao_buffers . buffer_width = ( p_settings . full_screen_size . x + 3 ) / 4 ;
p_ssao_buffers . buffer_height = ( p_settings . full_screen_size . y + 3 ) / 4 ;
p_ssao_buffers . half_buffer_width = ( p_settings . full_screen_size . x + 7 ) / 8 ;
p_ssao_buffers . half_buffer_height = ( p_settings . full_screen_size . y + 7 ) / 8 ;
} else {
p_ssao_buffers . buffer_width = ( p_settings . full_screen_size . x + 1 ) / 2 ;
p_ssao_buffers . buffer_height = ( p_settings . full_screen_size . y + 1 ) / 2 ;
p_ssao_buffers . half_buffer_width = ( p_settings . full_screen_size . x + 3 ) / 4 ;
p_ssao_buffers . half_buffer_height = ( p_settings . full_screen_size . y + 3 ) / 4 ;
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
uint32_t view_count = p_render_buffers - > get_view_count ( ) ;
Size2i full_size = Size2i ( p_ssao_buffers . buffer_width , p_ssao_buffers . buffer_height ) ;
Size2i half_size = Size2i ( p_ssao_buffers . half_buffer_width , p_ssao_buffers . half_buffer_height ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
// As we're not clearing these, and render buffers will return the cached texture if it already exists,
// we don't first check has_texture here
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
p_render_buffers - > create_texture ( RB_SCOPE_SSAO , RB_DEINTERLEAVED , RD : : DATA_FORMAT_R8G8_UNORM , RD : : TEXTURE_USAGE_SAMPLING_BIT | RD : : TEXTURE_USAGE_STORAGE_BIT , RD : : TEXTURE_SAMPLES_1 , full_size , 4 * view_count ) ;
p_render_buffers - > create_texture ( RB_SCOPE_SSAO , RB_DEINTERLEAVED_PONG , RD : : DATA_FORMAT_R8G8_UNORM , RD : : TEXTURE_USAGE_SAMPLING_BIT | RD : : TEXTURE_USAGE_STORAGE_BIT , RD : : TEXTURE_SAMPLES_1 , full_size , 4 * view_count ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
void SSEffects : : generate_ssao ( Ref < RenderSceneBuffersRD > p_render_buffers , SSAORenderBuffers & p_ssao_buffers , uint32_t p_view , RID p_normal_buffer , const Projection & p_projection , const SSAOSettings & p_settings ) {
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
UniformSetCacheRD * uniform_set_cache = UniformSetCacheRD : : get_singleton ( ) ;
ERR_FAIL_NULL ( uniform_set_cache ) ;
MaterialStorage * material_storage = MaterialStorage : : get_singleton ( ) ;
ERR_FAIL_NULL ( material_storage ) ;
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
// Obtain our (cached) buffer slices for the view we are rendering.
RID ao_deinterleaved = p_render_buffers - > get_texture_slice ( RB_SCOPE_SSAO , RB_DEINTERLEAVED , p_view * 4 , 0 , 4 , 1 ) ;
RID ao_pong = p_render_buffers - > get_texture_slice ( RB_SCOPE_SSAO , RB_DEINTERLEAVED_PONG , p_view * 4 , 0 , 4 , 1 ) ;
RID importance_map = p_render_buffers - > get_texture_slice ( RB_SCOPE_SSAO , RB_IMPORTANCE_MAP , p_view , 0 ) ;
RID importance_pong = p_render_buffers - > get_texture_slice ( RB_SCOPE_SSAO , RB_IMPORTANCE_PONG , p_view , 0 ) ;
RID ao_final = p_render_buffers - > get_texture_slice ( RB_SCOPE_SSAO , RB_FINAL , p_view , 0 ) ;
RID ao_deinterleaved_slices [ 4 ] ;
RID ao_pong_slices [ 4 ] ;
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i + + ) {
ao_deinterleaved_slices [ i ] = p_render_buffers - > get_texture_slice ( RB_SCOPE_SSAO , RB_DEINTERLEAVED , p_view * 4 + i , 0 ) ;
ao_pong_slices [ i ] = p_render_buffers - > get_texture_slice ( RB_SCOPE_SSAO , RB_DEINTERLEAVED_PONG , p_view * 4 + i , 0 ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
RD : : ComputeListID compute_list = RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_begin ( ) ;
memset ( & ssao . gather_push_constant , 0 , sizeof ( SSAOGatherPushConstant ) ) ;
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
RID shader = ssao . gather_shader . version_get_shader ( ssao . gather_shader_version , SSAO_GATHER ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
RID default_sampler = material_storage - > sampler_rd_get_default ( RS : : CANVAS_ITEM_TEXTURE_FILTER_LINEAR , RS : : CANVAS_ITEM_TEXTURE_REPEAT_DISABLED ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > draw_command_begin_label ( " Process Screen Space Ambient Occlusion " ) ;
// Sample SSAO
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > draw_command_begin_label ( " Gather Samples " ) ;
ssao . gather_push_constant . screen_size [ 0 ] = p_settings . full_screen_size . x ;
ssao . gather_push_constant . screen_size [ 1 ] = p_settings . full_screen_size . y ;
2023-02-16 00:16:35 -08:00
ssao . gather_push_constant . half_screen_pixel_size [ 0 ] = 2.0 / p_settings . full_screen_size . x ;
ssao . gather_push_constant . half_screen_pixel_size [ 1 ] = 2.0 / p_settings . full_screen_size . y ;
if ( ssao_half_size ) {
ssao . gather_push_constant . half_screen_pixel_size [ 0 ] * = 2.0 ;
ssao . gather_push_constant . half_screen_pixel_size [ 1 ] * = 2.0 ;
ssao . gather_push_constant . half_screen_pixel_size_x025 [ 0 ] = ssao . gather_push_constant . half_screen_pixel_size [ 0 ] * 0.75 ;
ssao . gather_push_constant . half_screen_pixel_size_x025 [ 1 ] = ssao . gather_push_constant . half_screen_pixel_size [ 1 ] * 0.75 ;
2022-10-04 11:44:48 -05:00
float tan_half_fov_x = 1.0 / p_projection . columns [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ;
float tan_half_fov_y = 1.0 / p_projection . columns [ 1 ] [ 1 ] ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
ssao . gather_push_constant . NDC_to_view_mul [ 0 ] = tan_half_fov_x * 2.0 ;
ssao . gather_push_constant . NDC_to_view_mul [ 1 ] = tan_half_fov_y * - 2.0 ;
ssao . gather_push_constant . NDC_to_view_add [ 0 ] = tan_half_fov_x * - 1.0 ;
ssao . gather_push_constant . NDC_to_view_add [ 1 ] = tan_half_fov_y ;
ssao . gather_push_constant . is_orthogonal = p_projection . is_orthogonal ( ) ;
ssao . gather_push_constant . radius = p_settings . radius ;
float radius_near_limit = ( p_settings . radius * 1.2f ) ;
2022-09-29 15:37:10 +10:00
if ( ssao_quality < = RS : : ENV_SSAO_QUALITY_LOW ) {
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
radius_near_limit * = 1.50f ;
2022-09-29 15:37:10 +10:00
if ( ssao_quality = = RS : : ENV_SSAO_QUALITY_VERY_LOW ) {
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
ssao . gather_push_constant . radius * = 0.8f ;
radius_near_limit / = tan_half_fov_y ;
ssao . gather_push_constant . intensity = p_settings . intensity ;
ssao . gather_push_constant . shadow_power = p_settings . power ;
ssao . gather_push_constant . shadow_clamp = 0.98 ;
2022-09-29 15:37:10 +10:00
