Merge pull request #34657 from neikeq/tasukete
Mono/C#: Re-structure API solution and GodotTools post-build target
This commit is contained in:
72 changed files with 350 additions and 674 deletions
@ -8,14 +8,10 @@ Import('env_modules')
env_mono = env_modules.Clone()
if env['tools']:
if env_mono['tools']:
# NOTE: It is safe to generate this file here, since this is still executed serially
import build_scripts.make_cs_compressed_header as make_cs_compressed_header
import build_scripts.gen_cs_glue_version as gen_cs_glue_version
gen_cs_glue_version.generate_header('glue/GodotSharp', 'glue/cs_glue_version.gen.h')
# Glue sources
if env_mono['mono_glue']:
@ -38,24 +34,14 @@ env_mono = conf.Finish()
mono_configure.configure(env, env_mono)
# Build Godot API solution
if env_mono['tools'] and env_mono['mono_glue']:
# Build Godot API solution
import build_scripts.api_solution_build as api_solution_build
api_sln_cmd =
# Build GodotTools
if env_mono['tools']:
# Build GodotTools
import build_scripts.godot_tools_build as godot_tools_build
if env_mono['mono_glue']:
||||, api_sln_cmd)
# Building without the glue sources so the Godot API solution may be missing.
# GodotTools depends on the Godot API solution. As such, we will only build
# GodotTools.ProjectEditor which doesn't depend on the Godot API solution and
# is required by the bindings generator in order to be able to generated it.
||||, api_sln_cmd)
# Add sources
@ -10,10 +10,7 @@ def build_api_solution(source, target, env):
module_dir = env['module_dir']
solution_path = os.path.join(module_dir, 'glue/Managed/Generated/GodotSharp.sln')
if not os.path.isfile(solution_path):
raise RuntimeError("Godot API solution not found. Did you forget to run '--generate-mono-glue'?")
solution_path = os.path.join(module_dir, 'glue/GodotSharp/GodotSharp.sln')
build_config = env['solution_build_config']
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
def generate_header(solution_dir, version_header_dst):
import os
latest_mtime = 0
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(solution_dir, topdown=True):
dirs[:] = [d for d in dirs if d not in ['Generated']] # Ignored generated files
files = [f for f in files if f.endswith('.cs')]
for file in files:
filepath = os.path.join(root, file)
mtime = os.path.getmtime(filepath)
latest_mtime = mtime if mtime > latest_mtime else latest_mtime
glue_version = int(latest_mtime) # The latest modified time will do for now
with open(version_header_dst, 'w') as version_header:
version_header.write('/* THIS FILE IS GENERATED DO NOT EDIT */\n')
version_header.write('#ifndef CS_GLUE_VERSION_H\n')
version_header.write('#define CS_GLUE_VERSION_H\n\n')
version_header.write('#define CS_GLUE_VERSION UINT32_C(' + str(glue_version) + ')\n')
version_header.write('\n#endif // CS_GLUE_VERSION_H\n')
@ -13,65 +13,13 @@ def build_godot_tools(source, target, env):
solution_path = os.path.join(module_dir, 'editor/GodotTools/GodotTools.sln')
build_config = 'Debug' if env['target'] == 'debug' else 'Release'
# Custom build target to make sure output is always copied to the data dir.
extra_build_args = ['/Target=BuildAlwaysCopyToDataDir']
from . solution_builder import build_solution, nuget_restore
nuget_restore(env, solution_path)
build_solution(env, solution_path, build_config)
# Copy targets
solution_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(solution_path, os.pardir))
src_dir = os.path.join(solution_dir, 'GodotTools', 'bin', build_config)
dst_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(str(target[0]), os.pardir))
if not os.path.isdir(dst_dir):
assert not os.path.isfile(dst_dir)
def copy_target(target_path):
from shutil import copy
filename = os.path.basename(target_path)
copy(os.path.join(src_dir, filename), target_path)
for scons_target in target:
def build_godot_tools_project_editor(source, target, env):
# source and target elements are of type SCons.Node.FS.File, hence why we convert them to str
module_dir = env['module_dir']
project_name = 'GodotTools.ProjectEditor'
csproj_dir = os.path.join(module_dir, 'editor/GodotTools', project_name)
csproj_path = os.path.join(csproj_dir, project_name + '.csproj')
build_config = 'Debug' if env['target'] == 'debug' else 'Release'
from . solution_builder import build_solution, nuget_restore
# Make sure to restore NuGet packages in the project directory for the project to find it
nuget_restore(env, os.path.join(csproj_dir, 'packages.config'), '-PackagesDirectory',
os.path.join(csproj_dir, 'packages'))
build_solution(env, csproj_path, build_config)
# Copy targets
src_dir = os.path.join(csproj_dir, 'bin', build_config)
dst_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(str(target[0]), os.pardir))
if not os.path.isdir(dst_dir):
assert not os.path.isfile(dst_dir)
def copy_target(target_path):
from shutil import copy
filename = os.path.basename(target_path)
copy(os.path.join(src_dir, filename), target_path)
for scons_target in target:
build_solution(env, solution_path, build_config, extra_build_args)
