2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
/* editor_scene_importer_fbx.cpp */
/* This file is part of: */
/* https://godotengine.org */
2021-01-01 20:13:46 +01:00
/* Copyright (c) 2007-2021 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */
/* Copyright (c) 2014-2021 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
/* */
/* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */
/* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */
/* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */
/* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */
/* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */
/* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */
/* the following conditions: */
/* */
/* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */
/* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */
/* */
# include "editor_scene_importer_fbx.h"
# include "data/fbx_anim_container.h"
# include "data/fbx_material.h"
# include "data/fbx_mesh_data.h"
# include "data/fbx_skeleton.h"
# include "tools/import_utils.h"
# include "core/io/image_loader.h"
# include "editor/editor_log.h"
# include "editor/editor_node.h"
# include "editor/import/resource_importer_scene.h"
# include "scene/3d/bone_attachment_3d.h"
# include "scene/3d/camera_3d.h"
2021-09-20 18:24:31 -07:00
# include "scene/3d/importer_mesh_instance_3d.h"
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
# include "scene/3d/light_3d.h"
# include "scene/main/node.h"
# include "scene/resources/material.h"
# include "fbx_parser/FBXDocument.h"
# include "fbx_parser/FBXImportSettings.h"
# include "fbx_parser/FBXMeshGeometry.h"
# include "fbx_parser/FBXParser.h"
# include "fbx_parser/FBXProperties.h"
# include "fbx_parser/FBXTokenizer.h"
# include <string>
2021-10-14 14:34:27 -03:00
void EditorSceneFormatImporterFBX : : get_extensions ( List < String > * r_extensions ) const {
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
// register FBX as the one and only format for FBX importing
const String import_setting_string = " filesystem/import/fbx/ " ;
const String fbx_str = " fbx " ;
Vector < String > exts ;
exts . push_back ( fbx_str ) ;
2020-12-29 09:40:49 +01:00
_register_project_setting_import ( fbx_str , import_setting_string , exts , r_extensions , true ) ;
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
2021-10-14 14:34:27 -03:00
void EditorSceneFormatImporterFBX : : _register_project_setting_import ( const String generic ,
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
const String import_setting_string ,
const Vector < String > & exts ,
List < String > * r_extensions ,
const bool p_enabled ) const {
const String use_generic = " use_ " + generic ;
_GLOBAL_DEF ( import_setting_string + use_generic , p_enabled , true ) ;
if ( ProjectSettings : : get_singleton ( ) - > get ( import_setting_string + use_generic ) ) {
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < exts . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
r_extensions - > push_back ( exts [ i ] ) ;
2021-10-14 14:34:27 -03:00
uint32_t EditorSceneFormatImporterFBX : : get_import_flags ( ) const {
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
2021-10-14 14:34:27 -03:00
Node3D * EditorSceneFormatImporterFBX : : import_scene ( const String & p_path , uint32_t p_flags , int p_bake_fps ,
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
List < String > * r_missing_deps , Error * r_err ) {
// done for performance when re-importing lots of files when testing importer in verbose only!
if ( OS : : get_singleton ( ) - > is_stdout_verbose ( ) ) {
EditorLog * log = EditorNode : : get_log ( ) ;
log - > clear ( ) ;
Error err ;
FileAccessRef f = FileAccess : : open ( p_path , FileAccess : : READ , & err ) ;
2021-04-05 14:02:50 +02:00
ERR_FAIL_COND_V ( ! f , nullptr ) ;
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
PackedByteArray data ;
// broadphase tokenizing pass in which we identify the core
// syntax elements of FBX (brackets, commas, key:value mappings)
FBXDocParser : : TokenList tokens ;
bool is_binary = false ;
2021-05-25 07:58:49 +01:00
data . resize ( f - > get_length ( ) ) ;
2021-04-08 02:03:52 -07:00
2021-04-29 11:47:24 +02:00
ERR_FAIL_COND_V ( data . size ( ) < 64 , nullptr ) ;
2021-04-08 02:03:52 -07:00
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
f - > get_buffer ( data . ptrw ( ) , data . size ( ) ) ;
PackedByteArray fbx_header ;
fbx_header . resize ( 64 ) ;
for ( int32_t byte_i = 0 ; byte_i < 64 ; byte_i + + ) {
fbx_header . ptrw ( ) [ byte_i ] = data . ptr ( ) [ byte_i ] ;
String fbx_header_string ;
if ( fbx_header . size ( ) > = 0 ) {
fbx_header_string . parse_utf8 ( ( const char * ) fbx_header . ptr ( ) , fbx_header . size ( ) ) ;
print_verbose ( " [doc] opening fbx file: " + p_path ) ;
print_verbose ( " [doc] fbx header: " + fbx_header_string ) ;
2021-03-30 02:33:06 +01:00
bool corrupt = false ;
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
// safer to check this way as there can be different formatted headers
if ( fbx_header_string . find ( " Kaydara FBX Binary " , 0 ) ! = - 1 ) {
is_binary = true ;
print_verbose ( " [doc] is binary " ) ;
2021-03-30 02:33:06 +01:00
FBXDocParser : : TokenizeBinary ( tokens , ( const char * ) data . ptrw ( ) , ( size_t ) data . size ( ) , corrupt ) ;
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
} else {
print_verbose ( " [doc] is ascii " ) ;
2021-03-30 02:33:06 +01:00
FBXDocParser : : Tokenize ( tokens , ( const char * ) data . ptrw ( ) , ( size_t ) data . size ( ) , corrupt ) ;
if ( corrupt ) {
for ( FBXDocParser : : TokenPtr token : tokens ) {
delete token ;
tokens . clear ( ) ;
ERR_PRINT ( vformat ( " Cannot import FBX file: %s the file is corrupt so we safely exited parsing the file. " , p_path ) ) ;
return memnew ( Node3D ) ;
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
// The import process explained:
// 1. Tokens are made, these are then taken into the 'parser' below
// 2. The parser constructs 'Elements' and all 'real' FBX Types.
// 3. This creates a problem: shared_ptr ownership, should Elements later 'take ownership'
// 4. No, it shouldn't so we should either a.) use weak ref for elements; but this is not correct.
// use this information to construct a very rudimentary
// parse-tree representing the FBX scope structure
FBXDocParser : : Parser parser ( tokens , is_binary ) ;
2021-03-30 02:33:06 +01:00
if ( parser . IsCorrupt ( ) ) {
for ( FBXDocParser : : TokenPtr token : tokens ) {
delete token ;
tokens . clear ( ) ;
ERR_PRINT ( vformat ( " Cannot import FBX file: %s the file is corrupt so we safely exited parsing the file. " , p_path ) ) ;
return memnew ( Node3D ) ;
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
FBXDocParser : : ImportSettings settings ;
settings . strictMode = false ;
// this function leaks a lot
FBXDocParser : : Document doc ( parser , settings ) ;
// yeah so closing the file is a good idea (prevents readonly states)
f - > close ( ) ;
// safety for version handling
if ( doc . IsSafeToImport ( ) ) {
bool is_blender_fbx = false ;
2021-03-30 02:33:06 +01:00
const FBXDocParser : : PropertyTable & import_props = doc . GetMetadataProperties ( ) ;
const FBXDocParser : : PropertyPtr app_name = import_props . Get ( " Original|ApplicationName " ) ;
const FBXDocParser : : PropertyPtr app_vendor = import_props . Get ( " Original|ApplicationVendor " ) ;
const FBXDocParser : : PropertyPtr app_version = import_props . Get ( " Original|ApplicationVersion " ) ;
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
if ( app_name ) {
const FBXDocParser : : TypedProperty < std : : string > * app_name_string = dynamic_cast < const FBXDocParser : : TypedProperty < std : : string > * > ( app_name ) ;
if ( app_name_string ) {
print_verbose ( " FBX App Name: " + String ( app_name_string - > Value ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ) ;
if ( app_vendor ) {
const FBXDocParser : : TypedProperty < std : : string > * app_vendor_string = dynamic_cast < const FBXDocParser : : TypedProperty < std : : string > * > ( app_vendor ) ;
if ( app_vendor_string ) {
print_verbose ( " FBX App Vendor: " + String ( app_vendor_string - > Value ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ) ;
is_blender_fbx = app_vendor_string - > Value ( ) . find ( " Blender " ) ! = std : : string : : npos ;
if ( app_version ) {
const FBXDocParser : : TypedProperty < std : : string > * app_version_string = dynamic_cast < const FBXDocParser : : TypedProperty < std : : string > * > ( app_version ) ;
if ( app_version_string ) {
