2023-01-05 13:25:55 +01:00
/* rendering_device_binds.h */
/* This file is part of: */
/* https://godotengine.org */
/* Copyright (c) 2014-present Godot Engine contributors (see AUTHORS.md). */
/* Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */
/* */
/* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */
/* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */
/* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */
/* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */
/* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */
/* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */
/* the following conditions: */
/* */
/* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */
/* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */
/* */
2020-05-10 12:53:46 +02:00
2020-04-19 23:19:21 -03:00
#include "servers/rendering/rendering_device.h"
#define RD_SETGET(m_type, m_member) \
void set_##m_member(m_type p_##m_member) { base.m_member = p_##m_member; } \
m_type get_##m_member() const { return base.m_member; }
#define RD_BIND(m_variant_type, m_class, m_member) \
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_" _MKSTR(m_member), "p_" _MKSTR(member)), &m_class::set_##m_member); \
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_" _MKSTR(m_member)), &m_class::get_##m_member); \
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(m_variant_type, #m_member), "set_" _MKSTR(m_member), "get_" _MKSTR(m_member))
#define RD_SETGET_SUB(m_type, m_sub, m_member) \
void set_##m_sub##_##m_member(m_type p_##m_member) { base.m_sub.m_member = p_##m_member; } \
m_type get_##m_sub##_##m_member() const { return base.m_sub.m_member; }
#define RD_BIND_SUB(m_variant_type, m_class, m_sub, m_member) \
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_" _MKSTR(m_sub) "_" _MKSTR(m_member), "p_" _MKSTR(member)), &m_class::set_##m_sub##_##m_member); \
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_" _MKSTR(m_sub) "_" _MKSTR(m_member)), &m_class::get_##m_sub##_##m_member); \
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(m_variant_type, _MKSTR(m_sub) "_" _MKSTR(m_member)), "set_" _MKSTR(m_sub) "_" _MKSTR(m_member), "get_" _MKSTR(m_sub) "_" _MKSTR(m_member))
2021-06-04 18:03:15 +02:00
class RDTextureFormat : public RefCounted {
GDCLASS(RDTextureFormat, RefCounted)
2023-07-07 15:24:20 +10:00
2020-04-19 23:19:21 -03:00
friend class RenderingDevice;
2023-07-07 15:24:20 +10:00
friend class RenderSceneBuffersRD;
2020-04-19 23:19:21 -03:00
RD::TextureFormat base;
RD_SETGET(RD::DataFormat, format)
RD_SETGET(uint32_t, width)
RD_SETGET(uint32_t, height)
RD_SETGET(uint32_t, depth)
RD_SETGET(uint32_t, array_layers)
RD_SETGET(uint32_t, mipmaps)
2020-11-26 22:50:05 -05:00
RD_SETGET(RD::TextureType, texture_type)
2020-04-19 23:19:21 -03:00
RD_SETGET(RD::TextureSamples, samples)
2022-11-26 13:01:24 +03:00
RD_SETGET(BitField<RenderingDevice::TextureUsageBits>, usage_bits)
2020-04-19 23:19:21 -03:00
void add_shareable_format(RD::DataFormat p_format) { base.shareable_formats.push_back(p_format); }
void remove_shareable_format(RD::DataFormat p_format) { base.shareable_formats.erase(p_format); }
static void _bind_methods() {
RD_BIND(Variant::INT, RDTextureFormat, format);
RD_BIND(Variant::INT, RDTextureFormat, width);
RD_BIND(Variant::INT, RDTextureFormat, height);
RD_BIND(Variant::INT, RDTextureFormat, depth);
RD_BIND(Variant::INT, RDTextureFormat, array_layers);
RD_BIND(Variant::INT, RDTextureFormat, mipmaps);
2020-11-26 22:50:05 -05:00
RD_BIND(Variant::INT, RDTextureFormat, texture_type);
2020-04-19 23:19:21 -03:00
RD_BIND(Variant::INT, RDTextureFormat, samples);
RD_BIND(Variant::INT, RDTextureFormat, usage_bits);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("add_shareable_format", "format"), &RDTextureFormat::add_shareable_format);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("remove_shareable_format", "format"), &RDTextureFormat::remove_shareable_format);
2021-06-04 18:03:15 +02:00
class RDTextureView : public RefCounted {
GDCLASS(RDTextureView, RefCounted)
2020-04-19 23:19:21 -03:00
friend class RenderingDevice;
2023-07-07 15:24:20 +10:00
friend class RenderSceneBuffersRD;
2020-04-19 23:19:21 -03:00
RD::TextureView base;
RD_SETGET(RD::DataFormat, format_override)
RD_SETGET(RD::TextureSwizzle, swizzle_r)
RD_SETGET(RD::TextureSwizzle, swizzle_g)
RD_SETGET(RD::TextureSwizzle, swizzle_b)
RD_SETGET(RD::TextureSwizzle, swizzle_a)
static void _bind_methods() {
RD_BIND(Variant::INT, RDTextureView, format_override);
RD_BIND(Variant::INT, RDTextureView, swizzle_r);
RD_BIND(Variant::INT, RDTextureView, swizzle_g);
RD_BIND(Variant::INT, RDTextureView, swizzle_b);
RD_BIND(Variant::INT, RDTextureView, swizzle_a);
2021-06-04 18:03:15 +02:00
class RDAttachmentFormat : public RefCounted {
GDCLASS(RDAttachmentFormat, RefCounted)
2020-04-19 23:19:21 -03:00
friend class RenderingDevice;
RD::AttachmentFormat base;
RD_SETGET(RD::DataFormat, format)
RD_SETGET(RD::TextureSamples, samples)
RD_SETGET(uint32_t, usage_flags)
static void _bind_methods() {
RD_BIND(Variant::INT, RDAttachmentFormat, format);
RD_BIND(Variant::INT, RDAttachmentFormat, samples);
RD_BIND(Variant::INT, RDAttachmentFormat, usage_flags);
2021-06-24 10:58:36 -03:00
class RDFramebufferPass : public RefCounted {
