2017-09-12 22:42:36 +02:00
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<class name= "HTTPClient" inherits= "Reference" category= "Core" version= "3.0.alpha.custom_build" >
<brief_description >
Hyper-text transfer protocol client.
<description >
Hyper-text transfer protocol client. Supports SSL and SSL server certificate verification.
Can be reused to connect to different hosts and make many requests.
<tutorials >
<demos >
<methods >
<method name= "close" >
<return type= "void" >
<description >
2017-10-22 12:56:11 +02:00
Cloces the current connection, allows for reusal of [code]HTTPClient[/code].
2017-09-12 22:42:36 +02:00
<method name= "connect_to_host" >
<return type= "int" enum= "Error" >
<argument index= "0" name= "host" type= "String" >
<argument index= "1" name= "port" type= "int" >
<argument index= "2" name= "use_ssl" type= "bool" default= "false" >
<argument index= "3" name= "verify_host" type= "bool" default= "true" >
<description >
Connect to a host. This needs to be done before any requests are sent.
The host should not have http:// prepended but will strip the protocol identifier if provided.
verify_host will check the SSL identity of the host if set to true.
<method name= "get_connection" qualifiers= "const" >
<return type= "StreamPeer" >
<description >
Return current connection.
<method name= "get_response_body_length" qualifiers= "const" >
<return type= "int" >
<description >
Return the response's body length.
<method name= "get_response_code" qualifiers= "const" >
<return type= "int" >
<description >
Return the HTTP status code of the response.
<method name= "get_response_headers" >
<return type= "PoolStringArray" >
<description >
Return the response headers.
<method name= "get_response_headers_as_dictionary" >
<return type= "Dictionary" >
<description >
Returns all response headers as dictionary where the case-sensitivity of the keys and values is kept like the server delivers it. A value is a simple String, this string can have more than one value where "; " is used as separator.
Structure: ("key":"value1; value2")
Example: (content-length:12), (Content-Type:application/json; charset=UTF-8)
<method name= "get_status" qualifiers= "const" >
<return type= "int" enum= "HTTPClient.Status" >
<description >
Returns a STATUS_* enum constant. Need to call [method poll] in order to get status updates.
<method name= "has_response" qualifiers= "const" >
<return type= "bool" >
<description >
2017-10-22 12:56:11 +02:00
Return whether this [code]HTTPClient[/code] has a response available.
2017-09-12 22:42:36 +02:00
<method name= "is_blocking_mode_enabled" qualifiers= "const" >
<return type= "bool" >
<description >
Return whether blocking mode is enabled.
<method name= "is_response_chunked" qualifiers= "const" >
<return type= "bool" >
<description >
2017-10-22 12:56:11 +02:00
Return whether this [code]HTTPClient[/code] has a response that is chunked.
2017-09-12 22:42:36 +02:00
<method name= "poll" >
<return type= "int" enum= "Error" >
<description >
This needs to be called in order to have any request processed. Check results with [method get_status]
<method name= "query_string_from_dict" >
<return type= "String" >
<argument index= "0" name= "fields" type= "Dictionary" >
<description >
Generates a GET/POST application/x-www-form-urlencoded style query string from a provided dictionary, e.g.:
var fields = {"username": "user", "password": "pass"}
String queryString = httpClient.query_string_from_dict(fields)
returns:= "username=user& password=pass"
<method name= "read_response_body_chunk" >
<return type= "PoolByteArray" >
<description >
Reads one chunk from the response.
<method name= "request" >
<return type= "int" enum= "Error" >
<argument index= "0" name= "method" type= "int" enum= "HTTPClient.Method" >
<argument index= "1" name= "url" type= "String" >
<argument index= "2" name= "headers" type= "PoolStringArray" >
<argument index= "3" name= "body" type= "String" default= """" >
<description >
Sends a request to the connected host. The url is what is normally behind the hostname, i.e. in [code]http://somehost.com/index.php[/code], url would be "index.php".
Headers are HTTP request headers.
To create a POST request with query strings to push to the server, do:
var fields = {"username" : "user", "password" : "pass"}
var queryString = httpClient.query_string_from_dict(fields)
var headers = ["Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Content-Length: " + str(queryString.length())]
var result = httpClient.request(httpClient.METHOD_POST, "index.php", headers, queryString)
<method name= "request_raw" >
<return type= "int" enum= "Error" >
<argument index= "0" name= "method" type= "int" enum= "HTTPClient.Method" >
<argument index= "1" name= "url" type= "String" >
<argument index= "2" name= "headers" type= "PoolStringArray" >
<argument index= "3" name= "body" type= "PoolByteArray" >
<description >
Sends a raw request to the connected host. The url is what is normally behind the hostname, i.e. in [code]http://somehost.com/index.php[/code], url would be "index.php".
Headers are HTTP request headers.
Sends body raw, as a byte array, does not encode it in any way.
<method name= "set_blocking_mode" >
<return type= "void" >
<argument index= "0" name= "enabled" type= "bool" >
<description >
If set to true, execution will block until all data is read from the response.
