Merge pull request #64132 from TokageItLab/fix-optimizer
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 168 additions and 278 deletions
@ -6063,7 +6063,7 @@ void AnimationTrackEditor::_edit_menu_pressed(int p_option) {
} break;
animation->optimize(optimize_linear_error->get_value(), optimize_angular_error->get_value(), optimize_max_angle->get_value());
animation->optimize(optimize_velocity_error->get_value(), optimize_angular_error->get_value(), optimize_precision_error->get_value());
@ -6538,25 +6538,24 @@ AnimationTrackEditor::AnimationTrackEditor() {
VBoxContainer *optimize_vb = memnew(VBoxContainer);
optimize_linear_error = memnew(SpinBox);
optimize_vb->add_margin_child(TTR("Max. Linear Error:"), optimize_linear_error);
optimize_velocity_error = memnew(SpinBox);
optimize_vb->add_margin_child(TTR("Max. Velocity Error:"), optimize_velocity_error);
optimize_angular_error = memnew(SpinBox);
optimize_vb->add_margin_child(TTR("Max. Angular Error:"), optimize_angular_error);
optimize_max_angle = memnew(SpinBox);
optimize_vb->add_margin_child(TTR("Max Optimizable Angle:"), optimize_max_angle);
optimize_precision_error = memnew(SpinBox);
optimize_vb->add_margin_child(TTR("Max. Precision Error:"), optimize_precision_error);
optimize_dialog->connect("confirmed", callable_mp(this, &AnimationTrackEditor::_edit_menu_pressed).bind(EDIT_OPTIMIZE_ANIMATION_CONFIRM));
@ -452,9 +452,9 @@ class AnimationTrackEditor : public VBoxContainer {
////////////// edit menu stuff
ConfirmationDialog *optimize_dialog = nullptr;
SpinBox *optimize_linear_error = nullptr;
SpinBox *optimize_velocity_error = nullptr;
SpinBox *optimize_angular_error = nullptr;
SpinBox *optimize_max_angle = nullptr;
SpinBox *optimize_precision_error = nullptr;
ConfirmationDialog *cleanup_dialog = nullptr;
CheckBox *cleanup_keys = nullptr;
@ -850,12 +850,12 @@ Node *ResourceImporterScene::_post_fix_animations(Node *p_node, Node *p_root, co
AnimationPlayer *ap = Object::cast_to<AnimationPlayer>(p_node);
bool use_optimizer = node_settings["optimizer/enabled"];
float anim_optimizer_linerr = node_settings["optimizer/max_linear_error"];
float anim_optimizer_linerr = node_settings["optimizer/max_velocity_error"];
float anim_optimizer_angerr = node_settings["optimizer/max_angular_error"];
float anim_optimizer_maxang = node_settings["optimizer/max_angle"];
int anim_optimizer_preerr = node_settings["optimizer/max_precision_error"];
if (use_optimizer) {
_optimize_animations(ap, anim_optimizer_linerr, anim_optimizer_angerr, anim_optimizer_maxang);
_optimize_animations(ap, anim_optimizer_linerr, anim_optimizer_angerr, anim_optimizer_preerr);
bool use_compression = node_settings["compression/enabled"];
@ -1386,12 +1386,12 @@ void ResourceImporterScene::_create_clips(AnimationPlayer *anim, const Array &p_
al->remove_animation("default"); // Remove default (no longer needed).