# No need to copy targets. The GodotTools csproj takes care of copying them.
def build(env_mono, api_sln_cmd):
@ -80,36 +28,12 @@ def build(env_mono, api_sln_cmd):
output_dir = Dir('#bin').abspath
editor_tools_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, 'GodotSharp', 'Tools')
target_filenames = [
'GodotTools.dll', 'GodotTools.IdeConnection.dll', 'GodotTools.BuildLogger.dll',
'GodotTools.ProjectEditor.dll', 'DotNet.Glob.dll', 'GodotTools.Core.dll',
'JetBrains.Annotations.dll', 'Newtonsoft.Json.dll'
target_filenames = ['GodotTools.dll']
if env_mono['target'] == 'debug':
target_filenames += [
'GodotTools.pdb', 'GodotTools.IdeConnection.pdb', 'GodotTools.BuildLogger.pdb',
'GodotTools.ProjectEditor.pdb', 'GodotTools.Core.pdb'
target_filenames += ['GodotTools.pdb']
targets = [os.path.join(editor_tools_dir, filename) for filename in target_filenames]
cmd = env_mono.CommandNoCache(targets, api_sln_cmd, build_godot_tools, module_dir=os.getcwd())
def build_project_editor_only(env_mono):
assert env_mono['tools']
output_dir = Dir('#bin').abspath
editor_tools_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, 'GodotSharp', 'Tools')
target_filenames = ['GodotTools.ProjectEditor.dll', 'DotNet.Glob.dll', 'GodotTools.Core.dll']
if env_mono['target'] == 'debug':
target_filenames += ['GodotTools.ProjectEditor.pdb', 'GodotTools.Core.pdb']
targets = [os.path.join(editor_tools_dir, filename) for filename in target_filenames]
cmd = env_mono.CommandNoCache(targets, [], build_godot_tools_project_editor, module_dir=os.getcwd())
@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
def generate_header(src, dst, version_dst):
from compat import byte_to_str
with open(dst, 'w') as header:
header.write('/* THIS FILE IS GENERATED DO NOT EDIT */\n')
header.write('#ifndef CS_COMPRESSED_H\n')
header.write('#define CS_COMPRESSED_H\n\n')
header.write('#ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED\n\n')
header.write('#include "core/map.h"\n')
header.write('#include "core/ustring.h"\n')
inserted_files = ''
import os
latest_mtime = 0
cs_file_count = 0
for root, _, files in os.walk(src):
files = [f for f in files if f.endswith('.cs')]
for file in files:
cs_file_count += 1
filepath = os.path.join(root, file)
filepath_src_rel = os.path.relpath(filepath, src)
mtime = os.path.getmtime(filepath)
latest_mtime = mtime if mtime > latest_mtime else latest_mtime
with open(filepath, 'rb') as f:
buf =
decompr_size = len(buf)
import zlib
buf = zlib.compress(buf)
compr_size = len(buf)
name = str(cs_file_count)
header.write('// ' + filepath_src_rel + '\n')
header.write('static const int _cs_' + name + '_compressed_size = ' + str(compr_size) + ';\n')
header.write('static const int _cs_' + name + '_uncompressed_size = ' + str(decompr_size) + ';\n')
header.write('static const unsigned char _cs_' + name + '_compressed[] = { ')
for i, buf_idx in enumerate(range(compr_size)):
if i > 0:
header.write(', ')
header.write(' };\n')
inserted_files += '\tr_files.insert("' + filepath_src_rel.replace('\\', '\\\\') + '", ' \
'GodotCsCompressedFile(_cs_' + name + '_compressed_size, ' \
'_cs_' + name + '_uncompressed_size, ' \
'_cs_' + name + '_compressed));\n'
header.write('\nstruct GodotCsCompressedFile\n' '{\n'
'\tint compressed_size;\n' '\tint uncompressed_size;\n' '\tconst unsigned char* data;\n'
'\n\tGodotCsCompressedFile(int p_comp_size, int p_uncomp_size, const unsigned char* p_data)\n'
'\t{\n' '\t\tcompressed_size = p_comp_size;\n' '\t\tuncompressed_size = p_uncomp_size;\n'
'\t\tdata = p_data;\n' '\t}\n' '\n\tGodotCsCompressedFile() {}\n' '};\n'
'\nvoid get_compressed_files(Map<String, GodotCsCompressedFile>& r_files)\n' '{\n' + inserted_files + '}\n'
header.write('\n#endif // TOOLS_ENABLED\n')
header.write('\n#endif // CS_COMPRESSED_H\n')
glue_version = int(latest_mtime) # The latest modified time will do for now
with open(version_dst, 'w') as version_header:
version_header.write('/* THIS FILE IS GENERATED DO NOT EDIT */\n')
version_header.write('#ifndef CS_GLUE_VERSION_H\n')
version_header.write('#define CS_GLUE_VERSION_H\n\n')
version_header.write('#define CS_GLUE_VERSION UINT32_C(' + str(glue_version) + ')\n')
version_header.write('\n#endif // CS_GLUE_VERSION_H\n')
@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
namespace GodotTools.ProjectEditor
public static class ApiSolutionGenerator
public static void GenerateApiSolution(string solutionDir,
string coreProjDir, IEnumerable<string> coreCompileItems,
string editorProjDir, IEnumerable<string> editorCompileItems)
var solution = new DotNetSolution(ApiAssemblyNames.SolutionName);
solution.DirectoryPath = solutionDir;
// GodotSharp project
const string coreApiAssemblyName = ApiAssemblyNames.Core;
string coreGuid = ProjectGenerator.GenCoreApiProject(coreProjDir, coreCompileItems);
var coreProjInfo = new DotNetSolution.ProjectInfo
Guid = coreGuid,
PathRelativeToSolution = Path.Combine(coreApiAssemblyName, $"{coreApiAssemblyName}.csproj")
solution.AddNewProject(coreApiAssemblyName, coreProjInfo);
// GodotSharpEditor project
const string editorApiAssemblyName = ApiAssemblyNames.Editor;
string editorGuid = ProjectGenerator.GenEditorApiProject(editorProjDir,
$"../{coreApiAssemblyName}/{coreApiAssemblyName}.csproj", editorCompileItems);
var editorProjInfo = new DotNetSolution.ProjectInfo();
editorProjInfo.Guid = editorGuid;
editorProjInfo.PathRelativeToSolution = Path.Combine(editorApiAssemblyName, $"{editorApiAssemblyName}.csproj");
solution.AddNewProject(editorApiAssemblyName, editorProjInfo);
// Save solution
@ -32,18 +32,11 @@
<Reference Include="System" />
<Reference Include="Microsoft.Build" />
<Reference Include="DotNet.Glob, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b68cc888b4f632d1, processorArchitecture=MSIL">
When building Godot with 'mono_glue=no' SCons will build this project alone instead of the
entire solution. $(SolutionDir) is not defined in that case, so we need to workaround that.