ssao . gather_push_constant . fade_out_mul = - 1.0 / ( ssao_fadeout_to - ssao_fadeout_from ) ;
ssao . gather_push_constant . fade_out_add = ssao_fadeout_from / ( ssao_fadeout_to - ssao_fadeout_from ) + 1.0 ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
ssao . gather_push_constant . horizon_angle_threshold = p_settings . horizon ;
ssao . gather_push_constant . inv_radius_near_limit = 1.0f / radius_near_limit ;
ssao . gather_push_constant . neg_inv_radius = - 1.0 / ssao . gather_push_constant . radius ;
ssao . gather_push_constant . load_counter_avg_div = 9.0 / float ( ( p_ssao_buffers . half_buffer_width ) * ( p_ssao_buffers . half_buffer_height ) * 255 ) ;
2022-09-29 15:37:10 +10:00
ssao . gather_push_constant . adaptive_sample_limit = ssao_adaptive_target ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
ssao . gather_push_constant . detail_intensity = p_settings . detail ;
2022-09-29 15:37:10 +10:00
ssao . gather_push_constant . quality = MAX ( 0 , ssao_quality - 1 ) ;
ssao . gather_push_constant . size_multiplier = ssao_half_size ? 2 : 1 ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
// We are using our uniform cache so our uniform sets are automatically freed when our textures are freed.
// It also ensures that we're reusing the right cached entry in a multiview situation without us having to
// remember each instance of the uniform set.
RID gather_uniform_set ;
RID depth_texture_view = p_render_buffers - > get_texture_slice ( RB_SCOPE_SSDS , RB_LINEAR_DEPTH , p_view * 4 , ssao_half_size ? 1 : 0 , 4 , 4 ) ;
RD : : Uniform u_depth_texture_view ;
u_depth_texture_view . uniform_type = RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER_WITH_TEXTURE ;
u_depth_texture_view . binding = 0 ;
2023-02-16 00:16:35 -08:00
u_depth_texture_view . append_id ( ss_effects . mirror_sampler ) ;
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
u_depth_texture_view . append_id ( depth_texture_view ) ;
RD : : Uniform u_normal_buffer ;
u_normal_buffer . uniform_type = RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE ;
u_normal_buffer . binding = 1 ;
u_normal_buffer . append_id ( p_normal_buffer ) ;
RD : : Uniform u_gather_constants_buffer ;
u_gather_constants_buffer . uniform_type = RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER ;
u_gather_constants_buffer . binding = 2 ;
u_gather_constants_buffer . append_id ( ss_effects . gather_constants_buffer ) ;
gather_uniform_set = uniform_set_cache - > get_cache ( shader , 0 , u_depth_texture_view , u_normal_buffer , u_gather_constants_buffer ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
RID importance_map_uniform_set ;
RD : : Uniform u_pong ;
u_pong . uniform_type = RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE ;
u_pong . binding = 0 ;
u_pong . append_id ( ao_pong ) ;
RD : : Uniform u_importance_map ;
u_importance_map . uniform_type = RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER_WITH_TEXTURE ;
u_importance_map . binding = 1 ;
u_importance_map . append_id ( default_sampler ) ;
u_importance_map . append_id ( importance_map ) ;
RD : : Uniform u_load_counter ;
u_load_counter . uniform_type = RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER ;
u_load_counter . binding = 2 ;
u_load_counter . append_id ( ssao . importance_map_load_counter ) ;
RID shader_adaptive = ssao . gather_shader . version_get_shader ( ssao . gather_shader_version , SSAO_GATHER_ADAPTIVE ) ;
importance_map_uniform_set = uniform_set_cache - > get_cache ( shader_adaptive , 1 , u_pong , u_importance_map , u_load_counter ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
2022-09-29 15:37:10 +10:00
if ( ssao_quality = = RS : : ENV_SSAO_QUALITY_ULTRA ) {
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > draw_command_begin_label ( " Generate Importance Map " ) ;
ssao . importance_map_push_constant . half_screen_pixel_size [ 0 ] = 1.0 / p_ssao_buffers . buffer_width ;
ssao . importance_map_push_constant . half_screen_pixel_size [ 1 ] = 1.0 / p_ssao_buffers . buffer_height ;
ssao . importance_map_push_constant . intensity = p_settings . intensity ;
ssao . importance_map_push_constant . power = p_settings . power ;
//base pass
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_compute_pipeline ( compute_list , ssao . pipelines [ SSAO_GATHER_BASE ] ) ;
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
gather_ssao ( compute_list , ao_pong_slices , p_settings , true , gather_uniform_set , RID ( ) ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
//generate importance map
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
RID gen_imp_shader = ssao . importance_map_shader . version_get_shader ( ssao . importance_map_shader_version , 0 ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_compute_pipeline ( compute_list , ssao . pipelines [ SSAO_GENERATE_IMPORTANCE_MAP ] ) ;
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
RD : : Uniform u_ao_pong_with_sampler ( RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER_WITH_TEXTURE , 0 , Vector < RID > ( { default_sampler , ao_pong } ) ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_uniform_set ( compute_list , uniform_set_cache - > get_cache ( gen_imp_shader , 0 , u_ao_pong_with_sampler ) , 0 ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
RD : : Uniform u_importance_map ( RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE , 0 , Vector < RID > ( { importance_map } ) ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_uniform_set ( compute_list , uniform_set_cache - > get_cache ( gen_imp_shader , 1 , u_importance_map ) , 1 ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_set_push_constant ( compute_list , & ssao . importance_map_push_constant , sizeof ( SSAOImportanceMapPushConstant ) ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_dispatch_threads ( compute_list , p_ssao_buffers . half_buffer_width , p_ssao_buffers . half_buffer_height , 1 ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_add_barrier ( compute_list ) ;
//process importance map A
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
RID proc_imp_shader_a = ssao . importance_map_shader . version_get_shader ( ssao . importance_map_shader_version , 1 ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_compute_pipeline ( compute_list , ssao . pipelines [ SSAO_PROCESS_IMPORTANCE_MAPA ] ) ;
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
