i18n: Remove deleted translations from PO files
Since we bundle the whole files in the editor binary, they actual impact the
binary size needlessly.
Automate it via `make merge`.
(cherry picked from commit 6fb47a271f
This commit is contained in:
88 changed files with 2 additions and 67809 deletions
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ merge:
echo -e "\nMerging $$po..."; \
msgmerge -w 79 -C $$po $$po $(TEMPLATE) > "$$po".new; \
mv -f "$$po".new $$po; \
msgattrib --output-file=$$po --no-obsolete $$po; \
@ -70060,14 +70060,3 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"If [code]true[/code], child nodes are sorted, otherwise sorting is disabled."
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Returns the close [TextureButton]."
#~ msgstr "يُرجع جيب التمام \"cosine \" لقيمة المَعلم."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/getting_started/step_by_step/"
#~ "animations.html"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/getting_started/step_by_step/"
#~ "animations.html"
@ -69856,10 +69856,3 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"If [code]true[/code], child nodes are sorted, otherwise sorting is disabled."
msgstr ""
#~ msgid ""
#~ "https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/getting_started/step_by_step/"
#~ "animations.html"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/getting_started/step_by_step/"
#~ "animations.html"
@ -70542,140 +70542,3 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"If [code]true[/code], child nodes are sorted, otherwise sorting is disabled."
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Returns the close [TextureButton]."
#~ msgstr "Vrátí kosinus parametru."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Returns the cosine of angle [code]s[/code] in radians.\n"
#~ "[codeblock]\n"
#~ "# Prints 1 then -1\n"
#~ "print(cos(PI * 2))\n"
#~ "print(cos(PI))\n"
#~ "[/codeblock]"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Vrátí kosinusoidu úhlu [code]s[/code] v radiánech.\n"
#~ "[codeblock]\n"
#~ "# Vypíše 1 a poté -1\n"
#~ "print(cos(PI * 2))\n"
#~ "print(cos(PI))\n"
#~ "[/codeblock]"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Converts one or more arguments to strings in the best way possible and "
#~ "prints them to the console.\n"
#~ "[codeblock]\n"
#~ "a = [1, 2, 3]\n"
#~ "print(\"a\", \"b\", a) # Prints ab[1, 2, 3]\n"
#~ "[/codeblock]"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Převede jeden nebo více argumentů na řetězec v té nejlepší možné formě a "
#~ "vytiskne je na konzoli.\n"
#~ "[codeblock]\n"
#~ "a = [1, 2, 3]\n"
#~ "print(\"a\", \"b\", a) # Vytiskne ab[1, 2, 3]\n"
#~ "[/codeblock]"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Returns an array with the given range. Range can be 1 argument N (0 to "
#~ "N-1), two arguments (initial, final-1) or three arguments (initial, "
#~ "final-1, increment).\n"
#~ "[codeblock]\n"
#~ "for i in range(4):\n"
#~ " print(i)\n"
#~ "for i in range(2, 5):\n"
#~ " print(i)\n"
#~ "for i in range(0, 6, 2):\n"
#~ " print(i)\n"
#~ "[/codeblock]\n"
#~ "Output:\n"
#~ "[codeblock]\n"
#~ "0\n"
#~ "1\n"
#~ "2\n"
#~ "3\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "2\n"
#~ "3\n"
#~ "4\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "0\n"
#~ "2\n"
#~ "4\n"
#~ "[/codeblock]"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Vrací pole v daném rozsahu. Rozsah může být jedno-argumentový N (od 0 do "
#~ "N-1), dvou-argumentový (výchozí, finální-1), nebo tří-argumentový "
#~ "(výchozí, finální-1, inkrement).\n"
#~ "[codeblock]\n"
#~ "for i in range(4):\n"
#~ " print(i)\n"
#~ "for i in range(2, 5):\n"
#~ " print(i)\n"
#~ "for i in range(0, 6, 2):\n"
#~ " print(i)\n"
#~ "[/codeblock]\n"
#~ "Výstup:\n"
#~ "[codeblock]\n"
#~ "0\n"
#~ "1\n"
#~ "2\n"
#~ "3\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "2\n"
#~ "3\n"
#~ "4\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "0\n"
#~ "2\n"
#~ "4\n"
#~ "[/codeblock]"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Returns the nearest larger power of 2 for integer [code]value[/code].\n"
#~ "[codeblock]\n"
#~ "nearest_po2(3) # Returns 4\n"
#~ "nearest_po2(4) # Returns 4\n"
#~ "nearest_po2(5) # Returns 8\n"
#~ "[/codeblock]"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Vrací nejbližší větší celočíselnou mocninu dvou od integeru "
#~ "[code]hodnota[/code].\n"
#~ "[codeblock]\n"
#~ "nearest_po2(3) # Vrací 4\n"
#~ "nearest_po2(4) # Vrací 4\n"
#~ "nearest_po2(5) # Vrací 8\n"
#~ "[/codeblock]"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Returns a resource from the filesystem that is loaded during script "
#~ "parsing.\n"
#~ "[b]Note:[/b] Resource paths can be obtained by right clicking on a "
#~ "resource in the Assets Panel and choosing \"Copy Path\".\n"
#~ "[codeblock]\n"
#~ "# Load a scene called main located in the root of the project directory.\n"
#~ "var main = preload(\"res://main.tscn\")\n"
#~ "[/codeblock]"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Vrací zdroj ze souborového systému, který he nahrán během syntaktické "
#~ "analýzy (parsing) skriptu.\n"
#~ "[b]Poznámka:[/b] Zdrojová cesta může být získána kliknutím pravého "
#~ "tlačítka myši na zdroj ve zdrojovém panelu a výběrem \"Kopírovat cestu"
#~ "\".\n"
#~ "[codeblock]\n"
#~ "# Nahraje scénu s názvem main, která se nachází ve zdrojovém adresáři "
#~ "projektového adresáře.\n"
#~ "var main = preload(\"res://main.tscn\")\n"
#~ "[/codeblock]"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Returns the square root of [code]s[/code].\n"
#~ "[codeblock]\n"
#~ "sqrt(9) # Returns 3\n"
#~ "[/codeblock]"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Vrací odmocninu z [code]s[/code].\n"
#~ "[codeblock]\n"
#~ "sqrt(9) # Vrací 3\n"
#~ "[/codeblock]"
@ -72792,646 +72792,3 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Wenn [code]true[/code], dann werden untergeordnete Nodes sortiert, "
"anderenfalls wird die Sortierung deaktiviert."
#~ msgid "Returns this [AABB] expanded to include a given point."
#~ msgstr "Gibt diesen [AABB] erweitert um einen gegebenen Punkt zurück."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Returns the [Physics2DDirectBodyState] of the body."
#~ msgstr "Gibt die Größe des Arrays zurück."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Returns the [PhysicsDirectBodyState] of the body."
#~ msgstr "Gibt die Größe des Arrays zurück."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Returns a list of intersecting [Area]s. For performance reasons "
#~ "(collisions are all processed at the same time) this list is modified "
#~ "once during the physics step, not immediately after objects are moved. "
#~ "Consider using signals instead."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Gibt eine Liste der sich schneidenden [Area2D]s zurück. Aus "
#~ "Leistungsgründen (Kollisionen werden alle gleichzeitig verarbeitet) wird "
#~ "diese Liste einmal während des Physikschritts geändert, nicht sofort nach "
#~ "dem Verschieben von Objekten. Erwägen Sie stattdessen die Verwendung von "
#~ "Signalen."
#~ msgid "Returns the label used for built-in text."
#~ msgstr "Gibt das für den eingebauten Text verwendete Label zurück."
#~ msgid "Returns the OK [Button] instance."
#~ msgstr "Gibt die Instanz OK [Schaltfläche] zurück."
#~ msgid "Returns the editor's [FileSystemDock] instance."
#~ msgstr "Gibt die [FileSystemDock]-Instanz des Editors zurück."
#~ msgid "Returns the editor's [EditorInspector] instance."
#~ msgstr "Gibt die [EditorInspector]-Instanz des Editors zurück."
#~ msgid "Returns the editor's [ScriptEditor] instance."
#~ msgstr "Gibt die [ScriptEditor]-Instanz des Editors zurück."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Returns the close [TextureButton]."
#~ msgstr "Gibt die [Texture2D] des angegebenen Rahmens zurück."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Returns the cosine of angle [code]s[/code] in radians.\n"
#~ "[codeblock]\n"
#~ "# Prints 1 then -1\n"
#~ "print(cos(PI * 2))\n"
#~ "print(cos(PI))\n"
#~ "[/codeblock]"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Gibt den Kosinus des Winkels [code]s[/code] in Bogenmaß zurück.\n"
#~ "[codeblock]\n"
#~ "# Prints 1 then -1\n"
#~ "print(cos(PI * 2))\n"
#~ "print(cos(PI))\n"
#~ "[/codeblock]"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Easing function, based on exponent. The curve values are: 0 is constant, "
#~ "1 is linear, 0 to 1 is ease-in, 1+ is ease out. Negative values are in-"
#~ "out/out in."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Beschleunigungsfunktion, basierend auf dem Exponenten. 0 ist konstant, 1 "
#~ "ist linear, 0 bis 1 ist anfangs beschleunigend(ease-in), 1+ ist am Ende "
#~ "abbremsend (ease-out). Negative Werte sind sowohl anfangs beschleunigend, "
#~ "als auch am Ende abbremsend(ease-in/-out)."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Converts one or more arguments to strings in the best way possible and "
#~ "prints them to the console.\n"
#~ "[codeblock]\n"
#~ "a = [1, 2, 3]\n"
#~ "print(\"a\", \"b\", a) # Prints ab[1, 2, 3]\n"
#~ "[/codeblock]"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Konvertiert ein oder mehrere Argumente bestmöglich zu Zeichenketten und "
#~ "gibt diese in der Konsole aus.\n"
#~ "[codeblock]\n"
#~ "a = [1, 2, 3]\n"
#~ "print(\"a\", \"b\", a) # Prints ab[1, 2, 3]\n"
#~ "[/codeblock]"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Returns an array with the given range. Range can be 1 argument N (0 to "
#~ "N-1), two arguments (initial, final-1) or three arguments (initial, "
#~ "final-1, increment).\n"
#~ "[codeblock]\n"
#~ "for i in range(4):\n"
#~ " print(i)\n"
#~ "for i in range(2, 5):\n"
#~ " print(i)\n"
#~ "for i in range(0, 6, 2):\n"
#~ " print(i)\n"
#~ "[/codeblock]\n"
#~ "Output:\n"
#~ "[codeblock]\n"
#~ "0\n"
#~ "1\n"
#~ "2\n"
#~ "3\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "2\n"
#~ "3\n"
#~ "4\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "0\n"
#~ "2\n"
#~ "4\n"
#~ "[/codeblock]"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Gibt ein Array mit Werten innerhalb des gegebenen Bereichs zurück. Der "
#~ "Bereich kann aus einem Argument N bestehen (0 bis N-1), aus zwei "
#~ "Argumenten (Startwert, Endwert-1) oder aus drei Argumenten (Startwert, "
#~ "Endwert-1, Werteabstand).\n"
#~ "[codeblock]\n"
#~ "for i in range(4):\n"
#~ " print(i)\n"
#~ "for i in range(2, 5):\n"
#~ " print(i)\n"
#~ "for i in range(0, 6, 2):\n"
#~ " print(i)\n"
#~ "[/codeblock]\n"
#~ "Output:\n"
#~ "[codeblock]\n"
#~ "0\n"
#~ "1\n"
#~ "2\n"
#~ "3\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "2\n"
#~ "3\n"
#~ "4\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "0\n"
#~ "2\n"
#~ "4\n"
#~ "[/codeblock]"
#~ msgid "Positive infinity. For negative infinity, use -INF."
#~ msgstr "Positiv unendlich. Für negativ Unendlich, benutzen Sie -INF."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "\"Not a Number\", an invalid value. [code]NaN[/code] has special "
#~ "properties, including that it is not equal to itself. It is output by "
#~ "some invalid operations, such as dividing zero by zero."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "\"Not a Number\", ein ungültiger Wert. [code]NaN[/code] hat spezielle "
#~ "Eigenschaften, einschliesslich, dass es nicht sich selbst gleicht. Es "
#~ "wird von ungültigen Operationen zurückgegeben, zum Beispiel beim Teilen "
#~ "durch Null."
#~ msgid "The [Geometry3D] singleton."
#~ msgstr "Das [Geometry3D] Singleton."
#~ msgid "The [GodotSharp] singleton."
#~ msgstr "Das [GodotSharp] Singleton."
#~ msgid "The [NavigationServer2D] singleton."
#~ msgstr "Das [NavigationServer2D] Singleton."
#~ msgid "The [PhysicsServer3D] singleton."
#~ msgstr "Das [PhysicsServer3D] Singleton."
#~ msgid "The [RenderingServer] singleton."
#~ msgstr "Das [RenderingServer] Singleton."
#~ msgid "Back key."
#~ msgstr "Zurück Taste."
#~ msgid "Forward key."
#~ msgstr "Forwärts Taste."
#~ msgid "Stop key."
#~ msgstr "Stop Taste."
#~ msgid "Refresh key."
#~ msgstr "Refresh Taste."
#~ msgid "An invalid game controller button."
#~ msgstr "Eine ungültige Game-Controller-Taste."
#~ msgid "Game controller SDL button B."
#~ msgstr "Game-Controller SDL-Taste B."
#~ msgid "Game controller SDL button X."
#~ msgstr "Game-Controller SDL-Taste X."
#~ msgid "Game controller SDL button Y."
#~ msgstr "Game-Controller SDL-Taste Y."
#~ msgid "Game controller SDL back button."
#~ msgstr "Game-Controller SDL Zurück-Taste."
#~ msgid "Game controller SDL start button."
#~ msgstr "Spielcontroller SDL-Starttaste."
#~ msgid "Game controller SDL left stick button."
#~ msgstr "Game Controller SDL linke Stick-Taste."
#~ msgid "Game controller SDL right stick button."
#~ msgstr "Game Controller SDL rechte Stick-Taste."
#~ msgid "Game controller SDL D-pad down button."
#~ msgstr "Game-Controller SDL D-Pad Abwärts-Taste."
#~ msgid "Game controller SDL D-pad right button."
#~ msgstr "Game Controller SDL D-Pad rechte Taste."
#~ msgid "The number of SDL game controller buttons."
#~ msgstr "Die Anzahl der Tasten des SDL Game Controllers."
#~ msgid "Sony DualShock controller X button maps to SDL button A."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Die Taste X des Sony DualShock-Controllers wird der SDL-Taste A "
#~ "zugeordnet."
#~ msgid "Sony DualShock controller cross button maps to SDL button A."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Die Kreuztaste des Sony DualShock-Controllers ist der SDL-Taste A "
#~ "zugeordnet."
#~ msgid "Sony DualShock controller circle button maps to SDL button B."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Die Kreistaste des Sony DualShock-Controllers wird der SDL-Taste B "
#~ "zugeordnet."
#~ msgid "Sony DualShock controller square button maps to SDL button X."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Die quadratische Taste des Sony DualShock-Controllers wird der SDL-Taste "
#~ "X zugeordnet."
#~ msgid "Sony DualShock controller triangle button maps to SDL button Y."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Die Dreieckstaste des Sony DualShock-Controllers wird der SDL-Taste Y "
#~ "zugeordnet."
#~ msgid "Sony DualShock controller select button maps to SDL back button."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Die Auswahltaste des Sony DualShock-Controllers wird der SDL Zurück-Taste "
#~ "zugeordnet."
#~ msgid "Sony DualShock controller start button maps to SDL start button."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Die Starttaste des Sony DualShock-Controllers wird der SDL Starttaste "
#~ "zugeordnet."
#~ msgid "Sony DualShock controller PS button maps to SDL guide button."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Die PS-Taste des Sony DualShock-Controllers wird der SDL-Führungstaste "
#~ "zugeordnet."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Sony DualShock controller L1 button maps to SDL left shoulder button."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Die L1-Taste des Sony DualShock-Controllers wird der linken Schultertaste "
#~ "des SDL zugeordnet."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Sony DualShock controller R1 button maps to SDL right shoulder button."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Die Taste R1 des Sony DualShock-Controllers wird der rechten "
#~ "Schultertaste des SDL zugeordnet."
#~ msgid "Sony DualShock controller L3 button maps to SDL left stick button."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Die Taste L3 des Sony DualShock-Controllers wird der linken Stick-Taste "
#~ "des SDL zugeordnet."
#~ msgid "Sony DualShock controller R3 button maps to SDL right stick button."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Die Taste R3 des Sony DualShock-Controllers wird der rechten Stick-Taste "
#~ "des SDL zugeordnet."
#~ msgid "Xbox game controller A button maps to SDL button A."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Die Taste A des Xbox Game Controllers wird der SDL Taste A zugeordnet."
#~ msgid "Xbox game controller B button maps to SDL button B."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Die Taste B des Xbox Game Controllers wird der SDL Taste B zugeordnet."
#~ msgid "Xbox game controller X button maps to SDL button X."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Die Taste X des Xbox Game Controllers wird der SDL Taste X zugeordnet."
#~ msgid "Xbox game controller Y button maps to SDL button Y."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Die Taste Y des Xbox Game Controllers wird der SDL Taste Y zugeordnet."
#~ msgid "Xbox game controller back button maps to SDL back button."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Die Zurück-Taste des Xbox Game Controllers wird der SDL Zurück-Taste "
#~ "zugeordnet."
#~ msgid "Xbox game controller start button maps to SDL start button."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Die Starttaste des Xbox Game Controllers wird der SDL Starttaste "
#~ "zugeordnet."
#~ msgid "Xbox game controller home button maps to SDL guide button."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Die Home-Taste des Xbox Game Controllers ist der SDL Führungstaste "
#~ "zugeordnet."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Xbox game controller left stick button maps to SDL left stick button."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Die linke Stick-Taste des Xbox-Controllers wird der linken Stick-Taste "
#~ "des SDL zugeordnet."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Xbox game controller right stick button maps to SDL right stick button."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Die rechte Stick-Taste des Xbox-Controllers wird der rechten Stick-Taste "
#~ "des SDL zugeordnet."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Xbox game controller left bumper button maps to SDL left shoulder button."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Die linke Stoßstangen-Taste des Xbox-Controllers wird der linken "
#~ "Schultertaste des SDL zugeordnet."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Xbox game controller right bumper button maps to SDL right shoulder "
#~ "button."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Die rechte Stoßstangen-Taste des Xbox-Controllers wird der rechten "
#~ "Schultertaste des SDL zugeordnet."
#~ msgid "An invalid game controller axis."
#~ msgstr "Eine ungültige Game-Controller-Achse."
#~ msgid "Game controller left joystick y-axis."
#~ msgstr "Game Controller linker Joystick y-Achse."
#~ msgid "Game controller right joystick y-axis."
#~ msgstr "Game Controller rechter Joystick y-Achse."
#~ msgid "The number of SDL game controller axes."
#~ msgstr "Die Anzahl der Achsen des SDL Game Controllers."
#~ msgid "Game controller joystick 0 x-axis."
#~ msgstr "Game Controller Joystick 0 x-Achse."
#~ msgid "Game controller joystick 0 y-axis."
#~ msgstr "Game Controller Joystick 0 y-Achse."
#~ msgid "Game controller joystick 1 x-axis."
#~ msgstr "Game Controller Joystick 1 x-Achse."
#~ msgid "Game controller joystick 1 y-axis."
#~ msgstr "Game Controller Joystick 1 y-Achse."
#~ msgid "Game controller joystick 2 x-axis."
#~ msgstr "Game Controller Joystick 2 x-Achse."
#~ msgid "Game controller joystick 2 y-axis."
#~ msgstr "Game Controller Joystick 2 y-Achse."
#~ msgid "Game controller joystick 3 x-axis."
#~ msgstr "Game Controller Joystick 3 x-Achse."
#~ msgid "Game controller joystick 3 y-axis."
#~ msgstr "Game Controller Joystick 3 y-Achse."
#~ msgid "Game controller joystick 4 x-axis."
#~ msgstr "Game Controller Joystick 4 x-Achse."
#~ msgid "Game controller joystick 4 y-axis."
#~ msgstr "Game Controller Joystick 4 y-Achse."
#~ msgid "The maximum number of game controller axes."
#~ msgstr "Die maximale Anzahl der Achsen des Game Controllers."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Used to group properties together in the editor in a subgroup (under a "
#~ "group)."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Wird verwendet, um Eigenschaften im Editor in einer Untergruppe (unter "
#~ "einer Gruppe) zu gruppieren."
#~ msgid "Variable is of type [Vector2i]."
#~ msgstr "Variable ist vom Typ [Vector2i]."
#~ msgid "Variable is of type [Rect2i]."
#~ msgstr "Variable ist vom Typ [Rect2i]."
#~ msgid "Variable is of type [Vector3i]."
#~ msgstr "Variable ist vom Typ [Vector3i]."
#~ msgid "Variable is of type [StringName]."
#~ msgstr "Variable ist vom Typ [StringName]."
#~ msgid "Variable is of type [Callable]."
#~ msgstr "Variable ist vom Typ [Callable]."
#~ msgid "Variable is of type [Signal]."
#~ msgstr "Variable ist vom Typ [Signal]."
#~ msgid "Variable is of type [PackedInt32Array]."
#~ msgstr "Variable ist vom Typ [PackedInt32Array]."
#~ msgid "Variable is of type [PackedInt64Array]."
#~ msgstr "Variable ist vom Typ [PackedInt64Array]."
#~ msgid "Variable is of type [PackedFloat32Array]."
#~ msgstr "Variable ist vom Typ [PackedFloat32Array]."
#~ msgid "Variable is of type [PackedFloat64Array]."
#~ msgstr "Variable ist vom Typ [PackedFloat64Array]."
#~ msgid "Strength of the specular light effect of this [AnimatedSprite2D]."
#~ msgstr "Stärke des Spiegellichteffekts dieses [AnimatedSprite2D]."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This node can be used to cause a seek command to happen to any sub-"
#~ "children of the graph. After setting the time, this value returns to -1."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Dieser Node kann verwendet werden, um einen Suchbefehl für alle "
#~ "untergeordneten Elemente des Diagramms auszuführen. Nach dem Einstellen "
#~ "der Zeit kehrt dieser Wert zu -1 zurück."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/getting_started/step_by_step/"
#~ "animations.html"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "https://docs.godotengine.org/de/latest/getting_started/step_by_step/"
#~ "animations.html"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The name of the current animation, \"\" if not playing anything. When "
#~ "being set, does not restart the animation. See also [method play]."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Der Name der aktuellen Animation, \"\" wenn nichts abgespielt wird. Wenn "
#~ "er gesetzt ist, wird die Animation nicht neu gestartet. Siehe auch "
#~ "[method play]."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "If the currently being played animation changes, this signal will notify "
#~ "of such change."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Wenn sich die aktuell abgespielte Animation ändert, wird diese Änderung "
#~ "durch dieses Signal gemeldet."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Returns an individual bit on the layer mask. Describes whether other "
#~ "areas will collide with this one on the given layer."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Gibt ein einzelnes Bit auf der Ebenenmaske zurück. Beschreibt, ob andere "
#~ "Bereiche auf der angegebenen Ebene mit diesem kollidieren werden."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Returns an individual bit on the collision mask. Describes whether this "
#~ "area will collide with others on the given layer."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Gibt ein einzelnes Bit der Kollisionsmaske zurück. Beschreibt, ob dieser "
#~ "Bereich mit anderen auf der angegebenen Ebene kollidieren wird."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Set/clear individual bits on the layer mask. This makes getting an area "
#~ "in/out of only one layer easier."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Setzen/Löschen einzelner Bits auf der Ebenenmaske. Dadurch wird es "
#~ "einfacher, einen Bereich in/aus nur einer Ebene zu bekommen."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Set/clear individual bits on the collision mask. This makes selecting the "
#~ "areas scanned easier."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Setzen/Löschen einzelner Bits der Kollisionsmaske. Dadurch wird die "
#~ "Auswahl der gescannten Bereiche erleichtert."
#~ msgid "The physics layers this area scans to determine collision detection."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Die Physikschichten dieses Bereichs scannen, um die Kollisionserkennung "
#~ "zu bestimmen."
#~ msgid "Emitted when another area enters."
#~ msgstr "Ausgegeben wenn eine andere Area berührt wird."
#~ msgid "Emitted when another area exits."
#~ msgstr "Ausgegeben wenn eine Area die Area verlässt."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Emitted when another area exits, reporting which shapes were overlapping."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ausgegeben wenn eine Area die Area verlässt. Es gibt Auskunft darüber "
#~ "welche Formen sich überlappt haben."
#~ msgid "Adds an element at the beginning of the array."
#~ msgstr "Fügt ein Element am Anfang des Arrays ein"
#~ msgid "Texture will repeat normally."
#~ msgstr "Textur wird normal wiederholt."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Texture will repeat in a 2x2 tiled mode, where elements at even positions "
#~ "are mirrored."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Textur wird in einem 2x2 Kachel Modus wiederholt, wobei Elemente an "
#~ "geraden Positionen gespiegelt werden."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Returns a color from assigned [Theme] with given [code]name[/code] and "
#~ "associated with [Control] of given [code]type[/code].\n"
#~ "[codeblock]\n"
#~ "func _ready():\n"
#~ " modulate = get_theme_color(\"font_color\", \"Button\") #get the color "
#~ "defined for button fonts\n"
#~ "[/codeblock]"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Gibt eine Farbe aus dem aktiven [Design] zurück, die durch einen Namen "
#~ "([code]name[/code]) und den zugehörigen [Control] des gegebenen Typs "
#~ "([code]type[/code]) festgelegt wird.\n"
#~ "[codeblock]\n"
#~ "func _ready():\n"
#~ " modulate = get_theme_color(\"font_color\", \"Button\") # hole die "
#~ "Farbe die für Schrift in Knöpfen festgelegt ist\n"
#~ "[/codeblock]"
#~ msgid "Closes the currently opened file."
#~ msgstr "Schließt die im Moment geöffnete Datei."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Returns [code]true[/code] if the file cursor has read past the end of the "
#~ "file.\n"
#~ "[b]Note:[/b] This function will still return [code]false[/code] while at "
#~ "the end of the file and only activates when reading past it. This can be "
#~ "confusing but it conforms to how low-level file access works in all "
#~ "operating systems. There is always [method get_len] and [method "
#~ "get_position] to implement a custom logic."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Gibt [code]true[/code] zurück, wenn der Dateizeiger über das Ende der "
#~ "Datei hinaus gelesen hat.\n"
#~ "[b]Hinweis:[/b] Diese Funktion gibt immer noch [code]false[/code] zurück, "
#~ "während sie sich am Ende der Datei befindet, und wird nur aktiviert, wenn "
#~ "über das Ende hinaus gelesen wird. Dies kann verwirrend sein, entspricht "
#~ "aber der Funktionsweise des Low-Level-Dateizugriffs in allen "
#~ "Betriebssystemen. Es gibt immer [method get_len] und [method "
#~ "get_position], um eine eigene Logik zu implementieren."
#~ msgid "Sorts the elements of the array in ascending order."
#~ msgstr "Entfernt das Element der Arrays dessen Position übergeben wurde."
#~ msgid "Returns the names of active custom monitors in an array."
#~ msgstr "Kehrt die Reihenfolge der Elemente des Arrays um."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Returns [code]true[/code] if this [Rect2i] completely encloses another "
#~ "one."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Liefert [code]true[/code] wenn dieser [Rect2i] einen anderen komplett "
#~ "umschließt."
#~ msgid "Returns this [Rect2i] expanded to include a given point."
#~ msgstr "Gibt dieses [Rect2i] erweitert um einen gegebenen Punkt zurück."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Returns a larger [Rect2i] that contains this [Rect2i] and [code]b[/code]."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Gibt ein größeres [Rect2i] zurück, das dieses [Rect2i] und [code]b[/code] "
#~ "enthält."
#~ msgid "Cell can be checked."
#~ msgstr "Zelle kann markiert werden."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Returns this vector's angle with respect to the X axis, or [code](1, 0)[/"
#~ "code] vector, in radians.\n"
#~ "Equivalent to the result of [method @GDScript.atan2] when called with the "
#~ "vector's [member y] and [member x] as parameters: [code]atan2(y, x)[/"
#~ "code]."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Liefert den Winkel dieses Vektors in Bezug auf die X-Achse oder den [code]"
#~ "(1, 0)[/code]-Vektor in Bogenmaß.\n"
#~ "Entspricht dem Ergebnis der [Methode @GDScript.atan2], wenn sie mit den "
#~ "[member y] und [member x] des Vektors als Parameter aufgerufen wird: "
#~ "[code]atan2(y, x)[/code]."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Returns the angle between the line connecting the two points and the X "
#~ "axis, in radians."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Gibt den Winkel zwischen der Linie, welche die zwei Punkte verbindet, und "
#~ "der X-Achse im Bogenmaß zurück."
#~ msgid "Returns the ratio of [member x] to [member y]."
#~ msgstr "Gibt das Verhältnis von [member x] zu [member y] zurück."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Returns the vector with each component set to one or negative one, "
#~ "depending on the signs of the components."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Gibt den Vektor zurück der entsteht wenn alle Komponenten 1 oder -1 "
#~ "gesetzt werden, je nach ihren Vorzeichen."
#~ msgid "A vector type."
#~ msgstr "Ein Vektortyp."
#~ msgid "Beginning corner."
#~ msgstr "Anfangsecke."
#~ msgid "Ending corner."
#~ msgstr "Zielecke."
#~ msgid "Returns the angle in radians between the two vectors."
#~ msgstr "Gibt den Winkel zwischen zwei Vektoren im Bogenmaß zurück."
#~ msgid "Returns the vector with a maximum length."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Gibt diesen Vektor, abgeschnitten auf die entsprechende Maximallänge, "
#~ "zurück."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Returns the 2-dimensional analog of the cross product with the given "
#~ "vector."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Gibt das zweidimensionale Gegenstück zum Kreuzprodukt der gegeben "
#~ "Vektoren zurück."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Returns the component of the vector along a plane defined by the given "
#~ "normal."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Gibt den Teil des Vektors, der in der Ebene definiert durch den übergeben "
#~ "Normalenvektor liegt, zurück."
#~ msgid "Returns a perpendicular vector."
#~ msgstr "Gibt einen senkrechten Vektor zurück."
#~ msgid "Zero vector."
#~ msgstr "Nullvektor."
#~ msgid "Infinity vector."
#~ msgstr "Unendlichvektor."
#~ msgid "Left unit vector."
#~ msgstr "Links-Einheitsvektor."
#~ msgid "Right unit vector."
#~ msgstr "Rechts-Einheitsvektor."
@ -69963,14 +69963,3 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"If [code]true[/code], child nodes are sorted, otherwise sorting is disabled."
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Returns the close [TextureButton]."
#~ msgstr "Επιστρέφει το συνημίτονο της παραμέτρου."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/getting_started/step_by_step/"
#~ "animations.html"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/getting_started/step_by_step/"
#~ "animations.html"
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -70356,18 +70356,3 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"If [code]true[/code], child nodes are sorted, otherwise sorting is disabled."
msgstr ""
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Easing function, based on exponent. The curve values are: 0 is constant, "
#~ "1 is linear, 0 to 1 is ease-in, 1+ is ease out. Negative values are in-"
#~ "out/out in."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "تابع کاهش ، بر اساس نماد. مقادیر منحنی عبارتند از: 0 ثابت است ، 1 خطی "
#~ "است ، 0 تا 1 آسان است ، 1+ راحت است. مقادیر منفی درون یا خارج هستند."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/getting_started/step_by_step/"
#~ "animations.html"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/getting_started/step_by_step/"
#~ "animations.html"
@ -69952,7 +69952,3 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"If [code]true[/code], child nodes are sorted, otherwise sorting is disabled."
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Returns the close [TextureButton]."
#~ msgstr "Palauttaa parametrin kosinin."
@ -69895,10 +69895,3 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"If [code]true[/code], child nodes are sorted, otherwise sorting is disabled."
msgstr ""
#~ msgid ""
#~ "https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/getting_started/step_by_step/"
#~ "animations.html"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/getting_started/step_by_step/"
#~ "animations.html"
@ -73503,905 +73503,3 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Si [code]true[/code] (vrai), les nœuds enfants sont triés, sinon le tri est "
#~ msgid "Edits the given [Resource]."
#~ msgstr "Modifie la [Ressource] donnée."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "RigidBody's rotational velocity."
#~ msgstr "La vélocité de rotation du RigidBody3D."
#~ msgid "Returns this [AABB] expanded to include a given point."
#~ msgstr "Retourne cette [AABB] élargie pour inclure un point donné."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Returns the [PhysicsDirectBodyState] of the body."
#~ msgstr "Retourne le [enum BitmaskMode] de l'autotile."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Emitted when the resource value was set and user clicked to edit it."
#~ msgstr "Émis lorsqu'une interface est supprimée."
#~ msgid "Returns the label used for built-in text."
#~ msgstr "Retourne l’étiquette utilisée pour le texte intégré."
#~ msgid "Returns the OK [Button] instance."
#~ msgstr "Retourne l'instance OK [Bouton]."
#~ msgid "Returns the cancel button."
#~ msgstr "Retourne le bouton d'annulation."
#~ msgid "Wait time in seconds."
#~ msgstr "Temps d'attente en secondes."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Returns the close [TextureButton]."
#~ msgstr "Retourne la texture de la tuile."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Returns the cosine of angle [code]s[/code] in radians.\n"
#~ "[codeblock]\n"
#~ "# Prints 1 then -1\n"
#~ "print(cos(PI * 2))\n"
#~ "print(cos(PI))\n"
#~ "[/codeblock]"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Renvoie le cosinus de l'angle [code]s[/code] en radians.\n"
#~ "[codeblock]\n"
#~ "# Renvoie 1 puis -1\n"
#~ "print(cos(PI * 2))\n"
#~ "print(cos(PI))\n"
#~ "[/codeblock]"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Easing function, based on exponent. The curve values are: 0 is constant, "
#~ "1 is linear, 0 to 1 is ease-in, 1+ is ease out. Negative values are in-"
#~ "out/out in."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Courbe d'accélération, basée sur l'exposant. Les valeurs de courbe sont : "
#~ "0 pour constante, 1 pour linéaire, de 0 à 1 pour adoucie à l'entrée, 1+ "
#~ "pour adoucie à la sortie. Les valeurs négatives sont pour les courbes "
#~ "adoucies à l'entrée et à la sortie."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Converts one or more arguments to strings in the best way possible and "
#~ "prints them to the console.\n"
#~ "[codeblock]\n"
#~ "a = [1, 2, 3]\n"
#~ "print(\"a\", \"b\", a) # Prints ab[1, 2, 3]\n"
#~ "[/codeblock]"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Convertit un ou plusieurs arguments en chaînes de la meilleure façon "
#~ "possible et les affiche dans la console.\n"
#~ "[codeblock]\n"
#~ "a = [1, 2, 3]\n"
#~ "print(\"a\", \"b\", a) # Prints ab[1, 2, 3]\n"
#~ "[/codeblock]"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Returns an array with the given range. Range can be 1 argument N (0 to "
#~ "N-1), two arguments (initial, final-1) or three arguments (initial, "
#~ "final-1, increment).\n"
#~ "[codeblock]\n"
#~ "for i in range(4):\n"
#~ " print(i)\n"
#~ "for i in range(2, 5):\n"
#~ " print(i)\n"
#~ "for i in range(0, 6, 2):\n"
#~ " print(i)\n"
#~ "[/codeblock]\n"
#~ "Output:\n"
#~ "[codeblock]\n"
#~ "0\n"
#~ "1\n"
#~ "2\n"
#~ "3\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "2\n"
#~ "3\n"
#~ "4\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "0\n"
#~ "2\n"
#~ "4\n"
#~ "[/codeblock]"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Retourne un tableau dans la gamme donnée. Cette gamme peut être d'1 "
#~ "argument N (de 0 à N-1), de deux arguments (initial, final-1) ou de trois "
#~ "arguments (initial, final-1, incrément).\n"
#~ "[codeblock]\n"
#~ "for i in range(4) :\n"
#~ " print(i)\n"
#~ "for i in range(2, 5) :\n"
#~ " print(i)\n"
#~ "for i in range(0, 6, 2) :\n"
#~ " print(i)\n"
#~ "[/codeblock]\n"
#~ "Output :\n"
#~ "[codeblock]\n"
#~ "0\n"
#~ "1\n"
#~ "2\n"
#~ "3\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "2\n"
#~ "3\n"
#~ "4\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "0\n"
#~ "2\n"
#~ "4\n"
#~ "[/codeblock]"
#~ msgid "Positive infinity. For negative infinity, use -INF."
#~ msgstr "L'infini positif. Pour l'infini négatif, utilisez -INF."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "\"Not a Number\", an invalid value. [code]NaN[/code] has special "
#~ "properties, including that it is not equal to itself. It is output by "
#~ "some invalid operations, such as dividing zero by zero."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "« Pas un nombre », une valeur non valide. [code]NaN[/code] a des "
#~ "propriétés spéciales, notamment de ne pas être égal à lui-même. Il est "
#~ "produit par certaines opérations non valides, telles que diviser zéro par "
#~ "zéro."
#~ msgid "The [Geometry3D] singleton."
#~ msgstr "Le singleton [Geometry3D]."
#~ msgid "The [GodotSharp] singleton."
#~ msgstr "Le singleton [GodotSharp]."
#~ msgid "The [NavigationServer2D] singleton."
#~ msgstr "Le singleton [NavigationServer2D]."
#~ msgid "The [PhysicsServer3D] singleton."
#~ msgstr "Le singleton [PhysicsServer2D]."
#~ msgid "The [RenderingServer] singleton."
#~ msgstr "Le singleton [RenderingServer]."
#~ msgid "Back key."
#~ msgstr "Touche Retour."
#~ msgid "Forward key."
#~ msgstr "Touche avant."
#~ msgid "Stop key."
#~ msgstr "Touche d'arrêt."
#~ msgid "Refresh key."
#~ msgstr "Clé de rafraîchissement."
#~ msgid "An invalid game controller button."
#~ msgstr "Un bouton de contrôleur de jeu non valide."
#~ msgid "Game controller SDL button B."
#~ msgstr "Bouton B du contrôleur de jeu SDL."
#~ msgid "Game controller SDL button X."
#~ msgstr "Bouton X du contrôleur de jeu SDL."
#~ msgid "Game controller SDL button Y."
#~ msgstr "Bouton Y du contrôleur de jeu SDL."
#~ msgid "Game controller SDL back button."
#~ msgstr "Bouton recul du contrôleur de jeu SDL."
#~ msgid "Game controller SDL start button."
#~ msgstr "Le bouton commencement du contrôleur de jeu SDL."
#~ msgid "Game controller SDL left stick button."
#~ msgstr "Levier de commande gauche du contrôleur de jeu SDL."
#~ msgid "Game controller SDL right stick button."
#~ msgstr "Levier de commande droite du contrôleur de jeu SDL."
#~ msgid "Game controller SDL D-pad down button."
#~ msgstr "Bouton bas du pavé directionnel du contrôleur de jeu SDL."
#~ msgid "Game controller SDL D-pad right button."
#~ msgstr "Bouton droite du pavé directionnel du contrôleur de jeu SDL."
#~ msgid "The number of SDL game controller buttons."
#~ msgstr "Le nombre de boutons du contrôleur de jeu SDL."
#~ msgid "Sony DualShock controller X button maps to SDL button A."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Bouton X du contrôleur de jeu Sony DualShock schématise au bouton A du "
#~ "contrôleur de jeu SDL."
#~ msgid "Sony DualShock controller cross button maps to SDL button A."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Le bouton croix du contrôleur de jeu Sony DualShock correspond au bouton "
#~ "A du contrôleur de jeu SDL."
#~ msgid "Sony DualShock controller circle button maps to SDL button B."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Le bouton cercle du contrôleur de jeu Sony DualShock correspond au bouton "
#~ "B du contrôleur de jeu SDL."
#~ msgid "Sony DualShock controller square button maps to SDL button X."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Le bouton carré du contrôleur de jeu Sony DualShock correspond au bouton "
#~ "X du contrôleur de jeu SDL."
#~ msgid "Sony DualShock controller triangle button maps to SDL button Y."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Le bouton triangle du contrôleur de jeu Sony DualShock correspond au "
#~ "bouton Y du contrôleur de jeu SDL."
#~ msgid "Sony DualShock controller select button maps to SDL back button."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Le bouton de sélection du contrôleur de jeu Sony DualShock correspond au "
#~ "bouton recul du contrôleur de jeu SDL."
#~ msgid "Sony DualShock controller start button maps to SDL start button."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Le bouton de démarrage du contrôleur de jeu Sony DualShock correspond au "
#~ "bouton de démarrage du contrôleur de jeu SDL."
#~ msgid "Sony DualShock controller PS button maps to SDL guide button."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Le bouton PS du contrôleur de jeu Sony DualShock correspond au bouton "
#~ "guide du contrôleur de jeu SDL."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Sony DualShock controller L1 button maps to SDL left shoulder button."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Le bouton L1 du contrôleur de jeu Sony DualShock correspond au gâchette "
#~ "gauche du contrôleur de jeu SDL."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Sony DualShock controller R1 button maps to SDL right shoulder button."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Le bouton R1 du contrôleur de jeu Sony DualShock correspond au gâchette "
#~ "droite du contrôleur de jeu SDL."
#~ msgid "Sony DualShock controller L3 button maps to SDL left stick button."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Le bouton L3 du contrôleur de jeu Sony DualShock correspond au manette "
#~ "gauche du contrôleur de jeu SDL."
#~ msgid "Sony DualShock controller R3 button maps to SDL right stick button."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Le bouton R3 du contrôleur de jeu Sony DualShock correspond au manette "
#~ "droite du contrôleur de jeu SDL."
#~ msgid "Xbox game controller A button maps to SDL button A."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Le bouton A du contrôleur de jeu Xbox correspond au bouton A du "
#~ "contrôleur de jeu SDL."
#~ msgid "Xbox game controller B button maps to SDL button B."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Le bouton B du contrôleur de jeu Xbox correspond au bouton B du "
#~ "contrôleur de jeu SDL."
#~ msgid "Xbox game controller X button maps to SDL button X."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Le bouton X du contrôleur de jeu Xbox correspond au bouton X du "
#~ "contrôleur de jeu SDL."
#~ msgid "Xbox game controller Y button maps to SDL button Y."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Le bouton Y du contrôleur de jeu Xbox correspond au bouton Y du "
#~ "contrôleur de jeu SDL."
#~ msgid "Xbox game controller back button maps to SDL back button."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Le bouton recul du contrôleur de jeu Xbox correspond au bouton recul du "
#~ "contrôleur de jeu SDL."
#~ msgid "Xbox game controller start button maps to SDL start button."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Le bouton de démarrage du contrôleur de jeu Xbox correspond au bouton de "
#~ "démarrage du contrôleur de jeu SDL."
#~ msgid "Xbox game controller home button maps to SDL guide button."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Le bouton accueil du contrôleur de jeu Xbox correspond au bouton guide du "
#~ "contrôleur de jeu SDL."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Xbox game controller left stick button maps to SDL left stick button."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Le manette gauche du contrôleur de jeu Xbox correspond au manette gauche "
#~ "du contrôleur de jeu SDL."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Xbox game controller right stick button maps to SDL right stick button."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Le manette droite du contrôleur de jeu Xbox correspond au manette droite "
#~ "du contrôleur de jeu SDL."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Xbox game controller left bumper button maps to SDL left shoulder button."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Le gâchette gauche de la manette Xbox correspond à la gâchette gauche du "
#~ "contrôleur de jeu SDL."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Xbox game controller right bumper button maps to SDL right shoulder "
#~ "button."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Le gâchette droite de la manette Xbox correspond à la gâchette droite du "
#~ "contrôleur de jeu SDL."
#~ msgid "An invalid game controller axis."
#~ msgstr "Un axe du contrôleur de jeu non valide."
#~ msgid "Game controller left joystick y-axis."
#~ msgstr "Axe Y de la manette droite du contrôleur de jeu."
#~ msgid "Game controller right joystick y-axis."
#~ msgstr "Axe Y de la manette droite du contrôleur de jeu."
#~ msgid "The number of SDL game controller axes."
#~ msgstr "Le nombre d'axes du contrôleur de jeu SDL."
#~ msgid "Game controller joystick 0 x-axis."
#~ msgstr "Axe X de la manette 0 du contrôleur de jeu."
#~ msgid "Game controller joystick 0 y-axis."
#~ msgstr "Axe Y de la manette 0 du contrôleur de jeu."
#~ msgid "Game controller joystick 1 x-axis."
#~ msgstr "Axe X de la manette 1 du contrôleur de jeu."
#~ msgid "Game controller joystick 1 y-axis."
#~ msgstr "Axe Y de la manette 1 du contrôleur de jeu."
#~ msgid "Game controller joystick 2 x-axis."
#~ msgstr "Axe X de la manette 2 du contrôleur de jeu."
#~ msgid "Game controller joystick 2 y-axis."
#~ msgstr "Axe Y de la manette 2 du contrôleur de jeu."
#~ msgid "Game controller joystick 3 x-axis."
#~ msgstr "Axe X de la manette 3 du contrôleur de jeu."
#~ msgid "Game controller joystick 3 y-axis."
#~ msgstr "Axe Y de la manette 3 du contrôleur de jeu."
#~ msgid "Game controller joystick 4 x-axis."
#~ msgstr "Axe X de la manette 4 du contrôleur de jeu."
#~ msgid "Game controller joystick 4 y-axis."
#~ msgstr "Axe Y de la manette 4 du contrôleur de jeu."
#~ msgid "The maximum number of game controller axes."
#~ msgstr "Le nombre maximum d'axes du contrôleur de jeu."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Used to group properties together in the editor in a subgroup (under a "
#~ "group)."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Utilisé pour rassembler des propriétés ensemble dans l'éditeur dans un "
#~ "sous-groupe (sous un groupe)."
#~ msgid "Variable is of type [Vector2i]."
#~ msgstr "La variable est de type [Vector2i]."
#~ msgid "Variable is of type [Rect2i]."
#~ msgstr "Variable est de type [Rect2i]."
#~ msgid "Variable is of type [Vector3i]."
#~ msgstr "Variable est de type [Vector3i]."
#~ msgid "Variable is of type [StringName]."
#~ msgstr "La variable est de type [StringName]."
#~ msgid "Variable is of type [Callable]."
#~ msgstr "Variable est de type [Callable]."
#~ msgid "Variable is of type [Signal]."
#~ msgstr "Variable est de type [Signal]."
#~ msgid "Variable is of type [PackedInt32Array]."
#~ msgstr "La variable est de type [PackedInt32Array]."
#~ msgid "Variable is of type [PackedInt64Array]."
#~ msgstr "Variable est de type [PackedInt64Array]."
#~ msgid "Variable is of type [PackedFloat32Array]."
#~ msgstr "Variable est de type [PackedFloat32Array]."
#~ msgid "Variable is of type [PackedFloat64Array]."
#~ msgstr "La variable est de type [PackedInt32Array]."
#~ msgid "Strength of the specular light effect of this [AnimatedSprite2D]."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Intensité de l'effet de lumière spéculaire de cette [AnimatedSprite2D]."
#~ msgid "The color of the specular light effect."
#~ msgstr "La couleur de l’effet de lumière spéculaire."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This node can be used to cause a seek command to happen to any sub-"
#~ "children of the graph. After setting the time, this value returns to -1."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ce nœud peut être utilisé pour faire en sorte qu'une commande de "
#~ "recherche soit exécutée sur n'importe quel sous-enfant du graphe. Après "
#~ "avoir réglé le temps, cette valeur revient à -1."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/getting_started/step_by_step/"
#~ "animations.html"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/getting_started/step_by_step/"
#~ "animations.html"
#~ msgid "Emitted when another area enters."
#~ msgstr "Émis lorsqu’une autre zone entre."
#~ msgid "Emitted when another area exits."
#~ msgstr "Émis lors de la sortie d'une autre zone."
#~ msgid "Plays an audio stream non-positionally."
#~ msgstr "Joue un flux audio non positionné."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Dampens audio above this frequency, in Hz."
#~ msgstr "Amortit l’audio au-dessus de cette fréquence, en Hz."
#~ msgid "Factor for the attenuation effect."
#~ msgstr "Facteur pour l’effet d’atténuation."
#~ msgid "The strength of the refraction effect."
#~ msgstr "La force de l’effet de réfraction."
#~ msgid "Texture specifying per-pixel backlight color."
#~ msgstr "Texture spécifiant la couleur du rétroéclairage par pixel."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The texture filter blends between the nearest 4 pixels and between the "
#~ "nearest 2 mipmaps. Use this for most cases as mipmaps are important to "
#~ "smooth out pixels that are far from the camera."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Le filtre de texture se mélange entre les 4 pixels les plus proches et "
#~ "entre les 2 mipmaps les plus proches. Utilisez-le pour la plupart des cas "
#~ "car les mipmaps sont importants pour lisser les pixels qui sont loin de "
#~ "la caméra."