<method name= "set_connection" >
<return type= "void" >
<argument index= "0" name= "connection" type= "StreamPeer" >
<description >
Set connection to use, for this client.
<method name= "set_read_chunk_size" >
<return type= "void" >
<argument index= "0" name= "bytes" type= "int" >
<description >
Sets the size of the buffer used and maximum bytes to read per iteration. see [method read_response_body_chunk]
<constants >
<constant name= "METHOD_GET" value= "0" >
<constant name= "METHOD_HEAD" value= "1" >
<constant name= "METHOD_POST" value= "2" >
<constant name= "METHOD_PUT" value= "3" >
<constant name= "METHOD_DELETE" value= "4" >
<constant name= "METHOD_OPTIONS" value= "5" >
<constant name= "METHOD_TRACE" value= "6" >
<constant name= "METHOD_CONNECT" value= "7" >
<constant name= "METHOD_MAX" value= "8" >
<constant name= "STATUS_DISCONNECTED" value= "0" >
<constant name= "STATUS_RESOLVING" value= "1" >
<constant name= "STATUS_CANT_RESOLVE" value= "2" >
<constant name= "STATUS_CONNECTING" value= "3" >
<constant name= "STATUS_CANT_CONNECT" value= "4" >
<constant name= "STATUS_CONNECTED" value= "5" >
<constant name= "STATUS_REQUESTING" value= "6" >
<constant name= "STATUS_BODY" value= "7" >
<constant name= "STATUS_CONNECTION_ERROR" value= "8" >
<constant name= "STATUS_SSL_HANDSHAKE_ERROR" value= "9" >
<constant name= "RESPONSE_CONTINUE" value= "100" >
<constant name= "RESPONSE_SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS" value= "101" >
<constant name= "RESPONSE_PROCESSING" value= "102" >
<constant name= "RESPONSE_OK" value= "200" >
<constant name= "RESPONSE_CREATED" value= "201" >
<constant name= "RESPONSE_ACCEPTED" value= "202" >
<constant name= "RESPONSE_NON_AUTHORITATIVE_INFORMATION" value= "203" >
<constant name= "RESPONSE_NO_CONTENT" value= "204" >
<constant name= "RESPONSE_RESET_CONTENT" value= "205" >
<constant name= "RESPONSE_PARTIAL_CONTENT" value= "206" >
<constant name= "RESPONSE_MULTI_STATUS" value= "207" >
<constant name= "RESPONSE_IM_USED" value= "226" >
<constant name= "RESPONSE_MULTIPLE_CHOICES" value= "300" >
<constant name= "RESPONSE_MOVED_PERMANENTLY" value= "301" >
<constant name= "RESPONSE_FOUND" value= "302" >
<constant name= "RESPONSE_SEE_OTHER" value= "303" >
<constant name= "RESPONSE_NOT_MODIFIED" value= "304" >
<constant name= "RESPONSE_USE_PROXY" value= "305" >
<constant name= "RESPONSE_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT" value= "307" >
<constant name= "RESPONSE_BAD_REQUEST" value= "400" >
<constant name= "RESPONSE_UNAUTHORIZED" value= "401" >
<constant name= "RESPONSE_PAYMENT_REQUIRED" value= "402" >
<constant name= "RESPONSE_FORBIDDEN" value= "403" >
<constant name= "RESPONSE_NOT_FOUND" value= "404" >
<constant name= "RESPONSE_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED" value= "405" >
<constant name= "RESPONSE_NOT_ACCEPTABLE" value= "406" >
<constant name= "RESPONSE_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED" value= "407" >
<constant name= "RESPONSE_REQUEST_TIMEOUT" value= "408" >
<constant name= "RESPONSE_CONFLICT" value= "409" >
<constant name= "RESPONSE_GONE" value= "410" >
<constant name= "RESPONSE_LENGTH_REQUIRED" value= "411" >
<constant name= "RESPONSE_PRECONDITION_FAILED" value= "412" >
<constant name= "RESPONSE_REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE" value= "413" >
<constant name= "RESPONSE_REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG" value= "414" >
<constant name= "RESPONSE_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE" value= "415" >
<constant name= "RESPONSE_REQUESTED_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE" value= "416" >
<constant name= "RESPONSE_EXPECTATION_FAILED" value= "417" >
<constant name= "RESPONSE_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY" value= "422" >
<constant name= "RESPONSE_LOCKED" value= "423" >
<constant name= "RESPONSE_FAILED_DEPENDENCY" value= "424" >
<constant name= "RESPONSE_UPGRADE_REQUIRED" value= "426" >
<constant name= "RESPONSE_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR" value= "500" >
<constant name= "RESPONSE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED" value= "501" >
<constant name= "RESPONSE_BAD_GATEWAY" value= "502" >
<constant name= "RESPONSE_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE" value= "503" >
<constant name= "RESPONSE_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT" value= "504" >
<constant name= "RESPONSE_HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED" value= "505" >
<constant name= "RESPONSE_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE" value= "507" >
<constant name= "RESPONSE_NOT_EXTENDED" value= "510" >