We make SCons restore the NuGet packages in the project directory instead in this case.
<HintPath Condition=" '$(SolutionDir)' != '' And Exists('$(SolutionDir)\packages\DotNet.Glob.2.1.1\lib\net45\DotNet.Glob.dll') ">$(SolutionDir)\packages\DotNet.Glob.2.1.1\lib\net45\DotNet.Glob.dll</HintPath>
<HintPath Condition=" '$(SolutionDir)' == '' Or !Exists('$(SolutionDir)\packages\DotNet.Glob.2.1.1\lib\net45\DotNet.Glob.dll') ">$(ProjectDir)\packages\DotNet.Glob.2.1.1\lib\net45\DotNet.Glob.dll</HintPath>
<Compile Include="ApiAssembliesInfo.cs" />
<Compile Include="ApiSolutionGenerator.cs" />
<Compile Include="DotNetSolution.cs" />
<Compile Include="Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs" />
<Compile Include="IdentifierUtils.cs" />
@ -10,68 +10,13 @@ namespace GodotTools.ProjectEditor
private const string CoreApiProjectName = "GodotSharp";
private const string EditorApiProjectName = "GodotSharpEditor";
private const string CoreApiProjectGuid = "{AEBF0036-DA76-4341-B651-A3F2856AB2FA}";
private const string EditorApiProjectGuid = "{8FBEC238-D944-4074-8548-B3B524305905}";
public static string GenCoreApiProject(string dir, IEnumerable<string> compileItems)
string path = Path.Combine(dir, CoreApiProjectName + ".csproj");
ProjectPropertyGroupElement mainGroup;
var root = CreateLibraryProject(CoreApiProjectName, out mainGroup);
mainGroup.AddProperty("DocumentationFile", Path.Combine("$(OutputPath)", "$(AssemblyName).xml"));
mainGroup.SetProperty("RootNamespace", "Godot");
mainGroup.SetProperty("ProjectGuid", CoreApiProjectGuid);
mainGroup.SetProperty("BaseIntermediateOutputPath", "obj");
GenAssemblyInfoFile(root, dir, CoreApiProjectName,
new[] { "[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo(\"" + EditorApiProjectName + "\")]" },
new[] { "System.Runtime.CompilerServices" });
foreach (var item in compileItems)
root.AddItem("Compile", item.RelativeToPath(dir).Replace("/", "\\"));
return CoreApiProjectGuid;
public static string GenEditorApiProject(string dir, string coreApiProjPath, IEnumerable<string> compileItems)
string path = Path.Combine(dir, EditorApiProjectName + ".csproj");
ProjectPropertyGroupElement mainGroup;
var root = CreateLibraryProject(EditorApiProjectName, out mainGroup);
mainGroup.AddProperty("DocumentationFile", Path.Combine("$(OutputPath)", "$(AssemblyName).xml"));
mainGroup.SetProperty("RootNamespace", "Godot");
mainGroup.SetProperty("ProjectGuid", EditorApiProjectGuid);
mainGroup.SetProperty("BaseIntermediateOutputPath", "obj");
GenAssemblyInfoFile(root, dir, EditorApiProjectName);
foreach (var item in compileItems)
root.AddItem("Compile", item.RelativeToPath(dir).Replace("/", "\\"));
var coreApiRef = root.AddItem("ProjectReference", coreApiProjPath.Replace("/", "\\"));
coreApiRef.AddMetadata("Private", "False");
return EditorApiProjectGuid;
public static string GenGameProject(string dir, string name, IEnumerable<string> compileItems)
string path = Path.Combine(dir, name + ".csproj");
ProjectPropertyGroupElement mainGroup;
var root = CreateLibraryProject(name, out mainGroup);
var root = CreateLibraryProject(name, "Tools", out mainGroup);
mainGroup.SetProperty("OutputPath", Path.Combine(".mono", "temp", "bin", "$(Configuration)"));
mainGroup.SetProperty("BaseIntermediateOutputPath", Path.Combine(".mono", "temp", "obj"));
@ -110,7 +55,7 @@ namespace GodotTools.ProjectEditor
return root.GetGuid().ToString().ToUpper();
public static void GenAssemblyInfoFile(ProjectRootElement root, string dir, string name, string[] assemblyLines = null, string[] usingDirectives = null)
private static void GenAssemblyInfoFile(ProjectRootElement root, string dir, string name, string[] assemblyLines = null, string[] usingDirectives = null)
string propertiesDir = Path.Combine(dir, "Properties");
if (!Directory.Exists(propertiesDir))
@ -138,7 +83,7 @@ namespace GodotTools.ProjectEditor
root.AddItem("Compile", assemblyInfoFile.RelativeToPath(dir).Replace("/", "\\"));
public static ProjectRootElement CreateLibraryProject(string name, out ProjectPropertyGroupElement mainGroup)
public static ProjectRootElement CreateLibraryProject(string name, string defaultConfig, out ProjectPropertyGroupElement mainGroup)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
throw new ArgumentException($"{nameof(name)} cannot be empty", nameof(name));
@ -147,7 +92,7 @@ namespace GodotTools.ProjectEditor
root.DefaultTargets = "Build";
mainGroup = root.AddPropertyGroup();
mainGroup.AddProperty("Configuration", "Debug").Condition = " '$(Configuration)' == '' ";
mainGroup.AddProperty("Configuration", defaultConfig).Condition = " '$(Configuration)' == '' ";
mainGroup.AddProperty("Platform", "AnyCPU").Condition = " '$(Platform)' == '' ";