GDCLASS(RDFramebufferPass, RefCounted)
friend class RenderingDevice;
RD::FramebufferPass base;
RD_SETGET(PackedInt32Array, color_attachments)
RD_SETGET(PackedInt32Array, input_attachments)
RD_SETGET(PackedInt32Array, resolve_attachments)
RD_SETGET(PackedInt32Array, preserve_attachments)
RD_SETGET(int32_t, depth_attachment)
enum {
static void _bind_methods() {
RD_BIND(Variant::PACKED_INT32_ARRAY, RDFramebufferPass, color_attachments);
RD_BIND(Variant::PACKED_INT32_ARRAY, RDFramebufferPass, input_attachments);
RD_BIND(Variant::PACKED_INT32_ARRAY, RDFramebufferPass, resolve_attachments);
RD_BIND(Variant::PACKED_INT32_ARRAY, RDFramebufferPass, preserve_attachments);
RD_BIND(Variant::INT, RDFramebufferPass, depth_attachment);
2021-06-04 18:03:15 +02:00
class RDSamplerState : public RefCounted {
GDCLASS(RDSamplerState, RefCounted)
2020-04-19 23:19:21 -03:00
friend class RenderingDevice;
RD::SamplerState base;
RD_SETGET(RD::SamplerFilter, mag_filter)
RD_SETGET(RD::SamplerFilter, min_filter)
RD_SETGET(RD::SamplerFilter, mip_filter)
RD_SETGET(RD::SamplerRepeatMode, repeat_u)
RD_SETGET(RD::SamplerRepeatMode, repeat_v)
RD_SETGET(RD::SamplerRepeatMode, repeat_w)
RD_SETGET(float, lod_bias)
RD_SETGET(bool, use_anisotropy)
RD_SETGET(float, anisotropy_max)
RD_SETGET(bool, enable_compare)
RD_SETGET(RD::CompareOperator, compare_op)
RD_SETGET(float, min_lod)
RD_SETGET(float, max_lod)
RD_SETGET(RD::SamplerBorderColor, border_color)
RD_SETGET(bool, unnormalized_uvw)
static void _bind_methods() {
RD_BIND(Variant::INT, RDSamplerState, mag_filter);
RD_BIND(Variant::INT, RDSamplerState, min_filter);
RD_BIND(Variant::INT, RDSamplerState, mip_filter);
RD_BIND(Variant::INT, RDSamplerState, repeat_u);
RD_BIND(Variant::INT, RDSamplerState, repeat_v);
RD_BIND(Variant::INT, RDSamplerState, repeat_w);
RD_BIND(Variant::FLOAT, RDSamplerState, lod_bias);
RD_BIND(Variant::BOOL, RDSamplerState, use_anisotropy);
RD_BIND(Variant::FLOAT, RDSamplerState, anisotropy_max);
RD_BIND(Variant::BOOL, RDSamplerState, enable_compare);
RD_BIND(Variant::INT, RDSamplerState, compare_op);
RD_BIND(Variant::FLOAT, RDSamplerState, min_lod);
RD_BIND(Variant::FLOAT, RDSamplerState, max_lod);
RD_BIND(Variant::INT, RDSamplerState, border_color);
RD_BIND(Variant::BOOL, RDSamplerState, unnormalized_uvw);
2021-06-04 18:03:15 +02:00
class RDVertexAttribute : public RefCounted {
GDCLASS(RDVertexAttribute, RefCounted)
2020-04-19 23:19:21 -03:00
friend class RenderingDevice;
2020-04-21 12:16:45 -03:00
RD::VertexAttribute base;
2020-04-19 23:19:21 -03:00
RD_SETGET(uint32_t, location)
RD_SETGET(uint32_t, offset)
RD_SETGET(RD::DataFormat, format)
RD_SETGET(uint32_t, stride)
RD_SETGET(RD::VertexFrequency, frequency)
static void _bind_methods() {
2020-04-21 12:16:45 -03:00
RD_BIND(Variant::INT, RDVertexAttribute, location);
RD_BIND(Variant::INT, RDVertexAttribute, offset);
RD_BIND(Variant::INT, RDVertexAttribute, format);
RD_BIND(Variant::INT, RDVertexAttribute, stride);
RD_BIND(Variant::INT, RDVertexAttribute, frequency);
2020-04-19 23:19:21 -03:00
2021-06-04 18:03:15 +02:00
class RDShaderSource : public RefCounted {
GDCLASS(RDShaderSource, RefCounted)
2020-04-19 23:19:21 -03:00
String source[RD::SHADER_STAGE_MAX];
RD::ShaderLanguage language = RD::SHADER_LANGUAGE_GLSL;
void set_stage_source(RD::ShaderStage p_stage, const String &p_source) {
source[p_stage] = p_source;
String get_stage_source(RD::ShaderStage p_stage) const {
return source[p_stage];
void set_language(RD::ShaderLanguage p_language) {
language = p_language;
RD::ShaderLanguage get_language() const {
return language;
static void _bind_methods() {
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_stage_source", "stage", "source"), &RDShaderSource::set_stage_source);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_stage_source", "stage"), &RDShaderSource::get_stage_source);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_language", "language"), &RDShaderSource::set_language);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_language"), &RDShaderSource::get_language);
ADD_GROUP("Source", "source_");
ADD_PROPERTYI(PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING, "source_vertex"), "set_stage_source", "get_stage_source", RD::SHADER_STAGE_VERTEX);
ADD_PROPERTYI(PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING, "source_fragment"), "set_stage_source", "get_stage_source", RD::SHADER_STAGE_FRAGMENT);
ADD_PROPERTYI(PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING, "source_tesselation_control"), "set_stage_source", "get_stage_source", RD::SHADER_STAGE_TESSELATION_CONTROL);
ADD_PROPERTYI(PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING, "source_tesselation_evaluation"), "set_stage_source", "get_stage_source", RD::SHADER_STAGE_TESSELATION_EVALUATION);
ADD_PROPERTYI(PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING, "source_compute"), "set_stage_source", "get_stage_source", RD::SHADER_STAGE_COMPUTE);
ADD_GROUP("Syntax", "source_");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "language", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "GLSL,HLSL"), "set_language", "get_language");
Implement Binary Shader Compilation
* Added an extra stage before compiling shader, which is generating a binary blob.