#~ msgid "The material will not use transparency."
#~ msgstr "Le matériel n’utilisera pas la transparence."
#~ msgid "The material will use the texture's alpha values for transparency."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Le matériau utilisera les valeurs d'alpha de la texture pour la "
#~ "transparence."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The material will cut off all values below a threshold, the rest will "
#~ "remain opaque."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Le matériau coupera toutes les valeurs en dessous d’un seuil, le reste "
#~ "restera opaque."
#~ msgid "Represents the size of the [enum Transparency] enum."
#~ msgstr "Représente la taille de l’enum [enum Transparency]."
#~ msgid "Represents the size of the [enum ShadingMode] enum."
#~ msgstr "Représente la taille de l’enum [enum ShadingMode]."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Constant for setting [member heightmap_enabled]."
#~ msgstr "Constante pour le réglage [member heightmap_enabled]."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Constant for setting [member subsurf_scatter_transmittance_enabled]."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Constante pour le réglage [member subsurf_scatter_transmittance_enabled]."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Constant for setting [member backlight_enabled]."
#~ msgstr "Constant pour définir [member backlight_enabled]."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Returns the 2D coordinate in the [Viewport] rectangle that maps to the "
#~ "given 3D point in worldspace."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Renvoie la coordonnée 2D dans le rectangle [Viewport] qui mappe au point "
#~ "3D donné dans worldspace."
#~ msgid "The [CameraEffects] to use for this camera."
#~ msgstr "Le [CameraEffects] à utiliser pour cette caméra."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Contains camera-specific effects such as depth of field and exposure "
#~ "override.\n"
#~ "See also [Environment] for general 3D environment settings."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Contient des effets spécifiques à la caméra tels que la profondeur de "
#~ "champ et l'outrepassement de l'exposition.\n"
#~ "Voir aussi [Environnement] pour les paramètres généraux d'environnement "
#~ "3D."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YCbCr]YCbCr[/url] camera image."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "L’image de la caméra [url=https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/YCbCr]YCbCr[/url]."
#~ msgid "Emitted when the item rect has changed."
#~ msgstr "Émis lorsque le rect de l'élément a changé."
#~ msgid "Texture will repeat normally."
#~ msgstr "La texture se répètera normalement."
#~ msgid "Adds a [Shape3D] to the shape owner."
#~ msgstr "Ajoute un [Shape2D] au propriétaire de la forme."
#~ msgid "Displays a colored rectangle."
#~ msgstr "Affiche un rectangle coloré."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This node takes a 2D polygon shape and extrudes it to create a 3D mesh."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ce nœud prend la forme d'un polygone en 2D et l'extrude pour créer un "
#~ "maillage en 3D."
#~ msgid "Material to use for the resulting mesh."
#~ msgstr "Matériel à utiliser pour le maillage résultant."
#~ msgid "Extrusion mode."
#~ msgstr "Mode d'extrusion."
#~ msgid "Shape3D is extruded to [member depth]."
#~ msgstr "Shape3D est extrudé à [member depth]."
#~ msgid "Slice is not rotated."
#~ msgstr "La tranche n’est pas tournée."
#~ msgid "Slice is rotated around the up vector of the path."
#~ msgstr "La tranche est tournée autour du vecteur haut du trajet."
#~ msgid "Slice is rotate to match the path exactly."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "La tranche est en rotation pour correspondre exactement au chemin d’accès."
#~ msgid "Bottom radius of the cylinder."
#~ msgstr "Rayon inférieur du cylindre."
#~ msgid "Top radius of the cylinder."
#~ msgstr "Rayon supérieur du cylindre."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Energy multiplier for the emission texture. This will make the decal emit "
#~ "light at a higher intensity."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Multiplicateur d'énergie pour la texture d'émission. Ainsi, la "
#~ "décalcomanie émettra de la lumière à une intensité plus élevée."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Sets the curve over which the decal will fade as the surface gets further "
#~ "from the center of the [AABB]."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Définit la courbe sur laquelle le décalcomanie s’estompera à mesure que "
#~ "la surface s’éloignera du centre de l’[AABB]."
#~ msgid "Changes the [Color] of the Decal by multiplying it with this value."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Change la [Color] de l'autocollant en le multipliant par cette valeur."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "[Texture2D] with the per-pixel normalmap for the decal. Use this to add "
#~ "extra detail to decals."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "[Texture2D] avec la normal map par pixel pour la décalcomanie. Utilisez "
#~ "cette fonction pour ajouter des détails supplémentaires aux décalcomanies."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "[Texture2D] storing ambient occlusion, roughness, and metallic for the "
#~ "decal. Use this to add extra detail to decals."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "[Texture2D] stockant l’occlusion ambiante, la rugosité et la "
#~ "métallisation pour le décalque. Utilisez-le pour ajouter des détails "
#~ "supplémentaires aux décalques."
#~ msgid "[Texture2D] corresponding to [member texture_albedo]."
#~ msgstr "[Texture2D] correspondant à [member texture_albedo]."
#~ msgid "[Texture2D] corresponding to [member texture_normal]."
#~ msgstr "[Texture2D] correspondant à [member texture_normal]."
#~ msgid "[Texture2D] corresponding to [member texture_orm]."
#~ msgstr "[Texture2D] correspondant à [member texture_orm]."
#~ msgid "[Texture2D] corresponding to [member texture_emission]."
#~ msgstr "[Texture2D] correspondant à [member texture_emission]."
#~ msgid "Max size of [enum DecalTexture] enum."
#~ msgstr "Taille maximale de l'enum [enum DecalTexture]."
#~ msgid "Extra character spacing in pixels."
#~ msgstr "Espacement supplémentaire des caractères en pixels."
#~ msgid "Extra space spacing in pixels."
#~ msgstr "Espacement d’espace supplémentaire en pixels."
#~ msgid "Character spacing."
#~ msgstr "Espacement des caractères."
#~ msgid "Space spacing."
#~ msgstr "Espacement d’espace."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Updates the overlays of the editor (2D/3D) viewport."
#~ msgstr "Met à jour les superpositions de la fenêtre de l’éditeur (2D/3D)."
#~ msgid "Override if you want to allow a custom tooltip over your property."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Passe outre si vous souhaitez autoriser une info-bulle personnalisée sur "
#~ "votre propriété."
#~ msgid "Adds a node to the selection."
#~ msgstr "Ajoute un nœud à la sélection."
#~ msgid "Disable ambient light."
#~ msgstr "Désactiver la lumière ambiante."
#~ msgid "Use the background for reflections."
#~ msgstr "Utiliser l’arrière-plan pour les réflexions."
#~ msgid "Disable reflections."
#~ msgstr "Désactiver les réflexions."
#~ msgid "Closes the currently opened file."
#~ msgstr "Ferme le fichier actuellement ouvert."
#~ msgid "Opens the file for read operations."
#~ msgstr "Ouvre le fichier pour les opérations de lecture."
#~ msgid "Editor visibility helper."
#~ msgstr "Aide à la visibilité de l’éditeur."
#~ msgid "The physics layers this GridMap detects collisions in."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Les calques de physique dans lesquels cette GridMap détecte les "
#~ "collisions."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "If the body is at least this close to another body, this body will "
#~ "consider them to be colliding."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Si le corps est au moins aussi proche d’un autre corps, ce corps les "
#~ "considérera comme des collisions."
#~ msgid "Calculate a [ConvexPolygonShape3D] from the mesh."
#~ msgstr "Calculer une [ConvexPolygonShape3D] à partir du maillage."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Locks this [Mutex], blocks until it is unlocked by the current owner."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Verrouille ce [Mutex], bloque jusqu’à ce qu’il soit débloqué par le "
#~ "propriétaire actuel."
#~ msgid "The radius of the agent."
#~ msgstr "Le rayon de l’agent."
#~ msgid "Creates the agent."
#~ msgstr "Crée l'agent."
#~ msgid "Destroy the RID"
#~ msgstr "Détruisez le RID"
#~ msgid "Create a new map."
#~ msgstr "Créer une nouvelle carte."
#~ msgid "Returns the map cell size."
#~ msgstr "Retourne la taille de la cellule de la carte."
#~ msgid "Sets the map active."
#~ msgstr "Active la carte."
#~ msgid "Creates a new region."
#~ msgstr "Crée une nouvelle région."
#~ msgid "Control activation of this server."
#~ msgstr "Contrôler l’activation de ce serveur."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "ENet's built-in range encoding."
#~ msgstr "L'encodage de gamme intégré d'ENet."
#~ msgid "Returns an environment variable."
#~ msgstr "Retourne une variable d'environnement."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "The Vulkan rendering backend."
#~ msgstr "Le fond de rendu vulcain."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Point sampler for a [Path3D]."
#~ msgstr "Échantillonneur de points pour un [Path3D]."
#~ msgid "Sets the body's transform."
#~ msgstr "Définit le transform du corps."
#~ msgid "Sets the joint's transform."
#~ msgstr "Définit le transform de l'articulation."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "[Texture2D] for the night sky. This is added to the sky, so if it is "
#~ "bright enough, it may be visible during the day."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "[Texture2D] pour le ciel nocturne. Ceci est ajouté au ciel, donc s’il est "
#~ "assez lumineux, il peut être visible pendant la journée."
#~ msgid "Creates an [Area3D]."
#~ msgstr "Crée un [Area3D]."
#~ msgid "The [Shape3D] is a [WorldMarginShape3D]."
#~ msgstr "Le [Shape3D] est un [WorldMarginShape3D]."
#~ msgid "Default orientation on mobile devices."
#~ msgstr "Orientation par défaut sur les appareils mobiles."
#~ msgid "Constructs a [Rect2] from a [Rect2i]."
#~ msgstr "Construit un [Rect2] à partir d’un [Rect2i]."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Returns [code]true[/code] if this [Rect2i] completely encloses another "
#~ "one."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Retourne [code]true[/code] (vrai) si la chaîne de caractères finit par la "
#~ "chaîne de caractères donnée."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Shader is a sky shader."
#~ msgstr "Shader est un shader de ciel."
#~ msgid "Low quality DOF blur."
#~ msgstr "Flou DOF de faible qualité."
#~ msgid "Medium quality DOF blur."
#~ msgstr "Blur DOF de qualité moyenne."
#~ msgid "Strength of the specular light effect of this [Sprite2D]."
#~ msgstr "Force de l’effet de lumière spéculaire de ce [Sprite2D]."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "The specular map is used for more control on the shininess effect."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "La carte spéculaire est utilisée pour mieux contrôler l'effet de "
#~ "brillance."
#~ msgid "Constructs a new String from the given [Vector2i]."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Construit une nouvelle chaîne de caractères à partir du [Vector2i] donné."
#~ msgid "Constructs a new String from the given [Rect2i]."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Construit une nouvelle chaîne de caractères à partir du [Rect2i] donné."
#~ msgid "Constructs a new String from the given [Vector3i]."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Construit une nouvelle chaîne de caractères à partir du [Vector3i] donné."
#~ msgid "Constructs a new String from the given [StringName]."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Construit une nouvelle chaîne de caractères à partir du [StringName] (nom "
#~ "de la chaîne de caractères) donné."
#~ msgid "Constructs a new String from the given [Callable]."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Construit une nouvelle chaîne de caractères à partir du [Callable] donné."
#~ msgid "Constructs a new String from the given [Signal]."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Construit une nouvelle chaîne de caractères à partir du [Signal] (signal) "
#~ "donné."
#~ msgid "Constructs a new String from the given [PackedInt64Array]."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Construit une nouvelle chaîne de caractères à partir du "
#~ "[PackedInt64Array] donné."
#~ msgid "Constructs a new String from the given [PackedFloat32Array]."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Construit une nouvelle chaîne de caractères à partir du "
#~ "[PackedFloat32Array] donné."
#~ msgid "Constructs a new String from the given [PackedFloat64Array]."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Construit une nouvelle chaîne de caractères à partir du "
#~ "[PackedFloat64Array] donné."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Performs a case-sensitive comparison to another string. Returns [code]-1[/"
#~ "code] if less than, [code]+1[/code] if greater than, or [code]0[/code] if "
#~ "equal."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Effectue une comparaison sensible à la casse avec une autre chaîne de "
#~ "caractères. Retourne [code]-1[/code] si inférieur, [code]+1[/code] si "
#~ "supérieur, ou [code]0[/code] si égal."
#~ msgid "If the string is a valid file path, returns the extension."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Si la chaîne de caractères est un chemin de fichier valide, retourne "
#~ "l'extension."
#~ msgid "An optimized string type for unique names."
#~ msgstr "Un type de chaîne de caractères optimisé pour les noms uniques."
#~ msgid "Creates a new [StringName] from the given [String]."
#~ msgstr "Crée un [StringName] à partir de la [String] donnée."
#~ msgid "Cell can be checked."
#~ msgstr "La cellule peut être vérifiée."
#~ msgid "This enabler will freeze [RigidBody3D] nodes."
#~ msgstr "Cet activateur permettra de geler les nœuds [RigidBody3D]."
#~ msgid "Emitted when the VisibilityNotifier3D exits the screen."
#~ msgstr "Émis lorsque le VisibilityNotifier3D quitte l'écran."
#~ msgid "Return the specified output's name."
#~ msgstr "Retourner le nom de la sortie spécifiée."
#~ msgid "An integer scalar."
#~ msgstr "Un scalaire entier."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Computes the fractional part of the argument. Translates to [code]fract(x)"
#~ "[/code] in the Godot Shader Language."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Calcule la partie fractionnaire de l’argument. Traduit en [code]fract(x)[/"
#~ "code] dans le langage Godot Shader."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Negates the [code]x[/code] using [code]-(x)[/code]."
#~ msgstr "Oppose le [code]x[/code] à l’aide de [code]-(x)[/code]."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Returns the arc-hyperbolic-cosine of the parameter. Translates to "
#~ "[code]acosh(x)[/code] in the Godot Shader Language."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Retourne l’arc-hyperbolique-cosine du paramètre. Traduit en [code]acosh(x)"
#~ "[/code] dans le langage Godot Shader."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Convert a quantity in radians to degrees. Translates to [code]degrees(x)[/"
#~ "code] in the Godot Shader Language."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Convertit une quantité en radians en degrés. Traduit en [code]degrees(x)[/"
#~ "code] dans le langage Godot Shader."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Returns the inverse of the square root of the parameter. Translates to "
#~ "[code]inversesqrt(x)[/code] in the Godot Shader Language."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Retourne l’inverse de la racine carrée du paramètre. Traduit en "
#~ "[code]inversesqrt(x)[/code] dans la langage de Godot Shader."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Finds reciprocal value of dividing 1 by [code]x[/code] (i.e. [code]1 / x[/"
#~ "code])."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Trouve la valeur réciproque de la division 1 par [code]x[/code] (c.-à-d. "
#~ "[code]1 / x[/code])."
#~ msgid "Subtracts scalar [code]x[/code] from 1 (i.e. [code]1 - x[/code])."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Soustrait le scalaire [code]x[/code] de 1 (c.-à-d. [code]1 - x[/code])."
#~ msgid "No hint used."
#~ msgstr "Pas d'indice utilisé."
#~ msgid "Uses three operands to compute [code](a * b + c)[/code] expression."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Utilise trois opérandes pour calculer l'expression [code](a * b + c)[/"
#~ "code]."
#~ msgid "A scalar type."
#~ msgstr "Un type scalaire."
#~ msgid "A vector type."
#~ msgstr "Un type de vecteur."
#~ msgid "An input source type."
#~ msgstr "Un type de source d'entrée."
@ -70130,10 +70130,3 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"If [code]true[/code], child nodes are sorted, otherwise sorting is disabled."
msgstr ""
#~ msgid ""
#~ "https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/getting_started/step_by_step/"
#~ "animations.html"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/getting_started/step_by_step/"
#~ "animations.html"
@ -70962,30 +70962,3 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Se [code] vero [/code], i nodi figli sono ordinati, altrimenti l'ordinamento "
"è disabilitato."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Returns the close [TextureButton]."
#~ msgstr "Restituisce il coseno del parametro."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Easing function, based on exponent. The curve values are: 0 is constant, "
#~ "1 is linear, 0 to 1 is ease-in, 1+ is ease out. Negative values are in-"
#~ "out/out in."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Funzione d'interpolazione, basata sull'esponente. I valori delle curve "
#~ "sono: 0 è costante, 1 è lineare, da 0 a 1 è ease-in, 1+ è ease-out. I "
#~ "valori negativi sono in-out/out in."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/getting_started/step_by_step/"
#~ "animations.html"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/getting_started/step_by_step/"
#~ "animations.html"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Returns [code]true[/code] if this [Rect2i] completely encloses another "
#~ "one."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ritorna [code]true[/code] if questo [Rect2i] ne racchiude completamente "
#~ "un altro."
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -70346,14 +70346,3 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"If [code]true[/code], child nodes are sorted, otherwise sorting is disabled."
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Returns the close [TextureButton]."
#~ msgstr "매개변수의 코사인 값을 반환합니다."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/getting_started/step_by_step/"
#~ "animations.html"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/getting_started/step_by_step/"
#~ "animations.html"
@ -69909,10 +69909,3 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"If [code]true[/code], child nodes are sorted, otherwise sorting is disabled."
msgstr ""
#~ msgid ""
#~ "https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/getting_started/step_by_step/"
#~ "animations.html"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/getting_started/step_by_step/"
#~ "animations.html"
@ -69944,10 +69944,3 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"If [code]true[/code], child nodes are sorted, otherwise sorting is disabled."
msgstr ""
#~ msgid ""
#~ "https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/getting_started/step_by_step/"
#~ "animations.html"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/getting_started/step_by_step/"
#~ "animations.html"
@ -70539,50 +70539,3 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Jeśli [code]true[/code], potomne węzły są sortowane. W innym przypadku jest "
#~ msgid "Returns the editor's [ScriptEditor] instance."
#~ msgstr "Zwraca instancję edytora [ScriptEditor]."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Returns the close [TextureButton]."
#~ msgstr "Zwraca cosinus parametru."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Easing function, based on exponent. The curve values are: 0 is constant, "
#~ "1 is linear, 0 to 1 is ease-in, 1+ is ease out. Negative values are in-"
#~ "out/out in."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Funkcja wygładzania bazująca na wykładniku potęgi. Wartościami krzywej "
#~ "są: 0 jest stałe, 1 jest linearne, od 0 do 1 jest wgładzane, 1+ jest "
#~ "wygładzane. Negatywne wartości są in-out/out-in."
#~ msgid "Positive infinity. For negative infinity, use -INF."
#~ msgstr "Dodatnia nieskończoność. (Dla ujemnej nieskończoności, użyj -INF)."
#~ msgid "The [Geometry3D] singleton."
#~ msgstr "Singleton [Geometry3D]."
#~ msgid "The [GodotSharp] singleton."
#~ msgstr "Singleton [GodotSharp]."
#~ msgid "The [NavigationServer2D] singleton."
#~ msgstr "Singleton [NavigationServer2D]."
#~ msgid "The [PhysicsServer3D] singleton."
#~ msgstr "Singleton [PhysicsServer3D]."
#~ msgid "The [RenderingServer] singleton."
#~ msgstr "Singleton [RenderingServer]."
#~ msgid "Back key."
#~ msgstr "Klawisz cofnięcia."
#~ msgid "Stop key."
#~ msgstr "Klawisz stop."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/getting_started/step_by_step/"
#~ "animations.html"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/getting_started/step_by_step/"
#~ "animations.html"
@ -71030,199 +71030,3 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Se [code]true[/code], os nós filhos são organizados, do contrário, a "
"organização é desabilitada."
#~ msgid "Returns the 2D world of the viewport."
#~ msgstr "Retorna o mundo 2D do viewport."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Returns the horizontal scrollbar [HScrollBar] of this [ScrollContainer]."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Retorna a barra de rolagem horizontal [HScrollBar] deste "
#~ "[ScrollContainer]."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Returns the vertical scrollbar [VScrollBar] of this [ScrollContainer]."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Retorna a barra de rolagem vertical [VScrollBar] deste [ScrollContainer]."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Returns the close [TextureButton]."
#~ msgstr "Retorna o cosseno do parâmetro."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Returns the cosine of angle [code]s[/code] in radians.\n"
#~ "[codeblock]\n"
#~ "# Prints 1 then -1\n"
#~ "print(cos(PI * 2))\n"
#~ "print(cos(PI))\n"
#~ "[/codeblock]"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Retorna o cosseno do ângulo [code]s[/code] em radianos.\n"
#~ "[codeblock]\n"
#~ "# Imprime 1, então -1\n"
#~ "print(cos(PI * 2))\n"
#~ "print(cos(PI))\n"
#~ "[/codeblock]"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Easing function, based on exponent. The curve values are: 0 is constant, "
#~ "1 is linear, 0 to 1 is ease-in, 1+ is ease out. Negative values are in-"
#~ "out/out in."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Função de atenuação, baseada no expoente. Os valores da curva são: 0 é "
#~ "constante, 1 é linear, 0 a 1 é atenuação, 1+ é atenuação. Os valores "
#~ "negativos estão dentro ou por fora."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Converts one or more arguments to strings in the best way possible and "
#~ "prints them to the console.\n"
#~ "[codeblock]\n"
#~ "a = [1, 2, 3]\n"
#~ "print(\"a\", \"b\", a) # Prints ab[1, 2, 3]\n"
#~ "[/codeblock]"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Converte um ou mais argumentos para strings da melhor forma possível e "
#~ "imprime-os no console.\n"
#~ "[codeblock]\n"
#~ "a = [1, 2, 3]\n"
#~ "print(\"a\", \"b\", a) # Imprime ab[1, 2, 3]\n"
#~ "[/codeblock]"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Returns an array with the given range. Range can be 1 argument N (0 to "
#~ "N-1), two arguments (initial, final-1) or three arguments (initial, "
#~ "final-1, increment).\n"
#~ "[codeblock]\n"
#~ "for i in range(4):\n"
#~ " print(i)\n"
#~ "for i in range(2, 5):\n"
#~ " print(i)\n"
#~ "for i in range(0, 6, 2):\n"
#~ " print(i)\n"
#~ "[/codeblock]\n"
#~ "Output:\n"
#~ "[codeblock]\n"
#~ "0\n"
#~ "1\n"
#~ "2\n"
#~ "3\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "2\n"
#~ "3\n"
#~ "4\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "0\n"
#~ "2\n"
#~ "4\n"
#~ "[/codeblock]"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Retorna uma lista com o intervalo especificado. Intervalo pode ser 1 "
#~ "argumento N (0 to N-1), dois argumentos (inicial, final-1) ou três "
#~ "argumentos (inicial, final-1, incremento).\n"
#~ "[codeblock]\n"
#~ "for i in range(4):\n"
#~ " print(i)\n"
#~ "for i in range(2, 5):\n"
#~ " print(i)\n"
#~ "for i in range(0, 6, 2):\n"
#~ " print(i)\n"
#~ "[/codeblock]\n"
#~ "Saída:\n"
#~ "[codeblock]\n"
#~ "0\n"
#~ "1\n"
#~ "2\n"
#~ "3\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "2\n"
#~ "3\n"
#~ "4\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "0\n"
#~ "2\n"
#~ "4\n"
#~ "[/codeblock]"
#~ msgid "Positive infinity. For negative infinity, use -INF."
#~ msgstr "Infinito positivo. Para infinidade negativa, use -INF."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "\"Not a Number\", an invalid value. [code]NaN[/code] has special "
#~ "properties, including that it is not equal to itself. It is output by "
#~ "some invalid operations, such as dividing zero by zero."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "\"Não é um Número\", um valor inválido. [code]NaN[/code] tem propriedades "
#~ "especiais, incluindo não ser igual a si mesmo. É gerado por algumas "
#~ "operações inválidas, como dividir zero por zero."
#~ msgid "The [Geometry3D] singleton."
#~ msgstr "O singleton [Geometry3D]."
#~ msgid "The [GodotSharp] singleton."
#~ msgstr "O singleton [GodotSharp]."
#~ msgid "The [NavigationServer2D] singleton."
#~ msgstr "O singleton [NavigationServer2D]."
#~ msgid "The [PhysicsServer3D] singleton."
#~ msgstr "O singleton [PhysicsServer3D]."
#~ msgid "The [RenderingServer] singleton."
#~ msgstr "O singleton [RenderingServer]."
#~ msgid "Back key."
#~ msgstr "Tecla Back."
#~ msgid "Forward key."
#~ msgstr "Tecla Forward."
#~ msgid "Stop key."
#~ msgstr "Tecla Stop."
#~ msgid "Refresh key."
#~ msgstr "Tecla Refresh."
#~ msgid "An invalid game controller button."
#~ msgstr "Um botão inválido de um controle."
#~ msgid "Game controller SDL button B."
#~ msgstr "Botão B do controlador de jogo SDL."
#~ msgid "Game controller SDL button X."
#~ msgstr "Botão X do controlador de jogo SDL."
#~ msgid "Game controller SDL button Y."
#~ msgstr "Botão Y do controlador de jogo SDL."
#~ msgid "Game controller SDL back button."
#~ msgstr "Botão voltar do controlador de jogo SDL."
#~ msgid "Game controller SDL start button."
#~ msgstr "Botão de início do controlador de jogo SDL."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/getting_started/step_by_step/"
#~ "animations.html"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/getting_started/step_by_step/"
#~ "animations.html"
#~ msgid "The material will use the texture's alpha values for transparency."
#~ msgstr "O material usará os valores alfa da textura para transparência."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The material will use the texture's alpha value for transparency, but "
#~ "will still be rendered in the pre-pass."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "O material usará o valor alfa da textura para transparência, mas ainda "
#~ "será renderizado na pré-passagem."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Sets the amount of dithering to use. Dithering helps reduce banding that "
#~ "appears from the smooth changes in color in the sky. Use the lowest value "
#~ "possible, higher amounts may add fuzziness to the sky."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Determina a quantidade de matização a usar. A matização (\"dithering\") "
#~ "ajuda a reduzir as faixas que aparecem nas mudanças suaves na cor do céu. "
#~ "Use o valor mais baixo possível, quantidades maiores poderão adicionar "
#~ "artefatos ao céu."
@ -69904,10 +69904,3 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"If [code]true[/code], child nodes are sorted, otherwise sorting is disabled."
msgstr ""
#~ msgid ""
#~ "https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/getting_started/step_by_step/"
#~ "animations.html"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/getting_started/step_by_step/"
#~ "animations.html"
@ -72163,627 +72163,3 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Если [code]true[/code], дочерние узлы будут отсортированы, иначе сортировка "
"будет отключена."
#~ msgid "Returns this [AABB] expanded to include a given point."
#~ msgstr "Возвращает расширенный [AABB], включающий данную точку."
#~ msgid "Returns the label used for built-in text."
#~ msgstr "Возвращает метку (Label), используемую для встроенного текста."
#~ msgid "Returns the OK [Button] instance."
#~ msgstr "Возвращает экземпляр кнопки ([Button]) OK."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Returns the editor's [FileSystemDock] instance."
#~ msgstr "Возвращает длину вектора."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Returns the editor's [EditorInspector] instance."
#~ msgstr "Возвращает длину вектора."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Returns the editor's [ScriptEditor] instance."
#~ msgstr "Возвращает длину вектора."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Returns the close [TextureButton]."
#~ msgstr "Возвращает [Texture2D] заданного кадра."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Returns the cosine of angle [code]s[/code] in radians.\n"
#~ "[codeblock]\n"
#~ "# Prints 1 then -1\n"
#~ "print(cos(PI * 2))\n"
#~ "print(cos(PI))\n"
#~ "[/codeblock]"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Возвращает косинус угла [code]s[/code], заданного в радианах.\n"
#~ "[codeblock]\n"
#~ "# Печатает 1, а затем -1\n"
#~ "print(cos(PI * 2))\n"
#~ "print(cos(PI))\n"
#~ "[/codeblock]"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Easing function, based on exponent. The curve values are: 0 is constant, "
#~ "1 is linear, 0 to 1 is ease-in, 1+ is ease out. Negative values are in-"
#~ "out/out in."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Функция плавности, основанная на экспоненте. Значения кривой: 0 — "
#~ "константа, 1 — линейная, от 0 до 1 — ease-in, 1+ — ease out. "
#~ "Отрицательные значения — in-out/out in."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Converts one or more arguments to strings in the best way possible and "
#~ "prints them to the console.\n"
#~ "[codeblock]\n"
#~ "a = [1, 2, 3]\n"
#~ "print(\"a\", \"b\", a) # Prints ab[1, 2, 3]\n"
#~ "[/codeblock]"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Преобразует один или более аргумент в строки наилучшим возможным способом "
#~ "и печатает их в консоль.\n"
#~ "[codeblock]\n"
#~ "a = [1, 2, 3]\n"
#~ "print(\"a\", \"b\", a) # Печатает ab[1, 2, 3]\n"
#~ "[/codeblock]"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Returns an array with the given range. Range can be 1 argument N (0 to "
#~ "N-1), two arguments (initial, final-1) or three arguments (initial, "
#~ "final-1, increment).\n"
#~ "[codeblock]\n"
#~ "for i in range(4):\n"
#~ " print(i)\n"
#~ "for i in range(2, 5):\n"
#~ " print(i)\n"
#~ "for i in range(0, 6, 2):\n"
#~ " print(i)\n"
#~ "[/codeblock]\n"
#~ "Output:\n"
#~ "[codeblock]\n"
#~ "0\n"
#~ "1\n"
#~ "2\n"
#~ "3\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "2\n"
#~ "3\n"
#~ "4\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "0\n"
#~ "2\n"
#~ "4\n"
#~ "[/codeblock]"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Возвращает массив с заданным диапазоном. Диапазон может быть задан одним "
#~ "аргументом N (от 0 до N-1 вкл.), двумя аргументами (initial, final-1) или "
#~ "тремя аргументами (initial, final-1, increment).\n"
#~ "[codeblock]\n"
#~ "for i in range(4):\n"
#~ " print(i)\n"
#~ "for i in range(2, 5):\n"
#~ " print(i)\n"
#~ "for i in range(0, 6, 2):\n"
#~ " print(i)\n"
#~ "[/codeblock]\n"
#~ "Вывод:\n"
#~ "[codeblock]\n"
#~ "0\n"
#~ "1\n"
#~ "2\n"
#~ "3\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "2\n"
#~ "3\n"
#~ "4\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "0\n"
#~ "2\n"
#~ "4\n"
#~ "[/codeblock]"
#~ msgid "Positive infinity. For negative infinity, use -INF."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Положительная бесконечность. Для отрицательной бесконечности используйте -"
#~ "INF."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "\"Not a Number\", an invalid value. [code]NaN[/code] has special "
#~ "properties, including that it is not equal to itself. It is output by "
#~ "some invalid operations, such as dividing zero by zero."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "\"Not a Number\", недопустимое значение. [code]NaN[/code] имеет особые "
#~ "свойства, в том числе то, что он не равен самому себе. Результат "
#~ "некоторых недопустимых операций, таких как деление нуля на ноль."
#~ msgid "The [Geometry3D] singleton."
#~ msgstr "Синглтон [Geometry3D]."
#~ msgid "The [GodotSharp] singleton."
#~ msgstr "Синглтон [GodotSharp]."
#~ msgid "The [NavigationServer2D] singleton."
#~ msgstr "Синглтон [NavigationServer2D]."
#~ msgid "The [PhysicsServer3D] singleton."
#~ msgstr "Синглтон [PhysicsServer3D]."
#~ msgid "The [RenderingServer] singleton."
#~ msgstr "Синглтон [RenderingServer]."
#~ msgid "Back key."
#~ msgstr "Клавиша Back."
#~ msgid "Forward key."
#~ msgstr "Клавиша Forward."
#~ msgid "Stop key."
#~ msgstr "Клавиша Stop."
#~ msgid "Refresh key."
#~ msgstr "Клавиша Refresh."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "An invalid game controller button."
#~ msgstr "Недопустимая кнопка игрового контроллера."
#~ msgid "Game controller SDL button B."
#~ msgstr "Кнопка B игрового контроллера SDL."
#~ msgid "Game controller SDL button X."
#~ msgstr "Кнопка X игрового контроллера SDL."
#~ msgid "Game controller SDL button Y."
#~ msgstr "Кнопка Y игрового контроллера SDL."
#~ msgid "Game controller SDL back button."
#~ msgstr "Кнопка Back игрового контроллера SDL."
#~ msgid "Game controller SDL start button."
#~ msgstr "Кнопка Start игрового контроллера SDL."
#~ msgid "Game controller SDL left stick button."
#~ msgstr "Кнопка Left Stick игрового контроллера SDL."
#~ msgid "Game controller SDL right stick button."
#~ msgstr "Кнопка Right Stick игрового контроллера SDL."
#~ msgid "Game controller SDL D-pad down button."
#~ msgstr "Кнопка D-pad Down игрового контроллера SDL."
#~ msgid "Game controller SDL D-pad right button."
#~ msgstr "Кнопка D-pad Right игрового контроллера SDL."
#~ msgid "The number of SDL game controller buttons."
#~ msgstr "Число кнопок игрового контроллера SDL."
#~ msgid "Sony DualShock controller X button maps to SDL button A."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Кнопка X игрового контроллера Sony DualShock, соответствует SDL-кнопке A."
#~ msgid "Sony DualShock controller cross button maps to SDL button A."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Кнопка Cross игрового контроллера Sony DualShock, соответствует SDL-"
#~ "кнопке A."
#~ msgid "Sony DualShock controller circle button maps to SDL button B."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Кнопка Circle игрового контроллера Sony DualShock, соответствует SDL-"
#~ "кнопке B."
#~ msgid "Sony DualShock controller square button maps to SDL button X."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Кнопка Square игрового контроллера Sony DualShock, соответствует SDL-"
#~ "кнопке X."
#~ msgid "Sony DualShock controller triangle button maps to SDL button Y."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Кнопка Triangle игрового контроллера Sony DualShock, соответствует SDL-"
#~ "кнопке Y."
#~ msgid "Sony DualShock controller select button maps to SDL back button."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Кнопка Select игрового контроллера Sony DualShock, соответствует SDL-"
#~ "кнопке Back."
#~ msgid "Sony DualShock controller start button maps to SDL start button."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Кнопка Start игрового контроллера Sony DualShock, соответствует SDL-"
#~ "кнопке Start."
#~ msgid "Sony DualShock controller PS button maps to SDL guide button."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Кнопка PS игрового контроллера Sony DualShock, соответствует SDL-кнопке "
#~ "Guide."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Sony DualShock controller L1 button maps to SDL left shoulder button."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Кнопка L1 игрового контроллера Sony DualShock, соответствует SDL-кнопке "
#~ "Left Shoulder."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Sony DualShock controller R1 button maps to SDL right shoulder button."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Кнопка R1 игрового контроллера Sony DualShock, соответствует SDL-кнопке "
#~ "Right Shoulder."
#~ msgid "Sony DualShock controller L3 button maps to SDL left stick button."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Кнопка L3 игрового контроллера Sony DualShock, соответствует SDL-кнопке "
#~ "Left Stick."
#~ msgid "Sony DualShock controller R3 button maps to SDL right stick button."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Кнопка R3 игрового контроллера Sony DualShock, соответствует SDL-кнопке "
#~ "Right Stick."
#~ msgid "Xbox game controller A button maps to SDL button A."
#~ msgstr "Кнопка A игрового контроллера Xbox, соответствует SDL-кнопке A."
#~ msgid "Xbox game controller B button maps to SDL button B."
#~ msgstr "Кнопка B игрового контроллера Xbox, соответствует SDL-кнопке B."
#~ msgid "Xbox game controller X button maps to SDL button X."
#~ msgstr "Кнопка X игрового контроллера Xbox, соответствует SDL-кнопке X."
#~ msgid "Xbox game controller Y button maps to SDL button Y."
#~ msgstr "Кнопка Y игрового контроллера Xbox, соответствует SDL-кнопке Y."
#~ msgid "Xbox game controller back button maps to SDL back button."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Кнопка Back игрового контроллера Xbox, соответствует SDL-кнопке Back."
#~ msgid "Xbox game controller start button maps to SDL start button."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Кнопка Start игрового контроллера Xbox, соответствует SDL-кнопке Start."
#~ msgid "Xbox game controller home button maps to SDL guide button."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Кнопка Home игрового контроллера Xbox, соответствует SDL-кнопке Guide."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Xbox game controller left stick button maps to SDL left stick button."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Кнопка Left Stick игрового контроллера Xbox, соответствует SDL-кнопке "
#~ "Left Stick."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Xbox game controller right stick button maps to SDL right stick button."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Кнопка Right Stick игрового контроллера Xbox, соответствует SDL-кнопке "
#~ "Right Stick."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Xbox game controller left bumper button maps to SDL left shoulder button."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Кнопка Left Bumper игрового контроллера Xbox, соответствует SDL-кнопке "
#~ "Left Shoulder."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Xbox game controller right bumper button maps to SDL right shoulder "
#~ "button."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Кнопка Right Bumper игрового контроллера Xbox, соответствует SDL-кнопке "
#~ "Right Shoulder."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "An invalid game controller axis."
#~ msgstr "Недопустимая ось игрового контроллера."
#~ msgid "Game controller left joystick y-axis."
#~ msgstr "Ось Y левого джойстика игрового контроллера."
#~ msgid "Game controller right joystick y-axis."
#~ msgstr "Ось Y правого джойстика игрового контроллера."
#~ msgid "The number of SDL game controller axes."
#~ msgstr "Число осей игрового контроллера SDL."
#~ msgid "Game controller joystick 0 x-axis."
#~ msgstr "Ось X джойстика 0 игрового контроллера."
#~ msgid "Game controller joystick 0 y-axis."
#~ msgstr "Ось Y джойстика 0 игрового контроллера."
#~ msgid "Game controller joystick 1 x-axis."
#~ msgstr "Ось X джойстика 1 игрового контроллера."
#~ msgid "Game controller joystick 1 y-axis."
#~ msgstr "Ось Y джойстика 1 игрового контроллера."
#~ msgid "Game controller joystick 2 x-axis."
#~ msgstr "Ось X джойстика 2 игрового контроллера."
#~ msgid "Game controller joystick 2 y-axis."
#~ msgstr "Ось Y джойстика 2 игрового контроллера."
#~ msgid "Game controller joystick 3 x-axis."
#~ msgstr "Ось X джойстика 3 игрового контроллера."
#~ msgid "Game controller joystick 3 y-axis."
#~ msgstr "Ось Y джойстика 3 игрового контроллера."
#~ msgid "Game controller joystick 4 x-axis."
#~ msgstr "Ось X джойстика 4 игрового контроллера."
#~ msgid "Game controller joystick 4 y-axis."
#~ msgstr "Ось Y джойстика 4 игрового контроллера."
#~ msgid "The maximum number of game controller axes."
#~ msgstr "Максимальное число осей игрового контроллера."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Used to group properties together in the editor in a subgroup (under a "
#~ "group)."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Используется для группировки свойств в редакторе в подгруппы (внутри "
#~ "группы)."
#~ msgid "Variable is of type [Vector2i]."
#~ msgstr "Переменная типа [Vector2i]."
#~ msgid "Variable is of type [Rect2i]."
#~ msgstr "Переменная типа [Rect2i]."
#~ msgid "Variable is of type [Vector3i]."
#~ msgstr "Переменная типа [Vector3i]."
#~ msgid "Variable is of type [StringName]."
#~ msgstr "Переменная типа [StringName]."
#~ msgid "Variable is of type [Callable]."
#~ msgstr "Переменная типа [Callable]."
#~ msgid "Variable is of type [Signal]."
#~ msgstr "Переменная типа [Signal]."
#~ msgid "Variable is of type [PackedInt32Array]."
#~ msgstr "Переменная типа [PackedInt32Array]."
#~ msgid "Variable is of type [PackedInt64Array]."
#~ msgstr "Переменная типа [PackedInt64Array]."
#~ msgid "Variable is of type [PackedFloat32Array]."
#~ msgstr "Переменная типа [PackedFloat32Array]."
#~ msgid "Variable is of type [PackedFloat64Array]."
#~ msgstr "Переменная типа [PackedFloat64Array]."
#~ msgid "Strength of the specular light effect of this [AnimatedSprite2D]."
#~ msgstr "Сила эффекта отражения [AnimatedSprite2D]."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/getting_started/step_by_step/"
#~ "animations.html"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/getting_started/step_by_step/"
#~ "animations.html"
#~ msgid "Constructs an array from a [PackedFloat64Array]."
#~ msgstr "Создаёт массив из [PackedFloat64Array]."
#~ msgid "Constructs an array from a [PackedFloat32Array]."
#~ msgstr "Создаёт массив из [PackedFloat32Array]."
#~ msgid "Constructs an array from a [PackedInt32Array]."
#~ msgstr "Создаёт массив из [PackedInt32Array]."
#~ msgid "Removes the first occurrence of a value from the array."
#~ msgstr "Удаляет первое вхождение значения в массиве."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Returns the first element of the array, or [code]null[/code] if the array "
#~ "is empty."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Возвращает первый элемент в массиве, или [code]null[/code] если массив "
#~ "пустой."
#~ msgid "Returns a hashed integer value representing the array contents."
#~ msgstr "Возвращает целочисленный хеш представляющий содержимое массива."
#~ msgid "Adds an element at the beginning of the array."
#~ msgstr "Добавляет элемент в начало массива."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Sorts the elements of the array in ascending order."
#~ msgstr "Удаляет элемент из массива по индексу."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Returns the names of active custom monitors in an array."
#~ msgstr "Возвращает количество раз когда элемент встречается в массиве."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The seed used by the random number generator. A given seed will give a "
#~ "reproducible sequence of pseudo-random numbers.\n"
#~ "[b]Note:[/b] The RNG does not have an avalanche effect, and can output "
#~ "similar random streams given similar seeds. Consider using a hash "
#~ "function to improve your seed quality if they're sourced externally."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Зерно, используемое генератором случайных чисел. Данное зерно "
#~ "предоставляет воспроизводимую последовательность псевдослучайных чисел.\n"
#~ "[b]Примечание:[/b] ГСЧ не имеет лавинного эффекта, схожие зёрна могут "
#~ "давать схожие потоки случайных чисел. Используйте хеш-функцию для "
#~ "улучшения качества зёрен, полученных из внешних источников."
#~ msgid "Vector used for 2D math using floating point coordinates."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Вектор используемый для 2D математики с использованием чисел с плавающей "
#~ "точкой."
#~ msgid "Constructs a new [Vector2] from [Vector2i]."
#~ msgstr "Создаёт новый [Vector2] из [Vector2i]."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Returns this vector's angle with respect to the X axis, or [code](1, 0)[/"
#~ "code] vector, in radians.\n"
#~ "Equivalent to the result of [method @GDScript.atan2] when called with the "
#~ "vector's [member y] and [member x] as parameters: [code]atan2(y, x)[/"
#~ "code]."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Возвращает угол вектор в радианах с учётом оси X, или вектора [code](1, 0)"
#~ "[/code].\n"
#~ "Аналогично результату [method @GDScript.atan2] который вызван с "
#~ "компонентами вектора [member x] и [member y] как параметры: "
#~ "[code]atan2(x, y)[/code]."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Returns the angle between the line connecting the two points and the X "
#~ "axis, in radians."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Возвращает угол в радианах между линией соединяющей две точки и X "
#~ "координату."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "2-element structure that can be used to represent positions in 2D space "
#~ "or any other pair of numeric values.\n"
#~ "It uses integer coordinates and is therefore preferable to [Vector2] when "
#~ "exact precision is required.\n"
#~ "[b]Note:[/b] In a boolean context, a Vector2i will evaluate to "
#~ "[code]false[/code] if it's equal to [code]Vector2i(0, 0)[/code]. "
#~ "Otherwise, a Vector2i will always evaluate to [code]true[/code]."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "2-компонентная структура которая используется для представления позиции в "
#~ "2D пространстве или любой другой пары числовых значений.\n"
#~ "Она использует целочисленные значения и поэтому предпочтительнее чем "
#~ "[Vector2] когда требуется точность.\n"
#~ "[b]Заметка:[/b] В контексте булевых значений, Vector2i будет преобразован "
#~ "в [code]false[/code] если он равен [code]Vector2i(0, 0)[/code]. Иначе, "
#~ "Vector2i всегда будет преобразован в [code]true[/code]."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Constructs a new [Vector2i] from [Vector2]. The floating point "
#~ "coordinates will be truncated."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Создаёт новый [Vector2i] из [Vector2]. Значения с плавающей точкой будут "
#~ "округлены."
#~ msgid "Returns the ratio of [member x] to [member y]."
#~ msgstr "Возвращает соотношение [member x] к [member y]."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Returns the vector with each component set to one or negative one, "
#~ "depending on the signs of the components."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Возвращает вектор в котором все компоненты установлены в 1 или -1, в "
#~ "зависимости от знаков перед компонентами исходного вектора."
#~ msgid "Vector used for 3D math using floating point coordinates."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Вектор используемый для 3D математики с использованием координат с "
#~ "плавающей точкой."
#~ msgid "Constructs a new [Vector3] from [Vector3i]."
#~ msgstr "Формирует новый [Vector3] из [Vector3i]."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "A vector type."
#~ msgstr "Единичный вектор."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Returns the nearest larger power of 2 for integer [code]value[/code].\n"
#~ "[codeblock]\n"
#~ "nearest_po2(3) # Returns 4\n"
#~ "nearest_po2(4) # Returns 4\n"
#~ "nearest_po2(5) # Returns 8\n"
#~ "[/codeblock]"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Возвращает ближайшую большую степень 2 для целого числа [code]value[/"
#~ "code].\n"
#~ "[codeblock]\n"
#~ "nearest_po2(3) # Возвращает 4\n"
#~ "nearest_po2(4) # Возвращает 4\n"
#~ "nearest_po2(5) # Возвращает 8\n"
#~ "[/codeblock]"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Returns a resource from the filesystem that is loaded during script "
#~ "parsing.\n"
#~ "[b]Note:[/b] Resource paths can be obtained by right clicking on a "
#~ "resource in the Assets Panel and choosing \"Copy Path\".\n"
#~ "[codeblock]\n"
#~ "# Load a scene called main located in the root of the project directory.\n"
#~ "var main = preload(\"res://main.tscn\")\n"
#~ "[/codeblock]"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Возвращает ресурс из файловой системы, который загружается во время "
#~ "синтаксического анализа.\n"
#~ "[b]Примечание:[/b] Пути к ресурсам можно получить, щелкнув правой кнопкой "
#~ "мыши ресурс на панели активов (Asset) и выбрав \"Копировать путь\".\n"
#~ "[codeblock]\n"
#~ "# Загружает сцену с именем main, расположенную в корне каталога проекта.\n"
#~ "var main = preload(\"res://main.tscn\")\n"
#~ "[/codeblock]"
#~ msgid "Returns the angle in radians between the two vectors."
#~ msgstr "Возвращает угол в радианах между двумя векторами."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Returns the 2-dimensional analog of the cross product with the given "
#~ "vector."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Возвращает 2-мерный аналог векторного произведения с указанным вектором."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Returns the component of the vector along a plane defined by the given "
#~ "normal."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Возвращает компоненты вектора вдоль плоскости определённой заданной "
#~ "нормалью."
#~ msgid "Returns a perpendicular vector."
#~ msgstr "Возвращает перпендикулярный вектор."
#~ msgid "Zero vector."
#~ msgstr "Нулевой вектор."
#~ msgid "Infinity vector."
#~ msgstr "Бесконечный вектор."
#~ msgid "Left unit vector."
#~ msgstr "Левый единичный вектор."
#~ msgid "Right unit vector."
#~ msgstr "Правый единичный вектор."
#~ msgid "Returns the cross product with [code]b[/code]."
#~ msgstr "Возвращает векторное произведение с [code]b[/code]."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Returns the squared distance to [code]b[/code]. Prefer this function over "
#~ "[method distance_to] if you need to sort vectors or need the squared "
#~ "distance for some formula."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Возвращает расстояние в квадрате до [code]b[/code]. Эта функция "
#~ "предпочтительнее чем [method distance_to] если вам нужно сортировать "
#~ "векторы или нужно расстояние в квадрате для какой-то формулы."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Returns the vector's length squared. Prefer this function over [method "
#~ "length] if you need to sort vectors or need the squared length for some "
#~ "formula."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Возвращает длину вектора в квадрате. Эта функция предпочтительнее чем "
#~ "[method length] если вам нужно сортировать вектора или нужна длина в "
#~ "квадрате для какой-то формулы."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Returns the result of the linear interpolation between this vector and "
#~ "[code]b[/code] by amount [code]t[/code]. [code]t[/code] is in the range "
#~ "of [code]0.0 - 1.0[/code], representing the amount of interpolation.."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Возвращает результат линейного сглаживания между этим вектором и [code]b[/"
#~ "code] на значение [code]t[/code]. [code]t[/code] это диапазон [code]0.0 - "
#~ "1.0[/code], представляющий силу сглаживания.."