mainGroup.AddProperty("ProjectGuid", "{" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString().ToUpper() + "}");
mainGroup.AddProperty("OutputType", "Library");
@ -184,16 +129,6 @@ namespace GodotTools.ProjectEditor
return root;
private static void AddItems(ProjectRootElement elem, string groupName, params string[] items)
var group = elem.AddItemGroup();
foreach (var item in items)
group.AddItem(groupName, item);
private const string AssemblyInfoTemplate =
@"using System.Reflection;{0}
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
@ -41,9 +42,11 @@
<Reference Include="System" />
<Reference Include="GodotSharp">
<Reference Include="GodotSharpEditor">
@ -56,7 +59,6 @@
<Compile Include="Ides\MonoDevelop\Instance.cs" />
<Compile Include="Ides\Rider\RiderPathLocator.cs" />
<Compile Include="Ides\Rider\RiderPathManager.cs" />
<Compile Include="Internals\BindingsGenerator.cs" />
<Compile Include="Internals\EditorProgress.cs" />
<Compile Include="Internals\GodotSharpDirs.cs" />
<Compile Include="Internals\Internal.cs" />
@ -99,5 +101,21 @@
<None Include="packages.config" />
<Target Name="CopyToDataDir" AfterTargets="Build">
<GodotToolsCopy Include="$(OutputPath)\GodotTools*.dll" />
<GodotToolsCopy Include="$(OutputPath)\Newtonsoft.Json.dll" />
<GodotToolsCopy Include="$(OutputPath)\DotNet.Glob.dll" />
<ItemGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)' == 'Debug' ">
<GodotToolsCopy Include="$(OutputPath)\GodotTools*.pdb" />
<Copy SourceFiles="@(GodotToolsCopy)" DestinationFolder="$(DataDirToolsOutputPath)" ContinueOnError="false" />
<Target Name="BuildAlwaysCopyToDataDir">
<!-- Custom target run by SCons to make sure the CopyToDataDir target is always executed, without having to use DisableFastUpToDateCheck -->
<CallTarget Targets="Build" />
<CallTarget Targets="CopyToDataDir" />
<Import Project="$(MSBuildBinPath)\Microsoft.CSharp.targets" />
@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
using System;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace GodotTools.Internals
public class BindingsGenerator : IDisposable
class BindingsGeneratorSafeHandle : SafeHandle
public BindingsGeneratorSafeHandle(IntPtr handle) : base(IntPtr.Zero, true)
this.handle = handle;
public override bool IsInvalid => handle == IntPtr.Zero;
protected override bool ReleaseHandle()
return true;
private BindingsGeneratorSafeHandle safeHandle;
private bool disposed = false;
public bool LogPrintEnabled
get => internal_LogPrintEnabled(GetPtr());
set => internal_SetLogPrintEnabled(GetPtr(), value);
public static uint Version => internal_Version();
public static uint CsGlueVersion => internal_CsGlueVersion();
public Godot.Error GenerateCsApi(string outputDir) => internal_GenerateCsApi(GetPtr(), outputDir);
internal IntPtr GetPtr()
if (disposed)
throw new ObjectDisposedException(GetType().FullName);
return safeHandle.DangerousGetHandle();
public void Dispose()
if (disposed)
if (safeHandle != null && !safeHandle.IsInvalid)
safeHandle = null;
disposed = true;
public BindingsGenerator()
safeHandle = new BindingsGeneratorSafeHandle(internal_Ctor());
private static extern IntPtr internal_Ctor();
private static extern void internal_Dtor(IntPtr handle);
private static extern bool internal_LogPrintEnabled(IntPtr handle);
private static extern void internal_SetLogPrintEnabled(IntPtr handle, bool enabled);
private static extern Godot.Error internal_GenerateCsApi(IntPtr handle, string outputDir);
private static extern uint internal_Version();
private static extern uint internal_CsGlueVersion();
@ -40,7 +40,6 @@
#include "core/os/os.h"
#include "core/ucaps.h"
#include "../glue/cs_compressed.gen.h"
#include "../glue/cs_glue_version.gen.h"
#include "../godotsharp_defs.h"
#include "../mono_gd/gd_mono_marshal.h"
@ -874,7 +873,7 @@ void BindingsGenerator::_generate_global_constants(StringBuilder &p_output) {
p_output.append("\n#pragma warning restore CS1591\n");
Error BindingsGenerator::generate_cs_core_project(const String &p_proj_dir, Vector<String> &r_compile_items) {
Error BindingsGenerator::generate_cs_core_project(const String &p_proj_dir) {
@ -887,22 +886,24 @@ Error BindingsGenerator::generate_cs_core_project(const String &p_proj_dir, Vect
String core_dir = path::join(p_proj_dir, "Core");
String obj_type_dir = path::join(p_proj_dir, "ObjectType");
String base_gen_dir = path::join(p_proj_dir, "Generated");
String godot_objects_gen_dir = path::join(base_gen_dir, "GodotObjects");
Vector<String> compile_items;
// Generate source file for global scope constants and enums
StringBuilder constants_source;
String output_file = path::join(core_dir, BINDINGS_GLOBAL_SCOPE_CLASS "_constants.cs");
