diff --git a/doc/classes/@GlobalScope.xml b/doc/classes/@GlobalScope.xml index df98048a977..4f5e1a27dbd 100644 --- a/doc/classes/@GlobalScope.xml +++ b/doc/classes/@GlobalScope.xml @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Global scope constants and variables. - Global scope constants and variables. This is all that resides in the globals, constants regarding error codes, scancodes, property hints, etc. It's not much. + Global scope constants and variables. This is all that resides in the globals, constants regarding error codes, scancodes, property hints, etc. Singletons are also documented here, since they can be accessed from anywhere. @@ -13,100 +13,105 @@ - [ARVRServer] singleton + The [ARVRServer] singleton. - [AudioServer] singleton + The [AudioServer] singleton. - [CameraServer] singleton + The [CameraServer] singleton. - [ClassDB] singleton + The [ClassDB] singleton. - [Engine] singleton + The [Engine] singleton. - [Geometry] singleton + The [Geometry] singleton. - [IP] singleton + The [IP] singleton. - [Input] singleton + The [Input] singleton. - [InputMap] singleton + The [InputMap] singleton. - [JSON] singleton + The [JSON] singleton. - [JavaScript] singleton + The [JavaScript] singleton. - [Marshalls] singleton + The [Marshalls] singleton. + The [EditorNavigationMeshGenerator] singleton. - [OS] singleton + The [OS] singleton. - [Performance] singleton + The [Performance] singleton. - [Physics2DServer] singleton + The [Physics2DServer] singleton. - [PhysicsServer] singleton + The [PhysicsServer] singleton. - [ProjectSettings] singleton + The [ProjectSettings] singleton. - [ResourceLoader] singleton + The [ResourceLoader] singleton. - [ResourceSaver] singleton + The [ResourceSaver] singleton. - [TranslationServer] singleton + The [TranslationServer] singleton. - [VisualScriptEditor] singleton + The [VisualScriptEditor] singleton. - [VisualServer] singleton + The [VisualServer] singleton. - Left margin, used usually for [Control] or [StyleBox] derived classes. + Left margin, usually used for [Control] or [StyleBox]-derived classes. - Top margin, used usually for [Control] or [StyleBox] derived classes. + Top margin, usually used for [Control] or [StyleBox]-derived classes. - Right margin, used usually for [Control] or [StyleBox] derived classes. + Right margin, usually used for [Control] or [StyleBox]-derived classes. - Bottom margin, used usually for [Control] or [StyleBox] derived classes. + Bottom margin, usually used for [Control] or [StyleBox]-derived classes. + Top-left corner. + Top-right corner. + Bottom-right corner. + Bottom-left corner. - General vertical alignment, used usually for [Separator], [ScrollBar], [Slider], etc. + General vertical alignment, usually used for [Separator], [ScrollBar], [Slider], etc. - General horizontal alignment, used usually for [Separator], [ScrollBar], [Slider], etc. + General horizontal alignment, usually used for [Separator], [ScrollBar], [Slider], etc. Horizontal left alignment, usually for text-derived classes. @@ -127,963 +132,966 @@ Vertical bottom alignment, usually for text-derived classes. - Scancodes with this bit applied are non printable. + Scancodes with this bit applied are non-printable. - Escape Key + Escape key. - Tab Key + Tab key. - Shift-Tab Key + Shift+Tab key. - Backspace Key + Backspace key. - Return Key (On Main Keyboard) + Return key (on the main keyboard). - Enter Key (On Numpad) + Enter key on the numeric keypad. - Insert Key + Insert key. - Delete Key + Delete key. - Pause Key + Pause key. - Printscreen Key + Print Screen key. - System Request Key + System Request key. - Clear Key + Clear key. - Home Key + Home key. - End Key + End key. - Left Arrow Key + Left arrow key. - Up Arrow Key + Up arrow key. - Right Arrow Key + Right arrow key. - Down Arrow Key + Down arrow key. - Pageup Key + Page Up key. - Pagedown Key + Page Down key. - Shift Key + Shift key. - Control Key + Control key. - Meta Key + Meta key. - Alt Key + Alt key. - Capslock Key + Caps Lock key. - Numlock Key + Num Lock key. - Scrolllock Key + Scroll Lock key. - F1 Key + F1 key. - F2 Key + F2 key. - F3 Key + F3 key. - F4 Key + F4 key. - F5 Key + F5 key. - F6 Key + F6 key. - F7 Key + F7 key. - F8 Key + F8 key. - F9 Key + F9 key. - F10 Key + F10 key. - F11 Key + F11 key. - F12 Key + F12 key. - F13 Key + F13 key. - F14 Key + F14 key. - F15 Key + F15 key. - F16 Key + F16 key. - Multiply Key on Numpad + Multiply (*) key on the numeric keypad. - Divide Key on Numpad + Divide (/) key on the numeric keypad. - Subtract Key on Numpad + Subtract (-) key on the numeric keypad. - Period Key on Numpad + Period (.) key on the numeric keypad. - Add Key on Numpad + Add (+) key on the numeric keypad. - Number 0 on Numpad + Number 0 on the numeric keypad. - Number 1 on Numpad + Number 1 on the numeric keypad. - Number 2 on Numpad + Number 2 on the numeric keypad. - Number 3 on Numpad + Number 3 on the numeric keypad. - Number 4 on Numpad + Number 4 on the numeric keypad. - Number 5 on Numpad + Number 5 on the numeric keypad. - Number 6 on Numpad + Number 6 on the numeric keypad. - Number 7 on Numpad + Number 7 on the numeric keypad. - Number 8 on Numpad + Number 8 on the numeric keypad. - Number 9 on Numpad + Number 9 on the numeric keypad. - Left Super Key (Windows Key) + Left Super key (Windows key). - Right Super Key (Windows Key) + Right Super key (Windows key). - Context menu key + Context menu key. - Left Hyper Key + Left Hyper key. - Right Hyper Key + Right Hyper key. - Help key + Help key. - Left Direction Key + Left Direction key. - Right Direction Key + Right Direction key. - Back key + Back key. - Forward key + Forward key. - Stop key + Stop key. - Refresh key + Refresh key. - Volume down key + Volume down key. - Mute volume key + Mute volume key. - Volume up key + Volume up key. - Bass Boost Key + Bass Boost key. - Bass Up Key + Bass up key. - Bass Down Key + Bass down key. - Treble Up Key + Treble up key. - Treble Down Key + Treble down key. - Media play key + Media play key. - Media stop key + Media stop key. - Previous song key + Previous song key. - Next song key + Next song key. - Media record key + Media record key. - Home page key + Home page key. - Favorites key + Favorites key. - Search key + Search key. - Standby Key + Standby key. - Open URL / Launch Browser Key + Open URL / Launch Browser key. - Launch Mail Key + Launch Mail key. - Launch Media Key + Launch Media key. - Launch Shortcut 0 Key + Launch Shortcut 0 key. - Launch Shortcut 1 Key + Launch Shortcut 1 key. - Launch Shortcut 2 Key + Launch Shortcut 2 key. - Launch Shortcut 3 Key + Launch Shortcut 3 key. - Launch Shortcut 4 Key + Launch Shortcut 4 key. - Launch Shortcut 5 Key + Launch Shortcut 5 key. - Launch Shortcut 6 Key + Launch Shortcut 6 key. - Launch Shortcut 7 Key + Launch Shortcut 7 key. - Launch Shortcut 8 Key + Launch Shortcut 8 key. - Launch Shortcut 9 Key + Launch Shortcut 9 key. - Launch Shortcut A Key + Launch Shortcut A key. - Launch Shortcut B Key + Launch Shortcut B key. - Launch Shortcut C Key + Launch Shortcut C key. - Launch Shortcut D Key + Launch Shortcut D key. - Launch Shortcut E Key + Launch Shortcut E key. - Launch Shortcut F Key + Launch Shortcut F key. - Unknown Key + Unknown key. - Space Key + Space key. - ! key + ! key. - " key + " key. - # key + # key. - $ key + $ key. - % key + % key. - & key + & key. - ' key + ' key. - ( key + ( key. - ) key + ) key. - * key + * key. - + key + + key. - , key + , key. - - key + - key. - . key + . key. - / key + / key. - Number 0 + Number 0. - Number 1 + Number 1. - Number 2 + Number 2. - Number 3 + Number 3. - Number 4 + Number 4. - Number 5 + Number 5. - Number 6 + Number 6. - Number 7 + Number 7. - Number 8 + Number 8. - Number 9 + Number 9. - : key + : key. - ; key + ; key. - Lower than key + < key. - = key + = key. - Greater than key + > key. - ? key + ? key. - @ key + @ key. - A Key + A key. - B Key + B key. - C Key + C key. - D Key + D key. - E Key + E key. - F Key + F key. - G Key + G key. - H Key + H key. - I Key + I key. - J Key + J key. - K Key + K key. - L Key + L key. - M Key + M key. - N Key + N key. - O Key + O key. - P Key + P key. - Q Key + Q key. - R Key + R key. - S Key + S key. - T Key + T key. - U Key + U key. - V Key + V key. - W Key + W key. - X Key + X key. - Y Key + Y key. - Z Key + Z key. - [ key + [ key. - \ key + \ key. - ] key + ] key. - ^ key + ^ key. - _ key + _ key. - Left Quote Key + Left Quote key. - { key + { key. - | key + | key. - } key + } key. - ~ key + ~ key. + Non-breakable space key. + ¡ key. - ¢ key + ¢ key. + £ key. - Yen Key + Yen key. - ¦ key + ¦ key. - § key + § key. - ¨ key + ¨ key. - © key + © key. - « key + « key. - » key + » key. - ‐ key + ‐ key. - ® key + ® key. - Macron Key + Macron key. - ° key + ° key. - ± key + ± key. - ² key + ² key. - ³ key + ³ key. - ´ key + ´ key. - µ key + µ key. - Paragraph Key + § key. - · key + · key. - ¬ key + ¬ key. - ¹ key + ¹ key. - ♂ key + ♂ key. - » key + » key. - ¼ key + ¼ key. - ½ key + ½ key. - ¾ key + ¾ key. - ¿ key + ¿ key. - à key + à key. - á key + á key. - â key + â key. - ã key + ã key. - ä key + ä key. - å key + å key. - æ key + æ key. - ç key + ç key. - è key + è key. - é key + é key. - ê key + ê key. - ë key + ë key. - ì key + ì key. - í key + í key. - î key + î key. - ë key + ë key. - ð key + ð key. - ñ key + ñ key. - ò key + ò key. - ó key + ó key. - ô key + ô key. - õ key + õ key. - ö key + ö key. - × key + × key. - ø key + ø key. - ù key + ù key. - ú key + ú key. - û key + û key. - ü key + ü key. - ý key + ý key. - þ key + þ key. - ß key + ß key. - ÷ key + ÷ key. - ÿ key + ÿ key. - Key Code Mask + Key Code mask. - Modifier Key Mask + Modifier key mask. - Shift Key Mask + Shift key mask. - Alt Key Mask + Alt key mask. - Meta Key Mask + Meta key mask. - CTRL Key Mask + Ctrl key mask. - CMD Key Mask + Cmd key mask. - Keypad Key Mask + Keypad key mask. - Group Switch Key Mask + Group Switch key mask. - Left Mouse Button + Left mouse button. - Right Mouse Button + Right mouse button. - Middle Mouse Button + Middle mouse button. - Extra Mouse Button 1 + Extra mouse button 1 (only present on some mice). - Extra Mouse Button 2 + Extra mouse button 2 (only present on some mice). - Mouse wheel up + Mouse wheel up. - Mouse wheel down + Mouse wheel down. - Mouse wheel left button + Mouse wheel left button (only present on some mice). - Mouse wheel right button + Mouse wheel right button (only present on some mice). - Left Mouse Button Mask + Left mouse button mask. - Right Mouse Button Mask + Right mouse button mask. - Middle Mouse Button Mask + Middle mouse button mask. - Extra Mouse Button 1 Mask + Extra mouse button 1 mask. - Extra Mouse Button 2 Mask + Extra mouse button 2 mask. - Joypad Button 0 + Gamepad button 0. - Joypad Button 1 + Gamepad button 1. - Joypad Button 2 + Gamepad button 2. - Joypad Button 3 + Gamepad button 3. - Joypad Button 4 + Gamepad button 4. - Joypad Button 5 + Gamepad button 5. - Joypad Button 6 + Gamepad button 6. - Joypad Button 7 + Gamepad button 7. - Joypad Button 8 + Gamepad button 8. - Joypad Button 9 + Gamepad button 9. - Joypad Button 10 + Gamepad button 10. - Joypad Button 11 + Gamepad button 11. - Joypad Button 12 + Gamepad button 12. - Joypad Button 13 + Gamepad button 13. - Joypad Button 14 + Gamepad button 14. - Joypad Button 15 + Gamepad button 15. Represents the maximum number of joystick buttons supported. - DUALSHOCK circle button + DualShock circle button. - DUALSHOCK X button + DualShock X button. - DUALSHOCK square button + DualShock square button. - DUALSHOCK triangle button + DualShock triangle button. - XBOX controller B button + Xbox controller B button. - XBOX controller A button + Xbox controller A button. - XBOX controller X button + Xbox controller X button. - XBOX controller Y button + Xbox controller Y button. - DualShock controller A button + DualShock controller A button. - DualShock controller B button + DualShock controller B button. - DualShock controller X button + DualShock controller X button. - DualShock controller Y button + DualShock controller Y button. - Grip (side) buttons on a VR controller + Grip (side) buttons on a VR controller. - Push down on the touchpad or main joystick on a VR controller + Push down on the touchpad or main joystick on a VR controller. - Trigger on a VR controller + Trigger on a VR controller. - A button on the right Oculus Touch controller, X button on the left controller (also when used in OpenVR) + A button on the right Oculus Touch controller, X button on the left controller (also when used in OpenVR). - B button on the right Oculus Touch controller, Y button on the left controller (also when used in OpenVR) + B button on the right Oculus Touch controller, Y button on the left controller (also when used in OpenVR). Menu button on either Oculus Touch controller. - Menu button in OpenVR (Except when Oculus Touch controllers are used) + Menu button in OpenVR (Except when Oculus Touch controllers are used). - Joypad Button Select + Gamepad button Select. - Joypad Button Start + Gamepad button Start. - Joypad DPad Up + Gamepad DPad up. - Joypad DPad Down + Gamepad DPad down. - Joypad DPad Left + Gamepad DPad left. - Joypad DPad Right + Gamepad DPad right. - Joypad Left Shoulder Button + Gamepad left Shoulder button. - Joypad Left Trigger + Gamepad left trigger. - Joypad Left Stick Click + Gamepad left stick click. - Joypad Right Shoulder Button + Gamepad right Shoulder button. - Joypad Right Trigger + Gamepad right trigger. - Joypad Right Stick Click + Gamepad right stick click. - Joypad Left Stick Horizontal Axis + Gamepad left stick horizontal axis. - Joypad Left Stick Vertical Axis + Gamepad left stick vertical axis. - Joypad Right Stick Horizontal Axis + Gamepad right stick horizontal axis. - Joypad Right Stick Vertical Axis + Gamepad right stick vertical axis. - Joypad Left Trigger Analog Axis + Gamepad left trigger analog axis. - Joypad Right Trigger Analog Axis + Gamepad right trigger analog axis. @@ -1093,34 +1101,34 @@ Represents the maximum number of joystick axes supported. - Joypad Left Stick Horizontal Axis + Gamepad left stick horizontal axis. - Joypad Left Stick Vertical Axis + Gamepad left stick vertical axis. - Joypad Right Stick Horizontal Axis + Gamepad right stick horizontal axis. - Joypad Right Stick Vertical Axis + Gamepad right stick vertical axis. - Joypad Left Analog Trigger + Gamepad left analog trigger. - Joypad Right Analog Trigger + Gamepad right analog trigger. - VR Controller Analog Trigger + VR Controller analog trigger. - VR Controller Analog Grip (side buttons) + VR Controller analog grip (side buttons). - OpenVR touchpad X axis (Joystick axis on Oculus Touch and Windows MR controllers) + OpenVR touchpad X axis (Joystick axis on Oculus Touch and Windows MR controllers). - OpenVR touchpad Y axis (Joystick axis on Oculus Touch and Windows MR controllers) + OpenVR touchpad Y axis (Joystick axis on Oculus Touch and Windows MR controllers). @@ -1137,7 +1145,7 @@ - Methods that return [enum Error] return [constant OK] when no error occurred. Note that many functions don't return an error code but will print error messages to stdout. + Methods that return [enum Error] return [constant OK] when no error occurred. Note that many functions don't return an error code but will print error messages to standard output. Since [constant OK] has value 0, and all other failure codes are positive integers, it can also be used in boolean checks, e.g.: [codeblock] var err = method_that_returns_error() @@ -1293,16 +1301,16 @@ Printer on fire error. (This is an easter egg, no engine methods return this error code.) - No hint for edited property. + No hint for the edited property. - Hints that the string is a range, defined as "min,max" or "min,max,step". This is valid for integers and floats. + Hints that the string is a range, defined as [code]"min,max"[/code] or [code]"min,max,step"[/code]. This is valid for integers and floats. - Hints that the string is an exponential range, defined as "min,max" or "min,max,step". This is valid for integers and floats. + Hints that the string is an exponential range, defined as [code]"min,max"[/code] or [code]"min,max,step"[/code]. This is valid for integers and floats. - Property hint for an enumerated value, like "Hello,Something,Else". This is valid for integer, float and string properties. + Property hint for an enumerated value, like [code]"Hello,Something,Else"[/code]. This is valid for integer, float and string properties. @@ -1311,7 +1319,7 @@ - Property hint for a bitmask description, for bits 0,1,2,3 and 5 the hint would be like "Bit0,Bit1,Bit2,Bit3,,Bit5". Valid only for integers. + Property hint for a bitmask description. For example, for bits 0, 1, 2, 3 and 5, the hint could be something like [code]"Bit0,Bit1,Bit2,Bit3,,Bit5"[/code]. This is only valid for integer properties. @@ -1322,17 +1330,17 @@ - String property is a file (so pop up a file dialog when edited). Hint string can be a set of wildcards like "*.doc". + String property is a file, will pop up a file dialog when edited. Hint string can be a set of wildcards like [code]"*.doc"[/code]. - String property is a directory (so pop up a file dialog when edited). + String property is a directory, will pop up a file dialog when edited. - String property is a resource, so open the resource popup menu when edited. + String property is a resource, will open the resource popup menu when edited. @@ -1380,29 +1388,29 @@ - Flag for normal method + Flag for a normal method. - Flag for editor method + Flag for an editor method. - Flag for constant method + Flag for a constant method. - Flag for virtual method + Flag for a virtual method. - Flag for method from script + Flag for a method from a script. - Default method flags + Default method flags. - Variable is of type nil (only applied for null). + Variable is of type nil (only applied for [code]null[/code]). Variable is of type [bool]. diff --git a/doc/classes/ARVRAnchor.xml b/doc/classes/ARVRAnchor.xml index ff2691f7a72..453a0b3a02a 100644 --- a/doc/classes/ARVRAnchor.xml +++ b/doc/classes/ARVRAnchor.xml @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ - Anchor point in AR Space. + An anchor point in AR space. The ARVR Anchor point is a spatial node that maps a real world location identified by the AR platform to a position within the game world. For example, as long as plane detection in ARKit is on, ARKit will identify and update the position of planes (tables, floors, etc) and create anchors for them. - This node is mapped to one of the anchors through its unique id. When you receive a signal that a new anchor is available, you should add this node to your scene for that anchor. You can predefine nodes and set the id and the nodes will simply remain on 0,0,0 until a plane is recognized. + This node is mapped to one of the anchors through its unique ID. When you receive a signal that a new anchor is available, you should add this node to your scene for that anchor. You can predefine nodes and set the ID; the nodes will simply remain on 0,0,0 until a plane is recognized. Keep in mind that, as long as plane detection is enabled, the size, placing and orientation of an anchor will be updated as the detection logic learns more about the real world out there especially if only part of the surface is in view. @@ -22,14 +22,14 @@ - Returns [code]true[/code] if the anchor is being tracked and [code]false[/code] if no anchor with this id is currently known. + Returns [code]true[/code] if the anchor is being tracked and [code]false[/code] if no anchor with this ID is currently known. - If provided by the ARVR Interface this returns a mesh object for the anchor. For an anchor this can be a shape related to the object being tracked or it can be a mesh that provides topology related to the anchor and can be used to create shadows/reflections on surfaces or for generating collision shapes. + If provided by the ARVR Interface, this returns a mesh object for the anchor. For an anchor, this can be a shape related to the object being tracked or it can be a mesh that provides topology related to the anchor and can be used to create shadows/reflections on surfaces or for generating collision shapes. @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ - The anchor's id. You can set this before the anchor itself exists. The first anchor gets an id of [code]1[/code], the second an id of [code]2[/code], etc. When anchors get removed, the engine can then assign the corresponding id to new anchors. The most common situation where anchors 'disappear' is when the AR server identifies that two anchors represent different parts of the same plane and merges them. + The anchor's ID. You can set this before the anchor itself exists. The first anchor gets an ID of [code]1[/code], the second an ID of [code]2[/code], etc. When anchors get removed, the engine can then assign the corresponding ID to new anchors. The most common situation where anchors "disappear" is when the AR server identifies that two anchors represent different parts of the same plane and merges them. @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ - Emitted when the mesh associated with the anchor changes or when one becomes available. This is especially important for topology that is constantly being mesh_updated. + Emitted when the mesh associated with the anchor changes or when one becomes available. This is especially important for topology that is constantly being [code]mesh_updated[/code]. diff --git a/doc/classes/ARVRController.xml b/doc/classes/ARVRController.xml index c2b7fb2c086..e79e18f44fd 100644 --- a/doc/classes/ARVRController.xml +++ b/doc/classes/ARVRController.xml @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ - A spatial node representing a spatially tracked controller. + A spatial node representing a spatially-tracked controller. This is a helper spatial node that is linked to the tracking of controllers. It also offers several handy passthroughs to the state of buttons and such on the controllers. - Controllers are linked by their id. You can create controller nodes before the controllers are available. Say your game always uses two controllers (one for each hand) you can predefine the controllers with id 1 and 2 and they will become active as soon as the controllers are identified. If you expect additional controllers to be used, you should react to the signals and add ARVRController nodes to your scene. - The position of the controller node is automatically updated by the ARVR Server. This makes this node ideal to add child nodes to visualise the controller. + Controllers are linked by their ID. You can create controller nodes before the controllers are available. If your game always uses two controllers (one for each hand), you can predefine the controllers with ID 1 and 2; they will become active as soon as the controllers are identified. If you expect additional controllers to be used, you should react to the signals and add ARVRController nodes to your scene. + The position of the controller node is automatically updated by the [ARVRServer]. This makes this node ideal to add child nodes to visualize the controller. @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ - Returns the hand holding this controller, if known. See TRACKER_* constants in [ARVRPositionalTracker]. + Returns the hand holding this controller, if known. See [code]TRACKER_*[/code] constants in [ARVRPositionalTracker]. @@ -45,14 +45,14 @@ - Returns the ID of the joystick object bound to this. Every controller tracked by the ARVR Server that has buttons and axis will also be registered as a joystick within Godot. This means that all the normal joystick tracking and input mapping will work for buttons and axis found on the AR/VR controllers. This ID is purely offered as information so you can link up the controller with its joystick entry. + Returns the ID of the joystick object bound to this. Every controller tracked by the [ARVRServer] that has buttons and axis will also be registered as a joystick within Godot. This means that all the normal joystick tracking and input mapping will work for buttons and axis found on the AR/VR controllers. This ID is purely offered as information so you can link up the controller with its joystick entry. - If provided by the ARVR Interface this returns a mesh associated with the controller. This can be used to visualise the controller. + If provided by the [ARVRInterface], this returns a mesh associated with the controller. This can be used to visualize the controller. @@ -67,10 +67,10 @@ - The controller's id. - A controller id of 0 is unbound and will always result in an inactive node. Controller id 1 is reserved for the first controller that identifies itself as the left hand controller and id 2 is reserved for the first controller that identifies itself as the right hand controller. - For any other controller that the [ARVRServer] detects, we continue with controller id 3. - When a controller is turned off, its slot is freed. This ensures controllers will keep the same id even when controllers with lower ids are turned off. + The controller's ID. + A controller ID of 0 is unbound and will always result in an inactive node. Controller ID 1 is reserved for the first controller that identifies itself as the left-hand controller and ID 2 is reserved for the first controller that identifies itself as the right-hand controller. + For any other controller that the [ARVRServer] detects, we continue with controller ID 3. + When a controller is turned off, its slot is freed. This ensures controllers will keep the same ID even when controllers with lower IDs are turned off. The degree to which the tracker rumbles. Ranges from [code]0.0[/code] to [code]1.0[/code] with precision [code].01[/code]. If changed, updates [member ARVRPositionalTracker.rumble] accordingly. diff --git a/doc/classes/ARVRInterface.xml b/doc/classes/ARVRInterface.xml index c286811b5d8..a9715809249 100644 --- a/doc/classes/ARVRInterface.xml +++ b/doc/classes/ARVRInterface.xml @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ - Base class for ARVR interface implementation. + Base class for an AR/VR interface implementation. This class needs to be implemented to make an AR or VR platform available to Godot and these should be implemented as C++ modules or GDNative modules (note that for GDNative the subclass ARVRScriptInterface should be used). Part of the interface is exposed to GDScript so you can detect, enable and configure an AR or VR platform. - Interfaces should be written in such a way that simply enabling them will give us a working setup. You can query the available interfaces through ARVRServer. + Interfaces should be written in such a way that simply enabling them will give us a working setup. You can query the available interfaces through [ARVRServer]. @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ - If this is an AR interface that requires displaying a camera feed as the background, this method returns the feed id in the [CameraServer] for this interface. + If this is an AR interface that requires displaying a camera feed as the background, this method returns the feed ID in the [CameraServer] for this interface. @@ -51,9 +51,9 @@ Call this to initialize this interface. The first interface that is initialized is identified as the primary interface and it will be used for rendering output. After initializing the interface you want to use you then need to enable the AR/VR mode of a viewport and rendering should commence. - Note that you must enable the AR/VR mode on the main viewport for any device that uses the main output of Godot such as for mobile VR. - If you do this for a platform that handles its own output (such as OpenVR) Godot will show just one eye without distortion on screen. Alternatively you can add a separate viewport node to your scene and enable AR/VR on that viewport and it will be used to output to the HMD leaving you free to do anything you like in the main window such as using a separate camera as a spectator camera or render out something completely different. - While currently not used you can activate additional interfaces, you may wish to do this if you want to track controllers from other platforms. However at this point in time only one interface can render to an HMD. + [b]Note:[/b] You must enable the AR/VR mode on the main viewport for any device that uses the main output of Godot such as for mobile VR. + If you do this for a platform that handles its own output (such as OpenVR) Godot will show just one eye without distortion on screen. Alternatively, you can add a separate viewport node to your scene and enable AR/VR on that viewport and it will be used to output to the HMD leaving you free to do anything you like in the main window such as using a separate camera as a spectator camera or render out something completely different. + While currently not used you can activate additional interfaces, you may wish to do this if you want to track controllers from other platforms. However, at this point in time only one interface can render to an HMD. @@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ This interface support AR (video background and real world tracking). - This interface outputs to an external device, if the main viewport is used the on screen output is an unmodified buffer of either the left or right eye (stretched if the viewport size is not changed to the same aspect ratio of get_render_targetsize. Using a separate viewport node frees up the main viewport for other purposes. + This interface outputs to an external device, if the main viewport is used the on screen output is an unmodified buffer of either the left or right eye (stretched if the viewport size is not changed to the same aspect ratio of [method get_render_targetsize]). Using a separate viewport node frees up the main viewport for other purposes. Mono output, this is mostly used internally when retrieving positioning information for our camera node or when stereo scopic rendering is not supported. @@ -111,10 +111,10 @@ Tracking is behaving as expected. - Tracking is hindered by excessive motion, player is moving faster then tracking can keep up. + Tracking is hindered by excessive motion, player is moving faster than tracking can keep up. - Tracking is hindered by insufficient features, it's too dark (for camera based tracking), player is blocked, etc. + Tracking is hindered by insufficient features, it's too dark (for camera-based tracking), player is blocked, etc. We don't know the status of the tracking or this interface does not provide feedback. diff --git a/doc/classes/ARVROrigin.xml b/doc/classes/ARVROrigin.xml index 758f00a9cab..cd0e6169770 100644 --- a/doc/classes/ARVROrigin.xml +++ b/doc/classes/ARVROrigin.xml @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ - Our origin point in AR/VR. + The origin point in AR/VR. This is a special node within the AR/VR system that maps the physical location of the center of our tracking space to the virtual location within our game world. There should be only one of these nodes in your scene and you must have one. All the ARVRCamera, ARVRController and ARVRAnchor nodes should be direct children of this node for spatial tracking to work correctly. It is the position of this node that you update when your character needs to move through your game world while we're not moving in the real world. Movement in the real world is always in relation to this origin point. - So say that your character is driving a car, the ARVROrigin node should be a child node of this car. If you implement a teleport system to move your character, you change the position of this node. Etc. + For example, if your character is driving a car, the ARVROrigin node should be a child node of this car. Or, if you're implementing a teleport system to move your character, you should change the position of this node. @@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ - Allows you to adjust the scale to your game's units. Most AR/VR platforms assume a scale of 1 game world unit = 1 meter in the real world. - Note that this method is a passthrough to the [ARVRServer] itself. + Allows you to adjust the scale to your game's units. Most AR/VR platforms assume a scale of 1 game world unit = 1 real world meter. + [b]Note:[/b] This method is a passthrough to the [ARVRServer] itself. diff --git a/doc/classes/ARVRPositionalTracker.xml b/doc/classes/ARVRPositionalTracker.xml index de8b6b06208..94661c6db7a 100644 --- a/doc/classes/ARVRPositionalTracker.xml +++ b/doc/classes/ARVRPositionalTracker.xml @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ - A tracked object + A tracked object. - An instance of this object represents a device that is tracked such as a controller or anchor point. HMDs aren't represented here as they are fully handled internally. - As controllers are turned on and the AR/VR interface detects them instances of this object are automatically added to this list of active tracking objects accessible through the ARVRServer - The ARVRController and ARVRAnchor both consume objects of this type and should be the objects you use in game. The positional trackers are just the under the hood objects that make this all work and are mostly exposed so GDNative based interfaces can interact with them. + An instance of this object represents a device that is tracked, such as a controller or anchor point. HMDs aren't represented here as they are handled internally. + As controllers are turned on and the AR/VR interface detects them, instances of this object are automatically added to this list of active tracking objects accessible through the [ARVRServer]. + The [ARVRController] and [ARVRAnchor] both consume objects of this type and should be used in your project. The positional trackers are just under-the-hood objects that make this all work. These are mostly exposed so that GDNative-based interfaces can interact with them. @@ -15,14 +15,14 @@ - Returns the hand holding this tracker, if known. See TRACKER_* constants. + Returns the hand holding this tracker, if known. See [code]TRACKER_*[/code] constants. - If this is a controller that is being tracked the controller will also be represented by a joystick entry with this id. + If this is a controller that is being tracked, the controller will also be represented by a joystick entry with this ID. diff --git a/doc/classes/ARVRServer.xml b/doc/classes/ARVRServer.xml index 6f5a76943fe..1d90437395b 100644 --- a/doc/classes/ARVRServer.xml +++ b/doc/classes/ARVRServer.xml @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ - This is our AR/VR Server. + The AR/VR server. - The AR/VR Server is the heart of our AR/VR solution and handles all the processing. + The AR/VR server is the heart of our AR/VR solution and handles all the processing. @@ -17,12 +17,12 @@ - This is a really important function to understand correctly. AR and VR platforms all handle positioning slightly differently. - For platforms that do not offer spatial tracking our origin point (0,0,0) is the location of our HMD but you have little control over the direction the player is facing in the real world. - For platforms that do offer spatial tracking our origin point depends very much on the system. For OpenVR our origin point is usually the center of the tracking space, on the ground. For other platforms its often the location of the tracking camera. - This method allows you to center our tracker on the location of the HMD, it will take the current location of the HMD and use that to adjust all our tracking data in essence realigning the real world to your players current position in your game world. - For this method to produce usable results tracking information should be available and this often takes a few frames after starting your game. - You should call this method after a few seconds have