#~ msgid "Returns a diagonal matrix with the vector as main diagonal."
#~ msgstr "Возвращает диагональную матрицу с вектором на главной диагонали."
#~ msgid "Forward unit vector."
#~ msgstr "Передний единичный вектор."
#~ msgid "Back unit vector."
#~ msgstr "Задний единичный вектор."
@ -69896,10 +69896,3 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"If [code]true[/code], child nodes are sorted, otherwise sorting is disabled."
msgstr ""
#~ msgid ""
#~ "https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/getting_started/step_by_step/"
#~ "animations.html"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/getting_started/step_by_step/"
#~ "animations.html"
@ -69906,10 +69906,3 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"If [code]true[/code], child nodes are sorted, otherwise sorting is disabled."
msgstr ""
#~ msgid ""
#~ "https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/getting_started/step_by_step/"
#~ "animations.html"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/getting_started/step_by_step/"
#~ "animations.html"
@ -70083,20 +70083,3 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"If [code]true[/code], child nodes are sorted, otherwise sorting is disabled."
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Returns the close [TextureButton]."
#~ msgstr "คืนค่าการกำหนดค่าของลำโพง"
#~ msgid "Back key."
#~ msgstr "ปุ่ม"
#~ msgid "Stop key."
#~ msgstr "ปุ่ม"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/getting_started/step_by_step/"
#~ "animations.html"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/getting_started/step_by_step/"
#~ "animations.html"
@ -70805,131 +70805,3 @@ msgid ""
"If [code]true[/code], child nodes are sorted, otherwise sorting is disabled."
msgstr ""
"Eğer [code]true[/code] ise düğümler sıraya sokulur, yoksa sıraya sokulmaz."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Returns the close [TextureButton]."
#~ msgstr "Parametrenin kosinüsünü döndürür."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Returns the cosine of angle [code]s[/code] in radians.\n"
#~ "[codeblock]\n"
#~ "# Prints 1 then -1\n"
#~ "print(cos(PI * 2))\n"
#~ "print(cos(PI))\n"
#~ "[/codeblock]"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "[code]s[/code] açısının kosinüs değerini radyan cinsinden döndürür.\n"
#~ "[codeblock]\n"
#~ "# Önce 1 sonra -1 yazdırır\n"
#~ "print(cos(PI * 2))\n"
#~ "print(cos(PI))\n"
#~ "[/codeblock]"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Easing function, based on exponent. The curve values are: 0 is constant, "
#~ "1 is linear, 0 to 1 is ease-in, 1+ is ease out. Negative values are in-"
#~ "out/out in."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Geçiş işlevi, üstel ifadeye dayalı. Eğri değerleri: 0 sabit, 1 doğrusal, "
#~ "0 dan 1 e giriş, 1+ ise çıkış. Negatif değerler giriş-çıkış/çıkış-giriş "
#~ "içindir."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Converts one or more arguments to strings in the best way possible and "
#~ "prints them to the console.\n"
#~ "[codeblock]\n"
#~ "a = [1, 2, 3]\n"
#~ "print(\"a\", \"b\", a) # Prints ab[1, 2, 3]\n"
#~ "[/codeblock]"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Bir veya daha fazla argümanı mümkün olan en iyi şekilde karakter dizisi "
#~ "(string) türüne dönüştürür ve onları sırasıyla konsola yazdırır.\n"
#~ "[codeblock]\n"
#~ "a = [1, 2, 3]\n"
#~ "print(\"a\", \"b\", a) # ekran çıktısı: ab[1, 2, 3]\n"
#~ "[/codeblock]"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Returns an array with the given range. Range can be 1 argument N (0 to "
#~ "N-1), two arguments (initial, final-1) or three arguments (initial, "
#~ "final-1, increment).\n"
#~ "[codeblock]\n"
#~ "for i in range(4):\n"
#~ " print(i)\n"
#~ "for i in range(2, 5):\n"
#~ " print(i)\n"
#~ "for i in range(0, 6, 2):\n"
#~ " print(i)\n"
#~ "[/codeblock]\n"
#~ "Output:\n"
#~ "[codeblock]\n"
#~ "0\n"
#~ "1\n"
#~ "2\n"
#~ "3\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "2\n"
#~ "3\n"
#~ "4\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "0\n"
#~ "2\n"
#~ "4\n"
#~ "[/codeblock]"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Verilen aralık parametrelerini kullanarak bir dizi döndürür. "
#~ "Range(aralık) argümanları, bir tane N sayısı (0'dan N-1'e kadar sonucunu "
#~ "verir), iki argüman başlangıç ve son (ilk, son-1 aralığı) seklinde ve üç "
#~ "argüman , başlangıç, son ve artış miktarı (ilk, son-1, artış) şeklinde "
#~ "olabilir.\n"
#~ "[codeblock]\n"
#~ "for i in range(4):\n"
#~ " print(i)\n"
#~ "for i in range(2, 5):\n"
#~ " print(i)\n"
#~ "for i in range(0, 6, 2):\n"
#~ " print(i)\n"
#~ "[/codeblock]\n"
#~ "Output:\n"
#~ "[codeblock]\n"
#~ "0\n"
#~ "1\n"
#~ "2\n"
#~ "3\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "2\n"
#~ "3\n"
#~ "4\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "0\n"
#~ "2\n"
#~ "4\n"
#~ "[/codeblock]"
#~ msgid "Positive infinity. For negative infinity, use -INF."
#~ msgstr "Pozitif sonsuzluk. Negatif sonsuzluk için -INF kullanın."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "\"Not a Number\", an invalid value. [code]NaN[/code] has special "
#~ "properties, including that it is not equal to itself. It is output by "
#~ "some invalid operations, such as dividing zero by zero."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "\"Sayı Değil\", geçersiz bir değer. [code]NaN[/code] kendine eşit "
#~ "olmaması da dahil olmak üzere özel niteliklere sahiptir. Sıfırın sıfıra "
#~ "bölünmesi gibi bazı geçersiz işlemlerde çıktı olarak alınır."
#~ msgid "The [Geometry3D] singleton."
#~ msgstr "[Geometry3D] tekil nesnesi."
#~ msgid "The [GodotSharp] singleton."
#~ msgstr "[GodotSharp] tekil nesnesi."
#~ msgid "The [NavigationServer2D] singleton."
#~ msgstr "[NavigationServer2D] tekil nesnesi."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/getting_started/step_by_step/"
#~ "animations.html"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/getting_started/step_by_step/"
#~ "animations.html"
@ -70127,14 +70127,3 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"If [code]true[/code], child nodes are sorted, otherwise sorting is disabled."
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Returns the close [TextureButton]."
#~ msgstr "Повертає косинус параметра."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/getting_started/step_by_step/"
#~ "animations.html"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "https://docs.godotengine.org/uk/latest/getting_started/step_by_step/"
#~ "animations.html"
@ -70217,81 +70217,3 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"If [code]true[/code], child nodes are sorted, otherwise sorting is disabled."
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Returns the close [TextureButton]."
#~ msgstr "Trả về [Texture2D] của khung hình được cho."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Easing function, based on exponent. The curve values are: 0 is constant, "
#~ "1 is linear, 0 to 1 is ease-in, 1+ is ease out. Negative values are in-"
#~ "out/out in."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Hàm hiệu ứng, dựa trên luỹ thừa. Những giá trị hiệu ứng: 0 là hằng số, 1 "
#~ "là tuyến tính, 0 tới 1 là chậm dần, 1+ là nhanh dần. Giá trị âm là nhanh-"
#~ "chậm-nhanh/chậm-nhanh-chậm."
#~ msgid "Positive infinity. For negative infinity, use -INF."
#~ msgstr "Dương vô cùng. Hãy dùng -INF cho âm vô cùng."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "\"Not a Number\", an invalid value. [code]NaN[/code] has special "
#~ "properties, including that it is not equal to itself. It is output by "
#~ "some invalid operations, such as dividing zero by zero."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "\"Không Phải Số\", một giá trị bất hợp lệ. [code]NaN[/code] có một số đặc "
#~ "tính, một trong đó là nó không tự bằng chính mình. Đây là kết quả của một "
#~ "vài phép toán không hợp lệ, ví dụ như không chia không."
#~ msgid "The [Geometry3D] singleton."
#~ msgstr "Đơn Nhất [Geometry3D]."
#~ msgid "The [GodotSharp] singleton."
#~ msgstr "Đơn Nhất [GodotSharp]."
#~ msgid "The [NavigationServer2D] singleton."
#~ msgstr "Đơn Nhất [NavigationServer2D]."
#~ msgid "The [PhysicsServer3D] singleton."
#~ msgstr "Đơn Nhất [PhysicsServer3D]."
#~ msgid "The [RenderingServer] singleton."
#~ msgstr "Đơn Nhất [RenderingServer]."
#~ msgid "Variable is of type [Vector2i]."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Biến thuộc kiểu [Vector2i] (Vector 2 chiều dùng tọa độ là số nguyên)."
#~ msgid "Variable is of type [Rect2i]."
#~ msgstr "Biến thuộc kiểu [Rect2i] (hình chữ nhật dùng tọa độ là số nguyên)."
#~ msgid "Variable is of type [Vector3i]."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Biến thuộc kiểu [Vector3i] (Vector 3 chiều dùng tọa độ là số nguyên)."
#~ msgid "Variable is of type [StringName]."
#~ msgstr "Biến thuộc kiểu [StringName] (xâu biểu diễn tên độc nhất)."
#~ msgid "Variable is of type [Callable]."
#~ msgstr "Biến thuộc kiểu [Callable] (vật hàm)."
#~ msgid "Variable is of type [Signal]."
#~ msgstr "Biến thuộc kiểu [Signal] (tín hiệu)."
#~ msgid "Variable is of type [PackedInt32Array]."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Biến thuộc kiểu [PackedInt32Array] (mảng chuyên chứa số nguyên 32 bit)."
#~ msgid "Variable is of type [PackedInt64Array]."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Biến thuộc kiểu [PackedInt64Array] (mảng chuyên chứa số nguyên 64 bit)."
#~ msgid "Variable is of type [PackedFloat32Array]."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Biến thuộc kiểu [PackedFloat32Array] (mảng chuyên chứa số thập phân 32 "
#~ "bit)."
#~ msgid "Variable is of type [PackedFloat64Array]."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Biến thuộc kiểu [PackedFloat64Array] (mảng chuyên chứa số thập phân 64 "
#~ "bit)."
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -70099,25 +70099,3 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"If [code]true[/code], child nodes are sorted, otherwise sorting is disabled."
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Returns the close [TextureButton]."
#~ msgstr "回傳參數的餘弦值。"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Easing function, based on exponent. The curve values are: 0 is constant, "
#~ "1 is linear, 0 to 1 is ease-in, 1+ is ease out. Negative values are in-"
#~ "out/out in."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Returns the hyperbolic cosine of [code]s[/code] in radians.\n"
#~ "[codeblock]\n"
#~ "# Prints 1.543081\n"
#~ "print(cosh(1))\n"
#~ "[/codeblock]"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/getting_started/step_by_step/"
#~ "animations.html"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/getting_started/step_by_step/"
#~ "animations.html"
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ merge:
echo -e "\nMerging $$po..."; \
msgmerge -w 79 -C $$po $$po $(TEMPLATE) > "$$po".new; \
mv -f "$$po".new $$po; \
msgattrib --output-file=$$po --no-obsolete $$po; \
@ -14462,257 +14462,3 @@ msgstr ""
#: servers/visual/shader_language.cpp
msgid "Constants cannot be modified."
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Package Contents:"
#~ msgstr "Pakket Installeerder"
#~ msgid "Singleton"
#~ msgstr "EnkelHouer"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Erase profile '%s'? (no undo)"
#~ msgstr "Vervang Alles"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Class Options"
#~ msgstr "Beskrywing"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Move to Trash"
#~ msgstr "Skuif AutoLaai"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Expand All Properties"
#~ msgstr "Eienskappe"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Theme File"
#~ msgstr "Open 'n Lêer"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Search complete"
#~ msgstr "Deursoek Teks"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Move pivot"
#~ msgstr "Skuif Gunsteling Op"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Add initial export..."
#~ msgstr "Gunstelinge:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Pack File"
#~ msgstr "Verpak"
#~ msgid "Replaced %d occurrence(s)."
#~ msgstr "Het %d verskynsel(s) vervang."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "There are currently no tutorials for this class, you can [color=$color]"
#~ "[url=$url]contribute one[/url][/color] or [color=$color][url="
#~ "$url2]request one[/url][/color]."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Daar is tans geen beskrywing vir hierdie metode nie. Help ons asseblief "
#~ "deur [color=$color][url=$url]een by te dra[/url][/color]!"
#~ msgid "enum "
#~ msgstr "enum "
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Brief Description"
#~ msgstr "Kort Beskrywing:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Class Description"
#~ msgstr "Beskrywing"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Methods:"
#~ msgstr "Metodes"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Theme Properties:"
#~ msgstr "Eienskappe"
#~ msgid "Constants:"
#~ msgstr "Konstantes:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Class Description:"
#~ msgstr "Beskrywing:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Property Descriptions:"
#~ msgstr "Eienskap Beskrywing:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Method Descriptions:"
#~ msgstr "Metode Beskrywing:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Error: could not load file."
#~ msgstr "Kon nie vouer skep nie."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Previous Folder"
#~ msgstr "Voorskou:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Next Folder"
#~ msgstr "Skep Vouer"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Failed to create solution."
#~ msgstr "Kon nie vouer skep nie."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Create C# solution"
#~ msgstr "Skep Intekening"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Enabled Classes"
#~ msgstr "Deursoek Klasse"
#~ msgid "Delete selected files?"
#~ msgstr "Skrap gekose lêers?"
#~ msgid "There is no 'res://default_bus_layout.tres' file."
#~ msgstr "Daar is nie 'n 'res://default_bus_layout.tres'-lêer nie."
#~ msgid "Go to parent folder"
#~ msgstr "Gaan na ouer vouer"
#~ msgid "Line:"
#~ msgstr "Reël:"
#~ msgid "Col:"
#~ msgstr "Kol:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Remove Split"
#~ msgstr "Verwyder Seleksie"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Zoom out"
#~ msgstr "Zoem Uit"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Zoom in"
#~ msgstr "Zoem In"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Zoom:"
#~ msgstr "Zoem In"
#~ msgid "Class List:"
#~ msgstr "Klas Lys:"
#~ msgid "Public Methods"
#~ msgstr "Openbare Metodes"
#~ msgid "Public Methods:"
#~ msgstr "Openbare Metodes:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Toggle folder status as Favorite."
#~ msgstr "Wissel Gunsteling"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Show current scene file."
#~ msgstr "Skep Vouer"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Whole words"
#~ msgstr "Hele Woorde"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Match case"
#~ msgstr "Pas Letterkas"
#~ msgid "Move Anim Track Up"
#~ msgstr "Skuif Anim Baan Op"
#~ msgid "Move Anim Track Down"
#~ msgstr "Skuif Anim Baan Af"
#~ msgid "Anim Track Change Interpolation"
#~ msgstr "Anim Baan Verander Interpolasie"
#~ msgid "Anim Track Change Value Mode"
#~ msgstr "Anim Baan Verander Waarde Modus"
#~ msgid "Anim Track Change Wrap Mode"
#~ msgstr "Anim Baan Verander Terug Draai Modus"
#~ msgid "Anim Add Key"
#~ msgstr "Anim Voeg Sleutel By"
#~ msgid "In"
#~ msgstr "In"
#~ msgid "Out"
#~ msgstr "Uit"
#~ msgid "In-Out"
#~ msgstr "In-Uit"
#~ msgid "Out-In"
#~ msgstr "Uit-In"
#~ msgid "Anim Create Typed Value Key"
#~ msgstr "Anim Skep Soort-Waarde Sleutel"
#~ msgid "Anim Add Call Track"
#~ msgstr "Anim Skep Roep Baan"
#~ msgid "Length (s):"
#~ msgstr "Lengte(s):"
#~ msgid "Cursor step snap (in seconds)."
#~ msgstr "Wyser tree kiek (in secondes)."
#~ msgid "Enable/Disable looping in animation."
#~ msgstr "Aktiveer/Deaktiveer herspeel in animasie."
#~ msgid "Add new tracks."
#~ msgstr "Skep nuwe bane."
#~ msgid "Move current track up."
#~ msgstr "Skuif huidige baan op."
#~ msgid "Move current track down."
#~ msgstr "Skuif huidige baan af."
#~ msgid "Track tools"
#~ msgstr "Baan gereedskap"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Enable editing of individual keys by clicking them."
#~ msgstr "Laat verandering van individuele sleutels toe deur hulle te kliek."
#~ msgid "Key"
#~ msgstr "Sleutel"
#~ msgid "Call Functions in Which Node?"
#~ msgstr "Roep Funksies in Watter Nodus?"
#~ msgid "Thanks!"
#~ msgstr "Dankie!"
#~ msgid "Replace By"
#~ msgstr "Vervang Met"
#~ msgid "Backwards"
#~ msgstr "Terugwaarts"
#~ msgid "Prompt On Replace"
#~ msgstr "Por Op Vervang"
#~ msgid "Skip"
#~ msgstr "Spring Oor"
#~ msgid "List:"
#~ msgstr "Lys:"
@ -14802,830 +14802,3 @@ msgstr "التعين للإنتظام."
#: servers/visual/shader_language.cpp
msgid "Constants cannot be modified."
msgstr "لا يمكن تعديل الثوابت."
#~ msgid "Make Rest Pose (From Bones)"
#~ msgstr "إنشاء وضعية الراحة (من العظام)"
#~ msgid "Bottom"
#~ msgstr "الأسفل"
#~ msgid "Left"
#~ msgstr "اليسار"
#~ msgid "Right"
#~ msgstr "اليمين"
#~ msgid "Front"
#~ msgstr "الأمام"
#~ msgid "Rear"
#~ msgstr "الخلف"
#~ msgid "Nameless gizmo"
#~ msgstr "أداة (gizmo) غير مسماة"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "\"Degrees Of Freedom\" is only valid when \"Xr Mode\" is \"Oculus Mobile "
#~ "VR\"."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "\"Degrees Of Freedom\" تكون صالحة فقط عندما يكون وضع ال \"Xr Mode\"هو "
#~ "\"Oculus Mobile VR\"."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "\"Focus Awareness\" is only valid when \"Xr Mode\" is \"Oculus Mobile VR"
#~ "\"."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "\"Focus Awareness\" تكون صالحة فقط عندما يكون وضع ال \"Xr Mode\"هو "
#~ "\"Oculus Mobile VR\"."
#~ msgid "Package Contents:"
#~ msgstr "محتويات الرزمة:"
#~ msgid "Singleton"
#~ msgstr "الفردية"
#~ msgid "Erase profile '%s'? (no undo)"
#~ msgstr "مسح الملف الشخصي '%s'؟ (لا تراجع)"
#~ msgid "Enabled Properties:"
#~ msgstr "الخصائص المُمكّنة:"
#~ msgid "Enabled Features:"
#~ msgstr "الميزات المُمكّنة:"
#~ msgid "Unset"
#~ msgstr "غير مُحدد"
#~ msgid "Class Options"
#~ msgstr "إعدادات الصف Class"
#~ msgid "Set"
#~ msgstr "مجموعة"
#~ msgid "Saved %s modified resource(s)."
#~ msgstr "حفظت %s الموارد المعدلة."
#~ msgid "Q&A"
#~ msgstr "الأسئلة و الأجوبة"
#~ msgid "Status:"
#~ msgstr "الحالة:"
#~ msgid "Edit:"
#~ msgstr "تحرير:"
#~ msgid "Redownload"
#~ msgstr "إعادة التحميل"
#~ msgid "(Installed)"
#~ msgstr "(مثبت)"
#~ msgid "(Missing)"
#~ msgstr "(مفقود)"
#~ msgid "Request Failed."
#~ msgstr "فشل الطلب."
#~ msgid "Redirect Loop."
#~ msgstr "اعادة توجيه حلقة التكرار."
#~ msgid "Download Complete."
#~ msgstr "التحميل إكتمل."
#~ msgid "Remove Template"
#~ msgstr "مسح القالب"
#~ msgid "Download Templates"
#~ msgstr "تنزيل القوالب"
#~ msgid "Select mirror from list: (Shift+Click: Open in Browser)"
#~ msgstr "حدد السرفر من القائمة: (Shift+Click: للفتح في المتصفح)"
#~ msgid "Move to Trash"
#~ msgstr "نقل الي سلة المحذوفات"
#~ msgid "Expand All Properties"
#~ msgstr "توسيع كل الخصائص"
#~ msgid "Collapse All Properties"
#~ msgstr "طي كل الخصائص"
#~ msgid "Copy Params"
#~ msgstr "إنسخ المُعامل"
#~ msgid "Open in Help"
#~ msgstr "إفتح في المساعدة"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Game Camera Override\n"
#~ "No game instance running."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "تجاوز كاميرا اللعبة.\n"
#~ "ليس هناك لعبة منمذجة قيد التشغيل."
#~ msgid "Drag: Rotate"
#~ msgstr "سحب: للتدوير"
#~ msgid "Press 'v' to Change Pivot, 'Shift+v' to Drag Pivot (while moving)."
#~ msgstr "إضغط 'ر' لكي تغيير المحور، 'Shift+ر' لسحب المحور (في حين التحرك)."
#~ msgid "Alt+RMB: Depth list selection"
#~ msgstr "Alt+زر الفأرة الأيمن: تحديد قائمة العمق"
#~ msgid "Clone Down"
#~ msgstr "استنساخ أدناه"
#~ msgid "Yaw"
#~ msgstr "الإنحراف Yaw"
#~ msgid "Size"
#~ msgstr "الحجم"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Drag: Rotate\n"
#~ "Alt+Drag: Move\n"
#~ "Alt+RMB: Depth list selection"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "السحب: تدوير.\n"
#~ "Alt+السحب: تحريك.\n"
#~ "Alt+ كبسة الزر الأيمن للفأرةRMB : اختيار قائمة العُمق"
#~ msgid "Sep.:"
#~ msgstr "الفاصل:"
#~ msgid "Add All"
#~ msgstr "إضافة الجميع"
#~ msgid "Theme editing menu."
#~ msgstr "قائمة تحرير الموضوع."
#~ msgid "Create Empty Template"
#~ msgstr "إنشاء قالب فارغ"
#~ msgid "Create Empty Editor Template"
#~ msgstr "إنشاء قالب مُحرر فارغ"
#~ msgid "Create From Current Editor Theme"
#~ msgstr "إنشاء مستمد من موضوع Theme المحرر الحالي"
#~ msgid "Data Type:"
#~ msgstr "نوع البيانات:"
#~ msgid "Theme File"
#~ msgstr "ملف الثيم"
#~ msgid "Compiled"
#~ msgstr "مُحولة برمجياً"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Remove %d projects from the list?\n"
#~ "The project folders' contents won't be modified."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "إزالة %d مشاريع من القائمة؟\n"
#~ "لن يتم تعديل محتويات مُجلدات المشاريع."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Remove this project from the list?\n"
#~ "The project folder's contents won't be modified."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "إزالة هذا المشروع من القائمة؟\n"
#~ "لن يتم تعديل محتوى مُجلد المشروع."
#~ msgid "Templates"
#~ msgstr "القوالب"
#~ msgid "Add Remapped Path"
#~ msgstr "إضافة مسار مُعاد تعيينه Remapped"
#~ msgid "Can not perform with the root node."
#~ msgstr "لا يمكن التنفيذ مع العُقدة الرئيسة (الجذر)."
#~ msgid "Could not read boot splash image file:"
#~ msgstr "لا يمكن قراءة ملف الإقلاع الصوري:"
#~ msgid "Using default boot splash image."
#~ msgstr "استخدام الصورة الافتراضية للشروع بالتشغيل."
#~ msgid "An animation player can't animate itself, only other players."
#~ msgstr "مشغل الحركة لا يمكنه أن يحرك نفسه, فقط الاعبين الأخرين."
#~ msgid "Clipboard is empty"
#~ msgstr "الحافظة (Clipboard) فارغة"
#~ msgid "No"
#~ msgstr "لا"
#~ msgid "This scene has never been saved. Save before running?"
#~ msgstr "هذا المشهد لم يتم حفظه. هل تود حفظه قبل تشغيله؟"
#~ msgid "ADB executable not configured in the Editor Settings."
#~ msgstr "لم يتم تهيئة مُنفّذ ADB في إعدادات المُحرر."
#~ msgid "OpenJDK jarsigner not configured in the Editor Settings."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "مُوقّع ملفات الجار jarsigner المفتوح الخاص بحزمة التطوير OpenJDK غير مُهيّئ "
#~ "في إعدادات المُحرر."
#~ msgid "Custom build requires a valid Android SDK path in Editor Settings."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "البُنى المخصوصة تتطلب مساراً لحزمة تطوير Android SDK صالحة في إعدادات "
#~ "المُحرر."
#~ msgid "%d%%"
#~ msgstr "%d%%"
#~ msgid "(Time Left: %d:%02d s)"
#~ msgstr "(الوقت المتبقي: %d:%02d ثانية)"
#~ msgid "Plotting Meshes: "
#~ msgstr "تخطيط المجسمات: "
#~ msgid "Lighting Meshes: "
#~ msgstr "إضاءة المجسمات: "
#~ msgid "Search complete"
#~ msgstr "إكتمل البحث"
#~ msgid "No commit message was provided"
#~ msgstr "لم يتم تقديم رسالة ارتكاب commit"
#~ msgid "Add a commit message"
#~ msgstr "إضافة رسالة إجراء"
#~ msgid "There is already file or folder with the same name in this location."
#~ msgstr "يوجد بالفعل ملف أو مجلد بنفس الاسم في هذا المكان."
#~ msgid "Error trying to save layout!"
#~ msgstr "خطآ في محاولة حفظ النسق!"
#~ msgid "Default editor layout overridden."
#~ msgstr "تخطي نسق المُحرر الإفتراضي."
#~ msgid "Move pivot"
#~ msgstr "نقل المحور"
#~ msgid "Move anchor"
#~ msgstr "نقل الإرتكاز"
#~ msgid "Resize CanvasItem"
#~ msgstr "تغير حجم العنصر القماشي"
#~ msgid "Polygon->UV"
#~ msgstr "مُضلع > UV"
#~ msgid "UV->Polygon"
#~ msgstr "UV > مُضلع"
#~ msgid "Add initial export..."
#~ msgstr "إضافة تصدير مبدئي..."
#~ msgid "Add previous patches..."
#~ msgstr "إضافة الرُقع السابقة..."
#~ msgid "Delete patch '%s' from list?"
#~ msgstr "حذف رُقعة '%s' من القائمة؟"
#~ msgid "Patches"
#~ msgstr "الرُقع Patches"
#~ msgid "Make Patch"
#~ msgstr "إنشاء رُقعة Patch"
#~ msgid "Pack File"
#~ msgstr "ملف الحِزمة"
#~ msgid "No build apk generated at: "
#~ msgstr "لم يتم توليد حزمة أندرويد apk في: "
#~ msgid "FileSystem and Import Docks"
#~ msgstr "رصيف نظام الملفات و الاستيراد"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "When exporting or deploying, the resulting executable will attempt to "
#~ "connect to the IP of this computer in order to be debugged."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "حينما يتم التصدير أو النشر، ملف التشغيل الناتج سوف يحاول الإتصال إلي "
#~ "عنوان الأي بي الخاص بهذا الكمبيوتر من أجل تصحيح الأخطاء."
#~ msgid "Current scene was never saved, please save it prior to running."
#~ msgstr "المشهد الحالي لم يتم حفظه. الرجاء حفظ المشهد قبل تشغيله و اختباره."
#~ msgid "Revert"
#~ msgstr "إرجاع"
#~ msgid "This action cannot be undone. Revert anyway?"
#~ msgstr "هذا الفعل لا يمكن إرجاعة. إرجاع علي أية حال؟"
#~ msgid "Revert Scene"
#~ msgstr "إعادة المشهد"
#~ msgid "Clear Script"
#~ msgstr "إخلاء الكود"
#~ msgid "Issue Tracker"
#~ msgstr "متتبع الأخطاء"
#~ msgid "Replaced %d occurrence(s)."
#~ msgstr "إستبُدل %d حادثة(حوادث)."
#~ msgid "Create Static Convex Body"
#~ msgstr "أنشئ جسم محدب ثابت"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "There are currently no tutorials for this class, you can [color=$color]"
#~ "[url=$url]contribute one[/url][/color] or [color=$color][url="
#~ "$url2]request one[/url][/color]."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "ليس هناك دروس تعليمية في هذا الفصل، يمكنك [color=$color][url=$url] "
#~ "المساهمة في إحداها [/url][/color] أو [color=$color][url=$url2]أطلب أحداها "
#~ "[/url][/color]."
#~ msgid "enum "
#~ msgstr "التعداد "
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Brief Description"
#~ msgstr "وصف مختصر:"
#~ msgid "Class Description"
#~ msgstr "وصف الصف"
#~ msgid "Project export failed with error code %d."
#~ msgstr "تصدير المشروع فشل, رمز الخطأ %d."
#~ msgid "Password:"
#~ msgstr "كلمة السر:"
#~ msgid "Pause the scene"
#~ msgstr "إيقاف المشهد مؤقتاً"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Snap to Grid"
#~ msgstr "الكبس إلي الشبكة"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Add input +"
#~ msgstr "أضف مدخله"
#~ msgid "Input"
#~ msgstr "إدخال"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Methods:"
#~ msgstr "قائمة الطرق"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Theme Properties:"
#~ msgstr "خصائص"
#~ msgid "Constants:"
#~ msgstr "الثوابت:"
#~ msgid "Class Description:"
#~ msgstr "وصف الصف:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Property Descriptions:"
#~ msgstr "وصف الملكية:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Method Descriptions:"
#~ msgstr "وصف الطريقة:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Reverse sorting."
#~ msgstr "جار الطلب..."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Can't open file_type_cache.cch for writing, not saving file type cache!"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "لا يمكن فتح file_type_cache.cch من إجل الكتابة، لا يمكن حفظ خبأ أنواع "
#~ "الملف!"
#~ msgid "Cannot navigate to '%s' as it has not been found in the file system!"
#~ msgstr "لا يمكن التنقل إلي '%s' حيث لم يتم العثور عليها في نظام الملفات!"
#~ msgid "Error loading image:"
#~ msgstr "خطأ تحميل الصورة:"
#~ msgid "No pixels with transparency > 128 in image..."
#~ msgstr "لا بيكسل بشفافية > 128 في الصورة..."
#~ msgid "Parent has no solid faces to populate."
#~ msgstr "الأب ليس لديه وجوه ثابته لكي تتزايد."
#~ msgid "Couldn't map area."
#~ msgstr "لا يمكنه تخطيط المنطقة."
#~ msgid "Faces contain no area!"
#~ msgstr "الوجوه لا تحتوي على منطقة!"
#~ msgid "No faces!"
#~ msgstr "لا وجوه!"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Error: could not load file."
#~ msgstr "لا يمكن إنشاء المجلد."
#~ msgid "Select Mode (Q)"
#~ msgstr "تحديد الوضع (ض)"
#~ msgid "Snap Mode (%s)"
#~ msgstr "وضع الكبس (%s)"
#~ msgid "Error initializing FreeType."
#~ msgstr "خطأ في معرفة النوع الحر."
#~ msgid "Unknown font format."
#~ msgstr "صيغة الخط غير معروفة."
#~ msgid "Error loading font."
#~ msgstr "حدث خطأ أثناء تحميل الخط."
#~ msgid "Invalid font size."
#~ msgstr "حجم الخط غير مناسب."
#~ msgid "Previous Folder"
#~ msgstr "المجلد السابق"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Next Folder"
#~ msgstr "المجلد اللاحق"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open in an external image editor."
#~ msgstr "فتح في المُعدل التالي"
#~ msgid "Reverse"
#~ msgstr "عكس"
#~ msgid "Generating solution..."
#~ msgstr "إنشاء الحل..."
#~ msgid "Failed to create solution."
#~ msgstr "لا يمكن إنشاء الحد."
#~ msgid "Failed to save solution."
#~ msgstr "فشل حفظ الحل."
#~ msgid "Failed to create C# project."
#~ msgstr "فشل إنشاء مشروع C#."
#~ msgid "Create C# solution"
#~ msgstr "إنشاء حل C#"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "View log"
#~ msgstr "إظهار الملفات"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Enabled Classes"
#~ msgstr "إبحث في الأصناف"
#~ msgid "Update Always"
#~ msgstr "تحديث دائماً"
#~ msgid "Path to Node:"
#~ msgstr "مسار العقدة:"
#~ msgid "Delete selected files?"
#~ msgstr "إمسح الملفات المحددة؟"
#~ msgid "There is no 'res://default_bus_layout.tres' file."
#~ msgstr "ليس هناك ملف 'res://default_bus_layout.tres'."
#~ msgid "Go to parent folder"
#~ msgstr "إذهب إلي المجلد السابق"
#~ msgid "Open Scene(s)"
#~ msgstr "فتح مشهد (مشاهد)"
#~ msgid "Previous Directory"
#~ msgstr "المجلد السابق"
#~ msgid "Next Directory"
#~ msgstr "المجلد التالي"
#~ msgid "Ease in"
#~ msgstr "تخفيف للداخل"
#~ msgid "Ease out"
#~ msgstr "تخفيف للخارج"
#~ msgid "Create Convex Static Body"
#~ msgstr "أنشئ جسم محدب ثابت"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "CheckBox Radio1"
#~ msgstr "صندوق تأشير ١"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "CheckBox Radio2"
#~ msgstr "صندوق تأشير٢"
#~ msgid "Create folder"
#~ msgstr "إنشاء مجلد"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Custom Node"
#~ msgstr "إنشاء عقدة"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Insert keys."
#~ msgstr "أدخل مفاتيح"
#~ msgid "Instance the selected scene(s) as child of the selected node."
#~ msgstr "نمذج المشهد(المشاهد) المحددة كطفل للعقدة المحددة."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Font Size:"
#~ msgstr "حجم الخطوط:"
#~ msgid "Line:"
#~ msgstr "الخط:"
#~ msgid "Col:"
#~ msgstr "العمود:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Add Split"
#~ msgstr "إضافة نقطة"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Remove Split"
#~ msgstr "مسح النقطة"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Poly"
#~ msgstr "تعديل البولي"
#~ msgid "Create Poly"
#~ msgstr "إنشاء بولي"
#~ msgid "Create a new polygon from scratch"
#~ msgstr "إنشاء مُضلع جديد من الصفر"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Zoom out"
#~ msgstr "إبعاد"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Zoom in"
#~ msgstr "تقريب"
#~ msgid "Create Poly3D"
#~ msgstr "إنشاء بولي 3d"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "No OccluderPolygon2D resource on this node.\n"
#~ "Create and assign one?"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "لا مصدر شكل مُطبق 2D في هذه العقدة.\n"
#~ "أنشئ و ضع واحدة؟"
#~ msgid "LMB: Move Point."
#~ msgstr "زر الفأرة الأوسط: تحريك النقطة."
#~ msgid "Ctrl+LMB: Split Segment."
#~ msgstr "Ctrl+ زر الفأرة الأوسط: فصل المقطع."
#~ msgid "RMB: Erase Point."
#~ msgstr "زر الفأرة الأيمن: مسح النقطة."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Zoom:"
#~ msgstr "تقريب"
#~ msgid "Class List:"
#~ msgstr "قائمة الأصناف:"
#~ msgid "Public Methods"
#~ msgstr "الطرق العامة"
#~ msgid "Public Methods:"
#~ msgstr "الطرق العامة:"
#~ msgid "GUI Theme Items:"
#~ msgstr "عناصر ثيم واجهة المستخدم:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Property: "
#~ msgstr "خصائص"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Toggle folder status as Favorite."
#~ msgstr "تبديل حالة المجلد كما المفضلة"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Show current scene file."
#~ msgstr "حفظ العنوان الفرعي الذي يتم تعديله حاليا."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Whole words"
#~ msgstr "كل الكلمات"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Match case"
#~ msgstr "قضية تشابه"
#~ msgid "Ok"
#~ msgstr "حسنا"
#~ msgid "Search the class hierarchy."
#~ msgstr "إبحث في هرمية الأصناف."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Search in files"
#~ msgstr "إبحث في الأصناف"
#~ msgid "Bake!"
#~ msgstr "طبخ!"
#~ msgid "Bake the navigation mesh."
#~ msgstr "طبخ ميش المحاور."
#~ msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
#~ msgstr "تعديل منحدر اللون"
#~ msgid "Move Anim Track Up"
#~ msgstr "رفع مسار التحريك"
#~ msgid "Move Anim Track Down"
#~ msgstr "إنزال مسار التحريك"
#~ msgid "Set Transitions to:"
#~ msgstr "تحديد التحويلات لـ:"
#~ msgid "Anim Track Change Interpolation"
#~ msgstr "تغيير إقحام مسار التحريك"
#~ msgid "Anim Track Change Value Mode"
#~ msgstr "تغيير صيغة القيمة لمسار التحريك"
#~ msgid "Anim Track Change Wrap Mode"
#~ msgstr "تغيير صيغة الغلاف لمسار التحريك"
#~ msgid "Edit Selection Curve"
#~ msgstr "تحرير منحنى الإختيار"
#~ msgid "Anim Add Key"
#~ msgstr "مفتاح إضافة تحريك"
#~ msgid "In"
#~ msgstr "داخل"
#~ msgid "Out"
#~ msgstr "خارج"
#~ msgid "In-Out"
#~ msgstr "داخل-خارج"
#~ msgid "Out-In"
#~ msgstr "خارج-داخل"
#~ msgid "Anim Create Typed Value Key"
#~ msgstr "أنشي مفتاح حركة ذا قيمة مكتوبة"
#~ msgid "Anim Add Call Track"
#~ msgstr "أضف خانة مسار حركة"
#~ msgid "Length (s):"
#~ msgstr "الطول (ثانية):"
#~ msgid "Cursor step snap (in seconds)."
#~ msgstr "المؤشر خطوة خطوة (بالثواني)."
#~ msgid "Enable/Disable looping in animation."
#~ msgstr "تمكين/تعطيل التكرار في الحركة."
#~ msgid "Add new tracks."
#~ msgstr "أضف مسارات جديدة."
#~ msgid "Move current track up."
#~ msgstr "تحريك المسار الحالي للأعلى."
#~ msgid "Move current track down."
#~ msgstr "تحريك المسار الحالي للاسفل."
#~ msgid "Track tools"
#~ msgstr "أدوات المسار"
#~ msgid "Enable editing of individual keys by clicking them."
#~ msgstr "السماح بتعديل ازرار منفصلة بالضغط عليها."
#~ msgid "Key"
#~ msgstr "مفتاح"
#~ msgid "Call Functions in Which Node?"
#~ msgstr "إستدعاء وظائف في أي عقدة؟"
#~ msgid "Thanks!"
#~ msgstr "شكراً!"
#~ msgid "I see..."
#~ msgstr "أنا أري..."
#~ msgid "Ugh"
#~ msgstr "آخخ"
#~ msgid "Stop Profiling"
#~ msgstr "إيقاف التنميط"
#~ msgid "Start Profiling"
#~ msgstr "بدء التنميط"
#~ msgid "Default (Same as Editor)"
#~ msgstr "الإفتراضي (تماماً مثل المحرر)"
#~ msgid "Create new animation in player."
#~ msgstr "إنشاء حركة جديد في المُشغل."
#~ msgid "Load animation from disk."
#~ msgstr "تحميل الحركة من الذاكرة."
#~ msgid "Load an animation from disk."
#~ msgstr "تحميل حركة من الذاكرة."
#~ msgid "Save the current animation"
#~ msgstr "حفظ الحركة الحالية"
#~ msgid "Edit Target Blend Times"
#~ msgstr "تعديل هدف الدمج بالوقت"
#~ msgid "Copy Animation"
#~ msgstr "نسخ الحركة"
#~ msgid "Fetching:"
#~ msgstr "يجلب:"
#~ msgid "prev"
#~ msgstr "السابق"
#~ msgid "next"
#~ msgstr "التالي"
#~ msgid "last"
#~ msgstr "الأخير"
#~ msgid "Edit IK Chain"
#~ msgstr "تعديل سلسلة IK"
#~ msgid "Drag pivot from mouse position"
#~ msgstr "سحب المحور من مكان الفأرة"
#~ msgid "Set pivot at mouse position"
#~ msgstr "ضع المحور في مكان مؤشر الماوس"
#~ msgid "Add/Remove Color Ramp Point"
#~ msgstr "إضافة/مسح نقطة منحدر اللون"
#~ msgid "OK :("
#~ msgstr "حسناً :("
#~ msgid "Call"
#~ msgstr "نداء"
#~ msgid "Can't contain '/' or ':'"
#~ msgstr "لا يمكن أن يحتوي علي '/' أو ':'"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Invalid version.txt format inside templates. Revision is not a valid "
#~ "identifier."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "صيغة غير صالحة لـ version.txt داخل القالب. المراجعة ليست معرفاً صالحاً."
#~ msgid "Can't write file."
#~ msgstr "لا يمكن كتابة الملف."
#~ msgid "Replace By"
#~ msgstr "إستبدلت بـ"
#~ msgid "Backwards"
#~ msgstr "إلي الخلف"
#~ msgid "Prompt On Replace"
#~ msgstr "تأكيد عند الإستبدال"
#~ msgid "Skip"
#~ msgstr "تخطي"
#~ msgid "Move Add Key"
#~ msgstr "مفتاح إضافة الحركة"
#~ msgid "List:"
#~ msgstr "القائمة:"
#~ msgid "Method List For '%s':"
#~ msgstr "قائمة الطرق لـ '%s':"
#~ msgid "Return:"
#~ msgstr "العودة:"
#~ msgid "Added:"
#~ msgstr "تم إضافته:"
#~ msgid "Could not save atlas subtexture:"
#~ msgstr "لا يمكن حفظ النسيج الفرعي للأطلس:"
#~ msgid "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."
#~ msgstr "أبجد هوز حطي كلمن صعفص قرشت ثخذ ضظغ."
@ -13913,10 +13913,3 @@ msgstr ""
#: servers/visual/shader_language.cpp
msgid "Constants cannot be modified."
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "An animation player can't animate itself, only other players."
#~ msgstr "Animasiya pleyeri özünü canlandıra bilməz, yalnız digər pleyerlər."
#~ msgid "Clipboard is empty"
#~ msgstr "Panel(Clipboard) boşdur"
@ -13996,394 +13996,3 @@ msgstr ""
#: servers/visual/shader_language.cpp
msgid "Constants cannot be modified."
msgstr "Константите не могат да бъдат променени."
#~ msgid "Enabled Properties:"
#~ msgstr "Включени свойства:"
#~ msgid "Class Options"
#~ msgstr "Настройки на класа"
#~ msgid "Saved %s modified resource(s)."
#~ msgstr "%s променени ресурса бяха запазени."
#~ msgid "Redownload"
#~ msgstr "Повторно сваляне"
#~ msgid "(Installed)"
#~ msgstr "(Инсталирано)"
#~ msgid "Request Failed."
#~ msgstr "Заявката беше неуспешна."
#~ msgid "Download Templates"
#~ msgstr "Сваляне на шаблони"
#~ msgid "Move to Trash"
#~ msgstr "Преместване в кошчето"
#~ msgid "Open in Help"
#~ msgstr "Отваряне в помощната информация"
#~ msgid "Drag: Rotate"
#~ msgstr "Влачене: завъртане"
#~ msgid "Clone Down"
#~ msgstr "Копиране на долния ред"
#~ msgid "Sep.:"
#~ msgstr "Разделител:"
#~ msgid "Add All"
#~ msgstr "Добавяне на всичко"
#~ msgid "Theme editing menu."
#~ msgstr "Меню за редактиране на темата."
#~ msgid "Create Empty Template"
#~ msgstr "Създаване на празен шаблон"
#~ msgid "Create Empty Editor Template"
#~ msgstr "Създаване на празен шаблон за редактора"
#~ msgid "Create From Current Editor Theme"
#~ msgstr "Създаване от текущата тема на редактора"
#~ msgid "Data Type:"
#~ msgstr "Тип на данните:"
#~ msgid "Theme File"
#~ msgstr "Файл с тема"
#~ msgid "Templates"
#~ msgstr "Шаблони"
#~ msgid "Could not read boot splash image file:"
#~ msgstr "Не може да се прочете файл с изображение при стартиране:"
#~ msgid "Using default boot splash image."
#~ msgstr "Използва се стандартното изображение при стартиране."
#~ msgid "No"
#~ msgstr "Не"
#~ msgid "This scene has never been saved. Save before running?"
#~ msgstr "Тази сцена не е била запазвана преди. Запазване преди изпълнението?"
#~ msgid "Search complete"
#~ msgstr "Търсенето е завършено"
#~ msgid "UV->Polygon"
#~ msgstr "UV -> Полигон"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Add initial export..."
#~ msgstr "Любими:"
#~ msgid "Pack File"
#~ msgstr "Пакетен файл"
#~ msgid "Current scene was never saved, please save it prior to running."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Текущата сцена никога не е била запазена. Моля, запазете я преди "
#~ "изпълнение."
#~ msgid "Clear Script"
#~ msgstr "Премахване на скрипта"
#~ msgid "Replaced %d occurrence(s)."
#~ msgstr "Заменени съвпадения: %d ."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Brief Description"
#~ msgstr "Кратко Описание:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Class Description"
#~ msgstr "Описание"
#~ msgid "Password:"
#~ msgstr "Парола:"
#~ msgid "Pause the scene"
#~ msgstr "Преустановяване на сцената"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Methods:"
#~ msgstr "Методи"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Theme Properties:"
#~ msgstr "Поставяне на възелите"
#~ msgid "Constants:"
#~ msgstr "Константи:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Class Description:"
#~ msgstr "Описание:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Property Descriptions:"
#~ msgstr "Кратко Описание:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Method Descriptions:"
#~ msgstr "Описание:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Reverse sorting."
#~ msgstr "Запитване..."
#~ msgid "No faces!"
#~ msgstr "Няма лица!"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Error: could not load file."
#~ msgstr "Грешка, не можа да се зареди файла."
#~ msgid "Select Mode (Q)"
#~ msgstr "Режим на Селектиране (Q)"
#~ msgid "Project List"
#~ msgstr "Списък с проекти"
#~ msgid "Exit"
#~ msgstr "Изход"
#~ msgid "Unknown font format."
#~ msgstr "Непознат формат за шрифтове."
#~ msgid "Error loading font."
#~ msgstr "Грешка при зареждането на шрифта."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Previous Folder"
#~ msgstr "Предишен подпрозорец"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Next Folder"
#~ msgstr "Създаване на папка"
#~ msgid "Reverse"
#~ msgstr "В обратен ред"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Failed to create solution."
#~ msgstr "Неуспешно създаване на папка."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Build Project"
#~ msgstr "Проект"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "View log"
#~ msgstr "Преглед на файловете"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Enabled Classes"
#~ msgstr "Търси Класове"
#~ msgid "Update Always"
#~ msgstr "Обновявай Винаги"
#~ msgid "Delete selected files?"
#~ msgstr "Изтрий избраните файлове?"
#~ msgid "Go to parent folder"
#~ msgstr "Към горната папка"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open Scene(s)"
#~ msgstr "Отваряне на сцена"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Create folder"
#~ msgstr "Създаване на папка"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Custom Node"
#~ msgstr "Изрязване на възелите"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Create Area"
#~ msgstr "Създаване"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Create Exterior Connector"
#~ msgstr "Създаване на нов проект"
#~ msgid "Line:"
#~ msgstr "Ред:"
#~ msgid "Col:"
#~ msgstr "Колона:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "OrientedPathFollow only works when set as a child of a Path node."
#~ msgstr "PathFollow2D работи само когато е наследник на Path2D."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Connect two points to make a split."
#~ msgstr "Свържи две точки, за да направиш разделение"
#~ msgid "Zoom out"
#~ msgstr "Отдалечи"
#~ msgid "Zoom in"
#~ msgstr "Приближи"
#~ msgid "Ctrl+LMB: Split Segment."
#~ msgstr "Ctrl+LMB: Раздели Сегмент."
#~ msgid "RMB: Erase Point."
#~ msgstr "RMB: Изтрий Точка."
#~ msgid "Save Theme As"
#~ msgstr "Запази Темата Като"
#~ msgid "Zoom:"
#~ msgstr "Приближение:"
#~ msgid "Class List:"
#~ msgstr "Списък на Класове:"
#~ msgid "Public Methods"
#~ msgstr "Публични методи"
#~ msgid "Public Methods:"
#~ msgstr "Публични Методи:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Show current scene file."
#~ msgstr "Избиране на текущата папка"
#~ msgid "Whole words"
#~ msgstr "Цели думи"
#~ msgid "Search the class hierarchy."
#~ msgstr "Търси в йерархията на класовете."
#~ msgid "Search in files"
#~ msgstr "Търси във файлове"
#~ msgid "Length (s):"
#~ msgstr "Дължина (сек.):"
#~ msgid "Move current track up."
