Add center_grabber property to Slider
This commit is contained in:
9 changed files with 42 additions and 13 deletions
@ -141,6 +141,9 @@
<theme_item name="center_slider_grabbers" data_type="constant" type="int" default="1">
Overrides the [theme_item HSlider.center_grabber] theme property of the sliders.
<theme_item name="h_width" data_type="constant" type="int" default="30">
The width of the hue selection slider.
@ -10,6 +10,9 @@
<theme_item name="center_grabber" data_type="constant" type="int" default="0">
Boolean constant. If [code]1[/code], the grabber texture size will be ignored and it will fit within slider's bounds based only on its center position.
<theme_item name="grabber_offset" data_type="constant" type="int" default="0">
Vertical offset of the grabber.
@ -14,6 +14,9 @@
<member name="size_flags_vertical" type="int" setter="set_v_size_flags" getter="get_v_size_flags" overrides="Control" enum="Control.SizeFlags" default="1" />
<theme_item name="center_grabber" data_type="constant" type="int" default="0">
Boolean constant. If [code]1[/code], the grabber texture size will be ignored and it will fit within slider's bounds based only on its center position.
<theme_item name="grabber_offset" data_type="constant" type="int" default="0">
Horizontal offset of the grabber.
@ -1594,6 +1594,7 @@ Ref<Theme> create_editor_theme(const Ref<Theme> p_theme) {
theme->set_stylebox("slider", "HSlider", make_flat_stylebox(dark_color_3, 0, default_margin_size / 2, 0, default_margin_size / 2, corner_width));
theme->set_stylebox("grabber_area", "HSlider", make_flat_stylebox(contrast_color_1, 0, default_margin_size / 2, 0, default_margin_size / 2, corner_width));
theme->set_stylebox("grabber_area_highlight", "HSlider", make_flat_stylebox(contrast_color_1, 0, default_margin_size / 2, 0, default_margin_size / 2));
theme->set_constant("center_grabber", "HSlider", 0);
theme->set_constant("grabber_offset", "HSlider", 0);
// VSlider
@ -1602,6 +1603,7 @@ Ref<Theme> create_editor_theme(const Ref<Theme> p_theme) {
theme->set_stylebox("slider", "VSlider", make_flat_stylebox(dark_color_3, default_margin_size / 2, 0, default_margin_size / 2, 0, corner_width));
theme->set_stylebox("grabber_area", "VSlider", make_flat_stylebox(contrast_color_1, default_margin_size / 2, 0, default_margin_size / 2, 0, corner_width));
theme->set_stylebox("grabber_area_highlight", "VSlider", make_flat_stylebox(contrast_color_1, default_margin_size / 2, 0, default_margin_size / 2, 0));
theme->set_constant("center_grabber", "VSlider", 0);
theme->set_constant("grabber_offset", "VSlider", 0);
// RichTextLabel
@ -1858,6 +1860,7 @@ Ref<Theme> create_editor_theme(const Ref<Theme> p_theme) {
theme->set_constant("sv_height", "ColorPicker", 256 * EDSCALE);
theme->set_constant("h_width", "ColorPicker", 30 * EDSCALE);
theme->set_constant("label_width", "ColorPicker", 10 * EDSCALE);
theme->set_constant("center_slider_grabbers", "ColorPicker", 1);
theme->set_icon("screen_picker", "ColorPicker", theme->get_icon(SNAME("ColorPick"), SNAME("EditorIcons")));
theme->set_icon("shape_circle", "ColorPicker", theme->get_icon(SNAME("PickerShapeCircle"), SNAME("EditorIcons")));
theme->set_icon("shape_rect", "ColorPicker", theme->get_icon(SNAME("PickerShapeRectangle"), SNAME("EditorIcons")));
@ -67,9 +67,11 @@ void ColorPicker::_notification(int p_what) {
for (int i = 0; i < SLIDER_COUNT; i++) {
labels[i]->set_custom_minimum_size(Size2(theme_cache.label_width, 0));
sliders[i]->add_theme_constant_override(SNAME("center_grabber"), theme_cache.center_slider_grabbers);