print_verbose ( " FBX App Version: " + String ( app_version_string - > Value ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ) ;
if ( is_blender_fbx ) {
2021-01-03 20:29:38 +00:00
WARN_PRINT ( " We don't officially support Blender FBX animations yet, due to issues with upstream Blender, \n "
" so please wait for us to work around remaining issues. We will continue to import the file but it may be broken. \n "
" For minimal breakage, please export FBX from Blender with -Z forward, and Y up. " ) ;
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
2021-01-03 20:29:38 +00:00
Node3D * spatial = _generate_scene ( p_path , & doc , p_flags , p_bake_fps , 8 , is_blender_fbx ) ;
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
// todo: move to document shutdown (will need to be validated after moving; this code has been validated already)
for ( FBXDocParser : : TokenPtr token : tokens ) {
if ( token ) {
delete token ;
token = nullptr ;
return spatial ;
} else {
2021-03-30 02:33:06 +01:00
for ( FBXDocParser : : TokenPtr token : tokens ) {
delete token ;
tokens . clear ( ) ;
2020-12-29 09:40:49 +01:00
ERR_PRINT ( vformat ( " Cannot import FBX file: %s. It uses file format %d which is unsupported by Godot. Please re-export it or convert it to a newer format. " , p_path , doc . FBXVersion ( ) ) ) ;
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
return memnew ( Node3D ) ;
template < class T >
2021-10-14 14:34:27 -03:00
struct EditorSceneFormatImporterAssetImportInterpolate {
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
T lerp ( const T & a , const T & b , float c ) const {
return a + ( b - a ) * c ;
T catmull_rom ( const T & p0 , const T & p1 , const T & p2 , const T & p3 , float t ) {
const float t2 = t * t ;
const float t3 = t2 * t ;
return 0.5f * ( ( 2.0f * p1 ) + ( - p0 + p2 ) * t + ( 2.0f * p0 - 5.0f * p1 + 4.0f * p2 - p3 ) * t2 + ( - p0 + 3.0f * p1 - 3.0f * p2 + p3 ) * t3 ) ;
T bezier ( T start , T control_1 , T control_2 , T end , float t ) {
/* Formula from Wikipedia article on Bezier curves. */
const real_t omt = ( 1.0 - t ) ;
const real_t omt2 = omt * omt ;
const real_t omt3 = omt2 * omt ;
const real_t t2 = t * t ;
const real_t t3 = t2 * t ;
return start * omt3 + control_1 * omt2 * t * 3.0 + control_2 * omt * t2 * 3.0 + end * t3 ;
} ;
//thank you for existing, partial specialization
template < >
2021-10-14 14:34:27 -03:00
struct EditorSceneFormatImporterAssetImportInterpolate < Quaternion > {
2021-01-20 07:02:02 +00:00
Quaternion lerp ( const Quaternion & a , const Quaternion & b , float c ) const {
ERR_FAIL_COND_V ( ! a . is_normalized ( ) , Quaternion ( ) ) ;
ERR_FAIL_COND_V ( ! b . is_normalized ( ) , Quaternion ( ) ) ;
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
return a . slerp ( b , c ) . normalized ( ) ;
2021-01-20 07:02:02 +00:00
Quaternion catmull_rom ( const Quaternion & p0 , const Quaternion & p1 , const Quaternion & p2 , const Quaternion & p3 , float c ) {
ERR_FAIL_COND_V ( ! p1 . is_normalized ( ) , Quaternion ( ) ) ;
ERR_FAIL_COND_V ( ! p2 . is_normalized ( ) , Quaternion ( ) ) ;
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
return p1 . slerp ( p2 , c ) . normalized ( ) ;
2021-01-20 07:02:02 +00:00
Quaternion bezier ( Quaternion start , Quaternion control_1 , Quaternion control_2 , Quaternion end , float t ) {
ERR_FAIL_COND_V ( ! start . is_normalized ( ) , Quaternion ( ) ) ;
ERR_FAIL_COND_V ( ! end . is_normalized ( ) , Quaternion ( ) ) ;
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
return start . slerp ( end , t ) . normalized ( ) ;
} ;
template < class T >
2021-10-14 14:34:27 -03:00
T EditorSceneFormatImporterFBX : : _interpolate_track ( const Vector < float > & p_times , const Vector < T > & p_values , float p_time ,
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
AssetImportAnimation : : Interpolation p_interp ) {
//could use binary search, worth it?
int idx = - 1 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < p_times . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
2021-04-05 14:09:59 +02:00
if ( p_times [ i ] > p_time ) {
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
break ;
2021-04-05 14:09:59 +02:00
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
idx + + ;
2021-10-14 14:34:27 -03:00
EditorSceneFormatImporterAssetImportInterpolate < T > interp ;
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
switch ( p_interp ) {
case AssetImportAnimation : : INTERP_LINEAR : {
if ( idx = = - 1 ) {
return p_values [ 0 ] ;
} else if ( idx > = p_times . size ( ) - 1 ) {
return p_values [ p_times . size ( ) - 1 ] ;
float c = ( p_time - p_times [ idx ] ) / ( p_times [ idx + 1 ] - p_times [ idx ] ) ;
return interp . lerp ( p_values [ idx ] , p_values [ idx + 1 ] , c ) ;
} break ;
case AssetImportAnimation : : INTERP_STEP : {
if ( idx = = - 1 ) {
return p_values [ 0 ] ;
} else if ( idx > = p_times . size ( ) - 1 ) {
return p_values [ p_times . size ( ) - 1 ] ;
return p_values [ idx ] ;
} break ;
case AssetImportAnimation : : INTERP_CATMULLROMSPLINE : {
if ( idx = = - 1 ) {
return p_values [ 1 ] ;
} else if ( idx > = p_times . size ( ) - 1 ) {
return p_values [ 1 + p_times . size ( ) - 1 ] ;
float c = ( p_time - p_times [ idx ] ) / ( p_times [ idx + 1 ] - p_times [ idx ] ) ;
return interp . catmull_rom ( p_values [ idx - 1 ] , p_values [ idx ] , p_values [ idx + 1 ] , p_values [ idx + 3 ] , c ) ;
} break ;
case AssetImportAnimation : : INTERP_CUBIC_SPLINE : {
if ( idx = = - 1 ) {
return p_values [ 1 ] ;
} else if ( idx > = p_times . size ( ) - 1 ) {
return p_values [ ( p_times . size ( ) - 1 ) * 3 + 1 ] ;
float c = ( p_time - p_times [ idx ] ) / ( p_times [ idx + 1 ] - p_times [ idx ] ) ;
T from = p_values [ idx * 3 + 1 ] ;
T c1 = from + p_values [ idx * 3 + 2 ] ;
T to = p_values [ idx * 3 + 4 ] ;
T c2 = to + p_values [ idx * 3 + 3 ] ;
return interp . bezier ( from , c1 , c2 , to , c ) ;
} break ;
ERR_FAIL_V ( p_values [ 0 ] ) ;
2021-10-14 14:34:27 -03:00
Node3D * EditorSceneFormatImporterFBX : : _generate_scene (
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
const String & p_path ,
const FBXDocParser : : Document * p_document ,
const uint32_t p_flags ,
int p_bake_fps ,
2021-01-03 20:29:38 +00:00
const int32_t p_max_bone_weights ,
bool p_is_blender_fbx ) {
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
ImportState state ;
2021-01-03 20:29:38 +00:00
state . is_blender_fbx = p_is_blender_fbx ;
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
state . path = p_path ;
2021-04-05 14:02:50 +02:00
state . animation_player = nullptr ;
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
// create new root node for scene
Node3D * scene_root = memnew ( Node3D ) ;
state . root = memnew ( Node3D ) ;
state . root_owner = scene_root ; // the real scene root... sorry compatibility code is painful...
state . root - > set_name ( " RootNode " ) ;
scene_root - > add_child ( state . root ) ;
state . root - > set_owner ( scene_root ) ;
2021-06-17 16:03:09 -06:00
state . fbx_root_node . instantiate ( ) ;
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
state . fbx_root_node - > godot_node = state . root ;
// Size relative to cm.
const real_t fbx_unit_scale = p_document - > GlobalSettingsPtr ( ) - > UnitScaleFactor ( ) ;
print_verbose ( " FBX unit scale import value: " + rtos ( fbx_unit_scale ) ) ;
// Set FBX file scale is relative to CM must be converted to M
state . scale = fbx_unit_scale / 100.0 ;
print_verbose ( " FBX unit scale is: " + rtos ( state . scale ) ) ;
// Enabled by default.
state . enable_material_import = true ;
// Enabled by default.
state . enable_animation_import = true ;
Ref < FBXNode > root_node ;
2021-06-17 16:03:09 -06:00
root_node . instantiate ( ) ;
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
// make sure fake noFBXDocParser::PropertyPtr ptrde always has a transform too ;)
Ref < PivotTransform > pivot_transform ;
2021-06-17 16:03:09 -06:00
pivot_transform . instantiate ( ) ;
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
root_node - > pivot_transform = pivot_transform ;
root_node - > node_name = " root node " ;
root_node - > current_node_id = 0 ;
root_node - > godot_node = state . root ;
// cache this node onto the fbx_target map.
state . fbx_target_map . insert ( 0 , root_node ) ;
// cache basic node information from FBX document
// grabs all FBX bones
BuildDocumentBones ( Ref < FBXBone > ( ) , state , p_document , 0L ) ;
BuildDocumentNodes ( Ref < PivotTransform > ( ) , state , p_document , 0L , nullptr ) ;
// Build document skinning information
// Algorithm is this:
// Get Deformer: object with "Skin" class.