passed, when the user requests a realignment of the display holding a designated button on a controller for a short period of time, and when implementing a teleport mechanism. + This is an important function to understand correctly. AR and VR platforms all handle positioning slightly differently. + For platforms that do not offer spatial tracking, our origin point (0,0,0) is the location of our HMD, but you have little control over the direction the player is facing in the real world. + For platforms that do offer spatial tracking, our origin point depends very much on the system. For OpenVR, our origin point is usually the center of the tracking space, on the ground. For other platforms, it's often the location of the tracking camera. + This method allows you to center your tracker on the location of the HMD. It will take the current location of the HMD and use that to adjust all your tracking data; in essence, realigning the real world to your player's current position in the game world. + For this method to produce usable results, tracking information must be available. This often takes a few frames after starting your game. + You should call this method after a few seconds have passed. For instance, when the user requests a realignment of the display holding a designated button on a controller for a short period of time, or when implementing a teleport mechanism. @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ - Find an interface by its name. Say that you're making a game that uses specific capabilities of an AR/VR platform you can find the interface for that platform by name and initialize it. + Finds an interface by its name. For instance, if your project uses capabilities of an AR/VR platform, you can find the interface for that platform by name and initialize it. @@ -47,21 +47,21 @@ - Get the interface registered at a given index in our list of interfaces. + Gets the interface registered at a given index in our list of interfaces. - Get the number of interfaces currently registered with the AR/VR server. If your game supports multiple AR/VR platforms, you can look through the available interface, and either present the user with a selection or simply try an initialize each interface and use the first one that returns [code]true[/code]. + Gets the number of interfaces currently registered with the AR/VR server. If your project supports multiple AR/VR platforms, you can look through the available interface, and either present the user with a selection or simply try to initialize each interface and use the first one that returns [code]true[/code]. - Returns a list of available interfaces with both id and name of the interface. + Returns a list of available interfaces the ID and name of each interface. @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ - Gets our reference frame transform, mostly used internally and exposed for GDNative build interfaces. + Gets the reference frame transform. Mostly used internally and exposed for GDNative build interfaces. @@ -95,14 +95,14 @@ - Get the positional tracker at the given ID. + Gets the positional tracker at the given ID. - Get the number of trackers currently registered. + Gets the number of trackers currently registered. @@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ - Allows you to adjust the scale to your game's units. Most AR/VR platforms assume a scale of 1 game world unit = 1 meter in the real world. + Allows you to adjust the scale to your game's units. Most AR/VR platforms assume a scale of 1 game world unit = 1 real world meter. @@ -118,14 +118,14 @@ - Signal send when a new interface has been added. + Emitted when a new interface has been added. - Signal send when an interface is removed. + Emitted when an interface is removed. @@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ - Signal send when a new tracker has been added. If you don't use a fixed number of controllers or if you're using ARVRAnchors for an AR solution it is important to react to this signal and add the appropriate ARVRController or ARVRAnchor node related to this new tracker. + Emitted when a new tracker has been added. If you don't use a fixed number of controllers or if you're using [ARVRAnchor]s for an AR solution, it is important to react to this signal to add the appropriate [ARVRController] or [ARVRAnchor] nodes related to this new tracker. @@ -147,19 +147,19 @@ - Signal send when a tracker is removed, you should remove any ARVRController or ARVRAnchor points if applicable. This is not mandatory, the nodes simply become inactive and will be made active again when a new tracker becomes available (i.e. a new controller is switched on that takes the place of the previous one). + Emitted when a tracker is removed. You should remove any [ARVRController] or [ARVRAnchor] points if applicable. This is not mandatory, the nodes simply become inactive and will be made active again when a new tracker becomes available (i.e. a new controller is switched on that takes the place of the previous one). - Our tracker tracks the location of a controller. + The tracker tracks the location of a controller. - Our tracker tracks the location of a base station. + The tracker tracks the location of a base station. - Our tracker tracks the location and size of an AR anchor. + The tracker tracks the location and size of an AR anchor. Used internally to filter trackers of any known type. diff --git a/doc/classes/AStar.xml b/doc/classes/AStar.xml index 0c7de553293..99e2db6d83f 100644 --- a/doc/classes/AStar.xml +++ b/doc/classes/AStar.xml @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ var as = AStar.new() as.add_point(1, Vector3(1, 0, 0), 4) # Adds the point (1, 0, 0) with weight_scale 4 and id 1 [/codeblock] - If there already exists a point for the given id, its position and weight scale are updated to the given values. + If there already exists a point for the given [code]id[/code], its position and weight scale are updated to the given values. @@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ - Returns the next available point id with no point associated to it. + Returns the next available point ID with no point associated to it. @@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ - Returns the id of the closest point to [code]to_position[/code]. Returns -1 if there are no points in the points pool. + Returns the ID of the closest point to [code]to_position[/code]. Returns -1 if there are no points in the points pool. @@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ as.add_point(1, Vector3(0, 0, 0)) as.add_point(2, Vector3(0, 5, 0)) as.connect_points(1, 2) - var res = as.get_closest_position_in_segment(Vector3(3, 3, 0)) # returns (0, 3, 0) + var res = as.get_closest_position_in_segment(Vector3(3, 3, 0)) # Returns (0, 3, 0) [/codeblock] The result is in the segment that goes from [code]y = 0[/code] to [code]y = 5[/code]. It's the closest position in the segment to the given point. @@ -139,11 +139,11 @@ - Returns an array with the ids of the points that form the path found by AStar between the given points. The array is ordered from the starting point to the ending point of the path. + Returns an array with the IDs of the points that form the path found by AStar between the given points. The array is ordered from the starting point to the ending point of the path. [codeblock] var as = AStar.new() as.add_point(1, Vector3(0, 0, 0)) - as.add_point(2, Vector3(0, 1, 0), 1) # default weight is 1 + as.add_point(2, Vector3(0, 1, 0), 1) # Default weight is 1 as.add_point(3, Vector3(1, 1, 0)) as.add_point(4, Vector3(2, 0, 0)) @@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ as.connect_points(1, 4, false) as.connect_points(5, 4, false) - var res = as.get_id_path(1, 3) # returns [1, 2, 3] + var res = as.get_id_path(1, 3) # Returns [1, 2, 3] [/codeblock] If you change the 2nd point's weight to 3, then the result will be [code][1, 4, 3][/code] instead, because now even though the distance is longer, it's "easier" to get through point 4 than through point 2. @@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ - Returns an array with the ids of the points that form the connect with the given point. + Returns an array with the IDs of the points that form the connection with the given point. [codeblock] var as = AStar.new() as.add_point(1, Vector3(0, 0, 0)) @@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ as.connect_points(1, 2, true) as.connect_points(1, 3, true) - var neighbors = as.get_point_connections(1) # returns [2, 3] + var neighbors = as.get_point_connections(1) # Returns [2, 3] [/codeblock] @@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ - Returns the position of the point associated with the given id. + Returns the position of the point associated with the given [code]id[/code]. @@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ - Returns the weight scale of the point associated with the given id. + Returns the weight scale of the point associated with the given [code]id[/code]. @@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ - Returns whether a point associated with the given id exists. + Returns whether a point associated with the given [code]id[/code] exists. @@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ - Removes the point associated with the given id from the points pool. + Removes the point associated with the given [code]id[/code] from the points pool. @@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ - Sets the position for the point with the given id. + Sets the [code]position[/code] for the point with the given [code]id[/code]. @@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ - Sets the [code]weight_scale[/code] for the point with the given id. + Sets the [code]weight_scale[/code] for the point with the given [code]id[/code]. diff --git a/doc/classes/AStar2D.xml b/doc/classes/AStar2D.xml index b86e53d4d47..526d1c16da0 100644 --- a/doc/classes/AStar2D.xml +++ b/doc/classes/AStar2D.xml @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ var as = AStar2D.new() as.add_point(1, Vector2(1, 0), 4) # Adds the point (1, 0) with weight_scale 4 and id 1 [/codeblock] - If there already exists a point for the given id, its position and weight scale are updated to the given values. + If there already exists a point for the given [code]id[/code], its position and weight scale are updated to the given values. @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ - Returns the next available point id with no point associated to it. + Returns the next available point ID with no point associated to it. @@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ - Returns the id of the closest point to [code]to_position[/code]. Returns -1 if there are no points in the points pool. + Returns the ID of the closest point to [code]to_position[/code]. Returns -1 if there are no points in the points pool. @@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ as.add_point(1, Vector2(0, 0)) as.add_point(2, Vector2(0, 5)) as.connect_points(1, 2) - var res = as.get_closest_position_in_segment(Vector2(3, 3)) # returns (0, 3) + var res = as.get_closest_position_in_segment(Vector2(3, 3)) # Returns (0, 3) [/codeblock] The result is in the segment that goes from [code]y = 0[/code] to [code]y = 5[/code]. It's the closest position in the segment to the given point. @@ -116,11 +116,11 @@ - Returns an array with the ids of the points that form the path found by AStar2D between the given points. The array is ordered from the starting point to the ending point of the path. + Returns an array with the IDs of the points that form the path found by AStar2D between the given points. The array is ordered from the starting point to the ending point of the path. [codeblock] var as = AStar2D.new() as.add_point(1, Vector2(0, 0)) - as.add_point(2, Vector2(0, 1), 1) # default weight is 1 + as.add_point(2, Vector2(0, 1), 1) # Default weight is 1 as.add_point(3, Vector2(1, 1)) as.add_point(4, Vector2(2, 0)) @@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ as.connect_points(1, 4, false) as.connect_points(5, 4, false) - var res = as.get_id_path(1, 3) # returns [1, 2, 3] + var res = as.get_id_path(1, 3) # Returns [1, 2, 3] [/codeblock] If you change the 2nd point's weight to 3, then the result will be [code][1, 4, 3][/code] instead, because now even though the distance is longer, it's "easier" to get through point 4 than through point 2. @@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ - Returns an array with the ids of the points that form the connect with the given point. + Returns an array with the IDs of the points that form the connection with the given point. [codeblock] var as = AStar2D.new() as.add_point(1, Vector2(0, 0)) @@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ as.connect_points(1, 2, true) as.connect_points(1, 3, true) - var neighbors = as.get_point_connections(1) # returns [2, 3] + var neighbors = as.get_point_connections(1) # Returns [2, 3] [/codeblock] @@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ - Returns the position of the point associated with the given id. + Returns the position of the point associated with the given [code]id[/code]. @@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ - Returns the weight scale of the point associated with the given id. + Returns the weight scale of the point associated with the given [code]id[/code]. @@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ - Returns whether a point associated with the given id exists. + Returns whether a point associated with the given [code]id[/code] exists. @@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ - Removes the point associated with the given id from the points pool. + Removes the point associated with the given [code]id[/code] from the points pool. @@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ - Sets the position for the point with the given id. + Sets the [code]position[/code] for the point with the given [code]id[/code]. @@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ - Sets the [code]weight_scale[/code] for the point with the given id. + Sets the [code]weight_scale[/code] for the point with the given [code]id[/code]. diff --git a/doc/classes/AcceptDialog.xml b/doc/classes/AcceptDialog.xml index 3ea280cba3f..6701e3cbbd4 100644 --- a/doc/classes/AcceptDialog.xml +++ b/doc/classes/AcceptDialog.xml @@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ - Adds a button with label [i]text[/i] and a custom [i]action[/i] to the dialog and returns the created button. [i]action[/i] will be passed to the [signal custom_action] signal when pressed. - If [code]true[/code], [i]right[/i] will place the button to the right of any sibling buttons. Default value: [code]false[/code]. + Adds a button with label [code]text[/code] and a custom [code]action[/code] to the dialog and returns the created button. [code]action[/code] will be passed to the [signal custom_action] signal when pressed. + If [code]true[/code], [code]right[/code] will place the button to the right of any sibling buttons. Default value: [code]false[/code]. @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ - Adds a button with label [i]name[/i] and a cancel action to the dialog and returns the created button. + Adds a button with label [code]name[/code] and a cancel action to the dialog and returns the created button. @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ - Returns the OK Button. + Returns the OK [Button] instance. @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ If [code]true[/code], the dialog is hidden when the OK button is pressed. You can set it to [code]false[/code] if you want to do e.g. input validation when receiving the [signal confirmed] signal, and handle hiding the dialog in your own logic. Default value: [code]true[/code]. - Note: Some nodes derived from this class can have a different default value, and potentially their own built-in logic overriding this setting. For example [FileDialog] defaults to [code]false[/code], and has its own input validation code that is called when you press OK, which eventually hides the dialog if the input is valid. As such this property can't be used in [FileDialog] to disable hiding the dialog when pressing OK. + [b]Note:[/b] Some nodes derived from this class can have a different default value, and potentially their own built-in logic overriding this setting. For example [FileDialog] defaults to [code]false[/code], and has its own input validation code that is called when you press OK, which eventually hides the dialog if the input is valid. As such, this property can't be used in [FileDialog] to disable hiding the dialog when pressing OK. The text displayed by the dialog. diff --git a/doc/classes/AnimatedSprite.xml b/doc/classes/AnimatedSprite.xml index da85f913672..f7dc794d93c 100644 --- a/doc/classes/AnimatedSprite.xml +++ b/doc/classes/AnimatedSprite.xml @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ - Returns [code]true[/code] if an animation if currently being played. + Returns [code]true[/code] if an animation is currently being played. @@ -24,14 +24,14 @@ - Play the animation set in parameter. If no parameter is provided, the current animation is played. Property [code]backwards[/code] plays the animation in reverse if set to [code]true[/code]. + Plays the animation named [code]anim[/code]. If no [code]anim[/code] is provided, the current animation is played. If [code]backwards[/code] is [code]true[/code], the animation will be played in reverse. - Stop the current animation (does not reset the frame counter). + Stops the current animation (does not reset the frame counter). diff --git a/doc/classes/AnimatedSprite3D.xml b/doc/classes/AnimatedSprite3D.xml index 96196f7601d..e4223d21f80 100644 --- a/doc/classes/AnimatedSprite3D.xml +++ b/doc/classes/AnimatedSprite3D.xml @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ - Returns [code]true[/code] if an animation if currently being played. + Returns [code]true[/code] if an animation is currently being played. @@ -22,14 +22,14 @@ - Play the animation set in parameter. If no parameter is provided, the current animation is played. + Plays the animation named [code]anim[/code]. If no [code]anim[/code] is provided, the current animation is played. - Stop the current animation (does not reset the frame counter). + Stops the current animation (does not reset the frame counter). diff --git a/doc/classes/Animation.xml b/doc/classes/Animation.xml index c79903cb808..16db993cd74 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Animation.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Animation.xml @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ - Add a track to the Animation. The track type must be specified as any of the values in the TYPE_* enumeration. + Adds a track to the Animation. @@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ - Remove a track by specifying the track index. + Removes a track by specifying the track index. @@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ - Find the key index by time in a given track. Optionally, only find it if the exact time is given. + Finds the key index by time in a given track. Optionally, only find it if the exact time is given. @@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ - Returns the interpolation type of a given track, from the INTERPOLATION_* enum. + Returns the interpolation type of a given track. @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ - Returns the transition curve (easing) for a specific key (see built-in math function "ease"). + Returns the transition curve (easing) for a specific key (see the built-in math function [method @GDScript.ease]). @@ -396,7 +396,7 @@ - Get the path of a track. for more information on the path format, see [method track_set_path] + Gets the path of a track. For more information on the path format, see [method track_set_path]. @@ -405,7 +405,7 @@ - Get the type of a track. + Gets the type of a track. @@ -447,7 +447,7 @@ - Move a track down. + Moves a track down. @@ -467,7 +467,7 @@ - Move a track up. + Moves a track up. @@ -478,7 +478,7 @@ - Remove a key by index in a given track. + Removes a key by index in a given track. @@ -489,7 +489,7 @@ - Remove a key by position (seconds) in a given track. + Removes a key by position (seconds) in a given track. @@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ - Set the given track as imported or not. + Sets the given track as imported or not. @@ -533,7 +533,7 @@ - Set the interpolation type of a given track, from the INTERPOLATION_* enum. + Sets the interpolation type of a given track. @@ -546,7 +546,7 @@ - Set the time of an existing key. + Sets the time of an existing key. @@ -559,7 +559,7 @@ - Set the transition curve (easing) for a specific key (see built-in math function "ease"). + Sets the transition curve (easing) for a specific key (see the built-in math function [method @GDScript.ease]). @@ -572,7 +572,7 @@ - Set the value of an existing key. + Sets the value of an existing key. @@ -583,8 +583,8 @@ - Set the path of a track. Paths must be valid scene-tree paths to a node, and must be specified starting from the parent node of the node that will reproduce the animation. Tracks that control properties or bones must append their name after the path, separated by ":". - [b]Example:[/b] "character/skeleton:ankle" or "character/mesh:transform/local". + Sets the path of a track. Paths must be valid scene-tree paths to a node, and must be specified starting from the parent node of the node that will reproduce the animation. Tracks that control properties or bones must append their name after the path, separated by [code]":"[/code]. + For example, [code]"character/skeleton:ankle"[/code] or [code]"character/mesh:transform/local"[/code]. @@ -656,13 +656,14 @@ - Set the update mode (UPDATE_*) of a value track. + Sets the update mode ([code]UPDATE_*[/code]) of a value track. - The total length of the animation (in seconds). Note that length is not delimited by the last key, as this one may be before or after the end to ensure correct interpolation and looping. + The total length of the animation (in seconds). + [b]Note:[/b] Length is not delimited by the last key, as this one may be before or after the end to ensure correct interpolation and looping. A flag indicating that the animation must loop. This is uses for correct interpolation of animation cycles, and for hinting the player that it must restart the animation. @@ -682,7 +683,7 @@ Value tracks set values in node properties, but only those which can be Interpolated. - Transform tracks are used to change node local transforms or skeleton pose bones. Transitions are Interpolated. + Transform tracks are used to change node local transforms or skeleton pose bones. Transitions are interpolated. Method tracks call functions with given arguments per key. diff --git a/doc/classes/AnimationNode.xml b/doc/classes/AnimationNode.xml index 23f7a316d98..7d5d8a2db1d 100644 --- a/doc/classes/AnimationNode.xml +++ b/doc/classes/AnimationNode.xml @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Base resource for [AnimationTree] nodes. - Base resource for [AnimationTree] nodes. In general it's not used directly but you can create custom ones with custom blending formulas. + Base resource for [AnimationTree] nodes. In general, it's not used directly, but you can create custom ones with custom blending formulas. Inherit this when creating nodes mainly for use in [AnimationNodeBlendTree], otherwise [AnimationRootNode] should be used instead. @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ - Add an input to the node. This is only useful for nodes created for use in an [AnimationNodeBlendTree] + Adds an input to the node. This is only useful for nodes created for use in an [AnimationNodeBlendTree] @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ - Get the text caption for this node (used by some editors) + Gets the text caption for this node (used by some editors). @@ -89,14 +89,14 @@ - Get the a child node by index (used by editors inheriting from [AnimationRootNode]). + Gets a child node by index (used by editors inheriting from [AnimationRootNode]). - Get all children nodes, in order as a name:node dictionary. Only useful when inheriting [AnimationRootNode]. + Gets all children nodes in order as a [code]name: node[/code] dictionary. Only useful when inheriting [AnimationRootNode]. @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ - Get the name of an input by index. + Gets the name of an input by index. @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ - Get the value of a parameter. Parameters are custom local memory used for your nodes, given a resource can be reused in multiple trees. + Gets the value of a parameter. Parameters are custom local memory used for your nodes, given a resource can be reused in multiple trees. @@ -130,14 +130,14 @@ - Get the default value of a parameter. Parameters are custom local memory used for your nodes, given a resource can be reused in multiple trees. + Gets the default value of a parameter. Parameters are custom local memory used for your nodes, given a resource can be reused in multiple trees. - Get the property information for parameter. Parameters are custom local memory used for your nodes, given a resource can be reused in multiple trees. Format is similar to [method Object.get_property_list]. + Gets the property information for parameter. Parameters are custom local memory used for your nodes, given a resource can be reused in multiple trees. Format is similar to [method Object.get_property_list]. @@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ - Remove an input, call this only when inactive. + Removes an input, call this only when inactive. @@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ - Add/Remove a path for the filter. + Adds or removes a path for the filter. @@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ - Set a custom parameter. These are used as local storage, because resources can be reused across the tree or scenes. + Sets a custom parameter. These are used as local storage, because resources can be reused across the tree or scenes. diff --git a/doc/classes/AnimationNodeBlendSpace1D.xml b/doc/classes/AnimationNodeBlendSpace1D.xml index 6fb5c6312b6..c6a1d47c2df 100644 --- a/doc/classes/AnimationNodeBlendSpace1D.xml +++ b/doc/classes/AnimationNodeBlendSpace1D.xml @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ - Add a new point that represents a [code]node[/code] on the virtual axis at a given position set by [code]pos[/code]. You can insert it at a specific index using the [code]at_index[/code] argument. If you use the default value for [code]at_index[/code] , the point is inserted at the end of the blend points array. + Adds a new point that represents a [code]node[/code] on the virtual axis at a given position set by [code]pos[/code]. You can insert it at a specific index using the [code]at_index[/code] argument. If you use the default value for [code]at_index[/code] , the point is inserted at the end of the blend points array. diff --git a/doc/classes/AnimationNodeBlendSpace2D.xml b/doc/classes/AnimationNodeBlendSpace2D.xml index 6567098d6c3..ba3635793c1 100644 --- a/doc/classes/AnimationNodeBlendSpace2D.xml +++ b/doc/classes/AnimationNodeBlendSpace2D.xml @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ - Add a new point that represents a [code]node[/code] at the position set by [code]pos[/code]. You can insert it at a specific index using the [code]at_index[/code] argument. If you use the default value for [code]at_index[/code] , the point is inserted at the end of the blend points array. + Adds a new point that represents a [code]node[/code] at the position set by [code]pos[/code]. You can insert it at a specific index using the [code]at_index[/code] argument. If you use the default value for [code]at_index[/code] , the point is inserted at the end of the blend points array. diff --git a/doc/classes/AnimationNodeStateMachine.xml b/doc/classes/AnimationNodeStateMachine.xml index 2834f83d2f8..9a21492b8aa 100644 --- a/doc/classes/AnimationNodeStateMachine.xml +++ b/doc/classes/AnimationNodeStateMachine.xml @@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ State machine for control of animations. - Contains multiple nodes representing animation states, connected in a graph. Nodes transitions can be configured to happen automatically or via code, using a shortest-path algorithm. Retrieve the AnimationNodeStateMachinePlayback object from the [AnimationTree] node to control it programatically. Example: + Contains multiple nodes representing animation states, connected in a graph. Node transitions can be configured to happen automatically or via code, using a shortest-path algorithm. Retrieve the AnimationNodeStateMachinePlayback object from the [AnimationTree] node to control it programmatically. + [b]Example:[/b] [codeblock] var state_machine = $AnimationTree.get("parameters/playback") state_machine.travel("some_state") diff --git a/doc/classes/AnimationNodeStateMachinePlayback.xml b/doc/classes/AnimationNodeStateMachinePlayback.xml index 796d92d7d66..ab9652fcd83 100644 --- a/doc/classes/AnimationNodeStateMachinePlayback.xml +++ b/doc/classes/AnimationNodeStateMachinePlayback.xml @@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ Playback control for AnimationNodeStateMachine. - Allows control of [AnimationTree] state machines created with [AnimationNodeStateMachine]. Retrieve with [code]$AnimationTree.get("parameters/playback")[/code]. Example: + Allows control of [AnimationTree] state machines created with [AnimationNodeStateMachine]. Retrieve with [code]$AnimationTree.get("parameters/playback")[/code]. + [b]Example:[/b] [codeblock] var state_machine = $AnimationTree.get("parameters/playback") state_machine.travel("some_state") diff --git a/doc/classes/AnimationPlayer.xml b/doc/classes/AnimationPlayer.xml index 3e2fad8a922..759787c26e2 100644 --- a/doc/classes/AnimationPlayer.xml +++ b/doc/classes/AnimationPlayer.xml @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Container and player of [Animation] resources. - An animation player is used for general purpose playback of [Animation] resources. It contains a dictionary of animations (referenced by name) and custom blend times between their transitions. Additionally, animations can be played and blended in different channels. + An animation player is used for general-purpose playback of [Animation] resources. It contains a dictionary of animations (referenced by name) and custom blend times between their transitions. Additionally, animations can be played and blended in different channels. https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/getting_started/step_by_step/animations.html @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ - [AnimationPlayer] caches animated nodes. It may not notice if a node disappears, so clear_caches forces it to update the cache again. + [AnimationPlayer] caches animated nodes. It may not notice if a node disappears; [method clear_caches] forces it to update the cache again. @@ -98,14 +98,14 @@ - Get the blend time (in seconds) between two animations, referenced by their names. + Gets the blend time (in seconds) between two animations, referenced by their names. - Get the actual playing speed of current animation or 0 if not playing. This speed is the [code]playback_speed[/code] property multiplied by [code]custom_speed[/code] argument specified when calling the [code]play[/code] method. + Gets the actual playing speed of current animation or 0 if not playing. This speed is the [code]playback_speed[/code] property multiplied by [code]custom_speed[/code] argument specified when calling the [code]play[/code] method. @@ -142,8 +142,8 @@ - Play the animation with key [code]name[/code]. Custom speed and blend times can be set. If custom speed is negative (-1), 'from_end' being [code]true[/code] can play the animation backwards. - If the animation has been paused by [code]stop(true)[/code] it will be resumed. Calling [code]play()[/code] without arguments will also resume the animation. + Plays the animation with key [code]name[/code]. Custom speed and blend times can be set. If [code]custom_speed[/code] is negative and [code]from_end[/code] is [code]true[/code], the animation will play backwards. + If the animation has been paused by [method stop], it will be resumed. Calling [method play] without arguments will also resume the animation. @@ -154,8 +154,8 @@ - Play the animation with key [code]name[/code] in reverse. - If the animation has been paused by [code]stop(true)[/code] it will be resumed backwards. Calling [code]play_backwards()[/code] without arguments will also resume the animation backwards. + Plays the animation with key [code]name[/code] in reverse. + If the animation has been paused by [code]stop(true)[/code], it will be resumed backwards. Calling [code]play_backwards()[/code] without arguments will also resume the animation backwards. @@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ - Queue an animation for playback once the current one is done. + Queues an animation for playback once the current one is done. @@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ - Remove the animation with key [code]name[/code]. + Removes the animation with key [code]name[/code]. @@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ - Rename an existing animation with key [code]name[/code] to [code]newname[/code]. + Renames an existing animation with key [code]name[/code] to [code]newname[/code]. @@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ - Seek the animation to the [code]seconds[/code] point in time (in seconds). If [code]update[/code] is [code]true[/code], the animation updates too, otherwise it updates at process time. Events between the current frame and [code]seconds[/code] are skipped. + Seeks the animation to the [code]seconds[/code] point in time (in seconds). If [code]update[/code] is [code]true[/code], the animation updates too, otherwise it updates at process time. Events between the current frame and [code]seconds[/code] are skipped. @@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ - Specify a blend time (in seconds) between two animations, referenced by their names. + Specifies a blend time (in seconds) between two animations, referenced by their names. @@ -217,8 +217,8 @@ - Stop the currently playing animation. If [code]reset[/code] is [code]true[/code], the animation position is reset to [code]0[/code] and the playback speed is reset to [code]1.0[/code]. - If [code]reset[/code] is [code]false[/code], then calling [code]play()[/code] without arguments or [code]play("same_as_before")[/code] will resume the animation. Works the same for the [code]play_backwards()[/code] method. + Stops the currently playing animation. If [code]reset[/code] is [code]true[/code], the animation position is reset to [code]0[/code] and the playback speed is reset to [code]1.0[/code]. + If [code]reset[/code] is [code]false[/code], then calling [method play] without arguments or [code]play("same_as_before")[/code] will resume the animation. Works the same for the [method play_backwards]. @@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ The process notification in which to update animations. Default value: [constant ANIMATION_PROCESS_IDLE]. - The speed scaling ratio. For instance, if this value is 1 then the animation plays at normal speed. If it's 0.5 then it plays at half speed. If it's 2 then it plays at double speed. Default value: [code]1[/code]. + The speed scaling ratio. For instance, if this value is 1, then the animation plays at normal speed. If it's 0.5, then it plays at half speed. If it's 2, then it plays at double speed. Default value: [code]1[/code]. The node from which node path references will travel. Default value: [code]".."