RD : : Uniform u_importance_map_with_sampler ( RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER_WITH_TEXTURE , 0 , Vector < RID > ( { default_sampler , importance_map } ) ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_uniform_set ( compute_list , uniform_set_cache - > get_cache ( proc_imp_shader_a , 0 , u_importance_map_with_sampler ) , 0 ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
RD : : Uniform u_importance_map_pong ( RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE , 0 , Vector < RID > ( { importance_pong } ) ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_uniform_set ( compute_list , uniform_set_cache - > get_cache ( proc_imp_shader_a , 1 , u_importance_map_pong ) , 1 ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_set_push_constant ( compute_list , & ssao . importance_map_push_constant , sizeof ( SSAOImportanceMapPushConstant ) ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_dispatch_threads ( compute_list , p_ssao_buffers . half_buffer_width , p_ssao_buffers . half_buffer_height , 1 ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_add_barrier ( compute_list ) ;
//process Importance Map B
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
RID proc_imp_shader_b = ssao . importance_map_shader . version_get_shader ( ssao . importance_map_shader_version , 2 ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_compute_pipeline ( compute_list , ssao . pipelines [ SSAO_PROCESS_IMPORTANCE_MAPB ] ) ;
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
RD : : Uniform u_importance_map_pong_with_sampler ( RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER_WITH_TEXTURE , 0 , Vector < RID > ( { default_sampler , importance_pong } ) ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_uniform_set ( compute_list , uniform_set_cache - > get_cache ( proc_imp_shader_b , 0 , u_importance_map_pong_with_sampler ) , 0 ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_uniform_set ( compute_list , uniform_set_cache - > get_cache ( proc_imp_shader_b , 1 , u_importance_map ) , 1 ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_uniform_set ( compute_list , ssao . counter_uniform_set , 2 ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_set_push_constant ( compute_list , & ssao . importance_map_push_constant , sizeof ( SSAOImportanceMapPushConstant ) ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_dispatch_threads ( compute_list , p_ssao_buffers . half_buffer_width , p_ssao_buffers . half_buffer_height , 1 ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_add_barrier ( compute_list ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_compute_pipeline ( compute_list , ssao . pipelines [ SSAO_GATHER_ADAPTIVE ] ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > draw_command_end_label ( ) ; // Importance Map
} else {
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_compute_pipeline ( compute_list , ssao . pipelines [ SSAO_GATHER ] ) ;
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
gather_ssao ( compute_list , ao_deinterleaved_slices , p_settings , false , gather_uniform_set , importance_map_uniform_set ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > draw_command_end_label ( ) ; // Gather SSAO
// /* THIRD PASS */
// // Blur
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > draw_command_begin_label ( " Edge Aware Blur " ) ;
ssao . blur_push_constant . edge_sharpness = 1.0 - p_settings . sharpness ;
ssao . blur_push_constant . half_screen_pixel_size [ 0 ] = 1.0 / p_ssao_buffers . buffer_width ;
ssao . blur_push_constant . half_screen_pixel_size [ 1 ] = 1.0 / p_ssao_buffers . buffer_height ;
2022-09-29 15:37:10 +10:00
int blur_passes = ssao_quality > RS : : ENV_SSAO_QUALITY_VERY_LOW ? ssao_blur_passes : 1 ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
shader = ssao . blur_shader . version_get_shader ( ssao . blur_shader_version , 0 ) ;
for ( int pass = 0 ; pass < blur_passes ; pass + + ) {
int blur_pipeline = SSAO_BLUR_PASS ;
2022-09-29 15:37:10 +10:00
if ( ssao_quality > RS : : ENV_SSAO_QUALITY_VERY_LOW ) {
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
if ( pass < blur_passes - 2 ) {
blur_pipeline = SSAO_BLUR_PASS_WIDE ;
} else {
blur_pipeline = SSAO_BLUR_PASS_SMART ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i + + ) {
2022-09-29 15:37:10 +10:00
if ( ( ssao_quality = = RS : : ENV_SSAO_QUALITY_VERY_LOW ) & & ( ( i = = 1 ) | | ( i = = 2 ) ) ) {
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
continue ;
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
RID blur_shader = ssao . blur_shader . version_get_shader ( ssao . blur_shader_version , blur_pipeline - SSAO_BLUR_PASS ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_compute_pipeline ( compute_list , ssao . pipelines [ blur_pipeline ] ) ;
if ( pass % 2 = = 0 ) {
2022-09-29 15:37:10 +10:00
if ( ssao_quality = = RS : : ENV_SSAO_QUALITY_VERY_LOW ) {
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
RD : : Uniform u_ao_slices_with_sampler ( RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER_WITH_TEXTURE , 0 , Vector < RID > ( { default_sampler , ao_deinterleaved_slices [ i ] } ) ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_uniform_set ( compute_list , uniform_set_cache - > get_cache ( blur_shader , 0 , u_ao_slices_with_sampler ) , 0 ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
} else {
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
RD : : Uniform u_ao_slices_with_sampler ( RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER_WITH_TEXTURE , 0 , Vector < RID > ( { ss_effects . mirror_sampler , ao_deinterleaved_slices [ i ] } ) ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_uniform_set ( compute_list , uniform_set_cache - > get_cache ( blur_shader , 0 , u_ao_slices_with_sampler ) , 0 ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
RD : : Uniform u_ao_pong_slices ( RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE , 0 , Vector < RID > ( { ao_pong_slices [ i ] } ) ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_uniform_set ( compute_list , uniform_set_cache - > get_cache ( blur_shader , 1 , u_ao_pong_slices ) , 1 ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
} else {
2022-09-29 15:37:10 +10:00
if ( ssao_quality = = RS : : ENV_SSAO_QUALITY_VERY_LOW ) {
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