set_offset((Side)i, get_offset((Side)i) + theme_cache.content_margin);
alpha_label->set_custom_minimum_size(Size2(theme_cache.label_width, 0));
alpha_label->add_theme_constant_override(SNAME("center_grabber"), theme_cache.center_slider_grabbers);
set_offset((Side)0, get_offset((Side)0) + theme_cache.content_margin);
for (int i = 0; i < MODE_BUTTON_COUNT; i++) {
@ -122,6 +124,8 @@ void ColorPicker::_update_theme_item_cache() {
theme_cache.sv_height = get_theme_constant(SNAME("sv_height"));
theme_cache.h_width = get_theme_constant(SNAME("h_width"));
theme_cache.center_slider_grabbers = get_theme_constant(SNAME("center_slider_grabbers"));
theme_cache.screen_picker = get_theme_icon(SNAME("screen_picker"));
theme_cache.expanded_arrow = get_theme_icon(SNAME("expanded_arrow"));
theme_cache.folded_arrow = get_theme_icon(SNAME("folded_arrow"));
@ -213,6 +213,8 @@ private:
int sv_width = 0;
int h_width = 0;
bool center_slider_grabbers = true;
Ref<Texture2D> screen_picker;
Ref<Texture2D> expanded_arrow;
Ref<Texture2D> folded_arrow;
@ -64,8 +64,8 @@ void Slider::gui_input(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event) {
grab.pos = orientation == VERTICAL ? mb->get_position().y : mb->get_position().x;
double grab_width = (double)grabber->get_size().width;
double grab_height = (double)grabber->get_size().height;
double grab_width = (double)grabber->get_width();
double grab_height = (double)grabber->get_height();
double max = orientation == VERTICAL ? get_size().height - grab_height : get_size().width - grab_width;
if (orientation == VERTICAL) {
set_as_ratio(1 - (((double)grab.pos - (grab_height / 2.0)) / max));
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ void Slider::gui_input(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event) {
if (orientation == VERTICAL) {
motion = -motion;
double areasize = orientation == VERTICAL ? size.height - grabber->get_size().height : size.width - grabber->get_size().width;
double areasize = orientation == VERTICAL ? size.height - grabber->get_height() : size.width - grabber->get_width();
if (areasize <= 0) {
@ -159,6 +159,9 @@ void Slider::_update_theme_item_cache() {
theme_cache.grabber_hl_icon = get_theme_icon(SNAME("grabber_highlight"));
theme_cache.grabber_disabled_icon = get_theme_icon(SNAME("grabber_disabled"));
theme_cache.tick_icon = get_theme_icon(SNAME("tick"));
theme_cache.center_grabber = get_theme_constant(SNAME("center_grabber"));
theme_cache.grabber_offset = get_theme_constant(SNAME("grabber_offset"));
void Slider::_notification(int p_what) {
@ -213,39 +216,41 @@ void Slider::_notification(int p_what) {
if (orientation == VERTICAL) {
int widget_width = style->get_minimum_size().width;
double areasize = size.height - grabber->get_size().height;
double areasize = size.height - (theme_cache.center_grabber ? 0 : grabber->get_height());
int grabber_shift = theme_cache.center_grabber ? grabber->get_height() / 2 : 0;
style->draw(ci, Rect2i(Point2i(size.width / 2 - widget_width / 2, 0), Size2i(widget_width, size.height)));
grabber_area->draw(ci, Rect2i(Point2i((size.width - widget_width) / 2, size.height - areasize * ratio - grabber->get_size().height / 2), Size2i(widget_width, areasize * ratio + grabber->get_size().height / 2)));
grabber_area->draw(ci, Rect2i(Point2i((size.width - widget_width) / 2, size.height - areasize * ratio - grabber->get_height() / 2 + grabber_shift), Size2i(widget_width, areasize * ratio + grabber->get_height() / 2 - grabber_shift)));
if (ticks > 1) {
int grabber_offset = (grabber->get_size().height / 2 - tick->get_height() / 2);
int grabber_offset = (grabber->get_height() / 2 - tick->get_height() / 2);