[/code]. @@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ Process animation during the idle process. - Do not process animation. Use the 'advance' method to process the animation manually. + Do not process animation. Use [method advance] to process the animation manually. Batch method calls during the animation process, then do the calls after events are processed. This avoids bugs involving deleting nodes or modifying the AnimationPlayer while playing. diff --git a/doc/classes/AnimationTreePlayer.xml b/doc/classes/AnimationTreePlayer.xml index 179dc5577bb..41dfd69fb7e 100644 --- a/doc/classes/AnimationTreePlayer.xml +++ b/doc/classes/AnimationTreePlayer.xml @@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ Sets mix amount of a Mix node given its name and value. - A Mix node adds input b to input a by a the amount given by ratio. + A Mix node adds input b to input a by the amount given by ratio. @@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ - Get the node type, will return from NODE_* enum. + Gets the node type, will return from [code]NODE_*[/code] enum. @@ -503,7 +503,7 @@ - Sets the time seek value of the TimeSeek node with name [code]id[/code] to [code]seconds[/code] + Sets the time seek value of the TimeSeek node with name [code]id[/code] to [code]seconds[/code]. This functions as a seek in the [Animation] or the blend or mix of [Animation]s input in it. diff --git a/doc/classes/Area.xml b/doc/classes/Area.xml index 17d9678f640..d23e8567aaa 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Area.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Area.xml @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ - General purpose area node for detection and 3D physics influence. + General-purpose area node for detection and 3D physics influence. 3D area that detects [CollisionObject] nodes overlapping, entering, or exiting. Can also alter or override local physics parameters (gravity, damping). @@ -47,7 +47,8 @@ - If [code]true[/code], the given area overlaps the Area. Note that the result of this test is not immediate after moving objects. For performance, list of overlaps is updated once per frame and before the physics step. Consider using signals instead. + If [code]true[/code], the given area overlaps the Area. + [b]Note:[/b] The result of this test is not immediate after moving objects. For performance, list of overlaps is updated once per frame and before the physics step. Consider using signals instead. @@ -56,7 +57,8 @@ - If [code]true[/code], the given physics body overlaps the Area. Note that the result of this test is not immediate after moving objects. For performance, list of overlaps is updated once per frame and before the physics step. Consider using signals instead. + If [code]true[/code], the given physics body overlaps the Area. + [b]Note:[/b] The result of this test is not immediate after moving objects. For performance, list of overlaps is updated once per frame and before the physics step. Consider using signals instead. The [code]body[/code] argument can either be a [PhysicsBody] or a [GridMap] instance (while GridMaps are not physics body themselves, they register their tiles with collision shapes as a virtual physics body). @@ -106,7 +108,7 @@ The falloff factor for point gravity. The greater the value, the faster gravity decreases with distance. - If [code]true[/code], gravity is calculated from a point (set via [member gravity_vec]). Also see [member space_override]. Default value: [code]false[/code]. + If [code]true[/code], gravity is calculated from a point (set via [member gravity_vec]). See also [member space_override]. Default value: [code]false[/code]. The area's gravity vector (not normalized). If gravity is a point (see [member gravity_point]), this will be the point of attraction. diff --git a/doc/classes/Area2D.xml b/doc/classes/Area2D.xml index c287f2b6f5d..950166a0e27 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Area2D.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Area2D.xml @@ -47,7 +47,8 @@ - If [code]true[/code], the given area overlaps the Area2D. Note that the result of this test is not immediate after moving objects. For performance, list of overlaps is updated once per frame and before the physics step. Consider using signals instead. + If [code]true[/code], the given area overlaps the Area2D. + [b]Note:[/b] The result of this test is not immediate after moving objects. For performance, list of overlaps is updated once per frame and before the physics step. Consider using signals instead. @@ -56,7 +57,8 @@ - If [code]true[/code], the given physics body overlaps the Area2D. Note that the result of this test is not immediate after moving objects. For performance, list of overlaps is updated once per frame and before the physics step. Consider using signals instead. + If [code]true[/code], the given physics body overlaps the Area2D. + [b]Note:[/b] The result of this test is not immediate after moving objects. For performance, list of overlaps is updated once per frame and before the physics step. Consider using signals instead. The [code]body[/code] argument can either be a [PhysicsBody2D] or a [TileMap] instance (while TileMaps are not physics body themselves, they register their tiles with collision shapes as a virtual physics body). @@ -106,7 +108,7 @@ The falloff factor for point gravity. The greater the value, the faster gravity decreases with distance. - If [code]true[/code], gravity is calculated from a point (set via [member gravity_vec]). Also see [member space_override]. Default value: [code]false[/code]. + If [code]true[/code], gravity is calculated from a point (set via [member gravity_vec]). See also [member space_override]. Default value: [code]false[/code]. The area's gravity vector (not normalized). If gravity is a point (see [member gravity_point]), this will be the point of attraction. diff --git a/doc/classes/Array.xml b/doc/classes/Array.xml index 75194fbf763..130908b8420 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Array.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Array.xml @@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ Generic array datatype. - Generic array which can contain several elements of any type, accessible by a numerical index starting at 0. Negative indices can be used to count from the back, like in Python (-1 is the last element, -2 the second to last, etc.). Example: + Generic array which can contain several elements of any type, accessible by a numerical index starting at 0. Negative indices can be used to count from the back, like in Python (-1 is the last element, -2 the second to last, etc.). + [b]Example:[/b] [codeblock] var array = ["One", 2, 3, "Four"] print(array[0]) # One @@ -103,7 +104,8 @@ - Finds the index of an existing value (or the insertion index that maintains sorting order, if the value is not yet present in the array) using binary search. Optionally, a before specifier can be passed. If [code]false[/code], the returned index comes after all existing entries of the value in the array. Note that calling bsearch on an unsorted array results in unexpected behavior. + Finds the index of an existing value (or the insertion index that maintains sorting order, if the value is not yet present in the array) using binary search. Optionally, a [code]before[/code] specifier can be passed. If [code]false[/code], the returned index comes after all existing entries of the value in the array. + [b]Note:[/b] Calling [method bsearch] on an unsorted array results in unexpected behavior. @@ -118,12 +120,13 @@ - Finds the index of an existing value (or the insertion index that maintains sorting order, if the value is not yet present in the array) using binary search and a custom comparison method. Optionally, a before specifier can be passed. If [code]false[/code], the returned index comes after all existing entries of the value in the array. The custom method receives two arguments (an element from the array and the value searched for) and must return [code]true[/code] if the first argument is less than the second, and return [code]false[/code] otherwise. Note that calling bsearch on an unsorted array results in unexpected behavior. + Finds the index of an existing value (or the insertion index that maintains sorting order, if the value is not yet present in the array) using binary search and a custom comparison method. Optionally, a [code]before[/code] specifier can be passed. If [code]false[/code], the returned index comes after all existing entries of the value in the array. The custom method receives two arguments (an element from the array and the value searched for) and must return [code]true[/code] if the first argument is less than the second, and return [code]false[/code] otherwise. + [b]Note:[/b] Calling [method bsearch] on an unsorted array results in unexpected behavior. - Clears the array (resizes to 0). + Clears the array. This is equivalent to using [method resize] with a size of [code]0[/code]. @@ -275,7 +278,7 @@ - Resizes the array to contain a different number of elements. If the array size is smaller, elements are cleared, if bigger, new elements are Null. + Resizes the array to contain a different number of elements. If the array size is smaller, elements are cleared, if bigger, new elements are [code]null[/code]. @@ -303,7 +306,8 @@ - Sorts the array. Note: strings are sorted in alphabetical, not natural order. + Sorts the array. + [b]Note:[/b] strings are sorted in alphabetical, not natural order. diff --git a/doc/classes/ArrayMesh.xml b/doc/classes/ArrayMesh.xml index 19fe8333346..96bcadc9396 100644 --- a/doc/classes/ArrayMesh.xml +++ b/doc/classes/ArrayMesh.xml @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ - Add name for a blend shape that will be added with [method add_surface_from_arrays]. Must be called before surface is added. + Adds name for a blend shape that will be added with [method add_surface_from_arrays]. Must be called before surface is added. @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ - Remove all blend shapes from this [ArrayMesh]. + Removes all blend shapes from this [ArrayMesh]. @@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ - Returns the index of the first surface with this name held within this [ArrayMesh]. If none are found -1 is returned. + Returns the index of the first surface with this name held within this [ArrayMesh]. If none are found, -1 is returned. @@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ - Get the name assigned to this surface. + Gets the name assigned to this surface. @@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ - Remove a surface at position surf_idx, shifting greater surfaces one surf_idx slot down. + Removes a surface at position [code]surf_idx[/code], shifting greater surfaces one [code]surf_idx[/code] slot down. @@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ - Set a name for a given surface. + Sets a name for a given surface. @@ -178,7 +178,8 @@ - Updates a specified region of mesh arrays on GPU. Warning: only use if you know what you are doing. You can easily cause crashes by calling this function with improper arguments. + Updates a specified region of mesh arrays on the GPU. + [b]Warning:[/b] Only use if you know what you are doing. You can easily cause crashes by calling this function with improper arguments. diff --git a/doc/classes/AtlasTexture.xml b/doc/classes/AtlasTexture.xml index e573512f5ac..834f066bdbd 100644 --- a/doc/classes/AtlasTexture.xml +++ b/doc/classes/AtlasTexture.xml @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ If [code]true[/code], clips the area outside of the region to avoid bleeding of the surrounding texture pixels. - The margin around the region. The [Rect2]'s 'size' parameter ('w' and 'h' in the editor) resizes the texture so it fits within the margin. + The margin around the region. The [Rect2]'s [member Rect2.size] parameter ("w" and "h" in the editor) resizes the texture so it fits within the margin. The AtlasTexture's used region. diff --git a/doc/classes/AudioBusLayout.xml b/doc/classes/AudioBusLayout.xml index 771e0390d31..fb36440a671 100644 --- a/doc/classes/AudioBusLayout.xml +++ b/doc/classes/AudioBusLayout.xml @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ - Stores information about the audiobusses. + Stores information about the audio buses. Stores position, muting, solo, bypass, effects, effect position, volume, and the connections between buses. See [AudioServer] for usage. diff --git a/doc/classes/AudioEffect.xml b/doc/classes/AudioEffect.xml index 7c21d04b030..3e7863a44c4 100644 --- a/doc/classes/AudioEffect.xml +++ b/doc/classes/AudioEffect.xml @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ - Audio Effect For Audio. + Audio effect for audio. Base resource for audio bus. Applies an audio effect on the bus that the resource is applied on. diff --git a/doc/classes/AudioEffectAmplify.xml b/doc/classes/AudioEffectAmplify.xml index 9fd3e73b128..52f7afad766 100644 --- a/doc/classes/AudioEffectAmplify.xml +++ b/doc/classes/AudioEffectAmplify.xml @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ - Adds a Amplify audio effect to an Audio bus. + Adds an amplifying audio effect to an audio bus. Increases or decreases the volume of the selected audio bus. @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ - Amount of amplification. Positive values make the sound louder, negative values make it quieter. Value can range from -80 to 24. Default value: [code]0[/code]. + Amount of amplification in decibels. Positive values make the sound louder, negative values make it quieter. Value can range from -80 to 24. Default value: [code]0[/code]. diff --git a/doc/classes/AudioEffectBandLimitFilter.xml b/doc/classes/AudioEffectBandLimitFilter.xml index 1b511dfab0a..f85c8cdd327 100644 --- a/doc/classes/AudioEffectBandLimitFilter.xml +++ b/doc/classes/AudioEffectBandLimitFilter.xml @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ - Adds a band limit filter to the Audio Bus. + Adds a band limit filter to the audio bus. Limits the frequencies in a range around the [member AudioEffectFilter.cutoff_hz] and allows frequencies outside of this range to pass. diff --git a/doc/classes/AudioEffectBandPassFilter.xml b/doc/classes/AudioEffectBandPassFilter.xml index 8df922da3a7..359eb9d6699 100644 --- a/doc/classes/AudioEffectBandPassFilter.xml +++ b/doc/classes/AudioEffectBandPassFilter.xml @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ - Adds a band pass filter to the Audio Bus. + Adds a band pass filter to the audio bus. Attenuates the frequencies inside of a range around the [member AudioEffectFilter.cutoff_hz] and cuts frequencies outside of this band. diff --git a/doc/classes/AudioEffectCompressor.xml b/doc/classes/AudioEffectCompressor.xml index 78b80479871..191f7339561 100644 --- a/doc/classes/AudioEffectCompressor.xml +++ b/doc/classes/AudioEffectCompressor.xml @@ -1,15 +1,15 @@ - Adds a Compressor audio effect to an Audio bus. + Adds a compressor audio effect to an audio bus. Reduces sounds that exceed a certain threshold level, smooths out the dynamics and increases the overall volume. Dynamic range compressor reduces the level of the sound when the amplitude goes over a certain threshold in Decibels. One of the main uses of a compressor is to increase the dynamic range by clipping as little as possible (when sound goes over 0dB). Compressor has many uses in the mix: - - In the Master bus to compress the whole output (Although a [AudioEffectLimiter] is probably better) + - In the Master bus to compress the whole output (although an [AudioEffectLimiter] is probably better). - In voice channels to ensure they sound as balanced as possible. - - Sidechained. Sidechained, which can reduce the sound level sidechained with another audio bus for threshold detection.. This technique is very common in video game mixing to download the level of Music/SFX while voices are being heard. + - Sidechained. This can reduce the sound level sidechained with another audio bus for threshold detection. This technique is common in video game mixing to the level of music and SFX while voices are being heard. - Accentuates transients by using a wider attack, making effects sound more punchy. @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ - Compressor's reaction time when the signal exceeds the threshold. Value can range from 20 to 2000. Default value: [code]20ms[/code]. + Compressor's reaction time when the signal exceeds the threshold, in microseconds. Value can range from 20 to 2000. Default value: [code]20us[/code]. Gain applied to the output signal. @@ -27,10 +27,10 @@ Balance between original signal and effect signal. Value can range from 0 (totally dry) to 1 (totally wet). Default value: [code]1[/code]. - Amount of compression applied to the audio once it passes the threshold level. The higher the ratio the more the loud parts of the audio will be compressed. Value can range from 1 to 48. Default value: [code]4[/code]. + Amount of compression applied to the audio once it passes the threshold level. The higher the ratio, the more the loud parts of the audio will be compressed. Value can range from 1 to 48. Default value: [code]4[/code]. - Compressor's delay time to stop reducing the signal after the signal level falls below the threshold. Value can range from 20 to 2000. Default value: [code]250ms[/code]. + Compressor's delay time to stop reducing the signal after the signal level falls below the threshold, in milliseconds. Value can range from 20 to 2000. Default value: [code]250ms[/code]. Reduce the sound level using another audio bus for threshold detection. diff --git a/doc/classes/AudioEffectDelay.xml b/doc/classes/AudioEffectDelay.xml index 0e19a4a89f8..e838998d706 100644 --- a/doc/classes/AudioEffectDelay.xml +++ b/doc/classes/AudioEffectDelay.xml @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ - Adds a Delay audio effect to an Audio bus. Plays input signal back after a period of time. + Adds a delay audio effect to an audio bus. Plays input signal back after a period of time. Two tap delay and feedback options. @@ -25,13 +25,13 @@ Sound level for [code]tap1[/code]. Default value: [code]-6 dB[/code]. - Low-pass filter for feedback. Frequencies below the Low Cut value are filtered out of the source signal. Default value: [code]16000[/code]. + Low-pass filter for feedback, in Hz. Frequencies below this value are filtered out of the source signal. Default value: [code]16000[/code]. If [code]true[/code], [code]tap1[/code] will be enabled. Default value: [code]true[/code]. - [b]Tap1[/b] delay time in milliseconds. Default value: [code]250ms[/code]. + [code]tap1[/code] delay time in milliseconds. Default value: [code]250ms[/code]. Sound level for [code]tap1[/code]. Default value: [code]-6 dB[/code]. diff --git a/doc/classes/AudioEffectDistortion.xml b/doc/classes/AudioEffectDistortion.xml index cf02a8fb6da..91f45742a28 100644 --- a/doc/classes/AudioEffectDistortion.xml +++ b/doc/classes/AudioEffectDistortion.xml @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ - Adds a Distortion audio effect to an Audio bus. + Adds a distortion audio effect to an Audio bus. Modify the sound to make it dirty. - Modify the sound and make it dirty. Different types are available : clip, tan, lofi (bit crushing), overdrive, or waveshape. + Modify the sound and make it dirty. Different types are available: clip, tan, lo-fi (bit crushing), overdrive, or waveshape. By distorting the waveform the frequency content change, which will often make the sound "crunchy" or "abrasive". For games, it can simulate sound coming from some saturated device or speaker very efficiently. @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Distortion power. Value can range from 0 to 1. Default value: [code]0[/code]. - High-pass filter. Frequencies higher than this value will not be affected by the distortion. Value can range from 1 to 20000. Default value: [code]16000[/code]. + High-pass filter, in Hz. Frequencies higher than this value will not be affected by the distortion. Value can range from 1 to 20000. Default value: [code]16000[/code]. Distortion type. Default value: [constant MODE_CLIP]. diff --git a/doc/classes/AudioEffectEQ.xml b/doc/classes/AudioEffectEQ.xml index fef3868d02b..d30b6fc71dd 100644 --- a/doc/classes/AudioEffectEQ.xml +++ b/doc/classes/AudioEffectEQ.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Use it to create a custom equalizer if [AudioEffectEQ6], [AudioEffectEQ10] or [AudioEffectEQ21] don't fit your needs. - AudioEffectEQ gives you control over frequencies. Use it to compensate for existing deficiencies in audio. AudioEffectEQ are very useful on the Master Bus to completely master a mix and give it character. They are also very useful when a game is run on a mobile device, to adjust the mix to that kind of speakers (it can be added but disabled when headphones are plugged). + AudioEffectEQ gives you control over frequencies. Use it to compensate for existing deficiencies in audio. AudioEffectEQs are useful on the Master bus to completely master a mix and give it more character. They are also useful when a game is run on a mobile device, to adjust the mix to that kind of speakers (it can be added but disabled when headphones are plugged). diff --git a/doc/classes/AudioEffectEQ10.xml b/doc/classes/AudioEffectEQ10.xml index e9fd0d72cba..e94c4c71df6 100644 --- a/doc/classes/AudioEffectEQ10.xml +++ b/doc/classes/AudioEffectEQ10.xml @@ -5,17 +5,17 @@ Each frequency can be modulated between -60/+24 dB. - Frequency bands : - Band 1 : 31 Hz - Band 2 : 62 Hz - Band 3 : 125 Hz - Band 4 : 250 Hz - Band 5 : 500 Hz - Band 6 : 1000 Hz - Band 7 : 2000 Hz - Band 8 : 4000 Hz - Band 9 : 8000 Hz - Band 10 : 16000 Hz + Frequency bands: + Band 1: 31 Hz + Band 2: 62 Hz + Band 3: 125 Hz + Band 4: 250 Hz + Band 5: 500 Hz + Band 6: 1000 Hz + Band 7: 2000 Hz + Band 8: 4000 Hz + Band 9: 8000 Hz + Band 10: 16000 Hz See also [AudioEffectEQ], [AudioEffectEQ6], [AudioEffectEQ21]. diff --git a/doc/classes/AudioEffectEQ21.xml b/doc/classes/AudioEffectEQ21.xml index d1b39d98245..dd26e06ee8d 100644 --- a/doc/classes/AudioEffectEQ21.xml +++ b/doc/classes/AudioEffectEQ21.xml @@ -5,28 +5,28 @@ Each frequency can be modulated between -60/+24 dB. - Frequency bands : - Band 1 : 22 Hz - Band 2 : 32 Hz - Band 3 : 44 Hz - Band 4 : 63 Hz - Band 5 : 90 Hz - Band 6 : 125 Hz - Band 7 : 175 Hz - Band 8 : 250 Hz - Band 9 : 350 Hz - Band 10 : 500 Hz - Band 11 : 700 Hz - Band 12 : 1000 Hz - Band 13 : 1400 Hz - Band 14 : 2000 Hz - Band 15 : 2800 Hz - Band 16 : 4000 Hz - Band 17 : 5600 Hz - Band 18 : 8000 Hz - Band 19 : 11000 Hz - Band 20 : 16000 Hz - Band 21 : 22000 Hz + Frequency bands: + Band 1: 22 Hz + Band 2: 32 Hz + Band 3: 44 Hz + Band 4: 63 Hz + Band 5: 90 Hz + Band 6: 125 Hz + Band 7: 175 Hz + Band 8: 250 Hz + Band 9: 350 Hz + Band 10: 500 Hz + Band 11: 700 Hz + Band 12: 1000 Hz + Band 13: 1400 Hz + Band 14: 2000 Hz + Band 15: 2800 Hz + Band 16: 4000 Hz + Band 17: 5600 Hz + Band 18: 8000 Hz + Band 19: 11000 Hz + Band 20: 16000 Hz + Band 21: 22000 Hz See also [AudioEffectEQ], [AudioEffectEQ6], [AudioEffectEQ10]. diff --git a/doc/classes/AudioEffectEQ6.xml b/doc/classes/AudioEffectEQ6.xml index d40471dbd64..eb3dc738efc 100644 --- a/doc/classes/AudioEffectEQ6.xml +++ b/doc/classes/AudioEffectEQ6.xml @@ -5,13 +5,13 @@ Each frequency can be modulated between -60/+24 dB. - Frequency bands : - Band 1 : 32 Hz - Band 2 : 100 Hz - Band 3 : 320 Hz - Band 4 : 1000 Hz - Band 5 : 3200 Hz - Band 6 : 10000 Hz + Frequency bands: + Band 1: 32 Hz + Band 2: 100 Hz + Band 3: 320 Hz + Band 4: 1000 Hz + Band 5: 3200 Hz + Band 6: 10000 Hz See also [AudioEffectEQ], [AudioEffectEQ10], [AudioEffectEQ21]. diff --git a/doc/classes/AudioEffectFilter.xml b/doc/classes/AudioEffectFilter.xml index 5ed4ae28db9..e3cc7076132 100644 --- a/doc/classes/AudioEffectFilter.xml +++ b/doc/classes/AudioEffectFilter.xml @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ - Adds a filter to the Audio Bus. + Adds a filter to the audio bus. Allows frequencies other than the [member cutoff_hz] to pass. @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ - Threshold frequency for the filter. + Threshold frequency for the filter, in Hz. diff --git a/doc/classes/AudioEffectHighPassFilter.xml b/doc/classes/AudioEffectHighPassFilter.xml index 3a486acab8d..589195da028 100644 --- a/doc/classes/AudioEffectHighPassFilter.xml +++ b/doc/classes/AudioEffectHighPassFilter.xml @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ - Adds a high pass filter to the Audio Bus. + Adds a high-pass filter to the Audio Bus. Cuts frequencies lower than the [member AudioEffectFilter.cutoff_hz] and allows higher frequencies to pass. diff --git a/doc/classes/AudioEffectLimiter.xml b/doc/classes/AudioEffectLimiter.xml index c17816bb874..09fec556e11 100644 --- a/doc/classes/AudioEffectLimiter.xml +++ b/doc/classes/AudioEffectLimiter.xml @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ - Adds a soft clip Limiter audio effect to an Audio bus. + Adds a soft-clip limiter audio effect to an Audio bus. - A limiter is similar to a compressor, but it's less flexible and designed to disallow sound going over a given dB threshold. Adding one in the Master Bus is always recommended to reduce the effects of clipping. + A limiter is similar to a compressor, but it's less flexible and designed to disallow sound going over a given dB threshold. Adding one in the Master bus is always recommended to reduce the effects of clipping. Soft clipping starts to reduce the peaks a little below the threshold level and progressively increases its effect as the input level increases such that the threshold is never exceeded. @@ -13,15 +13,15 @@ - The waveform's maximum allowed value. Value can range from -20 to -0.1. Default value: [code]-0.1dB[/code]. + The waveform's maximum allowed value, in decibels. Value can range from -20 to -0.1. Default value: [code]-0.1dB[/code]. - Applies a gain to the limited waves. Value can range from 0 to 6. Default value: [code]2dB[/code]. + Applies a gain to the limited waves, in decibels. Value can range from 0 to 6. Default value: [code]2dB[/code]. - Threshold from which the limiter begins to be active. Value can range from -30 to 0. Default value: [code]0dB[/code]. + Threshold from which the limiter begins to be active, in decibels. Value can range from -30 to 0. Default value: [code]0dB[/code]. diff --git a/doc/classes/AudioEffectLowPassFilter.xml b/doc/classes/AudioEffectLowPassFilter.xml index 94020451501..c0319a67132 100644 --- a/doc/classes/AudioEffectLowPassFilter.xml +++ b/doc/classes/AudioEffectLowPassFilter.xml @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ - Adds a low pass filter to the Audio Bus. + Adds a low-pass filter to the Audio bus. Cuts frequencies higher than the [member AudioEffectFilter.cutoff_hz] and allows lower frequencies to pass. diff --git a/doc/classes/AudioEffectNotchFilter.xml b/doc/classes/AudioEffectNotchFilter.xml index 00e950b43a6..4b5cfd7e510 100644 --- a/doc/classes/AudioEffectNotchFilter.xml +++ b/doc/classes/AudioEffectNotchFilter.xml @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ - Adds a notch filter to the Audio Bus. + Adds a notch filter to the Audio bus. Attenuates frequencies in a narrow band around the [member AudioEffectFilter.cutoff_hz] and cuts frequencies outside of this range. diff --git a/doc/classes/AudioEffectPanner.xml b/doc/classes/AudioEffectPanner.xml index 7d01a73b0b8..26f5a9c3857 100644 --- a/doc/classes/AudioEffectPanner.xml +++ b/doc/classes/AudioEffectPanner.xml @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ - Adds a Panner audio effect to an Audio bus. Pans sound left or right. + Adds a panner audio effect to an Audio bus. Pans sound left or right. Determines how much of an audio signal is sent to the left and right buses. diff --git a/doc/classes/AudioEffectPhaser.xml b/doc/classes/AudioEffectPhaser.xml index c42b5f59ee6..20781c018ab 100644 --- a/doc/classes/AudioEffectPhaser.xml +++ b/doc/classes/AudioEffectPhaser.xml @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ - Adds a Phaser audio effect to an Audio bus. + Adds a phaser audio effect to an Audio bus. Combines the original signal with a copy that is slightly out of phase with the original. - Combines phase-shifted signals with the original signal. The movement of the phase-shifted signals is controlled using a Low Frequency Oscillator. + Combines phase-shifted signals with the original signal. The movement of the phase-shifted signals is controlled using a low-frequency oscillator. @@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ Output percent of modified sound. Value can range from 0.1 to 0.9. Default value: [code]0.7[/code]. - Determines the maximum frequency affected by the LFO modulations. Value can range from 10 to 10000. Default value: [code]1600hz[/code]. + Determines the maximum frequency affected by the LFO modulations, in Hz. Value can range from 10 to 10000. Default value: [code]1600hz[/code]. - Determines the minimum frequency affected by the LFO modulations. Value can range from 10 to 10000. Default value: [code]440hz[/code]. + Determines the minimum frequency affected by the LFO modulations, in Hz. Value can range from 10 to 10000. Default value: [code]440hz[/code]. - Adjusts the rate at which the effect sweeps up and down across the frequency range. + Adjusts the rate in Hz at which the effect sweeps up and down across the frequency range. diff --git a/doc/classes/AudioEffectPitchShift.xml b/doc/classes/AudioEffectPitchShift.xml index 271e1a2a4c3..e31f311af51 100644 --- a/doc/classes/AudioEffectPitchShift.xml +++ b/doc/classes/AudioEffectPitchShift.xml @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ - Adds a Pitch shift audio effect to an Audio bus. + Adds a pitch-shifting audio effect to an Audio bus. Raises or lowers the pitch of original sound. diff --git a/doc/classes/AudioEffectReverb.xml b/doc/classes/AudioEffectReverb.xml index 8c9652eee2d..84caa2e3731 100644 --- a/doc/classes/AudioEffectReverb.xml +++ b/doc/classes/AudioEffectReverb.xml @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ - Adds a Reverb audio effect to an Audio bus. + Adds a reverberation audio effect to an Audio bus. Simulates the sound of acoustic environments such as rooms, concert halls, caverns, or an open spaces. @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ Output percent of predelay. Value can range from 0 to 1. Default value: [code]1[/code]. - Time between the original signal and the early reflections of the reverb signal. Default value: [code]150ms[/code]. + Time between the original signal and the early reflections of the reverb signal, in milliseconds. Default value: [code]150ms[/code]. Dimensions of simulated room. Bigger means more echoes. Value can range from 0 to 1. Default value: [code]0.8[/code]. diff --git a/doc/classes/AudioServer.xml b/doc/classes/AudioServer.xml index 6dc1600cf27..dec1de42bca 100644 --- a/doc/classes/AudioServer.xml +++ b/doc/classes/AudioServer.xml @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ - Server interface for low level audio access. + Server interface for low-level audio access. - AudioServer is a low level server interface for audio access. It is in charge of creating sample data (playable audio) as well as its playback via a voice interface. + AudioServer is a low-level server interface for audio access. It is in charge of creating sample data (playable audio) as well as its playback via a voice interface. https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/tutorials/audio/audio_buses.html @@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ - Unlocks the audiodriver's main loop. After locking it always unlock it. + Unlocks the audio driver's main loop. (After locking it, you should always unlock it.) diff --git a/doc/classes/AudioStreamPlayback.xml b/doc/classes/AudioStreamPlayback.xml index 773a396bc44..92e654a50f5 100644 --- a/doc/classes/AudioStreamPlayback.xml +++ b/doc/classes/AudioStreamPlayback.xml @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Meta class for playing back audio. - Can play, loop, pause a scroll through Audio. See [AudioStream] and [AudioStreamOGGVorbis] for usage. + Can play, loop, pause a scroll through audio. See [AudioStream] and [AudioStreamOGGVorbis] for usage. diff --git a/doc/classes/AudioStreamPlayer.xml b/doc/classes/AudioStreamPlayer.xml index c6ec45f15e8..09316f47c3c 100644 --- a/doc/classes/AudioStreamPlayer.xml +++ b/doc/classes/AudioStreamPlayer.xml @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ - Plays back audio. + Plays back audio non-positionally. - Plays background audio. + Plays an audio stream non-positionally. https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/tutorials/audio/audio_streams.html @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ - Plays the audio from the given position 'from_position', in seconds. + Plays the audio from the given [code]from_position[/code], in seconds. diff --git a/doc/classes/AudioStreamPlayer2D.xml b/doc/classes/AudioStreamPlayer2D.xml index 51bf5e75743..c8c01b04269 100644 --- a/doc/classes/AudioStreamPlayer2D.xml +++ b/doc/classes/AudioStreamPlayer2D.xml @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ - Plays the audio from the given position 'from_position', in seconds. + Plays the audio from the given position [code]from_position[/code], in seconds. diff --git a/doc/classes/AudioStreamPlayer3D.xml b/doc/classes/AudioStreamPlayer3D.xml index 2bd3ac1eaaf..823cacbcaa6 100644 --- a/doc/classes/AudioStreamPlayer3D.xml +++ b/doc/classes/AudioStreamPlayer3D.xml @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ - Plays the audio from the given position 'from_position', in seconds. + Plays the audio from the given position [code]from_position[/code], in seconds. @@ -78,16 +78,16 @@ If [code]true[/code], the audio should be dampened according to the direction of the sound. - dampens audio if camera is outside of 'emission_angle_degrees' and 'emission_angle_enabled' is set by this factor, in dB. + Dampens audio if camera is outside of [member emission_angle_degrees] and [member emission_angle_enabled] is set by this factor, in dB. Sets the absolute maximum of the soundlevel, in dB. - Sets the distance from which the 'out_of_range_mode' takes effect. Has no effect if set to 0. + Sets the distance from which the [member out_of_range_mode] takes effect. Has no effect if set to 0. - Decides if audio should pause when source is outside of 'max_distance' range. + Decides if audio should pause when source is outside of [member max_distance] range. Changes the pitch and the tempo of the audio. @@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ - Fires when the audio stops playing. + Emitted when the audio stops playing. diff --git a/doc/classes/AudioStreamRandomPitch.xml b/doc/classes/AudioStreamRandomPitch.xml index 49aa5a0192a..27d7c480bae 100644 --- a/doc/classes/AudioStreamRandomPitch.xml +++ b/doc/classes/AudioStreamRandomPitch.xml @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ - Plays audio with random pitch tweaking. + Plays audio with random pitch shifting. Randomly varies pitch on each start. diff --git a/doc/classes/AudioStreamSample.xml b/doc/classes/AudioStreamSample.xml index 4bcf8ea7919..5f9e454fb6a 100644 --- a/doc/classes/AudioStreamSample.xml +++ b/doc/classes/AudioStreamSample.xml @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ - Stores audio data loaded from [code].wav[/code] files. + Stores audio data loaded from WAV files. - AudioStreamSample stores sound samples loaded from [code].wav[/code] files. To play the stored sound use an [AudioStreamPlayer] (for background music) or [AudioStreamPlayer2D]/[AudioStreamPlayer3D] (for positional audio). The sound can be looped. - This class can also be used to store dynamically generated PCM audio