* On Vulkan, this allows caching the SPIRV reflection information, which is expensive to parse.
* On other (future) RenderingDevices, it allows caching converted binary data, such as DXIL or MSL.
This PR makes the shader cache include the reflection information, hence editor startup times are significantly improved.
I tested this well and it appears to work, and I added a lot of consistency checks, but because it includes writing and reading binary information, rare bugs may pop up, so be aware.
There was not much of a choice for storing the reflection information, given shaders can be a lot, take a lot of space and take time to parse.
2021-07-25 11:22:55 -03:00
class RDShaderSPIRV : public Resource {
GDCLASS(RDShaderSPIRV, Resource)
2020-04-19 23:19:21 -03:00
Vector<uint8_t> bytecode[RD::SHADER_STAGE_MAX];
String compile_error[RD::SHADER_STAGE_MAX];
void set_stage_bytecode(RD::ShaderStage p_stage, const Vector<uint8_t> &p_bytecode) {
bytecode[p_stage] = p_bytecode;
Vector<uint8_t> get_stage_bytecode(RD::ShaderStage p_stage) const {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_stage, RD::SHADER_STAGE_MAX, Vector<uint8_t>());
return bytecode[p_stage];
Implement Binary Shader Compilation
* Added an extra stage before compiling shader, which is generating a binary blob.
* On Vulkan, this allows caching the SPIRV reflection information, which is expensive to parse.
* On other (future) RenderingDevices, it allows caching converted binary data, such as DXIL or MSL.
This PR makes the shader cache include the reflection information, hence editor startup times are significantly improved.
I tested this well and it appears to work, and I added a lot of consistency checks, but because it includes writing and reading binary information, rare bugs may pop up, so be aware.
There was not much of a choice for storing the reflection information, given shaders can be a lot, take a lot of space and take time to parse.
2021-07-25 11:22:55 -03:00
Vector<RD::ShaderStageSPIRVData> get_stages() const {
Vector<RD::ShaderStageSPIRVData> stages;
for (int i = 0; i < RD::SHADER_STAGE_MAX; i++) {
if (bytecode[i].size()) {
RD::ShaderStageSPIRVData stage;
stage.shader_stage = RD::ShaderStage(i);
2023-12-19 12:48:02 +01:00
stage.spirv = bytecode[i];
Implement Binary Shader Compilation
* Added an extra stage before compiling shader, which is generating a binary blob.
* On Vulkan, this allows caching the SPIRV reflection information, which is expensive to parse.
* On other (future) RenderingDevices, it allows caching converted binary data, such as DXIL or MSL.
This PR makes the shader cache include the reflection information, hence editor startup times are significantly improved.
I tested this well and it appears to work, and I added a lot of consistency checks, but because it includes writing and reading binary information, rare bugs may pop up, so be aware.
There was not much of a choice for storing the reflection information, given shaders can be a lot, take a lot of space and take time to parse.
2021-07-25 11:22:55 -03:00
return stages;
2020-04-19 23:19:21 -03:00
void set_stage_compile_error(RD::ShaderStage p_stage, const String &p_compile_error) {
compile_error[p_stage] = p_compile_error;
String get_stage_compile_error(RD::ShaderStage p_stage) const {
return compile_error[p_stage];
static void _bind_methods() {
Implement Binary Shader Compilation
* Added an extra stage before compiling shader, which is generating a binary blob.
* On Vulkan, this allows caching the SPIRV reflection information, which is expensive to parse.
* On other (future) RenderingDevices, it allows caching converted binary data, such as DXIL or MSL.
This PR makes the shader cache include the reflection information, hence editor startup times are significantly improved.
I tested this well and it appears to work, and I added a lot of consistency checks, but because it includes writing and reading binary information, rare bugs may pop up, so be aware.
There was not much of a choice for storing the reflection information, given shaders can be a lot, take a lot of space and take time to parse.