RD : : Uniform u_ao_pong_slices_with_sampler ( RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER_WITH_TEXTURE , 0 , Vector < RID > ( { default_sampler , ao_pong_slices [ i ] } ) ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_uniform_set ( compute_list , uniform_set_cache - > get_cache ( blur_shader , 0 , u_ao_pong_slices_with_sampler ) , 0 ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
} else {
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
RD : : Uniform u_ao_pong_slices_with_sampler ( RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER_WITH_TEXTURE , 0 , Vector < RID > ( { ss_effects . mirror_sampler , ao_pong_slices [ i ] } ) ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_uniform_set ( compute_list , uniform_set_cache - > get_cache ( blur_shader , 0 , u_ao_pong_slices_with_sampler ) , 0 ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
RD : : Uniform u_ao_slices ( RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE , 0 , Vector < RID > ( { ao_deinterleaved_slices [ i ] } ) ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_uniform_set ( compute_list , uniform_set_cache - > get_cache ( blur_shader , 1 , u_ao_slices ) , 1 ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_set_push_constant ( compute_list , & ssao . blur_push_constant , sizeof ( SSAOBlurPushConstant ) ) ;
2023-02-24 13:50:13 +11:00
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_dispatch_threads ( compute_list , p_ssao_buffers . buffer_width , p_ssao_buffers . buffer_height , 1 ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
2022-09-29 15:37:10 +10:00
if ( ssao_quality > RS : : ENV_SSAO_QUALITY_VERY_LOW ) {
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_add_barrier ( compute_list ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > draw_command_end_label ( ) ; // Blur
// Interleave buffers
// back to full size
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > draw_command_begin_label ( " Interleave Buffers " ) ;
ssao . interleave_push_constant . inv_sharpness = 1.0 - p_settings . sharpness ;
ssao . interleave_push_constant . pixel_size [ 0 ] = 1.0 / p_settings . full_screen_size . x ;
ssao . interleave_push_constant . pixel_size [ 1 ] = 1.0 / p_settings . full_screen_size . y ;
2022-09-29 15:37:10 +10:00
ssao . interleave_push_constant . size_modifier = uint32_t ( ssao_half_size ? 4 : 2 ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
shader = ssao . interleave_shader . version_get_shader ( ssao . interleave_shader_version , 0 ) ;
int interleave_pipeline = SSAO_INTERLEAVE_HALF ;
2022-09-29 15:37:10 +10:00
if ( ssao_quality = = RS : : ENV_SSAO_QUALITY_LOW ) {
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
interleave_pipeline = SSAO_INTERLEAVE ;
2022-09-29 15:37:10 +10:00
} else if ( ssao_quality > = RS : : ENV_SSAO_QUALITY_MEDIUM ) {
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
interleave_pipeline = SSAO_INTERLEAVE_SMART ;
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
RID interleave_shader = ssao . interleave_shader . version_get_shader ( ssao . interleave_shader_version , interleave_pipeline - SSAO_INTERLEAVE ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_compute_pipeline ( compute_list , ssao . pipelines [ interleave_pipeline ] ) ;
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
RD : : Uniform u_upscale_buffer ( RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE , 0 , Vector < RID > ( { ao_final } ) ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_uniform_set ( compute_list , uniform_set_cache - > get_cache ( interleave_shader , 0 , u_upscale_buffer ) , 0 ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
2022-09-29 15:37:10 +10:00
if ( ssao_quality > RS : : ENV_SSAO_QUALITY_VERY_LOW & & ssao_blur_passes % 2 = = 0 ) {
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
RD : : Uniform u_ao ( RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER_WITH_TEXTURE , 0 , Vector < RID > ( { default_sampler , ao_deinterleaved } ) ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_uniform_set ( compute_list , uniform_set_cache - > get_cache ( interleave_shader , 1 , u_ao ) , 1 ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
} else {
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
RD : : Uniform u_ao ( RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER_WITH_TEXTURE , 0 , Vector < RID > ( { default_sampler , ao_pong } ) ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_uniform_set ( compute_list , uniform_set_cache - > get_cache ( interleave_shader , 1 , u_ao ) , 1 ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_set_push_constant ( compute_list , & ssao . interleave_push_constant , sizeof ( SSAOInterleavePushConstant ) ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_dispatch_threads ( compute_list , p_settings . full_screen_size . x , p_settings . full_screen_size . y , 1 ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_add_barrier ( compute_list ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > draw_command_end_label ( ) ; // Interleave
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > draw_command_end_label ( ) ; //SSAO
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_end ( RD : : BARRIER_MASK_NO_BARRIER ) ; //wait for upcoming transfer
int zero [ 1 ] = { 0 } ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > buffer_update ( ssao . importance_map_load_counter , 0 , sizeof ( uint32_t ) , & zero , 0 ) ; //no barrier
/* Screen Space Reflection */
2022-09-29 15:37:10 +10:00
void SSEffects : : ssr_set_roughness_quality ( RS : : EnvironmentSSRRoughnessQuality p_quality ) {
ssr_roughness_quality = p_quality ;
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
void SSEffects : : ssr_allocate_buffers ( Ref < RenderSceneBuffersRD > p_render_buffers , SSRRenderBuffers & p_ssr_buffers , const RenderingDevice : : DataFormat p_color_format ) {
if ( p_ssr_buffers . roughness_quality ! = ssr_roughness_quality ) {
// Buffers will already be cleared if view count or viewport size has changed, also cleared them if we change roughness.
p_render_buffers - > clear_context ( RB_SCOPE_SSR ) ;
2022-10-02 20:08:07 +11:00
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
Size2i internal_size = p_render_buffers - > get_internal_size ( ) ;
p_ssr_buffers . size = Size2i ( internal_size . x / 2 , internal_size . y / 2 ) ;
2022-10-02 20:08:07 +11:00
p_ssr_buffers . roughness_quality = ssr_roughness_quality ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
// We are using barriers so we do not need to allocate textures for both views on anything but output...