data. + AudioStreamSample stores sound samples loaded from WAV files. To play the stored sound, use an [AudioStreamPlayer] (for non-positional audio) or [AudioStreamPlayer2D]/[AudioStreamPlayer3D] (for positional audio). The sound can be looped. + This class can also be used to store dynamically-generated PCM audio data. @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Saves the AudioStreamSample as a WAV file to [code]path[/code]. Samples with IMA ADPCM format can't be saved. - Note that a [code].wav[/code] extension is automatically appended to [code]path[/code] if it is missing. + [b]Note:[/b] A [code].wav[/code] extension is automatically appended to [code]path[/code] if it is missing. @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ Contains the audio data in bytes. - Audio format. See FORMAT_* constants for values. + Audio format. See [code]FORMAT_*[/code] constants for values. Loop start in bytes. @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ Loop end in bytes. - Loop mode. See LOOP_* constants for values. + Loop mode. See [code]LOOP_*[/code] constants for values. The sample rate for mixing this audio. @@ -46,25 +46,25 @@ - Audio codec 8 bit. + 8-bit audio codec. - Audio codec 16 bit. + 16-bit audio codec. - Audio codec IMA ADPCM. + Audio is compressed using IMA ADPCM. Audio does not loop. - Audio loops the data between loop_begin and loop_end playing forward only. + Audio loops the data between [member loop_begin] and [member loop_end] playing forward only. - Audio loops the data between loop_begin and loop_end playing back and forth. + Audio loops the data between [member loop_begin] and [member loop_end] playing back and forth. - Audio loops the data between loop_begin and loop_end playing backward only. + Audio loops the data between [member loop_begin] and [member loop_end] playing backward only. diff --git a/doc/classes/BackBufferCopy.xml b/doc/classes/BackBufferCopy.xml index 1ee4f08a38d..c2ffae9c14f 100644 --- a/doc/classes/BackBufferCopy.xml +++ b/doc/classes/BackBufferCopy.xml @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Copies a region of the screen (or the whole screen) to a buffer so it can be accessed with [code]SCREEN_TEXTURE[/code] in the [code]texture()[/code] function. - Node for back-buffering the currently displayed screen. The region defined in the BackBufferCopy node is bufferized with the content of the screen it covers, or the entire screen according to the copy mode set. Use [code]SCREEN_TEXTURE[/code] in the [code]texture()[/code] function to access the buffer. + Node for back-buffering the currently-displayed screen. The region defined in the BackBufferCopy node is bufferized with the content of the screen it covers, or the entire screen according to the copy mode set. Use [code]SCREEN_TEXTURE[/code] in the [code]texture()[/code] function to access the buffer. diff --git a/doc/classes/BakedLightmap.xml b/doc/classes/BakedLightmap.xml index 735e55cd39e..af9666b6e4b 100644 --- a/doc/classes/BakedLightmap.xml +++ b/doc/classes/BakedLightmap.xml @@ -34,10 +34,10 @@ - Size of affected area. + The size of the affected area. - If [code]true[/code], lightmap can capture light values greater than [code]1.0[/code]. Turning this off will result in a smaller lightmap. Default value:[code]false[/code]. + If [code]true[/code], the lightmap can capture light values greater than [code]1.0[/code]. Turning this off will result in a smaller file size. Default value: [code]false[/code]. Lightmapping mode. See [enum BakeMode]. @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ Grid size used for real-time capture information on dynamic objects. Cannot be larger than [member bake_cell_size]. - Location where lightmaps will be saved. + The location where lightmaps will be saved. The calculated light data. @@ -59,13 +59,13 @@ - Lowest bake quality mode. Fastest to calculate. + The lowest bake quality mode. Fastest to calculate. - Default bake quality mode. + The default bake quality mode. - Highest bake quality mode. Takes longer to calculate. + The highest bake quality mode. Takes longer to calculate. Less precise but faster bake mode. diff --git a/doc/classes/BaseButton.xml b/doc/classes/BaseButton.xml index 6d1a7a8f876..ad2edadb753 100644 --- a/doc/classes/BaseButton.xml +++ b/doc/classes/BaseButton.xml @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ - Returns the visual state used to draw the button. This is useful mainly when implementing your own draw code by either overriding _draw() or connecting to "draw" signal. The visual state of the button is defined by the DRAW_* enum. + Returns the visual state used to draw the button. This is useful mainly when implementing your own draw code by either overriding _draw() or connecting to "draw" signal. The visual state of the button is defined by the [code]DRAW_*[/code] enum. @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ - Determines when the button is considered clicked, one of the ACTION_MODE_* constants. + Determines when the button is considered clicked, one of the [code]ACTION_MODE_*[/code] constants. Binary mask to choose which mouse buttons this button will respond to. @@ -86,14 +86,14 @@ - This signal is emitted every time the button is toggled or pressed (i.e. activated, so on [code]button_down[/code] if "Click on press" is active and on [code]button_up[/code] otherwise). + Emitted when the button is toggled or pressed. This is on [signal button_down] if [member action_mode] is [constant ACTION_MODE_BUTTON_PRESS] and on [signal button_up] otherwise. - This signal is emitted when the button was just toggled between pressed and normal states (only if toggle_mode is active). The new state is contained in the [i]button_pressed[/i] argument. + Emitted when the button was just toggled between pressed and normal states (only if [member toggle_mode] is active). The new state is contained in the [code]button_pressed[/code] argument. diff --git a/doc/classes/Basis.xml b/doc/classes/Basis.xml index ae7a3ff323f..4809dd21bc1 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Basis.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Basis.xml @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ - 3x3 matrix datatype. + 3×3 matrix datatype. - 3x3 matrix used for 3D rotation and scale. Contains 3 vector fields x,y and z as its columns, which can be interpreted as the local basis vectors of a transformation. Can also be accessed as array of 3D vectors. These vectors are orthogonal to each other, but are not necessarily normalized (due to scaling). Almost always used as orthogonal basis for a [Transform]. + 3×3 matrix used for 3D rotation and scale. Contains 3 vector fields X, Y and Z as its columns, which can be interpreted as the local basis vectors of a transformation. Can also be accessed as array of 3D vectors. These vectors are orthogonal to each other, but are not necessarily normalized (due to scaling). Almost always used as an orthogonal basis for a [Transform]. For such use, it is composed of a scaling and a rotation matrix, in that order (M = R.S). @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ - Create a rotation matrix (in the YXZ convention: first Z, then X, and Y last) from the specified Euler angles, given in the vector format as (X-angle, Y-angle, Z-angle). + Create a rotation matrix (in the YXZ convention: first Z, then X, and Y last) from the specified Euler angles, given in the vector format as (X angle, Y angle, Z angle). @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ - Assuming that the matrix is a proper rotation matrix (orthonormal matrix with determinant +1), return Euler angles (in the YXZ convention: first Z, then X, and Y last). Returned vector contains the rotation angles in the format (X-angle, Y-angle, Z-angle). + Assuming that the matrix is a proper rotation matrix (orthonormal matrix with determinant +1), return Euler angles (in the YXZ convention: first Z, then X, and Y last). Returned vector contains the rotation angles in the format (X angle, Y angle, Z angle). @@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ - Transposed dot product with the x axis of the matrix. + Transposed dot product with the X axis of the matrix. @@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ - Transposed dot product with the y axis of the matrix. + Transposed dot product with the Y axis of the matrix. @@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ - Transposed dot product with the z axis of the matrix. + Transposed dot product with the Z axis of the matrix. @@ -191,19 +191,20 @@ - Returns a vector transformed (multiplied) by the transposed matrix. Note that this results in a multiplication by the inverse of the matrix only if it represents a rotation-reflection. + Returns a vector transformed (multiplied) by the transposed matrix. + [b]Note:[/b] This results in a multiplication by the inverse of the matrix only if it represents a rotation-reflection. - The basis matrix's x vector. + The basis matrix's X vector. - The basis matrix's y vector. + The basis matrix's Y vector. - The basis matrix's z vector. + The basis matrix's Z vector. diff --git a/doc/classes/BitmapFont.xml b/doc/classes/BitmapFont.xml index 149d92e870c..b6b5d9d2449 100644 --- a/doc/classes/BitmapFont.xml +++ b/doc/classes/BitmapFont.xml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ - Adds a character to the font, where [code]character[/code] is the unicode value, [code]texture[/code] is the texture index, [code]rect[/code] is the region in the texture (in pixels!), [code]align[/code] is the (optional) alignment for the character and [code]advance[/code] is the (optional) advance. + Adds a character to the font, where [code]character[/code] is the Unicode value, [code]texture[/code] is the texture index, [code]rect[/code] is the region in the texture (in pixels!), [code]align[/code] is the (optional) alignment for the character and [code]advance[/code] is the (optional) advance. diff --git a/doc/classes/BoxContainer.xml b/doc/classes/BoxContainer.xml index 9aa69e4164b..dc263d3c71a 100644 --- a/doc/classes/BoxContainer.xml +++ b/doc/classes/BoxContainer.xml @@ -15,13 +15,13 @@ - Adds a control to the box as a spacer. If [code]true[/code], [i]begin[/i] will insert the spacer control in front of other children. + Adds a control to the box as a spacer. If [code]true[/code], [code]begin[/code] will insert the spacer control in front of other children. - The alignment of the container's children (must be one of ALIGN_BEGIN, ALIGN_CENTER, or ALIGN_END). + The alignment of the container's children (must be one of [constant ALIGN_BEGIN], [constant ALIGN_CENTER] or [constant ALIGN_END]). diff --git a/doc/classes/BoxShape.xml b/doc/classes/BoxShape.xml index 3678c0e393b..5152f17f511 100644 --- a/doc/classes/BoxShape.xml +++ b/doc/classes/BoxShape.xml @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ - The shape's half extents. + The box's half extents. The width, height and depth of this shape is twice the half extents. diff --git a/doc/classes/Button.xml b/doc/classes/Button.xml index 5d3027e3476..86381676e16 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Button.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Button.xml @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ - Text alignment policy for the button's text, use one of the ALIGN_* constants. + Text alignment policy for the button's text, use one of the [code]ALIGN_*[/code] constants. When this property is enabled, text that is too large to fit the button is clipped, when disabled the Button will always be wide enough to hold the text. This property is disabled by default. diff --git a/doc/classes/CPUParticles.xml b/doc/classes/CPUParticles.xml index c9c92102f39..0a860f4b219 100644 --- a/doc/classes/CPUParticles.xml +++ b/doc/classes/CPUParticles.xml @@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ - Particles will be emitted inside this region. Use [enum EmissionShape] for values. Default value: [constant EMISSION_SHAPE_POINT]. + Particles will be emitted inside this region. See [enum EmissionShape] for possible values. Default value: [constant EMISSION_SHAPE_POINT]. The sphere's radius if [enum EmissionShape] is set to [constant EMISSION_SHAPE_SPHERE]. @@ -110,19 +110,19 @@ The particle system's frame rate is fixed to a value. For instance, changing the value to 2 will make the particles render at 2 frames per second. Note this does not slow down the particle system itself. - Align y-axis of particle with the direction of its velocity. + Align Y axis of particle with the direction of its velocity. If [code]true[/code], particles will not move on the z axis. Default value: [code]false[/code]. - If [code]true[/code], particles rotate around y-axis by [member angle]. + If [code]true[/code], particles rotate around Y axis by [member angle]. Amount of [member spread] in Y/Z plane. A value of [code]1[/code] restricts particles to X/Z plane. Default [code]0[/code]. - If [code]true[/code], results in fractional delta calculation which has a smoother particles display effect. Default value: [code]true[/code] + If [code]true[/code], results in fractional delta calculation which has a smoother particles display effect. Default value: [code]true[/code]. Gravity applied to every particle. Default value: [code](0, -9.8, 0)[/code]. diff --git a/doc/classes/CPUParticles2D.xml b/doc/classes/CPUParticles2D.xml index 7283d5084c3..379d57bef14 100644 --- a/doc/classes/CPUParticles2D.xml +++ b/doc/classes/CPUParticles2D.xml @@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ The rectangle's extents if [member emission_shape] is set to [constant EMISSION_SHAPE_RECTANGLE]. - Particles will be emitted inside this region. Use [enum EmissionShape] for values. Default value: [constant EMISSION_SHAPE_POINT]. + Particles will be emitted inside this region. See [enum EmissionShape] for possible values. Default value: [constant EMISSION_SHAPE_POINT]. The sphere's radius if [member emission_shape] is set to [constant EMISSION_SHAPE_SPHERE]. @@ -111,12 +111,12 @@ The particle system's frame rate is fixed to a value. For instance, changing the value to 2 will make the particles render at 2 frames per second. Note this does not slow down the simulation of the particle system itself. - Align y-axis of particle with the direction of its velocity. + Align Y axis of particle with the direction of its velocity. - If [code]true[/code], results in fractional delta calculation which has a smoother particles display effect. Default value: [code]true[/code] + If [code]true[/code], results in fractional delta calculation which has a smoother particles display effect. Default value: [code]true[/code]. Gravity applied to every particle. Default value: [code](0, 98)[/code]. @@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ Tangential acceleration randomness ratio. Default value: [code]0[/code]. - Particle texture. If [code]null[/code] particles will be squares. + Particle texture. If [code]null[/code], particles will be squares. diff --git a/doc/classes/Camera.xml b/doc/classes/Camera.xml index b7d983afa25..99431c2e001 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Camera.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Camera.xml @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Camera node, displays from a point of view. - Camera is a special node that displays what is visible from its current location. Cameras register themselves in the nearest [Viewport] node (when ascending the tree). Only one camera can be active per viewport. If no viewport is available ascending the tree, the Camera will register in the global viewport. In other words, a Camera just provides [i]3D[/i] display capabilities to a [Viewport], and, without one, a scene registered in that [Viewport] (or higher viewports) can't be displayed. + Camera is a special node that displays what is visible from its current location. Cameras register themselves in the nearest [Viewport] node (when ascending the tree). Only one camera can be active per viewport. If no viewport is available ascending the tree, the camera will register in the global viewport. In other words, a camera just provides 3D display capabilities to a [Viewport], and, without one, a scene registered in that [Viewport] (or higher viewports) can't be displayed. @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ - If this is the current Camera, remove it from being current. If [code]enable_next[/code] is [code]true[/code], request to make the next Camera current, if any. + If this is the current camera, remove it from being current. If [code]enable_next[/code] is [code]true[/code], request to make the next camera current, if any. @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ - Gets the camera transform. Subclassed cameras (such as CharacterCamera) may provide different transforms than the [Node] transform. + Gets the camera transform. Subclassed cameras such as [InterpolatedCamera] may provide different transforms than the [Node] transform. @@ -52,14 +52,15 @@ - Returns [code]true[/code] if the given position is behind the Camera. Note that a position which returns [code]false[/code] may still be outside the Camera's field of view. + Returns [code]true[/code] if the given position is behind the camera. + [b]Note:[/b] A position which returns [code]false[/code] may still be outside the camera's field of view. - Makes this camera the current Camera for the [Viewport] (see class description). If the Camera Node is outside the scene tree, it will attempt to become current once it's added. + Makes this camera the current camera for the [Viewport] (see class description). If the camera node is outside the scene tree, it will attempt to become current once it's added. @@ -134,7 +135,7 @@ - Sets the camera projection to orthogonal mode, by specifying a width and the [i]near[/i] and [i]far[/i] clip planes in worldspace units. (As a hint, 2D games often use this projection, with values specified in pixels) + Sets the camera projection to orthogonal mode, by specifying a width and the [code]near[/code] and [code]far[/code] clip planes in worldspace units. (As a hint, 2D games often use this projection, with values specified in pixels) @@ -147,7 +148,7 @@ - Sets the camera projection to perspective mode, by specifying a [i]FOV[/i] Y angle in degrees (FOV means Field of View), and the [i]near[/i] and [i]far[/i] clip planes in worldspace units. + Sets the camera projection to perspective mode, by specifying a [code]fov[/code] angle in degrees (FOV means Field of View), and the [code]near[/code] and [code]far[/code] clip planes in world-space units. @@ -165,16 +166,16 @@ The culling mask that describes which 3D render layers are rendered by this camera. - If [code]true[/code], the ancestor [Viewport] is currently using this Camera. Default value: [code]false[/code]. + If [code]true[/code], the ancestor [Viewport] is currently using this camera. Default value: [code]false[/code]. - If not [constant DOPPLER_TRACKING_DISABLED] this Camera will simulate the Doppler effect for objects changed in particular [code]_process[/code] methods. Default value: [constant DOPPLER_TRACKING_DISABLED]. + If not [constant DOPPLER_TRACKING_DISABLED], this camera will simulate the Doppler effect for objects changed in particular [code]_process[/code] methods. See [enum DopplerTracking] for possible values. Default value: [constant DOPPLER_TRACKING_DISABLED]. - The [Environment] to use for this Camera. + The [Environment] to use for this camera. - The distance to the far culling boundary for this Camera relative to its local z-axis. + The distance to the far culling boundary for this camera relative to its local Z axis. The camera's field of view angle (in degrees). Only applicable in perspective mode. Since [member keep_aspect] locks one axis, [code]fov[/code] sets the other axis' field of view angle. @@ -182,47 +183,48 @@ - The horizontal (X) offset of the Camera viewport. + The horizontal (X) offset of the camera viewport. The axis to lock during [member fov]/[member size] adjustments. Can be either [constant KEEP_WIDTH] or [constant KEEP_HEIGHT]. - The distance to the near culling boundary for this Camera relative to its local z-axis. + The distance to the near culling boundary for this camera relative to its local Z axis. - The camera's projection mode. In [constant PROJECTION_PERSPECTIVE] mode, objects' z-distance from the camera's local space scales their perceived size. + The camera's projection mode. In [constant PROJECTION_PERSPECTIVE] mode, objects' Z distance from the camera's local space scales their perceived size. The camera's size measured as 1/2 the width or height. Only applicable in orthogonal mode. Since [member keep_aspect] locks on axis, [code]size[/code] sets the other axis' size length. - The vertical (Y) offset of the Camera viewport. + The vertical (Y) offset of the camera viewport. - Perspective Projection (object's size on the screen becomes smaller when far away). + Perspective projection. Objects on the screen becomes smaller when they are far away. - Orthogonal Projection (objects remain the same size on the screen no matter how far away they are; also known as orthographic projection). + Orthogonal projection, also known as orthographic projection. Objects remain the same size on the screen no matter how far away they are. + Frustum projection. This mode allows adjusting [member frustum_offset] to create "tilted frustum" effects. - Preserves the horizontal aspect ratio. + Preserves the horizontal aspect ratio; also known as Vert- scaling. This is usually the best option for projects running in portrait mode, as taller aspect ratios will benefit from a wider vertical FOV. - Preserves the vertical aspect ratio. + Preserves the vertical aspect ratio; also known as Hor+ scaling. This is usually the best option for projects running in landscape mode, as wider aspect ratios will automatically benefit from a wider horizontal FOV. - Disable Doppler effect simulation (default). + Disables Doppler effect simulation (default). - Simulate Doppler effect by tracking positions of objects that are changed in [code]_process[/code]. Changes in the relative velocity of this Camera compared to those objects affect how Audio is perceived (changing the Audio's [code]pitch shift[/code]). + Simulate Doppler effect by tracking positions of objects that are changed in [code]_process[/code]. Changes in the relative velocity of this camera compared to those objects affect how Audio is perceived (changing the Audio's [code]pitch shift[/code]). - Simulate Doppler effect by tracking positions of objects that are changed in [code]_physics_process[/code]. Changes in the relative velocity of this Camera compared to those objects affect how Audio is perceived (changing the Audio's [code]pitch shift[/code]). + Simulate Doppler effect by tracking positions of objects that are changed in [code]_physics_process[/code]. Changes in the relative velocity of this camera compared to those objects affect how Audio is perceived (changing the Audio's [code]pitch shift[/code]). diff --git a/doc/classes/Camera2D.xml b/doc/classes/Camera2D.xml index fcc99123d28..86f0b00d2f5 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Camera2D.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Camera2D.xml @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ Camera node for 2D scenes. - Camera node for 2D scenes. It forces the screen (current layer) to scroll following this node. This makes it easier (and faster) to program scrollable scenes than manually changing the position of [CanvasItem] based nodes. - This node is intended to be a simple helper to get things going quickly and it may happen often that more functionality is desired to change how the camera works. To make your own custom camera node, simply inherit from [Node2D] and change the transform of the canvas by calling get_viewport().set_canvas_transform(m) in [Viewport]. + Camera node for 2D scenes. It forces the screen (current layer) to scroll following this node. This makes it easier (and faster) to program scrollable scenes than manually changing the position of [CanvasItem]-based nodes. + This node is intended to be a simple helper to get things going quickly and it may happen that more functionality is desired to change how the camera works. To make your own custom camera node, simply inherit from [Node2D] and change the transform of the canvas by calling get_viewport().set_canvas_transform(m) in [Viewport]. @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ - Align the camera to the tracked node + Aligns the camera to the tracked node. @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ - Force the camera to update scroll immediately. + Forces the camera to update scroll immediately. @@ -49,14 +49,14 @@ - Make this the current 2D camera for the scene (viewport and layer), in case there's many cameras in the scene. + Make this the current 2D camera for the scene (viewport and layer), in case there are many cameras in the scene. - Set the camera's position immediately to its current smoothing destination. + Sets the camera's position immediately to its current smoothing destination. This has no effect if smoothing is disabled. @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ If [code]true[/code], the camera is the active camera for the current scene. Only one camera can be current, so setting a different camera [code]current[/code] will disable this one. - The custom [Viewport] node attached to the [Camera2D]. If null or not a [Viewport], uses the default viewport instead. + The custom [Viewport] node attached to the [Camera2D]. If [code]null[/code] or not a [Viewport], uses the default viewport instead. Bottom margin needed to drag the camera. A value of [code]1[/code] makes the camera move only when reaching the edge of the screen. @@ -90,13 +90,13 @@ If [code]true[/code], the camera only moves when reaching the vertical drag margins. If [code]false[/code], the camera moves vertically regardless of margins. Default value: [code]true[/code]. - If [code]true[/code], draws the camera's drag margin rectangle in the editor. Default value: [code]false[/code] + If [code]true[/code], draws the camera's drag margin rectangle in the editor. Default value: [code]false[/code]. - If [code]true[/code], draws the camera's limits rectangle in the editor. Default value: [code]true[/code] + If [code]true[/code], draws the camera's limits rectangle in the editor. Default value: [code]true[/code]. - If [code]true[/code], draws the camera's screen rectangle in the editor. Default value: [code]false[/code] + If [code]true[/code], draws the camera's screen rectangle in the editor. Default value: [code]false[/code]. Bottom scroll limit in pixels. The camera stops moving when reaching this value. @@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ Right scroll limit in pixels. The camera stops moving when reaching this value. - If [code]true[/code], the camera smoothly stops when reaches its limits. Default value: [code]false[/code] + If [code]true[/code], the camera smoothly stops when reaches its limits. Default value: [code]false[/code]. Top scroll limit in pixels. The camera stops moving when reaching this value. @@ -117,24 +117,24 @@ The camera's offset, useful for looking around or camera shake animations. - The horizontal offset of the camera, relative to the drag margins. Default value: [code]0[/code] + The horizontal offset of the camera, relative to the drag margins. Default value: [code]0[/code]. - The vertical offset of the camera, relative to the drag margins. Default value: [code]0[/code] + The vertical offset of the camera, relative to the drag margins. Default value: [code]0[/code]. - If [code]true[/code], the camera rotates with the target. Default value: [code]false[/code] + If [code]true[/code], the camera rotates with the target. Default value: [code]false[/code]. - If [code]true[/code], the camera smoothly moves towards the target at [member smoothing_speed]. Default value: [code]false[/code] + If [code]true[/code], the camera smoothly moves towards the target at [member smoothing_speed]. Default value: [code]false[/code]. - Speed in pixels per second of the camera's smoothing effect when [member smoothing_enabled] is [code]true[/code] + Speed in pixels per second of the camera's smoothing effect when [member smoothing_enabled] is [code]true[/code]. - The camera's zoom relative to the viewport. Values larger than [code]Vector2(1, 1)[/code] zoom out and smaller values zoom in. For an example, use [code]Vector2(0.5, 0.5)[/code] for a 2x zoom in, and [code]Vector2(4, 4)[/code] for a 4x zoom out. + The camera's zoom relative to the viewport. Values larger than [code]Vector2(1, 1)[/code] zoom out and smaller values zoom in. For an example, use [code]Vector2(0.5, 0.5)[/code] for a 2× zoom-in, and [code]Vector2(4, 4)[/code] for a 4× zoom-out. diff --git a/doc/classes/CameraFeed.xml b/doc/classes/CameraFeed.xml index 4611b9c5070..28280d688f0 100644 --- a/doc/classes/CameraFeed.xml +++ b/doc/classes/CameraFeed.xml @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ A camera feed gives you access to a single physical camera attached to your device. - A camera feed gives you access to a single physical camera attached to your device. - When enabled Godot will start capturing frames from the camera which can then be used. Do note that many cameras will return YCbCr images which are split into two textures and need to be combined in a shader. Godot does this automatically for you if you set the environment to show the camera image in the background. + A camera feed gives you access to a single physical camera attached to your device. When enabled, Godot will start capturing frames from the camera which can then be used. + [b]Note:[/b] Many cameras will return YCbCr images which are split into two textures and need to be combined in a shader. Godot does this automatically for you if you set the environment to show the camera image in the background. @@ -14,14 +14,14 @@ - Get unique id for this feed + Gets the unique ID for this feed. - Get name of the camera + Gets the camera's name. @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ Camera is mounted at the front of the device. - Camera is moutned at the back of the device. + Camera is mounted at the back of the device. diff --git a/doc/classes/CameraServer.xml b/doc/classes/CameraServer.xml index ee41f08ec64..850794c1dad 100644 --- a/doc/classes/CameraServer.xml +++ b/doc/classes/CameraServer.xml @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ - Our camera server keeps track of different cameras accessible in Godot. These are external cameras such as webcams or the cameras on your phone. + The CameraServer keeps track of different cameras accessible in Godot. These are external cameras such as webcams or the cameras on your phone. diff --git a/doc/classes/CameraTexture.xml b/doc/classes/CameraTexture.xml index 02f7f8bf589..5017df7a326 100644 --- a/doc/classes/CameraTexture.xml +++ b/doc/classes/CameraTexture.xml @@ -1,7 +1,8 @@ - This texture gives access to the camera texture provided by a [CameraFeed]. Note that many cameras supply YCbCr images which need to be converted in a shader. + This texture gives access to the camera texture provided by a [CameraFeed]. + [b]Note:[/b] Many cameras supply YCbCr images which need to be converted in a shader. @@ -11,7 +12,7 @@ - Id of the [CameraFeed] for which we want to display the image. + The ID of the [CameraFeed] for which we want to display the image. Convenience property that gives access to the active property of the [CameraFeed]. diff --git a/doc/classes/CanvasItem.xml b/doc/classes/CanvasItem.xml index 2426471a49c..f1a5c3a62f7 100644 --- a/doc/classes/CanvasItem.xml +++ b/doc/classes/CanvasItem.xml @@ -356,63 +356,63 @@ - Get the transform matrix of this item's canvas. + Gets the transform matrix of this item's canvas. - Get the global position of the mouse. + Gets the global position of the mouse. - Get the global transform matrix of this item. + Gets the global transform matrix of this item. - Get the global transform matrix of this item in relation to the canvas. + Gets the global transform matrix of this item in relation to the canvas. - Get the mouse position relative to this item's position. + Gets the mouse position relative to this item's position. - Get the transform matrix of this item. + Gets the transform matrix of this item. - Get the viewport's boundaries as a [Rect2]. + Gets the viewport's boundaries as a [Rect2]. - Get this item's transform in relation to the viewport. + Gets this item's transform in relation to the viewport. - Get the [World2D] where this item is in. + Gets the [World2D] where this item is in. @@ -575,7 +575,7 @@ Mix blending mode. Colors are assumed to be premultiplied by the alpha (opacity) value. - Disable blending mode. Colors including alpha are written as-is. Only applicable for render targets with a transparent background. No lighting will be applied. + Disables blending mode. Colors including alpha are written as-is. Only applicable for render targets with a transparent background. No lighting will be applied. The CanvasItem's transform has changed. This notification is only received if enabled by [method set_notify_transform] or [method set_notify_local_transform]. diff --git a/doc/classes/CanvasLayer.xml b/doc/classes/CanvasLayer.xml index d152442b853..a9b6b9f5610 100644 --- a/doc/classes/CanvasLayer.xml +++ b/doc/classes/CanvasLayer.xml @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ - The custom [Viewport] node assigned to the [CanvasLayer]. If null, uses the default viewport instead. + The custom [Viewport] node assigned to the [CanvasLayer]. If [code]null[/code], uses the default viewport instead. diff --git a/doc/classes/CanvasModulate.xml b/doc/classes/CanvasModulate.xml index c409b690e7f..aa956e3f513 100644 --- a/doc/classes/CanvasModulate.xml +++ b/doc/classes/CanvasModulate.xml @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Tint the entire canvas. - [CanvasModulate] tints the canvas elements using its assigned [code]color[/code]. + [CanvasModulate] tints the canvas elements using its assigned [member color]. diff --git a/doc/classes/CenterContainer.xml b/doc/classes/CenterContainer.xml index 5460831ce3d..e7403daa00b 100644 --- a/doc/classes/CenterContainer.xml +++ b/doc/classes/CenterContainer.xml @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Keeps children controls centered. - CenterContainer Keeps children controls centered. This container keeps all children to their minimum size, in the center. + CenterContainer keeps children controls centered. This container keeps all children to their minimum size, in the center. diff --git a/doc/classes/CheckBox.xml b/doc/classes/CheckBox.xml index d486b5fad23..91b176bc60e 100644 --- a/doc/classes/CheckBox.xml +++ b/doc/classes/CheckBox.xml @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Binary choice user interface widget. - A checkbox allows the user to make a binary choice (choosing only one of two possible options), for example Answer 'yes' or 'no'. + A checkbox allows the user to make a binary choice (choosing only one of two possible options). diff --git a/doc/classes/ClassDB.xml b/doc/classes/ClassDB.xml index ddbe66380a7..b7b77bc02a1 100644 --- a/doc/classes/ClassDB.xml +++ b/doc/classes/ClassDB.xml @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ - Returns [code]true[/code] if you can instance objects from the specified 'class', [code]false[/code] in other case. + Returns [code]true[/code] if you can instance objects from the specified [code]class[/code], [code]false[/code] in other case. @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ - Returns whether the specified 'class' is available or not. + Returns whether the specified [code]class[/code] is available