2021-07-25 11:22:55 -03:00
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_stage_bytecode", "stage", "bytecode"), &RDShaderSPIRV::set_stage_bytecode);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_stage_bytecode", "stage"), &RDShaderSPIRV::get_stage_bytecode);
2020-04-19 23:19:21 -03:00
Implement Binary Shader Compilation
* Added an extra stage before compiling shader, which is generating a binary blob.
* On Vulkan, this allows caching the SPIRV reflection information, which is expensive to parse.
* On other (future) RenderingDevices, it allows caching converted binary data, such as DXIL or MSL.
This PR makes the shader cache include the reflection information, hence editor startup times are significantly improved.
I tested this well and it appears to work, and I added a lot of consistency checks, but because it includes writing and reading binary information, rare bugs may pop up, so be aware.
There was not much of a choice for storing the reflection information, given shaders can be a lot, take a lot of space and take time to parse.
2021-07-25 11:22:55 -03:00
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_stage_compile_error", "stage", "compile_error"), &RDShaderSPIRV::set_stage_compile_error);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_stage_compile_error", "stage"), &RDShaderSPIRV::get_stage_compile_error);
2020-04-19 23:19:21 -03:00
ADD_GROUP("Bytecode", "bytecode_");
ADD_PROPERTYI(PropertyInfo(Variant::PACKED_BYTE_ARRAY, "bytecode_vertex"), "set_stage_bytecode", "get_stage_bytecode", RD::SHADER_STAGE_VERTEX);
ADD_PROPERTYI(PropertyInfo(Variant::PACKED_BYTE_ARRAY, "bytecode_fragment"), "set_stage_bytecode", "get_stage_bytecode", RD::SHADER_STAGE_FRAGMENT);
ADD_PROPERTYI(PropertyInfo(Variant::PACKED_BYTE_ARRAY, "bytecode_tesselation_control"), "set_stage_bytecode", "get_stage_bytecode", RD::SHADER_STAGE_TESSELATION_CONTROL);
ADD_PROPERTYI(PropertyInfo(Variant::PACKED_BYTE_ARRAY, "bytecode_tesselation_evaluation"), "set_stage_bytecode", "get_stage_bytecode", RD::SHADER_STAGE_TESSELATION_EVALUATION);
ADD_PROPERTYI(PropertyInfo(Variant::PACKED_BYTE_ARRAY, "bytecode_compute"), "set_stage_bytecode", "get_stage_bytecode", RD::SHADER_STAGE_COMPUTE);
ADD_GROUP("Compile Error", "compile_error_");
ADD_PROPERTYI(PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING, "compile_error_vertex"), "set_stage_compile_error", "get_stage_compile_error", RD::SHADER_STAGE_VERTEX);
ADD_PROPERTYI(PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING, "compile_error_fragment"), "set_stage_compile_error", "get_stage_compile_error", RD::SHADER_STAGE_FRAGMENT);
ADD_PROPERTYI(PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING, "compile_error_tesselation_control"), "set_stage_compile_error", "get_stage_compile_error", RD::SHADER_STAGE_TESSELATION_CONTROL);
ADD_PROPERTYI(PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING, "compile_error_tesselation_evaluation"), "set_stage_compile_error", "get_stage_compile_error", RD::SHADER_STAGE_TESSELATION_EVALUATION);
ADD_PROPERTYI(PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING, "compile_error_compute"), "set_stage_compile_error", "get_stage_compile_error", RD::SHADER_STAGE_COMPUTE);
class RDShaderFile : public Resource {
GDCLASS(RDShaderFile, Resource)
2022-05-13 15:04:37 +02:00
HashMap<StringName, Ref<RDShaderSPIRV>> versions;
2020-04-19 23:19:21 -03:00
String base_error;
Implement Binary Shader Compilation
* Added an extra stage before compiling shader, which is generating a binary blob.
* On Vulkan, this allows caching the SPIRV reflection information, which is expensive to parse.
* On other (future) RenderingDevices, it allows caching converted binary data, such as DXIL or MSL.
This PR makes the shader cache include the reflection information, hence editor startup times are significantly improved.
I tested this well and it appears to work, and I added a lot of consistency checks, but because it includes writing and reading binary information, rare bugs may pop up, so be aware.
There was not much of a choice for storing the reflection information, given shaders can be a lot, take a lot of space and take time to parse.
2021-07-25 11:22:55 -03:00
void set_bytecode(const Ref<RDShaderSPIRV> &p_bytecode, const StringName &p_version = StringName()) {
2020-04-19 23:19:21 -03:00
versions[p_version] = p_bytecode;
Implement Binary Shader Compilation
* Added an extra stage before compiling shader, which is generating a binary blob.
* On Vulkan, this allows caching the SPIRV reflection information, which is expensive to parse.
* On other (future) RenderingDevices, it allows caching converted binary data, such as DXIL or MSL.
This PR makes the shader cache include the reflection information, hence editor startup times are significantly improved.
I tested this well and it appears to work, and I added a lot of consistency checks, but because it includes writing and reading binary information, rare bugs may pop up, so be aware.
There was not much of a choice for storing the reflection information, given shaders can be a lot, take a lot of space and take time to parse.
2021-07-25 11:22:55 -03:00
Ref<RDShaderSPIRV> get_spirv(const StringName &p_version = StringName()) const {
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!versions.has(p_version), Ref<RDShaderSPIRV>());
2020-04-19 23:19:21 -03:00
return versions[p_version];
Implement Binary Shader Compilation
* Added an extra stage before compiling shader, which is generating a binary blob.