// Deformer:: has link to Geometry:: (correct mesh for skin)
// Deformer:: has Source which is the SubDeformer:: (e.g. the Cluster)
// Notes at the end it configures the vertex weight mapping.
for ( uint64_t skin_id : p_document - > GetSkinIDs ( ) ) {
// Validate the parser
FBXDocParser : : LazyObject * lazy_skin = p_document - > GetObject ( skin_id ) ;
ERR_CONTINUE_MSG ( lazy_skin = = nullptr , " invalid lazy object [serious parser bug] " ) ;
// Validate the parser
const FBXDocParser : : Skin * skin = lazy_skin - > Get < FBXDocParser : : Skin > ( ) ;
ERR_CONTINUE_MSG ( skin = = nullptr , " invalid skin added to skin list [parser bug] " ) ;
const std : : vector < const FBXDocParser : : Connection * > source_to_destination = p_document - > GetConnectionsBySourceSequenced ( skin_id ) ;
FBXDocParser : : MeshGeometry * mesh = nullptr ;
uint64_t mesh_id = 0 ;
// Most likely only contains the mesh link for the skin
// The mesh geometry.
for ( const FBXDocParser : : Connection * con : source_to_destination ) {
// do something
print_verbose ( " src: " + itos ( con - > src ) ) ;
FBXDocParser : : Object * ob = con - > DestinationObject ( ) ;
mesh = dynamic_cast < FBXDocParser : : MeshGeometry * > ( ob ) ;
if ( mesh ) {
mesh_id = mesh - > ID ( ) ;
break ;
// Validate the mesh exists and was retrieved
ERR_CONTINUE_MSG ( mesh_id = = 0 , " mesh id is invalid " ) ;
const std : : vector < const FBXDocParser : : Cluster * > clusters = skin - > Clusters ( ) ;
// NOTE: this will ONLY work on skinned bones (it is by design.)
// A cluster is a skinned bone so SKINS won't contain unskinned bones so we need to pre-add all bones and parent them in a step beforehand.
for ( const FBXDocParser : : Cluster * cluster : clusters ) {
ERR_CONTINUE_MSG ( cluster = = nullptr , " invalid bone cluster " ) ;
const uint64_t deformer_id = cluster - > ID ( ) ;
std : : vector < const FBXDocParser : : Connection * > connections = p_document - > GetConnectionsByDestinationSequenced ( deformer_id ) ;
// Weight data always has a node in the scene lets grab the limb's node in the scene :) (reverse set to true since it's the opposite way around)
const FBXDocParser : : ModelLimbNode * limb_node = ProcessDOMConnection < FBXDocParser : : ModelLimbNode > ( p_document , deformer_id , true ) ;
ERR_CONTINUE_MSG ( limb_node = = nullptr , " unable to resolve model for skinned bone " ) ;
const uint64_t model_id = limb_node - > ID ( ) ;
// This will never happen, so if it does you know you fucked up.
ERR_CONTINUE_MSG ( ! state . fbx_bone_map . has ( model_id ) , " missing LimbNode detected " ) ;
// new bone instance
Ref < FBXBone > bone_element = state . fbx_bone_map [ model_id ] ;
// Bone Weight Information Configuration
// Cache Weight Information into bone for later usage if you want the raw data.
const std : : vector < unsigned int > & indexes = cluster - > GetIndices ( ) ;
const std : : vector < float > & weights = cluster - > GetWeights ( ) ;
Ref < FBXMeshData > mesh_vertex_data ;
// this data will pre-exist if vertex weight information is found
if ( state . renderer_mesh_data . has ( mesh_id ) ) {
mesh_vertex_data = state . renderer_mesh_data [ mesh_id ] ;
} else {
2021-06-17 16:03:09 -06:00
mesh_vertex_data . instantiate ( ) ;
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
state . renderer_mesh_data . insert ( mesh_id , mesh_vertex_data ) ;
mesh_vertex_data - > armature_id = bone_element - > armature_id ;
mesh_vertex_data - > valid_armature_id = true ;
//print_verbose("storing mesh vertex data for mesh to use later");
ERR_CONTINUE_MSG ( indexes . size ( ) ! = weights . size ( ) , " [doc] error mismatch between weight info " ) ;
for ( size_t idx = 0 ; idx < indexes . size ( ) ; idx + + ) {
const size_t vertex_index = indexes [ idx ] ;
const real_t influence_weight = weights [ idx ] ;
VertexWeightMapping & vm = mesh_vertex_data - > vertex_weights [ vertex_index ] ;
vm . weights . push_back ( influence_weight ) ;
vm . bones . push_back ( 0 ) ; // bone id is pushed on here during sanitization phase
vm . bones_ref . push_back ( bone_element ) ;
for ( const int * vertex_index = mesh_vertex_data - > vertex_weights . next ( nullptr ) ;
vertex_index ! = nullptr ;
vertex_index = mesh_vertex_data - > vertex_weights . next ( vertex_index ) ) {
VertexWeightMapping * vm = mesh_vertex_data - > vertex_weights . getptr ( * vertex_index ) ;
const int influence_count = vm - > weights . size ( ) ;
if ( influence_count > mesh_vertex_data - > max_weight_count ) {
mesh_vertex_data - > max_weight_count = influence_count ;
mesh_vertex_data - > valid_weight_count = true ;
if ( mesh_vertex_data - > max_weight_count > 4 ) {
if ( mesh_vertex_data - > max_weight_count > 8 ) {
ERR_PRINT ( " [doc] Serious: maximum bone influences is 8 in this branch. " ) ;
// Clamp to 8 bone vertex influences.
mesh_vertex_data - > max_weight_count = 8 ;
print_verbose ( " [doc] Using 8 vertex bone influences configuration. " ) ;
} else {
mesh_vertex_data - > max_weight_count = 4 ;
print_verbose ( " [doc] Using 4 vertex bone influences configuration. " ) ;
// do we globally allow for import of materials
// (prevents overwrite of materials; so you can handle them explicitly)
if ( state . enable_material_import ) {
const std : : vector < uint64_t > & materials = p_document - > GetMaterialIDs ( ) ;
for ( uint64_t material_id : materials ) {
FBXDocParser : : LazyObject * lazy_material = p_document - > GetObject ( material_id ) ;
FBXDocParser : : Material * mat = ( FBXDocParser : : Material * ) lazy_material - > Get < FBXDocParser : : Material > ( ) ;
ERR_CONTINUE_MSG ( ! mat , " Could not convert fbx material by id: " + itos ( material_id ) ) ;
Ref < FBXMaterial > material ;
2021-06-17 16:03:09 -06:00
material . instantiate ( ) ;
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
material - > set_imported_material ( mat ) ;
Ref < StandardMaterial3D > godot_material = material - > import_material ( state ) ;
state . cached_materials . insert ( material_id , godot_material ) ;
// build skin and skeleton information
print_verbose ( " [doc] Skeleton3D Bone count: " + itos ( state . fbx_bone_map . size ( ) ) ) ;
// Importing bones using document based method from FBX directly
// We do not use the assimp bone format to determine this information anymore.
if ( state . fbx_bone_map . size ( ) > 0 ) {
// We are using a single skeleton only method here
// this is because we really have no concept of skeletons in FBX
// their are bones in a scene but they have no specific armature
// we can detect armatures but the issue lies in the complexity
// we opted to merge the entire scene onto one skeleton for now
// if we need to change this we have an archive of the old code.
// bind pose normally only has 1 per mesh but can have more than one
// this is the point of skins
// in FBX first bind pose is the master for the first skin
// In order to handle the FBX skeleton we must also inverse any parent transforms on the bones
// just to rule out any parent node transforms in the bone data
// this is trivial to do and allows us to use the single skeleton method and merge them
// this means that the nodes from maya kLocators will be preserved as bones
// in the same rig without having to match this across skeletons and merge by detection
// we can just merge and undo any parent transforms
2021-08-09 14:13:42 -06:00
for ( KeyValue < uint64_t , Ref < FBXBone > > & bone_element : state . fbx_bone_map ) {
Ref < FBXBone > bone = bone_element . value ;
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
Ref < FBXSkeleton > fbx_skeleton_inst ;
uint64_t armature_id = bone - > armature_id ;
if ( state . skeleton_map . has ( armature_id ) ) {
fbx_skeleton_inst = state . skeleton_map [ armature_id ] ;
} else {
2021-06-17 16:03:09 -06:00
fbx_skeleton_inst . instantiate ( ) ;
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
state . skeleton_map . insert ( armature_id , fbx_skeleton_inst ) ;
print_verbose ( " populating skeleton with bone: " + bone - > bone_name ) ;
2020-12-29 09:40:49 +01:00
//// populate bone skeleton - since fbx has no DOM for the skeleton just a node.
//bone->bone_skeleton = fbx_skeleton_inst;
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
// now populate bone on the armature node list
fbx_skeleton_inst - > skeleton_bones . push_back ( bone ) ;
CRASH_COND_MSG ( ! state . fbx_target_map . has ( armature_id ) , " invalid armature [serious] " ) ;
Ref < FBXNode > node = state . fbx_target_map [ armature_id ] ;
CRASH_COND_MSG ( node . is_null ( ) , " invalid node [serious] " ) ;
CRASH_COND_MSG ( node - > pivot_transform . is_null ( ) , " invalid pivot transform [serious] " ) ;
fbx_skeleton_inst - > fbx_node = node ;
ERR_CONTINUE_MSG ( fbx_skeleton_inst - > fbx_node . is_null ( ) , " invalid skeleton node [serious] " ) ;
// we need to have a valid armature id and the model configured for the bone to be assigned fully.