for (int i = 0; i < ticks; i++) {
if (!ticks_on_borders && (i == 0 || i + 1 == ticks)) {
int ofs = (i * areasize / (ticks - 1)) + grabber_offset;
int ofs = (i * areasize / (ticks - 1)) + grabber_offset - grabber_shift;
tick->draw(ci, Point2i((size.width - widget_width) / 2, ofs));
grabber->draw(ci, Point2i(size.width / 2 - grabber->get_size().width / 2 + get_theme_constant(SNAME("grabber_offset")), size.height - ratio * areasize - grabber->get_size().height));
grabber->draw(ci, Point2i(size.width / 2 - grabber->get_width() / 2 + theme_cache.grabber_offset, size.height - ratio * areasize - grabber->get_height() + grabber_shift));
} else {
int widget_height = style->get_minimum_size().height;
double areasize = size.width - grabber->get_size().width;
double areasize = size.width - (theme_cache.center_grabber ? 0 : grabber->get_size().width);
int grabber_shift = theme_cache.center_grabber ? -grabber->get_width() / 2 : 0;
style->draw(ci, Rect2i(Point2i(0, (size.height - widget_height) / 2), Size2i(size.width, widget_height)));
grabber_area->draw(ci, Rect2i(Point2i(0, (size.height - widget_height) / 2), Size2i(areasize * ratio + grabber->get_size().width / 2, widget_height)));
grabber_area->draw(ci, Rect2i(Point2i(0, (size.height - widget_height) / 2), Size2i(areasize * ratio + grabber->get_width() / 2 + grabber_shift, widget_height)));
if (ticks > 1) {
int grabber_offset = (grabber->get_size().width / 2 - tick->get_width() / 2);
int grabber_offset = (grabber->get_width() / 2 - tick->get_width() / 2);
for (int i = 0; i < ticks; i++) {
if ((!ticks_on_borders) && ((i == 0) || ((i + 1) == ticks))) {
int ofs = (i * areasize / (ticks - 1)) + grabber_offset;
int ofs = (i * areasize / (ticks - 1)) + grabber_offset + grabber_shift;
tick->draw(ci, Point2i(ofs, (size.height - widget_height) / 2));
grabber->draw(ci, Point2i(ratio * areasize, size.height / 2 - grabber->get_size().height / 2 + get_theme_constant(SNAME("grabber_offset"))));
grabber->draw(ci, Point2i(ratio * areasize + grabber_shift, size.height / 2 - grabber->get_height() / 2 + theme_cache.grabber_offset));
} break;
@ -58,6 +58,9 @@ class Slider : public Range {
Ref<Texture2D> grabber_hl_icon;
Ref<Texture2D> grabber_disabled_icon;
Ref<Texture2D> tick_icon;
bool center_grabber = false;
int grabber_offset = 0;
} theme_cache;
@ -565,6 +565,7 @@ void fill_default_theme(Ref<Theme> &theme, const Ref<Font> &default_font, const
theme->set_icon("grabber_disabled", "HSlider", icons["slider_grabber_disabled"]);
theme->set_icon("tick", "HSlider", icons["hslider_tick"]);
theme->set_constant("center_grabber", "HSlider", 0);
theme->set_constant("grabber_offset", "HSlider", 0);
// VSlider
@ -578,6 +579,7 @@ void fill_default_theme(Ref<Theme> &theme, const Ref<Font> &default_font, const
theme->set_icon("grabber_disabled", "VSlider", icons["slider_grabber_disabled"]);
theme->set_icon("tick", "VSlider", icons["vslider_tick"]);
theme->set_constant("center_grabber", "VSlider", 0);
theme->set_constant("grabber_offset", "VSlider", 0);
// SpinBox
@ -903,6 +905,7 @@ void fill_default_theme(Ref<Theme> &theme, const Ref<Font> &default_font, const
theme->set_constant("sv_height", "ColorPicker", 256 * scale);
theme->set_constant("h_width", "ColorPicker", 30 * scale);
theme->set_constant("label_width", "ColorPicker", 10 * scale);
theme->set_constant("center_slider_grabbers", "ColorPicker", 1);
theme->set_icon("folded_arrow", "ColorPicker", icons["arrow_right"]);
theme->set_icon("expanded_arrow", "ColorPicker", icons["arrow_down"]);
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