* On Vulkan, this allows caching the SPIRV reflection information, which is expensive to parse.
* On other (future) RenderingDevices, it allows caching converted binary data, such as DXIL or MSL.
This PR makes the shader cache include the reflection information, hence editor startup times are significantly improved.
I tested this well and it appears to work, and I added a lot of consistency checks, but because it includes writing and reading binary information, rare bugs may pop up, so be aware.
There was not much of a choice for storing the reflection information, given shaders can be a lot, take a lot of space and take time to parse.
2021-07-25 11:22:55 -03:00
Vector<RD::ShaderStageSPIRVData> get_spirv_stages(const StringName &p_version = StringName()) const {
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!versions.has(p_version), Vector<RD::ShaderStageSPIRVData>());
return versions[p_version]->get_stages();
2023-04-25 00:21:32 +02:00
TypedArray<StringName> get_version_list() const {
2020-04-19 23:19:21 -03:00
Vector<StringName> vnames;
2021-08-09 14:13:42 -06:00
for (const KeyValue<StringName, Ref<RDShaderSPIRV>> &E : versions) {
2020-04-19 23:19:21 -03:00
2023-04-25 00:21:32 +02:00
TypedArray<StringName> ret;
for (int i = 0; i < vnames.size(); i++) {
ret[i] = vnames[i];
return ret;
2020-04-19 23:19:21 -03:00
void set_base_error(const String &p_error) {
base_error = p_error;
String get_base_error() const {
return base_error;
2020-05-01 09:34:23 -03:00
void print_errors(const String &p_file) {
2021-12-09 03:42:46 -06:00
if (!base_error.is_empty()) {
2020-05-01 09:34:23 -03:00
ERR_PRINT("Error parsing shader '" + p_file + "':\n\n" + base_error);
} else {
2021-08-09 14:13:42 -06:00
for (KeyValue<StringName, Ref<RDShaderSPIRV>> &E : versions) {
2020-05-01 09:34:23 -03:00
for (int i = 0; i < RD::SHADER_STAGE_MAX; i++) {
2021-08-09 14:13:42 -06:00
String error = E.value->get_stage_compile_error(RD::ShaderStage(i));
2021-12-09 03:42:46 -06:00
if (!error.is_empty()) {
2020-05-01 09:34:23 -03:00
static const char *stage_str[RD::SHADER_STAGE_MAX] = {
2021-08-09 14:13:42 -06:00
ERR_PRINT("Error parsing shader '" + p_file + "', version '" + String(E.key) + "', stage '" + stage_str[i] + "':\n\n" + error);
2020-05-01 09:34:23 -03:00
2020-04-19 23:19:21 -03:00
typedef String (*OpenIncludeFunction)(const String &, void *userdata);
2020-05-01 09:34:23 -03:00
Error parse_versions_from_text(const String &p_text, const String p_defines = String(), OpenIncludeFunction p_include_func = nullptr, void *p_include_func_userdata = nullptr);
2020-04-19 23:19:21 -03:00
Dictionary _get_versions() const {
2023-04-25 00:21:32 +02:00
TypedArray<StringName> vnames = get_version_list();
2020-04-19 23:19:21 -03:00
Dictionary ret;
for (int i = 0; i < vnames.size(); i++) {
ret[vnames[i]] = versions[vnames[i]];
return ret;
void _set_versions(const Dictionary &p_versions) {
List<Variant> keys;
2021-07-24 15:46:25 +02:00
for (const Variant &E : keys) {
2022-09-29 12:53:28 +03:00
StringName vname = E;
Implement Binary Shader Compilation
* Added an extra stage before compiling shader, which is generating a binary blob.
* On Vulkan, this allows caching the SPIRV reflection information, which is expensive to parse.
* On other (future) RenderingDevices, it allows caching converted binary data, such as DXIL or MSL.
This PR makes the shader cache include the reflection information, hence editor startup times are significantly improved.
I tested this well and it appears to work, and I added a lot of consistency checks, but because it includes writing and reading binary information, rare bugs may pop up, so be aware.
There was not much of a choice for storing the reflection information, given shaders can be a lot, take a lot of space and take time to parse.
2021-07-25 11:22:55 -03:00
Ref<RDShaderSPIRV> bc = p_versions[E];
2020-04-19 23:19:21 -03:00
2022-09-29 12:53:28 +03:00
versions[vname] = bc;
2020-04-19 23:19:21 -03:00
static void _bind_methods() {
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_bytecode", "bytecode", "version"), &RDShaderFile::set_bytecode, DEFVAL(StringName()));
Implement Binary Shader Compilation
* Added an extra stage before compiling shader, which is generating a binary blob.
* On Vulkan, this allows caching the SPIRV reflection information, which is expensive to parse.
* On other (future) RenderingDevices, it allows caching converted binary data, such as DXIL or MSL.
This PR makes the shader cache include the reflection information, hence editor startup times are significantly improved.
I tested this well and it appears to work, and I added a lot of consistency checks, but because it includes writing and reading binary information, rare bugs may pop up, so be aware.
There was not much of a choice for storing the reflection information, given shaders can be a lot, take a lot of space and take time to parse.