// happens once per skeleton
if ( state . fbx_target_map . has ( armature_id ) & & ! fbx_skeleton_inst - > fbx_node - > has_model ( ) ) {
print_verbose ( " allocated fbx skeleton primary / armature node for the level: " + fbx_skeleton_inst - > fbx_node - > node_name ) ;
} else if ( ! state . fbx_target_map . has ( armature_id ) & & ! fbx_skeleton_inst - > fbx_node - > has_model ( ) ) {
print_error ( " bones are not mapped to an armature node for armature id: " + itos ( armature_id ) + " bone: " + bone - > bone_name ) ;
// this means bone will be removed and not used, which is safe actually and no skeleton will be created.
// setup skeleton instances if required :)
2021-08-09 14:13:42 -06:00
for ( KeyValue < uint64_t , Ref < FBXSkeleton > > & skeleton_node : state . skeleton_map ) {
Ref < FBXSkeleton > & skeleton = skeleton_node . value ;
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
skeleton - > init_skeleton ( state ) ;
ERR_CONTINUE_MSG ( skeleton - > fbx_node . is_null ( ) , " invalid fbx target map, missing skeleton " ) ;
// This list is not populated
for ( Map < uint64_t , Ref < FBXNode > > : : Element * skin_mesh = state . MeshNodes . front ( ) ; skin_mesh ; skin_mesh = skin_mesh - > next ( ) ) {
// build godot node tree
if ( state . fbx_node_list . size ( ) > 0 ) {
for ( List < Ref < FBXNode > > : : Element * node_element = state . fbx_node_list . front ( ) ;
node_element ;
node_element = node_element - > next ( ) ) {
Ref < FBXNode > fbx_node = node_element - > get ( ) ;
2021-09-20 18:24:31 -07:00
ImporterMeshInstance3D * mesh_node = nullptr ;
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
Ref < FBXMeshData > mesh_data_precached ;
// check for valid geometry
if ( fbx_node - > fbx_model = = nullptr ) {
print_error ( " [doc] fundamental flaw, submit bug immediately with full import log with verbose logging on " ) ;
} else {
const std : : vector < const FBXDocParser : : Geometry * > & geometry = fbx_node - > fbx_model - > GetGeometry ( ) ;
for ( const FBXDocParser : : Geometry * mesh : geometry ) {
print_verbose ( " [doc] [ " + itos ( mesh - > ID ( ) ) + " ] mesh: " + fbx_node - > node_name ) ;
2021-04-05 14:09:59 +02:00
if ( mesh = = nullptr ) {
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
continue ;
2021-04-05 14:09:59 +02:00
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
const FBXDocParser : : MeshGeometry * mesh_geometry = dynamic_cast < const FBXDocParser : : MeshGeometry * > ( mesh ) ;
if ( mesh_geometry ) {
uint64_t mesh_id = mesh_geometry - > ID ( ) ;
// this data will pre-exist if vertex weight information is found
if ( state . renderer_mesh_data . has ( mesh_id ) ) {
mesh_data_precached = state . renderer_mesh_data [ mesh_id ] ;
} else {
2021-06-17 16:03:09 -06:00
mesh_data_precached . instantiate ( ) ;
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
state . renderer_mesh_data . insert ( mesh_id , mesh_data_precached ) ;
mesh_data_precached - > mesh_node = fbx_node ;
// mesh node, mesh id
2021-04-05 13:16:16 +02:00
mesh_node = mesh_data_precached - > create_fbx_mesh ( state , mesh_geometry , fbx_node - > fbx_model , false ) ;
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
if ( ! state . MeshNodes . has ( mesh_id ) ) {
state . MeshNodes . insert ( mesh_id , fbx_node ) ;
const FBXDocParser : : ShapeGeometry * shape_geometry = dynamic_cast < const FBXDocParser : : ShapeGeometry * > ( mesh ) ;
if ( shape_geometry ! = nullptr ) {
print_verbose ( " [doc] valid shape geometry converted " ) ;
Ref < FBXSkeleton > node_skeleton = fbx_node - > skeleton_node ;
if ( node_skeleton . is_valid ( ) ) {
Skeleton3D * skel = node_skeleton - > skeleton ;
fbx_node - > godot_node = skel ;
} else if ( mesh_node = = nullptr ) {
fbx_node - > godot_node = memnew ( Node3D ) ;
} else {
fbx_node - > godot_node = mesh_node ;
fbx_node - > godot_node - > set_name ( fbx_node - > node_name ) ;
// assign parent if valid
if ( fbx_node - > fbx_parent . is_valid ( ) ) {
fbx_node - > fbx_parent - > godot_node - > add_child ( fbx_node - > godot_node ) ;
fbx_node - > godot_node - > set_owner ( state . root_owner ) ;
// Node Transform debug, set local xform data.
fbx_node - > godot_node - > set_transform ( get_unscaled_transform ( fbx_node - > pivot_transform - > LocalTransform , state . scale ) ) ;
// populate our mesh node reference
if ( mesh_node ! = nullptr & & mesh_data_precached . is_valid ( ) ) {
mesh_data_precached - > godot_mesh_instance = mesh_node ;
2021-08-09 14:13:42 -06:00
for ( KeyValue < uint64_t , Ref < FBXMeshData > > & mesh_data : state . renderer_mesh_data ) {
const uint64_t mesh_id = mesh_data . key ;
Ref < FBXMeshData > mesh = mesh_data . value ;
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
const FBXDocParser : : MeshGeometry * mesh_geometry = p_document - > GetObject ( mesh_id ) - > Get < FBXDocParser : : MeshGeometry > ( ) ;
ERR_CONTINUE_MSG ( mesh - > mesh_node . is_null ( ) , " invalid mesh allocation " ) ;
const FBXDocParser : : Skin * mesh_skin = mesh_geometry - > DeformerSkin ( ) ;
if ( ! mesh_skin ) {
continue ; // safe to continue
// Skin bone configuration
// Get Mesh Node Xform only
2020-12-29 09:40:49 +01:00
//ERR_CONTINUE_MSG(!state.fbx_target_map.has(mesh_id), "invalid xform for the skin pose: " + itos(mesh_id));
//Ref<FBXNode> mesh_node_xform_data = state.fbx_target_map[mesh_id];
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
if ( ! mesh_skin ) {
continue ; // not a deformer.
if ( mesh_skin - > Clusters ( ) . size ( ) = = 0 ) {
continue ; // possibly buggy mesh
// Lookup skin or create it if it's not found.