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
p_render_buffers - > create_texture ( RB_SCOPE_SSR , RB_DEPTH_SCALED , RD : : DATA_FORMAT_R32_SFLOAT , RD : : TEXTURE_USAGE_STORAGE_BIT , RD : : TEXTURE_SAMPLES_1 , p_ssr_buffers . size , 1 ) ;
p_render_buffers - > create_texture ( RB_SCOPE_SSR , RB_NORMAL_SCALED , RD : : DATA_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM , RD : : TEXTURE_USAGE_STORAGE_BIT , RD : : TEXTURE_SAMPLES_1 , p_ssr_buffers . size , 1 ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
if ( ssr_roughness_quality ! = RS : : ENV_SSR_ROUGHNESS_QUALITY_DISABLED & & ! p_render_buffers - > has_texture ( RB_SCOPE_SSR , RB_BLUR_RADIUS ) ) {
p_render_buffers - > create_texture ( RB_SCOPE_SSR , RB_BLUR_RADIUS , RD : : DATA_FORMAT_R8_UNORM , RD : : TEXTURE_USAGE_STORAGE_BIT | RD : : TEXTURE_USAGE_SAMPLING_BIT , RD : : TEXTURE_SAMPLES_1 , p_ssr_buffers . size , 2 ) ; // 2 layers, for our two blur stages
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
p_render_buffers - > create_texture ( RB_SCOPE_SSR , RB_INTERMEDIATE , p_color_format , RD : : TEXTURE_USAGE_SAMPLING_BIT | RD : : TEXTURE_USAGE_CAN_COPY_TO_BIT | RD : : TEXTURE_USAGE_STORAGE_BIT , RD : : TEXTURE_SAMPLES_1 , p_ssr_buffers . size , 1 ) ;
p_render_buffers - > create_texture ( RB_SCOPE_SSR , RB_OUTPUT , p_color_format , RD : : TEXTURE_USAGE_SAMPLING_BIT | RD : : TEXTURE_USAGE_CAN_COPY_TO_BIT | RD : : TEXTURE_USAGE_STORAGE_BIT , RD : : TEXTURE_SAMPLES_1 , p_ssr_buffers . size ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
void SSEffects : : screen_space_reflection ( Ref < RenderSceneBuffersRD > p_render_buffers , SSRRenderBuffers & p_ssr_buffers , const RID * p_normal_roughness_slices , const RID * p_metallic_slices , int p_max_steps , float p_fade_in , float p_fade_out , float p_tolerance , const Projection * p_projections , const Vector3 * p_eye_offsets ) {
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
UniformSetCacheRD * uniform_set_cache = UniformSetCacheRD : : get_singleton ( ) ;
ERR_FAIL_NULL ( uniform_set_cache ) ;
MaterialStorage * material_storage = MaterialStorage : : get_singleton ( ) ;
ERR_FAIL_NULL ( material_storage ) ;
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
uint32_t view_count = p_render_buffers - > get_view_count ( ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
RID default_sampler = material_storage - > sampler_rd_get_default ( RS : : CANVAS_ITEM_TEXTURE_FILTER_LINEAR , RS : : CANVAS_ITEM_TEXTURE_REPEAT_DISABLED ) ;
// Store some scene data in a UBO, in the near future we will use a UBO shared with other shaders
ScreenSpaceReflectionSceneData scene_data ;
if ( ssr . ubo . is_null ( ) ) {
ssr . ubo = RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > uniform_buffer_create ( sizeof ( ScreenSpaceReflectionSceneData ) ) ;
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
for ( uint32_t v = 0 ; v < view_count ; v + + ) {
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
store_camera ( p_projections [ v ] , scene_data . projection [ v ] ) ;
store_camera ( p_projections [ v ] . inverse ( ) , scene_data . inv_projection [ v ] ) ;
scene_data . eye_offset [ v ] [ 0 ] = p_eye_offsets [ v ] . x ;
scene_data . eye_offset [ v ] [ 1 ] = p_eye_offsets [ v ] . y ;
scene_data . eye_offset [ v ] [ 2 ] = p_eye_offsets [ v ] . z ;
scene_data . eye_offset [ v ] [ 3 ] = 0.0 ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > buffer_update ( ssr . ubo , 0 , sizeof ( ScreenSpaceReflectionSceneData ) , & scene_data , RD : : BARRIER_MASK_COMPUTE ) ;
uint32_t pipeline_specialization = 0 ;
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
if ( view_count > 1 ) {
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
pipeline_specialization | = SSR_MULTIVIEW ;
RD : : ComputeListID compute_list = RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_begin ( ) ;
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
for ( uint32_t v = 0 ; v < view_count ; v + + ) {
// get buffers we need to use for this view
RID diffuse_slice = p_render_buffers - > get_internal_texture ( v ) ;
RID depth_slice = p_render_buffers - > get_depth_texture ( v ) ;
RID depth_scaled = p_render_buffers - > get_texture ( RB_SCOPE_SSR , RB_DEPTH_SCALED ) ;
RID normal_scaled = p_render_buffers - > get_texture ( RB_SCOPE_SSR , RB_NORMAL_SCALED ) ;
RID intermediate = p_render_buffers - > get_texture ( RB_SCOPE_SSR , RB_INTERMEDIATE ) ;
RID output = p_render_buffers - > get_texture_slice ( RB_SCOPE_SSR , RB_OUTPUT , v , 0 ) ;
RID blur_radius [ 2 ] ;
if ( ssr_roughness_quality ! = RS : : ENV_SSR_ROUGHNESS_QUALITY_DISABLED ) {
blur_radius [ 0 ] = p_render_buffers - > get_texture_slice ( RB_SCOPE_SSR , RB_BLUR_RADIUS , 0 , 0 ) ;
blur_radius [ 1 ] = p_render_buffers - > get_texture_slice ( RB_SCOPE_SSR , RB_BLUR_RADIUS , 1 , 0 ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > draw_command_begin_label ( String ( " SSR View " ) + itos ( v ) ) ;
{ //scale color and depth to half
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > draw_command_begin_label ( " SSR Scale " ) ;
ScreenSpaceReflectionScalePushConstant push_constant ;
push_constant . view_index = v ;
push_constant . camera_z_far = p_projections [ v ] . get_z_far ( ) ;
push_constant . camera_z_near = p_projections [ v ] . get_z_near ( ) ;
push_constant . orthogonal = p_projections [ v ] . is_orthogonal ( ) ;
2023-08-07 12:59:23 +02:00
push_constant . filter = false ; // Enabling causes artifacts.