or not. @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ - Returns the value of the integer constant 'name' of 'class' or its ancestry. Always returns 0 when the constant could not be found. + Returns the value of the integer constant [code]name[/code] of [code]class[/code] or its ancestry. Always returns 0 when the constant could not be found. @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ - Returns an array with the names all the integer constants of 'class' or its ancestry. + Returns an array with the names all the integer constants of [code]class[/code] or its ancestry. @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ - Returns an array with all the methods of 'class' or its ancestry if 'no_inheritance' is [code]false[/code]. Every element of the array is a [Dictionary] with the following keys: args, default_args, flags, id, name, return: (class_name, hint, hint_string, name, type, usage). + Returns an array with all the methods of [code]class[/code] or its ancestry if [code]no_inheritance[/code] is [code]false[/code]. Every element of the array is a [Dictionary] with the following keys: [code]args[/code], [code]default_args[/code], [code]flags[/code], [code]id[/code], [code]name[/code], [code]return: (class_name, hint, hint_string, name, type, usage)[/code]. @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ - Returns the value of 'property' of 'class' or its ancestry. + Returns the value of [code]property[/code] of [code]class[/code] or its ancestry. @@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ - Returns an array with all the properties of 'class' or its ancestry if 'no_inheritance' is [code]false[/code]. + Returns an array with all the properties of [code]class[/code] or its ancestry if [code]no_inheritance[/code] is [code]false[/code]. @@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ - Returns the 'signal' data of 'class' or its ancestry. The returned value is a [Dictionary] with the following keys: args, default_args, flags, id, name, return: (class_name, hint, hint_string, name, type, usage). + Returns the [code]signal[/code] data of [code]class[/code] or its ancestry. The returned value is a [Dictionary] with the following keys: [code]args[/code], [code]default_args[/code], [code]flags[/code], [code]id[/code], [code]name[/code], [code]return: (class_name, hint, hint_string, name, type, usage)[/code]. @@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ - Returns an array with all the signals of 'class' or its ancestry if 'no_inheritance' is [code]false[/code]. Every element of the array is a [Dictionary] as described in [method class_get_signal]. + Returns an array with all the signals of [code]class[/code] or its ancestry if [code]no_inheritance[/code] is [code]false[/code]. Every element of the array is a [Dictionary] as described in [method class_get_signal]. @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ - Returns whether 'class' or its ancestry has an integer constant called 'name' or not. + Returns whether [code]class[/code] or its ancestry has an integer constant called [code]name[/code] or not. @@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ - Returns whether 'class' (or its ancestry if 'no_inheritance' is false) has a method called 'method' or not. + Returns whether [code]class[/code] (or its ancestry if [code]no_inheritance[/code] is false) has a method called [code]method[/code] or not. @@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ - Returns whether 'class' or its ancestry has a signal called 'signal' or not. + Returns whether [code]class[/code] or its ancestry has a signal called [code]signal[/code] or not. @@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ - Sets 'property' value of 'class' to 'value'. + Sets [code]property[/code] value of [code]class[/code] to [code]value[/code]. @@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ - Returns the names of all the classes that directly or indirectly inherit from 'class'. + Returns the names of all the classes that directly or indirectly inherit from [code]class[/code]. @@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ - Returns the parent class of 'class'. + Returns the parent class of [code]class[/code]. @@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ - Creates an instance of 'class'. + Creates an instance of [code]class[/code]. @@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ - Returns whether 'inherits' is an ancestor of 'class' or not. + Returns whether [code]inherits[/code] is an ancestor of [code]class[/code] or not. diff --git a/doc/classes/CollisionPolygon.xml b/doc/classes/CollisionPolygon.xml index 85eb17cae72..74ff41a8545 100644 --- a/doc/classes/CollisionPolygon.xml +++ b/doc/classes/CollisionPolygon.xml @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Editor-only class for defining a collision polygon in 3D space. - Allows editing a collision polygon's vertices on a selected plane. Can also set a depth perpendicular to that plane. This class is only available in the editor. It will not appear in the scene tree at runtime. Creates a [Shape] for gameplay. Properties modified during gameplay will have no effect. + Allows editing a collision polygon's vertices on a selected plane. Can also set a depth perpendicular to that plane. This class is only available in the editor. It will not appear in the scene tree at run-time. Creates a [Shape] for gameplay. Properties modified during gameplay will have no effect. @@ -18,7 +18,8 @@ If [code]true[/code], no collision will be produced. - Array of vertices which define the polygon. Note that the returned value is a copy of the original. Methods which mutate the size or properties of the return value will not impact the original polygon. To change properties of the polygon, assign it to a temporary variable and make changes before reassigning the [code]polygon[/code] member. + Array of vertices which define the polygon. + [b]Note:[/b] The returned value is a copy of the original. Methods which mutate the size or properties of the return value will not impact the original polygon. To change properties of the polygon, assign it to a temporary variable and make changes before reassigning the [code]polygon[/code] member. diff --git a/doc/classes/Color.xml b/doc/classes/Color.xml index 30e80fa5128..41b8e735c2a 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Color.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Color.xml @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Color in RGBA format with some support for ARGB format. - A color is represented by red, green, and blue [code](r, g, b)[/code] components. Additionally, [code]a[/code] represents the alpha component, often used for transparency. Values are in floating point and usually range from 0 to 1. Some properties (such as [member CanvasItem.modulate]) may accept values > 1. + A color is represented by red, green, and blue [code](r, g, b)[/code] components. Additionally, [code]a[/code] represents the alpha component, often used for transparency. Values are in floating-point and usually range from 0 to 1. Some properties (such as [member CanvasItem.modulate]) may accept values greater than 1. You can also create a color from standardized color names by using [method @GDScript.ColorN]. @@ -19,9 +19,9 @@ Constructs a color from an HTML hexadecimal color string in ARGB or RGB format. See also [method @GDScript.ColorN]. [codeblock] # Each of the following creates the same color RGBA(178, 217, 10, 255) - var c1 = Color("#ffb2d90a") # ARGB format with '#' + var c1 = Color("#ffb2d90a") # ARGB format with "#" var c2 = Color("ffb2d90a") # ARGB format - var c3 = Color("#b2d90a") # RGB format with '#' + var c3 = Color("#b2d90a") # RGB format with "#" var c4 = Color("b2d90a") # RGB format [/codeblock] @@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ The gray value is calculated as [code](r + g + b) / 3[/code]. [codeblock] var c = Color(0.2, 0.45, 0.82) - var gray = c.gray() # a value of 0.466667 + var gray = c.gray() # A value of 0.466667 [/codeblock] @@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ Returns the inverted color [code](1 - r, 1 - g, 1 - b, a)[/code]. [codeblock] var c = Color(0.3, 0.4, 0.9) - var inverted_color = c.inverted() # a color of an RGBA(178, 153, 26, 255) + var inverted_color = c.inverted() # A color of an RGBA(178, 153, 26, 255) [/codeblock] @@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ [codeblock] var c1 = Color(1.0, 0.0, 0.0) var c2 = Color(0.0, 1.0, 0.0) - var li_c = c1.linear_interpolate(c2, 0.5) # a color of an RGBA(128, 128, 0, 255) + var li_c = c1.linear_interpolate(c2, 0.5) # A color of an RGBA(128, 128, 0, 255) [/codeblock] @@ -234,8 +234,8 @@ Setting [code]with_alpha[/code] to [code]false[/code] excludes alpha from the hexadecimal string. [codeblock] var c = Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5) - var s1 = c.to_html() # Results "7fffffff" - var s2 = c.to_html(false) # Results 'ffffff' + var s1 = c.to_html() # Returns "7fffffff" + var s2 = c.to_html(false) # Returns "ffffff" [/codeblock] diff --git a/doc/classes/ColorPicker.xml b/doc/classes/ColorPicker.xml index 0ab91e9621a..08ddfd57708 100644 --- a/doc/classes/ColorPicker.xml +++ b/doc/classes/ColorPicker.xml @@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ - Adds the given color to a list of color presets. The presets are displayed in the color picker and the user will be able to select them. Note: the presets list is only for [i]this[/i] color picker. + Adds the given color to a list of color presets. The presets are displayed in the color picker and the user will be able to select them. + [b]Note:[/b] the presets list is only for [i]this[/i] color picker. @@ -24,7 +25,7 @@ - Remove the given color from the list of color presets of this color picker. + Removes the given color from the list of color presets of this color picker. @@ -46,7 +47,7 @@ If [code]true[/code], shows an alpha channel slider (transparency). - If [code]true[/code], allows to edit color with Hue/Saturation/Value sliders. + If [code]true[/code], allows editing the color with Hue/Saturation/Value sliders. [b]Note:[/b] Cannot be enabled if raw mode is on. @@ -55,7 +56,7 @@ If [code]true[/code], allows the color R, G, B component values to go beyond 1.0, which can be used for certain special operations that require it (like tinting without darkening or rendering sprites in HDR). - [b]Note:[/b] Cannot be enabled if hsv mode is on. + [b]Note:[/b] Cannot be enabled if HSV mode is on. diff --git a/doc/classes/ConcavePolygonShape.xml b/doc/classes/ConcavePolygonShape.xml index 62d42f4eb40..a09b5005b90 100644 --- a/doc/classes/ConcavePolygonShape.xml +++ b/doc/classes/ConcavePolygonShape.xml @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ - Set the faces (an array of triangles). + Sets the faces (an array of triangles). diff --git a/doc/classes/ConcavePolygonShape2D.xml b/doc/classes/ConcavePolygonShape2D.xml index 5414fe42c54..a4d91991cf1 100644 --- a/doc/classes/ConcavePolygonShape2D.xml +++ b/doc/classes/ConcavePolygonShape2D.xml @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Concave polygon 2D shape resource for physics. - Concave polygon 2D shape resource for physics. It is made out of segments and is very optimal for complex polygonal concave collisions. It is really not advised to use for [RigidBody2D] nodes. A CollisionPolygon2D in convex decomposition mode (solids) or several convex objects are advised for that instead. Otherwise, a concave polygon 2D shape is better for static collisions. + Concave polygon 2D shape resource for physics. It is made out of segments and is optimal for complex polygonal concave collisions. However, it is not advised to use for [RigidBody2D] nodes. A CollisionPolygon2D in convex decomposition mode (solids) or several convex objects are advised for that instead. Otherwise, a concave polygon 2D shape is better for static collisions. The main difference between a [ConvexPolygonShape2D] and a [ConcavePolygonShape2D] is that a concave polygon assumes it is concave and uses a more complex method of collision detection, and a convex one forces itself to be convex in order to speed up collision detection. diff --git a/doc/classes/ConeTwistJoint.xml b/doc/classes/ConeTwistJoint.xml index 28dee22b7f7..c268e66abde 100644 --- a/doc/classes/ConeTwistJoint.xml +++ b/doc/classes/ConeTwistJoint.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ The joint can rotate the bodies across an axis defined by the local x-axes of the [Joint]. - The twist axis is initiated as the x-axis of the [Joint]. + The twist axis is initiated as the X axis of the [Joint]. Once the Bodies swing, the twist axis is calculated as the middle of the x-axes of the Joint in the local space of the two Bodies. diff --git a/doc/classes/ConfigFile.xml b/doc/classes/ConfigFile.xml index b65f3c56090..5b8f0c32d1e 100644 --- a/doc/classes/ConfigFile.xml +++ b/doc/classes/ConfigFile.xml @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ [codeblock] var config = ConfigFile.new() var err = config.load("user://settings.cfg") - if err == OK: # if not, something went wrong with the file loading + if err == OK: # If not, something went wrong with the file loading # Look for the display/width pair, and default to 1024 if missing var screen_width = config.get_value("display", "width", 1024) # Store a variable if and only if it hasn't been defined yet diff --git a/doc/classes/Control.xml b/doc/classes/Control.xml index d2c6b02e6e0..a99c29def23 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Control.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Control.xml @@ -4,12 +4,12 @@ All User Interface nodes inherit from Control. A control's anchors and margins adapt its position and size relative to its parent. - Base class for all User Interface or [i]UI[/i] related nodes. [Control] features a bounding rectangle that defines its extents, an anchor position relative to its parent control or the current viewport, and margins that represent an offset to the anchor. The margins update automatically when the node, any of its parents, or the screen size change. + Base class for all UI-related nodes. [Control] features a bounding rectangle that defines its extents, an anchor position relative to its parent control or the current viewport, and margins that represent an offset to the anchor. The margins update automatically when the node, any of its parents, or the screen size change. For more information on Godot's UI system, anchors, margins, and containers, see the related tutorials in the manual. To build flexible UIs, you'll need a mix of UI elements that inherit from [Control] and [Container] nodes. [b]User Interface nodes and input[/b] Godot sends input events to the scene's root node first, by calling [method Node._input]. [method Node._input] forwards the event down the node tree to the nodes under the mouse cursor, or on keyboard focus. To do so, it calls [method MainLoop._input_event]. Call [method accept_event] so no other node receives the event. Once you accepted an input, it becomes handled so [method Node._unhandled_input] will not process it. Only one [Control] node can be in keyboard focus. Only the node in focus will receive keyboard events. To get the focus, call [method grab_focus]. [Control] nodes lose focus when another node grabs it, or if you hide the node in focus. - Set [member mouse_filter] to [constant MOUSE_FILTER_IGNORE] to tell a [Control] node to ignore mouse or touch events. You'll need it if you place an icon on top of a button. + Sets [member mouse_filter] to [constant MOUSE_FILTER_IGNORE] to tell a [Control] node to ignore mouse or touch events. You'll need it if you place an icon on top of a button. [Theme] resources change the Control's appearance. If you change the [Theme] on a [Control] node, it affects all of its children. To override some of the theme's parameters, call one of the [code]add_*_override[/code] methods, like [method add_font_override]. You can override the theme with the inspector. @@ -135,9 +135,9 @@ extends Control func can_drop_data(position, data): - # check position if it is relevant to you - # otherwise just check data - return typeof(data) == TYPE_DICTIONARY and data.has('expected') + # Check position if it is relevant to you + # Otherwise, just check data + return typeof(data) == TYPE_DICTIONARY and data.has("expected") [/codeblock] @@ -154,10 +154,10 @@ extends ColorRect func can_drop_data(position, data): - return typeof(data) == TYPE_DICTIONARY and data.has('color') + return typeof(data) == TYPE_DICTIONARY and data.has("color") func drop_data(position, data): - color = data['color'] + color = data["color"] [/codeblock] @@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ - Godot calls this method to get data that can be dragged and dropped onto controls that expect drop data. Returns null if there is no data to drag. Controls that want to receive drop data should implement [method can_drop_data] and [method drop_data]. [code]position[/code] is local to this control. Drag may be forced with [method force_drag]. + Godot calls this method to get data that can be dragged and dropped onto controls that expect drop data. Returns [code]null[/code] if there is no data to drag. Controls that want to receive drop data should implement [method can_drop_data] and [method drop_data]. [code]position[/code] is local to this control. Drag may be forced with [method force_drag]. A preview that will follow the mouse that should represent the data can be set with [method set_drag_preview]. A good time to set the preview is in this method. [codeblock] extends Control @@ -862,16 +862,16 @@ Show the system's forbidden mouse cursor when the user hovers the node. Often a crossed circle. - Show the system's vertical resize mouse cursor when the user hovers the node. A double headed vertical arrow. It tells the user they can resize the window or the panel vertically. + Show the system's vertical resize mouse cursor when the user hovers the node. A double-headed vertical arrow. It tells the user they can resize the window or the panel vertically. - Show the system's horizontal resize mouse cursor when the user hovers the node. A double headed horizontal arrow. It tells the user they can resize the window or the panel horizontally. + Show the system's horizontal resize mouse cursor when the user hovers the node. A double-headed horizontal arrow. It tells the user they can resize the window or the panel horizontally. - Show the system's window resize mouse cursor when the user hovers the node. The cursor is a double headed arrow that goes from the bottom left to the top right. It tells the user they can resize the window or the panel both horizontally and vertically. + Show the system's window resize mouse cursor when the user hovers the node. The cursor is a double-headed arrow that goes from the bottom left to the top right. It tells the user they can resize the window or the panel both horizontally and vertically. - Show the system's window resize mouse cursor when the user hovers the node. The cursor is a double headed arrow that goes from the top left to the bottom right, the opposite of [constant CURSOR_BDIAGSIZE]. It tells the user they can resize the window or the panel both horizontally and vertically. + Show the system's window resize mouse cursor when the user hovers the node. The cursor is a double-headed arrow that goes from the top left to the bottom right, the opposite of [constant CURSOR_BDIAGSIZE]. It tells the user they can resize the window or the panel both horizontally and vertically. Show the system's move mouse cursor when the user hovers the node. It shows 2 double-headed arrows at a 90 degree angle. It tells the user they can move a UI element freely. @@ -931,7 +931,7 @@ Snap all 4 anchors to a horizontal line that cuts the parent control in half. Use with [method set_anchors_preset]. - Snap all 4 anchors to the respective corners of the parent control. Set all 4 margins to 0 after you applied this preset and the [Control] will fit its parent control. This is equivalent to to the "Full Rect" layout option in the editor. Use with [method set_anchors_preset]. + Snap all 4 anchors to the respective corners of the parent control. Set all 4 margins to 0 after you applied this preset and the [Control] will fit its parent control. This is equivalent to the "Full Rect" layout option in the editor. Use with [method set_anchors_preset]. @@ -957,13 +957,13 @@ Tells the parent [Container] to align the node with its end, either the bottom or the right edge. It doesn't work with the fill or expand size flags. Use with [member size_flags_horizontal] and [member size_flags_vertical]. - The control will receive mouse button input events through [method _gui_input] if clicked on. And the control will receive the [signal mouse_entered] and [signal mouse_exited] signals. These events are automatically marked as handled and they will not propagate further to other controls. This also results in blocking signals in other controls. + The control will receive mouse button input events through [method _gui_input] if clicked on. And the control will receive the [signal mouse_entered] and [signal mouse_exited] signals. These events are automatically marked as handled, and they will not propagate further to other controls. This also results in blocking signals in other controls. The control will receive mouse button input events through [method _gui_input] if clicked on. And the control will receive the [signal mouse_entered] and [signal mouse_exited] signals. If this control does not handle the event, the parent control (if any) will be considered, and so on until there is no more parent control to potentially handle it. This also allows signals to fire in other controls. Even if no control handled it at all, the event will still be handled automatically, so unhandled input will not be fired. - The control will not receive mouse button input events through [method _gui_input]. Also the control will not receive the [signal mouse_entered] nor [signal mouse_exited] signals. This will not block other controls from receiving these events or firing the signals. Ignored events will not be handled automatically. + The control will not receive mouse button input events through [method _gui_input]. The control will also not receive the [signal mouse_entered] nor [signal mouse_exited] signals. This will not block other controls from receiving these events or firing the signals. Ignored events will not be handled automatically. The control will grow to the left or top to make up if its minimum size is changed to be greater than its current size on the respective axis. diff --git a/doc/classes/ConvexPolygonShape2D.xml b/doc/classes/ConvexPolygonShape2D.xml index 7add2524813..fc21cb2ba96 100644 --- a/doc/classes/ConvexPolygonShape2D.xml +++ b/doc/classes/ConvexPolygonShape2D.xml @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ - Convex Polygon Shape for 2D physics. + Convex polygon shape for 2D physics. - Convex Polygon Shape for 2D physics. A convex polygon, whatever its shape, is internally decomposed into as many convex polygons as needed to ensure all collision checks against it are always done on convex polygons (which are faster to check). + Convex polygon shape for 2D physics. A convex polygon, whatever its shape, is internally decomposed into as many convex polygons as needed to ensure all collision checks against it are always done on convex polygons (which are faster to check). The main difference between a [ConvexPolygonShape2D] and a [ConcavePolygonShape2D] is that a concave polygon assumes it is concave and uses a more complex method of collision detection, and a convex one forces itself to be convex in order to speed up collision detection. diff --git a/doc/classes/CubeMap.xml b/doc/classes/CubeMap.xml index f5d28231150..21329628a07 100644 --- a/doc/classes/CubeMap.xml +++ b/doc/classes/CubeMap.xml @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ - A CubeMap is a 6 sided 3D texture. + A CubeMap is a 6-sided 3D texture. A 6-sided 3D texture typically used for faking reflections. It can be used to make an object look as if it's reflecting its surroundings. This usually delivers much better performance than other reflection methods. diff --git a/doc/classes/CubeMesh.xml b/doc/classes/CubeMesh.xml index 6162474ed19..d60bea3015b 100644 --- a/doc/classes/CubeMesh.xml +++ b/doc/classes/CubeMesh.xml @@ -16,13 +16,13 @@ Size of the cuboid mesh. Defaults to (2, 2, 2). - Number of extra edge loops inserted along the z-axis. Defaults to 0. + Number of extra edge loops inserted along the Z axis. Defaults to 0. - Number of extra edge loops inserted along the y-axis. Defaults to 0. + Number of extra edge loops inserted along the Y axis. Defaults to 0. - Number of extra edge loops inserted along the x-axis. Defaults to 0. + Number of extra edge loops inserted along the X axis. Defaults to 0. diff --git a/doc/classes/Curve.xml b/doc/classes/Curve.xml index f7af2c159ff..cc721b674b9 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Curve.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Curve.xml @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ A mathematic curve. - A curve that can be saved and re-used for other objects. By default it ranges between [code]0[/code] and [code]1[/code] on the y-axis and positions points relative to the [code]0.5[/code] y-position. + A curve that can be saved and re-used for other objects. By default, it ranges between [code]0[/code] and [code]1[/code] on the Y axis and positions points relative to the [code]0.5[/code] Y position. @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ - Returns the left [code]TangentMode[/code] for the point at [code]index[/code]. + Returns the left [enum TangentMode] for the point at [code]index[/code]. @@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ - Returns the right [code]TangentMode[/code] for the point at [code]index[/code]. + Returns the right [enum TangentMode] for the point at [code]index[/code]. @@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ - Returns the y value for the point that would exist at x-position [code]offset[/code] along the curve. + Returns the Y value for the point that would exist at the X position [code]offset[/code] along the curve. @@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ - Returns the y value for the point that would exist at x-position [code]offset[/code] along the curve using the baked cache. Bakes the curve's points if not already baked. + Returns the Y value for the point that would exist at the X position [code]offset[/code] along the curve using the baked cache. Bakes the curve's points if not already baked. @@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ - Sets the left [code]TangentMode[/code] for the point at [code]index[/code] to [code]mode[/code]. + Sets the left [enum TangentMode] for the point at [code]index[/code] to [code]mode[/code]. @@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ - Sets the offset from [code]0.5[/code] + Sets the offset from [code]0.5[/code]. @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ - Sets the right [code]TangentMode[/code] for the point at [code]index[/code] to [code]mode[/code]. + Sets the right [enum TangentMode] for the point at [code]index[/code] to [code]mode[/code]. diff --git a/doc/classes/Curve2D.xml b/doc/classes/Curve2D.xml index 3631711a8f2..995010c2478 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Curve2D.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Curve2D.xml @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ - Describes a Bezier curve in 2D space. + Describes a Bézier curve in 2D space. - This class describes a Bezier curve in 2D space. It is mainly used to give a shape to a [Path2D], but can be manually sampled for other purposes. - It keeps a cache of precalculated points along the curve, to speed further calculations up. + This class describes a Bézier curve in 2D space. It is mainly used to give a shape to a [Path2D], but can be manually sampled for other purposes. + It keeps a cache of precalculated points along the curve, to speed up further calculations. @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ - Adds a point to a curve, at [code]position[/code], with control points [code]in[/code] and [code]out[/code]. + Adds a point to a curve at [code]position[/code], with control points [code]in[/code] and [code]out[/code]. If [code]at_position[/code] is given, the point is inserted before the point number [code]at_position[/code], moving that point (and every point after) after the inserted point. If [code]at_position[/code] is not given, or is an illegal value ([code]at_position <0[/code] or [code]at_position >= [method get_point_count][/code]), the point will be appended at the end of the point list. diff --git a/doc/classes/Curve3D.xml b/doc/classes/Curve3D.xml index 2966e2f8c06..190655153a3 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Curve3D.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Curve3D.xml @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ - Describes a Bezier curve in 3D space. + Describes a Bézier curve in 3D space. - This class describes a Bezier curve in 3D space. It is mainly used to give a shape to a [Path], but can be manually sampled for other purposes. - It keeps a cache of precalculated points along the curve, to speed further calculations up. + This class describes a Bézier curve in 3D space. It is mainly used to give a shape to a [Path], but can be manually sampled for other purposes. + It keeps a cache of precalculated points along the curve, to speed up further calculations. @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ - Adds a point to a curve, at [code]position[/code], with control points [code]in[/code] and [code]out[/code]. + Adds a point to a curve at [code]position[/code], with control points [code]in[/code] and [code]out[/code]. If [code]at_position[/code] is given, the point is inserted before the point number [code]at_position[/code], moving that point (and every point after) after the inserted point. If [code]at_position[/code] is not given, or is an illegal value ([code]at_position <0[/code] or [code]at_position >= [method get_point_count][/code]), the point will be appended at the end of the point list. diff --git a/doc/classes/DampedSpringJoint2D.xml b/doc/classes/DampedSpringJoint2D.xml index d6973848e28..cfcf2d20e28 100644 --- a/doc/classes/DampedSpringJoint2D.xml +++ b/doc/classes/DampedSpringJoint2D.xml @@ -12,16 +12,16 @@ - The spring joint's damping ratio. A value between [code]0[/code] and [code]1[/code]. When the two bodies move into different directions the system tries to align them to the spring axis again. A high [code]damping[/code] value forces the attached bodies to align faster. Default value: [code]1[/code] + The spring joint's damping ratio. A value between [code]0[/code] and [code]1[/code]. When the two bodies move into different directions the system tries to align them to the spring axis again. A high [code]damping[/code] value forces the attached bodies to align faster. Default value: [code]1[/code]. - The spring joint's maximum length. The two attached bodies cannot stretch it past this value. Default value: [code]50[/code] + The spring joint's maximum length. The two attached bodies cannot stretch it past this value. Default value: [code]50[/code]. - When the bodies attached to the spring joint move they stretch or squash it. The joint always tries to resize towards this length. Default value: [code]0[/code] + When the bodies attached to the spring joint move they stretch or squash it. The joint always tries to resize towards this length. Default value: [code]0[/code]. - The higher the value, the less the bodies attached to the joint will deform it. The joint applies an opposing force to the bodies, the product of the stiffness multiplied by the size difference from its resting length. Default value: [code]20[/code] + The higher the value, the less the bodies attached to the joint will deform it. The joint applies an opposing force to the bodies, the product of the stiffness multiplied by the size difference from its resting length. Default value: [code]20[/code]. diff --git a/doc/classes/Dictionary.xml b/doc/classes/Dictionary.xml index ec70fd311b8..831a0bb02fc 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Dictionary.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Dictionary.xml @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ - Erase a dictionary key/value pair by key. Returns [code]true[/code] if the given key was present in the dictionary, [code]false[/code] otherwise. Do not erase elements while iterating over the dictionary. + Erase a dictionary key/value pair by key. Returns [code]true[/code] if the given key was present in the dictionary, [code]false[/code] otherwise. Does not erase elements while iterating over the dictionary. @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ - Returns the current value for the specified key in the [Dictionary]. If the key does not exist, the method returns the value of the optional default argument, or Null if it is omitted. + Returns the current value for the specified key in the [Dictionary]. If the key does not exist, the method returns the value of the optional default argument, or [code]null[/code] if it is omitted. diff --git a/doc/classes/DirectionalLight.xml b/doc/classes/DirectionalLight.xml index c6650a1641e..eb025043984 100644 --- a/doc/classes/DirectionalLight.xml +++ b/doc/classes/DirectionalLight.xml @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Directional light from a distance, as from the Sun. - A directional light is a type of [Light] node that models an infinite number of parallel rays covering the entire scene. It is used for lights with strong intensity that are located far away from the scene to model sunlight or moonlight. The worldspace location of the DirectionalLight transform (origin) is ignored. Only the basis is used do determine light direction. + A directional light is a type of [Light] node that models an infinite number of parallel rays covering the entire scene. It is used for lights with strong intensity that are located far away from the scene to model sunlight or moonlight. The worldspace location of the DirectionalLight transform (origin) is ignored. Only the basis is used to determine light direction. https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/tutorials/3d/lights_and_shadows.html @@ -13,10 +13,10 @@ - Amount of extra bias for shadow splits that are far away. If self shadowing occurs only on the splits far away, this value can fix them. + Amount of extra bias for shadow splits that are far away. If self-shadowing occurs only on the splits far away, increasing this value can fix them. - If [code]true[/code], shadow detail is sacrificed in exchange for smoother transitions between splits. Default value:[code]false[/code]. + If [code]true[/code], shadow detail is sacrificed in exchange for smoother transitions between splits. Default value: [code]false[/code]. Optimizes shadow rendering for detail versus movement. See [enum ShadowDepthRange]. @@ -31,10 +31,10 @@ Can be used to fix special cases of self shadowing when objects are perpendicular to the light. - The distance from camera to shadow split 1. Relative to [member directional_shadow_max_distance]. Only used when [member directional_shadow_mode] is one of the [code]SHADOW_PARALLEL_*_SPLITS[/code] constants. + The distance from camera to shadow split 1. Relative to [member directional_shadow_max_distance]. Only used when [member directional_shadow_mode] is [code]SHADOW_PARALLEL_2_SPLITS[/code] or [code]SHADOW_PARALLEL_4_SPLITS[/code]. - The distance from shadow split 1 to split 2. Relative to [member directional_shadow_max_distance]. Only used when [member directional_shadow_mode] is [code]SHADOW_PARALLEL_3_SPLITS[/code] or [code]SHADOW_PARALLEL_4_SPLITS[/code]. + The distance from shadow split 1 to split 2. Relative to [member directional_shadow_max_distance]. Only used when [member directional_shadow_mode] is [code]SHADOW_PARALLEL_2_SPLITS[/code] or [code]SHADOW_PARALLEL_4_SPLITS[/code]. The distance from shadow split 2 to split 3. Relative to [member directional_shadow_max_distance]. Only used when [member directional_shadow_mode] is [code]SHADOW_PARALLEL_4_SPLITS[/code]. diff --git a/doc/classes/Directory.xml b/doc/classes/Directory.xml index 9c33b4fc0ea..9294a515d29 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Directory.