void ResourceImporterScene::_optimize_animations(AnimationPlayer *anim, float p_max_lin_error, float p_max_ang_error, float p_max_angle) {
void ResourceImporterScene::_optimize_animations(AnimationPlayer *anim, float p_max_vel_error, float p_max_ang_error, int p_prc_error) {
List<StringName> anim_names;
for (const StringName &E : anim_names) {
Ref<Animation> a = anim->get_animation(E);
a->optimize(p_max_lin_error, p_max_ang_error, Math::deg2rad(p_max_angle));
a->optimize(p_max_vel_error, p_max_ang_error, p_prc_error);
@ -1467,9 +1467,9 @@ void ResourceImporterScene::get_internal_import_options(InternalImportCategory p
r_options->push_back(ImportOption(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "import/skip_import", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_DEFAULT | PROPERTY_USAGE_UPDATE_ALL_IF_MODIFIED), false));
r_options->push_back(ImportOption(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "optimizer/enabled", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_DEFAULT | PROPERTY_USAGE_UPDATE_ALL_IF_MODIFIED), true));
r_options->push_back(ImportOption(PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, "optimizer/max_linear_error"), 0.05));
r_options->push_back(ImportOption(PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, "optimizer/max_angular_error"), 0.01));
r_options->push_back(ImportOption(PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, "optimizer/max_angle"), 22));
r_options->push_back(ImportOption(PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, "optimizer/max_velocity_error", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0,1,0.01"), 0.01));
r_options->push_back(ImportOption(PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, "optimizer/max_angular_error", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0,1,0.01"), 0.01));
r_options->push_back(ImportOption(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "optimizer/max_precision_error", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "1,6,1"), 3));
r_options->push_back(ImportOption(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "compression/enabled", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_DEFAULT | PROPERTY_USAGE_UPDATE_ALL_IF_MODIFIED), false));
r_options->push_back(ImportOption(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "compression/page_size", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "4,512,1,suffix:kb"), 8));
r_options->push_back(ImportOption(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "import_tracks/position", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "IfPresent,IfPresentForAll,Never"), 1));
@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ public:
Ref<Animation> _save_animation_to_file(Ref<Animation> anim, bool p_save_to_file, String p_save_to_path, bool p_keep_custom_tracks);
void _create_clips(AnimationPlayer *anim, const Array &p_clips, bool p_bake_all);
void _optimize_animations(AnimationPlayer *anim, float p_max_lin_error, float p_max_ang_error, float p_max_angle);
void _optimize_animations(AnimationPlayer *anim, float p_max_vel_error, float p_max_ang_error, int p_prc_error);
void _compress_animations(AnimationPlayer *anim, int p_page_size_kb);
Node *pre_import(const String &p_source_file, const HashMap<StringName, Variant> &p_options);
@ -4001,316 +4001,208 @@ void Animation::clear() {
bool Animation::_position_track_optimize_key(const TKey<Vector3> &t0, const TKey<Vector3> &t1, const TKey<Vector3> &t2, real_t p_allowed_linear_err, real_t p_allowed_angular_error, const Vector3 &p_norm) {
const Vector3 &v0 = t0.value;
const Vector3 &v1 = t1.value;
const Vector3 &v2 = t2.value;
if (v0.is_equal_approx(v2)) {
//0 and 2 are close, let's see if 1 is close
if (!v0.is_equal_approx(v1)) {
//not close, not optimizable
return false;
} else {
Vector3 pd = (v2 - v0);
real_t d0 =;
real_t d1 =;
real_t d2 =;
if (d1 < d0 || d1 > d2) {
return false;
Vector3 s[2] = { v0, v2 };
real_t d = Geometry3D::get_closest_point_to_segment(v1, s).distance_to(v1);
if (d > pd.length() * p_allowed_linear_err) {
return false; //beyond allowed error for collinearity
if (p_norm != Vector3() && Math::acos(pd.normalized().dot(p_norm)) > p_allowed_angular_error) {
return false;
bool Animation::_vector3_track_optimize_key(const TKey<Vector3> t0, const TKey<Vector3> t1, const TKey<Vector3> t2, real_t p_allowed_velocity_err, real_t p_allowed_angular_error, real_t p_allowed_precision_error) {
// Remove overlapping keys.
if (Math::is_equal_approx(t0.time, t1.time) || Math::is_equal_approx(t1.time, t2.time)) {
return true;
if ((t0.value - t1.value).length() < p_allowed_precision_error && (t1.value - t2.value).length() < p_allowed_precision_error) {
return true;
// Calc velocities.
Vector3 vc0 = (t1.value - t0.value) / (t1.time - t0.time);
Vector3 vc1 = (t2.value - t1.value) / (t2.time - t1.time);
real_t v0 = vc0.length();
real_t v1 = vc1.length();
// Avoid zero div but check equality.
if (abs(v0 - v1) < p_allowed_precision_error) {
return true;
} else if (abs(v0) < p_allowed_precision_error || abs(v1) < p_allowed_precision_error) {
return false;
// Check axis.