2021-07-25 11:22:55 -03:00
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_spirv", "version"), &RDShaderFile::get_spirv, DEFVAL(StringName()));
2020-04-19 23:19:21 -03:00
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_version_list"), &RDShaderFile::get_version_list);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_base_error", "error"), &RDShaderFile::set_base_error);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_base_error"), &RDShaderFile::get_base_error);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_set_versions", "versions"), &RDShaderFile::_set_versions);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_get_versions"), &RDShaderFile::_get_versions);
2021-11-03 23:06:17 +01:00
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::DICTIONARY, "_versions", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_NO_EDITOR | PROPERTY_USAGE_INTERNAL), "_set_versions", "_get_versions");
2020-04-19 23:19:21 -03:00
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING, "base_error"), "set_base_error", "get_base_error");
2021-06-04 18:03:15 +02:00
class RDUniform : public RefCounted {
GDCLASS(RDUniform, RefCounted)
2020-04-19 23:19:21 -03:00
friend class RenderingDevice;
RD::Uniform base;
2020-10-16 21:19:21 -04:00
RD_SETGET(RD::UniformType, uniform_type)
2020-04-19 23:19:21 -03:00
RD_SETGET(int32_t, binding)
2022-03-06 12:57:09 +01:00
void add_id(const RID &p_id) { base.append_id(p_id); }
void clear_ids() { base.clear_ids(); }
2022-08-05 20:35:08 +02:00
TypedArray<RID> get_ids() const {
TypedArray<RID> ids;
2022-03-06 12:57:09 +01:00
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < base.get_id_count(); i++) {
2020-04-19 23:19:21 -03:00
return ids;
2022-08-05 20:35:08 +02:00
void _set_ids(const TypedArray<RID> &p_ids) {
2022-03-06 12:57:09 +01:00
2020-04-19 23:19:21 -03:00
for (int i = 0; i < p_ids.size(); i++) {
RID id = p_ids[i];
2022-03-06 12:57:09 +01:00
2020-04-19 23:19:21 -03:00
static void _bind_methods() {
2020-10-16 21:19:21 -04:00
RD_BIND(Variant::INT, RDUniform, uniform_type);
2020-04-19 23:19:21 -03:00
RD_BIND(Variant::INT, RDUniform, binding);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("add_id", "id"), &RDUniform::add_id);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("clear_ids"), &RDUniform::clear_ids);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_set_ids", "ids"), &RDUniform::_set_ids);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_ids"), &RDUniform::get_ids);
2021-07-09 16:48:28 -03:00
class RDPipelineSpecializationConstant : public RefCounted {
GDCLASS(RDPipelineSpecializationConstant, RefCounted)
friend class RenderingDevice;
Variant value = false;
2021-07-13 19:52:27 +03:00
uint32_t constant_id = 0;
2021-07-09 16:48:28 -03:00
void set_value(const Variant &p_value) {
ERR_FAIL_COND(p_value.get_type() != Variant::BOOL && p_value.get_type() != Variant::INT && p_value.get_type() != Variant::FLOAT);
value = p_value;
Variant get_value() const { return value; }
void set_constant_id(uint32_t p_id) {
constant_id = p_id;
uint32_t get_constant_id() const {
return constant_id;
static void _bind_methods() {
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_value", "value"), &RDPipelineSpecializationConstant::set_value);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_value"), &RDPipelineSpecializationConstant::get_value);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_constant_id", "constant_id"), &RDPipelineSpecializationConstant::set_constant_id);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_constant_id"), &RDPipelineSpecializationConstant::get_constant_id);
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::NIL, "value", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_NIL_IS_VARIANT), "set_value", "get_value");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "constant_id", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0,65535,0"), "set_constant_id", "get_constant_id");
2021-06-04 18:03:15 +02:00
class RDPipelineRasterizationState : public RefCounted {
GDCLASS(RDPipelineRasterizationState, RefCounted)
2020-04-19 23:19:21 -03:00
friend class RenderingDevice;
RD::PipelineRasterizationState base;
RD_SETGET(bool, enable_depth_clamp)
RD_SETGET(bool, discard_primitives)
RD_SETGET(bool, wireframe)
RD_SETGET(RD::PolygonCullMode, cull_mode)
RD_SETGET(RD::PolygonFrontFace, front_face)
2022-09-21 18:56:03 +02:00
RD_SETGET(bool, depth_bias_enabled)
2020-04-19 23:19:21 -03:00
RD_SETGET(float, depth_bias_constant_factor)
RD_SETGET(float, depth_bias_clamp)