String output_file = path::join(base_gen_dir, BINDINGS_GLOBAL_SCOPE_CLASS "_constants.cs");
Error save_err = _save_file(output_file, constants_source);
if (save_err != OK)
return save_err;
for (OrderedHashMap<StringName, TypeInterface>::Element E = obj_types.front(); E; E = {
@ -911,7 +912,7 @@ Error BindingsGenerator::generate_cs_core_project(const String &p_proj_dir, Vect
if (itype.api_type == ClassDB::API_EDITOR)
String output_file = path::join(obj_type_dir, itype.proxy_name + ".cs");
String output_file = path::join(godot_objects_gen_dir, itype.proxy_name + ".cs");
Error err = _generate_cs_type(itype, output_file);
if (err == ERR_SKIP)
@ -920,39 +921,11 @@ Error BindingsGenerator::generate_cs_core_project(const String &p_proj_dir, Vect
if (err != OK)
return err;
// Generate sources from compressed files
Map<String, GodotCsCompressedFile> compressed_files;
for (Map<String, GodotCsCompressedFile>::Element *E = compressed_files.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
const String &file_name = E->key();
const GodotCsCompressedFile &file_data = E->value();
String output_file = path::join(core_dir, file_name);
Vector<uint8_t> data;
Compression::decompress(data.ptrw(), file_data.uncompressed_size,, file_data.compressed_size, Compression::MODE_DEFLATE);
String output_dir = output_file.get_base_dir();
if (!DirAccess::exists(output_dir)) {
Error err = da->make_dir_recursive(ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->globalize_path(output_dir));
FileAccessRef file = FileAccess::open(output_file, FileAccess::WRITE);
file->store_buffer(data.ptr(), data.size());
StringBuilder cs_icalls_content;
cs_icalls_content.append("using System;\n"
@ -986,18 +959,36 @@ Error BindingsGenerator::generate_cs_core_project(const String &p_proj_dir, Vect
cs_icalls_content.append(INDENT1 CLOSE_BLOCK CLOSE_BLOCK);
String internal_methods_file = path::join(core_dir, BINDINGS_CLASS_NATIVECALLS ".cs");
String internal_methods_file = path::join(base_gen_dir, BINDINGS_CLASS_NATIVECALLS ".cs");
Error err = _save_file(internal_methods_file, cs_icalls_content);
if (err != OK)
return err;
StringBuilder includes_props_content;
" <ItemGroup>\n");
for (int i = 0; i < compile_items.size(); i++) {
String include = path::relative_to(compile_items[i], p_proj_dir).replace("/", "\\");
includes_props_content.append(" <Compile Include=\"" + include + "\" />\n");
includes_props_content.append(" </ItemGroup>\n"
String includes_props_file = path::join(base_gen_dir, "GeneratedIncludes.props");
err = _save_file(includes_props_file, includes_props_content);
if (err != OK)
return err;
return OK;
Error BindingsGenerator::generate_cs_editor_project(const String &p_proj_dir, Vector<String> &r_compile_items) {
Error BindingsGenerator::generate_cs_editor_project(const String &p_proj_dir) {
@ -1010,11 +1001,13 @@ Error BindingsGenerator::generate_cs_editor_project(const String &p_proj_dir, Ve
String core_dir = path::join(p_proj_dir, "Core");
String obj_type_dir = path::join(p_proj_dir, "ObjectType");
String base_gen_dir = path::join(p_proj_dir, "Generated");
String godot_objects_gen_dir = path::join(base_gen_dir, "GodotObjects");
Vector<String> compile_items;
for (OrderedHashMap<StringName, TypeInterface>::Element E = obj_types.front(); E; E = {
const TypeInterface &itype = E.get();
@ -1022,7 +1015,7 @@ Error BindingsGenerator::generate_cs_editor_project(const String &p_proj_dir, Ve
if (itype.api_type != ClassDB::API_EDITOR)
String output_file = path::join(obj_type_dir, itype.proxy_name + ".cs");
String output_file = path::join(godot_objects_gen_dir, itype.proxy_name + ".cs");
Error err = _generate_cs_type(itype, output_file);
if (err == ERR_SKIP)
@ -1031,7 +1024,7 @@ Error BindingsGenerator::generate_cs_editor_project(const String &p_proj_dir, Ve
if (err != OK)
return err;
StringBuilder cs_icalls_content;
@ -1068,13 +1061,31 @@ Error BindingsGenerator::generate_cs_editor_project(const String &p_proj_dir, Ve
cs_icalls_content.append(INDENT1 CLOSE_BLOCK CLOSE_BLOCK);
String internal_methods_file = path::join(core_dir, BINDINGS_CLASS_NATIVECALLS_EDITOR ".cs");
String internal_methods_file = path::join(base_gen_dir, BINDINGS_CLASS_NATIVECALLS_EDITOR ".cs");
Error err = _save_file(internal_methods_file, cs_icalls_content);
if (err != OK)
return err;
StringBuilder includes_props_content;
" <ItemGroup>\n");
for (int i = 0; i < compile_items.size(); i++) {
String include = path::relative_to(compile_items[i], p_proj_dir).replace("/", "\\");
includes_props_content.append(" <Compile Include=\"" + include + "\" />\n");
includes_props_content.append(" </ItemGroup>\n"
String includes_props_file = path::join(base_gen_dir, "GeneratedIncludes.props");