if (vc0.normalized().dot(vc1.normalized()) >= 1.0 - p_allowed_angular_error * 2.0) {
real_t ratio = v0 < v1 ? v0 / v1 : v1 / v0;
if (ratio >= 1.0 - p_allowed_velocity_err) {
return true;
return true;
return false;
bool Animation::_rotation_track_optimize_key(const TKey<Quaternion> &t0, const TKey<Quaternion> &t1, const TKey<Quaternion> &t2, real_t p_allowed_angular_error, float p_max_optimizable_angle) {
const Quaternion &q0 = t0.value;
const Quaternion &q1 = t1.value;
const Quaternion &q2 = t2.value;
//localize both to rotation from q0
if (q0.is_equal_approx(q2)) {
if (!q0.is_equal_approx(q1)) {
bool Animation::_quaternion_track_optimize_key(const TKey<Quaternion> t0, const TKey<Quaternion> t1, const TKey<Quaternion> t2, real_t p_allowed_velocity_err, real_t p_allowed_angular_error, real_t p_allowed_precision_error) {
// Remove overlapping keys.
if (Math::is_equal_approx(t0.time, t1.time) || Math::is_equal_approx(t1.time, t2.time)) {
return true;
if ((t0.value - t1.value).length() < p_allowed_precision_error && (t1.value - t2.value).length() < p_allowed_precision_error) {
return true;
// Check axis.
Quaternion q0 = t0.value * t1.value * t0.value.inverse();
Quaternion q1 = t1.value * t2.value * t1.value.inverse();
if (q0.get_axis().dot(q1.get_axis()) >= 1.0 - p_allowed_angular_error * 2.0) {
// Calc velocities.
real_t v0 = Math::acos( / (t1.time - t0.time);
real_t v1 = Math::acos( / (t2.time - t1.time);
// Avoid zero div but check equality.
if (abs(v0 - v1) < p_allowed_precision_error) {
return true;
} else if (abs(v0) < p_allowed_precision_error || abs(v1) < p_allowed_precision_error) {
return false;
} else {
Quaternion r02 = (q0.inverse() * q2).normalized();
Quaternion r01 = (q0.inverse() * q1).normalized();
Vector3 v02, v01;
real_t a02, a01;
r02.get_axis_angle(v02, a02);
r01.get_axis_angle(v01, a01);
if (Math::abs(a02) > p_max_optimizable_angle) {
return false;
if ( < 0) {
//make sure both rotations go the same way to compare
v02 = -v02;
a02 = -a02;
real_t err_01 = Math::acos(v01.normalized().dot(v02.normalized())) / Math_PI;
if (err_01 > p_allowed_angular_error) {
//not rotating in the same axis
return false;
if (a01 * a02 < 0) {
//not rotating in the same direction
return false;
real_t tr = a01 / a02;
if (tr < 0 || tr > 1) {
return false; //rotating too much or too less
real_t ratio = v0 < v1 ? v0 / v1 : v1 / v0;
if (ratio >= 1.0 - p_allowed_velocity_err) {
return true;
return true;
return false;
bool Animation::_scale_track_optimize_key(const TKey<Vector3> &t0, const TKey<Vector3> &t1, const TKey<Vector3> &t2, real_t p_allowed_linear_error) {
const Vector3 &v0 = t0.value;
const Vector3 &v1 = t1.value;
const Vector3 &v2 = t2.value;
if (v0.is_equal_approx(v2)) {
//0 and 2 are close, let's see if 1 is close
if (!v0.is_equal_approx(v1)) {
//not close, not optimizable
return false;
} else {
Vector3 pd = (v2 - v0);
real_t d0 =;
real_t d1 =;
real_t d2 =;
if (d1 < d0 || d1 > d2) {
return false; //beyond segment range
Vector3 s[2] = { v0, v2 };
real_t d = Geometry3D::get_closest_point_to_segment(v1, s).distance_to(v1);
if (d > pd.length() * p_allowed_linear_error) {
return false; //beyond allowed error for colinearity
bool Animation::_float_track_optimize_key(const TKey<float> t0, const TKey<float> t1, const TKey<float> t2, real_t p_allowed_velocity_err, real_t p_allowed_precision_error) {
// Remove overlapping keys.
if (Math::is_equal_approx(t0.time, t1.time) || Math::is_equal_approx(t1.time, t2.time)) {
return true;
if (abs(t0.value - t1.value) < p_allowed_precision_error && abs(t1.value - t2.value) < p_allowed_precision_error) {
return true;
// Calc velocities.
real_t v0 = (t1.value - t0.value) / (t1.time - t0.time);
real_t v1 = (t2.value - t1.value) / (t2.time - t1.time);
// Avoid zero div but check equality.