#~ msgstr "Преместване на пътечката нагоре."
#~ msgid "Move current track down."
#~ msgstr "Преместване на пътечката надолу."
#~ msgid "Fetching:"
#~ msgstr "Изтегляне:"
#~ msgid "Button 8"
#~ msgstr "Копче 8"
#~ msgid "Button 9"
#~ msgstr "Копче 9"
#~ msgid "Condition"
#~ msgstr "Условие"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Can't write file."
#~ msgstr "Неуспешно създаване на папка."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Setting '"
#~ msgstr "Настройки"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Path property must point to a valid Viewport node to work. Such Viewport "
#~ "must be set to 'render target' mode."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Параметъра 'Path' трябва да сочи към валиден Viewport нод за да работи. "
#~ "Този Viewport трябва да бъде настройен в режим 'рендъринг цел'(render "
#~ "target)."
#~ msgid "Re-Import"
#~ msgstr "Повторно внасяне"
#~ msgid "Current scene must be saved to re-import."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "За да се извърши повторното внасяне, текущата сцена трябва да бъде "
#~ "запазена."
#~ msgid "Re-Importing"
#~ msgstr "Извършва се повторно внасяне"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "\n"
#~ "Status: Needs Re-Import"
#~ msgstr "Запазване и повторно внасяне"
#~ msgid "Font Import"
#~ msgstr "Внасяне на шрифт"
#~ msgid "Import 3D Scene"
#~ msgstr "Внасяне на триизмерна сцена"
#~ msgid "Import Anyway"
#~ msgstr "Внасяне въпреки това"
#~ msgid "Import Image:"
#~ msgstr "Внасяне на изображение:"
#~ msgid "Import Textures for Atlas (2D)"
#~ msgstr "Внасяне на текстури за Атлас (двуизмерно)"
#~ msgid "Import Large Textures (2D)"
#~ msgstr "Внасяне на големи текстури (двуизмерно)"
#~ msgid "3D Texture"
#~ msgstr "Триизмерна текстура"
#~ msgid "Import Large Texture"
#~ msgstr "Внасяне на голяма текстура"
#~ msgid "Couldn't import!"
#~ msgstr "Неуспешно внасяне!"
#~ msgid "Import Translation"
#~ msgstr "Внасяне на превода"
#~ msgid "Invalid project path, the path must exist!"
#~ msgstr "Недействителен път. Пътят трябва да съществува!"
#~ msgid "Import assets to the project."
#~ msgstr "Внасяне на обекти в проекта."
#~ msgid "Export the project to many platforms."
#~ msgstr "Изнасяне на проекта на много платформи."
#~ msgid "Path property must point to a valid Particles2D node to work."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Параметърът 'Path' трябва да сочи към действителен възел Particles2D, за "
#~ "да работи."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "A SampleLibrary resource must be created or set in the 'samples' property "
#~ "in order for SamplePlayer to play sound."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "За да изпълнява звук, SamplePlayer трябва да има един SampleLibrary "
#~ "ресурс в параметъра 'samples'."
#~ msgid "Error exporting project!"
#~ msgstr "Имаше грешка при изнасяне на проекта!"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Create Android keystore"
#~ msgstr "Създаване на папка"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Organization"
#~ msgstr "Преходи"
#~ msgid "Project Export Settings"
#~ msgstr "Настройки за изнасяне на проекта"
#~ msgid "Export all files in the project directory."
#~ msgstr "Изнасяне на всички файлове в папката на проекта."
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -13826,11 +13826,3 @@ msgstr ""
#: servers/visual/shader_language.cpp
msgid "Constants cannot be modified."
msgstr ""
#~ msgid "An animation player can't animate itself, only other players."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ul lennerezh fiñvskeudenn ne c'hell ket em lakaat da fiñval, nemet "
#~ "lennerezhioù all."
#~ msgid "Clipboard is empty"
#~ msgstr "Goullo ar gwask-paper"
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -14875,650 +14875,3 @@ msgstr ""
#: servers/visual/shader_language.cpp
msgid "Constants cannot be modified."
msgstr "Konstanter kan ikke ændres."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Package Contents:"
#~ msgstr "Indhold:"
#~ msgid "Singleton"
#~ msgstr "Singleton"
#~ msgid "Erase profile '%s'? (no undo)"
#~ msgstr "Slet profil '%s'? (kan ikke fortrydes)"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Enabled Properties:"
#~ msgstr "Tema Egenskaber:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Class Options"
#~ msgstr "Klasse beskrivelse"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Saved %s modified resource(s)."
#~ msgstr "Fejler med at indlæse ressource."
#~ msgid "Q&A"
#~ msgstr "Spørgsmål og Svar"
#~ msgid "Status:"
#~ msgstr "Status:"
#~ msgid "Edit:"
#~ msgstr "Rediger:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Redownload"
#~ msgstr "Gen-Download"
#~ msgid "(Installed)"
#~ msgstr "(Installeret)"
#~ msgid "(Missing)"
#~ msgstr "(Mangler)"
#~ msgid "Request Failed."
#~ msgstr "Forespørgsel mislykkedes."
#~ msgid "Redirect Loop."
#~ msgstr "Omdiriger Løkke."
#~ msgid "Download Complete."
#~ msgstr "Download fuldført."
#~ msgid "Remove Template"
#~ msgstr "Fjern Template"
#~ msgid "Download Templates"
#~ msgstr "Download Skabeloner"
#~ msgid "Select mirror from list: (Shift+Click: Open in Browser)"
#~ msgstr "Vælg spejl fra liste: (Shift+Click: Åbn i Browser)"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Move to Trash"
#~ msgstr "Flyt Autoload"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Expand All Properties"
#~ msgstr "Udvid alle egenskaber"
#~ msgid "Copy Params"
#~ msgstr "Kopier Parametre"
#~ msgid "Open in Help"
#~ msgstr "Åben i Hjælp"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Theme File"
#~ msgstr "Åben en Fil"
#~ msgid "Templates"
#~ msgstr "Skabeloner"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Could not read boot splash image file:"
#~ msgstr "Kan ikke læse boot splash billed fil:\n"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Using default boot splash image."
#~ msgstr "Kan ikke læse boot splash billed fil:\n"
#~ msgid "An animation player can't animate itself, only other players."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "En animationsafspiller kan ikke animerer sig selv, kun andre afspillere."
#~ msgid "Clipboard is empty"
#~ msgstr "Udklipsholder er tom"
#~ msgid "No"
#~ msgstr "Nej"
#~ msgid "This scene has never been saved. Save before running?"
#~ msgstr "Denne scene er aldrig blevet gemt. Gem før kørsel?"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Search complete"
#~ msgstr "Søg Tekst"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "No commit message was provided"
#~ msgstr "Intet navn angivet"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "There is already file or folder with the same name in this location."
#~ msgstr "En fil eller mappe med dette navn findes allerede."
#~ msgid "Error trying to save layout!"
#~ msgstr "Fejl, under forsøg på at gemme layout!"
#~ msgid "Default editor layout overridden."
#~ msgstr "Standard editor layout overskrevet."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Move pivot"
#~ msgstr "Fjern punkt"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Add initial export..."
#~ msgstr "Tilføj punkt"
#~ msgid "Patches"
#~ msgstr "Patches"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Pack File"
#~ msgstr " Filer"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "FileSystem and Import Docks"
#~ msgstr "Fil System"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "When exporting or deploying, the resulting executable will attempt to "
#~ "connect to the IP of this computer in order to be debugged."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ved eksport eller deploy, vil den resulterende eksekverbare fil forsøge "
#~ "at oprette forbindelse til denne computers IP adresse for at blive "
#~ "debugged."
#~ msgid "Current scene was never saved, please save it prior to running."
#~ msgstr "Den nuværende scene er aldrig gemt, venligst gem før du kører den."
#~ msgid "Revert"
#~ msgstr "Vend tilbage"
#~ msgid "This action cannot be undone. Revert anyway?"
#~ msgstr "Denne handling kan ikke fortrydes. Vend tilbage alligevel?"
#~ msgid "Issue Tracker"
#~ msgstr "Problem Tracker"
#~ msgid "Replaced %d occurrence(s)."
#~ msgstr "Erstattede %d forekomst(er)."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "There are currently no tutorials for this class, you can [color=$color]"
#~ "[url=$url]contribute one[/url][/color] or [color=$color][url="
#~ "$url2]request one[/url][/color]."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Der er i øjeblikket ingen vejledninger for denne klasse, du kan [color="
#~ "$color][url=$url]bidrage med en[/url][/color] eller [color=$color][url="
#~ "$url2]anmode en[/url][/color]."
#~ msgid "enum "
#~ msgstr "enum "
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Brief Description"
#~ msgstr "Kort Beskrivelse:"
#~ msgid "Class Description"
#~ msgstr "Klasse beskrivelse"
#~ msgid "Project export failed with error code %d."
#~ msgstr "Projekt eksport fejlede med fejlkode %d."
#~ msgid "Password:"
#~ msgstr "Kodeord:"
#~ msgid "Pause the scene"
#~ msgstr "Sæt scenen på pause"
#~ msgid "Shift+"
#~ msgstr "Shift+"
#~ msgid "Alt+"
#~ msgstr "Alt +"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Add input +"
#~ msgstr "Tilføj punkt"
#~ msgid "Available Nodes:"
#~ msgstr "Tilgængelige Noder:"
#~ msgid "Methods:"
#~ msgstr "Metoder:"
#~ msgid "Theme Properties:"
#~ msgstr "Tema Egenskaber:"
#~ msgid "Constants:"
#~ msgstr "Konstanter:"
#~ msgid "Class Description:"
#~ msgstr "Klasse beskrivelse:"
#~ msgid "Property Descriptions:"
#~ msgstr "Egenskab beskrivelser:"
#~ msgid "Method Descriptions:"
#~ msgstr "Metode beskrivelser:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Reverse sorting."
#~ msgstr "Anmoder..."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Can't open file_type_cache.cch for writing, not saving file type cache!"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Kan ikke skrive til file_type_cache.cch. Gemmer ikke fil type cache!"
#~ msgid "Cannot navigate to '%s' as it has not been found in the file system!"
#~ msgstr "Kan ikke navigere til '%s' da det ikke blev fundet i filsystemet!"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Error: could not load file."
#~ msgstr "Fejl - kunne ikke oprette script i filsystem."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Select Mode (Q)"
#~ msgstr "Vælg Mode (Q)\n"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Snap Mode (%s)"
#~ msgstr "Vælg Mode (Q)\n"
#~ msgid "Tool Select"
#~ msgstr "Vælg værktøj"
#~ msgid "Error initializing FreeType."
#~ msgstr "Fejl under initialisering af FreeType."
#~ msgid "Unknown font format."
#~ msgstr "Ukendt skrifttypeformat."
#~ msgid "Error loading font."
#~ msgstr "Error loading skrifttype."
#~ msgid "Invalid font size."
#~ msgstr "Ugyldig skriftstørrelse."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Previous Folder"
#~ msgstr "Forrige fane"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Next Folder"
#~ msgstr "Opret Mappe"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open in an external image editor."
#~ msgstr "Åbn næste Editor"
#~ msgid "Reverse"
#~ msgstr "Omvendt"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Failed to create solution."
#~ msgstr "Fejler med at indlæse ressource."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Failed to save solution."
#~ msgstr "Fejler med at indlæse ressource."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Failed to create C# project."
#~ msgstr "Fejler med at indlæse ressource."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Create C# solution"
#~ msgstr "Opret Abonnement"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "View log"
#~ msgstr "Vis filer"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Enabled Classes"
#~ msgstr "Søg Classes"
#~ msgid "Update Always"
#~ msgstr "Altid Opdater"
#~ msgid "Path to Node:"
#~ msgstr "Sti til Node:"
#~ msgid "Delete selected files?"
#~ msgstr "Slet markerede filer?"
#~ msgid "There is no 'res://default_bus_layout.tres' file."
#~ msgstr "Der er ingen 'res://default_bus_layout.tres' fil."
#~ msgid "Go to parent folder"
#~ msgstr "Gå til overliggende mappe"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open Scene(s)"
#~ msgstr "Åbn Scene"
#~ msgid "Previous Directory"
#~ msgstr "Forrige Mappe"
#~ msgid "Next Directory"
#~ msgstr "Næste Mappe"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Create folder"
#~ msgstr "Opret mappe"
#~ msgid "Invalid Path"
#~ msgstr "Ugyldig sti"
#~ msgid "GridMap Duplicate Selection"
#~ msgstr "GridMap Duplikér Markerede"
#~ msgid "Create Area"
#~ msgstr "Opret Area"
#~ msgid "Edit Signal Arguments:"
#~ msgstr "Rediger Signal argumenter:"
#~ msgid "Edit Variable:"
#~ msgstr "Rediger Variabel:"
#~ msgid "Line:"
#~ msgstr "Linje:"
#~ msgid "Col:"
#~ msgstr "Kol:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "OrientedPathFollow only works when set as a child of a Path node."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "PathFollow2D virker kun, når den angives som et barn af en Path2D node."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Add Split"
#~ msgstr "Tilføj punkt"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Invalid Split: "
#~ msgstr "Ugyldig sti"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Remove Split"
#~ msgstr "Fjern punkt"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Poly"
#~ msgstr "Rediger Poly"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Add Node.."
#~ msgstr "Tilføj Node"
#~ msgid "Create Poly"
#~ msgstr "Opret Poly"
#~ msgid "Create a new polygon from scratch"
#~ msgstr "Opret en ny polygon fra start"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Zoom out"
#~ msgstr "Zoom Ud"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Zoom in"
#~ msgstr "Zoom Ind"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Zoom:"
#~ msgstr "Zoom Ind"
#~ msgid "Class List:"
#~ msgstr "Class Liste:"
#~ msgid "Public Methods"
#~ msgstr "Public Methods"
#~ msgid "Public Methods:"
#~ msgstr "Public Methods:"
#~ msgid "GUI Theme Items:"
#~ msgstr "GUI Temaelementer:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Toggle folder status as Favorite."
#~ msgstr "Skift mappe status til Favorit"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Show current scene file."
#~ msgstr "Gem den aktuelt redigerede ressource."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Whole words"
#~ msgstr "Hele Ord"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Match case"
#~ msgstr "Match stor/lille"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Search in files"
#~ msgstr "Søg Classes"
#~ msgid "Convert To Lowercase"
#~ msgstr "Konverter til små bogstaver"
#~ msgid "Move Anim Track Up"
#~ msgstr "Flyt Anim Spor Op"
#~ msgid "Move Anim Track Down"
#~ msgstr "Flyt Anim Spor Ned"
#~ msgid "Set Transitions to:"
#~ msgstr "Sæt Overgange til:"
#~ msgid "Anim Track Change Interpolation"
#~ msgstr "Anim Skift Spor Interpolation"
#~ msgid "Anim Track Change Value Mode"
#~ msgstr "Anim Skift Sport Værdi Mode"
#~ msgid "Anim Track Change Wrap Mode"
#~ msgstr "Anim Skift Spor Wrap Mode"
#~ msgid "Edit Selection Curve"
#~ msgstr "Rediger Valgte Kurve"
#~ msgid "Anim Add Key"
#~ msgstr "Anim Tilføj Nøgle"
#~ msgid "In"
#~ msgstr "I"
#~ msgid "Out"
#~ msgstr "Ud"
#~ msgid "In-Out"
#~ msgstr "Ind-Ud"
#~ msgid "Out-In"
#~ msgstr "Ud-Ind"
#~ msgid "Change Anim Len"
#~ msgstr "Ændre Anim Længde"
#~ msgid "Anim Create Typed Value Key"
#~ msgstr "Anim Opret Indtastet Værdi Nøgle"
#~ msgid "Anim Add Call Track"
#~ msgstr "Anim tilføj Call Track"
#~ msgid "Length (s):"
#~ msgstr "Længde (r):"
#~ msgid "Cursor step snap (in seconds)."
#~ msgstr "Cursor trin snap (i sekunder)."
#~ msgid "Enable/Disable looping in animation."
#~ msgstr "Aktiver/Deaktivér løkker i animation."
#~ msgid "Add new tracks."
#~ msgstr "Tilføje nye spor."
#~ msgid "Move current track up."
#~ msgstr "Flyt aktuelle spor op."
#~ msgid "Move current track down."
#~ msgstr "Flyt aktuelle spor ned."
#~ msgid "Track tools"
#~ msgstr "Spor værktøjer"
#~ msgid "Enable editing of individual keys by clicking them."
#~ msgstr "Aktivere redigering af individuelle nøgler ved at klikke på dem."
#~ msgid "Key"
#~ msgstr "Nøgle"
#~ msgid "Call Functions in Which Node?"
#~ msgstr "Kald funktioner i hvilken Node?"
#~ msgid "Thanks!"
#~ msgstr "Tak!"
#~ msgid "I see..."
#~ msgstr "Jeg forstår..."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Ugh"
#~ msgstr "Ugh"
#~ msgid "Stop Profiling"
#~ msgstr "Stop Profilering"
#~ msgid "Start Profiling"
#~ msgstr "Start Profilering"
#~ msgid "Default (Same as Editor)"
#~ msgstr "Standard (Samme som Editor)"
#~ msgid "Set pivot at mouse position"
#~ msgstr "Sæt midtpunkt på musens position"
#~ msgid "Condition"
#~ msgstr "Tilstand"
#~ msgid "Return"
#~ msgstr "Retur"
#~ msgid "Call"
#~ msgstr "Kald"
#~ msgid "Edit Signal"
#~ msgstr "Rediger Signal"
#~ msgid "Can't contain '/' or ':'"
#~ msgstr "Kan ikke indeholde '/' eller ':'"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Invalid version.txt format inside templates. Revision is not a valid "
#~ "identifier."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ugyldigt version.txt format inde i skabeloner. Revision er ikke en gyldig "
#~ "identifikator."
#~ msgid "Can't write file."
#~ msgstr "Kan ikke skrive til fil."
#~ msgid "Replace By"
#~ msgstr "Erstattes Af"
#~ msgid "Backwards"
#~ msgstr "Tilbage"
#~ msgid "Prompt On Replace"
#~ msgstr "Spørg Ved Erstatning"
#~ msgid "Skip"
#~ msgstr "Spring Over"
#~ msgid "Move Add Key"
#~ msgstr "Flyt Add Key"
#~ msgid "List:"
#~ msgstr "Liste:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Add Point to Line2D"
#~ msgstr "Gå til linje"
#~ msgid "Meta+"
#~ msgstr "Meta +"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Selection -> Duplicate"
#~ msgstr "Kun Valgte"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Selection -> Clear"
#~ msgstr "Kun Valgte"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Path property must point to a valid Viewport node to work. Such Viewport "
#~ "must be set to 'render target' mode."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Egenskaben Path skal pege på en gyldig Viewport node for at virke. Sådan "
#~ "en Viewport skal indstilles til 'render target' tilstand."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The Viewport set in the path property must be set as 'render target' in "
#~ "order for this sprite to work."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Viewport angivet i egenskaben path skal indstilles som 'render target' "
#~ "for at denne sprite kan virke."
#~ msgid "Method List For '%s':"
#~ msgstr "Metode liste For '%s':"
#~ msgid "Return:"
#~ msgstr "Tilbage:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Tiles"
#~ msgstr "Fil:"
#~ msgid "Ctrl+"
#~ msgstr "CTRL +"
#~ msgid "Path property must point to a valid Particles2D node to work."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Egenskaben Path skal pege på en gyldig Particles2D node for at virke."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "A SampleLibrary resource must be created or set in the 'samples' property "
#~ "in order for SamplePlayer to play sound."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "En SampleLibrary ressource skal oprettes eller angives i egenskaben "
#~ "'samples' for at SamplePlayer kan afspille lyd."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "A SampleLibrary resource must be created or set in the 'samples' property "
#~ "in order for SpatialSamplePlayer to play sound."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "En SampleLibrary ressource skal oprettes eller angives i egenskaben "
#~ "'samples' for at SpatialSamplePlayer kan afspille lyd."
#~ msgid "Replaced %d Ocurrence(s)."
#~ msgstr "Erstattede %d tilfælde."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Create Android keystore"
#~ msgstr "Opret mappe"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Organization"
#~ msgstr "Overgang"
#~ msgid "BakedLightInstance does not contain a BakedLight resource."
#~ msgstr "BakedLightInstance indeholder ikke en BakedLight ressource."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Custom node has no _get_output_port_unsequenced(idx,wmem), but "
#~ "unsequenced ports were specified."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Brugerdefineret node har ingen _get_output_port_unsequenced(idx,wmem), "
#~ "men unsequenced porte blev angivet."
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -14342,161 +14342,3 @@ msgstr ""
#: servers/visual/shader_language.cpp
msgid "Constants cannot be modified."
msgstr "Konstantoj ne povas esti modifitaj."
#~ msgid "Singleton"
#~ msgstr "Unuopo"
#~ msgid "Erase profile '%s'? (no undo)"
#~ msgstr "Viŝi profilon '%s'? (ne malfaro)"
#~ msgid "Enabled Properties:"
#~ msgstr "Ŝaltitaj atributoj:"
#~ msgid "Unset"
#~ msgstr "Malagordi"
#~ msgid "Class Options"
#~ msgstr "Agordoj de klaso"
#~ msgid "Set"
#~ msgstr "Agordi"
#~ msgid "Saved %s modified resource(s)."
#~ msgstr "Konservis %s modifikita(j)n risurco(j)n."
#~ msgid "Q&A"
#~ msgstr "Demandoj kaj respondoj"
#~ msgid "Status:"
#~ msgstr "Stato:"
#~ msgid "Edit:"
#~ msgstr "Redakti:"
#~ msgid "Redownload"
#~ msgstr "Reelŝuti"
#~ msgid "(Installed)"
#~ msgstr "(Instalita)"
#~ msgid "(Missing)"
#~ msgstr "(Manka)"
#~ msgid "Request Failed."
#~ msgstr "Demando eraris."
#~ msgid "Redirect Loop."
#~ msgstr "Alidirekta iteracio."
#~ msgid "Download Complete."
#~ msgstr "Elŝuto kompleta."
#~ msgid "Remove Template"
#~ msgstr "Forigi ŝablonon"
#~ msgid "Download Templates"
#~ msgstr "Elŝutilo de ŝablonoj"
#~ msgid "Select mirror from list: (Shift+Click: Open in Browser)"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Elekti spegulon el listo: (Majuskliga klavo+Alklako: Malfermi en "
#~ "retumilon)"
#~ msgid "Move to Trash"
#~ msgstr "Movi al rubujo"
#~ msgid "Expand All Properties"
#~ msgstr "Etendi ĉiajn atributojn"
#~ msgid "Copy Params"
#~ msgstr "Kopii parametrojn"
#~ msgid "Open in Help"
#~ msgstr "Malfermi en helpo"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Game Camera Override\n"
#~ "No game instance running."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Transpaso de la luda fotilo\n"
#~ "Ne luda ekzemplo ruliĝas."
#~ msgid "Drag: Rotate"
#~ msgstr "Ŝovado: Rotacii"
#~ msgid "Press 'v' to Change Pivot, 'Shift+v' to Drag Pivot (while moving)."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Premi 'V' por ŝanĝi pivoton, 'Majuskliga klavo+V' por ŝovi pivoton (dum "
#~ "movado)."
#~ msgid "Alt+RMB: Depth list selection"
#~ msgstr "Alt-klavo+dekstra musbutono: Elektado el profunda listo"
#~ msgid "Templates"
#~ msgstr "Ŝablonoj"
#~ msgid "Add Remapped Path"
#~ msgstr "Aldoni dosierindikon de remapo"
#~ msgid "An animation player can't animate itself, only other players."
#~ msgstr "Animado legilo ne volas animi si mem, nur aliajn ludantojn."
#~ msgid "Clipboard is empty"
#~ msgstr "Tondujo estas malplena"
#~ msgid "No"
#~ msgstr "Ne"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "This scene has never been saved. Save before running?"
#~ msgstr "Ĉi tiu sceno konservis neniam. Konservi antaŭ ruli?"
#~ msgid "Search complete"
#~ msgstr "Serĉo finiĝis"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Default editor layout overridden."
#~ msgstr "Automatan aranĝon de editilo transpasis."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Pack File"
#~ msgstr "Malfermi dosieron"
#~ msgid "FileSystem and Import Docks"
#~ msgstr "Dosiersistema kaj enporta dokoj"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "When exporting or deploying, the resulting executable will attempt to "
#~ "connect to the IP of this computer in order to be debugged."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Kiam eksportas aŭ malfaldas, la rezulta plenumebla provos konekti al la "
#~ "IP de ĉi tiu komputilo por estos sencimigita."
#~ msgid "Revert"
#~ msgstr "Malfari"
#~ msgid "This action cannot be undone. Revert anyway?"
#~ msgstr "Tiun ĉi agon ne povos malfari. Certe daŭrigi?"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Help improve the Godot documentation by giving feedback."
#~ msgstr "Helpi plibonigi la Godotan dokumentadon per doni reagon."
#~ msgid "Replaced %d occurrence(s)."
#~ msgstr "Anstataŭigis %d apero(j)n."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Brief Description"
#~ msgstr "Priskribo:"
#~ msgid "Input"
#~ msgstr "Enigo"
#~ msgid "No Matches"
#~ msgstr "Ne Rezultoj"
#~ msgid "Unknown font format."
#~ msgstr "Nekonata tipara formo."
#~ msgid "Invalid font size."
#~ msgstr "Nevalida tipara grando."
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -14004,43 +14004,3 @@ msgstr ""
#: servers/visual/shader_language.cpp
msgid "Constants cannot be modified."
msgstr "Konstante ei saa muuta."
#~ msgid "Enabled Properties:"
#~ msgstr "Lubatud atribuudid:"
#~ msgid "Set"
#~ msgstr "Sea"
#~ msgid "Q&A"
#~ msgstr "Küsimused & vastused"
#~ msgid "Status:"
#~ msgstr "Olek:"
#~ msgid "Edit:"
#~ msgstr "Muuda:"
#~ msgid "(Installed)"
#~ msgstr "(Paigaldatud)"
#~ msgid "(Missing)"
#~ msgstr "(Puudub)"
#~ msgid "Yaw"
#~ msgstr "Sagitaal"
#~ msgid "Data Type:"
#~ msgstr "Andmetüüp:"
#~ msgid "Templates"
#~ msgstr "Mallid"
#~ msgid "An animation player can't animate itself, only other players."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "AnimationPlayer ei saa animeerida iseennast, ainult teisi mängijaid."
#~ msgid "Clipboard is empty"
#~ msgstr "Lõikelaud on tühi"
#~ msgid "Error trying to save layout!"
#~ msgstr "Viga paigutuse salvestamisel!"
@ -13955,40 +13955,3 @@ msgstr ""
#: servers/visual/shader_language.cpp
msgid "Constants cannot be modified."
msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Q&A"
#~ msgstr "Galdera-erantzunak"
#~ msgid "Redownload"
#~ msgstr "Berriro jaitsi"
#~ msgid "(Installed)"
#~ msgstr "(Instalatuta)"
#~ msgid "(Missing)"
#~ msgstr "(Falta da)"
#~ msgid "Download Complete."
#~ msgstr "Jaitsiera osatuta."
#~ msgid "Remove Template"
#~ msgstr "Kendu txantiloia"
#~ msgid "Download Templates"
#~ msgstr "Jaitsi txantiloiak"
#~ msgid "Theme editing menu."
#~ msgstr "Azalaren edizio menua."
#~ msgid "Create From Current Editor Theme"
#~ msgstr "Sortu editorearen uneko azaletik"
#~ msgid "Theme File"
#~ msgstr "Azal fitxategia"
#~ msgid "Compiled"
#~ msgstr "Konpilatuta"
#~ msgid "An animation player can't animate itself, only other players."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Animazio irakurgailua ezin da norbera animatu, bakarrik beste batzuk."
@ -14725,602 +14725,3 @@ msgstr ""
#: servers/visual/shader_language.cpp
msgid "Constants cannot be modified."
msgstr "ثوابت قابل تغییر نیستند."
#~ msgid "Package Contents:"
#~ msgstr "درون مایه های بسته بندی:"
#~ msgid "Singleton"
#~ msgstr "سینگلتون"
#~ msgid "Erase profile '%s'? (no undo)"
#~ msgstr "پاککردن نمایه '%s'? (عدم بازگردانی)"
#~ msgid "Enabled Properties:"
#~ msgstr "خصوصیات فعال شده:"
#~ msgid "Enabled Features:"
#~ msgstr "ویژگی های فعال شده:"
#~ msgid "Class Options"
#~ msgstr "گزینه های کلاس"
#~ msgid "Set"
#~ msgstr "تعیین"
#~ msgid "Status:"
#~ msgstr "وضعیت:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Edit:"
#~ msgstr "ویرایش"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Redownload"
#~ msgstr "در حال بارگیری"
#~ msgid "(Installed)"
#~ msgstr "(نصب شده)"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Request Failed."
#~ msgstr "در حال درخواست..."
#~ msgid "Download Complete."
#~ msgstr "دانلود کامل."
#~ msgid "Remove Template"
#~ msgstr "حذف قالب"
#~ msgid "Download Templates"
#~ msgstr "بارگیری قالب ها"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Move to Trash"
#~ msgstr "بارگیری خودکار را انجام دهید"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Expand All Properties"
#~ msgstr "افزودن ویژگی سراسری"
#~ msgid "Open in Help"
#~ msgstr "باز کردن راهنما"
#~ msgid "Create Empty Template"
#~ msgstr "ساختن قالب خالی"
#~ msgid "Create Empty Editor Template"
#~ msgstr "ساختن قالب خالی ویرایشگر"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Theme File"
#~ msgstr "یک پرونده را باز کن"
#~ msgid "Templates"
#~ msgstr "قالب ها"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Could not read boot splash image file:"
#~ msgstr "نمیتواند یک پوشه ایجاد شود."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Using default boot splash image."
#~ msgstr "نمیتواند یک پوشه ایجاد شود."
#~ msgid "An animation player can't animate itself, only other players."
#~ msgstr "یک مجری انیمیشن نمی تواند خود را محرک کند، فقط سایر مجریان."
#~ msgid "Clipboard is empty"
#~ msgstr "حافظه پنهان خالی است"
#~ msgid "No"
#~ msgstr "نه"
#~ msgid "This scene has never been saved. Save before running?"
#~ msgstr "این صحنه هرگز ذخیره نشده است. ذخیره قبل از اجرا؟"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Search complete"
#~ msgstr "جستجوی متن"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Move pivot"
#~ msgstr "برداشتن نقطه"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Add initial export..."
#~ msgstr "افزودن عمل ورودی"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Delete patch '%s' from list?"
#~ msgstr "حذف کن"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Patches"
#~ msgstr "تطبیقها:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Pack File"
#~ msgstr " پوشه ها"
#~ msgid "FileSystem and Import Docks"
#~ msgstr "فایلسیستم و واردکردن لنگرگاه"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Clear Script"
#~ msgstr "صحنه جدید"
#~ msgid "Replaced %d occurrence(s)."
#~ msgstr "تعداد %d رخداد جایگزین شد."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Brief Description"
#~ msgstr "خلاصه توضیحات:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Class Description"
#~ msgstr "توضیحات"
#~ msgid "Password:"
#~ msgstr "گذرواژه:"
#~ msgid "Shift+"
#~ msgstr "+Shift"
#~ msgid "Alt+"
#~ msgstr "+Alt"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Add input +"
#~ msgstr "افزودن نقطه"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Inherits"
#~ msgstr "میراث:"
#~ msgid "Available Nodes:"
#~ msgstr "گره های موجود:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Methods:"
#~ msgstr "روش ها"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Theme Properties:"
#~ msgstr "صافی کردن گرهها"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Class Description:"
#~ msgstr "توضیح:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Property Descriptions:"
#~ msgstr "توضیحات مشخصه:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Method Descriptions:"
#~ msgstr "توضیح:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Reverse sorting."
#~ msgstr "در حال درخواست..."
#~ msgid "Delete Node(s)?"
#~ msgstr "حذف گره(ها)؟"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Error: could not load file."
#~ msgstr "نمیتواند یک پوشه ایجاد شود."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Select Mode (Q)"
#~ msgstr "انتخاب حالت"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Snap Mode (%s)"
#~ msgstr "انتخاب حالت"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Tool Select"
#~ msgstr "همهی انتخاب ها"
#~ msgid "Project List"
#~ msgstr "فهرست پروژه ها"
#~ msgid "Exit"
#~ msgstr "خروج"
#~ msgid "Error initializing FreeType."
#~ msgstr "خطا در ارزشدهی آغازین به FreeType."
#~ msgid "Unknown font format."
#~ msgstr "فرمت قلم ناشناخته."
#~ msgid "Error loading font."
#~ msgstr "خطای بارگذاری قلم."
#~ msgid "Invalid font size."
#~ msgstr "اندازهٔ قلم نامعتبر."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Previous Folder"
#~ msgstr "زبانه قبلی"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Next Folder"
#~ msgstr "ساختن پوشه"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open in an external image editor."
#~ msgstr "گشودن ویرایشگر متن"
#~ msgid "Reverse"
#~ msgstr "معکوس"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Failed to create solution."
#~ msgstr "ناتوان در ساختن پوشه."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Failed to save solution."
#~ msgstr "انتخاب شده را تغییر مقیاس بده"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Create C# solution"
#~ msgstr "انتخاب شده را تغییر مقیاس بده"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Build Project"
#~ msgstr "پروژه"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "View log"
#~ msgstr "نمایش پرونده ها"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Enabled Classes"
#~ msgstr "جستجوی کلاسها"
#~ msgid "Update Always"
#~ msgstr "به روز رسانی دامی"
#~ msgid "Path to Node:"
#~ msgstr "مسیر به سمت گره:"
#~ msgid "Delete selected files?"
#~ msgstr "آیا پروندههای انتخاب شده حذف شود؟"
#~ msgid "Go to parent folder"
#~ msgstr "رفتن به پوشه والد"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open Scene(s)"
#~ msgstr "باز کردن صحنه"
#~ msgid "Ease in"
#~ msgstr "کُندی در آغاز"
#~ msgid "Ease out"
#~ msgstr "کُندی در پایان"
#~ msgid "Create folder"
#~ msgstr "ساختن پوشه"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Invalid Path"
#~ msgstr "مسیر نامعتبر."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "GridMap Duplicate Selection"
#~ msgstr "انتخاب شده را به دو تا تکثیر کن"
#~ msgid "Create Area"
#~ msgstr "ساختن ناحیه"
#~ msgid "Edit Signal Arguments:"
#~ msgstr "آرگومانهای سیگنال را ویرایش کن:"
#~ msgid "Edit Variable:"
#~ msgstr "متغیر را ویرایش کن:"
#~ msgid "Line:"
#~ msgstr "خط:"
#~ msgid "Col:"
#~ msgstr "ستون:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "OrientedPathFollow only works when set as a child of a Path node."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "PathFollow2D تنها در زمانی که به عنوان یک فرزند یک گره Path2D تنظیم شود "
#~ "کار میکند."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Add Split"
#~ msgstr "افزودن نقطه"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Invalid Split: "
#~ msgstr "مسیر نامعتبر."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Remove Split"
#~ msgstr "برداشتن نقطه"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Add Node.."
#~ msgstr "افزودن گره"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Zoom out"
#~ msgstr "بزرگنمایی کمتر"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Zoom in"
#~ msgstr "بزرگنمایی بیشتر"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Zoom:"
#~ msgstr "بزرگنمایی بیشتر"
#~ msgid "Class List:"
#~ msgstr "فهرست کلاس:"
#~ msgid "Public Methods"
#~ msgstr "روش های عمومی"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Property: "
#~ msgstr "ویژگی:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Show current scene file."
#~ msgstr "ساختن پوشه"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Whole words"
#~ msgstr "عین کلمات (بدون هیچ کم و کاستی)"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Match case"
#~ msgstr "بین حروف کوچک و بزرگ لاتین تمایز قائل شو"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Search in files"
#~ msgstr "جستجوی کلاسها"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Convert To Lowercase"
#~ msgstr "اتصال به گره:"
#~ msgid "Get"
#~ msgstr "گرفتن"
#~ msgid "Move Anim Track Up"
#~ msgstr "انتقال ترک انیمشین به بالا"
#~ msgid "Move Anim Track Down"
#~ msgstr "انتقال ترک انیمشین به پایین"
#~ msgid "Set Transitions to:"
#~ msgstr "تنظیم گذارها به :"
#~ msgid "Anim Track Change Interpolation"
#~ msgstr "تغییر سبک الحاق ترک انیمیشن"
#~ msgid "Anim Track Change Value Mode"
#~ msgstr "تغییر حالت مقدار ترک انیمیشن"
#~ msgid "Anim Track Change Wrap Mode"
#~ msgstr "تغییر حالت بسته شدن ترک انیمشین"
#~ msgid "Edit Selection Curve"
#~ msgstr "ویرایش منحنی انتخاب شده"
#~ msgid "Anim Add Key"
#~ msgstr "یک کلید در انیمیشن اضافه کن"
#~ msgid "In"
#~ msgstr "داخل"
#~ msgid "Out"
#~ msgstr "خارج"
#~ msgid "In-Out"
#~ msgstr "داخل-خارج"
#~ msgid "Out-In"
#~ msgstr "خارج-داخل"
#~ msgid "Anim Create Typed Value Key"
#~ msgstr "کلید مقدار دارای نوع را در انیمیشن ایجاد کن"
#~ msgid "Anim Add Call Track"
#~ msgstr "ترک فراخوانی را در انیمیشن اضافه کن"
#~ msgid "Length (s):"
#~ msgstr "طول(ها):"
#~ msgid "Cursor step snap (in seconds)."
#~ msgstr "گام چسبندهی مکاننما (به ثانیه)."
#~ msgid "Enable/Disable looping in animation."
#~ msgstr "حلقه را در انیمیشن فعال/غیر فعال کن."
#~ msgid "Add new tracks."
#~ msgstr "ترکهای جدید اضافه کن."
#~ msgid "Move current track up."
#~ msgstr "ترک جاری را به بالا جابجا کن."
#~ msgid "Move current track down."
#~ msgstr "ترک جاری را به پایین جابجا کن."
#~ msgid "Track tools"
#~ msgstr "ابزارهای ترک"
#~ msgid "Enable editing of individual keys by clicking them."
#~ msgstr "ویرایش کلیدهای انفرادی با کلیک بر روی آنها را فعال کن."
#~ msgid "Key"
#~ msgstr "کلید"
#~ msgid "Call Functions in Which Node?"
#~ msgstr "توابع را در کدام گره فراخوانی کند؟"
#~ msgid "Thanks!"
#~ msgstr "با تشکر !"
#~ msgid "Run Script"
#~ msgstr "اجرای اسکریپت"
#~ msgid "Set pivot at mouse position"
#~ msgstr "گذاشتن محور در مکان موشواره"
#~ msgid "Clear!"
#~ msgstr "حذف!"
#~ msgid "Condition"
#~ msgstr "شرط"
#~ msgid "Sequence"
#~ msgstr "دنباله"
#~ msgid "Iterator"
#~ msgstr "تکرارکننده"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "While"
#~ msgstr "تا زمانی که"
#~ msgid "Return"
#~ msgstr "بازگشت"
#~ msgid "Call"
#~ msgstr "فراخوانی"
#~ msgid "Edit Variable"
#~ msgstr "ویرایش متغیر"
#~ msgid "Can't contain '/' or ':'"
#~ msgstr "نمیتواند شامل '/' یا ':' باشد"
#~ msgid "Can't write file."
#~ msgstr "ناتوان در نوشتن پرونده."
#~ msgid "Replace By"
#~ msgstr "جایگزین کردن با"
#~ msgid "Backwards"
#~ msgstr "به سمت عقب"
#~ msgid "Prompt On Replace"
#~ msgstr "موقع جایگزینی از کاربر بپرس"
#~ msgid "Skip"
#~ msgstr "رد کردن"
#~ msgid "Move Add Key"
#~ msgstr "کلید Add را جابجا کن"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Add Point to Line2D"
#~ msgstr "برو به خط"
#~ msgid "Meta+"
#~ msgstr "+Meta"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Setting '"
#~ msgstr "ترجیحات"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Selection -> Duplicate"
#~ msgstr "تنها در قسمت انتخاب شده"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Selection -> Clear"
#~ msgstr "تنها در قسمت انتخاب شده"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Path property must point to a valid Viewport node to work. Such Viewport "
#~ "must be set to 'render target' mode."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "دارایی Path باید به یک گره Viewport معتبر اشاره کند تا کار کند. این "
#~ "Viewport باید روی حالت render target تنظیم شود."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The Viewport set in the path property must be set as 'render target' in "
#~ "order for this sprite to work."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Viewport تنظیم شده در داریی path باید به صورت render target برای این "
#~ "اسپرایت تنظیم شود تا کار کند."
#~ msgid "Method List For '%s':"
#~ msgstr "لیست متد برای '%s' :"
#~ msgid "Return:"
#~ msgstr "بازگشت:"
#~ msgid "Added:"
#~ msgstr "افزوده شده:"
#~ msgid "Re-Importing"
#~ msgstr "در حال وارد کردن دوباره..."
#~ msgid "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "کلاغ فرز و چابک، ظهر هر روز با صدای ضخیم و عذابآورش بـه جستجوی یک مثقال "
#~ "گنج پنهان در حیاط رژه می رفت."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Tiles"
#~ msgstr "پرونده:"
#~ msgid "Ctrl+"
#~ msgstr "+Ctrl"
#~ msgid "Path property must point to a valid Particles2D node to work."
#~ msgstr "دارایی Path باید به یک گره Particles2D معتبر اشاره کند تا کار کند."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "A SampleLibrary resource must be created or set in the 'samples' property "
#~ "in order for SamplePlayer to play sound."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "یک منبع SampleLibrary باید در دارایی samples ایجاد یا تنظیم شود تا "
#~ "SamplePlayer آهنگ را پخش کند."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "A SampleLibrary resource must be created or set in the 'samples' property "
#~ "in order for SpatialSamplePlayer to play sound."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "یک منبع SampleLibrary باید در دارایی samples ایجاد یا تنظیم شده باشد تا "
#~ "SpatialSamplePlayer آهنگ را پخش کند."
#~ msgid "Replaced %d Ocurrence(s)."
#~ msgstr "تعداد %d رخداد جایگزین شد."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Create Android keystore"
#~ msgstr "پوشه ایجاد کن"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Organization"
#~ msgstr "انتقال"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Password"
#~ msgstr "گذرواژه:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "at least 6 characters"
#~ msgstr "کاراکترهای معتبر:"
#~ msgid "BakedLightInstance does not contain a BakedLight resource."
#~ msgstr "BakedLightInstance محتوی یک منبع BakedLight نیست."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Custom node has no _get_output_port_unsequenced(idx,wmem), but "
#~ "unsequenced ports were specified."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "گره سفارشی دارای get_output_port_unsequenced(idx,wmem)_ نیست، اما پورتهای "
#~ "نامتوالی مشخص شده است."
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -13858,9 +13858,3 @@ msgstr ""
#: servers/visual/shader_language.cpp
msgid "Constants cannot be modified."
msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Clipboard is empty"
#~ msgstr "Walang laman ang Clipboard"
#~ msgid "No"
#~ msgstr "Hindi"
@ -14837,739 +14837,3 @@ msgstr "Affectation à la variable uniform."
#: servers/visual/shader_language.cpp
msgid "Constants cannot be modified."
msgstr "Les constantes ne peuvent être modifiées."
#~ msgid "Make Rest Pose (From Bones)"
#~ msgstr "Créer la position de repos (d'après les os)"
#~ msgid "Bottom"
#~ msgstr "Dessous"
#~ msgid "Left"
#~ msgstr "Gauche"
#~ msgid "Right"
#~ msgstr "Droite"
#~ msgid "Front"
#~ msgstr "Avant"
#~ msgid "Rear"
#~ msgstr "Arrière"
#~ msgid "Nameless gizmo"
#~ msgstr "Gadget sans nom"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "\"Degrees Of Freedom\" is only valid when \"Xr Mode\" is \"Oculus Mobile "
#~ "VR\"."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "« Degrés de liberté » est valide uniquement lorsque le « Mode Xr » est « "
#~ "Oculus Mobile VR »."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "\"Focus Awareness\" is only valid when \"Xr Mode\" is \"Oculus Mobile VR"
#~ "\"."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "« Sensibilité de la mise au point » est valide uniquement lorsque le « "
#~ "Mode Xr » est « Oculus Mobile VR »."
#~ msgid "Package Contents:"
#~ msgstr "Contenu du paquetage :"
#~ msgid "Singleton"
#~ msgstr "Singleton"
#~ msgid "Erase profile '%s'? (no undo)"
#~ msgstr "Effacer le profil '%s' ? (pas d'annulation)"
#~ msgid "Enabled Properties:"
#~ msgstr "Propriétés activées :"
#~ msgid "Enabled Features:"
#~ msgstr "Fonctionnalités activées :"
#~ msgid "Unset"
#~ msgstr "Désassigner"
#~ msgid "Class Options"
#~ msgstr "Options de classe"
#~ msgid "Set"
#~ msgstr "Définir"
#~ msgid "Saved %s modified resource(s)."
#~ msgstr "Sauvegardé %s des ressources modifiées."
#~ msgid "Q&A"
#~ msgstr "Questions et réponses"
#~ msgid "Status:"
#~ msgstr "État :"
#~ msgid "Edit:"
#~ msgstr "Modifier :"
#~ msgid "Redownload"
#~ msgstr "Télécharger à nouveau"
#~ msgid "(Installed)"
#~ msgstr "(Installé)"
#~ msgid "(Missing)"
#~ msgstr "(Manquant)"
#~ msgid "Request Failed."
#~ msgstr "Échec de la requête."
#~ msgid "Redirect Loop."
#~ msgstr "Boucle de Redirection."
#~ msgid "Download Complete."
#~ msgstr "Téléchargement terminé."
#~ msgid "Remove Template"
#~ msgstr "Supprimer le modèle"
#~ msgid "Download Templates"
#~ msgstr "Télécharger les modèles"
#~ msgid "Select mirror from list: (Shift+Click: Open in Browser)"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Sélectionner un miroir depuis la liste : (Maj+Click : Ouvrir dans le "
#~ "navigateur)"
#~ msgid "Move to Trash"
#~ msgstr "Déplacer vers la corbeille"
#~ msgid "Expand All Properties"
#~ msgstr "Développer toutes les propriétés"
#~ msgid "Collapse All Properties"
#~ msgstr "Réduire toutes les propriétés"
#~ msgid "Copy Params"
#~ msgstr "Copier paramètres"
#~ msgid "Open in Help"
#~ msgstr "Ouvrir dans l'aide"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Game Camera Override\n"
#~ "No game instance running."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Remplacement de la Caméra du Jeu\n"
#~ "Aucune instance de jeu en cours d'exécution."
#~ msgid "Drag: Rotate"
#~ msgstr "Glisser : tourner"
#~ msgid "Press 'v' to Change Pivot, 'Shift+v' to Drag Pivot (while moving)."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Appuyez sur « v » pour changer le pivot, « Maj+V » pour glisser le pivot "
#~ "(lors du déplacement)."
#~ msgid "Alt+RMB: Depth list selection"
#~ msgstr "Alt+Bouton droit : Sélection détaillée par liste"
#~ msgid "Clone Down"
#~ msgstr "Cloner en dessous"
#~ msgid "Yaw"
#~ msgstr "Lacet (hauteur)"
#~ msgid "Size"
#~ msgstr "Taille"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Drag: Rotate\n"
#~ "Alt+Drag: Move\n"
#~ "Alt+RMB: Depth list selection"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Glisser : Rotation\n"
#~ "ALt+Glisser : Déplacer\n"
#~ "Alt+Bouton droit : Sélection détaillée par liste"
#~ msgid "Sep.:"
#~ msgstr "Sep. :"
#~ msgid "Add All"
#~ msgstr "Tout ajouter"
#~ msgid "Theme editing menu."
#~ msgstr "Menu d'édition des thèmes."
#~ msgid "Create Empty Template"
#~ msgstr "Créer un nouveau modèle"
#~ msgid "Create Empty Editor Template"
#~ msgstr "Créer un nouveau modèle d'éditeur"
#~ msgid "Create From Current Editor Theme"
#~ msgstr "Créer à partir du thème actuel de l'éditeur"
#~ msgid "Data Type:"
#~ msgstr "Type de données :"
#~ msgid "Theme File"
#~ msgstr "Fichier de Thème"
#~ msgid "Compiled"
#~ msgstr "Compilé"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Remove %d projects from the list?\n"
#~ "The project folders' contents won't be modified."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Supprimer %d projets de la liste ?\n"
#~ "Le contenu des dossiers de projet ne sera pas modifié."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Remove this project from the list?\n"
#~ "The project folder's contents won't be modified."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Supprimer le projet de la liste ? \n"
#~ "Le contenu du dossier de projet ne sera pas modifié."