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Directory.xml @@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ - Change the currently opened directory to the one passed as an argument. The argument can be relative to the current directory (e.g. [code]newdir[/code] or [code]../newdir[/code]), or an absolute path (e.g. [code]/tmp/newdir[/code] or [code]res://somedir/newdir[/code]). - The method returns one of the error code constants defined in [@GlobalScope] (OK or ERR_*). + Changes the currently opened directory to the one passed as an argument. The argument can be relative to the current directory (e.g. [code]newdir[/code] or [code]../newdir[/code]), or an absolute path (e.g. [code]/tmp/newdir[/code] or [code]res://somedir/newdir[/code]). + The method returns one of the error code constants defined in [@GlobalScope] ([code]OK[/code] or [code]ERR_*[/code]). @@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ - Copy the [i]from[/i] file to the [i]to[/i] destination. Both arguments should be paths to files, either relative or absolute. If the destination file exists and is not access-protected, it will be overwritten. - Returns one of the error code constants defined in [@GlobalScope] (OK, FAILED or ERR_*). + Copies the [code]from[/code] file to the [code]to[/code] destination. Both arguments should be paths to files, either relative or absolute. If the destination file exists and is not access-protected, it will be overwritten. + Returns one of the error code constants defined in [@GlobalScope] ([code]OK[/code], [code]FAILED[/code] or [code]ERR_*[/code]). @@ -93,14 +93,14 @@ - On Windows, return the name of the drive (partition) passed as an argument (e.g. [code]C:[/code]). On other platforms, or if the requested drive does not existed, the method returns an empty String. + On Windows, returns the name of the drive (partition) passed as an argument (e.g. [code]C:[/code]). On other platforms, or if the requested drive does not existed, the method returns an empty String. - On Windows, return the number of drives (partitions) mounted on the current filesystem. On other platforms, the method returns 0. + On Windows, returns the number of drives (partitions) mounted on the current filesystem. On other platforms, the method returns 0. @@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ - On Unix desktop systems, return the available space on the current directory's disk. On other platforms, this information is not available and the method returns 0 or -1. + On UNIX desktop systems, returns the available space on the current directory's disk. On other platforms, this information is not available and the method returns 0 or -1. @@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ - Initialize the stream used to list all files and directories using the [method get_next] function, closing the current opened stream if needed. Once the stream has been processed, it should typically be closed with [method list_dir_end]. + Initializes the stream used to list all files and directories using the [method get_next] function, closing the current opened stream if needed. Once the stream has been processed, it should typically be closed with [method list_dir_end]. If you pass [code]skip_navigational[/code], then [code].[/code] and [code]..[/code] would be filtered out. If you pass [code]skip_hidden[/code], then hidden files would be filtered out. @@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ - Close the current stream opened with [method list_dir_begin] (whether it has been fully processed with [method get_next] or not does not matter). + Closes the current stream opened with [method list_dir_begin] (whether it has been fully processed with [method get_next] or not does not matter). @@ -144,8 +144,8 @@ - Create a directory. The argument can be relative to the current directory, or an absolute path. The target directory should be placed in an already existing directory (to create the full path recursively, see [method make_dir_recursive]). - The method returns one of the error code constants defined in [@GlobalScope] (OK, FAILED or ERR_*). + Creates a directory. The argument can be relative to the current directory, or an absolute path. The target directory should be placed in an already existing directory (to create the full path recursively, see [method make_dir_recursive]). + The method returns one of the error code constants defined in [@GlobalScope] ([code]OK[/code], [code]FAILED[/code] or [code]ERR_*[/code]). @@ -154,8 +154,8 @@ - Create a target directory and all necessary intermediate directories in its path, by calling [method make_dir] recursively. The argument can be relative to the current directory, or an absolute path. - Returns one of the error code constants defined in [@GlobalScope] (OK, FAILED or ERR_*). + Creates a target directory and all necessary intermediate directories in its path, by calling [method make_dir] recursively. The argument can be relative to the current directory, or an absolute path. + Returns one of the error code constants defined in [@GlobalScope] ([code]0K[/code], [code]FAILED[/code] or [code]ERR_*[/code]). @@ -164,8 +164,8 @@ - Open an existing directory of the filesystem. The [i]path[/i] argument can be within the project tree ([code]res://folder[/code]), the user directory ([code]user://folder[/code]) or an absolute path of the user filesystem (e.g. [code]/tmp/folder[/code] or [code]C:\tmp\folder[/code]). - The method returns one of the error code constants defined in [@GlobalScope] (OK or ERR_*). + Opens an existing directory of the filesystem. The [code]path[/code] argument can be within the project tree ([code]res://folder[/code]), the user directory ([code]user://folder[/code]) or an absolute path of the user filesystem (e.g. [code]/tmp/folder[/code] or [code]C:\tmp\folder[/code]). + The method returns one of the error code constants defined in [@GlobalScope] ([code]OK[/code] or [code]ERR_*[/code]). @@ -174,8 +174,8 @@ - Delete the target file or an empty directory. The argument can be relative to the current directory, or an absolute path. If the target directory is not empty, the operation will fail. - Returns one of the error code constants defined in [@GlobalScope] (OK or FAILED). + Deletes the target file or an empty directory. The argument can be relative to the current directory, or an absolute path. If the target directory is not empty, the operation will fail. + Returns one of the error code constants defined in [@GlobalScope] ([code]OK[/code] or [code]FAILED[/code]). @@ -186,8 +186,8 @@ - Rename (move) the [i]from[/i] file to the [i]to[/i] destination. Both arguments should be paths to files, either relative or absolute. If the destination file exists and is not access-protected, it will be overwritten. - Returns one of the error code constants defined in [@GlobalScope] (OK or FAILED). + Renames (move) the [code]from[/code] file to the [code]to[/code] destination. Both arguments should be paths to files, either relative or absolute. If the destination file exists and is not access-protected, it will be overwritten. + Returns one of the error code constants defined in [@GlobalScope] ([code]OK[/code] or [code]FAILED[/code]). diff --git a/doc/classes/DynamicFontData.xml b/doc/classes/DynamicFontData.xml index 8eff5fb993b..afdd09055cd 100644 --- a/doc/classes/DynamicFontData.xml +++ b/doc/classes/DynamicFontData.xml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ - Disable font hinting (smoother but less crisp). + Disables font hinting (smoother but less crisp). Use the light font hinting mode. diff --git a/doc/classes/EditorFileDialog.xml b/doc/classes/EditorFileDialog.xml index 15271b80506..1d648db20dd 100644 --- a/doc/classes/EditorFileDialog.xml +++ b/doc/classes/EditorFileDialog.xml @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Adds a comma-delimited file extension filter option to the [EditorFileDialog] with an optional semi-colon-delimited label. - Example: "*.tscn, *.scn; Scenes", results in filter text "Scenes (*.tscn, *.scn)". + For example, [code]"*.tscn, *.scn; Scenes"[/code] results in filter text "Scenes (*.tscn, *.scn)". @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ The view format in which the [EditorFileDialog] displays resources to the user. - The purpose of the [EditorFileDialog]. Changes allowed behaviors. + The purpose of the [EditorFileDialog], which defines the allowed behaviors. If [code]true[/code], hidden files and directories will be visible in the [EditorFileDialog]. diff --git a/doc/classes/EditorFileSystem.xml b/doc/classes/EditorFileSystem.xml index 1c7a68fc0b2..798658c8d09 100644 --- a/doc/classes/EditorFileSystem.xml +++ b/doc/classes/EditorFileSystem.xml @@ -15,14 +15,14 @@ - Get the type of the file, given the full path. + Gets the type of the file, given the full path. - Get the root directory object. + Gets the root directory object. diff --git a/doc/classes/EditorFileSystemDirectory.xml b/doc/classes/EditorFileSystemDirectory.xml index c7920c6ed6f..cb2ed28b388 100644 --- a/doc/classes/EditorFileSystemDirectory.xml +++ b/doc/classes/EditorFileSystemDirectory.xml @@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ - Returns the parent directory for this directory or null if called on a directory at [code]res://[/code] or [code]user://[/code]. + Returns the parent directory for this directory or [code]null[/code] if called on a directory at [code]res://[/code] or [code]user://[/code]. diff --git a/doc/classes/EditorImportPlugin.xml b/doc/classes/EditorImportPlugin.xml index e66596412b9..af804f88b59 100644 --- a/doc/classes/EditorImportPlugin.xml +++ b/doc/classes/EditorImportPlugin.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ EditorImportPlugins provide a way to extend the editor's resource import functionality. Use them to import resources from custom files or to provide alternatives to the editor's existing importers. Register your [EditorPlugin] with [method EditorPlugin.add_import_plugin]. - EditorImportPlugins work by associating with specific file extensions and a resource type. See [method get_recognized_extensions] and [method get_resource_type]). They may optionally specify some import presets that affect the import process. EditorImportPlugins are responsible for creating the resources and saving them in the [code].import[/code] directory. + EditorImportPlugins work by associating with specific file extensions and a resource type. See [method get_recognized_extensions] and [method get_resource_type]. They may optionally specify some import presets that affect the import process. EditorImportPlugins are responsible for creating the resources and saving them in the [code].import[/code] directory. Below is an example EditorImportPlugin that imports a [Mesh] from a file with the extension ".special" or ".spec": [codeblock] tool @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ return FAILED var mesh = Mesh.new() - # Fill the Mesh with data read in 'file', left as exercise to the reader + # Fill the Mesh with data read in "file", left as an exercise to the reader var filename = save_path + "." + get_save_extension() ResourceSaver.save(filename, mesh) @@ -58,21 +58,21 @@ - Get the options and default values for the preset at this index. Returns an Array of Dictionaries with the following keys: [code]name[/code], [code]default_value[/code], [code]property_hint[/code] (optional), [code]hint_string[/code] (optional), [code]usage[/code] (optional). + Gets the options and default values for the preset at this index. Returns an Array of Dictionaries with the following keys: [code]name[/code], [code]default_value[/code], [code]property_hint[/code] (optional), [code]hint_string[/code] (optional), [code]usage[/code] (optional). - Get the order of this importer to be run when importing resources. Higher values will be called later. Use this to ensure the importer runs after the dependencies are already imported. + Gets the order of this importer to be run when importing resources. Higher values will be called later. Use this to ensure the importer runs after the dependencies are already imported. - Get the unique name of the importer. + Gets the unique name of the importer. @@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ - Get the number of initial presets defined by the plugin. Use [method get_import_options] to get the default options for the preset and [method get_preset_name] to get the name of the preset. + Gets the number of initial presets defined by the plugin. Use [method get_import_options] to get the default options for the preset and [method get_preset_name] to get the name of the preset. @@ -98,42 +98,42 @@ - Get the name of the options preset at this index. + Gets the name of the options preset at this index. - Get the priority of this plugin for the recognized extension. Higher priority plugins will be preferred. Default value is 1.0. + Gets the priority of this plugin for the recognized extension. Higher priority plugins will be preferred. Default value is 1.0. - Get the list of file extensions to associate with this loader (case insensitive). e.g. [code]["obj"][/code]. + Gets the list of file extensions to associate with this loader (case-insensitive). e.g. [code]["obj"][/code]. - Get the Godot resource type associated with this loader. e.g. [code]"Mesh"[/code] or [code]"Animation"[/code]. + Gets the Godot resource type associated with this loader. e.g. [code]"Mesh"[/code] or [code]"Animation"[/code]. - Get the extension used to save this resource in the [code].import[/code] directory. + Gets the extension used to save this resource in the [code].import[/code] directory. - Get the name to display in the import window. + Gets the name to display in the import window. diff --git a/doc/classes/EditorInspectorPlugin.xml b/doc/classes/EditorInspectorPlugin.xml index c2b13ff89ef..cab5af3985b 100644 --- a/doc/classes/EditorInspectorPlugin.xml +++ b/doc/classes/EditorInspectorPlugin.xml @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ - Add a custom control, not necessarily a property editor. + Adds a custom control, not necessarily a property editor. @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ - Add a property editor, this must inherit [EditorProperty]. + Adds a property editor, this must inherit [EditorProperty]. @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ - Add am editor that allows modifying multiple properties, this must inherit [EditorProperty]. + Adds an editor that allows modifying multiple properties, this must inherit [EditorProperty]. diff --git a/doc/classes/EditorInterface.xml b/doc/classes/EditorInterface.xml index ecbb5da10c8..6f07682b049 100644 --- a/doc/classes/EditorInterface.xml +++ b/doc/classes/EditorInterface.xml @@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ - Saves the scene. Returns either OK or ERR_CANT_CREATE. See [@GlobalScope] constants. + Saves the scene. Returns either [code]OK[/code] or [code]ERR_CANT_CREATE[/code] (see [@GlobalScope] constants). diff --git a/doc/classes/EditorPlugin.xml b/doc/classes/EditorPlugin.xml index 36d6e38be9b..bd9a100267f 100644 --- a/doc/classes/EditorPlugin.xml +++ b/doc/classes/EditorPlugin.xml @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Used by the editor to extend its functionality. - Plugins are used by the editor to extend functionality. The most common types of plugins are those which edit a given node or resource type, import plugins and export plugins. Also see [EditorScript] to add functions to the editor. + Plugins are used by the editor to extend functionality. The most common types of plugins are those which edit a given node or resource type, import plugins and export plugins. See also [EditorScript] to add functions to the editor. https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/tutorials/plugins/editor/index.html @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ - Add a script at [code]path[/code] to the Autoload list as [code]name[/code]. + Adds a script at [code]path[/code] to the Autoload list as [code]name[/code]. @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ - Add a control to the bottom panel (together with Output, Debug, Animation, etc). Returns a reference to the button added. It's up to you to hide/show the button when needed. When your plugin is deactivated, make sure to remove your custom control with [method remove_control_from_bottom_panel] and free it with [code]queue_free()[/code]. + Adds a control to the bottom panel (together with Output, Debug, Animation, etc). Returns a reference to the button added. It's up to you to hide/show the button when needed. When your plugin is deactivated, make sure to remove your custom control with [method remove_control_from_bottom_panel] and free it with [code]queue_free()[/code]. @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ - Add a custom control to a container (see CONTAINER_* enum). There are many locations where custom controls can be added in the editor UI. + Adds a custom control to a container (see [code]CONTAINER_*[/code] enum). There are many locations where custom controls can be added in the editor UI. Please remember that you have to manage the visibility of your custom controls yourself (and likely hide it after adding it). When your plugin is deactivated, make sure to remove your custom control with [method remove_control_from_container] and free it with [code]queue_free()[/code]. @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ - Add the control to a specific dock slot (see DOCK_* enum for options). + Adds the control to a specific dock slot (see [code]DOCK_*[/code] enum for options). If the dock is repositioned and as long as the plugin is active, the editor will save the dock position on further sessions. When your plugin is deactivated, make sure to remove your custom control with [method remove_control_from_docks] and free it with [code]queue_free()[/code]. @@ -70,9 +70,9 @@ - Add a custom type, which will appear in the list of nodes or resources. An icon can be optionally passed. + Adds a custom type, which will appear in the list of nodes or resources. An icon can be optionally passed. When given node or resource is selected, the base type will be instanced (ie, "Spatial", "Control", "Resource"), then the script will be loaded and set to this object. - You can use the virtual method [method handles] to check if your custom object is being edited by checking the script or using 'is' keyword. + You can use the virtual method [method handles] to check if your custom object is being edited by checking the script or using the [code]is[/code] keyword. During run-time, this will be a simple object with a script so this function does not need to be called then. @@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ - Add a custom menu to 'Project > Tools' as [code]name[/code] that calls [code]callback[/code] on an instance of [code]handler[/code] with a parameter [code]ud[/code] when user activates it. + Adds a custom menu to [b]Project > Tools[/b] as [code]name[/code] that calls [code]callback[/code] on an instance of [code]handler[/code] with a parameter [code]ud[/code] when user activates it. @@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ - This is for editors that edit script based objects. You can return a list of breakpoints in the format (script:line), for example: res://path_to_script.gd:25 + This is for editors that edit script-based objects. You can return a list of breakpoints in the format ([code]script:line[/code]), for example: [code]res://path_to_script.gd:25[/code]. @@ -260,21 +260,22 @@ - Gets the Editor's dialogue used for making scripts. Note that users can configure it before use. + Gets the Editor's dialogue used for making scripts. + [b]Note:[/b] Users can configure it before use. - Get the state of your plugin editor. This is used when saving the scene (so state is kept when opening it again) and for switching tabs (so state can be restored when the tab returns). + Gets the state of your plugin editor. This is used when saving the scene (so state is kept when opening it again) and for switching tabs (so state can be restored when the tab returns). - Get the undo/redo object. Most actions in the editor can be undoable, so use this object to make sure this happens when it's worth it. + Gets the undo/redo object. Most actions in the editor can be undoable, so use this object to make sure this happens when it's worth it. @@ -283,7 +284,7 @@ - Get the GUI layout of the plugin. This is used to save the project's editor layout when [method queue_save_layout] is called or the editor layout was changed(For example changing the position of a dock). + Gets the GUI layout of the plugin. This is used to save the project's editor layout when [method queue_save_layout] is called or the editor layout was changed(For example changing the position of a dock). @@ -299,7 +300,7 @@ - Returns [code]true[/code] if this is a main screen editor plugin (it goes in the workspaces selector together with '2D', '3D', and 'Script'). + Returns [code]true[/code] if this is a main screen editor plugin (it goes in the workspace selector together with [b]2D[/b], [b]3D[/b], [b]Script[/b] and [b]AssetLib[/b]). @@ -339,7 +340,7 @@ - Remove an Autoload [code]name[/code] from the list. + Removes an Autoload [code]name[/code] from the list. @@ -348,7 +349,7 @@ - Remove the control from the bottom panel. You have to manually [code]queue_free()[/code] the control. + Removes the control from the bottom panel. You have to manually [code]queue_free()[/code] the control. @@ -359,7 +360,7 @@ - Remove the control from the specified container. You have to manually [code]queue_free()[/code] the control. + Removes the control from the specified container. You have to manually [code]queue_free()[/code] the control. @@ -368,7 +369,7 @@ - Remove the control from the dock. You have to manually [code]queue_free()[/code] the control. + Removes the control from the dock. You have to manually [code]queue_free()[/code] the control. @@ -377,7 +378,7 @@ - Remove a custom type added by [method add_custom_type] + Removes a custom type added by [method add_custom_type]. @@ -426,7 +427,7 @@ - Removes a menu [code]name[/code] from 'Project > Tools'. + Removes a menu [code]name[/code] from [b]Project > Tools[/b]. @@ -480,7 +481,7 @@ - Emitted when user changes the workspace (2D, 3D, Script, AssetLib). Also works with custom screens defined by plugins. + Emitted when user changes the workspace ([b]2D[/b], [b]3D[/b], [b]Script[/b], [b]AssetLib[/b]). Also works with custom screens defined by plugins. @@ -493,7 +494,7 @@ - Emitted when the scene is changed in the editor. The argument will return the root node of the scene that has just become active. If this scene is new and empty, the argument will be null. + Emitted when the scene is changed in the editor. The argument will return the root node of the scene that has just become active. If this scene is new and empty, the argument will be [code]null[/code]. diff --git a/doc/classes/EditorProperty.xml b/doc/classes/EditorProperty.xml index 735c270279a..35c4e645a8a 100644 --- a/doc/classes/EditorProperty.xml +++ b/doc/classes/EditorProperty.xml @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ - Custom control to edit properties for adding into the inspector + Custom control to edit properties for adding into the inspector. This control allows property editing for one or multiple properties into [EditorInspector]. It is added via [EditorInspectorPlugin]. @@ -30,21 +30,21 @@ - If one (or many properties) changed, this must be called. "Field" is used in case your editor can modify fields separately (as an example, Vector3.x). The "changing" argument avoids the editor requesting this property to be refreshed (leave as false if unsure). + If one or several properties have changed, this must be called. [code]field[/code] is used in case your editor can modify fields separately (as an example, Vector3.x). The [code]changing[/code] argument avoids the editor requesting this property to be refreshed (leave as [code]false[/code] if unsure). - Get the edited object. + Gets the edited object. - Get the edited property. If your editor is for a single property (added via [method EditorInspectorPlugin.parse_property]), then this will return it.. + Gets the edited property. If your editor is for a single property (added via [method EditorInspectorPlugin.parse_property]), then this will return the property. @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ - Add controls with this function if you want them on the bottom (below the label). + Adds controls with this function if you want them on the bottom (below the label). @@ -82,10 +82,10 @@ Used by the inspector, when the property must draw with error color. - Used by the inspector, when the property can add keys for animation/ + Used by the inspector, when the property can add keys for animation. - Set this property to change the label (if you want to show one) + Sets this property to change the label (if you want to show one). Used by the inspector, when the property is read-only. @@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ - Emit yourself if you want multiple properties modified at the same time. Do not use if added via [method EditorInspectorPlugin.parse_property] + Emit it if you want multiple properties modified at the same time. Do not use if added via [method EditorInspectorPlugin.parse_property]. @@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ - Used by sub-inspectors. Emit if what was selected was an Object ID. + Used by sub-inspectors. Emit it if what was selected was an Object ID. @@ -125,14 +125,14 @@ - Used internally, when a property was checked. + Emitted when a property was checked. Used internally. - Emit if you want to add this value as an animation key (check keying being enabled first). + Emit it if you want to add this value as an animation key (check for keying being enabled first). @@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ - Emit if you want to key a property with a single value. + Emit it if you want to key a property with a single value. @@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ - Internal, used when selected. + Emitted when selected. Used internally. diff --git a/doc/classes/EditorResourcePreview.xml b/doc/classes/EditorResourcePreview.xml index 8de905e7105..9d3f4b0b12e 100644 --- a/doc/classes/EditorResourcePreview.xml +++ b/doc/classes/EditorResourcePreview.xml @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ - Check if the resource changed, if so it will be invalidated and the corresponding signal emitted. + Check if the resource changed, if so, it will be invalidated and the corresponding signal emitted. @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ - Remove a custom preview generator. + Removes a custom preview generator. @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ - If a preview was invalidated (changed) this signal will emit (using the path of the preview) + Emitted if a preview was invalidated (changed). [code]path[/code] corresponds to the path of the preview. diff --git a/doc/classes/EditorResourcePreviewGenerator.xml b/doc/classes/EditorResourcePreviewGenerator.xml index 156cc629419..4e61943c8fb 100644 --- a/doc/classes/EditorResourcePreviewGenerator.xml +++ b/doc/classes/EditorResourcePreviewGenerator.xml @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Custom generator of previews. - Custom code to generate previews. Please check "file_dialog/thumbnail_size" in EditorSettings to find out the right size to do previews at. + Custom code to generate previews. Please check [code]file_dialog/thumbnail_size[/code] in [EditorSettings] to find out the right size to do previews at. @@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ - If this function returns true the generator will call [method generate] or [method generate_from_path] for small previews too. - By default it returns false. + If this function returns [code]true[/code], the generator will call [method generate] or [method generate_from_path] for small previews as well. + By default, it returns [code]false[/code]. @@ -47,8 +47,8 @@ - If this function returns true the generator will automatically generate the small previews from the normal preview texture generated by the methods [method generate] or [method generate_from_path]. - By default it returns false. + If this function returns [code]true[/code], the generator will automatically generate the small previews from the normal preview texture generated by the methods [method generate] or [method generate_from_path]. + By default, it returns [code]false[/code]. @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ - Returns if your generator supports this resource type. + Returns [code]true[/code] if your generator supports the resource of type [code]type[/code]. diff --git a/doc/classes/EditorSceneImporterAssimp.xml b/doc/classes/EditorSceneImporterAssimp.xml index b1f397e2b9f..e2d73be8709 100644 --- a/doc/classes/EditorSceneImporterAssimp.xml +++ b/doc/classes/EditorSceneImporterAssimp.xml @@ -1,30 +1,30 @@ - This is a multi-format 3d asset importer. + Multi-format 3D asset importer based on [url=http://assimp.org/]Assimp[/url]. - This is a multi-format 3d asset importer. - Use these FBX export settings from Autodesk Maya. + This is a multi-format 3D asset importer based on [url=http://assimp.org/]Assimp[/url]. See [url=https://assimp-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/about/intoduction.html#installation]this page[/url] for a full list of supported formats. + If exporting a FBX scene from Autodesk Maya, use these FBX export settings: [codeblock] - * Smoothing Groups - * Smooth Mesh - * Triangluate (For mesh with blendshapes) - * Bake Animation - * Resample All - * Deformed Models - * Skins - * Blend Shapes - * Curve Filters - * Constant Key Reducer - * Auto Tangents Only - * DO NOT CHECK Constraints (Will Break File) - * Can check Embed Media (Embeds textures into FBX file to import) - -- Note: When importing embed media, texture and mesh will be a un-alterable file. - -- Reimport of fbx with updated texture is need if texture is updated. - * Units: Centimeters - * Up Axis: Y - * Binary format in FBX 2017 + - Smoothing Groups + - Smooth Mesh + - Triangluate (for meshes with blend shapes) + - Bake Animation + - Resample All + - Deformed Models + - Skins + - Blend Shapes + - Curve Filters + - Constant Key Reducer + - Auto Tangents Only + - *Do not check* Constraints (as it will break the file) + - Can check Embed Media (embeds textures into the exported FBX file) + - Note that when importing embedded media, the texture and mesh will be a single immutable file. + - You will have to re-export then re-import the FBX if the texture has changed. + - Units: Centimeters + - Up Axis: Y + - Binary format in FBX 2017 [/codeblock] diff --git a/doc/classes/EditorScenePostImport.xml b/doc/classes/EditorScenePostImport.xml index 3b0590f78c1..df6cdd4b356 100644 --- a/doc/classes/EditorScenePostImport.xml +++ b/doc/classes/EditorScenePostImport.xml @@ -1,22 +1,22 @@ - Post process scenes after import + Post-processes scenes after import. - Imported scenes can be automatically modified right after import by setting their [i]Custom Script[/i] Import property to a [code]tool[/code] script that inherits from this class. + Imported scenes can be automatically modified right after import by setting their [b]Custom Script[/b] Import property to a [code]tool[/code] script that inherits from this class. The [method post_import] callback receives the imported scene's root node and returns the modified version of the scene. Usage example: [codeblock] - tool # needed so it runs in editor + tool # Needed so it runs in editor extends EditorScenePostImport # This sample changes all node names # Called right after the scene is imported and gets the root node func post_import(scene): - # change all node names to "modified_[oldnodename]" + # Change all node names to "modified_[oldnodename]" iterate(scene) - return scene # remember to return the imported scene + return scene # Remember to return the imported scene func iterate(node): if node != null: @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ - Gets called after the scene got imported and has to return the modified version of the scene. + Called after the scene was imported. This method must return the modified version of the scene. diff --git a/doc/classes/EditorScript.xml b/doc/classes/EditorScript.xml index 52d7ce3f176..5c49e227be5 100644 --- a/doc/classes/EditorScript.xml +++ b/doc/classes/EditorScript.xml @@ -4,8 +4,9 @@ Base script that can be used to add extension functions to the editor. - Scripts extending this class and implementing its [code]_run()[/code] method can be executed from the Script Editor's [code]File -> Run[/code] menu option (or by pressing [code]CTRL+Shift+X[/code]) while the editor is running. This is useful for adding custom in-editor functionality to Godot. For more complex additions, consider using [EditorPlugin]s instead. Note that extending scripts need to have [code]tool mode[/code] enabled. - Example script: + Scripts extending this class and implementing its [method _run] method can be executed from the Script Editor's [b]File > Run[/b] menu option (or by pressing [code]Ctrl+Shift+X[/code]) while the editor is running. This is useful for adding custom in-editor functionality to Godot. For more complex additions, consider using [EditorPlugin]s instead. + [b]Note:[/b] Extending scripts need to have [code]tool mode[/code] enabled. + [b]Example script:[/b] [codeblock] tool extends EditorScript @@ -13,7 +14,7 @@ func _run(): print("Hello from the Godot Editor!") [/codeblock] - Note that the script is run in the Editor context, which means the output is visible in the console window started with the Editor (STDOUT) instead of the usual Godot [i]Output[/i] dock. + [b]Note:[/b] The script is run in the Editor context, which means the output is visible in the console window started with the Editor (stdout) instead of the usual Godot [b]Output[/b] dock. @@ -22,7 +23,7 @@ - This method is executed by the Editor when [code]File -> Run[/code] is used. + This method is executed by the Editor when [b]File > Run[/b] is used. @@ -32,7 +33,7 @@ Adds [code]node[/code] as a child of the root node in the editor context. - WARNING: The implementation of this method is currently disabled. + [b]Warning:[/b] The implementation of this method is currently disabled. diff --git a/doc/classes/EditorSelection.xml b/doc/classes/EditorSelection.xml index 336390b2b11..57df71ab010 100644 --- a/doc/classes/EditorSelection.xml +++ b/doc/classes/EditorSelection.xml @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ - Add a node to the selection. + Adds a node to the selection. @@ -29,14 +29,14 @@ - Get the list of selected nodes. + Gets the list of selected nodes. - Get the list of selected nodes, optimized for transform operations (ie, moving them, rotating, etc). This list avoids situations where a node is selected and also chid/grandchild. + Gets the list of selected nodes, optimized for transform operations (i.e. moving