if (abs(v0 - v1) < p_allowed_precision_error) {
return true;
} else if (abs(v0) < p_allowed_precision_error || abs(v1) < p_allowed_precision_error) {
return false;
if (!signbit(v0 * v1)) {
real_t ratio = v0 < v1 ? v0 / v1 : v1 / v0;
if (ratio >= 1.0 - p_allowed_velocity_err) {
return true;
return true;
return false;
bool Animation::_blend_shape_track_optimize_key(const TKey<float> &t0, const TKey<float> &t1, const TKey<float> &t2, real_t p_allowed_unit_error) {
float v0 = t0.value;
float v1 = t1.value;
float v2 = t2.value;
if (Math::is_equal_approx(v1, v2, (float)p_allowed_unit_error)) {
//0 and 2 are close, let's see if 1 is close
if (!Math::is_equal_approx(v0, v1, (float)p_allowed_unit_error)) {
//not close, not optimizable
return false;
} else {
TODO eventually discuss a way to optimize these better.
float pd = (v2 - v0);
real_t d0 =;
real_t d1 =;
real_t d2 =;
if (d1 < d0 || d1 > d2) {
return false; //beyond segment range
float s[2] = { v0, v2 };
real_t d = Geometry3D::get_closest_point_to_segment(v1, s).distance_to(v1);
if (d > pd.length() * p_allowed_linear_error) {
return false; //beyond allowed error for colinearity
return true;
void Animation::_position_track_optimize(int p_idx, real_t p_allowed_linear_err, real_t p_allowed_angular_err) {
void Animation::_position_track_optimize(int p_idx, real_t p_allowed_velocity_err, real_t p_allowed_angular_err, real_t p_allowed_precision_error) {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_idx, tracks.size());
ERR_FAIL_COND(tracks[p_idx]->type != TYPE_POSITION_3D);
PositionTrack *tt = static_cast<PositionTrack *>(tracks[p_idx]);
bool prev_erased = false;
TKey<Vector3> first_erased;
Vector3 norm;
for (int i = 1; i < tt->positions.size() - 1; i++) {
TKey<Vector3> &t0 = tt->positions.write[i - 1];
TKey<Vector3> &t1 = tt->positions.write[i];
TKey<Vector3> &t2 = tt->positions.write[i + 1];
bool erase = _position_track_optimize_key(t0, t1, t2, p_allowed_linear_err, p_allowed_angular_err, norm);
if (erase && !prev_erased) {
norm = (t2.value - t1.value).normalized();
if (prev_erased && !_position_track_optimize_key(t0, first_erased, t2, p_allowed_linear_err, p_allowed_angular_err, norm)) {
//avoid error to go beyond first erased key
erase = false;
int i = 0;
while (i < tt->positions.size() - 2) {
TKey<Vector3> t0 = tt->positions[i];
TKey<Vector3> t1 = tt->positions[i + 1];
TKey<Vector3> t2 = tt->positions[i + 2];
bool erase = _vector3_track_optimize_key(t0, t1, t2, p_allowed_velocity_err, p_allowed_angular_err, p_allowed_precision_error);
if (erase) {
if (!prev_erased) {
first_erased = t1;
prev_erased = true;
tt->positions.remove_at(i + 1);
} else {
prev_erased = false;
norm = Vector3();
if (tt->positions.size() == 2) {
if ((tt->positions[0].value - tt->positions[1].value).length() < p_allowed_precision_error) {
void Animation::_rotation_track_optimize(int p_idx, real_t p_allowed_angular_err, real_t p_max_optimizable_angle) {
void Animation::_rotation_track_optimize(int p_idx, real_t p_allowed_velocity_err, real_t p_allowed_angular_err, real_t p_allowed_precision_error) {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_idx, tracks.size());
ERR_FAIL_COND(tracks[p_idx]->type != TYPE_ROTATION_3D);
RotationTrack *tt = static_cast<RotationTrack *>(tracks[p_idx]);
bool prev_erased = false;
TKey<Quaternion> first_erased;
for (int i = 1; i < tt->rotations.size() - 1; i++) {
TKey<Quaternion> &t0 = tt->rotations.write[i - 1];
TKey<Quaternion> &t1 = tt->rotations.write[i];
TKey<Quaternion> &t2 = tt->rotations.write[i + 1];
bool erase = _rotation_track_optimize_key(t0, t1, t2, p_allowed_angular_err, p_max_optimizable_angle);
if (prev_erased && !_rotation_track_optimize_key(t0, first_erased, t2, p_allowed_angular_err, p_max_optimizable_angle)) {