#~ msgid "Templates"
#~ msgstr "Modèles"
#~ msgid "Add Remapped Path"
#~ msgstr "Ajouter un chemin remappé"
#~ msgid "Can not perform with the root node."
#~ msgstr "Ne peut fonctionner avec le nœud racine."
#~ msgid "Could not read boot splash image file:"
#~ msgstr "Impossible de lire l'image de démarrage :"
#~ msgid "Using default boot splash image."
#~ msgstr "Impossible de lire l'image de démarrage."
#~ msgid "An animation player can't animate itself, only other players."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Un lecteur d’animation ne peut s’animer lui-même, seulement les autres "
#~ "lecteurs."
#~ msgid "Clipboard is empty"
#~ msgstr "Le presse-papiers est vide"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "InterpolatedCamera has been deprecated and will be removed in Godot 4.0."
#~ msgstr "InterpolatedCamera a été déprécié et sera supprimé dans Godot 4.0."
#~ msgid "No"
#~ msgstr "Non"
#~ msgid "This scene has never been saved. Save before running?"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Cette scène n'a jamais été enregistrée. L'enregistrer avant de la lancer ?"
#~ msgid "ADB executable not configured in the Editor Settings."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "L'exécutable ADB n'est pas configuré dans les Paramètres de l'éditeur."
#~ msgid "OpenJDK jarsigner not configured in the Editor Settings."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Le jarsigner OpenJDK n'est pas configuré dans les Paramètres de l'éditeur."
#~ msgid "Custom build requires a valid Android SDK path in Editor Settings."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "La création d'une version personnalisée nécessite un chemin d'accès "
#~ "Android SDK valide dans les paramètres de l'éditeur."
#~ msgid "%d%%"
#~ msgstr "%d%%"
#~ msgid "(Time Left: %d:%02d s)"
#~ msgstr "(Temps restant : %d:%02d s)"
#~ msgid "Plotting Meshes: "
#~ msgstr "Tracer les maillages : "
#~ msgid "Lighting Meshes: "
#~ msgstr "Tracer les maillages : "
#~ msgid "Search complete"
#~ msgstr "Recherche terminée"
#~ msgid "No commit message was provided"
#~ msgstr "Aucun message de livraison n'a été fourni"
#~ msgid "Add a commit message"
#~ msgstr "Ajouter un message de livraison"
#~ msgid "There is already file or folder with the same name in this location."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Il existe déjà un fichier ou un dossier ayant le même nom à cet "
#~ "emplacement."
#~ msgid "Unable to complete APK alignment."
#~ msgstr "Impossible d'effectuer l'alignement de l'APK."
#~ msgid "Unable to delete unaligned APK."
#~ msgstr "Impossible de supprimer l'APK non aligné."
#~ msgid "Error trying to save layout!"
#~ msgstr "Erreur d'enregistrement de la disposition !"
#~ msgid "Default editor layout overridden."
#~ msgstr "Disposition de l'éditeur par défaut remplacée."
#~ msgid "Move pivot"
#~ msgstr "Déplacer le pivot"
#~ msgid "Move anchor"
#~ msgstr "Déplacer l'ancre"
#~ msgid "Resize CanvasItem"
#~ msgstr "Redimensionner l'élément de canevas"
#~ msgid "Polygon->UV"
#~ msgstr "Polygone -> UV"
#~ msgid "UV->Polygon"
#~ msgstr "UV -> Polygone"
#~ msgid "Add initial export..."
#~ msgstr "Ajouter l'exportation initiale...."
#~ msgid "Add previous patches..."
#~ msgstr "Ajouter les correctifs précédents....."
#~ msgid "Delete patch '%s' from list?"
#~ msgstr "Supprimer le patch « %s » de la liste ?"
#~ msgid "Patches"
#~ msgstr "Patchs"
#~ msgid "Make Patch"
#~ msgstr "Conçevoir un patch"
#~ msgid "Pack File"
#~ msgstr "Fichiers Pack"
#~ msgid "No build apk generated at: "
#~ msgstr "Aucune build apk générée à : "
#~ msgid "FileSystem and Import Docks"
#~ msgstr "Module d'importation et système de fichiers"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "When exporting or deploying, the resulting executable will attempt to "
#~ "connect to the IP of this computer in order to be debugged."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Lors de l'exportation ou du déploiement, l'exécutable produit tentera de "
#~ "se connecter à l'adresse IP de cet ordinateur afin de procéder au "
#~ "débogage."
#~ msgid "Current scene was never saved, please save it prior to running."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "La scène actuelle n'a jamais été sauvegardée, veuillez la sauvegarder "
#~ "avant de la lancer."
#~ msgid "Revert"
#~ msgstr "Réinitialiser"
#~ msgid "This action cannot be undone. Revert anyway?"
#~ msgstr "Cette action ne peut être annulée. Réinitialiser quand même ?"
#~ msgid "Revert Scene"
#~ msgstr "Réinitialiser la scène"
#~ msgid "Clear Script"
#~ msgstr "Supprimer le script"
#~ msgid "Issue Tracker"
#~ msgstr "Traqueur de problèmes"
#~ msgid "Request Docs"
#~ msgstr "Demande de documentation"
#~ msgid "Help improve the Godot documentation by giving feedback."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Aider à améliorer la documentation de Godot en donnant vos réactions."
#~ msgid "Replaced %d occurrence(s)."
#~ msgstr "%d occurrence(s) remplacée(s)."
#~ msgid "Create Static Convex Body"
#~ msgstr "Créer corps convexe statique"
#~ msgid "Failed creating shapes!"
#~ msgstr "Échec de la création de formes !"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "There are currently no tutorials for this class, you can [color=$color]"
#~ "[url=$url]contribute one[/url][/color] or [color=$color][url="
#~ "$url2]request one[/url][/color]."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Il n'y a pas de tutoriels disponibles pour cette classe, vous pouvez "
#~ "[color=$color][url=$url]en créer un[/url][/color] ou [color=$color][url="
#~ "$url2]en demander un[/url][/color]."
#~ msgid "enum "
#~ msgstr "enum_ "
#~ msgid "Brief Description"
#~ msgstr "Brève description"
#~ msgid "Class Description"
#~ msgstr "Description de la classe"
#~ msgid "Project export failed with error code %d."
#~ msgstr "L'export du projet a échoué avec le code erreur %d."
#~ msgid "Password:"
#~ msgstr "Mot de passe :"
#~ msgid "Identifier segments must be of non-zero length."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Les segments de l'identifiant doivent être d'une longueur supérieure à "
#~ "zéro."
#~ msgid "A digit cannot be the first character in a Identifier segment."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Un chiffre ne peut pas être le premier caractère d'un segment "
#~ "d'identifiant."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The character '%s' cannot be the first character in a Identifier segment."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Le caractère « %s » ne peut pas être le premier caractère d'un segment "
#~ "d'identifiant."
#~ msgid "The Identifier must have at least one '.' separator."
#~ msgstr "L'identifiant doit avoir au moins un séparateur « . »."
#~ msgid "Pause the scene"
#~ msgstr "Mettre en pause la scène"
#~ msgid "Shift+"
#~ msgstr "Maj+"
#~ msgid "Alt+"
#~ msgstr "Alt+"
#~ msgid "Control+"
#~ msgstr "Contrôle+"
#~ msgid "Snap to Grid"
#~ msgstr "Aimanter à la grille"
#~ msgid "Add input +"
#~ msgstr "Ajouter une entrée +"
#~ msgid "Language"
#~ msgstr "Langage"
#~ msgid "Inherits"
#~ msgstr "Hérité de"
#~ msgid "Base Type:"
#~ msgstr "Type de base :"
#~ msgid "Available Nodes:"
#~ msgstr "Nœuds disponibles :"
#~ msgid "Input"
#~ msgstr "Entrée"
#~ msgid "Methods:"
#~ msgstr "Méthodes :"
#~ msgid "Theme Properties:"
#~ msgstr "Propriétés du thème :"
#~ msgid "Constants:"
#~ msgstr "Constantes :"
#~ msgid "Class Description:"
#~ msgstr "Description de la classe :"
#~ msgid "Property Descriptions:"
#~ msgstr "Description des propriétés :"
#~ msgid "Method Descriptions:"
#~ msgstr "Descriptions des méthode :"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This will install the Android project for custom builds.\n"
#~ "Note that, in order to use it, it needs to be enabled per export preset."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ceci va installer le projet Android pour des compilations "
#~ "personnalisées.\n"
#~ "Notez que pour l'utiliser, vous devez l'activer pour chaque préréglage "
#~ "d'exportation."
#~ msgid "Reverse sorting."
#~ msgstr "Tri inverse."
#~ msgid "Delete Node(s)?"
#~ msgstr "Supprimer le(s) nœud(s) ?"
#~ msgid "No Matches"
#~ msgstr "Pas de correspondances"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Can't open file_type_cache.cch for writing, not saving file type cache!"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Impossible d'ouvrir file_type_cache.cch en écriture, le fichier de cache "
#~ "ne sera pas sauvé !"
#~ msgid "Cannot navigate to '%s' as it has not been found in the file system!"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Impossible d'accéder à « %s » car celui-ci n'existe pas dans le système "
#~ "de fichiers !"
#~ msgid "Error loading image:"
#~ msgstr "Erreur de chargement d'image :"
#~ msgid "No pixels with transparency > 128 in image..."
#~ msgstr "Pas de pixels avec transparence > 128 dans l'image..."
#~ msgid "Parent has no solid faces to populate."
#~ msgstr "Le parent n'a pas de faces solides à peupler."
#~ msgid "Couldn't map area."
#~ msgstr "Impossible de cartographier la zone."
#~ msgid "Faces contain no area!"
#~ msgstr "Des faces ne contiennent pas de zone !"
#~ msgid "No faces!"
#~ msgstr "Pas de faces !"
#~ msgid "Error: could not load file."
#~ msgstr "Erreur de chargement de fichier."
#~ msgid "Doppler Enable"
#~ msgstr "Activer Doppler"
#~ msgid "Select Mode (Q)"
#~ msgstr "Sélectionner le mode (Q)"
#~ msgid "Move Mode (W)"
#~ msgstr "Move déplacement (W)"
#~ msgid "Rotate Mode (E)"
#~ msgstr "Mode rotation (E)"
#~ msgid "Scale Mode (R)"
#~ msgstr "Mode de mise à l'échelle (R)"
#~ msgid "Local Coords"
#~ msgstr "Coordonnées locales"
#~ msgid "Tool Select"
#~ msgstr "Outil sélection"
#~ msgid "Tool Move"
#~ msgstr "Outil déplacement"
#~ msgid "Tool Rotate"
#~ msgstr "Outil rotation"
#~ msgid "Tool Scale"
#~ msgstr "Outil échelle"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Remove all missing projects from the list? (Folders contents will not be "
#~ "modified)"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Supprimer tous les projets manquants de la liste ? (Le contenu des "
#~ "dossiers ne sera pas modifié)"
#~ msgid "Project List"
#~ msgstr "Liste des projets"
#~ msgid "Exit"
#~ msgstr "Quitter"
#~ msgid "Could not execute PVRTC tool:"
#~ msgstr "Impossible d'exécuter l'outil PVRTC :"
#~ msgid "Can't load back converted image using PVRTC tool:"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "L'image convertie n'a pas pu être rechargée en utilisant l'outil PVRTC :"
#~ msgid "Error initializing FreeType."
#~ msgstr "Erreur à l'initialisation de Freetype."
#~ msgid "Unknown font format."
#~ msgstr "Format de police inconnu."
#~ msgid "Error loading font."
#~ msgstr "Erreur lors du chargement de la police."
#~ msgid "Invalid font size."
#~ msgstr "Taille de police invalide."
#~ msgid "Previous Folder"
#~ msgstr "Dossier précédent"
#~ msgid "Next Folder"
#~ msgstr "Dossier suivant"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open in an external image editor."
#~ msgstr "Ouvrir l'éditeur suivant"
#~ msgid "Reverse"
#~ msgstr "Inverser"
#~ msgid "Mirror X"
#~ msgstr "Miroir X"
#~ msgid "Mirror Y"
#~ msgstr "Miroir Y"
#~ msgid "Generating solution..."
#~ msgstr "Génération de la solution en cours..."
#~ msgid "Generating C# project..."
#~ msgstr "Création du projet C#..."
#~ msgid "Failed to create solution."
#~ msgstr "Impossible de créer la solution."
#~ msgid "Failed to save solution."
#~ msgstr "Impossible de sauvegarder la solution."
#~ msgid "Failed to create C# project."
#~ msgstr "Impossible de créer le projet C#."
#~ msgid "Mono"
#~ msgstr "Mono"
#~ msgid "About C# support"
#~ msgstr "À propos du support C#"
#~ msgid "Create C# solution"
#~ msgstr "Créer la solution C#"
#~ msgid "Builds"
#~ msgstr "Constructions"
#~ msgid "Build Project"
#~ msgstr "Compiler le projet"
#~ msgid "View log"
#~ msgstr "Voir les fichiers log"
#~ msgid "WorldEnvironment needs an Environment resource."
#~ msgstr "WorldEnvironment requiert une ressource de type Environment."
#~ msgid "Enabled Classes"
#~ msgstr "Classes activées"
#~ msgid "Update Always"
#~ msgstr "Toujours repeindre"
#~ msgid "Raw Mode"
#~ msgstr "Mode brut"
#~ msgid "Path to Node:"
#~ msgstr "Chemin vers le nœud :"
#~ msgid "Delete selected files?"
#~ msgstr "Supprimer les fichiers sélectionnés ?"
#~ msgid "There is no 'res://default_bus_layout.tres' file."
#~ msgstr "Il n'existe aucun fichier « res://default_bus_layout.tres »."
#~ msgid "Go to parent folder"
#~ msgstr "Aller au dossier parent"
#~ msgid "Open Scene(s)"
#~ msgstr "Ouvrir une(des) scène(s)"
#~ msgid "Previous Directory"
#~ msgstr "Répertoire précédent"
#~ msgid "Next Directory"
#~ msgstr "Répertoire suivant"
#~ msgid "Ease in"
#~ msgstr "Lent sur le début"
#~ msgid "Ease out"
#~ msgstr "Lent sur la fin"
#~ msgid "Create Convex Static Body"
#~ msgstr "Créer un corps statique convexe"
#~ msgid "CheckBox Radio1"
#~ msgstr "Case à cocher Radio1"
#~ msgid "CheckBox Radio2"
#~ msgstr "Case à cocher Radio2"
#~ msgid "Create folder"
#~ msgstr "Créer dossier"
#~ msgid "Custom Node"
#~ msgstr "Nœud personnalisé"
#~ msgid "Invalid Path"
#~ msgstr "Chemin invalide"
#~ msgid "GridMap Duplicate Selection"
#~ msgstr "Sélection de la duplication de GridMap"
#~ msgid "Create Area"
#~ msgstr "Créer zone"
#~ msgid "Create Exterior Connector"
#~ msgstr "Créer connecteur extérieur"
#~ msgid "Edit Signal Arguments:"
#~ msgstr "Modifier les arguments du signal :"
#~ msgid "Edit Variable:"
#~ msgstr "Modifier la variable :"
#~ msgid "Snap (s): "
#~ msgstr "Pas (s) : "
#~ msgid "Insert keys."
#~ msgstr "Insérer les clefs."
#~ msgid "Instance the selected scene(s) as child of the selected node."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Instancie la(les) scène(s) sélectionnée(s) en tant qu'enfant(s) du nœud "
#~ "sélectionné."
#~ msgid "Font Size:"
#~ msgstr "Taille de police :"
#~ msgid "Line:"
#~ msgstr "Ligne :"
#~ msgid "Col:"
#~ msgstr "Colonne :"
#~ msgid "OrientedPathFollow only works when set as a child of a Path node."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Le nœud OrientedPathFollow ne fonctionne que s'il est défini en tant "
#~ "qu'un enfant d'un nœud de type Path."
#~ msgid "Split point with itself."
#~ msgstr "Point de séparation avec lui-même."
#~ msgid "Split can't form an existing edge."
#~ msgstr "Le fractionnement ne peut pas former une arête existante."
#~ msgid "Add Split"
#~ msgstr "Ajouter un fractionnement"
#~ msgid "Remove Split"
#~ msgstr "Supprimer le fractionnement"
#~ msgid "Poly"
#~ msgstr "Polygone"
#~ msgid "Splits"
#~ msgstr "Fractionnements"
#~ msgid "Connect two points to make a split."
#~ msgstr "Relier deux points pour faire un fractionnement."
@ -13836,7 +13836,3 @@ msgstr ""
#: servers/visual/shader_language.cpp
msgid "Constants cannot be modified."
msgstr "Ní féidir tairisigh a athrú."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Brief Description"
#~ msgstr "Cuntas:"
@ -14413,127 +14413,3 @@ msgstr ""
#: servers/visual/shader_language.cpp
msgid "Constants cannot be modified."
msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Make Rest Pose (From Bones)"
#~ msgstr "Crear Pose de Repouso (a partir dos Ósos)"
#~ msgid "Bottom"
#~ msgstr "Inferior"
#~ msgid "Left"
#~ msgstr "Esquerda"
#~ msgid "Right"
#~ msgstr "Dereita"
#~ msgid "Front"
#~ msgstr "Frontal"
#~ msgid "Rear"
#~ msgstr "Traseira"
#~ msgid "Nameless gizmo"
#~ msgstr "Gizmo sen nome"
#~ msgid "Singleton"
#~ msgstr "Singleton"
#~ msgid "Erase profile '%s'? (no undo)"
#~ msgstr "Eliminar perfil '%s'? (non se pode deshacer)"
#~ msgid "Enabled Properties:"
#~ msgstr "Propiedades Activadas:"
#~ msgid "Enabled Features:"
#~ msgstr "Características Activadas:"
#~ msgid "Unset"
#~ msgstr "Desactivar"
#~ msgid "Class Options"
#~ msgstr "Opcións de Clases"
#~ msgid "Set"
#~ msgstr "Establecer"
#~ msgid "Saved %s modified resource(s)."
#~ msgstr "Gardado(s) %s recurso(s) modificado(s)."
#~ msgid "Q&A"
#~ msgstr "Preguntas e Respostas"
#~ msgid "Status:"
#~ msgstr "Estado:"
#~ msgid "Edit:"
#~ msgstr "Editar:"
#~ msgid "Redownload"
#~ msgstr "Volver a Descargar"
#~ msgid "(Installed)"
#~ msgstr "(Instalado)"
#~ msgid "(Missing)"
#~ msgstr "(Non encontrado)"
#~ msgid "Request Failed."
#~ msgstr "A Petición Fracasou."
#~ msgid "Download Complete."
#~ msgstr "Descarga Completa."
#~ msgid "Select mirror from list: (Shift+Click: Open in Browser)"
#~ msgstr "Seleccione un mirror da lista: (Shift+Clic: Abrir no Navegador)"
#~ msgid "Move to Trash"
#~ msgstr "Mover á Papeleira"
#~ msgid "Expand All Properties"
#~ msgstr "Expandir Tódalas Propiedades"
#~ msgid "Copy Params"
#~ msgstr "Copiar Parámetros"
#~ msgid "Open in Help"
#~ msgstr "Abrir na Axuda"
#~ msgid "Drag: Rotate"
#~ msgstr "Arrastrar: Rotar"
#~ msgid "Clone Down"
#~ msgstr "Clonar Liña"
#~ msgid "Yaw"
#~ msgstr "Guiñada"
#~ msgid "Size"
#~ msgstr "Tamaño"
#~ msgid "Compiled"
#~ msgstr "Compilado"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Remove %d projects from the list?\n"
#~ "The project folders' contents won't be modified."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Eliminar %d proxectos da lista?\n"
#~ "Os contidos da carpeta de proxectos non serán modificados."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Remove this project from the list?\n"
#~ "The project folder's contents won't be modified."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Eliminar este proxecto da lista?\n"
#~ "Os contidos da carpeta de proxectos non serán modificados."
#~ msgid "Templates"
#~ msgstr "Proxectos Modelo"
#~ msgid "An animation player can't animate itself, only other players."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Un reproductor de animacións non pode animarse a si mesmo, só a outros "
#~ "reproductores."
#~ msgid "Clipboard is empty"
#~ msgstr "O portapapeis está baleiro"
@ -14629,522 +14629,3 @@ msgstr "השמה ל-uniform."
#: servers/visual/shader_language.cpp
msgid "Constants cannot be modified."
msgstr "אי אפשר לשנות קבועים."
#~ msgid "Bottom"
#~ msgstr "מתחת"
#~ msgid "Left"
#~ msgstr "שמאל"
#~ msgid "Right"
#~ msgstr "ימין"
#~ msgid "Front"
#~ msgstr "קדמי"
#~ msgid "Rear"
#~ msgstr "אחורי"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "\"Degrees Of Freedom\" is only valid when \"Xr Mode\" is \"Oculus Mobile "
#~ "VR\"."
#~ msgstr "\"דרגות של חופש\" תקף רק כאשר \"מצב Xr\" הוא \"Oculus Mobile VR\"."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "\"Focus Awareness\" is only valid when \"Xr Mode\" is \"Oculus Mobile VR"
#~ "\"."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "\"Focus Awareness\" תקף רק כאשר \"מצב Xr\" הוא \"Oculus Mobile VR\"."
#~ msgid "Package Contents:"
#~ msgstr "תוכן החבילה:"
#~ msgid "Singleton"
#~ msgstr "יחידני"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Erase profile '%s'? (no undo)"
#~ msgstr "להחליף הכול"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Enabled Properties:"
#~ msgstr "מאפיינים"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Class Options"
#~ msgstr "תיאור"
#~ msgid "Set"
#~ msgstr "קבע"
#~ msgid "Saved %s modified resource(s)."
#~ msgstr "נשמרו %s משאבים שהשתנו."
#~ msgid "Q&A"
#~ msgstr "שאלות ותשובות נפוצות"
#~ msgid "Status:"
#~ msgstr "מצב:"
#~ msgid "Edit:"
#~ msgstr "עריכה:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Redownload"
#~ msgstr "הורדה מחדש"
#~ msgid "(Installed)"
#~ msgstr "(מותקן)"
#~ msgid "(Missing)"
#~ msgstr "(חסר)"
#~ msgid "Request Failed."
#~ msgstr "הבקשה נכשלה."
#~ msgid "Redirect Loop."
#~ msgstr "לולאת הפניות."
#~ msgid "Download Complete."
#~ msgstr "ההורדה הושלמה."
#~ msgid "Remove Template"
#~ msgstr "הסרת תבנית"
#~ msgid "Download Templates"
#~ msgstr "הורדת תבניות"
#~ msgid "Select mirror from list: (Shift+Click: Open in Browser)"
#~ msgstr "בחר אתר חלופי מהרשימה: (Shift+Click: פתיחה בדפדפן)"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Move to Trash"
#~ msgstr "הזזת טעינה אוטומטית"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Expand All Properties"
#~ msgstr "הרחבת כל המאפיינים"
#~ msgid "Copy Params"
#~ msgstr "העתקת משתנים"
#~ msgid "Open in Help"
#~ msgstr "פתיחה בעזרה"
#~ msgid "Clone Down"
#~ msgstr "לשכפל למטה"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Drag: Rotate\n"
#~ "Alt+Drag: Move\n"
#~ "Alt+RMB: Depth list selection"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "גרירה: הטיה\n"
#~ "Alt+גרירה: הזזה\n"
#~ "Alt+כפתור ימני: בחירת רשימת עומק"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Theme File"
#~ msgstr "פתיחת קובץ"
#~ msgid "Templates"
#~ msgstr "תבניות"
#~ msgid "Can not perform with the root node."
#~ msgstr "לא ניתן לביצוע עם מפרק השורש."
#~ msgid "Could not read boot splash image file:"
#~ msgstr "לא ניתן לקרוא קובץ תמונת פתיח:"
#~ msgid "Using default boot splash image."
#~ msgstr "נעשה שימוש בתמונת הפתיח כבררת מחדל."
#~ msgid "An animation player can't animate itself, only other players."
#~ msgstr "נגן הנפשה אינו יכול להנפיש את עצמו, רק שחקנים אחרים."
#~ msgid "Clipboard is empty"
#~ msgstr "לוח העתקה ריק"
#~ msgid "No"
#~ msgstr "לא"
#~ msgid "This scene has never been saved. Save before running?"
#~ msgstr "סצנה זאת מעולם לא נשמרה. לשמור לפני ההרצה?"
#~ msgid "ADB executable not configured in the Editor Settings."
#~ msgstr "קובץ ההפעלה של ADB לא נקבע בהגדרות העורך."
#~ msgid "OpenJDK jarsigner not configured in the Editor Settings."
#~ msgstr "OpenJDK jarsigner לא נקבע בהגדרות העורך."
#~ msgid "Custom build requires a valid Android SDK path in Editor Settings."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "בנייה מותאמת אישית דורשת נתיב חוקי של ערכת פיתוח לאנדרואיד בהגדרות העורך."
#~ msgid "%d%%"
#~ msgstr "%d%%"
#~ msgid "(Time Left: %d:%02d s)"
#~ msgstr "(זמן שנותר: %d:%02d שנ׳)"
#~ msgid "Plotting Meshes: "
#~ msgstr "מדפיס רשתות: "
#~ msgid "Lighting Meshes: "
#~ msgstr "רשתות תאורה: "
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Search complete"
#~ msgstr "חיפוש טקסט"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "No commit message was provided"
#~ msgstr "לא צוין שם"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "There is already file or folder with the same name in this location."
#~ msgstr "כבר קיימים קובץ או תיקייה בשם הזה."
#~ msgid "Error trying to save layout!"
#~ msgstr "שמירת הפריסה נכשלה!"
#~ msgid "Default editor layout overridden."
#~ msgstr "ברירת המחדל של עורך הפריסה נדרסה."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Move pivot"
#~ msgstr "העברה למעלה"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Move anchor"
#~ msgstr "העברה למטה"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Add initial export..."
#~ msgstr "מועדפים:"
#~ msgid "Pack File"
#~ msgstr "קובץ ארכיון"
#~ msgid "No build apk generated at: "
#~ msgstr "לא נוצר apk ב: "
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "FileSystem and Import Docks"
#~ msgstr "מערכת קבצים"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "When exporting or deploying, the resulting executable will attempt to "
#~ "connect to the IP of this computer in order to be debugged."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "בעת ייצוא או הטמעה, קובץ ההפעלה ינסה להתחבר לכתובת ה־IP של המחשב הזה "
#~ "לצורך ניפוי שגיאות."
#~ msgid "Current scene was never saved, please save it prior to running."
#~ msgstr "הסצנה הנוכחית מעולם לא נשמרה, נא לשמור אותה בטרם ההרצה."
#~ msgid "Revert"
#~ msgstr "שחזור"
#~ msgid "This action cannot be undone. Revert anyway?"
#~ msgstr "לא ניתן לבטל פעולה זו. לשחזר בכל זאת?"
#~ msgid "Issue Tracker"
#~ msgstr "עוקב תקלות"
#~ msgid "enum "
#~ msgstr "מונה "
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Brief Description"
#~ msgstr "תיאור קצר:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Class Description"
#~ msgstr "תיאור"
#~ msgid "Password:"
#~ msgstr "ססמה:"
#~ msgid "Pause the scene"
#~ msgstr "השהיית הסצנה"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Add input +"
#~ msgstr "הוספת אירוע"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Methods:"
#~ msgstr "שיטות"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Theme Properties:"
#~ msgstr "מאפיינים"
#~ msgid "Constants:"
#~ msgstr "קבועים:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Class Description:"
#~ msgstr "תיאור:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Property Descriptions:"
#~ msgstr "תיאור המאפיין:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Method Descriptions:"
#~ msgstr "תיאור השיטה:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Reverse sorting."
#~ msgstr "מוגשת בקשה…"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Can't open file_type_cache.cch for writing, not saving file type cache!"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "לא ניתן לפתוח את file_type_cache.cch לכתיבה, מטמון סוג הקבצים לא יישמר!"
#~ msgid "Cannot navigate to '%s' as it has not been found in the file system!"
#~ msgstr "לא ניתן לנווט אל ‚%s’ כיוון שלא נמצא במערכת הקבצים!"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Error: could not load file."
#~ msgstr "לא ניתן ליצור תיקייה."
#~ msgid "Select Mode (Q)"
#~ msgstr "בחירת מצב (Q)"
#~ msgid "Move Mode (W)"
#~ msgstr "מצב הזזה (W)"
#~ msgid "Rotate Mode (E)"
#~ msgstr "מצב הטיה (E)"
#~ msgid "Scale Mode (R)"
#~ msgstr "מצב שינוי קנה מידה (R)"
#~ msgid "Local Coords"
#~ msgstr "נקודות ציון מקומיות"
#~ msgid "Project List"
#~ msgstr "רשימת המיזמים"
#~ msgid "Exit"
#~ msgstr "יציאה"
#~ msgid "Unknown font format."
#~ msgstr "מבנה הגופן לא ידוע."
#~ msgid "Error loading font."
#~ msgstr "שגיאה בטעינת הגופן."
#~ msgid "Invalid font size."
#~ msgstr "גודל הגופן שגוי."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Previous Folder"
#~ msgstr "המישור הקודם"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Next Folder"
#~ msgstr "יצירת תיקייה"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open in an external image editor."
#~ msgstr "פתיחת העורך הבא"
#~ msgid "Generating solution..."
#~ msgstr "הפתרון נוצר…"
#~ msgid "Generating C# project..."
#~ msgstr "נוצר מיזם C#…"
#~ msgid "Failed to create solution."
#~ msgstr "יצירת הפתרון נכשלה."
#~ msgid "Failed to save solution."
#~ msgstr "שמירת הפתרון נכשלה."
#~ msgid "Failed to create C# project."
#~ msgstr "יצירת מיזם C# נכשלה."
#~ msgid "Create C# solution"
#~ msgstr "יצירת פתרון C#"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Enabled Classes"
#~ msgstr "חיפוש במחלקות"
#~ msgid "Update Always"
#~ msgstr "לעדכן תמיד"
#~ msgid "Path to Node:"
#~ msgstr "נתיב המפרק:"
#~ msgid "Delete selected files?"
#~ msgstr "למחוק את הקבצים הנבחרים?"
#~ msgid "There is no 'res://default_bus_layout.tres' file."
#~ msgstr "אין קובץ ‚res://default_bus_layout.tres’."
#~ msgid "Go to parent folder"
#~ msgstr "מעבר לתיקייה שמעל"
#~ msgid "Open Scene(s)"
#~ msgstr "פתיחת סצנות"
#~ msgid "Previous Directory"
#~ msgstr "התיקייה הקודמת"
#~ msgid "Next Directory"
#~ msgstr "התיקייה הבאה"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Custom Node"
#~ msgstr "גזירת מפרקים"
#~ msgid "Create Area"
#~ msgstr "יצירת שטח"
#~ msgid "Create Exterior Connector"
#~ msgstr "יצירת מחבר חיצוני"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Snap (s): "
#~ msgstr "צעד/ים:"
#~ msgid "Line:"
#~ msgstr "שורה:"
#~ msgid "Col:"
#~ msgstr "עמודה:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "OrientedPathFollow only works when set as a child of a Path node."
#~ msgstr "PathFollow2D עובד רק כאשר הוא מוגדר כצאצא של מפרק Path2D."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Remove Split"
#~ msgstr "הסרת תבנית"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Poly"
#~ msgstr "עריכת מצולע"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Splits"
#~ msgstr "פיצול נתיב"
#~ msgid "Create Poly"
#~ msgstr "יצירת מצולע"
#~ msgid "Create a new polygon from scratch"
#~ msgstr "יצירת מצולע חדש מאפס"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Zoom out"
#~ msgstr "להתרחק"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Zoom in"
#~ msgstr "להתקרב"
#~ msgid "Save Theme As"
#~ msgstr "שמירת ערכת העיצוב בשם"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Zoom:"
#~ msgstr "להתקרב"
#~ msgid "Class List:"
#~ msgstr "רשימת מחלקות:"
#~ msgid "Public Methods"
#~ msgstr "שיטות ציבוריות"
#~ msgid "Public Methods:"
#~ msgstr "שיטות ציבוריות:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Toggle folder status as Favorite."
#~ msgstr "החלפת מצב התיקייה כמועדפת"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Whole words"
#~ msgstr "מילים שלמות"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Match case"
#~ msgstr "התאמת רישיות"
#~ msgid "Search the class hierarchy."
#~ msgstr "חיפוש בהיררכיית המחלקות."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Search in files"
#~ msgstr "חיפוש במחלקות"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Built-in scripts can only be edited when the scene they belong to is "
#~ "loaded"
#~ msgstr "ניתן לערוך סקריפטים מובנים רק כאשר הסצנה אליהם הם שייכים נטענה"
#~ msgid "Convert To Uppercase"
#~ msgstr "המרה לאותיות גדולות"
#~ msgid "Convert To Lowercase"
#~ msgstr "המרה לאותיות קטנות"
#~ msgid "Error: Missing Input Connections"
#~ msgstr "שגיאה: חסרים חיבורי קלט"
#~ msgid "In"
#~ msgstr "כניסה"
#~ msgid "Out"
#~ msgstr "יציאה"
#~ msgid "In-Out"
#~ msgstr "כניסה-יציאה"
#~ msgid "Out-In"
#~ msgstr "יציאה-כניסה"
#~ msgid "Key"
#~ msgstr "מפתח"
#~ msgid "Thanks!"
#~ msgstr "תודה!"
#~ msgid "I see..."
#~ msgstr "אני רואה…"
#~ msgid "Default (Same as Editor)"
#~ msgstr "בררת מחדל (כמו העורך)"
#~ msgid "OK :("
#~ msgstr "בסדר :("
#~ msgid "Button 8"
#~ msgstr "כפתור 8"
#~ msgid "Button 9"
#~ msgstr "כפתור 9"
#~ msgid "Can't write file."
#~ msgstr "לא ניתן לכתוב קובץ."
#~ msgid "Replace By"
#~ msgstr "להחליף ב־"
#~ msgid "Backwards"
#~ msgstr "אחורה"
#~ msgid "Prompt On Replace"
#~ msgstr "להודיע על החלפה"
#~ msgid "Skip"
#~ msgstr "לדלג"
@ -14295,169 +14295,3 @@ msgstr ""
#: servers/visual/shader_language.cpp
msgid "Constants cannot be modified."
msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Singleton"
#~ msgstr "सिन्गलटन"
#~ msgid "Erase profile '%s'? (no undo)"
#~ msgstr "प्रोफ़ाइल '%s' को मिटाएं? (इसे अंडू नहीं किया जा सकता है)"
#~ msgid "Enabled Properties:"
#~ msgstr "सक्रिय प्रोपरटिज:"
#~ msgid "Enabled Features:"
#~ msgstr "सक्रिय फ़िचर्स:"
#~ msgid "Unset"
#~ msgstr "अन्सेट"
#~ msgid "Class Options"
#~ msgstr "क्लास विकल्प"
#~ msgid "Set"
#~ msgstr "सेट करे"
#~ msgid "Saved %s modified resource(s)."
#~ msgstr "सहेजा गया% संशोधित संसाधन (एस)"
#~ msgid "Q&A"
#~ msgstr "Q&A"
#~ msgid "Status:"
#~ msgstr "स्थिति:"
#~ msgid "Edit:"
#~ msgstr "संपादित:"
#~ msgid "Redownload"
#~ msgstr "रीडाउनलोड करें"
#~ msgid "(Installed)"
#~ msgstr "(स्थापित)"
#~ msgid "(Missing)"
#~ msgstr "(लापता)"
#~ msgid "Redirect Loop."
#~ msgstr "लूप को रीडायरेक्ट करते हैं।"
#~ msgid "Download Complete."
#~ msgstr "पूरा डाउनलोड करें।"
#~ msgid "Remove Template"
#~ msgstr "टेम्पलेट निकालें"
#~ msgid "Download Templates"
#~ msgstr "टेम्पलेट्स डाउनलोड करें"
#~ msgid "Select mirror from list: (Shift+Click: Open in Browser)"
#~ msgstr "सूची से दर्पण चुनें: (शिफ्ट +क्लिक: ब्राउज़र में खुला)"
#~ msgid "Move to Trash"
#~ msgstr "ट्रैश में ले जाएं"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Size"
#~ msgstr "आकार: "
#~ msgid "An animation player can't animate itself, only other players."
#~ msgstr "एक एनीमेशन खिलाड़ी खुद को चेतन नहीं कर सकता, केवल अन्य खिलाड़ी।"
#~ msgid "Clipboard is empty"
#~ msgstr "क्लिपबोर्ड खाली है"
#~ msgid "No"
#~ msgstr "नहीं"
#~ msgid "This scene has never been saved. Save before running?"
#~ msgstr "इस सीन को कभी नहीं बचाया गया। दौड़ने से पहले सहेजें?"
#~ msgid "Error trying to save layout!"
#~ msgstr "लेआउट को बचाने की कोशिश कर रहा त्रुटि!"
#~ msgid "Default editor layout overridden."
#~ msgstr "डिफ़ॉल्ट संपादक लेआउट अभिभूत।"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Add initial export..."
#~ msgstr "पसंदीदा:"
#~ msgid "FileSystem and Import Docks"
#~ msgstr "फाइलसिस्टेम और इंपोर्ट डोक्स"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "When exporting or deploying, the resulting executable will attempt to "
#~ "connect to the IP of this computer in order to be debugged."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "निर्यात या तैनाती करते समय, परिणामी निष्पादक इस कंप्यूटर के आईपी से जुड़ने का प्रयास "
#~ "करेगा ताकि डिबग किया जा सके।"
#~ msgid "Current scene was never saved, please save it prior to running."
#~ msgstr "वर्तमान दृश्य कभी नहीं बचाया गया था, कृपया इसे चलाने से पहले बचाने के लिए ।"
#~ msgid "Revert"
#~ msgstr "वापस लौटना"
#~ msgid "This action cannot be undone. Revert anyway?"
#~ msgstr "इस कार्रवाई को पूर्ववत नहीं किया जा सकता । वैसे भी वापस?"
#~ msgid "Issue Tracker"
#~ msgstr "मुद्दा पर नज़र रखने वाला"
#~ msgid "Replaced %d occurrence(s)."
#~ msgstr "बदल दिया % डी घटना (एस) ।"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Brief Description"
#~ msgstr "विवरण:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Class Description"
#~ msgstr "विवरण:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Class Description:"
#~ msgstr "विवरण:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Property Descriptions:"
#~ msgstr "विवरण:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Method Descriptions:"
#~ msgstr "विवरण:"
#~ msgid "Invalid font size."
#~ msgstr "गलत फॉण्ट का आकार |"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Create C# solution"
#~ msgstr "सदस्यता बनाएं"
#~ msgid "Line:"
#~ msgstr "रेखा:"
#~ msgid "Col:"
#~ msgstr "स्तंभ:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Zoom out"
#~ msgstr "छोटा करो"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Zoom in"
#~ msgstr "बड़ा करो"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Zoom:"
#~ msgstr "बड़ा करो"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Match case"
#~ msgstr "एक जैसा:"
#~ msgid "Thanks!"
#~ msgstr "धन्यवाद!"
#~ msgid "Skip"
#~ msgstr "छोड़ें"
@ -13922,27 +13922,3 @@ msgstr ""
#: servers/visual/shader_language.cpp
msgid "Constants cannot be modified."
msgstr "Konstante se ne mogu mijenjati."
#~ msgid "Singleton"
#~ msgstr "Sajngleton"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Move to Trash"
#~ msgstr "Premjesti Autoload"
#~ msgid "An animation player can't animate itself, only other players."
#~ msgstr "Animator ne može animirati sebe, samo druge objekte."
#~ msgid "Clipboard is empty"
#~ msgstr "Međuspremnik je prazan"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Pack File"
#~ msgstr "Otvori datoteku"
#~ msgid "Replaced %d occurrence(s)."
#~ msgstr "Zamijenjeno %d pojavljivanja."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Brief Description"
#~ msgstr "Opis:"
@ -14274,673 +14274,3 @@ msgstr ""
#: servers/visual/shader_language.cpp
msgid "Constants cannot be modified."
msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Package Contents:"
#~ msgstr "Csomag tartalma:"
#~ msgid "Singleton"
#~ msgstr "Egyke"
#~ msgid "Erase profile '%s'? (no undo)"
#~ msgstr "Törli a(z) '%s' profilt? (nem visszavonható)"
#~ msgid "Enabled Properties:"
#~ msgstr "Engedélyezett tulajdonságok:"
#~ msgid "Enabled Features:"
#~ msgstr "Engedélyezett funkciók:"
#~ msgid "Unset"
#~ msgstr "Nincs beállítva"
#~ msgid "Class Options"
#~ msgstr "Osztály beállításai"
#~ msgid "Set"
#~ msgstr "Beállít"
#~ msgid "Saved %s modified resource(s)."
#~ msgstr "%s módosított erőforrás mentve."
#~ msgid "Q&A"
#~ msgstr "Kérdések és válaszok"
#~ msgid "Status:"
#~ msgstr "Állapot:"
#~ msgid "Edit:"
#~ msgstr "Szerkesztés:"
#~ msgid "Redownload"
#~ msgstr "Letöltés újra"
#~ msgid "(Installed)"
#~ msgstr "(Telepítve)"
#~ msgid "(Missing)"
#~ msgstr "(Hiányzik)"
#~ msgid "Request Failed."
#~ msgstr "A kérés sikertelen."
#~ msgid "Redirect Loop."
#~ msgstr "Ciklus átiránítása."
#~ msgid "Download Complete."
#~ msgstr "A Letöltés Befejeződött."
#~ msgid "Remove Template"
#~ msgstr "Sablon Eltávolítása"
#~ msgid "Download Templates"
#~ msgstr "Sablonok Letöltése"
#~ msgid "Select mirror from list: (Shift+Click: Open in Browser)"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Tükör kiválasztása a listából: (Shift + kattintás: megnyitás a "
#~ "böngészőben)"
#~ msgid "Move to Trash"
#~ msgstr "Lomtárba Helyezés"
#~ msgid "Expand All Properties"
#~ msgstr "Összes tulajdonság kinyitása"
#~ msgid "Copy Params"
#~ msgstr "Paraméterek Másolása"
#~ msgid "Open in Help"
#~ msgstr "Megnyitás Súgóban"
#~ msgid "Drag: Rotate"
#~ msgstr "Húzás: Forgatás"
#~ msgid "Press 'v' to Change Pivot, 'Shift+v' to Drag Pivot (while moving)."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Nyomja meg a 'v' gombot a Forgatási Pont Megváltoztatásához, Vagy 'Shift "
#~ "+ v'-t a Forgatási Pont Húzásához (mozgás közben)."
#~ msgid "Alt+RMB: Depth list selection"
#~ msgstr "Alt + Jobb Egérgomb: Mélységi lista választás"
#~ msgid "Clone Down"
#~ msgstr "Klónozás Lefelé"
#~ msgid "Size"
#~ msgstr "Méret"
#~ msgid "Theme File"
#~ msgstr "Témafájl"
#~ msgid "Templates"
#~ msgstr "Sablonok"
#~ msgid "An animation player can't animate itself, only other players."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Egy AnimationPlayer nem tudja önmagát animálni, csak más AnimationPlayer "
#~ "node-okat."
#~ msgid "Clipboard is empty"
#~ msgstr "A vágólap üres"
#~ msgid "No"
#~ msgstr "Nem"
#~ msgid "This scene has never been saved. Save before running?"
#~ msgstr "Ez a Scene még soha nem volt mentve. Menti futtatás előtt?"
#~ msgid "Search complete"
#~ msgstr "A keresés kész"
#~ msgid "There is already file or folder with the same name in this location."
#~ msgstr "Ezen a helyen már van azonos nevű fájl vagy mappa."
#~ msgid "Error trying to save layout!"
#~ msgstr "Hiba történt az elrendezés mentésekor!"
#~ msgid "Default editor layout overridden."
#~ msgstr "Alapértelmezett szerkesztő elrendezés felülírva."
#~ msgid "Move pivot"
#~ msgstr "Forgatási pont áthelyezése"
#~ msgid "Move anchor"
#~ msgstr "Horgony áthelyezése"
#~ msgid "Resize CanvasItem"
#~ msgstr "CanvasItem átméretezése"
#~ msgid "Polygon->UV"
#~ msgstr "Sokszög -> UV"
#~ msgid "UV->Polygon"
#~ msgstr "UV -> Sokszög"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Add initial export..."
#~ msgstr "Kezdeti exportálás hozzáadása..."
#~ msgid "Pack File"
#~ msgstr "Csomagfájl"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "When exporting or deploying, the resulting executable will attempt to "
#~ "connect to the IP of this computer in order to be debugged."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Exportáláskor vagy telepítéskor az így kapott futtatható program "
#~ "megpróbál ennek a számítógépnek az IP-jéhez csatlakozni távoli "
#~ "hibakeresés érdekében."
#~ msgid "Current scene was never saved, please save it prior to running."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "A jelenlegi Scene soha nem volt még mentve, mentse el a futtatás előtt."
#~ msgid "Revert"
#~ msgstr "Visszaállítás"
#~ msgid "This action cannot be undone. Revert anyway?"
#~ msgstr "Ez a művelet nem vonható vissza. Visszaállítja mindenképp?"
#~ msgid "Revert Scene"
#~ msgstr "Scene visszaállítás"
#~ msgid "Issue Tracker"
#~ msgstr "Problémakövető"
#~ msgid "Replaced %d occurrence(s)."
#~ msgstr "Lecserélve %d előfordulás."
#~ msgid "Create Static Convex Body"
#~ msgstr "Statikus Konvex Test Létrehozása"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "There are currently no tutorials for this class, you can [color=$color]"
#~ "[url=$url]contribute one[/url][/color] or [color=$color][url="
#~ "$url2]request one[/url][/color]."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Jelenleg nincsenek oktatóanyagok ehhez az osztályhoz. [color=$color][url="
#~ "$url]Hozzájárulhat eggyel[/url][/color], vagy [color=$color][url="
#~ "$url2]kérvényezhet egyet[/url][/color]."
#~ msgid "enum "
#~ msgstr "enum "
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Brief Description"
#~ msgstr "Rövid Leírás:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Class Description"
#~ msgstr "Leírás"
#~ msgid "Project export failed with error code %d."
#~ msgstr "Projekt export nem sikerült, hibakód %d."
#~ msgid "Password:"
#~ msgstr "Jelszó:"
#~ msgid "Pause the scene"
#~ msgstr "Szünetelteti a jelenetet"
#~ msgid "Shift+"
#~ msgstr "Shift+"
#~ msgid "Alt+"
#~ msgstr "Alt+"
#~ msgid "Control+"
#~ msgstr "Control+"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Snap to Grid"
#~ msgstr "Rácshoz illesztés"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Add input +"
#~ msgstr "Bemenet Hozzáadása"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Input"
#~ msgstr "Bemenet Hozzáadása"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Methods:"
#~ msgstr "Metódusok"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Theme Properties:"
#~ msgstr "Tulajdonságok"
#~ msgid "Constants:"
#~ msgstr "Konstansok:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Class Description:"
#~ msgstr "Leírás:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Property Descriptions:"
#~ msgstr "Tulajdonság Leírása:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Method Descriptions:"
#~ msgstr "Metódus Leírás:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Reverse sorting."
#~ msgstr "Lekérdezés..."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Can't open file_type_cache.cch for writing, not saving file type cache!"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Nem lehet megnyitni a file_type_cache.cch fájlt írásra, a fájltípus "
#~ "gyorsítótár nem lesz mentve!"
#~ msgid "Cannot navigate to '%s' as it has not been found in the file system!"
#~ msgstr "Nem lehet '%s'-t elérni, mivel nem létezik a fájlrendszerben!"
#~ msgid "Error loading image:"
#~ msgstr "Hiba a kép betöltésekor:"
#~ msgid "No pixels with transparency > 128 in image..."
#~ msgstr "Nem létezik egyetlen pixel sem >128-as átlátszósággal a képben..."
#~ msgid "Parent has no solid faces to populate."
#~ msgstr "A szülőnek nincsenek kitölthető szilárd oldalai."
#~ msgid "Couldn't map area."
#~ msgstr "A területet nem lehetett leképezni."
#~ msgid "Faces contain no area!"
#~ msgstr "Az oldalak nem tartalmaznak területet!"
#~ msgid "No faces!"
#~ msgstr "Nincsenek oldalak!"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Error: could not load file."
#~ msgstr "Nem sikerült létrehozni a mappát."
#~ msgid "Doppler Enable"
#~ msgstr "Doppler engedélyezése"
#~ msgid "Error initializing FreeType."
#~ msgstr "FreeType inicializálási hiba."
#~ msgid "Unknown font format."
#~ msgstr "Ismeretlen betűtípus formátum."
#~ msgid "Error loading font."
#~ msgstr "Hiba a betűtípus betöltésekor."
#~ msgid "Invalid font size."
#~ msgstr "Érvénytelen betűtípus méret."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Previous Folder"
#~ msgstr "Előző Sík"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Next Folder"
#~ msgstr "Mappa Létrehozása"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open in an external image editor."