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
push_constant . screen_size [ 0 ] = p_ssr_buffers . size . x ;
push_constant . screen_size [ 1 ] = p_ssr_buffers . size . y ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
RID shader = ssr_scale . shader . version_get_shader ( ssr_scale . shader_version , 0 ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_compute_pipeline ( compute_list , ssr_scale . pipelines [ pipeline_specialization ] ) ;
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
RD : : Uniform u_diffuse ( RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER_WITH_TEXTURE , 0 , Vector < RID > ( { default_sampler , diffuse_slice } ) ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_uniform_set ( compute_list , uniform_set_cache - > get_cache ( shader , 0 , u_diffuse ) , 0 ) ;
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
RD : : Uniform u_depth ( RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER_WITH_TEXTURE , 0 , Vector < RID > ( { default_sampler , depth_slice } ) ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
RD : : Uniform u_normal_roughness ( RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER_WITH_TEXTURE , 1 , Vector < RID > ( { default_sampler , p_normal_roughness_slices [ v ] } ) ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_uniform_set ( compute_list , uniform_set_cache - > get_cache ( shader , 1 , u_depth , u_normal_roughness ) , 1 ) ;
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
RD : : Uniform u_intermediate ( RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE , 0 , Vector < RID > ( { intermediate } ) ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_uniform_set ( compute_list , uniform_set_cache - > get_cache ( shader , 2 , u_intermediate ) , 2 ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
RD : : Uniform u_scale_depth ( RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE , 0 , Vector < RID > ( { depth_scaled } ) ) ;
RD : : Uniform u_scale_normal ( RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE , 1 , Vector < RID > ( { normal_scaled } ) ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_uniform_set ( compute_list , uniform_set_cache - > get_cache ( shader , 3 , u_scale_depth , u_scale_normal ) , 3 ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_set_push_constant ( compute_list , & push_constant , sizeof ( ScreenSpaceReflectionScalePushConstant ) ) ;
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_dispatch_threads ( compute_list , p_ssr_buffers . size . width , p_ssr_buffers . size . height , 1 ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_add_barrier ( compute_list ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > draw_command_end_label ( ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > draw_command_begin_label ( " SSR main " ) ;
ScreenSpaceReflectionPushConstant push_constant ;
push_constant . view_index = v ;
push_constant . camera_z_far = p_projections [ v ] . get_z_far ( ) ;
push_constant . camera_z_near = p_projections [ v ] . get_z_near ( ) ;
push_constant . orthogonal = p_projections [ v ] . is_orthogonal ( ) ;
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
push_constant . screen_size [ 0 ] = p_ssr_buffers . size . x ;
push_constant . screen_size [ 1 ] = p_ssr_buffers . size . y ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
push_constant . curve_fade_in = p_fade_in ;
push_constant . distance_fade = p_fade_out ;
push_constant . num_steps = p_max_steps ;
push_constant . depth_tolerance = p_tolerance ;
push_constant . use_half_res = true ;
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
push_constant . proj_info [ 0 ] = - 2.0f / ( p_ssr_buffers . size . width * p_projections [ v ] . columns [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ) ;
push_constant . proj_info [ 1 ] = - 2.0f / ( p_ssr_buffers . size . height * p_projections [ v ] . columns [ 1 ] [ 1 ] ) ;
2022-10-04 11:44:48 -05:00
push_constant . proj_info [ 2 ] = ( 1.0f - p_projections [ v ] . columns [ 0 ] [ 2 ] ) / p_projections [ v ] . columns [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ;
push_constant . proj_info [ 3 ] = ( 1.0f + p_projections [ v ] . columns [ 1 ] [ 2 ] ) / p_projections [ v ] . columns [ 1 ] [ 1 ] ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
2022-09-29 15:37:10 +10:00
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
RID shader = ssr . shader . version_get_shader ( ssr . shader_version , mode ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_compute_pipeline ( compute_list , ssr . pipelines [ pipeline_specialization ] [ mode ] ) ;
RD : : Uniform u_scene_data ( RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER , 0 , ssr . ubo ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_uniform_set ( compute_list , uniform_set_cache - > get_cache ( shader , 4 , u_scene_data ) , 4 ) ;
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
// read from intermediate
RD : : Uniform u_intermediate ( RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE , 0 , Vector < RID > ( { intermediate } ) ) ;
RD : : Uniform u_scale_depth ( RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE , 1 , Vector < RID > ( { depth_scaled } ) ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_uniform_set ( compute_list , uniform_set_cache - > get_cache ( shader , 0 , u_intermediate , u_scale_depth ) , 0 ) ;
2022-09-29 15:37:10 +10:00
if ( ssr_roughness_quality ! = RS : : ENV_SSR_ROUGHNESS_QUALITY_DISABLED ) {
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
// write to output and blur radius
RD : : Uniform u_output ( RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE , 0 , Vector < RID > ( { output } ) ) ;
RD : : Uniform u_blur_radius ( RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE , 1 , Vector < RID > ( { blur_radius [ 0 ] } ) ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_uniform_set ( compute_list , uniform_set_cache - > get_cache ( shader , 1 , u_output , u_blur_radius ) , 1 ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
} else {
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
// We are only writing output
RD : : Uniform u_output ( RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE , 0 , Vector < RID > ( { output } ) ) ;
2022-10-02 20:08:07 +11:00
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_uniform_set ( compute_list , uniform_set_cache - > get_cache ( shader , 1 , u_output ) , 1 ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