them, rotating, etc). This list avoids situations where a node is selected and also child/grandchild. @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ - Remove a node from the selection. + Removes a node from the selection. diff --git a/doc/classes/EditorSettings.xml b/doc/classes/EditorSettings.xml index 7d38031a4c0..3719ad67de2 100644 --- a/doc/classes/EditorSettings.xml +++ b/doc/classes/EditorSettings.xml @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Object that holds the project-independent editor settings. - Object that holds the project-independent editor settings. These settings are generally visible in the Editor Settings menu. + Object that holds the project-independent editor settings. These settings are generally visible in the [b]Editor > Editor Settings[/b] menu. Accessing the settings is done by using the regular [Object] API, such as: [codeblock] settings.set(prop,value) @@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ - Add a custom property info to a property. The dictionary must contain: name:[String](the name of the property) and type:[int](see TYPE_* in [@GlobalScope]), and optionally hint:[int](see PROPERTY_HINT_* in [@GlobalScope]), hint_string:[String]. - Example: + Adds a custom property info to a property. The dictionary must contain: name:[String](the name of the property) and type:[int](see [code]TYPE_*[/code] in [@GlobalScope]), and optionally hint:[int](see [code]PROPERTY_HINT_*[/code] in [@GlobalScope]), hint_string:[String]. + [b]Example:[/b] [codeblock] editor_settings.set("category/property_name", 0) @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ - Get the list of favorite files and directories for this project. + Gets the list of favorite files and directories for this project. @@ -69,14 +69,14 @@ - Get the specific project settings path. Projects all have a unique sub-directory inside the settings path where project specific settings are saved. + Gets the specific project settings path. Projects all have a unique sub-directory inside the settings path where project specific settings are saved. - Get the list of recently visited folders in the file dialog for this project. + Gets the list of recently visited folders in the file dialog for this project. @@ -91,9 +91,9 @@ - Get the global settings path for the engine. Inside this path you can find some standard paths such as: - settings/tmp - used for temporary storage of files - settings/templates - where export templates are located + Gets the global settings path for the engine. Inside this path, you can find some standard paths such as: + [code]settings/tmp[/code] - Used for temporary storage of files + [code]settings/templates[/code] - Where export templates are located @@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ - Set the list of favorite files and directories for this project. + Sets the list of favorite files and directories for this project. @@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ - Set the list of recently visited folders in the file dialog for this project. + Sets the list of recently visited folders in the file dialog for this project. diff --git a/doc/classes/EditorSpatialGizmo.xml b/doc/classes/EditorSpatialGizmo.xml index 5d5c37b212e..03a274e23ed 100644 --- a/doc/classes/EditorSpatialGizmo.xml +++ b/doc/classes/EditorSpatialGizmo.xml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ - Add collision triangles to the gizmo for picking. A [TriangleMesh] can be generated from a regular [Mesh] too. Call this function during [method redraw]. + Adds collision triangles to the gizmo for picking. A [TriangleMesh] can be generated from a regular [Mesh] too. Call this function during [method redraw]. @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ - Add a list of handles (points) which can be used to deform the object being edited. + Adds a list of handles (points) which can be used to deform the object being edited. There are virtual functions which will be called upon editing of these handles. Call this function during [method redraw]. @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ - Add lines to the gizmo (as sets of 2 points), with a given material. The lines are used for visualizing the gizmo. Call this function during [method redraw]. + Adds lines to the gizmo (as sets of 2 points), with a given material. The lines are used for visualizing the gizmo. Call this function during [method redraw]. @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ - Add an unscaled billboard for visualization. Call this function during [method redraw]. + Adds an unscaled billboard for visualization. Call this function during [method redraw]. @@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ Commit a handle being edited (handles must have been previously added by [method add_handles]). - If the cancel parameter is [code]true[/code], an option to restore the edited value to the original is provided. + If the [code]cancel[/code] parameter is [code]true[/code], an option to restore the edited value to the original is provided. @@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ - Get the name of an edited handle (handles must have been previously added by [method add_handles]). + Gets the name of an edited handle (handles must have been previously added by [method add_handles]). Handles can be named for reference to the user when editing. @@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ - Get actual value of a handle. This value can be anything and used for eventually undoing the motion when calling [method commit_handle]. + Gets actual value of a handle. This value can be anything and used for eventually undoing the motion when calling [method commit_handle]. @@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ - Get whether a handle is highlighted or not. + Gets whether a handle is highlighted or not. diff --git a/doc/classes/EditorSpatialGizmoPlugin.xml b/doc/classes/EditorSpatialGizmoPlugin.xml index 40d6376ca3e..28586312f3d 100644 --- a/doc/classes/EditorSpatialGizmoPlugin.xml +++ b/doc/classes/EditorSpatialGizmoPlugin.xml @@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ - Get actual value of a handle from gizmo. Called for this plugin's active gizmos. + Gets actual value of a handle from gizmo. Called for this plugin's active gizmos. @@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ - Get material from the internal list of materials. If an [EditorSpatialGizmo] is provided it will try to get the corresponding variant (selected and/or editable). + Gets material from the internal list of materials. If an [EditorSpatialGizmo] is provided, it will try to get the corresponding variant (selected and/or editable). @@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ - Get whether a handle is highlighted or not. Called for this plugin's active gizmos. + Gets whether a handle is highlighted or not. Called for this plugin's active gizmos. diff --git a/doc/classes/Engine.xml b/doc/classes/Engine.xml index d446363a83e..265396e7cfe 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Engine.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Engine.xml @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Access to basic engine properties. - The [Engine] class allows you to query and modify the game's run-time parameters, such as frames per second, time scale, and others. + The [Engine] class allows you to query and modify the project's run-time parameters, such as frames per second, time scale, and others. @@ -14,10 +14,10 @@ Returns engine author information in a Dictionary. - "lead_developers" - Array of Strings, lead developer names - "founders" - Array of Strings, founder names - "project_managers" - Array of Strings, project manager names - "developers" - Array of Strings, developer names + [code]lead_developers[/code] - Array of Strings, lead developer names + [code]founders[/code] - Array of Strings, founder names + [code]project_managers[/code] - Array of Strings, project manager names + [code]developers[/code] - Array of Strings, developer names @@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ Returns an Array of copyright information Dictionaries. - "name" - String, component name - "parts" - Array of Dictionaries {"files", "copyright", "license"} describing subsections of the component + [code]name[/code] - String, component name + [code]parts[/code] - Array of Dictionaries {[code]files[/code], [code]copyright[/code], [code]license[/code]} describing subsections of the component @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ Returns a Dictionary of Arrays of donor names. - {"platinum_sponsors", "gold_sponsors", "mini_sponsors", "gold_donors", "silver_donors", "bronze_donors"} + {[code]platinum_sponsors[/code], [code]gold_sponsors[/code], [code]mini_sponsors[/code], [code]gold_donors[/code], [code]silver_donors[/code], [code]bronze_donors[/code]} @@ -88,18 +88,18 @@ [code]major[/code] - Holds the major version number as an int [code]minor[/code] - Holds the minor version number as an int [code]patch[/code] - Holds the patch version number as an int - [code]hex[/code] - Holds the full version number encoded as an hexadecimal int with one byte (2 places) per number (see example below) + [code]hex[/code] - Holds the full version number encoded as a hexadecimal int with one byte (2 places) per number (see example below) [code]status[/code] - Holds the status (e.g. "beta", "rc1", "rc2", ... "stable") as a String [code]build[/code] - Holds the build name (e.g. "custom_build") as a String [code]hash[/code] - Holds the full Git commit hash as a String [code]year[/code] - Holds the year the version was released in as an int [code]string[/code] - [code]major[/code] + [code]minor[/code] + [code]patch[/code] + [code]status[/code] + [code]build[/code] in a single String - The [code]hex[/code] value is encoded as follows, from left to right: one byte for the major, one byte for the minor, one byte for the patch version. For example, "3.1.12" would be [code]0x03010C[/code]. Note that it's still an int internally, and printing it will give you its decimal representation, which is not particularly meaningful. Use hexadecimal literals for easy version comparisons from code: + The [code]hex[/code] value is encoded as follows, from left to right: one byte for the major, one byte for the minor, one byte for the patch version. For example, "3.1.12" would be [code]0x03010C[/code]. [b]Note:[/b] It's still an int internally, and printing it will give you its decimal representation, which is not particularly meaningful. Use hexadecimal literals for easy version comparisons from code: [codeblock] if Engine.get_version_info().hex >= 0x030200: - # do things specific to version 3.2 or later + # Do things specific to version 3.2 or later else: - # do things specific to versions before 3.2 + # Do things specific to versions before 3.2 [/codeblock] diff --git a/doc/classes/Environment.xml b/doc/classes/Environment.xml index 72993103e83..7158c132e61 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Environment.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Environment.xml @@ -5,10 +5,9 @@ Resource for environment nodes (like [WorldEnvironment]) that define multiple environment operations (such as background [Sky] or [Color], ambient light, fog, depth-of-field...). These parameters affect the final render of the scene. The order of these operations is: - - DOF Blur - - Motion Blur - - Bloom - - Tonemap (auto exposure) + - Depth of Field Blur + - Glow + - Tonemap (Auto Exposure) - Adjustments @@ -282,7 +281,7 @@ Screen glow blending mode. Increases brightness, used frequently with bloom. - Softlight glow blending mode. Modifies contrast, exposes shadows and highlights, vivid bloom. + Soft light glow blending mode. Modifies contrast, exposes shadows and highlights, vivid bloom. Replace glow blending mode. Replaces all pixels' color by the glow value. @@ -291,7 +290,7 @@ Linear tonemapper operator. Reads the linear data and performs an exposure adjustment. - Reinhardt tonemapper operator. Performs a variation on rendered pixels' colors by this formula: color = color / (1 + color). + Reinhardt tonemapper operator. Performs a variation on rendered pixels' colors by this formula: [code]color = color / (1 + color)[/code]. Filmic tonemapper operator. diff --git a/doc/classes/File.xml b/doc/classes/File.xml index 42fee8df17c..fb462d001d3 100644 --- a/doc/classes/File.xml +++ b/doc/classes/File.xml @@ -36,7 +36,8 @@ - Returns [code]true[/code] if the file cursor has read past the end of the file. Note that this function will still return [code]false[/code] while at the end of the file and only activates when reading past it. This can be confusing but it conforms to how low level file access works in all operating systems. There is always [method get_len] and [method get_position] to implement a custom logic. + Returns [code]true[/code] if the file cursor has read past the end of the file. + [b]Note:[/b] This function will still return [code]false[/code] while at the end of the file and only activates when reading past it. This can be confusing but it conforms to how low-level file access works in all operating systems. There is always [method get_len] and [method get_position] to implement a custom logic. @@ -46,7 +47,7 @@ Returns [code]true[/code] if the file exists in the given path. - Note that many resources types are imported (e.g. textures or sound files), and that their source asset will not be included in the exported game, as only the imported version is used (in the [code]res://.import[/code] folder). To check for the existence of such resources while taking into account the remapping to their imported location, use [method ResourceLoader.exists]. Typically, using [code]File.file_exists[/code] on an imported resource would work while you are developing in the editor (the source asset is present in [code]res://[/code], but fail when exported). + [b]Note:[/b] Many resources types are imported (e.g. textures or sound files), and that their source asset will not be included in the exported game, as only the imported version is used (in the [code]res://.import[/code] folder). To check for the existence of such resources while taking into account the remapping to their imported location, use [method ResourceLoader.exists]. Typically, using [code]File.file_exists[/code] on an imported resource would work while you are developing in the editor (the source asset is present in [code]res://[/code], but fail when exported). @@ -100,7 +101,7 @@ - Returns the next value of the file in CSV (Comma Separated Values) format. You can pass a different delimiter to use other than the default "," (comma), it should be one character long. + Returns the next value of the file in CSV (Comma-Separated Values) format. You can pass a different delimiter [code]delim[/code] to use other than the default [code]","[/code] (comma). This delimiter must be one-character long. Text is interpreted as being UTF-8 encoded. @@ -108,7 +109,7 @@ - Returns the next 64 bits from the file as a floating point number. + Returns the next 64 bits from the file as a floating-point number. @@ -122,7 +123,7 @@ - Returns the next 32 bits from the file as a floating point number. + Returns the next 32 bits from the file as a floating-point number. @@ -191,7 +192,7 @@ - Returns the next bits from the file as a floating point number. + Returns the next bits from the file as a floating-point number. @@ -209,8 +210,8 @@ - Returns the next [Variant] value from the file. When [code]allow_objects[/code] is [code]true[/code] decoding objects is allowed. - [b]WARNING:[/b] Deserialized object can contain code which gets executed. Do not use this option if the serialized object comes from untrusted sources to avoid potential security threats (remote code execution). + Returns the next [Variant] value from the file. If [code]allow_objects[/code] is [code]true[/code], decoding objects is allowed. + [b]Warning:[/b] Deserialized objects can contain code which gets executed. Do not use this option if the serialized object comes from untrusted sources to avoid potential security threats such as remote code execution. @@ -241,7 +242,7 @@ - Opens a compressed file for reading or writing. Use [enum CompressionMode] constants to set [code]compression_mode[/code]. + Opens a compressed file for reading or writing. @@ -276,7 +277,7 @@ - Change the file reading/writing cursor to the specified position (in bytes from the beginning of the file). + Changes the file reading/writing cursor to the specified position (in bytes from the beginning of the file). @@ -285,7 +286,8 @@ - Changes the file reading/writing cursor to the specified position (in bytes from the end of the file). Note that this is an offset, so you should use negative numbers or the cursor will be at the end of the file. + Changes the file reading/writing cursor to the specified position (in bytes from the end of the file). + [b]Note:[/b] This is an offset, so you should use negative numbers or the cursor will be at the end of the file. @@ -341,7 +343,7 @@ - Store the given [PoolStringArray] in the file as a line formatted in the CSV (Comma Separated Values) format. You can pass a different delimiter to use other than the default "," (comma), it should be one character long. + Store the given [PoolStringArray] in the file as a line formatted in the CSV (Comma-Separated Values) format. You can pass a different delimiter [code]delim[/code] to use other than the default [code]","[/code] (comma). This delimiter must be one-character long. Text will be encoded as UTF-8. @@ -351,7 +353,7 @@ - Stores a floating point number as 64 bits in the file. + Stores a floating-point number as 64 bits in the file. @@ -360,7 +362,7 @@ - Stores a floating point number as 32 bits in the file. + Stores a floating-point number as 32 bits in the file. @@ -389,7 +391,7 @@ - Stores a floating point number in the file. + Stores a floating-point number in the file. @@ -410,14 +412,14 @@ - Stores any Variant value in the file. When [code]full_objects[/code] is [code]true[/code] encoding objects is allowed (and can potentially include code). + Stores any Variant value in the file. If [code]full_objects[/code] is [code]true[/code], encoding objects is allowed (and can potentially include code). - If [code]true[/code], the file's endianness is swapped. Use this if you're dealing with files written in big endian machines. - Note that this is about the file format, not CPU type. This is always reset to [code]false[/code] whenever you open the file. + If [code]true[/code], the file's endianness is swapped. Use this if you're dealing with files written on big-endian machines. + [b]Note:[/b] This is about the file format, not CPU type. This is always reset to [code]false[/code] whenever you open the file. @@ -434,16 +436,16 @@ Opens the file for read and write operations. Create it if the file does not exist and truncate if it exists. - Uses the FastLZ compression method. + Uses the [url=http://fastlz.org/]FastLZ[/url] compression method. - Uses the Deflate compression method. + Uses the [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DEFLATE]DEFLATE[/url] compression method. - Uses the Zstd compression method. + Uses the [url=https://facebook.github.io/zstd/]Zstandard[/url] compression method. - Uses the gzip compression method. + Uses the [url=https://www.gzip.org/]gzip[/url] compression method. diff --git a/doc/classes/FileDialog.xml b/doc/classes/FileDialog.xml index f8df356da2e..bc64f844f65 100644 --- a/doc/classes/FileDialog.xml +++ b/doc/classes/FileDialog.xml @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ - Add a custom filter. Example: [code]add_filter("*.png ; PNG Images")[/code] + Adds [code]filter[/code] as a custom filter; [code]filter[/code] should be of the form [code]"filename.extension ; Description"[/code]. For example, [code]"*.png ; PNG Images"[/code]. @@ -68,10 +68,10 @@ The currently selected file path of the file dialog. - Set file type filters. This example shows only .png and .gd files [code]set_filters(PoolStringArray(["*.png ; PNG Images","*.gd ; GD Script"]))[/code]. + The available file type filters. For example, this shows only [code].png[/code] and [code].gd[/code] files: [code]set_filters(PoolStringArray(["*.png ; PNG Images","*.gd ; GDScript Files"]))[/code]. - Set dialog to open or save mode, changes selection behavior. See enum [code]Mode[/code] constants. + The dialog's open or save mode, which affects the selection behavior. See enum [code]Mode[/code] constants. If [code]true[/code], changing the [code]Mode[/code] property will set the window title accordingly (e.g. setting mode to [constant MODE_OPEN_FILE] will change the window title to "Open a File"). @@ -85,48 +85,48 @@ - Event emitted when the user selects a directory. + Emitted when the user selects a directory. - Event emitted when the user selects a file (double clicks it or presses the OK button). + Emitted when the user selects a file by double-clicking it or pressing the [b]OK[/b] button. - Event emitted when the user selects multiple files. + Emitted when the user selects multiple files. - The dialog allows the selection of one, and only one file. + The dialog allows selecting one, and only one file. - The dialog allows the selection of multiple files. + The dialog allows selecting multiple files. - The dialog functions as a folder selector, disallowing the selection of any file. + The dialog only allows selecting a directory, disallowing the selection of any file. - The dialog allows the selection of a file or a directory. + The dialog allows selecting one file or directory. The dialog will warn when a file exists. - The dialog allows the selection of file and directory. + The dialog only allows accessing files under the [Resource] path ([code]res://[/code]). - The dialog allows access files under [Resource] path(res://) . + The dialog only allows accessing files under user data path ([code]user://[/code]). - The dialog allows access files in whole file system. + The dialog allows accessing files on the whole file system. diff --git a/doc/classes/Font.xml b/doc/classes/Font.xml index d65dad9fe14..6ec1545bc76 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Font.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Font.xml @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Internationalized font and text drawing support. - Font contains a unicode compatible character set, as well as the ability to draw it with variable width, ascent, descent and kerning. For creating fonts from TTF files (or other font formats), see the editor support for fonts. + Font contains a Unicode-compatible character set, as well as the ability to draw it with variable width, ascent, descent and kerning. For creating fonts from TTF files (or other font formats), see the editor support for fonts. @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ - Draw "string" into a canvas item using the font at a given position, with "modulate" color, and optionally clipping the width. "position" specifies the baseline, not the top. To draw from the top, [i]ascent[/i] must be added to the Y axis. + Draw [code]string[/code] into a canvas item using the font at a given position, with [code]modulate[/code] color, and optionally clipping the width. [code]position[/code] specifies the baseline, not the top. To draw from the top, [i]ascent[/i] must be added to the Y axis. @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ - Draw character "char" into a canvas item using the font at a given position, with "modulate" color, and optionally kerning if "next" is passed. clipping the width. "position" specifies the baseline, not the top. To draw from the top, [i]ascent[/i] must be added to the Y axis. The width used by the character is returned, making this function useful for drawing strings character by character. + Draw character [code]char[/code] into a canvas item using the font at a given position, with [code]modulate[/code] color, and optionally kerning if [code]next[/code] is passed. clipping the width. [code]position[/code] specifies the baseline, not the top. To draw from the top, [i]ascent[/i] must be added to the Y axis. The width used by the character is returned, making this function useful for drawing strings character by character. diff --git a/doc/classes/Generic6DOFJoint.xml b/doc/classes/Generic6DOFJoint.xml index 52888e95876..8d2f1285a95 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Generic6DOFJoint.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Generic6DOFJoint.xml @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ - The generic 6 degrees of freedom joint can implement a variety of joint-types by locking certain axes' rotation or translation. + The generic 6-degrees-of-freedom joint can implement a variety of joint types by locking certain axes' rotation or translation. The first 3 DOF axes are linear axes, which represent translation of Bodies, and the latter 3 DOF axes represent the angular motion. Each axis can be either locked, or limited. @@ -12,104 +12,104 @@ - The amount of rotational damping across the x-axis. + The amount of rotational damping across the X axis. The lower, the longer an impulse from one side takes to travel to the other side. - If [code]true[/code], rotation across the x-axis is limited. + If [code]true[/code], rotation across the X axis is limited. - When rotating across x-axis, this error tolerance factor defines how much the correction gets slowed down. The lower, the slower. + When rotating across the X axis, this error tolerance factor defines how much the correction gets slowed down. The lower, the slower. - The maximum amount of force that can occur, when rotating around x-axis. + The maximum amount of force that can occur, when rotating around the X axis. - The minimum rotation in negative direction to break loose and rotate around the x-axis. + The minimum rotation in negative direction to break loose and rotate around the X axis. - The amount of rotational restitution across the x-axis. The lower, the more restitution occurs. + The amount of rotational restitution across the X axis. The lower, the more restitution occurs. - The speed of all rotations across the x-axis. + The speed of all rotations across the X axis. - The minimum rotation in positive direction to break loose and rotate around the x-axis. + The minimum rotation in positive direction to break loose and rotate around the X axis. - The amount of rotational damping across the y-axis. The lower, the more dampening occurs. + The amount of rotational damping across the Y axis. The lower, the more dampening occurs. - If [code]true[/code], rotation across the y-axis is limited. + If [code]true[/code], rotation across the Y axis is limited. - When rotating across y-axis, this error tolerance factor defines how much the correction gets slowed down. The lower, the slower. + When rotating across the Y axis, this error tolerance factor defines how much the correction gets slowed down. The lower, the slower. - The maximum amount of force that can occur, when rotating around y-axis. + The maximum amount of force that can occur, when rotating around the Y axis. - The minimum rotation in negative direction to break loose and rotate around the y-axis. + The minimum rotation in negative direction to break loose and rotate around the Y axis. - The amount of rotational restitution across the y-axis. The lower, the more restitution occurs. + The amount of rotational restitution across the Y axis. The lower, the more restitution occurs. - The speed of all rotations across the y-axis. + The speed of all rotations across the Y axis. - The minimum rotation in positive direction to break loose and rotate around the y-axis. + The minimum rotation in positive direction to break loose and rotate around the Y axis. - The amount of rotational damping across the z-axis. The lower, the more dampening occurs. + The amount of rotational damping across the Z axis. The lower, the more dampening occurs. - If [code]true[/code], rotation across the z-axis is limited. + If [code]true[/code], rotation across the Z axis is limited. - When rotating across z-axis, this error tolerance factor defines how much the correction gets slowed down. The lower, the slower. + When rotating across the Z axis, this error tolerance factor defines how much the correction gets slowed down. The lower, the slower. - The maximum amount of force that can occur, when rotating around z-axis. + The maximum amount of force that can occur, when rotating around the Z axis. - The minimum rotation in negative direction to break loose and rotate around the z-axis. + The minimum rotation in negative direction to break loose and rotate around the Z axis. - The amount of rotational restitution across the z-axis. The lower, the more restitution occurs. + The amount of rotational restitution across the Z axis. The lower, the more restitution occurs. - The speed of all rotations across the z-axis. + The speed of all rotations across the Z axis. - The minimum rotation in positive direction to break loose and rotate around the z-axis. + The minimum rotation in positive direction to break loose and rotate around the Z axis. - If [code]true[/code], a rotating motor at the x-axis is enabled. + If [code]true[/code], a rotating motor at the X axis is enabled. - Maximum acceleration for the motor at the x-axis. + Maximum acceleration for the motor at the X axis. - Target speed for the motor at the x-axis. + Target speed for the motor at the X axis. - If [code]true[/code], a rotating motor at the y-axis is enabled. + If [code]true[/code], a rotating motor at the Y axis is enabled. - Maximum acceleration for the motor at the y-axis. + Maximum acceleration for the motor at the Y axis. - Target speed for the motor at the y-axis. + Target speed for the motor at the Y axis. - If [code]true[/code], a rotating motor at the z-axis is enabled. + If [code]true[/code], a rotating motor at the Z axis is enabled. - Maximum acceleration for the motor at the z-axis. + Maximum acceleration for the motor at the Z axis. - Target speed for the motor at the z-axis. + Target speed for the motor at the Z axis. @@ -136,85 +136,85 @@ - The amount of damping that happens at the x-motion. + The amount of damping that happens at the X motion. - If [code]true[/code], the linear motion across the x-axis is limited. + If [code]true[/code], the linear motion across the X axis is limited. - The minimum difference between the pivot points' x-axis. + The minimum difference between the pivot points' X axis. - The amount of restitution on the x-axis movement The lower, the more momentum gets lost. + The amount of restitution on the X axis movement. The lower, the more momentum gets lost. - A factor applied to the movement across the x-axis The lower, the slower the movement. + A factor applied to the movement across the X axis. The lower, the slower the movement. - The maximum difference between the pivot points' x-axis. + The maximum difference between the pivot points' X axis. - The amount of damping that happens at the y-motion. + The amount of damping that happens at the Y motion. - If [code]true[/code], the linear motion across the y-axis is limited. + If [code]true[/code], the linear motion across the Y axis is limited. - The minimum difference between the pivot points' y-axis. + The minimum difference between the pivot points' Y axis. - The amount of restitution on the y-axis movement The lower, the more momentum gets lost. + The amount of restitution on the Y axis movement. The lower, the more momentum gets lost. - A factor applied to the movement across the y-axis The lower, the slower the movement. + A factor applied to the movement across the Y axis. The lower, the slower the movement. - The maximum difference between the pivot points' y-axis. + The maximum difference between the pivot points' Y axis. - The amount of damping that happens at the z-motion. + The amount of damping that happens at the Z motion. - If [code]true[/code], the linear motion across the z-axis is limited. + If [code]true[/code], the linear motion across the Z axis is limited. - The minimum difference between the pivot points' z-axis. + The minimum difference between the pivot points' Z axis. - The amount of restitution on the z-axis movement The lower, the more momentum gets lost. + The amount of restitution on the Z axis movement. The lower, the more momentum gets lost. - A factor applied to the movement across the z-axis The lower, the slower the movement. + A factor applied to the movement across the Z axis. The lower, the slower the movement. - The maximum difference between the pivot points' z-axis. + The maximum difference between the pivot points' Z axis. - If [code]true[/code], then there is a linear motor on the x-axis. It will attempt to reach the target velocity while staying within the force limits. + If [code]true[/code], then there is a linear motor on the X axis. It will attempt to reach the target velocity while staying within the force limits. - The maximum force the linear motor can apply on the x-axis while trying to reach the target velocity. + The maximum force the linear motor can apply on the X axis while trying to reach the target velocity. - The speed that the linear motor will attempt to reach on the x-axis. + The speed that the linear motor will attempt to reach on the X axis. - If [code]true[/code], then there is a linear motor on the y-axis. It will attempt to reach the target velocity while staying within the force limits. + If [code]true[/code], then there is a linear motor on the Y axis. It will attempt to reach the target velocity while staying within the force limits. - The maximum force the linear motor can apply on the y-axis while trying to reach the target velocity. + The maximum force the linear motor can apply on the Y axis while trying to reach the target velocity. - The speed that the linear motor will attempt to reach on the y-axis. + The speed that the linear motor will attempt to reach on the Y axis. - If [code]true[/code], then there is a linear motor on the z-axis. It will attempt to reach the target velocity while staying within the force limits. + If [code]true[/code], then there is a linear motor on the Z axis. It will attempt to reach the target velocity while staying within the force limits. - The maximum force the linear motor can apply on the z-axis while trying to reach the target velocity. + The maximum force the linear motor can apply on the Z axis while trying to reach the target velocity. - The speed that the linear motor will attempt to reach on the z-axis. + The speed that the linear motor will attempt to reach on the Z axis. @@ -251,10 +251,10 @@ The maximum difference between the pivot points' axes. - A factor applied to the movement across the axes The lower, the slower the movement. + A factor applied to the movement across the axes. The lower, the slower the movement. - The amount of restitution on the axes movement The lower, the more momentum gets lost. + The amount of restitution on the axes' movement. The lower, the more momentum gets lost. The amount of damping that happens at the linear motion across the axes. @@ -296,19 +296,20 @@ Represents the size of the [enum Param] enum. - If [code]set[/code] there is linear motion possible within the given limits. + If enabled, linear motion is possible within the given limits. - If [code]set[/code] there is rotational motion possible. + If enabled, rotational motion is possible within the given limits. - If [code]set[/code] there is a rotational motor across these axes. + If enabled, there is a rotational motor across these axes. + If enabled, there is a linear motor across these axes. Represents the size of the [enum Flag] enum. diff --git a/doc/classes/Geometry.xml b/doc/classes/Geometry.xml index 002b224d6f5..3cbbe6da569 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Geometry.