//avoid error to go beyond first erased key
erase = false;
int i = 0;
while (i < tt->rotations.size() - 2) {
TKey<Quaternion> t0 = tt->rotations[i];
TKey<Quaternion> t1 = tt->rotations[i + 1];
TKey<Quaternion> t2 = tt->rotations[i + 2];
bool erase = _quaternion_track_optimize_key(t0, t1, t2, p_allowed_velocity_err, p_allowed_angular_err, p_allowed_precision_error);
if (erase) {
if (!prev_erased) {
first_erased = t1;
prev_erased = true;
tt->rotations.remove_at(i + 1);
} else {
prev_erased = false;
if (tt->rotations.size() == 2) {
if ((tt->rotations[0].value - tt->rotations[1].value).length() < p_allowed_precision_error) {
void Animation::_scale_track_optimize(int p_idx, real_t p_allowed_linear_err) {
void Animation::_scale_track_optimize(int p_idx, real_t p_allowed_velocity_err, real_t p_allowed_angular_err, real_t p_allowed_precision_error) {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_idx, tracks.size());
ERR_FAIL_COND(tracks[p_idx]->type != TYPE_SCALE_3D);
ScaleTrack *tt = static_cast<ScaleTrack *>(tracks[p_idx]);
bool prev_erased = false;
TKey<Vector3> first_erased;
for (int i = 1; i < tt->scales.size() - 1; i++) {
TKey<Vector3> &t0 = tt->scales.write[i - 1];
TKey<Vector3> &t1 = tt->scales.write[i];
TKey<Vector3> &t2 = tt->scales.write[i + 1];
bool erase = _scale_track_optimize_key(t0, t1, t2, p_allowed_linear_err);
if (prev_erased && !_scale_track_optimize_key(t0, first_erased, t2, p_allowed_linear_err)) {
//avoid error to go beyond first erased key
erase = false;
int i = 0;
while (i < tt->scales.size() - 2) {
TKey<Vector3> t0 = tt->scales[i];
TKey<Vector3> t1 = tt->scales[i + 1];
TKey<Vector3> t2 = tt->scales[i + 2];
bool erase = _vector3_track_optimize_key(t0, t1, t2, p_allowed_velocity_err, p_allowed_angular_err, p_allowed_precision_error);
if (erase) {
if (!prev_erased) {
first_erased = t1;
prev_erased = true;
tt->scales.remove_at(i + 1);
} else {
prev_erased = false;
if (tt->scales.size() == 2) {
if ((tt->scales[0].value - tt->scales[1].value).length() < p_allowed_precision_error) {
void Animation::_blend_shape_track_optimize(int p_idx, real_t p_allowed_linear_err) {
void Animation::_blend_shape_track_optimize(int p_idx, real_t p_allowed_velocity_err, real_t p_allowed_precision_error) {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_idx, tracks.size());
ERR_FAIL_COND(tracks[p_idx]->type != TYPE_BLEND_SHAPE);
BlendShapeTrack *tt = static_cast<BlendShapeTrack *>(tracks[p_idx]);
bool prev_erased = false;
TKey<float> first_erased;
first_erased.value = 0.0;
for (int i = 1; i < tt->blend_shapes.size() - 1; i++) {
TKey<float> &t0 = tt->blend_shapes.write[i - 1];
TKey<float> &t1 = tt->blend_shapes.write[i];
TKey<float> &t2 = tt->blend_shapes.write[i + 1];
bool erase = _blend_shape_track_optimize_key(t0, t1, t2, p_allowed_linear_err);
if (prev_erased && !_blend_shape_track_optimize_key(t0, first_erased, t2, p_allowed_linear_err)) {
//avoid error to go beyond first erased key
erase = false;
int i = 0;
while (i < tt->blend_shapes.size() - 2) {
TKey<float> t0 = tt->blend_shapes[i];
TKey<float> t1 = tt->blend_shapes[i + 1];
TKey<float> t2 = tt->blend_shapes[i + 2];
bool erase = _float_track_optimize_key(t0, t1, t2, p_allowed_velocity_err, p_allowed_precision_error);
if (erase) {
if (!prev_erased) {
first_erased = t1;
prev_erased = true;
tt->blend_shapes.remove_at(i + 1);
} else {
prev_erased = false;
if (tt->blend_shapes.size() == 2) {
if (abs(tt->blend_shapes[0].value - tt->blend_shapes[1].value) < p_allowed_precision_error) {
void Animation::optimize(real_t p_allowed_linear_err, real_t p_allowed_angular_err, real_t p_max_optimizable_angle) {