err = _save_file(includes_props_file, includes_props_content);
if (err != OK)
return err;
return OK;
@ -1098,9 +1109,8 @@ Error BindingsGenerator::generate_cs_api(const String &p_output_dir) {
// Generate GodotSharp source files
String core_proj_dir = output_dir.plus_file(CORE_API_ASSEMBLY_NAME);
Vector<String> core_compile_items;
proj_err = generate_cs_core_project(core_proj_dir, core_compile_items);
proj_err = generate_cs_core_project(core_proj_dir);
if (proj_err != OK) {
ERR_PRINT("Generation of the Core API C# project failed.");
return proj_err;
@ -1109,22 +1119,14 @@ Error BindingsGenerator::generate_cs_api(const String &p_output_dir) {
// Generate GodotSharpEditor source files
String editor_proj_dir = output_dir.plus_file(EDITOR_API_ASSEMBLY_NAME);
Vector<String> editor_compile_items;
proj_err = generate_cs_editor_project(editor_proj_dir, editor_compile_items);
proj_err = generate_cs_editor_project(editor_proj_dir);
if (proj_err != OK) {
ERR_PRINT("Generation of the Editor API C# project failed.");
return proj_err;
// Generate solution
if (!CSharpProject::generate_api_solution(output_dir,
core_proj_dir, core_compile_items, editor_proj_dir, editor_compile_items)) {
_log("The solution for the Godot API was generated successfully\n");
_log("The Godot API sources were successfully generated\n");
return OK;
@ -3170,7 +3172,7 @@ void BindingsGenerator::handle_cmdline_args(const List<String> &p_cmdline_args)
if (bindings_generator.generate_glue(glue_dir_path) != OK)
ERR_PRINTS(generate_all_glue_option + ": Failed to generate the C++ glue.");
if (bindings_generator.generate_cs_api(glue_dir_path.plus_file("Managed/Generated")) != OK)
if (bindings_generator.generate_cs_api(glue_dir_path.plus_file(API_SOLUTION_NAME)) != OK)
ERR_PRINTS(generate_all_glue_option + ": Failed to generate the C# API.");
@ -635,8 +635,8 @@ class BindingsGenerator {
void _initialize();
Error generate_cs_core_project(const String &p_proj_dir, Vector<String> &r_compile_files);
Error generate_cs_editor_project(const String &p_proj_dir, Vector<String> &r_compile_items);
Error generate_cs_core_project(const String &p_proj_dir);
Error generate_cs_editor_project(const String &p_proj_dir);
Error generate_cs_api(const String &p_output_dir);
Error generate_glue(const String &p_output_dir);
@ -44,54 +44,6 @@
namespace CSharpProject {
bool generate_api_solution_impl(const String &p_solution_dir, const String &p_core_proj_dir, const Vector<String> &p_core_compile_items,
const String &p_editor_proj_dir, const Vector<String> &p_editor_compile_items,
GDMonoAssembly *p_tools_project_editor_assembly) {
GDMonoClass *klass = p_tools_project_editor_assembly->get_class("GodotTools.ProjectEditor", "ApiSolutionGenerator");
Variant solution_dir = p_solution_dir;
Variant core_proj_dir = p_core_proj_dir;
Variant core_compile_items = p_core_compile_items;
Variant editor_proj_dir = p_editor_proj_dir;
Variant editor_compile_items = p_editor_compile_items;
const Variant *args[5] = { &solution_dir, &core_proj_dir, &core_compile_items, &editor_proj_dir, &editor_compile_items };
MonoException *exc = NULL;
klass->get_method("GenerateApiSolution", 5)->invoke(NULL, args, &exc);
if (exc) {
return true;
bool generate_api_solution(const String &p_solution_dir, const String &p_core_proj_dir, const Vector<String> &p_core_compile_items,
const String &p_editor_proj_dir, const Vector<String> &p_editor_compile_items) {
if (GDMono::get_singleton()->get_tools_project_editor_assembly()) {
return generate_api_solution_impl(p_solution_dir, p_core_proj_dir, p_core_compile_items,
p_editor_proj_dir, p_editor_compile_items,
} else {
MonoDomain *temp_domain = GDMonoUtils::create_domain("GodotEngine.Domain.ApiSolutionGeneration");
CRASH_COND(temp_domain == NULL);
GDMonoAssembly *tools_project_editor_asm = NULL;
bool assembly_loaded = GDMono::get_singleton()->load_assembly(TOOLS_PROJECT_EDITOR_ASM_NAME, &tools_project_editor_asm);
ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(!assembly_loaded, false, "Failed to load assembly: '" TOOLS_PROJECT_EDITOR_ASM_NAME "'.");
return generate_api_solution_impl(p_solution_dir, p_core_proj_dir, p_core_compile_items,
p_editor_proj_dir, p_editor_compile_items,
void add_item(const String &p_project_path, const String &p_item_type, const String &p_include) {
if (!GLOBAL_DEF("mono/project/auto_update_project", true))
@ -35,9 +35,6 @@
namespace CSharpProject {
bool generate_api_solution(const String &p_solution_dir, const String &p_core_proj_dir, const Vector<String> &p_core_compile_items,
const String &p_editor_proj_dir, const Vector<String> &p_editor_compile_items);
void add_item(const String &p_project_path, const String &p_item_type, const String &p_include);
} // namespace CSharpProject