Ref < Skin > skin ;
if ( ! state . MeshSkins . has ( mesh_id ) ) {
print_verbose ( " Created new skin " ) ;
2021-06-17 16:03:09 -06:00
skin . instantiate ( ) ;
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
state . MeshSkins . insert ( mesh_id , skin ) ;
} else {
print_verbose ( " Grabbed skin " ) ;
skin = state . MeshSkins [ mesh_id ] ;
for ( const FBXDocParser : : Cluster * cluster : mesh_skin - > Clusters ( ) ) {
// node or bone this cluster targets (in theory will only be a bone target)
uint64_t skin_target_id = cluster - > TargetNode ( ) - > ID ( ) ;
print_verbose ( " adding cluster [ " + itos ( cluster - > ID ( ) ) + " ] " + String ( cluster - > Name ( ) . c_str ( ) ) + " for target: [ " + itos ( skin_target_id ) + " ] " + String ( cluster - > TargetNode ( ) - > Name ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ) ;
ERR_CONTINUE_MSG ( ! state . fbx_bone_map . has ( skin_target_id ) , " no bone found by that ID? locator " ) ;
const Ref < FBXBone > bone = state . fbx_bone_map [ skin_target_id ] ;
const Ref < FBXSkeleton > skeleton = bone - > fbx_skeleton ;
const Ref < FBXNode > skeleton_node = skeleton - > fbx_node ;
skin - > add_named_bind (
bone - > bone_name ,
get_unscaled_transform (
skeleton_node - > pivot_transform - > GlobalTransform . affine_inverse ( ) * cluster - > TransformLink ( ) . affine_inverse ( ) , state . scale ) ) ;
print_verbose ( " cluster name / id: " + String ( mesh_skin - > Name ( ) . c_str ( ) ) + " [ " + itos ( mesh_skin - > ID ( ) ) + " ] " ) ;
print_verbose ( " skeleton has " + itos ( state . fbx_bone_map . size ( ) ) + " binds " ) ;
print_verbose ( " fbx skin has " + itos ( mesh_skin - > Clusters ( ) . size ( ) ) + " binds " ) ;
// mesh data iteration for populating skeleton mapping
2021-08-09 14:13:42 -06:00
for ( KeyValue < uint64_t , Ref < FBXMeshData > > & mesh_data : state . renderer_mesh_data ) {
Ref < FBXMeshData > mesh = mesh_data . value ;
const uint64_t mesh_id = mesh_data . key ;
2021-09-20 18:24:31 -07:00
ImporterMeshInstance3D * mesh_instance = mesh - > godot_mesh_instance ;
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
const int mesh_weights = mesh - > max_weight_count ;
Ref < FBXSkeleton > skeleton ;
const bool valid_armature = mesh - > valid_armature_id ;
const uint64_t armature = mesh - > armature_id ;
if ( mesh_weights > 0 ) {
// this is a bug, it means the weights were found but the skeleton wasn't
ERR_CONTINUE_MSG ( ! valid_armature , " [doc] fbx armature is missing " ) ;
} else {
continue ; // safe to continue not a bug just a normal mesh
if ( state . skeleton_map . has ( armature ) ) {
skeleton = state . skeleton_map [ armature ] ;
print_verbose ( " [doc] armature mesh to skeleton mapping has been allocated " ) ;
} else {
print_error ( " [doc] unable to find armature mapping " ) ;
ERR_CONTINUE_MSG ( ! mesh_instance , " [doc] invalid mesh mapping for skeleton assignment " ) ;
ERR_CONTINUE_MSG ( skeleton . is_null ( ) , " [doc] unable to resolve the correct skeleton but we have weights! " ) ;
mesh_instance - > set_skeleton_path ( mesh_instance - > get_path_to ( skeleton - > skeleton ) ) ;
print_verbose ( " [doc] allocated skeleton to mesh " + mesh_instance - > get_name ( ) ) ;
// do we have a mesh skin for this mesh
ERR_CONTINUE_MSG ( ! state . MeshSkins . has ( mesh_id ) , " no skin found for mesh " ) ;
Ref < Skin > mesh_skin = state . MeshSkins [ mesh_id ] ;
ERR_CONTINUE_MSG ( mesh_skin . is_null ( ) , " invalid skin stored in map " ) ;
print_verbose ( " [doc] allocated skin to mesh " + mesh_instance - > get_name ( ) ) ;
mesh_instance - > set_skin ( mesh_skin ) ;
// build skin and skeleton information
print_verbose ( " [doc] Skeleton3D Bone count: " + itos ( state . fbx_bone_map . size ( ) ) ) ;
const FBXDocParser : : FileGlobalSettings * FBXSettings = p_document - > GlobalSettingsPtr ( ) ;
// Configure constraints
// NOTE: constraints won't be added quite yet, we don't have a real need for them *yet*. (they can be supported later on)
// const std::vector<uint64_t> fbx_constraints = p_document->GetConstraintStackIDs();
// get the animation FPS
float fps_setting = ImportUtils : : get_fbx_fps ( FBXSettings ) ;
// enable animation import, only if local animation is enabled
if ( state . enable_animation_import & & ( p_flags & IMPORT_ANIMATION ) ) {
// document animation stack list - get by ID so we can unload any non used animation stack
const std : : vector < uint64_t > animation_stack = p_document - > GetAnimationStackIDs ( ) ;
for ( uint64_t anim_id : animation_stack ) {
FBXDocParser : : LazyObject * lazyObject = p_document - > GetObject ( anim_id ) ;
const FBXDocParser : : AnimationStack * stack = lazyObject - > Get < FBXDocParser : : AnimationStack > ( ) ;
if ( stack ! = nullptr ) {
String animation_name = ImportUtils : : FBXNodeToName ( stack - > Name ( ) ) ;
print_verbose ( " Valid animation stack has been found: " + animation_name ) ;
// ReferenceTime is the same for some animations?
// LocalStop time is the start and end time
float r_start = CONVERT_FBX_TIME ( stack - > ReferenceStart ( ) ) ;
float r_stop = CONVERT_FBX_TIME ( stack - > ReferenceStop ( ) ) ;
float start_time = CONVERT_FBX_TIME ( stack - > LocalStart ( ) ) ;
float end_time = CONVERT_FBX_TIME ( stack - > LocalStop ( ) ) ;
float duration = end_time - start_time ;
print_verbose ( " r_start " + rtos ( r_start ) + " , r_stop " + rtos ( r_stop ) ) ;
print_verbose ( " start_time " + rtos ( start_time ) + " end_time " + rtos ( end_time ) ) ;
print_verbose ( " anim duration : " + rtos ( duration ) ) ;
// we can safely create the animation player
if ( state . animation_player = = nullptr ) {
print_verbose ( " Creating animation player " ) ;
state . animation_player = memnew ( AnimationPlayer ) ;
2021-10-21 16:46:07 +02:00
state . root - > add_child ( state . animation_player , true ) ;
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
state . animation_player - > set_owner ( state . root_owner ) ;
Ref < Animation > animation ;
2021-06-17 16:03:09 -06:00
animation . instantiate ( ) ;
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
animation - > set_name ( animation_name ) ;
animation - > set_length ( duration ) ;
print_verbose ( " Animation length: " + rtos ( animation - > get_length ( ) ) + " seconds " ) ;
// i think assimp was duplicating things, this lets me know to just reference or ignore this to prevent duplicate information in tracks
// this would mean that we would be doing three times as much work per track if my theory is correct.
// this was not the case but this is a good sanity check for the animation handler from the document.
// it also lets us know if the FBX specification massively changes the animation system, in theory such a change would make this show
// an fbx specification error, so best keep it in
// the overhead is tiny.
Map < uint64_t , const FBXDocParser : : AnimationCurve * > CheckForDuplication ;
const std : : vector < const FBXDocParser : : AnimationLayer * > & layers = stack - > Layers ( ) ;
print_verbose ( " FBX Animation layers: " + itos ( layers . size ( ) ) ) ;
for ( const FBXDocParser : : AnimationLayer * layer : layers ) {
std : : vector < const FBXDocParser : : AnimationCurveNode * > node_list = layer - > Nodes ( ) ;
print_verbose ( " Layer: " + ImportUtils : : FBXNodeToName ( layer - > Name ( ) ) + " , " + " AnimCurveNode count " + itos ( node_list . size ( ) ) ) ;
// first thing to do here is that i need to first get the animcurvenode to a Vector3
// we now need to put this into the track information for godot.
// to do this we need to know which track is what?
// target id, [ track name, [time index, vector] ]
// new map needs to be [ track name, keyframe_data ]
Map < uint64_t , Map < StringName , FBXTrack > > AnimCurveNodes ;
// struct AnimTrack {
// // Animation track can be
// // visible, T, R, S
// Map<StringName, Map<uint64_t, Vector3> > animation_track;
// };
// Map<uint64_t, AnimTrack> AnimCurveNodes;
// so really, what does this mean to make an animtion track.
// we need to know what object the curves are for.
// we need the target ID and the target name for the track reduction.
2021-01-20 07:02:02 +00:00
FBXDocParser : : Model : : RotOrder quaternion_rotation_order = FBXDocParser : : Model : : RotOrder_EulerXYZ ;
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
// T:: R:: S:: Visible:: Custom::
for ( const FBXDocParser : : AnimationCurveNode * curve_node : node_list ) {
// when Curves() is called the curves are actually read, we could replace this with our own ProcessDomConnection code here if required.
// We may need to do this but ideally we use Curves
// note: when you call this there might be a delay in opening it
// uses mutable type to 'cache' the response until the AnimationCurveNode is cleaned up.
std : : map < std : : string , const FBXDocParser : : AnimationCurve * > curves = curve_node - > Curves ( ) ;
const FBXDocParser : : Object * object = curve_node - > Target ( ) ;
const FBXDocParser : : Model * target = curve_node - > TargetAsModel ( ) ;
if ( target = = nullptr ) {
if ( object ! = nullptr ) {
print_error ( " [doc] warning failed to find a target Model for curve: " + String ( object - > Name ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ) ;
} else {
//print_error("[doc] failed to resolve object");
continue ;
continue ;
} else {
//print_verbose("[doc] applied rotation order: " + itos(target->RotationOrder()));
2021-01-20 07:02:02 +00:00
quaternion_rotation_order = target - > RotationOrder ( ) ;
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
uint64_t target_id = target - > ID ( ) ;
String target_name = ImportUtils : : FBXNodeToName ( target - > Name ( ) ) ;
2021-03-30 02:33:06 +01:00
const FBXDocParser : : PropertyTable * properties = curve_node ;
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
bool got_x = false , got_y = false , got_z = false ;
float offset_x = FBXDocParser : : PropertyGet < float > ( properties , " d|X " , got_x ) ;
float offset_y = FBXDocParser : : PropertyGet < float > ( properties , " d|Y " , got_y ) ;
float offset_z = FBXDocParser : : PropertyGet < float > ( properties , " d|Z " , got_z ) ;
String curve_node_name = ImportUtils : : FBXNodeToName ( curve_node - > Name ( ) ) ;
// Reduce all curves for this node into a single container
// T, R, S is what we expect, although other tracks are possible
// like for example visibility tracks.