RD : : Uniform u_scale_normal ( RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE , 0 , Vector < RID > ( { normal_scaled } ) ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_uniform_set ( compute_list , uniform_set_cache - > get_cache ( shader , 2 , u_scale_normal ) , 2 ) ;
RD : : Uniform u_metallic ( RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER_WITH_TEXTURE , 0 , Vector < RID > ( { default_sampler , p_metallic_slices [ v ] } ) ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_uniform_set ( compute_list , uniform_set_cache - > get_cache ( shader , 3 , u_metallic ) , 3 ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_set_push_constant ( compute_list , & push_constant , sizeof ( ScreenSpaceReflectionPushConstant ) ) ;
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_dispatch_threads ( compute_list , p_ssr_buffers . size . width , p_ssr_buffers . size . height , 1 ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > draw_command_end_label ( ) ;
2022-09-29 15:37:10 +10:00
if ( ssr_roughness_quality ! = RS : : ENV_SSR_ROUGHNESS_QUALITY_DISABLED ) {
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > draw_command_begin_label ( " SSR filter " ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_add_barrier ( compute_list ) ;
ScreenSpaceReflectionFilterPushConstant push_constant ;
push_constant . view_index = v ;
push_constant . orthogonal = p_projections [ v ] . is_orthogonal ( ) ;
2022-08-13 17:45:42 +02:00
push_constant . edge_tolerance = Math : : sin ( Math : : deg_to_rad ( 15.0 ) ) ;
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
push_constant . proj_info [ 0 ] = - 2.0f / ( p_ssr_buffers . size . width * p_projections [ v ] . columns [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ) ;
push_constant . proj_info [ 1 ] = - 2.0f / ( p_ssr_buffers . size . height * p_projections [ v ] . columns [ 1 ] [ 1 ] ) ;
2022-10-04 11:44:48 -05:00
push_constant . proj_info [ 2 ] = ( 1.0f - p_projections [ v ] . columns [ 0 ] [ 2 ] ) / p_projections [ v ] . columns [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ;
push_constant . proj_info [ 3 ] = ( 1.0f + p_projections [ v ] . columns [ 1 ] [ 2 ] ) / p_projections [ v ] . columns [ 1 ] [ 1 ] ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
push_constant . vertical = 0 ;
2022-09-29 15:37:10 +10:00
if ( ssr_roughness_quality = = RS : : ENV_SSR_ROUGHNESS_QUALITY_LOW ) {
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
push_constant . steps = p_max_steps / 3 ;
push_constant . increment = 3 ;
2022-09-29 15:37:10 +10:00
} else if ( ssr_roughness_quality = = RS : : ENV_SSR_ROUGHNESS_QUALITY_MEDIUM ) {
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
push_constant . steps = p_max_steps / 2 ;
push_constant . increment = 2 ;
} else {
push_constant . steps = p_max_steps ;
push_constant . increment = 1 ;
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
push_constant . screen_size [ 0 ] = p_ssr_buffers . size . width ;
push_constant . screen_size [ 1 ] = p_ssr_buffers . size . height ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
// Horizontal pass
RID shader = ssr_filter . shader . version_get_shader ( ssr_filter . shader_version , mode ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_compute_pipeline ( compute_list , ssr_filter . pipelines [ pipeline_specialization ] [ mode ] ) ;
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
RD : : Uniform u_output ( RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE , 0 , Vector < RID > ( { output } ) ) ;
RD : : Uniform u_blur_radius ( RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE , 1 , Vector < RID > ( { blur_radius [ 0 ] } ) ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_uniform_set ( compute_list , uniform_set_cache - > get_cache ( shader , 0 , u_output , u_blur_radius ) , 0 ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
RD : : Uniform u_scale_normal ( RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE , 0 , Vector < RID > ( { normal_scaled } ) ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_uniform_set ( compute_list , uniform_set_cache - > get_cache ( shader , 1 , u_scale_normal ) , 1 ) ;
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
RD : : Uniform u_intermediate ( RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE , 0 , Vector < RID > ( { intermediate } ) ) ;
RD : : Uniform u_blur_radius2 ( RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE , 1 , Vector < RID > ( { blur_radius [ 1 ] } ) ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_uniform_set ( compute_list , uniform_set_cache - > get_cache ( shader , 2 , u_intermediate , u_blur_radius2 ) , 2 ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
RD : : Uniform u_scale_depth ( RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE , 0 , Vector < RID > ( { depth_scaled } ) ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_uniform_set ( compute_list , uniform_set_cache - > get_cache ( shader , 3 , u_scale_depth ) , 3 ) ;
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
RD : : Uniform u_scene_data ( RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER , 0 , ssr . ubo ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_uniform_set ( compute_list , uniform_set_cache - > get_cache ( shader , 4 , u_scene_data ) , 4 ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_set_push_constant ( compute_list , & push_constant , sizeof ( ScreenSpaceReflectionFilterPushConstant ) ) ;
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_dispatch_threads ( compute_list , p_ssr_buffers . size . width , p_ssr_buffers . size . height , 1 ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_add_barrier ( compute_list ) ;
// Vertical pass
shader = ssr_filter . shader . version_get_shader ( ssr_filter . shader_version , mode ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_compute_pipeline ( compute_list , ssr_filter . pipelines [ pipeline_specialization ] [ mode ] ) ;
push_constant . vertical = 1 ;
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_uniform_set ( compute_list , uniform_set_cache - > get_cache ( shader , 0 , u_intermediate , u_blur_radius2 ) , 0 ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_uniform_set ( compute_list , uniform_set_cache - > get_cache ( shader , 1 , u_scale_normal ) , 1 ) ;