void Animation::optimize(real_t p_allowed_velocity_err, real_t p_allowed_angular_err, int p_precision) {
real_t precision = Math::pow(0.1, p_precision);
for (int i = 0; i < tracks.size(); i++) {
if (track_is_compressed(i)) {
continue; //not possible to optimize compressed track
if (tracks[i]->type == TYPE_POSITION_3D) {
_position_track_optimize(i, p_allowed_linear_err, p_allowed_angular_err);
_position_track_optimize(i, p_allowed_velocity_err, p_allowed_angular_err, precision);
} else if (tracks[i]->type == TYPE_ROTATION_3D) {
_rotation_track_optimize(i, p_allowed_angular_err, p_max_optimizable_angle);
_rotation_track_optimize(i, p_allowed_velocity_err, p_allowed_angular_err, precision);
} else if (tracks[i]->type == TYPE_SCALE_3D) {
_scale_track_optimize(i, p_allowed_linear_err);
_scale_track_optimize(i, p_allowed_velocity_err, p_allowed_angular_err, precision);
} else if (tracks[i]->type == TYPE_BLEND_SHAPE) {
_blend_shape_track_optimize(i, p_allowed_linear_err);
_blend_shape_track_optimize(i, p_allowed_velocity_err, precision);
@ -357,15 +357,14 @@ private:
return idxr;
bool _position_track_optimize_key(const TKey<Vector3> &t0, const TKey<Vector3> &t1, const TKey<Vector3> &t2, real_t p_alowed_linear_err, real_t p_allowed_angular_error, const Vector3 &p_norm);
bool _rotation_track_optimize_key(const TKey<Quaternion> &t0, const TKey<Quaternion> &t1, const TKey<Quaternion> &t2, real_t p_allowed_angular_error, float p_max_optimizable_angle);
bool _scale_track_optimize_key(const TKey<Vector3> &t0, const TKey<Vector3> &t1, const TKey<Vector3> &t2, real_t p_allowed_linear_error);
bool _blend_shape_track_optimize_key(const TKey<float> &t0, const TKey<float> &t1, const TKey<float> &t2, real_t p_allowed_unit_error);
bool _vector3_track_optimize_key(const TKey<Vector3> t0, const TKey<Vector3> t1, const TKey<Vector3> t2, real_t p_alowed_velocity_err, real_t p_allowed_angular_error, real_t p_allowed_precision_error);
bool _quaternion_track_optimize_key(const TKey<Quaternion> t0, const TKey<Quaternion> t1, const TKey<Quaternion> t2, real_t p_allowed_velocity_err, real_t p_allowed_angular_error, real_t p_allowed_precision_error);
bool _float_track_optimize_key(const TKey<float> t0, const TKey<float> t1, const TKey<float> t2, real_t p_allowed_velocity_err, real_t p_allowed_precision_error);
void _position_track_optimize(int p_idx, real_t p_allowed_linear_err, real_t p_allowed_angular_err);
void _rotation_track_optimize(int p_idx, real_t p_allowed_angular_err, real_t p_max_optimizable_angle);
void _scale_track_optimize(int p_idx, real_t p_allowed_linear_err);
void _blend_shape_track_optimize(int p_idx, real_t p_allowed_unit_error);
void _position_track_optimize(int p_idx, real_t p_allowed_velocity_err, real_t p_allowed_angular_err, real_t p_allowed_precision_error);
void _rotation_track_optimize(int p_idx, real_t p_allowed_velocity_err, real_t p_allowed_angular_error, real_t p_allowed_precision_error);
void _scale_track_optimize(int p_idx, real_t p_allowed_velocity_err, real_t p_allowed_angular_err, real_t p_allowed_precision_error);
void _blend_shape_track_optimize(int p_idx, real_t p_allowed_velocity_err, real_t p_allowed_precision_error);
bool _set(const StringName &p_name, const Variant &p_value);
@ -481,7 +480,7 @@ public:
void clear();
void optimize(real_t p_allowed_linear_err = 0.05, real_t p_allowed_angular_err = 0.01, real_t p_max_optimizable_angle = Math_PI * 0.125);
void optimize(real_t p_allowed_velocity_err = 0.01, real_t p_allowed_angular_err = 0.01, int p_precision = 3);
void compress(uint32_t p_page_size = 8192, uint32_t p_fps = 120, float p_split_tolerance = 4.0); // 4.0 seems to be the split tolerance sweet spot from many tests
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