#~ msgstr "Következő Szerkesztő Megnyitása"
#~ msgid "Reverse"
#~ msgstr "Visszafele"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "View log"
#~ msgstr "Fájlok Megtekintése"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Enabled Classes"
#~ msgstr "Osztályok Keresése"
#~ msgid "Update Always"
#~ msgstr "Frissítés Mindig"
#~ msgid "Path to Node:"
#~ msgstr "Út a Node-hoz:"
#~ msgid "Delete selected files?"
#~ msgstr "Törli a kiválasztott fájlokat?"
#~ msgid "There is no 'res://default_bus_layout.tres' file."
#~ msgstr "Nincs 'res://default_bus_layout.tres' fájl."
#~ msgid "Go to parent folder"
#~ msgstr "Ugrás a szülőmappába"
#~ msgid "Open Scene(s)"
#~ msgstr "Scene(k) megnyitás"
#~ msgid "Previous Directory"
#~ msgstr "Előző Könyvtár"
#~ msgid "Next Directory"
#~ msgstr "Következő Könyvtár"
#~ msgid "Ease in"
#~ msgstr "Lassan Be"
#~ msgid "Ease out"
#~ msgstr "Lassan Ki"
#~ msgid "Create Convex Static Body"
#~ msgstr "Konvex Statikus Test Létrehozása"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Custom Node"
#~ msgstr "Node-ok Másolása"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Snap (s): "
#~ msgstr "Lépés (mp):"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Insert keys."
#~ msgstr "Kulcsok Beszúrása"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Font Size:"
#~ msgstr "Körvonal Mérete:"
#~ msgid "Line:"
#~ msgstr "Sor:"
#~ msgid "Col:"
#~ msgstr "Oszlop:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Add Split"
#~ msgstr "Pont hozzáadása"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Remove Split"
#~ msgstr "Pont eltávolítása"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Poly"
#~ msgstr "Sokszög Szerkesztése"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Splits"
#~ msgstr "Útvonal Felosztása"
#~ msgid "Create Poly"
#~ msgstr "Sokszög Létrehozása"
#~ msgid "Create a new polygon from scratch"
#~ msgstr "Új sokszög létrehozása a semmiből"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Zoom out"
#~ msgstr "Kicsinyítés"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Zoom in"
#~ msgstr "Nagyítás"
#~ msgid "Create Poly3D"
#~ msgstr "Poly3D Létrehozása"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "No OccluderPolygon2D resource on this node.\n"
#~ "Create and assign one?"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Nincs OccluderPolygon2D erőforrás ezen a Node-on.\n"
#~ "Létrehoz egyet és hozzárendeli a Node-hoz?"
#~ msgid "LMB: Move Point."
#~ msgstr "Bal Egérgomb: Pont Mozgatása."
#~ msgid "Ctrl+LMB: Split Segment."
#~ msgstr "Ctrl + Bal Egérgomb: Szakasz Felosztása."
#~ msgid "RMB: Erase Point."
#~ msgstr "Jobb Egérgomb: Pont Törlése."
#~ msgid "Save Theme As"
#~ msgstr "Téma Mentése Másként"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Zoom:"
#~ msgstr "Nagyítás"
#~ msgid "Class List:"
#~ msgstr "Osztálylista:"
#~ msgid "Public Methods"
#~ msgstr "Publikus Metódusok"
#~ msgid "Public Methods:"
#~ msgstr "Publikus Metódusok:"
#~ msgid "GUI Theme Items:"
#~ msgstr "GUI Téma Elemek:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Toggle folder status as Favorite."
#~ msgstr "Mappa Kedvencnek jelölése / Kedvenc jelölés visszavonása"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Whole words"
#~ msgstr "Teljes Szavak"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Match case"
#~ msgstr "Pontos Egyezés"
#~ msgid "Ok"
#~ msgstr "Rendben"
#~ msgid "Search the class hierarchy."
#~ msgstr "Keresés az osztályhierarchiában."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Search in files"
#~ msgstr "Osztályok Keresése"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Built-in scripts can only be edited when the scene they belong to is "
#~ "loaded"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "A beépített szkriptek csak akkor szerkeszthetőek, amikor az a Scene "
#~ "amihez tartoznak éppen be van töltve"
#~ msgid "Convert To Uppercase"
#~ msgstr "Konvertálás Nagybetűsre"
#~ msgid "Convert To Lowercase"
#~ msgstr "Konvertálás Kisbetűsre"
#~ msgid "Bake!"
#~ msgstr "Besütés!"
#~ msgid "Bake the navigation mesh."
#~ msgstr "A navigációs mesh besütése."
#~ msgid "Change RGB Constant"
#~ msgstr "RGB állandó változtatás"
#~ msgid "Change Vec Scalar Operator"
#~ msgstr "Vektor skalár kezelő változtatás"
#~ msgid "Change RGB Operator"
#~ msgstr "RGB kezelő változtatás"
#~ msgid "Toggle Rot Only"
#~ msgstr "Csak vörös kapcsolása"
#~ msgid "Change Vec Function"
#~ msgstr "Vektor-függvény változtatás"
#~ msgid "Change RGB Uniform"
#~ msgstr "Egységes-RGB változtatás"
#~ msgid "Change Default Value"
#~ msgstr "Alapérték változtatás"
#~ msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
#~ msgstr "Szín Gradiens Módosítása"
#~ msgid "Move Anim Track Up"
#~ msgstr "Animáció nyomvonal felfelé mozgatás"
#~ msgid "Move Anim Track Down"
#~ msgstr "Animáció nyomvonal lefelé mozgatás"
#~ msgid "Anim Track Change Interpolation"
#~ msgstr "Animáció nyomvonal interpoláció változtatás"
#~ msgid "Anim Track Change Value Mode"
#~ msgstr "Animáció nyomvonal érték mód változtatás"
#~ msgid "Anim Track Change Wrap Mode"
#~ msgstr "Animáció nyomvonal takarási mód változtatás"
#~ msgid "Edit Node Curve"
#~ msgstr "Node görbe szerkesztés"
#~ msgid "Edit Selection Curve"
#~ msgstr "Kiválasztás görbe szerkesztés"
#~ msgid "Anim Add Key"
#~ msgstr "Animáció kulcs hozzáadás"
#~ msgid "In"
#~ msgstr "Be"
#~ msgid "Out"
#~ msgstr "Ki"
#~ msgid "In-Out"
#~ msgstr "Be-Ki"
#~ msgid "Out-In"
#~ msgstr "Ki-Be"
#~ msgid "Anim Create Typed Value Key"
#~ msgstr "Animáció típusos érték kulcs létrehozás"
#~ msgid "Anim Add Call Track"
#~ msgstr "Animációhoz hívási nyomvonal hozzáadása"
#~ msgid "Length (s):"
#~ msgstr "Hossz (mp):"
#~ msgid "Cursor step snap (in seconds)."
#~ msgstr "Kurzor hozzáillesztése a lépésekhez (másodpercben)."
#~ msgid "Enable/Disable looping in animation."
#~ msgstr "Az animáció ismétlésének engedélyezése/tiltása."
#~ msgid "Add new tracks."
#~ msgstr "Új nyomvonalak hozzáadása."
#~ msgid "Move current track up."
#~ msgstr "Jelenlegi nyomvonal felfelé mozgatása."
#~ msgid "Move current track down."
#~ msgstr "Jelenlegi nyomvonal lefelé mozgatása."
#~ msgid "Track tools"
#~ msgstr "Nyomvonal eszközök"
#~ msgid "Enable editing of individual keys by clicking them."
#~ msgstr "Engedélyezi az egyes kulcsok szerkesztését rákattintással."
#~ msgid "Key"
#~ msgstr "Kulcs"
#~ msgid "Call Functions in Which Node?"
#~ msgstr "Melyik Node-ban hívjon funkciókat?"
#~ msgid "Thanks!"
#~ msgstr "Kösz!"
#~ msgid "I see..."
#~ msgstr "Értem..."
#~ msgid "Ugh"
#~ msgstr "Hoppá"
#~ msgid "Stop Profiling"
#~ msgstr "Profilozás Leállítása"
#~ msgid "Start Profiling"
#~ msgstr "Profilozás Indítása"
#~ msgid "Default (Same as Editor)"
#~ msgstr "Alapértelmezett (Ugyanaz, Mint a Szerkesztőnek)"
#~ msgid "Create new animation in player."
#~ msgstr "Új animáció létrehozása a lejátszóban."
#~ msgid "Load animation from disk."
#~ msgstr "Animáció betöltése a lemezről."
#~ msgid "Load an animation from disk."
#~ msgstr "Animáció betöltése a lemezről."
#~ msgid "Save the current animation"
#~ msgstr "Jelenlegi animáció elmentése"
#~ msgid "Edit Target Blend Times"
#~ msgstr "Cél Keverési Idők Módosítása"
#~ msgid "Copy Animation"
#~ msgstr "Animáció Másolása"
#~ msgid "Fetching:"
#~ msgstr "Lekérés:"
#~ msgid "prev"
#~ msgstr "előző"
#~ msgid "next"
#~ msgstr "következő"
#~ msgid "last"
#~ msgstr "utolsó"
#~ msgid "Edit IK Chain"
#~ msgstr "IK Lánc Szerkesztése"
#~ msgid "Drag pivot from mouse position"
#~ msgstr "Forgatási pont húzása az egér helyétől"
#~ msgid "Set pivot at mouse position"
#~ msgstr "Forgatási pont beállítása az egér helyére"
#~ msgid "Add/Remove Color Ramp Point"
#~ msgstr "Szín Gradiens Pont Hozzáadása / Eltávolítása"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Invalid version.txt format inside templates. Revision is not a valid "
#~ "identifier."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Érvénytelen version.txt formátum a sablonokban. A revízió nem érvényes "
#~ "azonosító."
#~ msgid "Can't write file."
#~ msgstr "Nem lehet fájlt írni."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Replace By"
#~ msgstr "Lecserél"
#~ msgid "Backwards"
#~ msgstr "Visszafelé"
#~ msgid "Prompt On Replace"
#~ msgstr "Figyelmeztetés Lecseréléskor"
#~ msgid "Skip"
#~ msgstr "Átlapoz"
#~ msgid "Move Add Key"
#~ msgstr "Hozzáadás kulcs mozgatása"
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -13999,26 +13999,3 @@ msgstr ""
#: servers/visual/shader_language.cpp
msgid "Constants cannot be modified."
msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Edit:"
#~ msgstr "Breyta:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Move Anim Track Up"
#~ msgstr "Færa Anim track upp"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Move Anim Track Down"
#~ msgstr "Færa Anim track niður"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Anim Track Change Value Mode"
#~ msgstr "Breyta gildisstilling í Anim track"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Anim Track Change Wrap Mode"
#~ msgstr "Anim track breyta hulum ham"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Anim Add Key"
#~ msgstr "Anim bæta við lykli"
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -14295,146 +14295,3 @@ msgstr ""
#: servers/visual/shader_language.cpp
msgid "Constants cannot be modified."
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Package Contents:"
#~ msgstr "პაკეტების დამყენებელი"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Erase profile '%s'? (no undo)"
#~ msgstr "ყველას ჩანაცვლება"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Clipboard is empty"
#~ msgstr "ბუფერი ცარიელია"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Add initial export..."
#~ msgstr "საყვარლები:"
#~ msgid "Replaced %d occurrence(s)."
#~ msgstr "შეცვლილია %d დამთხვევები."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Brief Description"
#~ msgstr "აღწერა:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Class Description"
#~ msgstr "აღწერა:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Class Description:"
#~ msgstr "აღწერა:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Property Descriptions:"
#~ msgstr "აღწერა:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Method Descriptions:"
#~ msgstr "აღწერა:"
#~ msgid "Unknown font format."
#~ msgstr "უცნობი ფონტის ფორმატი."
#~ msgid "Error loading font."
#~ msgstr "შეცდომა ფონტის ჩატვირთვისას."
#~ msgid "Invalid font size."
#~ msgstr "არასწორი ფონტის ზომა."
#~ msgid "Line:"
#~ msgstr "ხაზი:"
#~ msgid "Col:"
#~ msgstr "სვეტი:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Zoom out"
#~ msgstr "ზუმის დაპატარავება"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Zoom in"
#~ msgstr "ზუმის გაზრდა"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Zoom:"
#~ msgstr "ზუმის გაზრდა"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Whole words"
#~ msgstr "მთლიანი სიტყვები"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Match case"
#~ msgstr "საქმის დამთხვევა"
#~ msgid "Move Anim Track Up"
#~ msgstr "ანიმაციის თრექის ზემოთ გადაადგილება"
#~ msgid "Move Anim Track Down"
#~ msgstr "ანიმაციის თრექის ქვემოთ გადაადგილება"
#~ msgid "Anim Track Change Interpolation"
#~ msgstr "ანიმაციის თრექის ინტერპოლაციის ცვლილება"
#~ msgid "Anim Track Change Value Mode"
#~ msgstr "ანიმაციის თრექის მნიშვნელობის რეჟიმის ცვლილება"
#~ msgid "Anim Track Change Wrap Mode"
#~ msgstr "ანიმაციის თრექის გადატანის რეჟიმის ცვლილება"
#~ msgid "Anim Add Key"
#~ msgstr "ანიმაციის გასაღების დამატება"
#~ msgid "In"
#~ msgstr "შიგნით"
#~ msgid "Out"
#~ msgstr "გარეთ"
#~ msgid "In-Out"
#~ msgstr "შიგნიდან-გარეთ"
#~ msgid "Out-In"
#~ msgstr "გარედან-შიგნით"
#~ msgid "Anim Create Typed Value Key"
#~ msgstr "ანიმაციის ტიპირებული გასაღების შექმნა"
#~ msgid "Anim Add Call Track"
#~ msgstr "ანიმაციის გამოძახების თრექის დამატება"
#~ msgid "Length (s):"
#~ msgstr "ხანგრძლივობა (წამი):"
#~ msgid "Cursor step snap (in seconds)."
#~ msgstr "კურსორის ნაბიჯის მიახლოებით მიერთება (წამებში)."
#~ msgid "Enable/Disable looping in animation."
#~ msgstr "ანიმაციის განმეორებადობის ჩართვა/გამორთვა."
#~ msgid "Add new tracks."
#~ msgstr "ახალი თრექების ჩამატება."
#~ msgid "Move current track up."
#~ msgstr "მიმდინარე თრექის ზემოთ გადაადგილება."
#~ msgid "Move current track down."
#~ msgstr "მიმდინარე თრექის ქვემოთ გადაადგილება."
#~ msgid "Track tools"
#~ msgstr "თრექის იარაღები"
#~ msgid "Enable editing of individual keys by clicking them."
#~ msgstr "ინდივიდუალური გასაღებების მათზე დაჭერით ცვლილების ჩართვა."
#~ msgid "Key"
#~ msgstr "გასაღები"
#~ msgid "Call Functions in Which Node?"
#~ msgstr "რომელ კვანძში გამოვიძახოთ ფუნქციები?"
#~ msgid "Thanks!"
#~ msgstr "მადლობა!"
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -14282,108 +14282,3 @@ msgstr ""
#: servers/visual/shader_language.cpp
msgid "Constants cannot be modified."
msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Status:"
#~ msgstr "Statusas:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Edit:"
#~ msgstr "Redaguoti"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Redownload"
#~ msgstr "Atsiųsti iš naujo"
#~ msgid "(Missing)"
#~ msgstr "(Nerasta)"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Move to Trash"
#~ msgstr "Mix Nodas"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Theme File"
#~ msgstr "Atidaryti"
#~ msgid "An animation player can't animate itself, only other players."
#~ msgstr "Animacijos grotuvas negali animuoti savęs, tik kitus grotuvus."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Add initial export..."
#~ msgstr "Mėgstamiausi:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Brief Description"
#~ msgstr "Aprašymas:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Class Description"
#~ msgstr "Aprašymas:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Class Description:"
#~ msgstr "Aprašymas:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Property Descriptions:"
#~ msgstr "Aprašymas:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Method Descriptions:"
#~ msgstr "Aprašymas:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Select Mode (Q)"
#~ msgstr "Pasirinkite Nodus, kuriuos norite importuoti"
#~ msgid "Error initializing FreeType."
#~ msgstr "Klaida inicijuojant FreeType."
#~ msgid "Unknown font format."
#~ msgstr "Nežinomas šrifto formatas."
#~ msgid "Error loading font."
#~ msgstr "Įvyko klaida kraunant šriftą."
#~ msgid "Invalid font size."
#~ msgstr "Netinkamas šrifto dydis."
#~ msgid "Path to Node:"
#~ msgstr "Kelias iki Nodo:"
#~ msgid "Line:"
#~ msgstr "Linija:"
#~ msgid "Col:"
#~ msgstr "Stulpelis:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Zoom out"
#~ msgstr "Nutolinti"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Zoom in"
#~ msgstr "Priartinti"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Zoom:"
#~ msgstr "Priartinti"
#~ msgid "Move Anim Track Up"
#~ msgstr "Animacija: Perkelti Takelį Aukštyn"
#~ msgid "Move Anim Track Down"
#~ msgstr "Animacija: Perkelti Takelį Žemyn"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Anim Add Call Track"
#~ msgstr "Animacija: Pridėti Takelio Iškvietimą"
#~ msgid "Length (s):"
#~ msgstr "Ilgis (sek.):"
#~ msgid "Stop Profiling"
#~ msgstr "Baigti Profiliavimą"
#~ msgid "last"
#~ msgstr "paskutinis"
@ -13932,81 +13932,3 @@ msgstr ""
#: servers/visual/shader_language.cpp
msgid "Constants cannot be modified."
msgstr "Konstantes nevar pārveidot."
#~ msgid "Package Contents:"
#~ msgstr "Paketes Saturs:"
#~ msgid "Class Options"
#~ msgstr "Klases Iespējas"
#~ msgid "An animation player can't animate itself, only other players."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Animācijas atskaņotājs nevar animēt pats sevi, tikai citi spēlētāji."
#~ msgid "Clipboard is empty"
#~ msgstr "Starpliktuve ir tukša"
#~ msgid "Add initial export..."
#~ msgstr "Pievienot sākuma eksportu..."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Brief Description"
#~ msgstr "Apraksts:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Class Description"
#~ msgstr "Apraksts:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Class Description:"
#~ msgstr "Apraksts:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Property Descriptions:"
#~ msgstr "Apraksts:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Method Descriptions:"
#~ msgstr "Apraksts:"
#~ msgid "Error initializing FreeType."
#~ msgstr "Kļūme inicializējot FreeType."
#~ msgid "Unknown font format."
#~ msgstr "Nezināms fonta formāts."
#~ msgid "Error loading font."
#~ msgstr "Kļūda lādējot fontu."
#~ msgid "Invalid font size."
#~ msgstr "Nederīgs fonta izmērs."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Next Folder"
#~ msgstr "Izvēlēties šo Mapi"
#~ msgid "Delete selected files?"
#~ msgstr "Izdzēst izvēlētos failus?"
#~ msgid "Line:"
#~ msgstr "Rinda:"
#~ msgid "Col:"
#~ msgstr "Kolona:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Zoom out"
#~ msgstr "Attālināt"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Zoom in"
#~ msgstr "Pietuvināt"
#~ msgid "Zoom:"
#~ msgstr "Pietuvināt:"
#~ msgid "Length (s):"
#~ msgstr "Garums (i):"
#~ msgid "Thanks!"
#~ msgstr "Paldies!"
@ -14217,97 +14217,3 @@ msgstr ""
#: servers/visual/shader_language.cpp
msgid "Constants cannot be modified."
msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Singleton"
#~ msgstr "Singleton"
#~ msgid "Erase profile '%s'? (no undo)"
#~ msgstr "Padamkan profil '%s'? (tidak boleh buat asal)"
#~ msgid "Enabled Properties:"
#~ msgstr "Ciri-ciri Diaktifkan:"
#~ msgid "Unset"
#~ msgstr "Nyahtetap"
#~ msgid "Class Options"
#~ msgstr "Pilihan Kelas"
#~ msgid "Set"
#~ msgstr "Tetapkan"
#~ msgid "Saved %s modified resource(s)."
#~ msgstr "Sumber %s yang diubahsuai telah disimpan."
#~ msgid "Q&A"
#~ msgstr "Soal Jawab"
#~ msgid "Status:"
#~ msgstr "Status:"
#~ msgid "Edit:"
#~ msgstr "Sunting:"
#~ msgid "Redownload"
#~ msgstr "Muat turun semula"
#~ msgid "(Installed)"
#~ msgstr "(Dipasang)"
#~ msgid "(Missing)"
#~ msgstr "(Hilang)"
#~ msgid "Redirect Loop."
#~ msgstr "Ubah Hala Gelung."
#~ msgid "Download Complete."
#~ msgstr "Muat Turun Selesai."
#~ msgid "Remove Template"
#~ msgstr "Alih Keluar Templat"
#~ msgid "Download Templates"
#~ msgstr "Muat Turun Templat-templat"
#~ msgid "Select mirror from list: (Shift+Click: Open in Browser)"
#~ msgstr "Pilih cermin daripada senarai: (Shift+Click: Buka dalam Pelayar)"
#~ msgid "Move to Trash"
#~ msgstr "Pindah ke Tong Sampah"
#~ msgid "Expand All Properties"
#~ msgstr "Kembangkan Semua Sifat-sifat"
#~ msgid "Copy Params"
#~ msgstr "Salin Parameter-parameter"
#~ msgid "Open in Help"
#~ msgstr "Buka dalam Bantuan"
#~ msgid "Size"
#~ msgstr "Saiz"
#~ msgid "An animation player can't animate itself, only other players."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Pemain animasi tidak boleh animasikan dirinya sendiri, hanya pemain lain."
#~ msgid "Clipboard is empty"
#~ msgstr "Papan klip kosong"
#~ msgid "No"
#~ msgstr "Tidak"
#~ msgid "This scene has never been saved. Save before running?"
#~ msgstr "Adegan ini tidak pernah disimpan. Simpan sebelum menjalankan?"
#~ msgid "Error trying to save layout!"
#~ msgstr "Ralat semasa menyimpan susun atur!"
#~ msgid "Default editor layout overridden."
#~ msgstr "Susun atur lalai telah diganti."
#~ msgid "Move Anim Track Up"
#~ msgstr "Ubah Trek Anim Ke Atas"
#~ msgid "Move Anim Track Down"
#~ msgstr "Ubah Trek Anim Ke Bawah"
@ -14928,766 +14928,3 @@ msgstr ""
#: servers/visual/shader_language.cpp
msgid "Constants cannot be modified."
msgstr "Konstanter kan ikke endres."
#~ msgid "Left"
#~ msgstr "Venstre"
#~ msgid "Right"
#~ msgstr "Høyre"
#~ msgid "Front"
#~ msgstr "Front"
#~ msgid "Rear"
#~ msgstr "Bak"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Package Contents:"
#~ msgstr "Innhold:"
#~ msgid "Singleton"
#~ msgstr "Singleton"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Erase profile '%s'? (no undo)"
#~ msgstr "Erstatt Alle"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Enabled Properties:"
#~ msgstr "Egenskaper:"
#~ msgid "Enabled Features:"
#~ msgstr "Påskrudde funksjoner:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Class Options"
#~ msgstr "Beskrivelse"
#~ msgid "Set"
#~ msgstr "Sett"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Saved %s modified resource(s)."
#~ msgstr "Kunne ikke laste ressurs."
#~ msgid "Q&A"
#~ msgstr "Spørsmål og Svar"
#~ msgid "Status:"
#~ msgstr "Status:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Edit:"
#~ msgstr "Rediger"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Redownload"
#~ msgstr "Last Ned På Nytt"
#~ msgid "(Installed)"
#~ msgstr "(Installert)"
#~ msgid "(Missing)"
#~ msgstr "(Mangler)"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Request Failed."
#~ msgstr "Forespørsel Feilet."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Redirect Loop."
#~ msgstr "Omdirigerings-Loop."
#~ msgid "Download Complete."
#~ msgstr "Nedlastning fullført."
#~ msgid "Remove Template"
#~ msgstr "Fjern Mal"
#~ msgid "Download Templates"
#~ msgstr "Last ned Mal"
#~ msgid "Select mirror from list: (Shift+Click: Open in Browser)"
#~ msgstr "Velg speil fra liste: (Shift+Klikk: Åpne i nettleser)"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Move to Trash"
#~ msgstr "Flytt Autoload"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Expand All Properties"
#~ msgstr "Utvid alle egenskaper"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Collapse All Properties"
#~ msgstr "Kollaps alle egenskaper"
#~ msgid "Copy Params"
#~ msgstr "Kopier Parametre"
#~ msgid "Open in Help"
#~ msgstr "Åpne i Hjelp"
#~ msgid "Drag: Rotate"
#~ msgstr "Dra: Roter"
#~ msgid "Press 'v' to Change Pivot, 'Shift+v' to Drag Pivot (while moving)."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Trykk 'v' for å Endre Pivot, 'Shift+v' for å Dra Privot (under flytting)."
#~ msgid "Alt+RMB: Depth list selection"
#~ msgstr "Alt+Høyreklikk: Dybdelisteutvalg"
#~ msgid "Clone Down"
#~ msgstr "Klon Nedover"
#~ msgid "Size"
#~ msgstr "Størrelse"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Theme File"
#~ msgstr "Tema"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Remove %d projects from the list?\n"
#~ "The project folders' contents won't be modified."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Fjern %s prosjekter fra listen?\n"
#~ "Innhold i prosjektmappene vil ikke påvirkes."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Remove this project from the list?\n"
#~ "The project folder's contents won't be modified."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Fjern dette prosjektet fra listen?\n"
#~ "Innhold i prosjektmappen vil ikke påvirkes."
#~ msgid "Templates"
#~ msgstr "Maler"
#~ msgid "An animation player can't animate itself, only other players."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "En animansjonsavspiller kan ikke animere seg selv, kun andre avspillere."
#~ msgid "Clipboard is empty"
#~ msgstr "Utklippstavlen er tom"
#~ msgid "No"
#~ msgstr "Nei"
#~ msgid "This scene has never been saved. Save before running?"
#~ msgstr "Denne scene har aldri blitt lagret. Lagre før kjøring?"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Search complete"
#~ msgstr "Søk Tekst"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "No commit message was provided"
#~ msgstr "Ingen navn gitt"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "There is already file or folder with the same name in this location."
#~ msgstr "En fil eller mappe med dette navnet eksisterer allerede."
#~ msgid "Error trying to save layout!"
#~ msgstr "Error ved lagring av layout!"
#~ msgid "Default editor layout overridden."
#~ msgstr "Standard editor layout overskrevet."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Move pivot"
#~ msgstr "Flytt Pivot"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Move anchor"
#~ msgstr "Flytt Handling"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Resize CanvasItem"
#~ msgstr "Endre CanvasItem"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Add initial export..."
#~ msgstr "Legg til Input"
#~ msgid "Pack File"
#~ msgstr "Pakkefil"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "FileSystem and Import Docks"
#~ msgstr "FilSystem"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "When exporting or deploying, the resulting executable will attempt to "
#~ "connect to the IP of this computer in order to be debugged."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ved eksportering eller deploying, den følgende kjørbare filen vil prøve å "
#~ "koble til IP'en til denne datamaskinen for å bli debugget."
#~ msgid "Current scene was never saved, please save it prior to running."
#~ msgstr "Gjeldende scene ble aldri lagret, vennligst lagre før kjøring."
#~ msgid "Revert"
#~ msgstr "Gå tilbake"
#~ msgid "This action cannot be undone. Revert anyway?"
#~ msgstr "Denne handlingen kan ikke angres. Gå tilbake likevel?"
#~ msgid "Issue Tracker"
#~ msgstr "Problemtracker"
#~ msgid "Replaced %d occurrence(s)."
#~ msgstr "Erstattet %d forekomst(er)."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "There are currently no tutorials for this class, you can [color=$color]"
#~ "[url=$url]contribute one[/url][/color] or [color=$color][url="
#~ "$url2]request one[/url][/color]."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Det finnes i øyeblikket ingen beskrivelse av denne metoden, men du kan "
#~ "[colour=$color][url=$url]bidra med en[/url][/color] eller [color=$color]"
#~ "[url=$url2]be om en[/url][/color]."
#~ msgid "enum "
#~ msgstr "num "
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Brief Description"
#~ msgstr "Kort beskrivelse:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Class Description"
#~ msgstr "Beskrivelse"
#~ msgid "Project export failed with error code %d."
#~ msgstr "Eksport av prosjektet mislyktes med feilkode %d."
#~ msgid "Password:"
#~ msgstr "Passord:"
#~ msgid "Pause the scene"
#~ msgstr "Pause scenen"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Snap to Grid"
#~ msgstr "Snap til rutenett"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Add input +"
#~ msgstr "Legg til Input"
#~ msgid "Available Nodes:"
#~ msgstr "Tilgjengelige Noder:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Input"
#~ msgstr "Legg til Input"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Methods:"
#~ msgstr "Metoder"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Theme Properties:"
#~ msgstr "Egenskaper"
#~ msgid "Constants:"
#~ msgstr "Konstanter:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Class Description:"
#~ msgstr "Beskrivelse:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Property Descriptions:"
#~ msgstr "Egenskapsbeskrivelse:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Method Descriptions:"
#~ msgstr "Metodebeskrivelse:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Reverse sorting."
#~ msgstr "Ber om..."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Can't open file_type_cache.cch for writing, not saving file type cache!"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Kan ikke åpne fyle_type_cache.cch for skriving, lagrer ikke file type "
#~ "cache!"
#~ msgid "Cannot navigate to '%s' as it has not been found in the file system!"
#~ msgstr "Kan ikke navigere til '%s' for den ble ikke funnet på filsystemet!"
#~ msgid "Error loading image:"
#~ msgstr "Feil ved innlasting av bilde:"
#~ msgid "No pixels with transparency > 128 in image..."
#~ msgstr "Ingen piksler med gjennomsiktighet > 128 i bilde..."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Error: could not load file."
#~ msgstr "Kunne ikke opprette mappe."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Select Mode (Q)"
#~ msgstr "Velg Modus"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Snap Mode (%s)"
#~ msgstr "Snap til veiledere"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Tool Select"
#~ msgstr "Slett Valgte"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Remove all missing projects from the list? (Folders contents will not be "
#~ "modified)"
#~ msgstr "Fjern prosjekt fra listen? (Mappeinnhold vil ikke bli modifisert)"
#~ msgid "Project List"
#~ msgstr "Prosjektliste"
#~ msgid "Exit"
#~ msgstr "Avslutt"
#~ msgid "Error loading font."
#~ msgstr "Feil ved innlasting av font."
#~ msgid "Invalid font size."
#~ msgstr "Ugyldig fontstørrelse."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Previous Folder"
#~ msgstr "Forrige fane"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Next Folder"
#~ msgstr "Lag mappe"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open in an external image editor."
#~ msgstr "Åpne den neste Editoren"
#~ msgid "Reverse"
#~ msgstr "Reverser"
#~ msgid "Mirror X"
#~ msgstr "Speil X"
#~ msgid "Mirror Y"
#~ msgstr "Speil Y"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Generating solution..."
#~ msgstr "Lager konturer..."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Failed to create solution."
#~ msgstr "Kunne ikke lage omriss!"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Failed to save solution."
#~ msgstr "Kunne ikke laste ressurs."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Failed to create C# project."
#~ msgstr "Kunne ikke laste ressurs."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Create C# solution"
#~ msgstr "Lag Omriss"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Build Project"
#~ msgstr "Prosjekt"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "View log"
#~ msgstr "Vis Filer"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Enabled Classes"
#~ msgstr "Søk i klasser"
#~ msgid "Update Always"
#~ msgstr "Oppdater Alltid"
#~ msgid "Path to Node:"
#~ msgstr "Sti til Node:"
#~ msgid "Delete selected files?"
#~ msgstr "Slett valgte filer?"
#~ msgid "There is no 'res://default_bus_layout.tres' file."
#~ msgstr "Det er ingen 'res://default_bus_layout.tres' fil."
#~ msgid "Go to parent folder"
#~ msgstr "Gå til overnevnt mappe"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open Scene(s)"
#~ msgstr "Åpne Scene"
#~ msgid "Previous Directory"
#~ msgstr "Forrige Katalog"
#~ msgid "Next Directory"
#~ msgstr "Neste Katalog"
#~ msgid "Ease in"
#~ msgstr "Gli inn"
#~ msgid "Ease out"
#~ msgstr "Gli ut"
#~ msgid "Create folder"
#~ msgstr "Opprett mappe"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Custom Node"
#~ msgstr "Kutt Noder"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Invalid Path"
#~ msgstr ": Ugyldige argumenter: "
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "GridMap Duplicate Selection"
#~ msgstr "Dupliser Utvalg"
#~ msgid "Edit Signal Arguments:"
#~ msgstr "Forandre Signalargumenter:"
#~ msgid "Edit Variable:"
#~ msgstr "Rediger Variabel:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Insert keys."
#~ msgstr "Sett inn Nøkler"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Font Size:"
#~ msgstr "Frontvisning"
#~ msgid "Line:"
#~ msgstr "Linje:"
#~ msgid "Col:"
#~ msgstr "Kol:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Add Split"
#~ msgstr "Legg til punkt"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Remove Split"
#~ msgstr "Fjern punkt"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Poly"
#~ msgstr "Rediger Poly"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Splits"
#~ msgstr "Splitt Sti"
#~ msgid "Create Poly"
#~ msgstr "Lag Poly"
#~ msgid "Create a new polygon from scratch"
#~ msgstr "Lag en ny polygon fra bunnen"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Zoom out"
#~ msgstr "Zoom Ut"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Zoom in"
#~ msgstr "Zoom Inn"
#~ msgid "Create Poly3D"
#~ msgstr "Lag Poly3D"
#~ msgid "LMB: Move Point."
#~ msgstr "Venstreklikk: Flytt Punkt."
#~ msgid "Ctrl+LMB: Split Segment."
#~ msgstr "Ctrl+Venstreklikk: Splitt Segment."
#~ msgid "RMB: Erase Point."
#~ msgstr "Høyreklikk: Slett Punkt."
#~ msgid "Save Theme As"
#~ msgstr "Lagre drakt som"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Zoom:"
#~ msgstr "Zoom Inn"
#~ msgid "Class List:"
#~ msgstr "Klasseliste:"
#~ msgid "Public Methods"
#~ msgstr "Offentlige metoder"
#~ msgid "Public Methods:"
#~ msgstr "Offentlige metoder:"
#~ msgid "GUI Theme Items:"
#~ msgstr "GUI Tema Elementer:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Property: "
#~ msgstr "Egenskaper"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Toggle folder status as Favorite."
#~ msgstr "Vis/skjul mappestatus som Favoritt"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Show current scene file."
#~ msgstr "Velg Gjeldende Mappe"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Whole words"
#~ msgstr "Hele Ord"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Match case"
#~ msgstr "Match Tilfelle"
#~ msgid "Ok"
#~ msgstr "Ok"
#~ msgid "Search the class hierarchy."
#~ msgstr "Søk i klasse-hierarkiet."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Search in files"
#~ msgstr "Søk i klasser"
#~ msgid "Convert To Uppercase"
#~ msgstr "Konverter til store versaler"
#~ msgid "Convert To Lowercase"
#~ msgstr "Konverter til små versaler"
#~ msgid "Rotate 0 degrees"
#~ msgstr "Roter 0 grader"
#~ msgid "Rotate 90 degrees"
#~ msgstr "Roter 90 grader"
#~ msgid "Rotate 180 degrees"
#~ msgstr "Roter 180 grader"
#~ msgid "Rotate 270 degrees"
#~ msgstr "Roter 270 grader"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Get"
#~ msgstr "Hent"
#~ msgid "Change Comment"
#~ msgstr "Endre Kommentar"
#~ msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
#~ msgstr "Modifiser Farge-Rampe"
#~ msgid "Move Anim Track Up"
#~ msgstr "Flytt Anim Spor Opp"
#~ msgid "Move Anim Track Down"
#~ msgstr "Flytt Anim-Spor Ned"
#~ msgid "Set Transitions to:"
#~ msgstr "Sett Overganger til:"
#~ msgid "Anim Track Change Interpolation"
#~ msgstr "Anim Track Endre Interpolasjon"
#~ msgid "Anim Track Change Value Mode"
#~ msgstr "Anim Spor Forandre Verdi Modus"
#~ msgid "Anim Track Change Wrap Mode"
#~ msgstr "Anim Spor Endre Løkke Modus"
#~ msgid "Edit Node Curve"
#~ msgstr "Forandre Nodekurve"
#~ msgid "Edit Selection Curve"
#~ msgstr "Rediger utvalgskurve"
#~ msgid "Anim Add Key"
#~ msgstr "Anim Legg til Nøkkel"
#~ msgid "In"
#~ msgstr "Inn"
#~ msgid "Out"
#~ msgstr "Ut"
#~ msgid "In-Out"
#~ msgstr "Inn-Ut"
#~ msgid "Out-In"
#~ msgstr "Ut-Inn"
#~ msgid "Anim Create Typed Value Key"
#~ msgstr "Anim Lag Typet Verdi Nøkkel"
#~ msgid "Anim Add Call Track"
#~ msgstr "Anim Legg Til Call Track"
#~ msgid "Length (s):"
#~ msgstr "Lengde (s):"
#~ msgid "Cursor step snap (in seconds)."
#~ msgstr "Pekersteghopp (i sekunder)."
#~ msgid "Enable/Disable looping in animation."
#~ msgstr "Aktiver/Deaktiver animasjonsløkke."
#~ msgid "Add new tracks."
#~ msgstr "Legg til nye spor."
#~ msgid "Move current track up."
#~ msgstr "Flytt gjeldende spor opp."
#~ msgid "Move current track down."
#~ msgstr "Flytt gjeldende spor ned."
#~ msgid "Track tools"
#~ msgstr "Spoor verktøy"
#~ msgid "Enable editing of individual keys by clicking them."
#~ msgstr "Aktiver endring av individuelle nøkler ved å klikke på dem."
#~ msgid "Key"
#~ msgstr "Nøkkel"
#~ msgid "Call Functions in Which Node?"
#~ msgstr "Kall Funksjoner i Hvilken Node?"
#~ msgid "Thanks!"
#~ msgstr "Takk!"
#~ msgid "I see..."
#~ msgstr "Jeg forstår..."
#~ msgid "Ugh"
#~ msgstr "Æsj"
#~ msgid "Stop Profiling"
#~ msgstr "Stopp Profilering"
#~ msgid "Start Profiling"
#~ msgstr "Start Profilering"
#~ msgid "Default (Same as Editor)"
#~ msgstr "Standard (Samme som Editor)"
#~ msgid "Create new animation in player."
#~ msgstr "Lag ny animasjon i avspiller."
#~ msgid "Load animation from disk."
#~ msgstr "Last animasjon fra disk."
#~ msgid "Load an animation from disk."
#~ msgstr "Last en animasjon fra disk."
#~ msgid "Save the current animation"
#~ msgstr "Lagre den gjeldene animasjonen"
#~ msgid "Edit Target Blend Times"
#~ msgstr "Endre Blend-Tid-Mål"
#~ msgid "Copy Animation"
#~ msgstr "Kopier Animasjon"
#~ msgid "Fetching:"
#~ msgstr "Henter:"
#~ msgid "prev"
#~ msgstr "forrige"
#~ msgid "next"
#~ msgstr "neste"
#~ msgid "last"
#~ msgstr "siste"
#~ msgid "Edit IK Chain"
#~ msgstr "Endre IK Kjede"
#~ msgid "Drag pivot from mouse position"
#~ msgstr "Dra pivot fra musposisjon"
#~ msgid "Set pivot at mouse position"
#~ msgstr "Sett pivot på musposisjon"
#~ msgid "Add/Remove Color Ramp Point"
#~ msgstr "Legg til/Fjern Farge-Rampe-Punkt"
#~ msgid "OK :("
#~ msgstr "OK :("
#~ msgid "Condition"
#~ msgstr "Betingelse"
#~ msgid "Sequence"
#~ msgstr "Sekvens"
#~ msgid "While"
#~ msgstr "Mens"
#~ msgid "Return"
#~ msgstr "Returner"
#~ msgid "Call"
#~ msgstr "Ring"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Edit Signal"
#~ msgstr "Forandre Signal Argumenter:"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Invalid version.txt format inside templates. Revision is not a valid "
#~ "identifier."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ugyldig version.txt format i mal. Revisjon er ikke en gyldig "
#~ "identifikator."
#~ msgid "Can't write file."
#~ msgstr "Kan ikke skrive fil."
#~ msgid "Replace By"
#~ msgstr "Erstatt Med"
#~ msgid "Backwards"
#~ msgstr "Baklengs"
#~ msgid "Prompt On Replace"
#~ msgstr "Spør Ved Erstatning"
#~ msgid "Skip"
#~ msgstr "Hopp Over"
#~ msgid "Move Add Key"
#~ msgstr "Flytt Legg-Til-Nøkkel"
#~ msgid "List:"
#~ msgstr "Liste:"
#~ msgid " "
#~ msgstr " "
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Selection -> Clear"
#~ msgstr "Forandre Utvalgskurve"
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -14343,152 +14343,3 @@ msgstr ""
#: servers/visual/shader_language.cpp
msgid "Constants cannot be modified."
msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Set"
#~ msgstr "Set"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Edit:"
#~ msgstr "Edit"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Remove Template"
#~ msgstr "Discharge ye' Variable"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Move to Trash"
#~ msgstr "Forge yer Node!"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Expand All Properties"
#~ msgstr "Add yer Getter Property"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Theme File"
#~ msgstr "Paste yer Node"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Templates"
#~ msgstr "Discharge ye' Variable"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Move pivot"
#~ msgstr "Discharge ye' Signal"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Add initial export..."
#~ msgstr "Add Signal"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Class Description"
#~ msgstr "Yar, Blow th' Selected Down!"
#~ msgid "Available Nodes:"
#~ msgstr "yer Nodes doing nothin':"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Theme Properties:"
#~ msgstr "Paste yer Node"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Class Description:"
#~ msgstr "Yar, Blow th' Selected Down!"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Select Mode (Q)"
#~ msgstr "Slit th' Node"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Tool Select"
#~ msgstr "Yar, Blow th' Selected Down!"
#~ msgid "Error initializing FreeType."
#~ msgstr "Cant Load the FreeType Captain."
#~ msgid "Unknown font format."
#~ msgstr "Unknown Calligraphy format."
#~ msgid "Error loading font."
#~ msgstr "Error loading yer Calligraphy Pen."
#~ msgid "Invalid font size."
#~ msgstr "Yer Calligraphy be wrongly sized."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Custom Node"
#~ msgstr "Slit th' Node"
#~ msgid "Edit Signal Arguments:"
#~ msgstr "Edit ye Signal Arguments:"
#~ msgid "Edit Variable:"
#~ msgstr "Edit yer Variable:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Add Split"
#~ msgstr "Add Signal"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Invalid Split: "
#~ msgstr ": Evil arguments: "
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Remove Split"
#~ msgstr "Discharge ye' Signal"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Add Node.."
#~ msgstr "Add Node"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Show current scene file."
#~ msgstr "Slit th' Node"
#~ msgid "Get"
#~ msgstr "Get"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Set pivot at mouse position"
#~ msgstr "Discharge ye' Signal"
#~ msgid "Condition"
#~ msgstr "Condition"
#~ msgid "Sequence"
#~ msgstr "Sequence"
#~ msgid "Iterator"
#~ msgstr "Iterator"
#~ msgid "While"
#~ msgstr "While"
#~ msgid "Return"
#~ msgstr "Return"
#~ msgid "Call"
#~ msgstr "Call"
#~ msgid "Move Add Key"
#~ msgstr "Move yer Add Key"
#~ msgid "just pressed"
#~ msgstr "just smashed"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Couldn't read the certificate file. Are the path and password both "
#~ "correct?"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Blimey! I can't read th' certificate file! Are yer path n' password "
#~ "trusty?"
#~ msgid "Error creating the package signature."
#~ msgstr "Blimey! I can't create th' package signature."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Paths cannot start with '/', absolute paths must start with 'res://', "
#~ "'user://', or 'local://'"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Avast! Ye cannot steer yer ship with a '/'! Yer need t' start wit' "
#~ "'res://', 'user://', or 'local://' ye knave!"
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -14580,589 +14580,3 @@ msgstr ""
#: servers/visual/shader_language.cpp
msgid "Constants cannot be modified."
msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Package Contents:"
#~ msgstr "Conținutul pachetului:"
#~ msgid "Singleton"
#~ msgstr "Singleton (Unicat)"
#~ msgid "Erase profile '%s'? (no undo)"
#~ msgstr "Ștergeți profilul '%s'?(ireversibil)"
#~ msgid "Enabled Properties:"
#~ msgstr "Proprietăți Activate:"
#~ msgid "Unset"
#~ msgstr "Nesetat(ă)"
#~ msgid "Class Options"
#~ msgstr "Opțiuni Clase"
#~ msgid "Set"
#~ msgstr "Stabilește"
#~ msgid "Saved %s modified resource(s)."
#~ msgstr "Resurse modificate %s salvate."
#~ msgid "Q&A"
#~ msgstr "Întrebări și Răspunsuri"
#~ msgid "Status:"
#~ msgstr "Stare:"
#~ msgid "Edit:"
#~ msgstr "Editare:"
#~ msgid "Redownload"
#~ msgstr "Descarcă din nou"
#~ msgid "(Installed)"
#~ msgstr "(Instalat)"
#~ msgid "(Missing)"
#~ msgstr "(Lipsește)"
#~ msgid "Request Failed."
#~ msgstr "Cerere Eșuată."
#~ msgid "Redirect Loop."
#~ msgstr "Buclă de Redirecționare."
#~ msgid "Download Complete."
#~ msgstr "Descărcare Completă."
#~ msgid "Remove Template"
#~ msgstr "Elimină Șablon"
#~ msgid "Download Templates"
#~ msgstr "Descarcă Șabloane"
#~ msgid "Select mirror from list: (Shift+Click: Open in Browser)"
#~ msgstr "Selectează oglinda din listă: (Shift+Click: Deschide in Browser)"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Move to Trash"
#~ msgstr "Mutați Autoload"
#~ msgid "Expand All Properties"
#~ msgstr "Extindeți toate proprietățile"
#~ msgid "Copy Params"
#~ msgstr "Copie Parametrii"
#~ msgid "Open in Help"
#~ msgstr "Deschideți în Ajutor"
#~ msgid "Drag: Rotate"
#~ msgstr "Trage: Rotire"
#~ msgid "Press 'v' to Change Pivot, 'Shift+v' to Drag Pivot (while moving)."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Apasă 'v' pentru a Schimba Pivotul, 'Shift+v' pentru a Trage Pivotul (în "
#~ "timpul mișcării)."
#~ msgid "Alt+RMB: Depth list selection"
#~ msgstr "Alt+RMB: Selecție adâncime listă"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Theme File"
#~ msgstr "Deschideți un Fișier"
#~ msgid "An animation player can't animate itself, only other players."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Un player de animatie nu se poate anima insusi, doar alti playeri de "
#~ "animatie."
#~ msgid "Clipboard is empty"
#~ msgstr "Clip-board de resurse gol"
#~ msgid "No"
#~ msgstr "Nu"
#~ msgid "This scene has never been saved. Save before running?"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Această scenă nu a fost salvată niciodata. Salvați înainte de rulare?"
#~ msgid "Search complete"
#~ msgstr "Căutare completă"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "No commit message was provided"
#~ msgstr "Niciun nume furnizat"
#~ msgid "There is already file or folder with the same name in this location."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Există deja un fișier sau un dosar cu același nume în această locație."
#~ msgid "Error trying to save layout!"
#~ msgstr "Eroare la încercarea de a salva schema!"
#~ msgid "Default editor layout overridden."
#~ msgstr "Schemă implicită de editor suprascrisă."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Move pivot"
#~ msgstr "Mută Pivot"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Move anchor"
#~ msgstr "Acțiune de Mutare"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Resize CanvasItem"
#~ msgstr "Editează ObiectulPânză"
#~ msgid "Polygon->UV"
#~ msgstr "Poligon->UV"
#~ msgid "UV->Polygon"
#~ msgstr "UV->Poligon"
#~ msgid "Add initial export..."
#~ msgstr "Adăugare export inițial..."
#~ msgid "Pack File"
#~ msgstr "Împachetează Fișierul"
#~ msgid "FileSystem and Import Docks"
#~ msgstr "Sistemul De Fișiere și încărcare Bare"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "When exporting or deploying, the resulting executable will attempt to "
#~ "connect to the IP of this computer in order to be debugged."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Când exporți sau lansezi, executabilul rezultat va încerca să se "
#~ "conecteze la IP-ul acestui computer pentru a putea fi depanat."
#~ msgid "Current scene was never saved, please save it prior to running."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Scena curentă nu a fost salvată niciodată, salvați-o înainte de rulare."
#~ msgid "Revert"
#~ msgstr "Întoarcere"
#~ msgid "This action cannot be undone. Revert anyway?"