// We are not ordered here, we don't care about ordering, this happens automagically by godot when we insert with the
// key time :), so order is unimportant because the insertion will happen at a time index
// good to know: we do not need a list of these in another format :)
//Map<String, Vector<const Assimp::FBX::AnimationCurve *> > unordered_track;
// T
// R
// S
// Map[String, List<VECTOR>]
// So this is a reduction of the animation curve nodes
// We build this as a lookup, this is essentially our 'animation track'
//AnimCurveNodes.insert(curve_node_name, Map<uint64_t, Vector3>());
// create the animation curve information with the target id
// so the point of this makes a track with the name "T" for example
// the target ID is also set here, this means we don't need to do anything extra when we are in the 'create all animation tracks' step
FBXTrack & keyframe_map = AnimCurveNodes [ target_id ] [ StringName ( curve_node_name ) ] ;
if ( got_x & & got_y & & got_z ) {
Vector3 default_value = Vector3 ( offset_x , offset_y , offset_z ) ;
keyframe_map . default_value = default_value ;
keyframe_map . has_default = true ;
//print_verbose("track name: " + curve_node_name);
//print_verbose("xyz default: " + default_value);
// target id, [ track name, [time index, vector] ]
// Map<uint64_t, Map<StringName, Map<uint64_t, Vector3> > > AnimCurveNodes;
// we probably need the target id here.
// so map[uint64_t map]...
// Map<uint64_t, Vector3D> translation_keys, rotation_keys, scale_keys;
// extra const required by C++11 colon/Range operator
// note: do not use C++17 syntax here for dicts.
// this is banned in Godot.
for ( std : : pair < const std : : string , const FBXDocParser : : AnimationCurve * > & kvp : curves ) {
const String curve_element = ImportUtils : : FBXNodeToName ( kvp . first ) ;
const FBXDocParser : : AnimationCurve * curve = kvp . second ;
String curve_name = ImportUtils : : FBXNodeToName ( curve - > Name ( ) ) ;
uint64_t curve_id = curve - > ID ( ) ;
if ( CheckForDuplication . has ( curve_id ) ) {
print_error ( " (FBX spec changed?) We found a duplicate curve being used for an alternative node - report to godot issue tracker " ) ;
} else {
CheckForDuplication . insert ( curve_id , curve ) ;
// FBX has no name for AnimCurveNode::, most of the time, not seen any with valid name here.
const std : : map < int64_t , float > & track_time = curve - > GetValueTimeTrack ( ) ;
if ( track_time . size ( ) > 0 ) {
for ( std : : pair < int64_t , float > keyframe : track_time ) {
if ( curve_element = = " d|X " ) {
keyframe_map . keyframes [ keyframe . first ] . x = keyframe . second ;
} else if ( curve_element = = " d|Y " ) {
keyframe_map . keyframes [ keyframe . first ] . y = keyframe . second ;
} else if ( curve_element = = " d|Z " ) {
keyframe_map . keyframes [ keyframe . first ] . z = keyframe . second ;
} else {
//print_error("FBX Unsupported element: " + curve_element);
//print_verbose("[" + itos(target_id) + "] Keyframe added: " + itos(keyframe_map.size()));
//print_verbose("Keyframe t:" + rtos(animation_track_time) + " v: " + rtos(keyframe.second));
// Map<uint64_t, Map<StringName, Map<uint64_t, Vector3> > > AnimCurveNodes;
// add this animation track here
// target id, [ track name, [time index, vector] ]
//std::map<uint64_t, std::map<StringName, FBXTrack > > AnimCurveNodes;
2021-08-09 14:13:42 -06:00
for ( KeyValue < uint64_t , Map < StringName , FBXTrack > > & track : AnimCurveNodes ) {
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
// 5 tracks
// current track index
// track count is 5
// track count is 5.
// next track id is 5.
2021-08-09 14:13:42 -06:00
const uint64_t target_id = track . key ;
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
Ref < FBXBone > bone ;
// note we must not run the below code if the entry doesn't exist, it will create dummy entries which is very bad.
// remember that state.fbx_bone_map[target_id] will create a new entry EVEN if you only read.
// this would break node animation targets, so if you change this be warned. :)
if ( state . fbx_bone_map . has ( target_id ) ) {
bone = state . fbx_bone_map [ target_id ] ;
2020-10-17 01:08:21 -04:00
Transform3D target_transform ;
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
if ( state . fbx_target_map . has ( target_id ) ) {
Ref < FBXNode > node_ref = state . fbx_target_map [ target_id ] ;
target_transform = node_ref - > pivot_transform - > GlobalTransform ;
//print_verbose("[doc] allocated animation node transform");
//int size_targets = state.fbx_target_map.size();
//print_verbose("Target ID map: " + itos(size_targets));
//print_verbose("[doc] debug bone map size: " + itos(state.fbx_bone_map.size()));
// if this is a skeleton mapped track we can just set the path for the track.
// todo: implement node paths here at some
Remove animation 3D transform track, replace by loc/rot/scale tracks.
* `Animation.TYPE_TRANSFORM3D` track is gone.
* Added POSITION_3D, ROTATION_3D, SCALE_3D tracks.
* GLTF2, Collada, FBX importers will only import the track types found.
* Skeleton3D bone poses are now Pos/Rot/Scale, pose matrix removed.
* AnimationPlayer and AnimationTree animate these tracks separately, only when found.
* Removed BakeReset code, is useless with these changes.
This is the first in a series of commits designed to make the animation system in Godot more useful, which includes:
* Better compatibility with Autodesk products
* Better reusability of animations across models (including retargeting).
* Proper animation compression.
* etc.
*Note* GLTF2 animation saving went broken with this PR, needs to be fixed in a subsequent one.
2021-10-11 19:20:58 -03:00
NodePath track_path ;
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
if ( state . fbx_bone_map . size ( ) > 0 & & state . fbx_bone_map . has ( target_id ) ) {
if ( bone - > fbx_skeleton . is_valid ( ) & & bone . is_valid ( ) ) {
Ref < FBXSkeleton > fbx_skeleton = bone - > fbx_skeleton ;
String bone_path = state . root - > get_path_to ( fbx_skeleton - > skeleton ) ;
bone_path + = " : " + fbx_skeleton - > skeleton - > get_bone_name ( bone - > godot_bone_id ) ;
print_verbose ( " [doc] track bone path: " + bone_path ) ;
Remove animation 3D transform track, replace by loc/rot/scale tracks.
* `Animation.TYPE_TRANSFORM3D` track is gone.
* Added POSITION_3D, ROTATION_3D, SCALE_3D tracks.
* GLTF2, Collada, FBX importers will only import the track types found.
* Skeleton3D bone poses are now Pos/Rot/Scale, pose matrix removed.
* AnimationPlayer and AnimationTree animate these tracks separately, only when found.
* Removed BakeReset code, is useless with these changes.
This is the first in a series of commits designed to make the animation system in Godot more useful, which includes:
* Better compatibility with Autodesk products
* Better reusability of animations across models (including retargeting).
* Proper animation compression.
* etc.
*Note* GLTF2 animation saving went broken with this PR, needs to be fixed in a subsequent one.
2021-10-11 19:20:58 -03:00
track_path = bone_path ;
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
} else if ( state . fbx_target_map . has ( target_id ) ) {
//print_verbose("[doc] we have a valid target for a node animation");
Ref < FBXNode > target_node = state . fbx_target_map [ target_id ] ;
if ( target_node . is_valid ( ) & & target_node - > godot_node ! = nullptr ) {
String node_path = state . root - > get_path_to ( target_node - > godot_node ) ;
Remove animation 3D transform track, replace by loc/rot/scale tracks.
* `Animation.TYPE_TRANSFORM3D` track is gone.
* Added POSITION_3D, ROTATION_3D, SCALE_3D tracks.
* GLTF2, Collada, FBX importers will only import the track types found.
* Skeleton3D bone poses are now Pos/Rot/Scale, pose matrix removed.
* AnimationPlayer and AnimationTree animate these tracks separately, only when found.
* Removed BakeReset code, is useless with these changes.
This is the first in a series of commits designed to make the animation system in Godot more useful, which includes:
* Better compatibility with Autodesk products
* Better reusability of animations across models (including retargeting).
* Proper animation compression.
* etc.
*Note* GLTF2 animation saving went broken with this PR, needs to be fixed in a subsequent one.
2021-10-11 19:20:58 -03:00
track_path = node_path ;
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
//print_verbose("[doc] node animation path: " + node_path);
} else {
2021-05-20 12:07:26 +02:00
// note: this could actually be unsafe this means we should be careful about continuing here, if we see bizarre effects later we should disable this.