RD_SETGET(float, depth_bias_slope_factor)
RD_SETGET(float, line_width)
RD_SETGET(uint32_t, patch_control_points)
static void _bind_methods() {
RD_BIND(Variant::BOOL, RDPipelineRasterizationState, enable_depth_clamp);
RD_BIND(Variant::BOOL, RDPipelineRasterizationState, discard_primitives);
RD_BIND(Variant::BOOL, RDPipelineRasterizationState, wireframe);
RD_BIND(Variant::INT, RDPipelineRasterizationState, cull_mode);
RD_BIND(Variant::INT, RDPipelineRasterizationState, front_face);
2022-09-21 18:56:03 +02:00
RD_BIND(Variant::BOOL, RDPipelineRasterizationState, depth_bias_enabled);
2020-04-19 23:19:21 -03:00
RD_BIND(Variant::FLOAT, RDPipelineRasterizationState, depth_bias_constant_factor);
RD_BIND(Variant::FLOAT, RDPipelineRasterizationState, depth_bias_clamp);
RD_BIND(Variant::FLOAT, RDPipelineRasterizationState, depth_bias_slope_factor);
RD_BIND(Variant::FLOAT, RDPipelineRasterizationState, line_width);
RD_BIND(Variant::INT, RDPipelineRasterizationState, patch_control_points);
2021-06-04 18:03:15 +02:00
class RDPipelineMultisampleState : public RefCounted {
GDCLASS(RDPipelineMultisampleState, RefCounted)
2020-04-19 23:19:21 -03:00
friend class RenderingDevice;
RD::PipelineMultisampleState base;
2020-04-21 12:16:45 -03:00
TypedArray<int64_t> sample_masks;
2020-04-19 23:19:21 -03:00
RD_SETGET(RD::TextureSamples, sample_count)
RD_SETGET(bool, enable_sample_shading)
RD_SETGET(float, min_sample_shading)
RD_SETGET(bool, enable_alpha_to_coverage)
RD_SETGET(bool, enable_alpha_to_one)
2020-04-21 12:16:45 -03:00
void set_sample_masks(const TypedArray<int64_t> &p_masks) { sample_masks = p_masks; }
TypedArray<int64_t> get_sample_masks() const { return sample_masks; }
2020-04-19 23:19:21 -03:00
static void _bind_methods() {
RD_BIND(Variant::INT, RDPipelineMultisampleState, sample_count);
RD_BIND(Variant::BOOL, RDPipelineMultisampleState, enable_sample_shading);
RD_BIND(Variant::FLOAT, RDPipelineMultisampleState, min_sample_shading);
RD_BIND(Variant::BOOL, RDPipelineMultisampleState, enable_alpha_to_coverage);
RD_BIND(Variant::BOOL, RDPipelineMultisampleState, enable_alpha_to_one);
2020-04-21 12:16:45 -03:00
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_sample_masks", "masks"), &RDPipelineMultisampleState::set_sample_masks);
2020-04-19 23:19:21 -03:00
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_sample_masks"), &RDPipelineMultisampleState::get_sample_masks);
2020-04-21 12:16:45 -03:00
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::ARRAY, "sample_masks", PROPERTY_HINT_ARRAY_TYPE, "int"), "set_sample_masks", "get_sample_masks");
2020-04-19 23:19:21 -03:00
2021-06-04 18:03:15 +02:00
class RDPipelineDepthStencilState : public RefCounted {
GDCLASS(RDPipelineDepthStencilState, RefCounted)
2020-04-19 23:19:21 -03:00
friend class RenderingDevice;
RD::PipelineDepthStencilState base;
RD_SETGET(bool, enable_depth_test)
RD_SETGET(bool, enable_depth_write)
RD_SETGET(RD::CompareOperator, depth_compare_operator)
RD_SETGET(bool, enable_depth_range)
RD_SETGET(float, depth_range_min)
RD_SETGET(float, depth_range_max)
RD_SETGET(bool, enable_stencil)
RD_SETGET_SUB(RD::StencilOperation, front_op, fail)
RD_SETGET_SUB(RD::StencilOperation, front_op, pass)
RD_SETGET_SUB(RD::StencilOperation, front_op, depth_fail)
RD_SETGET_SUB(RD::CompareOperator, front_op, compare)
RD_SETGET_SUB(uint32_t, front_op, compare_mask)
RD_SETGET_SUB(uint32_t, front_op, write_mask)
RD_SETGET_SUB(uint32_t, front_op, reference)
RD_SETGET_SUB(RD::StencilOperation, back_op, fail)
RD_SETGET_SUB(RD::StencilOperation, back_op, pass)
RD_SETGET_SUB(RD::StencilOperation, back_op, depth_fail)
RD_SETGET_SUB(RD::CompareOperator, back_op, compare)
RD_SETGET_SUB(uint32_t, back_op, compare_mask)
RD_SETGET_SUB(uint32_t, back_op, write_mask)
RD_SETGET_SUB(uint32_t, back_op, reference)
static void _bind_methods() {
RD_BIND(Variant::BOOL, RDPipelineDepthStencilState, enable_depth_test);
RD_BIND(Variant::BOOL, RDPipelineDepthStencilState, enable_depth_write);
RD_BIND(Variant::INT, RDPipelineDepthStencilState, depth_compare_operator);
RD_BIND(Variant::BOOL, RDPipelineDepthStencilState, enable_depth_range);
RD_BIND(Variant::FLOAT, RDPipelineDepthStencilState, depth_range_min);
RD_BIND(Variant::FLOAT, RDPipelineDepthStencilState, depth_range_max);
RD_BIND(Variant::BOOL, RDPipelineDepthStencilState, enable_stencil);
RD_BIND_SUB(Variant::INT, RDPipelineDepthStencilState, front_op, fail);
RD_BIND_SUB(Variant::INT, RDPipelineDepthStencilState, front_op, pass);
RD_BIND_SUB(Variant::INT, RDPipelineDepthStencilState, front_op, depth_fail);