#~ msgstr "Această acțiune nu poate fi recuperată. Te reîntorci oricum?"
#~ msgid "Revert Scene"
#~ msgstr "Restabilește Scena"
#~ msgid "Issue Tracker"
#~ msgstr "Agent de Monitorizare al Problemelor"
#~ msgid "Replaced %d occurrence(s)."
#~ msgstr "Înlocuit %d potriviri."
#~ msgid "Create Static Convex Body"
#~ msgstr "Creează un Corp Static Convex"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "There are currently no tutorials for this class, you can [color=$color]"
#~ "[url=$url]contribute one[/url][/color] or [color=$color][url="
#~ "$url2]request one[/url][/color]."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Nu există în prezent nici un tutorial pentru această clasă, puteţi "
#~ "[culoare = $color] [url = $url] contribui unul [/ URL] [/ color] sau "
#~ "[culoare = $color] [url = $url2] cerere unul[/ URL] [/ color]."
#~ msgid "enum "
#~ msgstr "enum "
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Brief Description"
#~ msgstr "Descriere Scurtă:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Class Description"
#~ msgstr "Descriere"
#~ msgid "Project export failed with error code %d."
#~ msgstr "Exportul de proiect nu a reuşit cu un cod de eroare %d."
#~ msgid "Password:"
#~ msgstr "Parola:"
#~ msgid "Pause the scene"
#~ msgstr "Întrerupe scena"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Snap to Grid"
#~ msgstr "Snap pe grilă"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Add input +"
#~ msgstr "Adaugă Intrare(Input)"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Input"
#~ msgstr "Adaugă Intrare(Input)"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Methods:"
#~ msgstr "Metode"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Theme Properties:"
#~ msgstr "Proprietăți"
#~ msgid "Constants:"
#~ msgstr "Constante:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Class Description:"
#~ msgstr "Descriere:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Property Descriptions:"
#~ msgstr "Descriere Proprietate:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Method Descriptions:"
#~ msgstr "Descrierea metodei:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Reverse sorting."
#~ msgstr "Se Solicită..."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Can't open file_type_cache.cch for writing, not saving file type cache!"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Nu se poate deschide file_type_cache.cch pentru scriere, nu se salvează "
#~ "fișierul tip cache!"
#~ msgid "Cannot navigate to '%s' as it has not been found in the file system!"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Nu se poate naviga către '%s' pentru că nu a fost găsit în sistemul de "
#~ "fișiere!"
#~ msgid "Error loading image:"
#~ msgstr "Eroare la încărcarea imaginii:"
#~ msgid "No pixels with transparency > 128 in image..."
#~ msgstr "Nici un pixel cu transparența > 128 în imagine..."
#~ msgid "Parent has no solid faces to populate."
#~ msgstr "Părintele nu are fețe solide pentru a fi populate."
#~ msgid "Couldn't map area."
#~ msgstr "Nu s-a putut mapa zona."
#~ msgid "Faces contain no area!"
#~ msgstr "Unele fețe nu conțin zonă!"
#~ msgid "No faces!"
#~ msgstr "Nici o zonă!"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Error: could not load file."
#~ msgstr "Directorul nu a putut fi creat."
#~ msgid "Doppler Enable"
#~ msgstr "Activare mod Doppler"
#~ msgid "Scale Mode (R)"
#~ msgstr "Mod Redimensionare (R)"
#~ msgid "Tool Scale"
#~ msgstr "Unealtă Dimensiune"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Previous Folder"
#~ msgstr "Fila anterioară"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Next Folder"
#~ msgstr "Creați Director"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open in an external image editor."
#~ msgstr "Deschide Editorul următor"
#~ msgid "Reverse"
#~ msgstr "Revers"
#~ msgid "View log"
#~ msgstr "Vizualizează fișiere log"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Enabled Classes"
#~ msgstr "Căutare Clase"
#~ msgid "Update Always"
#~ msgstr "Actualizează Întotdeauna"
#~ msgid "Path to Node:"
#~ msgstr "Drum la Nod:"
#~ msgid "Delete selected files?"
#~ msgstr "Ştergeți fişierele selectate?"
#~ msgid "There is no 'res://default_bus_layout.tres' file."
#~ msgstr "Nu există nici un fişier 'res://default_bus_layout.tres'."
#~ msgid "Go to parent folder"
#~ msgstr "Accesați Directorul Părinte"
#~ msgid "Open Scene(s)"
#~ msgstr "Deschide Scena(ele)"
#~ msgid "Previous Directory"
#~ msgstr "Directorul Anterior"
#~ msgid "Next Directory"
#~ msgstr "Directorul Urmator"
#~ msgid "Ease in"
#~ msgstr "Facilitare în"
#~ msgid "Ease out"
#~ msgstr "Facilitare din"
#~ msgid "Create Convex Static Body"
#~ msgstr "Creează un Corp Static Convex"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Snap (s): "
#~ msgstr "Pas (s):"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Insert keys."
#~ msgstr "Inserează Note"
#~ msgid "Instance the selected scene(s) as child of the selected node."
#~ msgstr "Instanțiază scena(ele) selectată ca un copil al nodului selectat."
#~ msgid "Line:"
#~ msgstr "Linie:"
#~ msgid "Col:"
#~ msgstr "Col:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Add Split"
#~ msgstr "Adaugă punct"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Remove Split"
#~ msgstr "Elimină punct"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Poly"
#~ msgstr "Editează Poligon"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Splits"
#~ msgstr "Divizare cale"
#~ msgid "Create Poly"
#~ msgstr "Crează Poligon"
#~ msgid "Create a new polygon from scratch"
#~ msgstr "Crează un nou poligon de la zero"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Zoom out"
#~ msgstr "Zoom-ați Afară"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Zoom in"
#~ msgstr "Zoom-ați În"
#~ msgid "Create Poly3D"
#~ msgstr "Creează Poligon3D"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "No OccluderPolygon2D resource on this node.\n"
#~ "Create and assign one?"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Nicio resursă OccluderPolygon2D în acest nod.\n"
#~ "Vrei să creezi și să atribui una?"
#~ msgid "LMB: Move Point."
#~ msgstr "LMB: Mișcă Punctul."
#~ msgid "Ctrl+LMB: Split Segment."
#~ msgstr "Ctrl+LMB: Despică Segmentul."
#~ msgid "RMB: Erase Point."
#~ msgstr "RMB: Șterge Punctul."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Zoom:"
#~ msgstr "Zoom-ați În"
#~ msgid "Class List:"
#~ msgstr "Listă de Clase:"
#~ msgid "Public Methods"
#~ msgstr "Metode Publice"
#~ msgid "Public Methods:"
#~ msgstr "Metode Publice:"
#~ msgid "GUI Theme Items:"
#~ msgstr "Obiecte Tema Interfața Grafică:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Toggle folder status as Favorite."
#~ msgstr "Marchează statutul directorului ca Favorit"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Whole words"
#~ msgstr "Cuvinte Complete"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Match case"
#~ msgstr "Potrivește Caz-ul"
#~ msgid "Ok"
#~ msgstr "Bine"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Search in files"
#~ msgstr "Căutare Clase"
#~ msgid "Bake!"
#~ msgstr "Coacere!"
#~ msgid "Bake the navigation mesh."
#~ msgstr "Procesează mesh-ul de navigare."
#~ msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
#~ msgstr "Modifică Rampa de Culori"
#~ msgid "Move Anim Track Up"
#~ msgstr "Mută Pista Anim Sus"
#~ msgid "Move Anim Track Down"
#~ msgstr "Mută Pista Anim Jos"
#~ msgid "Anim Track Change Interpolation"
#~ msgstr "Anim Schimbați Interpolarea Pistei"
#~ msgid "Anim Track Change Value Mode"
#~ msgstr "Anim Schimbați Modul Valorii Pistei"
#~ msgid "Anim Track Change Wrap Mode"
#~ msgstr "Anim Schimbați Modul Învelirii Pistei"
#~ msgid "Edit Node Curve"
#~ msgstr "Editați Curba Nodului"
#~ msgid "Edit Selection Curve"
#~ msgstr "Editați Curba Selecției"
#~ msgid "Anim Add Key"
#~ msgstr "Anim Adaugați Cheie"
#~ msgid "In"
#~ msgstr "În"
#~ msgid "Out"
#~ msgstr "Afară"
#~ msgid "In-Out"
#~ msgstr "Înăuntru-Afară"
#~ msgid "Out-In"
#~ msgstr "Afară-Înăuntru"
#~ msgid "Anim Create Typed Value Key"
#~ msgstr "Anim Creați Cheie Valoare Typed"
#~ msgid "Anim Add Call Track"
#~ msgstr "Anim Adăugați Pistă Chemare"
#~ msgid "Length (s):"
#~ msgstr "Lungime (s):"
#~ msgid "Cursor step snap (in seconds)."
#~ msgstr "Pas de Cursor Snap (în secunde)."
#~ msgid "Enable/Disable looping in animation."
#~ msgstr "Activați / Dezactivați Repetiția în Animație."
#~ msgid "Add new tracks."
#~ msgstr "Adăugați piste noi."
#~ msgid "Move current track up."
#~ msgstr "Mișcați pista curentă sus."
#~ msgid "Move current track down."
#~ msgstr "Mișcați pista curentă jos."
#~ msgid "Track tools"
#~ msgstr "Unelte Pistă"
#~ msgid "Enable editing of individual keys by clicking them."
#~ msgstr "Activați editarea de chei individuale prin clic."
#~ msgid "Key"
#~ msgstr "Cheie"
#~ msgid "Call Functions in Which Node?"
#~ msgstr "Chemați Funcții în Care Nod?"
#~ msgid "Thanks!"
#~ msgstr "Mulţumiri!"
#~ msgid "I see..."
#~ msgstr "Am înțeles..."
#~ msgid "Ugh"
#~ msgstr "Uh"
#~ msgid "Stop Profiling"
#~ msgstr "Oprește Profilarea"
#~ msgid "Start Profiling"
#~ msgstr "Pornește Profilarea"
#~ msgid "Default (Same as Editor)"
#~ msgstr "Implicit (Asemănător ca Editor)"
#~ msgid "Create new animation in player."
#~ msgstr "Creează o nouă animație în player."
#~ msgid "Load animation from disk."
#~ msgstr "Încarcă animație de pe disc."
#~ msgid "Load an animation from disk."
#~ msgstr "Încarcă o animație de pe disc."
#~ msgid "Save the current animation"
#~ msgstr "Salvează actuala animație"
#~ msgid "Edit Target Blend Times"
#~ msgstr "Editează Timpul de Amestecare al Țintei"
#~ msgid "Copy Animation"
#~ msgstr "Copiză Animație"
#~ msgid "Fetching:"
#~ msgstr "Se Preia(u):"
#~ msgid "prev"
#~ msgstr "anterior"
#~ msgid "next"
#~ msgstr "următorul"
#~ msgid "last"
#~ msgstr "ultimul"
#~ msgid "Edit IK Chain"
#~ msgstr "Editează Lanț IK"
#~ msgid "Drag pivot from mouse position"
#~ msgstr "Trage pivotul de la poziția mouse-ului"
#~ msgid "Set pivot at mouse position"
#~ msgstr "Setează pivotul la poziția mouse-ului"
#~ msgid "Add/Remove Color Ramp Point"
#~ msgstr "Adaugă/Elimină Punctul Rampei de Culori"
#~ msgid "Clear!"
#~ msgstr "Curăță!"
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -14504,289 +14504,3 @@ msgstr ""
#: servers/visual/shader_language.cpp
msgid "Constants cannot be modified."
msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Singleton"
#~ msgstr "Singleton"
#~ msgid "Erase profile '%s'? (no undo)"
#~ msgstr "Vymazať profil '%s'? (Nedá sa vrátiť späť)"
#~ msgid "Enabled Properties:"
#~ msgstr "Povolené Vlastnosti:"
#~ msgid "Unset"
#~ msgstr "Unset"
#~ msgid "Class Options"
#~ msgstr "Možnosti pre Class"
#~ msgid "Set"
#~ msgstr "Nastaviť"
#~ msgid "Saved %s modified resource(s)."
#~ msgstr "Uložené %s upravené zdroje."
#~ msgid "Q&A"
#~ msgstr "Q&A"
#~ msgid "Status:"
#~ msgstr "Status:"
#~ msgid "Edit:"
#~ msgstr "Edit:"
#~ msgid "Redownload"
#~ msgstr "Preinštalovať"
#~ msgid "(Installed)"
#~ msgstr "(Nainštalované)"
#~ msgid "(Missing)"
#~ msgstr "(Chýba)"
#~ msgid "Request Failed."
#~ msgstr "Žiadosť Zlihala."
#~ msgid "Redirect Loop."
#~ msgstr "Presmerovanie \"Loop-u\"."
#~ msgid "Download Complete."
#~ msgstr "Inštalácia je Dokončená."
#~ msgid "Remove Template"
#~ msgstr "Vymazať Šablónu"
#~ msgid "Download Templates"
#~ msgstr "Stiahnuť Šablónu"
#~ msgid "Select mirror from list: (Shift+Click: Open in Browser)"
#~ msgstr "Vybrať zrkadlo z listu: (Shift+Click: Open in Browser)"
#~ msgid "Move to Trash"
#~ msgstr "Presunúť do odpadkov"
#~ msgid "Expand All Properties"
#~ msgstr "Expandovať Všetky Vlastnosti"
#~ msgid "Copy Params"
#~ msgstr "Skopírovať Parametre"
#~ msgid "Open in Help"
#~ msgstr "Otvoriť v Pomoci"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Game Camera Override\n"
#~ "No game instance running."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Prepísanie Hernej Kamery\n"
#~ "Nieje spustená žiadna herná inštancia."
#~ msgid "Drag: Rotate"
#~ msgstr "Potiahnutím: Otáčenie"
#~ msgid "Press 'v' to Change Pivot, 'Shift+v' to Drag Pivot (while moving)."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Stačte 'v' pre Zmenu Pivot-a, 'Shift+v' pre hýbanie s Pivot-om (keď sa "
#~ "hýbe)."
#~ msgid "Alt+RMB: Depth list selection"
#~ msgstr "Alt+RMB: Výber hĺbkového zoznamu"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Size"
#~ msgstr "Veľkosť: "
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Theme File"
#~ msgstr "Otvoriť súbor"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Templates"
#~ msgstr "Všetky vybrané"
#~ msgid "An animation player can't animate itself, only other players."
#~ msgstr "Animation player sa nemôže naanimovať sám, iba ostatné player-y."
#~ msgid "Clipboard is empty"
#~ msgstr "Schránka je prázdna"
#~ msgid "No"
#~ msgstr "Nie"
#~ msgid "This scene has never been saved. Save before running?"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Táto scéna ešte nikdy nebola uložená. Chcete ju uložiť predtým ako ju "
#~ "zapnete?"
#~ msgid "Search complete"
#~ msgstr "Vyhľadávanie bolo dokončené"
#~ msgid "There is already file or folder with the same name in this location."
#~ msgstr "Už tu je súbor alebo priečinok pomenovaný rovnako."
#~ msgid "Error trying to save layout!"
#~ msgstr "Error pri ukladaní layout-i!"
#~ msgid "Default editor layout overridden."
#~ msgstr "Predvolený editor layout je prepísaný."
#~ msgid "Move pivot"
#~ msgstr "Presunúť pivot"
#~ msgid "Move anchor"
#~ msgstr "Presunúť kovadlinu"
#~ msgid "Resize CanvasItem"
#~ msgstr "Zmeniť Veľkosť CanvasItem-u"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Add initial export..."
#~ msgstr "Signály:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Pack File"
#~ msgstr "Súbor:"
#~ msgid "FileSystem and Import Docks"
#~ msgstr "Systém súborov a Import Dock-y"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "When exporting or deploying, the resulting executable will attempt to "
#~ "connect to the IP of this computer in order to be debugged."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Pri exportovaní alebo deploy-ovaní, súbor resulting executable sa pokúsi "
#~ "o pripojenie do IP vášho počítača aby mohol byť debugg-ovaný."
#~ msgid "Current scene was never saved, please save it prior to running."
#~ msgstr "Aktuálna scéna sa nikdy neuložila, prosím uložte ju pred spustením."
#~ msgid "Revert"
#~ msgstr "Revert"
#~ msgid "This action cannot be undone. Revert anyway?"
#~ msgstr "Túto akciu nie je možné vrátiť späť. Chcete Revertovatť aj tak?"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Clear Script"
#~ msgstr "Popis:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Brief Description"
#~ msgstr "Popis:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Class Description"
#~ msgstr "Popis:"
#~ msgid "Shift+"
#~ msgstr "Shift+"
#~ msgid "Alt+"
#~ msgstr "Alt+"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Theme Properties:"
#~ msgstr "Filter:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Enumerations:"
#~ msgstr "Popis:"
#~ msgid "Constants:"
#~ msgstr "Konštanty:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Class Description:"
#~ msgstr "Popis:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Property Descriptions:"
#~ msgstr "Popis:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Method Descriptions:"
#~ msgstr "Popis:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Tool Select"
#~ msgstr "Všetky vybrané"
#~ msgid "Invalid font size."
#~ msgstr "Nesprávna veľkosť písma."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Previous Folder"
#~ msgstr "Vytvoriť adresár"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Next Folder"
#~ msgstr "Vytvoriť adresár"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "View log"
#~ msgstr "Súbor:"
#~ msgid "Delete selected files?"
#~ msgstr "Odstrániť vybraté súbory?"
#~ msgid "There is no 'res://default_bus_layout.tres' file."
#~ msgstr "Neexistuje žiadny súbor \"res://default_bus_layout.tres\"."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Ease in"
#~ msgstr "Všetky vybrané"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Create folder"
#~ msgstr "Vytvoriť adresár"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Create Area"
#~ msgstr "Vytvoriť adresár"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Add Split"
#~ msgstr "Signály:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Remove Split"
#~ msgstr "Všetky vybrané"
#~ msgid "Class List:"
#~ msgstr "Zoznam tried:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Show current scene file."
#~ msgstr "Vytvoriť adresár"
#~ msgid "In"
#~ msgstr "V"
#~ msgid "Out"
#~ msgstr "Von"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "In-Out"
#~ msgstr "V-Von"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Out-In"
#~ msgstr "Von-V"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Set pivot at mouse position"
#~ msgstr "Všetky vybrané"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Can't write file."
#~ msgstr "Popis:"
#~ msgid "Meta+"
#~ msgstr "Meta+"
#~ msgid "Ctrl+"
#~ msgstr "Ctrl+"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Create Android keystore"
#~ msgstr "Vytvoriť adresár"
@ -14881,562 +14881,3 @@ msgstr ""
#: servers/visual/shader_language.cpp
msgid "Constants cannot be modified."
msgstr "Konstante ni možno spreminjati."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Package Contents:"
#~ msgstr "Vsebina:"
#~ msgid "Singleton"
#~ msgstr "Posameznik"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Erase profile '%s'? (no undo)"
#~ msgstr "Zamenjaj Vse"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Enabled Properties:"
#~ msgstr "Lastnosti"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Class Options"
#~ msgstr "Opis"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Saved %s modified resource(s)."
#~ msgstr "Napaka pri nalaganju vira."
#~ msgid "Q&A"
#~ msgstr "V&O"
#~ msgid "Status:"
#~ msgstr "Stanje:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Edit:"
#~ msgstr "Uredi"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Redownload"
#~ msgstr "Ponovno Prenesi"
#~ msgid "(Installed)"
#~ msgstr "(Nameščeno)"
#~ msgid "(Missing)"
#~ msgstr "(Manjkajoče)"
#~ msgid "Request Failed."
#~ msgstr "Zahteva Ni Uspela."
#~ msgid "Redirect Loop."
#~ msgstr "Preusmeritev Zanke."
#~ msgid "Download Complete."
#~ msgstr "Prenos je Dokončan."
#~ msgid "Remove Template"
#~ msgstr "Odstrani Predlogo"
#~ msgid "Download Templates"
#~ msgstr "Prenesi Predloge"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Select mirror from list: (Shift+Click: Open in Browser)"
#~ msgstr "Izberi vire s seznama: "
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Move to Trash"
#~ msgstr "Premakni SamodejnoNalaganje"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Expand All Properties"
#~ msgstr "Razširi vse lastnosti"
#~ msgid "Copy Params"
#~ msgstr "Kopiraj Parametre"
#~ msgid "Open in Help"
#~ msgstr "Odpri v Pomoči"
#~ msgid "Drag: Rotate"
#~ msgstr "Povleci: Vrtenje"
#~ msgid "Press 'v' to Change Pivot, 'Shift+v' to Drag Pivot (while moving)."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Pritisni 'v' za Spremembo Točke in 'Shift+v' za Vleko Točke (med "
#~ "premikanjem)."
#~ msgid "Alt+RMB: Depth list selection"
#~ msgstr "Alt+RMB: Izbira globine"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Drag: Rotate\n"
#~ "Alt+Drag: Move\n"
#~ "Alt+RMB: Depth list selection"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Povlecite: Zavrtite\n"
#~ "Alt+Drag: Premaknite\n"
#~ "Alt+RMB: Izbira globine"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Theme File"
#~ msgstr "Odpri v Datoteki"
#~ msgid "Templates"
#~ msgstr "Predloge"
#~ msgid "No"
#~ msgstr "Ne"
#~ msgid "This scene has never been saved. Save before running?"
#~ msgstr "Ta scena ni bila nikoli shranjena. Shranim pred zagonom?"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Search complete"
#~ msgstr "Išči Besedilo"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "No commit message was provided"
#~ msgstr "Ime ni na voljo"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "There is already file or folder with the same name in this location."
#~ msgstr "Datoteka ali mapa s tem imenom že obstaja."
#~ msgid "Error trying to save layout!"
#~ msgstr "Napaka pri shranjevanju postavitev!"
#~ msgid "Default editor layout overridden."
#~ msgstr "Privzeti urejevalnik postavitev je bil prepisan."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Move pivot"
#~ msgstr "Premakni Točko"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Move anchor"
#~ msgstr "Premakni Dejanje"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Resize CanvasItem"
#~ msgstr "Uredi Platno Stvari"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Add initial export..."
#~ msgstr "Dodaj Vnos"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Pack File"
#~ msgstr " Datoteke"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "FileSystem and Import Docks"
#~ msgstr "DatotečniSistem"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "When exporting or deploying, the resulting executable will attempt to "
#~ "connect to the IP of this computer in order to be debugged."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Pri izvažanju ali uvajanju se bo končna izvršljiva datoteka "
#~ "razhroščevala, tako da se bo skušala povezati z IP-jem tega računalnika."
#~ msgid "Current scene was never saved, please save it prior to running."
#~ msgstr "Trenutna scena ni bila shranjena, shranite jo pred zagonom."
#~ msgid "Revert"
#~ msgstr "Povrni"
#~ msgid "This action cannot be undone. Revert anyway?"
#~ msgstr "Tega dejanja ni mogoče razveljaviti. Vseeno povrni?"
#~ msgid "Issue Tracker"
#~ msgstr "Sledilnik Napak"
#~ msgid "Replaced %d occurrence(s)."
#~ msgstr "Zamenjana %d ponovitev/e."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "There are currently no tutorials for this class, you can [color=$color]"
#~ "[url=$url]contribute one[/url][/color] or [color=$color][url="
#~ "$url2]request one[/url][/color]."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Trenutno ni vaj za ta razred, lahko ga [color=$color][url="
#~ "$url]prispevate[/url][/color] ali [color=$color][url=$url2]zahtevate "
#~ "enega[/url][/color]."
#~ msgid "enum "
#~ msgstr "oštevil "
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Brief Description"
#~ msgstr "Kratek Opis:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Class Description"
#~ msgstr "Opis"
#~ msgid "Project export failed with error code %d."
#~ msgstr "Izvoz projekta ni uspelo s kodno napako %d."
#~ msgid "Password:"
#~ msgstr "Geslo:"
#~ msgid "Pause the scene"
#~ msgstr "Zaustavi prizor"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Snap to Grid"
#~ msgstr "Pripni na mrežo"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Add input +"
#~ msgstr "Dodaj Vnos"
#~ msgid "Available Nodes:"
#~ msgstr "Na voljo Nodes:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Input"
#~ msgstr "Dodaj Vnos"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Methods:"
#~ msgstr "Metode"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Theme Properties:"
#~ msgstr "Lastnosti"
#~ msgid "Constants:"
#~ msgstr "Konstante:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Class Description:"
#~ msgstr "Opis:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Property Descriptions:"
#~ msgstr "Opis lastnosti:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Method Descriptions:"
#~ msgstr "Opis Metode:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Reverse sorting."
#~ msgstr "Zahtevam..."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Can't open file_type_cache.cch for writing, not saving file type cache!"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Za pisanje ni mogoče odpreti file_type_cache.cch, ne da bi shranili "
#~ "predpomnilnik tipa datoteke!"
#~ msgid "Cannot navigate to '%s' as it has not been found in the file system!"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ne morem se postaviti na mesto '%s', ker ni bilo najdeno v datotečnem "
#~ "sistemu!"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Error: could not load file."
#~ msgstr "Mape ni mogoče ustvariti."
#~ msgid "Select Mode (Q)"
#~ msgstr "Izberite Način (Q)"
#~ msgid "Move Mode (W)"
#~ msgstr "Način Premika (W)"
#~ msgid "Rotate Mode (E)"
#~ msgstr "Način Vrtenja (E)"
#~ msgid "Scale Mode (R)"
#~ msgstr "Način Obsega (R)"
#~ msgid "Tool Select"
#~ msgstr "Izbira Orodja"
#~ msgid "Project List"
#~ msgstr "Seznam Projektov"
#~ msgid "Exit"
#~ msgstr "Izhod"
#~ msgid "Error initializing FreeType."
#~ msgstr "Napaka pri inicializaciji FreeType."
#~ msgid "Unknown font format."
#~ msgstr "Neznani format pisave."
#~ msgid "Error loading font."
#~ msgstr "Napaka nalaganja pisave."
#~ msgid "Invalid font size."
#~ msgstr "Neveljavna velikost pisave."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Previous Folder"
#~ msgstr "Prejšnji zavihek"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Next Folder"
#~ msgstr "Ustvarite Mapo"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open in an external image editor."
#~ msgstr "Odpri naslednji Urejevalnik"
#~ msgid "Reverse"
#~ msgstr "Obrni"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "View log"
#~ msgstr "Ogled datotek"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Enabled Classes"
#~ msgstr "Išči Razrede"
#~ msgid "Update Always"
#~ msgstr "Posodobi Vedno"
#~ msgid "Raw Mode"
#~ msgstr "Neobdelan način"
#~ msgid "Path to Node:"
#~ msgstr "Pot do Gradnika:"
#~ msgid "Delete selected files?"
#~ msgstr "Izbrišem izbrane datoteke?"
#~ msgid "There is no 'res://default_bus_layout.tres' file."
#~ msgstr "Datoteka 'res://default_bus_layout.tres' ne obstaja."
#~ msgid "Go to parent folder"
#~ msgstr "Pojdi v nadrejeno mapo"
#~ msgid "Open Scene(s)"
#~ msgstr "Odpri Prizor(e)"
#~ msgid "Previous Directory"
#~ msgstr "Prejšna Mapa"
#~ msgid "Next Directory"
#~ msgstr "Naslednja Mapa"
#~ msgid "Create folder"
#~ msgstr "Ustvarite mapo"
#~ msgid "Invalid Path"
#~ msgstr "Neveljavna Pot"
#~ msgid "Edit Signal Arguments:"
#~ msgstr "Uredi Argumente Signala:"
#~ msgid "Edit Variable:"
#~ msgstr "Uredi Spremenljivko:"
#~ msgid "Line:"
#~ msgstr "Vrstica:"
#~ msgid "Col:"
#~ msgstr "Stolpec:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Add Split"
#~ msgstr "Dodaj točko"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Remove Split"
#~ msgstr "Odstrani točko"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Poly"
#~ msgstr "Uredi Poligon"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Add Node.."
#~ msgstr "Dodaj vozlišče"
#~ msgid "Create Poly"
#~ msgstr "Ustvarite Poligon"
#~ msgid "Create a new polygon from scratch"
#~ msgstr "Ustvari nov poligon od začetka"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Zoom out"
#~ msgstr "Oddalji"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Zoom in"
#~ msgstr "Približaj"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Zoom:"
#~ msgstr "Približaj"
#~ msgid "Class List:"
#~ msgstr "Seznam Razredov:"
#~ msgid "Public Methods"
#~ msgstr "Javne Metode"
#~ msgid "Public Methods:"
#~ msgstr "Javne Metode:"
#~ msgid "GUI Theme Items:"
#~ msgstr "Elementi GUI Teme:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Toggle folder status as Favorite."
#~ msgstr "Nastavi mapo status kot Priljubljeno"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Show current scene file."
#~ msgstr "Izberi trenutno pod-ploščo v urejanju."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Whole words"
#~ msgstr "Cele Besede"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Match case"
#~ msgstr "Ujemanje Velikih Črk"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Search in files"
#~ msgstr "Išči Razrede"
#~ msgid "Move Anim Track Up"
#~ msgstr "Premakni animacijsko sled gor"
#~ msgid "Move Anim Track Down"
#~ msgstr "Premakni animacijsko sled dol"
#~ msgid "Set Transitions to:"
#~ msgstr "Nastavi prehode na:"
#~ msgid "Anim Track Change Interpolation"
#~ msgstr "Animacija Spremeni interpolacijo sledi"
#~ msgid "Anim Track Change Value Mode"
#~ msgstr "Animacija Spremeni način vrednosti sledi"
#~ msgid "Anim Track Change Wrap Mode"
#~ msgstr "Animacija Spremeni način ovijanja sledi"
#~ msgid "Edit Selection Curve"
#~ msgstr "Uredi Krivulje izbora"
#~ msgid "Anim Add Key"
#~ msgstr "Animacija Dodaj ključ"
#~ msgid "In"
#~ msgstr "V"
#~ msgid "Out"
#~ msgstr "Ven"
#~ msgid "Anim Create Typed Value Key"
#~ msgstr "V Animaciji Ustvari Vneseno Vrednost Ključa"
#~ msgid "Anim Add Call Track"
#~ msgstr "Dodaj Klicajočo Sled v Animacijo"
#~ msgid "Length (s):"
#~ msgstr "Dolžina (s):"
#~ msgid "Cursor step snap (in seconds)."
#~ msgstr "Korak postavitve kazalca (v sekundah)."
#~ msgid "Enable/Disable looping in animation."
#~ msgstr "Omogoči/Onemogoči zankanje v animaciji."
#~ msgid "Add new tracks."
#~ msgstr "Dodaj Novo Sled."
#~ msgid "Move current track up."
#~ msgstr "Trenutno sled premakni gor."
#~ msgid "Move current track down."
#~ msgstr "Trenutno sled premakni dol."
#~ msgid "Track tools"
#~ msgstr "Orodja sledi"
#~ msgid "Enable editing of individual keys by clicking them."
#~ msgstr "S klikom na posamezne ključe omogočite njihovo urejanje."
#~ msgid "Key"
#~ msgstr "Črka"
#~ msgid "Call Functions in Which Node?"
#~ msgstr "Klic funkcije v katerem gradniku?"
#~ msgid "Thanks!"
#~ msgstr "Hvala!"
#~ msgid "I see..."
#~ msgstr "Vidim..."
#~ msgid "Ugh"
#~ msgstr "Uh"
#~ msgid "Stop Profiling"
#~ msgstr "Ustavi Modeliranje"
#~ msgid "Start Profiling"
#~ msgstr "Začni Modeliranje"
#~ msgid "Default (Same as Editor)"
#~ msgstr "Privzeto (Enako kot Urejevalnik)"
#~ msgid "Create new animation in player."
#~ msgstr "Ustvari novo animacijo v predvajalniku."
#~ msgid "Load animation from disk."
#~ msgstr "Naloži animacijo z diska."
#~ msgid "Load an animation from disk."
#~ msgstr "Naloži animacijo z diska."
#~ msgid "Save the current animation"
#~ msgstr "Shrani trenutno animacijo"
#~ msgid "Edit Target Blend Times"
#~ msgstr "Uredi čas mešanice cilja"
#~ msgid "Copy Animation"
#~ msgstr "Kopiraj Animacijo"
#~ msgid "Fetching:"
#~ msgstr "Pridobivanje:"
#~ msgid "prev"
#~ msgstr "prejšnji"
#~ msgid "next"
#~ msgstr "naslednji"
#~ msgid "last"
#~ msgstr "zadnji"
#~ msgid "Edit IK Chain"
#~ msgstr "Uredi Verigo IK"
#~ msgid "Set pivot at mouse position"
#~ msgstr "Nastavite točko na položaj miške"
#~ msgid "Edit Signal"
#~ msgstr "Uredi Signal"
#~ msgid "Replace By"
#~ msgstr "Zamenjaj Z"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Custom node has no _get_output_port_unsequenced(idx,wmem), but "
#~ "unsequenced ports were specified."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Custom node nima _get_output_port_unsequenced(idx,wmem), vendar "
#~ "nezaporedni porti so bili določeni."
@ -14409,213 +14409,3 @@ msgstr ""
#: servers/visual/shader_language.cpp
msgid "Constants cannot be modified."
msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Singleton"
#~ msgstr "Vetmitar"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Erase profile '%s'? (no undo)"
#~ msgstr "Zëvendëso të gjitha (pa kthim pas)"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Enabled Properties:"
#~ msgstr "Vetitë:"
#~ msgid "Set"
#~ msgstr "Vendos"
#~ msgid "Saved %s modified resource(s)."
#~ msgstr "U ruajtën resurset e modifikuara të %s."
#~ msgid "Q&A"
#~ msgstr "Pyetje&Përgjigje"
#~ msgid "Status:"
#~ msgstr "Statusi:"
#~ msgid "Edit:"
#~ msgstr "Modifiko:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Redownload"
#~ msgstr "Ri-Shkarko"
#~ msgid "(Installed)"
#~ msgstr "(E Instaluar)"
#~ msgid "(Missing)"
#~ msgstr "(Mungon)"
#~ msgid "Request Failed."
#~ msgstr "Kërkimi Dështoi."
#~ msgid "Redirect Loop."
#~ msgstr "Ridrejto Ciklin."
#~ msgid "Download Complete."
#~ msgstr "Shkarkimi u Plotësua."
#~ msgid "Remove Template"
#~ msgstr "Hiq Shabllonin"
#~ msgid "Download Templates"
#~ msgstr "Shkarko Shabllonet"
#~ msgid "Select mirror from list: (Shift+Click: Open in Browser)"
#~ msgstr "Zgjidh pasqyrën nga lista: (Shift+Kliko: Për ta hapur në shfletues)"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Move to Trash"
#~ msgstr "Lëviz Autoload-in"
#~ msgid "Expand All Properties"
#~ msgstr "Zgjero Të Gjitha Vetitë"
#~ msgid "Collapse All Properties"
#~ msgstr "Zvogëlo Të Gjitha Vetitë"
#~ msgid "Copy Params"
#~ msgstr "Kopjo Parametrat"
#~ msgid "Open in Help"
#~ msgstr "Hap në Ndihmë"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Size"
#~ msgstr "Madhësia: "
#~ msgid "Clipboard is empty"
#~ msgstr "Clipboard-i është bosh"
#~ msgid "No"
#~ msgstr "Jo"
#~ msgid "This scene has never been saved. Save before running?"
#~ msgstr "Kjo skenë nuk është ruajtur më parë. Ruaje para se të fillosh?"
#~ msgid "Search complete"
#~ msgstr "Kërkimi u kompletua"
#~ msgid "There is already file or folder with the same name in this location."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ekziston që më parë një skedar ose folder me të njëjtin emër në këtë "
#~ "vendndodhje."
#~ msgid "Error trying to save layout!"
#~ msgstr "Gabim duke provuar të ruaj faqosjen!"
#~ msgid "Default editor layout overridden."
#~ msgstr "Faqosja e parazgjedhur e editorit u mbishkel."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Add initial export..."
#~ msgstr "Shto te të preferuarat"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Pack File"
#~ msgstr " Skedarët"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "FileSystem and Import Docks"
#~ msgstr "FileSystem"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "When exporting or deploying, the resulting executable will attempt to "
#~ "connect to the IP of this computer in order to be debugged."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Kur eksporton ose dorëzon, rezultati i ekzekutueshëm do të tentoj të "
#~ "lidhet me IP-në e këtij kompjuteri në mënyrë që të rregullohet."
#~ msgid "Current scene was never saved, please save it prior to running."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Skena aktuale nuk është ruajtur më parë, ju lutem ruajeni para se të "
#~ "filloni."
#~ msgid "Revert"
#~ msgstr "Rikthe"
#~ msgid "This action cannot be undone. Revert anyway?"
#~ msgstr "Ky veprim nuk mund të çbëhet. Rikthe gjithsesi?"
#~ msgid "Issue Tracker"
#~ msgstr "Gjurmuesi i Problemeve"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "There are currently no tutorials for this class, you can [color=$color]"
#~ "[url=$url]contribute one[/url][/color] or [color=$color][url="
#~ "$url2]request one[/url][/color]."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Nuk ka për momentin tutoriale për këtë klas, ti mund të [color=$color]"
#~ "[url=$url]contribute one[/url][/color] ose [color=$color][url="
#~ "$url2]request one[/url][/color]."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Brief Description"
#~ msgstr "Përshkrim i Shkurtër:"
#~ msgid "Class Description"
#~ msgstr "Përshkrimi i Klasës"
#~ msgid "Project export failed with error code %d."
#~ msgstr "Eksportimi i projektit dështoi me kodin e gabimit %d."
#~ msgid "Password:"
#~ msgstr "Fjalëkalimi:"
#~ msgid "Pause the scene"
#~ msgstr "Pusho skenën"
#~ msgid "Methods:"
#~ msgstr "Metodat:"
#~ msgid "Theme Properties:"
#~ msgstr "Vetitë e Temës:"
#~ msgid "Constants:"
#~ msgstr "Konstantet:"
#~ msgid "Class Description:"
#~ msgstr "Përshkrimi i Klasës:"
#~ msgid "Property Descriptions:"
#~ msgstr "Përshkrimi i Vetive:"
#~ msgid "Method Descriptions:"
#~ msgstr "Përshkrimi i Metodes:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Reverse sorting."
#~ msgstr "Duke bër kërkesën..."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Can't open file_type_cache.cch for writing, not saving file type cache!"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Nuk mund të hapi file_type_catche.cch për të shkruajtur, skedari nuk do "
#~ "të ruhet!"
#~ msgid "Cannot navigate to '%s' as it has not been found in the file system!"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Nuk mund të navigoj te '%s' sepse nuk është gjetur në sistemin e "
#~ "skedarëve!"
#~ msgid "Previous Folder"
#~ msgstr "Folderi i Mëparshëm"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open in an external image editor."
#~ msgstr "Hap Editorin tjetër"
#~ msgid "Update Always"
#~ msgstr "Përditëso Gjithmonë"
#~ msgid "Delete selected files?"
#~ msgstr "Fshi skedarët e zgjedhur?"
#~ msgid "Open Scene(s)"
#~ msgstr "Hap Skenat"
#~ msgid "Previous Directory"
#~ msgstr "Direktoria e Mëparshme"
#~ msgid "Next Directory"
#~ msgstr "Direktoria Tjetër"
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -14043,36 +14043,3 @@ msgstr ""
#: servers/visual/shader_language.cpp
msgid "Constants cannot be modified."
msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Move Anim Track Up"
#~ msgstr "Pomjeri Kanal Animacije Gore"
#~ msgid "Move Anim Track Down"
#~ msgstr "Pomjeri Kanal Animacije Dole"
#~ msgid "Anim Track Change Interpolation"
#~ msgstr "Animacija Promjeni Interpolaciju Kanala"
#~ msgid "Anim Track Change Value Mode"
#~ msgstr "Animacija Promjeni Vrijednosni Režim Kanala"
#~ msgid "Anim Track Change Wrap Mode"
#~ msgstr "Animacija Promjeni Režim Omotavanja Kanala"
#~ msgid "Anim Add Key"
#~ msgstr "Animacija Dodaj Ključ"
#~ msgid "In"
#~ msgstr "U"
#~ msgid "Out"
#~ msgstr "Izvan"
#~ msgid "In-Out"
#~ msgstr "U-Izvan"
#~ msgid "Out-In"
#~ msgstr "Izvan-U"
#~ msgid "Anim Create Typed Value Key"
#~ msgstr "Animacija Napravit Tip Vrijednosni Ključ"
@ -14602,620 +14602,3 @@ msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "Constants cannot be modified."
msgstr "Konstanter kan inte ändras."
#~ msgid "Bottom"
#~ msgstr "Botten"
#~ msgid "Left"
#~ msgstr "Vänster"
#~ msgid "Right"
#~ msgstr "Höger"
#~ msgid "Front"
#~ msgstr "Framsida"
#~ msgid "Rear"
#~ msgstr "Baksida"
#~ msgid "Package Contents:"
#~ msgstr "Paketets Innehåll:"
#~ msgid "Singleton"
#~ msgstr "Singleton"
#~ msgid "Erase profile '%s'? (no undo)"
#~ msgstr "Rensa profil ‘%s’? (Du kan inte ångra den här åtgärden )"
#~ msgid "Enabled Properties:"
#~ msgstr "Egenskaper:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Class Options"
#~ msgstr "Beskrivning"
#~ msgid "Set"
#~ msgstr "Sätt"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Saved %s modified resource(s)."
#~ msgstr "Misslyckades att ladda resurs."
#~ msgid "Q&A"
#~ msgstr "Frågor och svar"
#~ msgid "Status:"
#~ msgstr "Status:"
#~ msgid "Edit:"
#~ msgstr "Redigera:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Redownload"
#~ msgstr "Ladda ner"
#~ msgid "(Installed)"
#~ msgstr "(Installerad)"
#~ msgid "(Missing)"
#~ msgstr "(Saknas)"
#~ msgid "Redirect Loop."
#~ msgstr "Omdirigera Loop."
#~ msgid "Download Complete."
#~ msgstr "Nedladdning Klar."
#~ msgid "Remove Template"
#~ msgstr "Ta Bort Mall"
#~ msgid "Download Templates"
#~ msgstr "Ladda Ner Mallar"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Move to Trash"
#~ msgstr "Flytta Autoload"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Expand All Properties"
#~ msgstr "Expandera alla"
#~ msgid "Copy Params"
#~ msgstr "Kopiera Params"
#~ msgid "Open in Help"
#~ msgstr "Öppna i Hjälp"
#~ msgid "Add All"
#~ msgstr "Lägg till Alla"
#~ msgid "Create Empty Template"
#~ msgstr "Skapa tom mall"
#~ msgid "Data Type:"
#~ msgstr "Datatyp:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Theme File"
#~ msgstr "Tema"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Remove this project from the list?\n"
#~ "The project folder's contents won't be modified."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Vill du ta bort projektet från listan?\n"
#~ "Projektetmappens innehåll kommer inte ändras."
#~ msgid "Templates"
#~ msgstr "Mallar"
#~ msgid "An animation player can't animate itself, only other players."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "En animationsspelare kan inte animera sig själv, utan bara andra spelare."
#~ msgid "Clipboard is empty"
#~ msgstr "Urklipp är tomt"
#~ msgid "No"
#~ msgstr "Nej"
#~ msgid "This scene has never been saved. Save before running?"
#~ msgstr "Denna scenen har aldrig sparats. Spara innan körning?"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Search complete"
#~ msgstr "Söktext"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "There is already file or folder with the same name in this location."
#~ msgstr "En fil eller mapp med detta namn finns redan."
#~ msgid "Error trying to save layout!"
#~ msgstr "Fel vid försök att spara layout!"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Move pivot"
#~ msgstr "Flytta Upp"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Move anchor"
#~ msgstr "Flytta Ner"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Add initial export..."
#~ msgstr "Favoriter:"
#~ msgid "Patches"
#~ msgstr "Patchar"
#~ msgid "Make Patch"
#~ msgstr "Gör Patch"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Pack File"
#~ msgstr "Packar"
#~ msgid "Current scene was never saved, please save it prior to running."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Nuvarande scen har aldrig sparats, vänligen spara den innan körning."
#~ msgid "Revert"
#~ msgstr "Återställ"
#~ msgid "This action cannot be undone. Revert anyway?"
#~ msgstr "Åtgärden kan inte ångras. Återställ ändå?"
#~ msgid "Replaced %d occurrence(s)."
#~ msgstr "Ersatte %d förekomst(er)."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "There are currently no tutorials for this class, you can [color=$color]"
#~ "[url=$url]contribute one[/url][/color] or [color=$color][url="
#~ "$url2]request one[/url][/color]."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Det finns för närvarande ingen beskrivning för denna metod. Snälla hjälp "
#~ "oss genom att [color=$color][url=$url]bidra med en[/url][/color]!"
#~ msgid "enum "
#~ msgstr "enum "
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Brief Description"
#~ msgstr "Kort Beskrivning:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Class Description"
#~ msgstr "Beskrivning"
#~ msgid "Project export failed with error code %d."
#~ msgstr "Projekt exporten misslyckades med följande felmeddelande %d."
#~ msgid "Password:"
#~ msgstr "Lösenord:"
#~ msgid "Pause the scene"
#~ msgstr "Pausa scenen"
#~ msgid "Shift+"
#~ msgstr "Skift+"
#~ msgid "Alt+"
#~ msgstr "Alt+"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Add input +"
#~ msgstr "Lägg till Signal"
#~ msgid "Language"
#~ msgstr "Språk"
#~ msgid "Inherits"
#~ msgstr "Ärver"
#~ msgid "Available Nodes:"
#~ msgstr "Tillgängliga Noder:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Methods:"
#~ msgstr "Metoder"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Theme Properties:"
#~ msgstr "Egenskaper"
#~ msgid "Enumerations:"
#~ msgstr "Enumerations:"
#~ msgid "Constants:"
#~ msgstr "Konstanter:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Class Description:"
#~ msgstr "Beskrivning:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Property Descriptions:"
#~ msgstr "Egenskapsbeskrivning:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Method Descriptions:"
#~ msgstr "Metodbeskrivning:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Delete Node(s)?"
#~ msgstr "Ta bort Nod(er)?"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Error: could not load file."
#~ msgstr "Fel - Kunde inte skapa Skript i filsystemet."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Select Mode (Q)"
#~ msgstr "Välj Node"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Project List"
#~ msgstr "Projektlista"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Exit"
#~ msgstr "Avsluta"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Error initializing FreeType."
#~ msgstr "Fel vid initiering av FreeType."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Unknown font format."
#~ msgstr "Okänt fontformat."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Error loading font."
#~ msgstr "Fel vid laddning av font."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Invalid font size."
#~ msgstr "Ogiltig teckenstorlek."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Previous Folder"
#~ msgstr "Föregående flik"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Next Folder"
#~ msgstr "Skapa Mapp"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Mirror X"
#~ msgstr "Spegla X"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Mirror Y"
#~ msgstr "Spegla Y"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Generating solution..."
#~ msgstr "Skapar konturer..."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Failed to create solution."
#~ msgstr "Misslyckades att ladda resurs."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Failed to save solution."
#~ msgstr "Misslyckades att ladda resurs."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Failed to create C# project."
#~ msgstr "Misslyckades att ladda resurs."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Create C# solution"
#~ msgstr "Skapa Prenumeration"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Build Project"
#~ msgstr "Projekt"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "View log"
#~ msgstr "Visa Filer"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Enabled Classes"
#~ msgstr "Sök Klasser"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Update Always"
#~ msgstr "Uppdatera Alltid"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Path to Node:"
#~ msgstr "Sökväg till Node:"
#~ msgid "Delete selected files?"
#~ msgstr "Ta bort valda filer?"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "There is no 'res://default_bus_layout.tres' file."
#~ msgstr "Det finns ingen 'res://default_bus_layout.tres' fil."
#~ msgid "Go to parent folder"
#~ msgstr "Gå till överordnad mapp"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open Scene(s)"
#~ msgstr "Öppna Scen"
#~ msgid "Create folder"
#~ msgstr "Skapa mapp"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Custom Node"
#~ msgstr "Klipp ut Noder"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Invalid Path"
#~ msgstr "Ogiltig Sökväg"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Edit Variable:"
#~ msgstr "Redigera Variabel:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Instance the selected scene(s) as child of the selected node."
#~ msgstr "Instansiera valda scen(er) som barn till vald Node."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Font Size:"
#~ msgstr "Vy framifrån"
#~ msgid "Line:"
#~ msgstr "Rad:"
#~ msgid "Col:"
#~ msgstr "Kolumn:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "OrientedPathFollow only works when set as a child of a Path node."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "PathFollow2D fungerar bara när den är satt som ett barn till en Path2D-"
#~ "Node."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Remove Split"
#~ msgstr "Ta Bort Mall"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Poly"
#~ msgstr "Redigera Polygon"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Add Node.."
#~ msgstr "Lägg Till Node"
#~ msgid "Create from scene?"