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
# Generated Godot API sources directories
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00
# Visual Studio 2012
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "GodotSharp", "GodotSharp\GodotSharp.csproj", "{AEBF0036-DA76-4341-B651-A3F2856AB2FA}"
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "GodotSharpEditor", "GodotSharpEditor\GodotSharpEditor.csproj", "{8FBEC238-D944-4074-8548-B3B524305905}"
GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
Debug|Any CPU = Debug|Any CPU
Release|Any CPU = Release|Any CPU
Debug|Any CPU = Debug|Any CPU
Release|Any CPU = Release|Any CPU
GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution
{AEBF0036-DA76-4341-B651-A3F2856AB2FA}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{AEBF0036-DA76-4341-B651-A3F2856AB2FA}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{AEBF0036-DA76-4341-B651-A3F2856AB2FA}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{AEBF0036-DA76-4341-B651-A3F2856AB2FA}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{8FBEC238-D944-4074-8548-B3B524305905}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{8FBEC238-D944-4074-8548-B3B524305905}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{8FBEC238-D944-4074-8548-B3B524305905}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{8FBEC238-D944-4074-8548-B3B524305905}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project ToolsVersion="4.0" DefaultTargets="Build" xmlns="">
<Configuration Condition=" '$(Configuration)' == '' ">Debug</Configuration>
<Platform Condition=" '$(Platform)' == '' ">AnyCPU</Platform>
<PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Debug|AnyCPU' ">
<PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Release|AnyCPU' ">
<Reference Include="System" />
<Compile Include="Core\AABB.cs" />
<Compile Include="Core\Array.cs" />
<Compile Include="Core\Attributes\ExportAttribute.cs" />
<Compile Include="Core\Attributes\GodotMethodAttribute.cs" />
<Compile Include="Core\Attributes\RPCAttributes.cs" />
<Compile Include="Core\Attributes\SignalAttribute.cs" />
<Compile Include="Core\Attributes\ToolAttribute.cs" />
<Compile Include="Core\Basis.cs" />
<Compile Include="Core\Color.cs" />
<Compile Include="Core\Colors.cs" />
<Compile Include="Core\DebuggingUtils.cs" />
<Compile Include="Core\Dictionary.cs" />
<Compile Include="Core\Dispatcher.cs" />
<Compile Include="Core\DynamicObject.cs" />
<Compile Include="Core\Extensions\NodeExtensions.cs" />
<Compile Include="Core\Extensions\ObjectExtensions.cs" />
<Compile Include="Core\Extensions\ResourceLoaderExtensions.cs" />
<Compile Include="Core\GD.cs" />
<Compile Include="Core\GodotSynchronizationContext.cs" />
<Compile Include="Core\GodotTaskScheduler.cs" />
<Compile Include="Core\GodotTraceListener.cs" />
<Compile Include="Core\Interfaces\IAwaitable.cs" />
<Compile Include="Core\Interfaces\IAwaiter.cs" />
<Compile Include="Core\Interfaces\ISerializationListener.cs" />
<Compile Include="Core\MarshalUtils.cs" />
<Compile Include="Core\Mathf.cs" />
<Compile Include="Core\MathfEx.cs" />
<Compile Include="Core\NodePath.cs" />
<Compile Include="Core\Object.base.cs" />
<Compile Include="Core\Plane.cs" />
<Compile Include="Core\Quat.cs" />
<Compile Include="Core\Rect2.cs" />
<Compile Include="Core\RID.cs" />
<Compile Include="Core\SignalAwaiter.cs" />
<Compile Include="Core\StringExtensions.cs" />
<Compile Include="Core\Transform.cs" />
<Compile Include="Core\Transform2D.cs" />
<Compile Include="Core\Vector2.cs" />
<Compile Include="Core\Vector3.cs" />
<Compile Include="Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs" />
We import a props file with auto-generated includes. This works well with Rider.
However, Visual Studio and MonoDevelop won't list them in the solution explorer.
We can't use wildcards as there may be undesired old files still hanging around.
Fortunately code completion, go to definition and such still work.
<Import Project="Generated\GeneratedIncludes.props" />
<Import Project="$(MSBuildBinPath)\Microsoft.CSharp.targets" />
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
// Information about this assembly is defined by the following attributes.
// Change them to the values specific to your project.
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("GodotSharp")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("")]
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("")]
[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("")]
[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")]
[assembly: AssemblyCulture("")]
// The assembly version has the format "{Major}.{Minor}.{Build}.{Revision}".