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
// I am not sure if this is unsafe or not, testing will tell us this.
print_error ( " [doc] invalid fbx target detected for this track " ) ;
continue ;
// everything in FBX and Maya is a node therefore if this happens something is seriously broken.
if ( ! state . fbx_target_map . has ( target_id ) ) {
print_error ( " unable to resolve this to an FBX object. " ) ;
continue ;
Ref < FBXNode > target_node = state . fbx_target_map [ target_id ] ;
const FBXDocParser : : Model * model = target_node - > fbx_model ;
2021-03-30 02:33:06 +01:00
const FBXDocParser : : PropertyTable * props = dynamic_cast < const FBXDocParser : : PropertyTable * > ( model ) ;
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
2021-08-09 14:13:42 -06:00
Map < StringName , FBXTrack > & track_data = track . value ;
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
FBXTrack & translation_keys = track_data [ StringName ( " T " ) ] ;
FBXTrack & rotation_keys = track_data [ StringName ( " R " ) ] ;
FBXTrack & scale_keys = track_data [ StringName ( " S " ) ] ;
double increment = 1.0f / fps_setting ;
double time = 0.0f ;
bool last = false ;
Vector < Vector3 > pos_values ;
Vector < float > pos_times ;
Vector < Vector3 > scale_values ;
Vector < float > scale_times ;
2021-01-20 07:02:02 +00:00
Vector < Quaternion > rot_values ;
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
Vector < float > rot_times ;
double max_duration = 0 ;
double anim_length = animation - > get_length ( ) ;
for ( std : : pair < int64_t , Vector3 > position_key : translation_keys . keyframes ) {
pos_values . push_back ( position_key . second * state . scale ) ;
double animation_track_time = CONVERT_FBX_TIME ( position_key . first ) ;
if ( animation_track_time > max_duration ) {
max_duration = animation_track_time ;
//print_verbose("pos keyframe: t:" + rtos(animation_track_time) + " value " + position_key.second);
pos_times . push_back ( animation_track_time ) ;
for ( std : : pair < int64_t , Vector3 > scale_key : scale_keys . keyframes ) {
scale_values . push_back ( scale_key . second ) ;
double animation_track_time = CONVERT_FBX_TIME ( scale_key . first ) ;
if ( animation_track_time > max_duration ) {
max_duration = animation_track_time ;
//print_verbose("scale keyframe t:" + rtos(animation_track_time));
scale_times . push_back ( animation_track_time ) ;
// Pre and Post keyframe rotation handler
// -- Required because Maya and Autodesk <3 the pain when it comes to implementing animation code! enjoy <3
bool got_pre = false ;
bool got_post = false ;
2021-01-20 07:02:02 +00:00
Quaternion post_rotation ;
Quaternion pre_rotation ;
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
// Rotation matrix
const Vector3 & PreRotation = FBXDocParser : : PropertyGet < Vector3 > ( props , " PreRotation " , got_pre ) ;
const Vector3 & PostRotation = FBXDocParser : : PropertyGet < Vector3 > ( props , " PostRotation " , got_post ) ;
FBXDocParser : : Model : : RotOrder rot_order = model - > RotationOrder ( ) ;
if ( got_pre ) {
pre_rotation = ImportUtils : : EulerToQuaternion ( rot_order , ImportUtils : : deg2rad ( PreRotation ) ) ;
if ( got_post ) {
post_rotation = ImportUtils : : EulerToQuaternion ( rot_order , ImportUtils : : deg2rad ( PostRotation ) ) ;
2021-01-20 07:02:02 +00:00
Quaternion lastQuaternion = Quaternion ( ) ;
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
for ( std : : pair < int64_t , Vector3 > rotation_key : rotation_keys . keyframes ) {
double animation_track_time = CONVERT_FBX_TIME ( rotation_key . first ) ;
//print_verbose("euler rotation key: " + rotation_key.second);
2021-01-20 07:02:02 +00:00
Quaternion rot_key_value = ImportUtils : : EulerToQuaternion ( quaternion_rotation_order , ImportUtils : : deg2rad ( rotation_key . second ) ) ;
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
2021-01-20 07:02:02 +00:00
if ( lastQuaternion ! = Quaternion ( ) & & rot_key_value . dot ( lastQuaternion ) < 0 ) {
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
rot_key_value . x = - rot_key_value . x ;
rot_key_value . y = - rot_key_value . y ;
rot_key_value . z = - rot_key_value . z ;
rot_key_value . w = - rot_key_value . w ;
// pre_post rotation possibly could fix orientation
2021-01-20 07:02:02 +00:00
Quaternion final_rotation = pre_rotation * rot_key_value * post_rotation ;
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
2021-01-20 07:02:02 +00:00
lastQuaternion = final_rotation ;
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
if ( animation_track_time > max_duration ) {
max_duration = animation_track_time ;
2021-03-20 17:46:25 +01:00
rot_values . push_back ( final_rotation . normalized ( ) ) ;
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
rot_times . push_back ( animation_track_time ) ;
bool valid_rest = false ;
2020-10-17 01:08:21 -04:00
Transform3D bone_rest ;
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
int skeleton_bone = - 1 ;
if ( state . fbx_bone_map . has ( target_id ) ) {
if ( bone . is_valid ( ) & & bone - > fbx_skeleton . is_valid ( ) ) {
skeleton_bone = bone - > godot_bone_id ;
if ( skeleton_bone > = 0 ) {
bone_rest = bone - > fbx_skeleton - > skeleton - > get_bone_rest ( skeleton_bone ) ;
valid_rest = true ;
if ( ! valid_rest ) {
print_verbose ( " invalid rest! " ) ;
const Vector3 def_pos = translation_keys . has_default ? ( translation_keys . default_value * state . scale ) : bone_rest . origin ;
2021-01-20 07:02:02 +00:00
const Quaternion def_rot = rotation_keys . has_default ? ImportUtils : : EulerToQuaternion ( quaternion_rotation_order , ImportUtils : : deg2rad ( rotation_keys . default_value ) ) : bone_rest . basis . get_rotation_quaternion ( ) ;
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
const Vector3 def_scale = scale_keys . has_default ? scale_keys . default_value : bone_rest . basis . get_scale ( ) ;
print_verbose ( " track defaults: p( " + def_pos + " ) s( " + def_scale + " ) r( " + def_rot + " ) " ) ;
Remove animation 3D transform track, replace by loc/rot/scale tracks.
* `Animation.TYPE_TRANSFORM3D` track is gone.
* Added POSITION_3D, ROTATION_3D, SCALE_3D tracks.
* GLTF2, Collada, FBX importers will only import the track types found.
* Skeleton3D bone poses are now Pos/Rot/Scale, pose matrix removed.
* AnimationPlayer and AnimationTree animate these tracks separately, only when found.
* Removed BakeReset code, is useless with these changes.
This is the first in a series of commits designed to make the animation system in Godot more useful, which includes:
* Better compatibility with Autodesk products
* Better reusability of animations across models (including retargeting).
* Proper animation compression.
* etc.
*Note* GLTF2 animation saving went broken with this PR, needs to be fixed in a subsequent one.
2021-10-11 19:20:58 -03:00
int position_idx = - 1 ;
if ( pos_values . size ( ) ) {
position_idx = animation - > get_track_count ( ) ;
animation - > add_track ( Animation : : TYPE_POSITION_3D ) ;
animation - > track_set_path ( position_idx , track_path ) ;
animation - > track_set_imported ( position_idx , true ) ;
int rotation_idx = - 1 ;
if ( pos_values . size ( ) ) {
rotation_idx = animation - > get_track_count ( ) ;
animation - > add_track ( Animation : : TYPE_ROTATION_3D ) ;
animation - > track_set_path ( rotation_idx , track_path ) ;
animation - > track_set_imported ( rotation_idx , true ) ;
int scale_idx = - 1 ;
if ( pos_values . size ( ) ) {
scale_idx = animation - > get_track_count ( ) ;
animation - > add_track ( Animation : : TYPE_SCALE_3D ) ;
animation - > track_set_path ( scale_idx , track_path ) ;
animation - > track_set_imported ( scale_idx , true ) ;
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
while ( true ) {
Vector3 pos = def_pos ;
2021-01-20 07:02:02 +00:00
Quaternion rot = def_rot ;
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
Vector3 scale = def_scale ;
if ( pos_values . size ( ) ) {
pos = _interpolate_track < Vector3 > ( pos_times , pos_values , time ,
AssetImportAnimation : : INTERP_LINEAR ) ;
if ( rot_values . size ( ) ) {
2021-01-20 07:02:02 +00:00
rot = _interpolate_track < Quaternion > ( rot_times , rot_values , time ,
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
AssetImportAnimation : : INTERP_LINEAR ) ;
if ( scale_values . size ( ) ) {
scale = _interpolate_track < Vector3 > ( scale_times , scale_values , time ,
AssetImportAnimation : : INTERP_LINEAR ) ;
Remove animation 3D transform track, replace by loc/rot/scale tracks.
* `Animation.TYPE_TRANSFORM3D` track is gone.
* Added POSITION_3D, ROTATION_3D, SCALE_3D tracks.
* GLTF2, Collada, FBX importers will only import the track types found.
* Skeleton3D bone poses are now Pos/Rot/Scale, pose matrix removed.
* AnimationPlayer and AnimationTree animate these tracks separately, only when found.
* Removed BakeReset code, is useless with these changes.
This is the first in a series of commits designed to make the animation system in Godot more useful, which includes:
* Better compatibility with Autodesk products
* Better reusability of animations across models (including retargeting).
* Proper animation compression.
* etc.
*Note* GLTF2 animation saving went broken with this PR, needs to be fixed in a subsequent one.
2021-10-11 19:20:58 -03:00
if ( position_idx > = 0 ) {
animation - > position_track_insert_key ( position_idx , time , pos ) ;
if ( rotation_idx > = 0 ) {
animation - > rotation_track_insert_key ( rotation_idx , time , rot ) ;
if ( scale_idx > = 0 ) {
animation - > scale_track_insert_key ( scale_idx , time , scale ) ;
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
if ( last ) {
break ;
time + = increment ;
if ( time > anim_length ) {
last = true ;
time = anim_length ;
break ;
state . animation_player - > add_animation ( animation_name , animation ) ;
// AnimStack elements contain start stop time and name of animation
// AnimLayer is the current active layer of the animation (multiple layers can be active we only support 1)
// AnimCurveNode has a OP link back to the model which is the real node.