RD_BIND_SUB(Variant::INT, RDPipelineDepthStencilState, front_op, compare);
RD_BIND_SUB(Variant::INT, RDPipelineDepthStencilState, front_op, compare_mask);
RD_BIND_SUB(Variant::INT, RDPipelineDepthStencilState, front_op, write_mask);
RD_BIND_SUB(Variant::INT, RDPipelineDepthStencilState, front_op, reference);
RD_BIND_SUB(Variant::INT, RDPipelineDepthStencilState, back_op, fail);
RD_BIND_SUB(Variant::INT, RDPipelineDepthStencilState, back_op, pass);
RD_BIND_SUB(Variant::INT, RDPipelineDepthStencilState, back_op, depth_fail);
RD_BIND_SUB(Variant::INT, RDPipelineDepthStencilState, back_op, compare);
RD_BIND_SUB(Variant::INT, RDPipelineDepthStencilState, back_op, compare_mask);
RD_BIND_SUB(Variant::INT, RDPipelineDepthStencilState, back_op, write_mask);
RD_BIND_SUB(Variant::INT, RDPipelineDepthStencilState, back_op, reference);
2021-06-04 18:03:15 +02:00
class RDPipelineColorBlendStateAttachment : public RefCounted {
GDCLASS(RDPipelineColorBlendStateAttachment, RefCounted)
2020-04-21 12:16:45 -03:00
friend class RenderingDevice;
2020-04-19 23:19:21 -03:00
RD::PipelineColorBlendState::Attachment base;
RD_SETGET(bool, enable_blend)
RD_SETGET(RD::BlendFactor, src_color_blend_factor)
RD_SETGET(RD::BlendFactor, dst_color_blend_factor)
RD_SETGET(RD::BlendOperation, color_blend_op)
RD_SETGET(RD::BlendFactor, src_alpha_blend_factor)
RD_SETGET(RD::BlendFactor, dst_alpha_blend_factor)
RD_SETGET(RD::BlendOperation, alpha_blend_op)
RD_SETGET(bool, write_r)
RD_SETGET(bool, write_g)
RD_SETGET(bool, write_b)
RD_SETGET(bool, write_a)
void set_as_mix() {
base = RD::PipelineColorBlendState::Attachment();
base.enable_blend = true;
base.src_color_blend_factor = RD::BLEND_FACTOR_SRC_ALPHA;
base.dst_color_blend_factor = RD::BLEND_FACTOR_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA;
base.src_alpha_blend_factor = RD::BLEND_FACTOR_SRC_ALPHA;
base.dst_alpha_blend_factor = RD::BLEND_FACTOR_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA;
static void _bind_methods() {
2020-04-21 12:16:45 -03:00
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_as_mix"), &RDPipelineColorBlendStateAttachment::set_as_mix);
2020-04-19 23:19:21 -03:00
RD_BIND(Variant::BOOL, RDPipelineColorBlendStateAttachment, enable_blend);
RD_BIND(Variant::INT, RDPipelineColorBlendStateAttachment, src_color_blend_factor);
RD_BIND(Variant::INT, RDPipelineColorBlendStateAttachment, dst_color_blend_factor);
RD_BIND(Variant::INT, RDPipelineColorBlendStateAttachment, color_blend_op);
RD_BIND(Variant::INT, RDPipelineColorBlendStateAttachment, src_alpha_blend_factor);
RD_BIND(Variant::INT, RDPipelineColorBlendStateAttachment, dst_alpha_blend_factor);
RD_BIND(Variant::INT, RDPipelineColorBlendStateAttachment, alpha_blend_op);
RD_BIND(Variant::BOOL, RDPipelineColorBlendStateAttachment, write_r);
RD_BIND(Variant::BOOL, RDPipelineColorBlendStateAttachment, write_g);
RD_BIND(Variant::BOOL, RDPipelineColorBlendStateAttachment, write_b);
RD_BIND(Variant::BOOL, RDPipelineColorBlendStateAttachment, write_a);
2021-06-04 18:03:15 +02:00
class RDPipelineColorBlendState : public RefCounted {
GDCLASS(RDPipelineColorBlendState, RefCounted)
2020-04-19 23:19:21 -03:00
friend class RenderingDevice;
RD::PipelineColorBlendState base;
2020-04-21 12:16:45 -03:00
TypedArray<RDPipelineColorBlendStateAttachment> attachments;
2020-04-19 23:19:21 -03:00
RD_SETGET(bool, enable_logic_op)
RD_SETGET(RD::LogicOperation, logic_op)
RD_SETGET(Color, blend_constant)
2020-04-21 12:16:45 -03:00
void set_attachments(const TypedArray<RDPipelineColorBlendStateAttachment> &p_attachments) {
2023-09-05 12:54:45 +03:00
attachments = p_attachments;
2020-04-19 23:19:21 -03:00
2020-04-21 12:16:45 -03:00
TypedArray<RDPipelineColorBlendStateAttachment> get_attachments() const {
return attachments;
2020-04-19 23:19:21 -03:00
static void _bind_methods() {
RD_BIND(Variant::BOOL, RDPipelineColorBlendState, enable_logic_op);
RD_BIND(Variant::INT, RDPipelineColorBlendState, logic_op);
RD_BIND(Variant::COLOR, RDPipelineColorBlendState, blend_constant);
2020-07-17 12:02:06 -04:00
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_attachments", "attachments"), &RDPipelineColorBlendState::set_attachments);
2020-04-19 23:19:21 -03:00
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_attachments"), &RDPipelineColorBlendState::get_attachments);
2020-04-21 12:16:45 -03:00
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::ARRAY, "attachments", PROPERTY_HINT_ARRAY_TYPE, "RDPipelineColorBlendStateAttachment"), "set_attachments", "get_attachments");
2020-04-19 23:19:21 -03:00