#~ msgstr "Skapa från scen?"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Create a new polygon from scratch"
#~ msgstr "Skapa ny polygon från grunden"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Zoom out"
#~ msgstr "Zooma Ut"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Zoom in"
#~ msgstr "Zooma In"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "No OccluderPolygon2D resource on this node.\n"
#~ "Create and assign one?"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ingen OccluderPolygon2D resurs på denna Node.\n"
#~ "Skapa och tilldela en?"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Save Theme As"
#~ msgstr "Spara Tema Som"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Zoom:"
#~ msgstr "Zooma In"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Class List:"
#~ msgstr "Klasslista:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Public Methods"
#~ msgstr "Publika Metoder"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Public Methods:"
#~ msgstr "Publika Metoder:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Toggle folder status as Favorite."
#~ msgstr "Växla Favorit"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Show current scene file."
#~ msgstr "Skapa Mapp"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Whole words"
#~ msgstr "Hela Ord"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Match case"
#~ msgstr "Matcha gemener/versaler"
#~ msgid "Ok"
#~ msgstr "Ok"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Show In File System"
#~ msgstr "Visa i Filsystemet"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Search in files"
#~ msgstr "Sök Klasser"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Convert To Uppercase"
#~ msgstr "Konvertera till Versaler"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Convert To Lowercase"
#~ msgstr "Konvertera till Gemener"
#~ msgid "Rotate 90 degrees"
#~ msgstr "Rotera 90 grader"
#~ msgid "Rotate 180 degrees"
#~ msgstr "Rotera 180 grader"
#~ msgid "Rotate 270 degrees"
#~ msgstr "Rotera 270 grader"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Errors:"
#~ msgstr "Fel:"
#~ msgid "Move Anim Track Up"
#~ msgstr "Flytta Anim Spåra Uppåt"
#~ msgid "Move Anim Track Down"
#~ msgstr "Flytta Anim Spår Neråt"
#~ msgid "Anim Track Change Interpolation"
#~ msgstr "Anim Ändra Spårets Interpolation"
#~ msgid "Anim Track Change Value Mode"
#~ msgstr "Ändra Anim Spårets Värde Läge"
#~ msgid "Anim Track Change Wrap Mode"
#~ msgstr "Anim Spåra Ändra Linda om Läge"
#~ msgid "Edit Selection Curve"
#~ msgstr "Redigera Urvalsurva"
#~ msgid "Anim Add Key"
#~ msgstr "Anim Lägg Till Nyckel"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "In"
#~ msgstr "In"
#~ msgid "Out"
#~ msgstr "Ut"
#~ msgid "In-Out"
#~ msgstr "In-Ut"
#~ msgid "Out-In"
#~ msgstr "Ut-In"
#~ msgid "Change Anim Len"
#~ msgstr "Ändra Anim Längd"
#~ msgid "Length (s):"
#~ msgstr "Längd (s):"
#~ msgid "Enable/Disable looping in animation."
#~ msgstr "Aktivera/Inaktivera looping i animation."
#~ msgid "Add new tracks."
#~ msgstr "Lägg till nya spår."
#~ msgid "Move current track up."
#~ msgstr "Flytta nuvarande spår upp."
#~ msgid "Move current track down."
#~ msgstr "Flytta nuvarande spår ner."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Track tools"
#~ msgstr "Spårverktyg"
#~ msgid "Enable editing of individual keys by clicking them."
#~ msgstr "Aktivera editering av individuella nycklar genom att klicka på dem."
#~ msgid "Key"
#~ msgstr "Nyckel"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Call Functions in Which Node?"
#~ msgstr "Anropa funktioner i vilken Node?"
#~ msgid "Thanks!"
#~ msgstr "Tack!"
#~ msgid "I see..."
#~ msgstr "Jag förstår..."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Ugh"
#~ msgstr "Ugh"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Run Script"
#~ msgstr "Kör Skript"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Copy Animation"
#~ msgstr "Kopiera Animation"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "prev"
#~ msgstr "förhandsgranska"
#~ msgid "OK :("
#~ msgstr "OK :("
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Condition"
#~ msgstr "Villkor"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Sequence"
#~ msgstr "Sekvens"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Iterator"
#~ msgstr "Iterator"
#~ msgid "Replace By"
#~ msgstr "Ersätt Med"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Backwards"
#~ msgstr "Baklänges"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Prompt On Replace"
#~ msgstr "Fråga vid Ersättning"
#~ msgid "Skip"
#~ msgstr "Hoppa över"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Your project will be created in a non empty folder (you might want to "
#~ "create a new folder)."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ditt projekt kommer att skapas i en icke-tom mapp (du kanske vill skapa "
#~ "en ny mapp)."
#~ msgid "That's a BINGO!"
#~ msgstr "Det är en BINGO!"
#~ msgid "Move Add Key"
#~ msgstr "Flytta Lägg Till Nyckel"
#~ msgid "List:"
#~ msgstr "Lista:"
@ -13933,15 +13933,3 @@ msgstr ""
#: servers/visual/shader_language.cpp
msgid "Constants cannot be modified."
msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Move Anim Track Up"
#~ msgstr "அசைவூட்டு பாதையை மேலே நகர்த்து"
#~ msgid "Move Anim Track Down"
#~ msgstr "அசைவூட்டு பாதையை கீழே நகர்த்து"
#~ msgid "Anim Track Change Value Mode"
#~ msgstr "அசைவூட்டு பாதை மதிப்பு[value] விதம் மாற்று"
#~ msgid "Anim Track Change Wrap Mode"
#~ msgstr "அசைவூட்டு பாதை மறை[wrap] விதம் மாற்று"
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -14191,67 +14191,3 @@ msgstr ""
#: servers/visual/shader_language.cpp
msgid "Constants cannot be modified."
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Remove Template"
#~ msgstr ".تمام کا انتخاب"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Move to Trash"
#~ msgstr "ایکشن منتقل کریں"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Templates"
#~ msgstr ".تمام کا انتخاب"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Move pivot"
#~ msgstr "ایکشن منتقل کریں"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Move anchor"
#~ msgstr "ایکشن منتقل کریں"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Clear Script"
#~ msgstr "سب سکریپشن بنائیں"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Class Description"
#~ msgstr "سب سکریپشن بنائیں"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Class Description:"
#~ msgstr "سب سکریپشن بنائیں"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Property Descriptions:"
#~ msgstr "سب سکریپشن بنائیں"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Method Descriptions:"
#~ msgstr "سب سکریپشن بنائیں"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Tool Select"
#~ msgstr ".تمام کا انتخاب"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Create C# solution"
#~ msgstr "سب سکریپشن بنائیں"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Ease in"
#~ msgstr ".تمام کا انتخاب"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Remove Split"
#~ msgstr ".تمام کا انتخاب"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Set pivot at mouse position"
#~ msgstr ".تمام کا انتخاب"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Can't write file."
#~ msgstr "سب سکریپشن بنائیں"
@ -14542,478 +14542,3 @@ msgstr ""
#: servers/visual/shader_language.cpp
msgid "Constants cannot be modified."
msgstr "Không thể chỉnh sửa hằng số."
#~ msgid "Make Rest Pose (From Bones)"
#~ msgstr "Tạo tư thế nghỉ (Từ Xương)"
#~ msgid "Bottom"
#~ msgstr "Dưới"
#~ msgid "Left"
#~ msgstr "Trái"
#~ msgid "Right"
#~ msgstr "Phải"
#~ msgid "Front"
#~ msgstr "Trước"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "\"Degrees Of Freedom\" is only valid when \"Xr Mode\" is \"Oculus Mobile "
#~ "VR\"."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "\"Bậc tự do\" chỉ dùng được khi \"Xr Mode\" là \"Oculus Mobile VR\"."
#~ msgid "Package Contents:"
#~ msgstr "Trong Gói có:"
#~ msgid "Singleton"
#~ msgstr "Đơn nhất"
#~ msgid "Erase profile '%s'? (no undo)"
#~ msgstr "Xoá hồ sơ '%s'? (không hoàn tác)"
#~ msgid "Enabled Properties:"
#~ msgstr "Thuộc tính đã bật:"
#~ msgid "Enabled Features:"
#~ msgstr "Tính năng đã bật:"
#~ msgid "Unset"
#~ msgstr "Bỏ đặt"
#~ msgid "Class Options"
#~ msgstr "Tuỳ chỉnh lớp"
#~ msgid "Set"
#~ msgstr "Gán"
#~ msgid "Saved %s modified resource(s)."
#~ msgstr "Đã lưu tài nguyên được sửa đổi."
#~ msgid "Q&A"
#~ msgstr "Hỏi và Đáp"
#~ msgid "Status:"
#~ msgstr "Trạng thái:"
#~ msgid "Edit:"
#~ msgstr "Sửa:"
#~ msgid "Redownload"
#~ msgstr "Tải lại xuống"
#~ msgid "(Installed)"
#~ msgstr "(Đã cài đặt)"
#~ msgid "(Missing)"
#~ msgstr "(Thiếu)"
#~ msgid "Request Failed."
#~ msgstr "Yêu cầu thất bại."
#~ msgid "Redirect Loop."
#~ msgstr "Chuyển hướng vòng lặp."
#~ msgid "Download Complete."
#~ msgstr "Tải xuống xong."
#~ msgid "Remove Template"
#~ msgstr "Xóa Template"
#~ msgid "Download Templates"
#~ msgstr "Tải Xuống Các Mẫu Xuất Bản"
#~ msgid "Select mirror from list: (Shift+Click: Open in Browser)"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Chọn trang dự phòng từ danh sách: (Shift + Chuột trái: Mở trong trình "
#~ "duyệt)"
#~ msgid "Move to Trash"
#~ msgstr "Di chuyển vào Thùng rác"
#~ msgid "Expand All Properties"
#~ msgstr "Mở rộng tất cả"
#~ msgid "Collapse All Properties"
#~ msgstr "Thu gọn tất cả"
#~ msgid "Copy Params"
#~ msgstr "Sao chép các đối số"
#~ msgid "Open in Help"
#~ msgstr "Mở trong Trợ giúp"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Game Camera Override\n"
#~ "No game instance running."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ghi đè máy quay trò chơi\n"
#~ "Không có thực thể trò chơi này đang chạy."
#~ msgid "Drag: Rotate"
#~ msgstr "Kéo: Xoay"
#~ msgid "Alt+RMB: Depth list selection"
#~ msgstr "Alt+chuột phải: Chọn theo tầng"
#~ msgid "Size"
#~ msgstr "Kích cỡ"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Drag: Rotate\n"
#~ "Alt+Drag: Move\n"
#~ "Alt+RMB: Depth list selection"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Kéo: Xoay\n"
#~ "Alt+Kéo: Di chuyển\n"
#~ "Alt+Chuột phải: Chọn theo tầng"
#~ msgid "Add All"
#~ msgstr "Thêm Tất cả"
#~ msgid "Theme editing menu."
#~ msgstr "Menu chỉnh Tông màu."
#~ msgid "Create Empty Template"
#~ msgstr "Tạo Mẫu Trống"
#~ msgid "Create Empty Editor Template"
#~ msgstr "Tạo mẫu Trình biên tập trống"
#~ msgid "Create From Current Editor Theme"
#~ msgstr "Tạo từ Tông màu Trình biên soạn hiện tại"
#~ msgid "Data Type:"
#~ msgstr "Kiểu Dữ liệu:"
#~ msgid "Theme File"
#~ msgstr "Tệp Tông màu"
#~ msgid "Compiled"
#~ msgstr "Đã biên dịch"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Remove %d projects from the list?\n"
#~ "The project folders' contents won't be modified."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Gỡ các dự án %d khỏi danh sách?\n"
#~ "Nội dung các thư mục dự án sẽ không được sửa đổi."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Remove this project from the list?\n"
#~ "The project folder's contents won't be modified."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Gỡ dự án này khỏi danh sách?\n"
#~ "Nội dung của thư mục dự án sẽ không được sửa đổi."
#~ msgid "Templates"
#~ msgstr "Thư Viện"
#~ msgid "Can not perform with the root node."
#~ msgstr "Không thể thực hiện với nút gốc."
#~ msgid "Using default boot splash image."
#~ msgstr "Sử dụng hình khởi động mặc định."
#~ msgid "An animation player can't animate itself, only other players."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Animation player không tự tạo hoạt ảnh được, phải thông qua các player "
#~ "khác."
#~ msgid "Clipboard is empty"
#~ msgstr "Clipboard rỗng"
#~ msgid "No"
#~ msgstr "Không"
#~ msgid "This scene has never been saved. Save before running?"
#~ msgstr "Scene này chưa được lưu. Lưu trước khi chạy?"
#~ msgid "Search complete"
#~ msgstr "Tìm kiếm hoàn tất"
#~ msgid "There is already file or folder with the same name in this location."
#~ msgstr "Đã có tệp tin hoặc thư mục cùng tên tại vị trí này."
#~ msgid "Error trying to save layout!"
#~ msgstr "Lỗi khi cố gắng lưu bố cục!"
#~ msgid "Default editor layout overridden."
#~ msgstr "Bố cục trình biên tập mặc định bị ghi đè."
#~ msgid "Move pivot"
#~ msgstr "Di chuyển trục"
#~ msgid "Move anchor"
#~ msgstr "Di chuyển neo"
#~ msgid "Resize CanvasItem"
#~ msgstr "Đổi kích thước CanvasItem"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Add initial export..."
#~ msgstr "Thêm Input"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Pack File"
#~ msgstr " Tệp tin"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "When exporting or deploying, the resulting executable will attempt to "
#~ "connect to the IP of this computer in order to be debugged."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Khi xuất ra hoặc triển khai, kết quả thực thi sẽ kết nối đến IP máy tính "
#~ "này để được gỡ lỗi."
#~ msgid "Current scene was never saved, please save it prior to running."
#~ msgstr "Cảnh hiện tại chưa được lưu, hãy lưu nó trước khi chạy."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Revert"
#~ msgstr "Trở lại"
#~ msgid "This action cannot be undone. Revert anyway?"
#~ msgstr "Hành động này không thể hoàn tác. Trở lại luôn?"
#~ msgid "Issue Tracker"
#~ msgstr "Theo dõi vấn đề"
#~ msgid "Replaced %d occurrence(s)."
#~ msgstr "Đã thay thế %d biến cố."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Brief Description"
#~ msgstr "Mô tả ngắn gọn:"
#~ msgid "Class Description"
#~ msgstr "Mô tả lớp"
#~ msgid "Project export failed with error code %d."
#~ msgstr "Xuất dự án thất bại với mã lỗi %d."
#~ msgid "Password:"
#~ msgstr "Mật khẩu:"
#~ msgid "Pause the scene"
#~ msgstr "Tạm dừng cảnh"
#~ msgid "Snap to Grid"
#~ msgstr "Snap dạng lưới"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Add input +"
#~ msgstr "Thêm Input"
#~ msgid "Available Nodes:"
#~ msgstr "Nodes khả dụng:"
#~ msgid "Input"
#~ msgstr "Nhập"
#~ msgid "Methods:"
#~ msgstr "Hàm:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Class Description:"
#~ msgstr "Mô tả:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Property Descriptions:"
#~ msgstr "Mô tả ngắn gọn:"
#~ msgid "Method Descriptions:"
#~ msgstr "Mô tả hàm:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Reverse sorting."
#~ msgstr "Đang yêu cầu..."
#~ msgid "Delete Node(s)?"
#~ msgstr "Xóa Node(s)?"
#~ msgid "No Matches"
#~ msgstr "Không khớp"
#~ msgid "Error loading image:"
#~ msgstr "Lỗi tải nạp hình ảnh:"
#~ msgid "Exit"
#~ msgstr "Thoát"
#~ msgid "Error initializing FreeType."
#~ msgstr "Lỗi khởi tạo FreeType."
#~ msgid "Unknown font format."
#~ msgstr "Định dạng font không hợp lệ."
#~ msgid "Error loading font."
#~ msgstr "Lỗi tải font."
#~ msgid "Invalid font size."
#~ msgstr "Kích thước font không hợp lệ."
#~ msgid "Previous Folder"
#~ msgstr "Thư mục trước"
#~ msgid "Next Folder"
#~ msgstr "Thư mục sau"
#~ msgid "Reverse"
#~ msgstr "Ngược lại"
#~ msgid "Enabled Classes"
#~ msgstr "Các lớp đã bật"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Path to Node:"
#~ msgstr "Đường đến Node:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Go to parent folder"
#~ msgstr "Đến folder parent"
#~ msgid "Open Scene(s)"
#~ msgstr "Mở Scene"
#~ msgid "Previous Directory"
#~ msgstr "Thư mục trước"
#~ msgid "Next Directory"
#~ msgstr "Thư mục tiếp theo"
#~ msgid "Custom Node"
#~ msgstr "Node tùy chọn"
#~ msgid "Line:"
#~ msgstr "Dòng:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Col:"
#~ msgstr "Col:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Remove Split"
#~ msgstr "Bỏ lựa chọn"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Zoom out"
#~ msgstr "Thu nhỏ"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Zoom in"
#~ msgstr "Phóng to"
#~ msgid "Save Theme As"
#~ msgstr "Lưu Theme thành"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Zoom:"
#~ msgstr "Phóng to"
#~ msgid "Are you sure you want to remove all connections from the \""
#~ msgstr "Bạn có chắc muốn xóa bỏ tất cả kết nối từ \""
#~ msgid "Class List:"
#~ msgstr "Danh sách Class:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Toggle folder status as Favorite."
#~ msgstr "(Bỏ) Chọn thư mục Hay sử dụng"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Whole words"
#~ msgstr "Cả từ"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Match case"
#~ msgstr "Trùng khớp"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Search in files"
#~ msgstr "Đổi tên file:"
#~ msgid "Rotate 0 degrees"
#~ msgstr "Xoay 0 độ"
#~ msgid "Rotate 90 degrees"
#~ msgstr "Xoay 90 độ"
#~ msgid "Rotate 180 degrees"
#~ msgstr "Xoay 180 độ"
#~ msgid "Rotate 270 degrees"
#~ msgstr "Xoay 270 độ"
#~ msgid "Move Anim Track Up"
#~ msgstr "Di chuyển Anim Track lên trên"
#~ msgid "Move Anim Track Down"
#~ msgstr "Di chuyển Anim Track xuống dưới"
#~ msgid "Set Transitions to:"
#~ msgstr "Đặt Transtions thành:"
#~ msgid "Anim Track Change Interpolation"
#~ msgstr "Đổi phép nội suy Anim Track"
#~ msgid "Anim Add Key"
#~ msgstr "Thêm Key Anim"
#~ msgid "In"
#~ msgstr "Trong"
#~ msgid "Out"
#~ msgstr "Ngoài"
#~ msgid "In-Out"
#~ msgstr "Trong-Ngoài"
#~ msgid "Out-In"
#~ msgstr "Ngoài-Trong"
#~ msgid "Anim Create Typed Value Key"
#~ msgstr "Tạo Key để nhập giá trị Anim"
#~ msgid "Anim Add Call Track"
#~ msgstr "Thêm Track Gọi Function"
#~ msgid "Length (s):"
#~ msgstr "Độ dài (giây):"
#~ msgid "Enable/Disable looping in animation."
#~ msgstr "Mở/Tắt lặp animation."
#~ msgid "Add new tracks."
#~ msgstr "Thêm track mới."
#~ msgid "Move current track up."
#~ msgstr "Di chuyển track lên."
#~ msgid "Move current track down."
#~ msgstr "Di chuyển track xuống."
#~ msgid "Track tools"
#~ msgstr "Công cụ Track"
#~ msgid "Enable editing of individual keys by clicking them."
#~ msgstr "Cho phép chỉnh sửa từng key riêng bằng cách chọn chúng."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Key"
#~ msgstr "Mã"
#~ msgid "Call Functions in Which Node?"
#~ msgstr "Gọi Function từ Node nào?"
#~ msgid "Thanks!"
#~ msgstr "Cảm ơn!"
#~ msgid "Create new animation in player."
#~ msgstr "Tạo animation mới trong player."
#~ msgid "Load animation from disk."
#~ msgstr "Load animation từ disk."
#~ msgid "Load an animation from disk."
#~ msgstr "Load một animation từ disk."
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -14798,561 +14798,3 @@ msgstr ""
#: servers/visual/shader_language.cpp
msgid "Constants cannot be modified."
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Package Contents:"
#~ msgstr "內容:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Erase profile '%s'? (no undo)"
#~ msgstr "全部取代"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Enabled Properties:"
#~ msgstr "篩選:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Class Options"
#~ msgstr "描述:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Saved %s modified resource(s)."
#~ msgstr "資源加載失敗。"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Q&A"
#~ msgstr "Q&A"
#~ msgid "Status:"
#~ msgstr "狀態:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Edit:"
#~ msgstr "編輯"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Redownload"
#~ msgstr "重新下載"
#~ msgid "(Installed)"
#~ msgstr "(已安裝)"
#~ msgid "(Missing)"
#~ msgstr "(欠缺)"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Request Failed."
#~ msgstr "請求失敗。"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Redirect Loop."
#~ msgstr "重新定向循環。"
#~ msgid "Download Complete."
#~ msgstr "下載完成。"
#~ msgid "Remove Template"
#~ msgstr "移除Template"
#~ msgid "Download Templates"
#~ msgstr "下載Templates"
#~ msgid "Select mirror from list: (Shift+Click: Open in Browser)"
#~ msgstr "從清單中選擇鏡像: (Shift + 單擊: 在瀏覽器中打開)"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Move to Trash"
#~ msgstr "移動Autoload"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Copy Params"
#~ msgstr "複製參數"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open in Help"
#~ msgstr "在幫助中開啓"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Theme File"
#~ msgstr "開啟檔案"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Templates"
#~ msgstr "移除選項"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Could not read boot splash image file:"
#~ msgstr "無法新增資料夾"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Using default boot splash image."
#~ msgstr "無法新增資料夾"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Clipboard is empty"
#~ msgstr "路徑為空"
#~ msgid "No"
#~ msgstr "否"
#~ msgid "This scene has never been saved. Save before running?"
#~ msgstr "此場景從未儲存。要在運行前儲存嗎?"
#~ msgid "Search complete"
#~ msgstr "搜尋完成"
#~ msgid "There is already file or folder with the same name in this location."
#~ msgstr "此位置已存在同名的檔案或資料夾。"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Error trying to save layout!"
#~ msgstr "儲存佈局時出現錯誤!"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Move pivot"
#~ msgstr "上移"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Move anchor"
#~ msgstr "移動模式"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Add initial export..."
#~ msgstr "新增訊號"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Delete patch '%s' from list?"
#~ msgstr "刪除"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Patches"
#~ msgstr "吻合"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Pack File"
#~ msgstr "檔案"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "FileSystem and Import Docks"
#~ msgstr "檔案系統"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Clear Script"
#~ msgstr "下一個腳本"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Replaced %d occurrence(s)."
#~ msgstr "取代了 %d 個。"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Brief Description"
#~ msgstr "簡述:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Class Description"
#~ msgstr "描述:"
#~ msgid "Password:"
#~ msgstr "密碼:"
#~ msgid "Pause the scene"
#~ msgstr "暫停場景"
#~ msgid "Shift+"
#~ msgstr "Shift+"
#~ msgid "Alt+"
#~ msgstr "Alt+"
#~ msgid "Language"
#~ msgstr "語言"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Methods:"
#~ msgstr "選擇模式"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Theme Properties:"
#~ msgstr "篩選:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Class Description:"
#~ msgstr "描述:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Property Descriptions:"
#~ msgstr "簡述:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Method Descriptions:"
#~ msgstr "描述:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Reverse sorting."
#~ msgstr "請求中..."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Error: could not load file."
#~ msgstr "無法新增資料夾"
#~ msgid "Doppler Enable"
#~ msgstr "啟用多普拉效應"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Select Mode (Q)"
#~ msgstr "選擇模式"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Snap Mode (%s)"
#~ msgstr "選擇模式"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Tool Select"
#~ msgstr "所有選項"
#~ msgid "Exit"
#~ msgstr "離開"
#~ msgid "Unknown font format."
#~ msgstr "字形格式不明"
#~ msgid "Error loading font."
#~ msgstr "載入字形出現錯誤"
#~ msgid "Invalid font size."
#~ msgstr "無效字型"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Previous Folder"
#~ msgstr "上一個tab"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Next Folder"
#~ msgstr "新增資料夾"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open in an external image editor."
#~ msgstr "要離開編輯器嗎?"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Failed to create solution."
#~ msgstr "資源加載失敗。"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Failed to save solution."
#~ msgstr "資源加載失敗。"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Failed to create C# project."
#~ msgstr "資源加載失敗。"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Create C# solution"
#~ msgstr "縮放selection"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "View log"
#~ msgstr "檔案"
#~ msgid "Update Always"
#~ msgstr "不停更新"
#~ msgid "Delete selected files?"
#~ msgstr "要刪除選中檔案?"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Go to parent folder"
#~ msgstr "無法新增資料夾"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open Scene(s)"
#~ msgstr "開啓場景"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Ease in"
#~ msgstr "縮放selection"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Create folder"
#~ msgstr "新增資料夾"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Invalid Path"
#~ msgstr "有效的路徑"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "GridMap Duplicate Selection"
#~ msgstr "複製 Selection"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Create Area"
#~ msgstr "新增"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Line:"
#~ msgstr "行:"
#~ msgid "Col:"
#~ msgstr "列:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Add Split"
#~ msgstr "新增訊號"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Invalid Split: "
#~ msgstr "有效的路徑"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Remove Split"
#~ msgstr "只限選中"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Add Node.."
#~ msgstr "新增節點"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Zoom out"
#~ msgstr "縮小"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Zoom in"
#~ msgstr "放大"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Zoom:"
#~ msgstr "放大"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Public Methods"
#~ msgstr "選擇模式"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Toggle folder status as Favorite."
#~ msgstr "(不)顯示最愛"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Show current scene file."
#~ msgstr "新增資料夾"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Whole words"
#~ msgstr "完整詞語"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Match case"
#~ msgstr "符合大小寫"
#~ msgid "Ok"
#~ msgstr "Ok"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Search in files"
#~ msgstr "儲存TileSet時出現錯誤!"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Convert To Uppercase"
#~ msgstr "轉為..."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Convert To Lowercase"
#~ msgstr "轉為..."
#~ msgid "Errors:"
#~ msgstr "錯誤:"
#~ msgid "Move Anim Track Up"
#~ msgstr "動畫軌跡上移"
#~ msgid "Move Anim Track Down"
#~ msgstr "動畫軌跡下移"
#~ msgid "Set Transitions to:"
#~ msgstr "將過渡設到:"
#~ msgid "Anim Track Change Interpolation"
#~ msgstr "動畫軌跡變化Interpolation"
#~ msgid "Edit Selection Curve"
#~ msgstr "編輯Selection Curve"
#~ msgid "Anim Add Key"
#~ msgstr "新增動畫幀"
#~ msgid "Length (s):"
#~ msgstr "時長(秒):"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Enable/Disable looping in animation."
#~ msgstr "開/關動畫循環。"
#~ msgid "Add new tracks."
#~ msgstr "新增軌迹。"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Move current track up."
#~ msgstr "上移現在的軌迹。"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Move current track down."
#~ msgstr "下移現在的軌迹。"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Track tools"
#~ msgstr "動畫軌迹工具"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Enable editing of individual keys by clicking them."
#~ msgstr "啟用單擊編輯各個關鍵幀的功能。"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Key"
#~ msgstr "關鍵幀"
#~ msgid "Thanks!"
#~ msgstr "多謝!"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Ugh"
#~ msgstr "嗯......"
#~ msgid "Run Script"
#~ msgstr "運行腳本"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Default (Same as Editor)"
#~ msgstr "預設()"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Copy Animation"
#~ msgstr "複製動畫"
#~ msgid "prev"
#~ msgstr "上一頁"
#~ msgid "next"
#~ msgstr "下一頁"
#~ msgid "last"
#~ msgstr "尾頁"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Set pivot at mouse position"
#~ msgstr "只限選中"
#~ msgid "OK :("
#~ msgstr "OK :("
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Edit Signal"
#~ msgstr "連接"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Can't contain '/' or ':'"
#~ msgstr "不能連到主機:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Can't write file."
#~ msgstr "無法新增資料夾"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Replace By"
#~ msgstr "由這個取代"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Backwards"
#~ msgstr "向後"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Prompt On Replace"
#~ msgstr "取代時詢問我"
#~ msgid "Skip"
#~ msgstr "跳過"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Move Add Key"
#~ msgstr "移動"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "\n"
#~ "Source: "
#~ msgstr "來源:"
#~ msgid "Meta+"
#~ msgstr "Meta+"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Setting '"
#~ msgstr "設定"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Live Scene Tree:"
#~ msgstr "儲存場景"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Selection -> Duplicate"
#~ msgstr "只限選中"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Selection -> Clear"
#~ msgstr "只限選中"
#~ msgid "Added:"
#~ msgstr "已加入:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Tiles"
#~ msgstr "檔案"
#~ msgid "Ctrl+"
#~ msgstr "Ctrl+"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Open Project Manager? \n"
#~ "(Unsaved changes will be lost)"
#~ msgstr "回到專案管理器?(未儲存的更改將會消失)"
#~ msgid "Valid name"
#~ msgstr "有效名稱"
#~ msgid "Edit Script Options"
#~ msgstr "編輯腳本選項"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Create Android keystore"
#~ msgstr "新增資料夾"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Organization"
#~ msgstr "本地化"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Password"
#~ msgstr "密碼:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "at least 6 characters"
#~ msgstr "有效字符:"
#~ msgid "Include"
#~ msgstr "包括"
#~ msgid "Images"
#~ msgstr "圖片"
#~ msgid "Keep Original"
#~ msgstr "保持原貌"
#~ msgid "Images:"
#~ msgstr "圖片:"
#~ msgid "File exists"
#~ msgstr "檔案已存在"
#~ msgid "Valid path"
#~ msgstr "有效路徑"
#~ msgid "Cannot go into subdir:"
#~ msgstr "無法進入次要資料夾"
@ -14254,746 +14254,3 @@ msgstr "指派至均勻。"
#: servers/visual/shader_language.cpp
msgid "Constants cannot be modified."
msgstr "不可修改常數。"
#~ msgid "Make Rest Pose (From Bones)"
#~ msgstr "製作靜止姿勢(自骨骼)"
#~ msgid "Bottom"
#~ msgstr "底部"
#~ msgid "Left"
#~ msgstr "左"
#~ msgid "Right"
#~ msgstr "右"
#~ msgid "Front"
#~ msgstr "正面"
#~ msgid "Rear"
#~ msgstr "後"
#~ msgid "Nameless gizmo"
#~ msgstr "未命名的 Gizmo"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "\"Degrees Of Freedom\" is only valid when \"Xr Mode\" is \"Oculus Mobile "
#~ "VR\"."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "「Degrees Of Freedom」(自由角度)僅可在「Xr Mode」(XR 模式)設為"
#~ "「Oculus Mobile VR」時可用。"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "\"Focus Awareness\" is only valid when \"Xr Mode\" is \"Oculus Mobile VR"
#~ "\"."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "「Focus Awareness」(提高關注度)僅可在「Xr Mode」(XR 模式)設為「Oculus "
#~ "Mobile VR」時可用。"
#~ msgid "Package Contents:"
#~ msgstr "套件內容:"
#~ msgid "Singleton"
#~ msgstr "單例"
#~ msgid "Erase profile '%s'? (no undo)"
#~ msgstr "確定要清除設定檔「%s」嗎?(無法復原)"
#~ msgid "Enabled Properties:"
#~ msgstr "啟用屬性:"
#~ msgid "Enabled Features:"
#~ msgstr "啟用功能:"
#~ msgid "Unset"
#~ msgstr "未設定"
#~ msgid "Class Options"
#~ msgstr "類別選項"
#~ msgid "Set"
#~ msgstr "設定"
#~ msgid "Saved %s modified resource(s)."
#~ msgstr "已保存 %s 個已修改的資源。"
#~ msgid "Q&A"
#~ msgstr "Q&A"
#~ msgid "Status:"
#~ msgstr "狀態:"
#~ msgid "Edit:"
#~ msgstr "編輯:"
#~ msgid "Redownload"
#~ msgstr "重新下載"
#~ msgid "(Installed)"
#~ msgstr "(已安裝)"
#~ msgid "(Missing)"
#~ msgstr "(遺失)"
#~ msgid "Request Failed."
#~ msgstr "請求失敗。"
#~ msgid "Redirect Loop."
#~ msgstr "重新導向循環。"
#~ msgid "Download Complete."
#~ msgstr "下載完成。"
#~ msgid "Remove Template"
#~ msgstr "移除樣板"
#~ msgid "Download Templates"
#~ msgstr "下載樣板"
#~ msgid "Select mirror from list: (Shift+Click: Open in Browser)"
#~ msgstr "自列表中選擇鏡像:(Shift+點擊:在瀏覽器中開啟)"
#~ msgid "Move to Trash"
#~ msgstr "移動至資源回收桶"
#~ msgid "Expand All Properties"
#~ msgstr "展開所有屬性"
#~ msgid "Collapse All Properties"
#~ msgstr "收合所有屬性"
#~ msgid "Copy Params"
#~ msgstr "複製參數"
#~ msgid "Open in Help"
#~ msgstr "在說明中開啟"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Game Camera Override\n"
#~ "No game instance running."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "遊戲相機複寫\n"
#~ "無正在執行的遊戲實體。"
#~ msgid "Drag: Rotate"
#~ msgstr "拖移:旋轉"
#~ msgid "Press 'v' to Change Pivot, 'Shift+v' to Drag Pivot (while moving)."
#~ msgstr "按「v」以修改樞紐,「Shift+v」以移動樞紐(移動時)。"
#~ msgid "Alt+RMB: Depth list selection"
#~ msgstr "Alt+滑鼠右鍵:展開所選清單"
#~ msgid "Clone Down"
#~ msgstr "複製到下一行"
#~ msgid "Yaw"
#~ msgstr "偏航"
#~ msgid "Size"
#~ msgstr "大小"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Drag: Rotate\n"
#~ "Alt+Drag: Move\n"
#~ "Alt+RMB: Depth list selection"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "拖移:旋轉\n"
#~ "Alt+拖移:移動\n"
#~ "Alt+右鍵點擊:展開選擇列表"
#~ msgid "Sep.:"
#~ msgstr "分隔線:"
#~ msgid "Add All"
#~ msgstr "新增全部"
#~ msgid "Theme editing menu."
#~ msgstr "主題編輯選單。"
#~ msgid "Create Empty Template"
#~ msgstr "建立空白樣板"
#~ msgid "Create Empty Editor Template"
#~ msgstr "建立空白編輯器樣板"
#~ msgid "Create From Current Editor Theme"
#~ msgstr "自目前編輯器主題建立"
#~ msgid "Data Type:"
#~ msgstr "資料類型:"
#~ msgid "Theme File"
#~ msgstr "主題檔"
#~ msgid "Compiled"
#~ msgstr "編譯"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Remove %d projects from the list?\n"
#~ "The project folders' contents won't be modified."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "確定要自清單中移除 %d 個專案嗎?\n"
#~ "專案資料夾的內容不會被修改。"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Remove this project from the list?\n"
#~ "The project folder's contents won't be modified."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "確定要自列表移除該專案嗎?\n"
#~ "專案資料夾的內容不會被修改。"
#~ msgid "Templates"
#~ msgstr "樣板"
#~ msgid "Add Remapped Path"
#~ msgstr "新增重映射路徑"
#~ msgid "Can not perform with the root node."
#~ msgstr "無法在根節點執行此操作。"
#~ msgid "Could not read boot splash image file:"
#~ msgstr "無法讀取啟動畫面圖檔:"
#~ msgid "Using default boot splash image."
#~ msgstr "使用預設啟動畫面圖檔。"
#~ msgid "An animation player can't animate itself, only other players."
#~ msgstr "動畫 Player 無法播放自己,僅可播放其他 Player。"
#~ msgid "Clipboard is empty"
#~ msgstr "剪貼板為空"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "InterpolatedCamera has been deprecated and will be removed in Godot 4.0."
#~ msgstr "InterpolatedCamera 已停止維護,且將於 Godot 4.0 中移除。"
#~ msgid "No"
#~ msgstr "否"
#~ msgid "This scene has never been saved. Save before running?"
#~ msgstr "此場景從未被保存。是否於執行前先保存?"
#~ msgid "ADB executable not configured in the Editor Settings."
#~ msgstr "尚未於編輯器設定中設定 ADB 可執行檔。"
#~ msgid "OpenJDK jarsigner not configured in the Editor Settings."
#~ msgstr "尚未於編輯器設定中設定 OpenJDK Jarsigner。"
#~ msgid "Custom build requires a valid Android SDK path in Editor Settings."
#~ msgstr "自定建置需要有在編輯器設定中設定一個有效的 Android SDK 位置。"
#~ msgid "%d%%"
#~ msgstr "%d%%"
#~ msgid "(Time Left: %d:%02d s)"
#~ msgstr "(剩餘時間:%d:%02d 秒)"
#~ msgid "Plotting Meshes: "
#~ msgstr "正在繪製網格: "
#~ msgid "Lighting Meshes: "
#~ msgstr "正在照明網格: "
#~ msgid "Search complete"
#~ msgstr "搜尋完成"
#~ msgid "No commit message was provided"
#~ msgstr "未提供提交訊息"
#~ msgid "Add a commit message"
#~ msgstr "新增一個提交訊息"
#~ msgid "There is already file or folder with the same name in this location."
#~ msgstr "該位置已有相同名稱的檔案或資料夾。"
#~ msgid "Unable to complete APK alignment."
#~ msgstr "無法完成 APK 對齊。"
#~ msgid "Unable to delete unaligned APK."
#~ msgstr "無法刪除未對齊的 APK。"
#~ msgid "Error trying to save layout!"
#~ msgstr "嘗試保存配置時出錯!"
#~ msgid "Default editor layout overridden."
#~ msgstr "已覆蓋預設的編輯器配置。"
#~ msgid "Move pivot"
#~ msgstr "移動軸心"
#~ msgid "Move anchor"
#~ msgstr "移動錨點"
#~ msgid "Resize CanvasItem"
#~ msgstr "調整 CanvasItem 大小"
#~ msgid "Polygon->UV"
#~ msgstr "多邊形 -> UV"
#~ msgid "UV->Polygon"
#~ msgstr "UV -> 多邊形"
#~ msgid "Add initial export..."
#~ msgstr "新增初始匯出..."
#~ msgid "Add previous patches..."
#~ msgstr "新增上回修正檔..."
#~ msgid "Delete patch '%s' from list?"
#~ msgstr "是否要自列表中刪除「%s」修正檔?"
#~ msgid "Patches"
#~ msgstr "修正檔"
#~ msgid "Make Patch"
#~ msgstr "製作修正檔"
#~ msgid "Pack File"
#~ msgstr "打包檔案"
#~ msgid "No build apk generated at: "
#~ msgstr "無建置 APK 產生於: "
#~ msgid "FileSystem and Import Docks"
#~ msgstr "檔案系統與匯入 Dock"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "When exporting or deploying, the resulting executable will attempt to "
#~ "connect to the IP of this computer in order to be debugged."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "匯出或部署時,輸出的可執行檔將會嘗試連接到這台電腦的 IP 位置以進行除錯。"
#~ msgid "Current scene was never saved, please save it prior to running."
#~ msgstr "目前的場景從未被保存,請先保存以執行。"
#~ msgid "Revert"
#~ msgstr "還原"
#~ msgid "This action cannot be undone. Revert anyway?"
#~ msgstr "該操作無法還原。依然要還原嗎?"
#~ msgid "Revert Scene"
#~ msgstr "恢復場景"
#~ msgid "Clear Script"
#~ msgstr "清除腳本"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Issue Tracker"
#~ msgstr "問題追蹤器"
#~ msgid "Request Docs"
#~ msgstr "請求檔案"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Help improve the Godot documentation by giving feedback."
#~ msgstr "通過提供回饋幫助改進 Godot 文檔"
#~ msgid "Replaced %d occurrence(s)."
#~ msgstr "取代了 %d 個。"
#~ msgid "Create Static Convex Body"
#~ msgstr "創建靜態凸體"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "There are currently no tutorials for this class, you can [color=$color]"
#~ "[url=$url]contribute one[/url][/color] or [color=$color][url="
#~ "$url2]request one[/url][/color]."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "目前沒有這個 class 的教學,你可以[color=$color][url=$url]貢獻一個[/url][/"
#~ "color]或[color=$color][url=$url2]要求一個[/url][/color]。"
#~ msgid "enum "
#~ msgstr "枚舉 "
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Brief Description"
#~ msgstr "簡要說明:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Class Description"
#~ msgstr "描述:"
#~ msgid "Project export failed with error code %d."
#~ msgstr "專案輸出失敗,錯誤代碼是 %d。"
#~ msgid "Password:"
#~ msgstr "密碼:"
#~ msgid "Pause the scene"
#~ msgstr "暫停此場景"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Snap to Grid"
#~ msgstr "吸附到網格"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Add input +"
#~ msgstr "添加輸入"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Methods:"
#~ msgstr "方法"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Theme Properties:"
#~ msgstr "過濾檔案..."
#~ msgid "Constants:"
#~ msgstr "定數:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Class Description:"
#~ msgstr "描述:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Property Descriptions:"
#~ msgstr "Property 說明:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Method Descriptions:"
#~ msgstr "Method 說明:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Reverse sorting."
#~ msgstr "正在請求…"
#~ msgid "No Matches"
#~ msgstr "無符合條件"
#~ msgid "Error loading image:"
#~ msgstr "加載影像時出錯:"
#~ msgid "No pixels with transparency > 128 in image..."
#~ msgstr "影像中沒有透明度大於128的點數…"
#~ msgid "Parent has no solid faces to populate."
#~ msgstr "父級沒有要填充的實體面。"
#~ msgid "Couldn't map area."
#~ msgstr "無法映射區域。"
#~ msgid "Faces contain no area!"
#~ msgstr "面不包含任何區域!"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Error: could not load file."
#~ msgstr "無法新增資料夾"
#~ msgid "Doppler Enable"
#~ msgstr "啟用多普拉效應"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Select Mode (Q)"
#~ msgstr "選擇模式 (Q)"
#~ msgid "Move Mode (W)"
#~ msgstr "移動模式 (W)"
#~ msgid "Rotate Mode (E)"
#~ msgstr "旋轉模式 (E)"
#~ msgid "Scale Mode (R)"
#~ msgstr "縮放模式 (R)"
#~ msgid "Local Coords"
#~ msgstr "本地坐標"
#~ msgid "Snap Mode (%s)"
#~ msgstr "捕捉模式 (%s)"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Tool Select"
#~ msgstr "工具選擇"
#~ msgid "Tool Move"
#~ msgstr "工具移動"
#~ msgid "Tool Rotate"
#~ msgstr "工具旋轉"
#~ msgid "Tool Scale"
#~ msgstr "縮放工具"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Remove all missing projects from the list? (Folders contents will not be "
#~ "modified)"
#~ msgstr "是否從清單中删除項目?(資料夾內容將不被修改)"
#~ msgid "Error initializing FreeType."
#~ msgstr "初始化 FreeType 錯誤。"
#~ msgid "Unknown font format."
#~ msgstr "未知的字體格式。"
#~ msgid "Error loading font."
#~ msgstr "讀取字體錯誤。"
#~ msgid "Invalid font size."
#~ msgstr "無效的字體大小。"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Previous Folder"
#~ msgstr "上個分頁"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Next Folder"
#~ msgstr "新增資料夾"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open in an external image editor."
#~ msgstr "開啟下一個編輯器"
#~ msgid "Reverse"
#~ msgstr "反轉"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Failed to create solution."
#~ msgstr "無法新增資料夾"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Build Project"
#~ msgstr "專案設定"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "View log"
#~ msgstr "過濾檔案..."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Enabled Classes"
#~ msgstr "搜尋 Class"
#~ msgid "Update Always"
#~ msgstr "總是自動更新"
#~ msgid "Path to Node:"
#~ msgstr "節點路徑:"
#~ msgid "Delete selected files?"
#~ msgstr "確定刪除所選擇的檔案嗎?"
#~ msgid "There is no 'res://default_bus_layout.tres' file."
#~ msgstr "「res://default_bus_layout.tres」檔案不存在。"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Go to parent folder"
#~ msgstr "無法新增資料夾"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open Scene(s)"
#~ msgstr "開啟場景"
#~ msgid "Previous Directory"
#~ msgstr "上一個目錄"
#~ msgid "Next Directory"
#~ msgstr "下一個目錄"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Ease in"
#~ msgstr "所有的選擇"
#~ msgid "Ease out"
#~ msgstr "淡出"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Create folder"
#~ msgstr "創建資料夾"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Invalid Path"
#~ msgstr "無效的路徑"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "GridMap Duplicate Selection"
#~ msgstr "複製所選"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Create Area"
#~ msgstr "新增"
#~ msgid "Insert keys."
#~ msgstr "插入幀."
#~ msgid "Line:"
#~ msgstr "行:"
#~ msgid "Col:"
#~ msgstr "列:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Remove Split"
#~ msgstr "移除"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Zoom out"
#~ msgstr "縮小"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Zoom in"
#~ msgstr "放大"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Zoom:"
#~ msgstr "放大"
#~ msgid "Class List:"
#~ msgstr "Class 列表:"
#~ msgid "Public Methods:"
#~ msgstr "公開 method:"
#~ msgid "GUI Theme Items:"
#~ msgstr "介面主題項目:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Toggle folder status as Favorite."
#~ msgstr "切換最愛"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Show current scene file."
#~ msgstr "新增資料夾"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Whole words"
#~ msgstr "整個字"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Match case"
#~ msgstr "符合大小寫"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Search in files"
#~ msgstr "搜尋 Class"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Convert To Uppercase"
#~ msgstr "轉換成..."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Convert To Lowercase"
#~ msgstr "轉換成..."
#~ msgid "Move Anim Track Up"
#~ msgstr "上移動畫軌"
#~ msgid "Move Anim Track Down"
#~ msgstr "動畫軌下移"
#~ msgid "Set Transitions to:"
#~ msgstr "設定轉場效果為:"
#~ msgid "Anim Track Change Interpolation"
#~ msgstr "改變動畫軌內插"
#~ msgid "Anim Track Change Value Mode"
#~ msgstr "動畫軌改變模式"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Anim Track Change Wrap Mode"
#~ msgstr "動畫軌道更改環繞模式"
#~ msgid "Edit Selection Curve"
#~ msgstr "編輯所選曲線"
#~ msgid "Anim Add Key"
#~ msgstr "添加動畫關鍵畫格"
#~ msgid "In"
#~ msgstr "進"
#~ msgid "Out"
#~ msgstr "出"
#~ msgid "In-Out"
#~ msgstr "進出"
#~ msgid "Out-In"
#~ msgstr "外-內"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Anim Create Typed Value Key"
#~ msgstr "動畫新增具類別之鍵值"
#~ msgid "Anim Add Call Track"
#~ msgstr "動畫新增呼叫軌跡"
#~ msgid "Length (s):"
#~ msgstr "長度(s):"
#~ msgid "Enable/Disable looping in animation."
#~ msgstr "啟用/停用 動畫迴圈。"
#~ msgid "Add new tracks."
#~ msgstr "新增動畫軌。"
#~ msgid "Move current track up."
#~ msgstr "上移當前動畫軌。"
#~ msgid "Move current track down."
#~ msgstr "下移當前動畫軌。"
#~ msgid "Track tools"
#~ msgstr "軌跡工具"
#~ msgid "Enable editing of individual keys by clicking them."
#~ msgstr "啟用可使用點擊來更改各個鍵。"
#~ msgid "Key"
#~ msgstr "鍵"
#~ msgid "Call Functions in Which Node?"
#~ msgstr "呼叫哪個節點裡的函式?"
#~ msgid "Thanks!"
#~ msgstr "謝謝!"
#~ msgid "Ugh"
#~ msgstr "呃"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "prev"
#~ msgstr "預覽:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Set pivot at mouse position"
#~ msgstr "移除"
#~ msgid "Replace By"
#~ msgstr "用...取代"
#~ msgid "Prompt On Replace"
#~ msgstr "每次取代都要先詢問我"
#~ msgid "Skip"
#~ msgstr "跳過"
#~ msgid "List:"
#~ msgstr "列表:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Selection -> Duplicate"
#~ msgstr "僅選擇區域"
#~ msgid "Return:"
#~ msgstr "回傳值:"
#~ msgid "Added:"
#~ msgstr "已新增:"
#~ msgid "Ctrl+"
#~ msgstr "Ctrl+"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Open Project Manager? \n"
#~ "(Unsaved changes will be lost)"
#~ msgstr "未保存的變更將遺失, 要開啟專案管理員嗎?"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Paths cannot start with '/', absolute paths must start with 'res://', "
#~ "'user://', or 'local://'"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "路徑不可以\"/\"為起始,完整路徑需以'res://'、'user://'、或 'local://'做為"
#~ "起始"
Add table
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