// AnimCurveNode has a direct link to AnimationCurve (of which it may have more than one)
// Store animation stack in list
// iterate over all AnimStacks like the cache node algorithm recursively
// this can then be used with ProcessDomConnection<> to link from
// AnimStack:: <-- (OO) --> AnimLayer:: <-- (OO) --> AnimCurveNode:: (which can OP resolve) to Model::
// Cleanup operations - explicit to prevent errors on shutdown - found that ref to ref does behave badly sometimes.
state . renderer_mesh_data . clear ( ) ;
state . MeshSkins . clear ( ) ;
state . fbx_target_map . clear ( ) ;
state . fbx_node_list . clear ( ) ;
2021-08-09 14:13:42 -06:00
for ( KeyValue < uint64_t , Ref < FBXBone > > & element : state . fbx_bone_map ) {
Ref < FBXBone > bone = element . value ;
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
bone - > parent_bone . unref ( ) ;
bone - > node . unref ( ) ;
bone - > fbx_skeleton . unref ( ) ;
2021-08-09 14:13:42 -06:00
for ( KeyValue < uint64_t , Ref < FBXSkeleton > > & element : state . skeleton_map ) {
Ref < FBXSkeleton > skel = element . value ;
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
skel - > fbx_node . unref ( ) ;
skel - > skeleton_bones . clear ( ) ;
state . fbx_bone_map . clear ( ) ;
state . skeleton_map . clear ( ) ;
state . fbx_root_node . unref ( ) ;
return scene_root ;
2021-10-14 14:34:27 -03:00
void EditorSceneFormatImporterFBX : : BuildDocumentBones ( Ref < FBXBone > p_parent_bone ,
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
ImportState & state , const FBXDocParser : : Document * p_doc ,
uint64_t p_id ) {
const std : : vector < const FBXDocParser : : Connection * > & conns = p_doc - > GetConnectionsByDestinationSequenced ( p_id , " Model " ) ;
// FBX can do an join like this
// Model -> SubDeformer (bone) -> Deformer (skin pose)
// This is important because we need to somehow link skin back to bone id in skeleton :)
// The rules are:
// A subdeformer will exist if 'limbnode' class tag present
// The subdeformer will not necessarily have a deformer as joints do not have one
for ( const FBXDocParser : : Connection * con : conns ) {
// goto: bone creation
//print_verbose("con: " + String(con->PropertyName().c_str()));
// ignore object-property links we want the object to object links nothing else
if ( con - > PropertyName ( ) . length ( ) ) {
continue ;
// convert connection source object into Object base class
const FBXDocParser : : Object * const object = con - > SourceObject ( ) ;
if ( nullptr = = object ) {
print_verbose ( " failed to convert source object for Model link " ) ;
continue ;
// FBX Model::Cube, Model::Bone001, etc elements
// This detects if we can cast the object into this model structure.
const FBXDocParser : : Model * const model = dynamic_cast < const FBXDocParser : : Model * > ( object ) ;
// declare our bone element reference (invalid, unless we create a bone in this step)
// this lets us pass valid armature information into children objects and this is why we moved this up here
2021-06-17 16:03:09 -06:00
// previously this was created .instantiated() on the same line.
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
Ref < FBXBone > bone_element ;
if ( model ! = nullptr ) {
// model marked with limb node / casted.
const FBXDocParser : : ModelLimbNode * const limb_node = dynamic_cast < const FBXDocParser : : ModelLimbNode * > ( model ) ;
if ( limb_node ! = nullptr ) {
// Write bone into bone list for FBX
ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG ( state . fbx_bone_map . has ( limb_node - > ID ( ) ) , " [serious] duplicate LimbNode detected " ) ;
bool parent_is_bone = state . fbx_bone_map . find ( p_id ) ;
2021-06-17 16:03:09 -06:00
bone_element . instantiate ( ) ;
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
// used to build the bone hierarchy in the skeleton
bone_element - > parent_bone_id = parent_is_bone ? p_id : 0 ;
bone_element - > valid_parent = parent_is_bone ;
bone_element - > limb_node = limb_node ;
// parent is a node and this is the first bone
if ( ! parent_is_bone ) {
uint64_t armature_id = p_id ;
bone_element - > valid_armature_id = true ;
bone_element - > armature_id = armature_id ;
print_verbose ( " [doc] valid armature has been configured for first child: " + itos ( armature_id ) ) ;
} else if ( p_parent_bone . is_valid ( ) ) {
if ( p_parent_bone - > valid_armature_id ) {
bone_element - > valid_armature_id = true ;
bone_element - > armature_id = p_parent_bone - > armature_id ;
print_verbose ( " [doc] bone has valid armature id: " + itos ( bone_element - > armature_id ) ) ;
} else {
print_error ( " [doc] unassigned armature id: " + String ( limb_node - > Name ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ) ;
} else {
print_error ( " [doc] error is this a bone? " + String ( limb_node - > Name ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ) ;
if ( ! parent_is_bone ) {
print_verbose ( " [doc] Root bone: " + bone_element - > bone_name ) ;
uint64_t limb_id = limb_node - > ID ( ) ;
bone_element - > bone_id = limb_id ;
bone_element - > bone_name = ImportUtils : : FBXNodeToName ( model - > Name ( ) ) ;
bone_element - > parent_bone = p_parent_bone ;
// insert limb by ID into list.
state . fbx_bone_map . insert ( limb_node - > ID ( ) , bone_element ) ;
// recursion call - child nodes
BuildDocumentBones ( bone_element , state , p_doc , model - > ID ( ) ) ;
2021-10-14 14:34:27 -03:00
void EditorSceneFormatImporterFBX : : BuildDocumentNodes (
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
Ref < PivotTransform > parent_transform ,
ImportState & state ,
const FBXDocParser : : Document * p_doc ,
uint64_t id ,
Ref < FBXNode > parent_node ) {
// tree
// here we get the node 0 on the root by default
const std : : vector < const FBXDocParser : : Connection * > & conns = p_doc - > GetConnectionsByDestinationSequenced ( id , " Model " ) ;
// branch
for ( const FBXDocParser : : Connection * con : conns ) {
// ignore object-property links
if ( con - > PropertyName ( ) . length ( ) ) {
// really important we document why this is ignored.
print_verbose ( " ignoring property link - no docs on why this is ignored " ) ;
continue ;
// convert connection source object into Object base class
// Source objects can exist with 'null connections' this means that we only for sure know the source exists.
const FBXDocParser : : Object * const source_object = con - > SourceObject ( ) ;
if ( nullptr = = source_object ) {
print_verbose ( " failed to convert source object for Model link " ) ;
continue ;
// FBX Model::Cube, Model::Bone001, etc elements
// This detects if we can cast the object into this model structure.
const FBXDocParser : : Model * const model = dynamic_cast < const FBXDocParser : : Model * > ( source_object ) ;
// model is the current node
if ( nullptr ! = model ) {
uint64_t current_node_id = model - > ID ( ) ;
Ref < FBXNode > new_node ;
2021-06-17 16:03:09 -06:00
new_node . instantiate ( ) ;
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
new_node - > current_node_id = current_node_id ;
new_node - > node_name = ImportUtils : : FBXNodeToName ( model - > Name ( ) ) ;
Ref < PivotTransform > fbx_transform ;
2021-06-17 16:03:09 -06:00
fbx_transform . instantiate ( ) ;
2020-12-22 22:29:48 +00:00
fbx_transform - > set_parent ( parent_transform ) ;
fbx_transform - > set_model ( model ) ;
fbx_transform - > debug_pivot_xform ( " name: " + new_node - > node_name ) ;
fbx_transform - > Execute ( ) ;
new_node - > set_pivot_transform ( fbx_transform ) ;
// check if this node is a bone
if ( state . fbx_bone_map . has ( current_node_id ) ) {
Ref < FBXBone > bone = state . fbx_bone_map [ current_node_id ] ;
if ( bone . is_valid ( ) ) {
bone - > set_node ( new_node ) ;
print_verbose ( " allocated bone data: " + bone - > bone_name ) ;
// set the model, we can't just assign this safely
new_node - > set_model ( model ) ;
if ( parent_node . is_valid ( ) ) {
new_node - > set_parent ( parent_node ) ;
} else {
new_node - > set_parent ( state . fbx_root_node ) ;
CRASH_COND_MSG ( new_node - > pivot_transform . is_null ( ) , " invalid fbx target map pivot transform [serious] " ) ;
// populate lookup tables with references
// [fbx_node_id, fbx_node]
state . fbx_node_list . push_back ( new_node ) ;
if ( ! state . fbx_target_map . has ( new_node - > current_node_id ) ) {
state . fbx_target_map [ new_node - > current_node_id ] = new_node ;
// print node name
print_verbose ( " [doc] new node " + new_node - > node_name ) ;
// sub branches
BuildDocumentNodes ( new_node - > pivot_transform , state , p_doc , current_node_id , new_node ) ;