// The form "{Major}.{Minor}.*" will automatically update the build and revision,
// and "{Major}.{Minor}.{Build}.*" will update just the revision.
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")]
// The following attributes are used to specify the signing key for the assembly,
// if desired. See the Mono documentation for more information about signing.
//[assembly: AssemblyDelaySign(false)]
//[assembly: AssemblyKeyFile("")]
[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("GodotSharpEditor")]
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project ToolsVersion="4.0" DefaultTargets="Build" xmlns="">
<Configuration Condition=" '$(Configuration)' == '' ">Debug</Configuration>
<Platform Condition=" '$(Platform)' == '' ">AnyCPU</Platform>
<PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Debug|AnyCPU' ">
<PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Release|AnyCPU' ">
<Reference Include="System" />
<Compile Include="Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs" />
<Import Project="Generated\GeneratedIncludes.props" />
<ProjectReference Include="..\GodotSharp\GodotSharp.csproj">
<Import Project="$(MSBuildBinPath)\Microsoft.CSharp.targets" />
@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Reflection;
// Information about this assembly is defined by the following attributes.
// Change them to the values specific to your project.
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("Managed")]
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("GodotSharpEditor")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("")]
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("")]
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
# Generated Godot API solution folder
@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
namespace Godot
public enum Margin
Left = 0,
Top = 1,
Right = 2,
Bottom = 3
public enum Error
Ok = 0
public enum PropertyHint
None = 0
@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
using System;
namespace Godot
public partial class FuncRef
public void SetInstance(Object instance)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public void SetFunction(string name)
throw new NotImplementedException();
@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
using System;
namespace Godot
public partial class Node
public Node GetChild(int idx)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public Node GetNode(NodePath path)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public Node Owner
get => throw new NotImplementedException();
set => throw new NotImplementedException();
public Node GetParent()
throw new NotImplementedException();
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
namespace Godot
public partial class Resource
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
using System;
namespace Godot
public partial class ResourceLoader
public static Resource Load(string path, string typeHint = "", bool pNoCache = false)
throw new NotImplementedException();
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
namespace Godot
public static class Variant
public enum Type
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
namespace Godot
public partial class WeakRef
@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project DefaultTargets="Build" ToolsVersion="4.0" xmlns="">
<Configuration Condition=" '$(Configuration)' == '' ">Debug</Configuration>
<Platform Condition=" '$(Platform)' == '' ">x86</Platform>
<PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Debug|x86' ">
<PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Release|x86' ">
<Reference Include="System" />
<Compile Include="Files\**\*.cs" />
<Compile Include="IgnoredFiles\**\*.cs" />
<Compile Include="Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs" />
<Import Project="$(MSBuildBinPath)\Microsoft.CSharp.targets" />
@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00
# Visual Studio 2012
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "Managed", "Managed.csproj", "{DAA3DEF8-5112-407C-A5E5-6C608CF5F955}"
GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
Debug|x86 = Debug|x86
Release|x86 = Release|x86
GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution
{DAA3DEF8-5112-407C-A5E5-6C608CF5F955}.Debug|x86.ActiveCfg = Debug|x86
{DAA3DEF8-5112-407C-A5E5-6C608CF5F955}.Debug|x86.Build.0 = Debug|x86
{DAA3DEF8-5112-407C-A5E5-6C608CF5F955}.Release|x86.ActiveCfg = Release|x86
{DAA3DEF8-5112-407C-A5E5-6C608CF5F955}.Release|x86.Build.0 = Release|x86
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
The directory `Files` contains C# files from the core assembly project that are not part of the generated API. Any file with the `.cs` extension in this directory will be added to the core assembly project.
A dummy solution and project is provided to get tooling help while editing these files, like code completion and name refactoring.
The directory `IgnoredFiles` contains C# files that are needed to build the dummy project but must not be added to the core assembly project. They contain placeholders for the declarations that are part of the generated API.
@ -170,4 +170,41 @@ String join(const String &p_a, const String &p_b, const String &p_c, const Strin
return path::join(path::join(path::join(p_a, p_b), p_c), p_d);
String relative_to_impl(const String &p_path, const String &p_relative_to) {
// This function assumes arguments are normalized and absolute paths
if (p_path.begins_with(p_relative_to)) {
return p_path.substr(p_relative_to.length() + 1);
} else {
String base_dir = p_relative_to.get_base_dir();
if (base_dir.length() <= 2 && (base_dir.empty() || base_dir.ends_with(":")))
return p_path;
return String("..").plus_file(relative_to_impl(p_path, base_dir));
String get_drive_letter(const String &p_norm_path) {
int idx = p_norm_path.find(":/");
if (idx != -1 && idx < p_norm_path.find("/"))
return p_norm_path.substr(0, idx + 1);
return String();
String relative_to(const String &p_path, const String &p_relative_to) {
String relative_to_abs_norm = abspath(p_relative_to);
String path_abs_norm = abspath(p_path);
if (get_drive_letter(relative_to_abs_norm) != get_drive_letter(path_abs_norm)) {
return path_abs_norm;
return relative_to_impl(path_abs_norm, relative_to_abs_norm);
} // namespace path
@ -57,6 +57,8 @@ String abspath(const String &p_path);
String realpath(const String &p_path);
String relative_to(const String &p_path, const String &p_relative_to);
} // namespace path
#endif // PATH_UTILS_H
Add table
Reference in a new issue