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_uniform_set ( compute_list , uniform_set_cache - > get_cache ( shader , 2 , u_output ) , 2 ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_uniform_set ( compute_list , uniform_set_cache - > get_cache ( shader , 3 , u_scale_depth ) , 3 ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_uniform_set ( compute_list , uniform_set_cache - > get_cache ( shader , 4 , u_scene_data ) , 4 ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_set_push_constant ( compute_list , & push_constant , sizeof ( ScreenSpaceReflectionFilterPushConstant ) ) ;
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_dispatch_threads ( compute_list , p_ssr_buffers . size . width , p_ssr_buffers . size . height , 1 ) ;
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
2023-02-08 01:30:03 +11:00
if ( v ! = view_count - 1 ) {
2022-06-28 19:10:36 +10:00
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_add_barrier ( compute_list ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > draw_command_end_label ( ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > draw_command_end_label ( ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_end ( ) ;
2022-08-04 18:40:39 +10:00
/* Subsurface scattering */
2022-09-29 15:37:10 +10:00
void SSEffects : : sss_set_quality ( RS : : SubSurfaceScatteringQuality p_quality ) {
sss_quality = p_quality ;
RS : : SubSurfaceScatteringQuality SSEffects : : sss_get_quality ( ) const {
return sss_quality ;
void SSEffects : : sss_set_scale ( float p_scale , float p_depth_scale ) {
sss_scale = p_scale ;
sss_depth_scale = p_depth_scale ;
void SSEffects : : sub_surface_scattering ( Ref < RenderSceneBuffersRD > p_render_buffers , RID p_diffuse , RID p_depth , const Projection & p_camera , const Size2i & p_screen_size ) {
2022-08-04 18:40:39 +10:00
UniformSetCacheRD * uniform_set_cache = UniformSetCacheRD : : get_singleton ( ) ;
ERR_FAIL_NULL ( uniform_set_cache ) ;
MaterialStorage * material_storage = MaterialStorage : : get_singleton ( ) ;
ERR_FAIL_NULL ( material_storage ) ;
RID default_sampler = material_storage - > sampler_rd_get_default ( RS : : CANVAS_ITEM_TEXTURE_FILTER_LINEAR , RS : : CANVAS_ITEM_TEXTURE_REPEAT_DISABLED ) ;
// Our intermediate buffer is only created if we haven't created it already.
RD : : DataFormat format = p_render_buffers - > get_base_data_format ( ) ;
uint32_t layers = 1 ; // We only need one layer, we're handling one view at a time
uint32_t mipmaps = 1 ; // Image::get_image_required_mipmaps(p_screen_size.x, p_screen_size.y, Image::FORMAT_RGBAH);
RID intermediate = p_render_buffers - > create_texture ( SNAME ( " SSR " ) , SNAME ( " intermediate " ) , format , usage_bits , RD : : TEXTURE_SAMPLES_1 , p_screen_size , layers , mipmaps ) ;
Plane p = p_camera . xform4 ( Plane ( 1 , 0 , - 1 , 1 ) ) ;
p . normal / = p . d ;
float unit_size = p . normal . x ;
{ //scale color and depth to half
RD : : ComputeListID compute_list = RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_begin ( ) ;
sss . push_constant . camera_z_far = p_camera . get_z_far ( ) ;
sss . push_constant . camera_z_near = p_camera . get_z_near ( ) ;
sss . push_constant . orthogonal = p_camera . is_orthogonal ( ) ;
sss . push_constant . unit_size = unit_size ;
sss . push_constant . screen_size [ 0 ] = p_screen_size . x ;
sss . push_constant . screen_size [ 1 ] = p_screen_size . y ;
sss . push_constant . vertical = false ;
2022-09-29 15:37:10 +10:00
sss . push_constant . scale = sss_scale ;
sss . push_constant . depth_scale = sss_depth_scale ;
2022-08-04 18:40:39 +10:00
2022-09-29 15:37:10 +10:00
RID shader = sss . shader . version_get_shader ( sss . shader_version , sss_quality - 1 ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_compute_pipeline ( compute_list , sss . pipelines [ sss_quality - 1 ] ) ;
2022-08-04 18:40:39 +10:00
RD : : Uniform u_diffuse_with_sampler ( RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER_WITH_TEXTURE , 0 , Vector < RID > ( { default_sampler , p_diffuse } ) ) ;
RD : : Uniform u_diffuse ( RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE , 0 , Vector < RID > ( { p_diffuse } ) ) ;
RD : : Uniform u_intermediate_with_sampler ( RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER_WITH_TEXTURE , 0 , Vector < RID > ( { default_sampler , intermediate } ) ) ;
RD : : Uniform u_intermediate ( RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE , 0 , Vector < RID > ( { intermediate } ) ) ;
RD : : Uniform u_depth_with_sampler ( RD : : UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER_WITH_TEXTURE , 0 , Vector < RID > ( { default_sampler , p_depth } ) ) ;
// horizontal
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_uniform_set ( compute_list , uniform_set_cache - > get_cache ( shader , 0 , u_diffuse_with_sampler ) , 0 ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_uniform_set ( compute_list , uniform_set_cache - > get_cache ( shader , 1 , u_intermediate ) , 1 ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_uniform_set ( compute_list , uniform_set_cache - > get_cache ( shader , 2 , u_depth_with_sampler ) , 2 ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_set_push_constant ( compute_list , & sss . push_constant , sizeof ( SubSurfaceScatteringPushConstant ) ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_dispatch_threads ( compute_list , p_screen_size . width , p_screen_size . height , 1 ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_add_barrier ( compute_list ) ;
// vertical
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_uniform_set ( compute_list , uniform_set_cache - > get_cache ( shader , 0 , u_intermediate_with_sampler ) , 0 ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_uniform_set ( compute_list , uniform_set_cache - > get_cache ( shader , 1 , u_diffuse ) , 1 ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_bind_uniform_set ( compute_list , uniform_set_cache - > get_cache ( shader , 2 , u_depth_with_sampler ) , 2 ) ;
sss . push_constant . vertical = true ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_set_push_constant ( compute_list , & sss . push_constant , sizeof ( SubSurfaceScatteringPushConstant ) ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_dispatch_threads ( compute_list , p_screen_size . width , p_screen_size . height , 1 ) ;
RD : : get_singleton ( ) - > compute_list_end ( ) ;