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Geometry.xml @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ Clips [code]polygon_a[/code] against [code]polygon_b[/code] and returns an array of clipped polygons. This performs [constant OPERATION_DIFFERENCE] between polygons. Returns an empty array if [code]polygon_b[/code] completely overlaps [code]polygon_a[/code]. - If [code]polygon_b[/code] is enclosed by [code]polygon_a[/code], returns an outer polygon (boundary) and inner polygon (hole) which could be distinguished by calling [method is_polygon_clockwise]. + If [code]polygon_b[/code] is enclosed by [code]polygon_a[/code], returns an outer polygon (boundary) and inner polygon (hole) which could be distiguished by calling [method is_polygon_clockwise]. @@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ - Given an array of [Vector2]s, returns the convex hull as a list of points in counter-clockwise order. The last point is the same as the first one. + Given an array of [Vector2]s, returns the convex hull as a list of points in counterclockwise order. The last point is the same as the first one. @@ -99,8 +99,8 @@ - Mutually excludes common area defined by intersection of [code]polygon_a[/code] and [code]polygon_b[/code] (see [method intersect_polygons_2d]) and returns an array of excluded polygons. This performs [constant OPERATION_XOR] between polygons. In other words, returns all but common area between polygons. - The operation may result in an outer polygon (boundary) and inner polygon (hole) produced which could be distinguished by calling [method is_polygon_clockwise]. + Mutually excludes common area defined by intersection of [code]polygon_a[/code] and [code]polygon_b[/code] (see [method intersect_polygons_2d]) and returns an array of excluded polygons. This performs [constant OPERATION_XOR] between polygons. In other words, returns all but common area between polygons. + The operation may result in an outer polygon (boundary) and inner polygon (hole) produced which could be distiguished by calling [method is_polygon_clockwise]. @@ -248,7 +248,8 @@ - Checks if the two lines ([code]from_a[/code], [code]dir_a[/code]) and ([code]from_b[/code], [code]dir_b[/code]) intersect. If yes, return the point of intersection as [Vector2]. If no intersection takes place, returns an empty [Variant]. Note that the lines are specified using direction vectors, not end points. + Checks if the two lines ([code]from_a[/code], [code]dir_a[/code]) and ([code]from_b[/code], [code]dir_b[/code]) intersect. If yes, return the point of intersection as [Vector2]. If no intersection takes place, returns an empty [Variant]. + [b]Note:[/b] The lines are specified using direction vectors, not end points. @@ -435,8 +436,8 @@ - Transforms an array of points by [code]transform[/code] and returns the result. - Can be useful in conjuction with performing polygon boolean operations in CSG manner, see [method merge_polygons_2d], [method clip_polygons_2d], [method intersect_polygons_2d], [method exclude_polygons_2d]. + Transforms an array of points by [code]transform[/code] and returns the result. + Can be useful in conjunction with performing polygon boolean operations in a CSG-like manner, see [method merge_polygons_2d], [method clip_polygons_2d], [method intersect_polygons_2d], [method exclude_polygons_2d]. @@ -478,7 +479,7 @@ While flattened paths can never perfectly trace an arc, they are approximated by a series of arc chords. - There's a necessary limit to mitered joins since offsetting edges that join at very acute angles will produce excessively long and narrow 'spikes'. For any given edge join, when miter offsetting would exceed that maximum distance, 'square' joining is applied. + There's a necessary limit to mitered joins since offsetting edges that join at very acute angles will produce excessively long and narrow "spikes". For any given edge join, when miter offsetting would exceed that maximum distance, "square" joining is applied. Endpoints are joined using the [enum PolyJoinType] value and the path filled as a polygon. diff --git a/doc/classes/GeometryInstance.xml b/doc/classes/GeometryInstance.xml index 22135a048e7..d3e3dfce929 100644 --- a/doc/classes/GeometryInstance.xml +++ b/doc/classes/GeometryInstance.xml @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ - Base node for geometry based visual instances. + Base node for geometry-based visual instances. - Base node for geometry based visual instances. Shares some common functionality like visibility and custom materials. + Base node for geometry-based visual instances. Shares some common functionality like visibility and custom materials. diff --git a/doc/classes/Gradient.xml b/doc/classes/Gradient.xml index d80fed204ee..62c23d1974a 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Gradient.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Gradient.xml @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ - Color interpolator node. + A color interpolator resource which can be used to generate colors between user-defined color points. - Given a set of colors, this node will interpolate them in order, meaning, that if you have color 1, color 2 and color 3, the ramp will interpolate (generate the colors between two colors) from color 1 to color 2 and from color 2 to color 3. Initially the ramp will have 2 colors (black and white), one (black) at ramp lower offset 0 and the other (white) at the ramp higher offset 1. + Given a set of colors, this resource will interpolate them in order. This means that if you have color 1, color 2 and color 3, the ramp will interpolate from color 1 to color 2 and from color 2 to color 3. The ramp will initially have 2 colors (black and white), one (black) at ramp lower offset 0 and the other (white) at the ramp higher offset 1. @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ - Adds the specified color to the end of the ramp, with the specified offset + Adds the specified color to the end of the ramp, with the specified offset. @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ - Returns the color of the ramp color at index [i]point[/i] + Returns the color of the ramp color at index [code]point[/code]. @@ -35,14 +35,14 @@ - Returns the offset of the ramp color at index [i]point[/i] + Returns the offset of the ramp color at index [code]point[/code]. - Returns the number of colors in the ramp + Returns the number of colors in the ramp. @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ - Returns the interpolated color specified by [i]offset[/i] + Returns the interpolated color specified by [code]offset[/code]. @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ - Removes the color at the index [i]offset[/i] + Removes the color at the index [code]offset[/code]. @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ - Sets the color of the ramp color at index [i]point[/i] + Sets the color of the ramp color at index [code]point[/code]. @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ - Sets the offset for the ramp color at index [i]point[/i] + Sets the offset for the ramp color at index [code]point[/code]. diff --git a/doc/classes/GradientTexture.xml b/doc/classes/GradientTexture.xml index fc952346ad2..a191af3a8d7 100644 --- a/doc/classes/GradientTexture.xml +++ b/doc/classes/GradientTexture.xml @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ - Gradient filled texture. + Gradient-filled texture. - Uses a [Gradient] to fill the texture data, the gradient will be filled from left to right using colors obtained from the gradient, this means that the texture does not necessarily represent an exact copy of the gradient, but instead an interpolation of samples obtained from the gradient at fixed steps (see [member width]). + GradientTexture uses a [Gradient] to fill the texture data. The gradient will be filled from left to right using colors obtained from the gradient. This means the texture does not necessarily represent an exact copy of the gradient, but instead an interpolation of samples obtained from the gradient at fixed steps (see [member width]). diff --git a/doc/classes/GraphEdit.xml b/doc/classes/GraphEdit.xml index 034a64a3fa7..b39b8e9f48e 100644 --- a/doc/classes/GraphEdit.xml +++ b/doc/classes/GraphEdit.xml @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ GraphEdit is an area capable of showing various GraphNodes. It manages connection events between them. - GraphEdit manages the showing of GraphNodes it contains, as well as connections and disconnections between them. Signals are sent for each of these two events. Disconnection between GraphNodes slots is disabled by default. - It is greatly advised to enable low processor usage mode (see [member OS.low_processor_usage_mode]) when using GraphEdits. + GraphEdit manages the showing of GraphNodes it contains, as well as connections and disconnections between them. Signals are sent for each of these two events. Disconnection between GraphNode slots is disabled by default. + It is greatly advised to enable low-processor usage mode (see [member OS.low_processor_usage_mode]) when using GraphEdits. @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ - Remove all connections between nodes. + Removes all connections between nodes. @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ - Create a connection between 'from_port' slot of 'from' GraphNode and 'to_port' slot of 'to' GraphNode. If the connection already exists, no connection is created. + Create a connection between the [code]from_port[/code] slot of the [code]from[/code] GraphNode and the [code]to_port[/code] slot of the [code]to[/code] GraphNode. If the connection already exists, no connection is created. @@ -73,14 +73,14 @@ - Remove the connection between 'from_port' slot of 'from' GraphNode and 'to_port' slot of 'to' GraphNode, if connection exists. + Removes the connection between the [code]from_port[/code] slot of the [code]from[/code] GraphNode and the [code]to_port[/code] slot of the [code]to[/code] GraphNode. If the connection does not exist, no connection is removed. - Returns an Array containing the list of connections. A connection consists in a structure of the form {from_port: 0, from: "GraphNode name 0", to_port: 1, to: "GraphNode name 1" } + Returns an Array containing the list of connections. A connection consists in a structure of the form [code]{ from_port: 0, from: "GraphNode name 0", to_port: 1, to: "GraphNode name 1" }[/code]. @@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ - Returns [code]true[/code] if the 'from_port' slot of 'from' GraphNode is connected to the 'to_port' slot of 'to' GraphNode. + Returns [code]true[/code] if the [code]from_port[/code] slot of the [code]from[/code] GraphNode is connected to the [code]to_port[/code] slot of the [code]to[/code] GraphNode. @@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ - Signal sent to the GraphEdit when the connection between 'from_slot' slot of 'from' GraphNode and 'to_slot' slot of 'to' GraphNode is attempted to be created. + Signal sent to the GraphEdit when the connection between the [code]from_slot[/code] slot of the [code]from[/code] GraphNode and the [code]to_slot[/code] slot of the [code]to[/code] GraphNode is attempted to be created. @@ -248,12 +248,12 @@ - Signal sent to the GraphEdit when the connection between 'from_slot' slot of 'from' GraphNode and 'to_slot' slot of 'to' GraphNode is attempted to be removed. + Emitted to the GraphEdit when the connection between [code]from_slot[/code] slot of [code]from[/code] GraphNode and [code]to_slot[/code] slot of [code]to[/code] GraphNode is attempted to be removed. - Signal sent when a GraphNode is attempted to be duplicated in the GraphEdit. + Emitted when a GraphNode is attempted to be duplicated in the GraphEdit. @@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ - Signal sent when a popup is requested. Happens on right-clicking in the GraphEdit. 'p_position' is the position of the mouse pointer when the signal is sent. + Emitted when a popup is requested. Happens on right-clicking in the GraphEdit. [code]position[/code] is the position of the mouse pointer when the signal is sent. diff --git a/doc/classes/GraphNode.xml b/doc/classes/GraphNode.xml index a19676798b0..e72b617bae4 100644 --- a/doc/classes/GraphNode.xml +++ b/doc/classes/GraphNode.xml @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ A GraphNode is a container with several input and output slots allowing connections between GraphNodes. Slots can have different, incompatible types. - A GraphNode is a container defined by a title. It can have 1 or more input and output slots, which can be enabled (shown) or disabled (not shown) and have different (incompatible) types. Colors can also be assigned to slots. A tuple of input and output slots is defined for each GUI element included in the GraphNode. Input and output connections are left and right slots, but only enabled slots are counted as connections. + A GraphNode is a container defined by a title. It can have one or more input and output slots, which can be enabled (shown) or disabled (not shown) and have different (incompatible) types. Colors can also be assigned to slots. A tuple of input and output slots is defined for each GUI element included in the GraphNode. Input and output connections are left and right slots, but only enabled slots are counted as connections. @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ - Disable all input and output slots of the GraphNode. + Disables all input and output slots of the GraphNode. @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ - Disable input and output slot whose index is 'idx'. + Disables input and output slot whose index is [code]idx[/code]. @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ - Returns the color of the input connection 'idx'. + Returns the color of the input connection [code]idx[/code]. @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ - Returns the position of the input connection 'idx'. + Returns the position of the input connection [code]idx[/code]. @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ - Returns the type of the input connection 'idx'. + Returns the type of the input connection [code]idx[/code]. @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ - Returns the color of the output connection 'idx'. + Returns the color of the output connection [code]idx[/code]. @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ - Returns the position of the output connection 'idx'. + Returns the position of the output connection [code]idx[/code]. @@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ - Returns the type of the output connection 'idx'. + Returns the type of the output connection [code]idx[/code]. @@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ - Returns the color set to 'idx' left (input) slot. + Returns the color set to [code]idx[/code] left (input) slot. @@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ - Returns the color set to 'idx' right (output) slot. + Returns the color set to [code]idx[/code] right (output) slot. @@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ - Returns the (integer) type of left (input) 'idx' slot. + Returns the (integer) type of left (input) [code]idx[/code] slot. @@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ - Returns the (integer) type of right (output) 'idx' slot. + Returns the (integer) type of right (output) [code]idx[/code] slot. @@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ - Returns [code]true[/code] if left (input) slot 'idx' is enabled, [code]false[/code] otherwise. + Returns [code]true[/code] if left (input) slot [code]idx[/code] is enabled, [code]false[/code] otherwise. @@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ - Returns [code]true[/code] if right (output) slot 'idx' is enabled, [code]false[/code] otherwise. + Returns [code]true[/code] if right (output) slot [code]idx[/code] is enabled, [code]false[/code] otherwise. @@ -176,7 +176,8 @@ - The offset of the GraphNode, relative to the scroll offset of the [GraphEdit]. Note that you cannot use position directly, as [GraphEdit] is a [Container]. + The offset of the GraphNode, relative to the scroll offset of the [GraphEdit]. + [b]Note:[/b] You cannot use position directly, as [GraphEdit] is a [Container]. diff --git a/doc/classes/GridContainer.xml b/doc/classes/GridContainer.xml index 94d805e3f6c..ba6b55be21e 100644 --- a/doc/classes/GridContainer.xml +++ b/doc/classes/GridContainer.xml @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Grid container used to arrange elements in a grid like layout. - Grid container will arrange its children in a grid like structure, the grid columns are specified using the [member columns] property and the number of rows will be equal to the number of children in the container divided by the number of columns, for example: if the container has 5 children, and 2 columns, there will be 3 rows in the container. Notice that grid layout will preserve the columns and rows for every size of the container. + Grid container will arrange its children in a grid like structure, the grid columns are specified using the [member columns] property and the number of rows will be equal to the number of children in the container divided by the number of columns. For example, if the container has 5 children, and 2 columns, there will be 3 rows in the container. Notice that grid layout will preserve the columns and rows for every size of the container. diff --git a/doc/classes/GrooveJoint2D.xml b/doc/classes/GrooveJoint2D.xml index dd758d0bd3c..295338682e6 100644 --- a/doc/classes/GrooveJoint2D.xml +++ b/doc/classes/GrooveJoint2D.xml @@ -12,10 +12,10 @@ - The body B's initial anchor position defined by the joint's origin and a local offset [member initial_offset] along the joint's y axis (along the groove). Default value: [code]25[/code] + The body B's initial anchor position defined by the joint's origin and a local offset [member initial_offset] along the joint's Y axis (along the groove). Default value: [code]25[/code]. - The groove's length. The groove is from the joint's origin towards [member length] along the joint's local y axis. Default value: [code]50[/code] + The groove's length. The groove is from the joint's origin towards [member length] along the joint's local Y axis. Default value: [code]50[/code]. diff --git a/doc/classes/HSeparator.xml b/doc/classes/HSeparator.xml index c2c22d3bcd0..ad607292a1b 100644 --- a/doc/classes/HSeparator.xml +++ b/doc/classes/HSeparator.xml @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Horizontal separator. - Horizontal separator. See [Separator]. It is used to separate objects vertically, though (but it looks horizontal!). + Horizontal separator. See [Separator]. Even though it looks horizontal, it is used to separate objects vertically. diff --git a/doc/classes/HTTPClient.xml b/doc/classes/HTTPClient.xml index 325e6ca48e0..1c0f0e5440d 100644 --- a/doc/classes/HTTPClient.xml +++ b/doc/classes/HTTPClient.xml @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ Hyper-text transfer protocol client. - Hyper-text transfer protocol client (sometimes called "User Agent"). Used to make HTTP requests to download web content, upload files and other data or to communicate with various services, among other use cases. - Note that this client only needs to connect to a host once (see [method connect_to_host]) to send multiple requests. Because of this, methods that take URLs usually take just the part after the host instead of the full URL, as the client is already connected to a host. See [method request] for a full example and to get started. + Hyper-text transfer protocol client (sometimes called "User Agent"). Used to make HTTP requests to download web content, upload files and other data or to communicate with various services, among other use cases. See [HTTPRequest] for an higher-level alternative. + [b]Note:[/b] This client only needs to connect to a host once (see [method connect_to_host]) to send multiple requests. Because of this, methods that take URLs usually take just the part after the host instead of the full URL, as the client is already connected to a host. See [method request] for a full example and to get started. A [HTTPClient] should be reused between multiple requests or to connect to different hosts instead of creating one client per request. Supports SSL and SSL server certificate verification. HTTP status codes in the 2xx range indicate success, 3xx redirection (i.e. "try again, but over here"), 4xx something was wrong with the request, and 5xx something went wrong on the server's side. For more information on HTTP, see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP (or read RFC 2616 to get it straight from the source: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616). @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ - Connect to a host. This needs to be done before any requests are sent. + Connects to a host. This needs to be done before any requests are sent. The host should not have http:// prepended but will strip the protocol identifier if provided. If no [code]port[/code] is specified (or [code]-1[/code] is used), it is automatically set to 80 for HTTP and 443 for HTTPS (if [code]use_ssl[/code] is enabled). [code]verify_host[/code] will check the SSL identity of the host if set to [code]true[/code]. @@ -64,16 +64,21 @@ - Returns all response headers as dictionary where the case-sensitivity of the keys and values is kept like the server delivers it. A value is a simple String, this string can have more than one value where "; " is used as separator. - Structure: ("key":"value1; value2") - Example: (content-length:12), (Content-Type:application/json; charset=UTF-8) + Returns all response headers as a Dictionary of structure [code]{ "key": "value1; value2" }[/code] where the case-sensitivity of the keys and values is kept like the server delivers it. A value is a simple String, this string can have more than one value where "; " is used as separator. + [b]Example:[/b] + [codeblock] + { + "content-length": 12, + "Content-Type": "application/json; charset=UTF-8", + } + [/codeblock] - Returns a STATUS_* enum constant. Need to call [method poll] in order to get status updates. + Returns a [code]STATUS_*[/code] enum constant. Need to call [method poll] in order to get status updates. @@ -107,13 +112,13 @@ [codeblock] var fields = {"username": "user", "password": "pass"} String query_string = http_client.query_string_from_dict(fields) - # returns: "username=user&password=pass" + # Returns "username=user&password=pass" [/codeblock] - Furthermore, if a key has a null value, only the key itself is added, without equal sign and value. If the value is an array, for each value in it a pair with the same key is added. + Furthermore, if a key has a [code]null[/code] value, only the key itself is added, without equal sign and value. If the value is an array, for each value in it a pair with the same key is added. [codeblock] var fields = {"single": 123, "not_valued": null, "multiple": [22, 33, 44]} String query_string = http_client.query_string_from_dict(fields) - # returns: "single=123&not_valued&multiple=22&multiple=33&multiple=44" + # Returns "single=123&not_valued&multiple=22&multiple=33&multiple=44" [/codeblock] @@ -298,10 +303,10 @@ HTTP status code [code]304 Not Modified[/code]. A conditional GET or HEAD request has been received and would have resulted in a 200 OK response if it were not for the fact that the condition evaluated to [code]false[/code]. - HTTP status code [code]305 Use Proxy[/code]. Deprecated. Do not use. + HTTP status code [code]305 Use Proxy[/code]. [i]Deprecated. Do not use.[/i] - HTTP status code [code]306 Switch Proxy[/code]. Deprecated. Do not use. + HTTP status code [code]306 Switch Proxy[/code]. [i]Deprecated. Do not use.[/i] HTTP status code [code]307 Temporary Redirect[/code]. The target resource resides temporarily under a different URI and the user agent MUST NOT change the request method if it performs an automatic redirection to that URI. diff --git a/doc/classes/HTTPRequest.xml b/doc/classes/HTTPRequest.xml index 58833bd84b6..eed81e4a8c5 100644 --- a/doc/classes/HTTPRequest.xml +++ b/doc/classes/HTTPRequest.xml @@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ - This signal is emitted upon request completion. + Emitted when a request is completed. diff --git a/doc/classes/HingeJoint.xml b/doc/classes/HingeJoint.xml index 2fde885ee8b..0a4c4d6564a 100644 --- a/doc/classes/HingeJoint.xml +++ b/doc/classes/HingeJoint.xml @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ A hinge between two 3D bodies. - Normally uses the z-axis of body A as the hinge axis, another axis can be specified when adding it manually though. + A HingeJoint normally uses the Z axis of body A as the hinge axis, another axis can be specified when adding it manually though. @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ If [code]true[/code], the hinges maximum and minimum rotation, defined by [member angular_limit/lower] and [member angular_limit/upper] has effects. - The minimum rotation. only active if [member angular_limit/enable] is [code]true[/code]. + The minimum rotation. Only active if [member angular_limit/enable] is [code]true[/code]. The lower this value, the more the rotation gets slowed down. @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ - The maximum rotation. only active if [member angular_limit/enable] is [code]true[/code]. + The maximum rotation. Only active if [member angular_limit/enable] is [code]true[/code]. When activated, a motor turns the hinge. @@ -46,10 +46,10 @@ The speed with which the two bodies get pulled together when they move in different directions. - The maximum rotation. only active if [member angular_limit/enable] is [code]true[/code]. + The maximum rotation. Only active if [member angular_limit/enable] is [code]true[/code]. - The minimum rotation. only active if [member angular_limit/enable] is [code]true[/code]. + The minimum rotation. Only active if [member angular_limit/enable] is [code]true[/code]. The speed with which the rotation across the axis perpendicular to the hinge gets corrected. diff --git a/doc/classes/IP.xml b/doc/classes/IP.xml index 1d64ee10856..b8b5f0bd395 100644 --- a/doc/classes/IP.xml +++ b/doc/classes/IP.xml @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ - Internet protocol (IP) support functions like DNS resolution. + Internet protocol (IP) support functions such as DNS resolution. IP contains support functions for the Internet Protocol (IP). TCP/IP support is in different classes (see [StreamPeerTCP] and [TCP_Server]). IP provides DNS hostname resolution support, both blocking and threaded. @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ - Removes all of a "hostname"'s cached references. If no "hostname" is given then all cached IP addresses are removed. + Removes all of a [code]hostname[/code]'s cached references. If no [code]hostname[/code] is given, all cached IP addresses are removed. @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ - Removes a given item "id" from the queue. This should be used to free a queue after it has completed to enable more queries to happen. + Removes a given item [code]id[/code] from the queue. This should be used to free a queue after it has completed to enable more queries to happen. @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ - Returns a queued hostname's IP address, given its queue "id". Returns an empty string on error or if resolution hasn't happened yet (see [method get_resolve_item_status]). + Returns a queued hostname's IP address, given its queue [code]id[/code]. Returns an empty string on error or if resolution hasn't happened yet (see [method get_resolve_item_status]). @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ - Returns a queued hostname's status as a RESOLVER_STATUS_* constant, given its queue "id". + Returns a queued hostname's status as a [code]RESOLVER_STATUS_*[/code] constant, given its queue [code]id[/code]. @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ - Returns a given hostname's IPv4 or IPv6 address when resolved (blocking-type method). The address type returned depends on the TYPE_* constant given as "ip_type". + Returns a given hostname's IPv4 or IPv6 address when resolved (blocking-type method). The address type returned depends on the [code]TYPE_*[/code] constant given as [code]ip_type[/code]. @@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ - Creates a queue item to resolve a hostname to an IPv4 or IPv6 address depending on the TYPE_* constant given as "ip_type". Returns the queue ID if successful, or RESOLVER_INVALID_ID on error. + Creates a queue item to resolve a hostname to an IPv4 or IPv6 address depending on the [code]TYPE_*[/code] constant given as [code]ip_type[/code]. Returns the queue ID if successful, or [constant RESOLVER_INVALID_ID] on error. diff --git a/doc/classes/IP_Unix.xml b/doc/classes/IP_Unix.xml index 4e09bf5dc08..2a97c40ef89 100644 --- a/doc/classes/IP_Unix.xml +++ b/doc/classes/IP_Unix.xml @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ - Unix IP support. See [IP]. + UNIX IP support. See [IP]. - Unix-specific implementation of IP support functions. See [IP]. + UNIX-specific implementation of IP support functions. See [IP]. diff --git a/doc/classes/Image.xml b/doc/classes/Image.xml index f2b6ddc7e99..501210cb924 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Image.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Image.xml @@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ - Creates an empty image of given size and format. See [code]FORMAT_*[/code] constants. If [code]use_mipmaps[/code] is [code]true[/code] then generate mipmaps for this image. See the [code]generate_mipmaps[/code] method. + Creates an empty image of given size and format. See [code]FORMAT_*[/code] constants. If [code]use_mipmaps[/code] is [code]true[/code] then generate mipmaps for this image. See the [method generate_mipmaps]. @@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ - Creates a new image of given size and format. See [code]FORMAT_*[/code] constants. Fills the image with the given raw data. If [code]use_mipmaps[/code] is [code]true[/code] then generate mipmaps for this image. See the [code]generate_mipmaps[/code] method. + Creates a new image of given size and format. See [code]FORMAT_*[/code] constants. Fills the image with the given raw data. If [code]use_mipmaps[/code] is [code]true[/code] then generate mipmaps for this image. See the [method generate_mipmaps]. @@ -485,126 +485,141 @@ - OpenGL texture format RED with a single component and a bitdepth of 8. + OpenGL texture format [code]RED[/code] with a single component and a bitdepth of 8. - OpenGL texture format RG with two components and a bitdepth of 8 for each. + OpenGL texture format [code]RG[/code] with two components and a bitdepth of 8 for each. - OpenGL texture format RGB with three components, each with a bitdepth of 8. Note that when creating an [ImageTexture], an sRGB to linear color space conversion is performed. + OpenGL texture format [code]RGB[/code] with three components, each with a bitdepth of 8. + [b]Note:[/b] When creating an [ImageTexture], an sRGB to linear color space conversion is performed. - OpenGL texture format RGBA with four components, each with a bitdepth of 8. Note that when creating an [ImageTexture], an sRGB to linear color space conversion is performed. + OpenGL texture format [code]RGBA[/code] with four components, each with a bitdepth of 8. + [b]Note:[/b] When creating an [ImageTexture], an sRGB to linear color space conversion is performed. - OpenGL texture format RGBA with four components, each with a bitdepth of 4. + OpenGL texture format [code]RGBA[/code] with four components, each with a bitdepth of 4. - OpenGL texture format GL_RGB5_A1 where 5 bits of depth for each component of RGB and one bit for alpha. + OpenGL texture format [code]GL_RGB5_A1[/code] where 5 bits of depth for each component of RGB and one bit for alpha. - OpenGL texture format GL_R32F where there's one component, a 32-bit floating-point value. + OpenGL texture format [code]GL_R32F[/code] where there's one component, a 32-bit floating-point value. - OpenGL texture format GL_RG32F where there are two components, each a 32-bit floating-point values. + OpenGL texture format [code]GL_RG32F[/code] where there are two components, each a 32-bit floating-point values. - OpenGL texture format GL_RGB32F where there are three components, each a 32-bit floating-point values. + OpenGL texture format [code]GL_RGB32F[/code] where there are three components, each a 32-bit floating-point values. - OpenGL texture format GL_RGBA32F where there are four components, each a 32-bit floating-point values. + OpenGL texture format [code]GL_RGBA32F[/code] where there are four components, each a 32-bit floating-point values. - OpenGL texture format GL_R32F where there's one component, a 16-bit "half-precision" floating-point value. + OpenGL texture format [code]GL_R32F[/code] where there's one component, a 16-bit "half-precision" floating-point value. - OpenGL texture format GL_RG32F where there's two components, each a 16-bit "half-precision" floating-point value. + OpenGL texture format [code]GL_RG32F[/code] where there are two components, each a 16-bit "half-precision" floating-point value. - OpenGL texture format GL_RGB32F where there's three components, each a 16-bit "half-precision" floating-point value. + OpenGL texture format [code]GL_RGB32F[/code] where there are three components, each a 16-bit "half-precision" floating-point value. - OpenGL texture format GL_RGBA32F where there's four components, each a 16-bit "half-precision" floating-point value. + OpenGL texture format [code]GL_RGBA32F[/code] where there are four components, each a 16-bit "half-precision" floating-point value. - A special OpenGL texture format where the three color components have 9 bits of precision and all three share a single exponent. + A special OpenGL texture format where the three color components have 9 bits of precision and all three share a single 5-bit exponent. - The S3TC texture format that uses Block Compression 1, and is the smallest variation of S3TC, only providing 1 bit of alpha and color data being premultiplied with alpha. More information can be found at https://www.khronos.org/opengl/wiki/S3_Texture_Compression. Note that when creating an [ImageTexture], an sRGB to linear color space conversion is performed. + The [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S3_Texture_Compression]S3TC[/url] texture format that uses Block Compression 1, and is the smallest variation of S3TC, only providing 1 bit of alpha and color data being premultiplied with alpha. + [b]Note:[/b] When creating an [ImageTexture], an sRGB to linear color space conversion is performed. - The S3TC texture format that uses Block Compression 2, and color data is interpreted as not having been premultiplied by alpha. Well suited for images with sharp alpha transitions between translucent and opaque areas. Note that when creating an [ImageTexture], an sRGB to linear color space conversion is performed. + The [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S3_Texture_Compression]S3TC[/url] texture format that uses Block Compression 2, and color data is interpreted as not having been premultiplied by alpha. Well suited for images with sharp alpha transitions between translucent and opaque areas. + [b]Note:[/b] When creating an [ImageTexture], an sRGB to linear color space conversion is performed. - The S3TC texture format also known as Block Compression 3 or BC3 that contains 64 bits of alpha channel data followed by 64 bits of DXT1-encoded color data. Color data is not premultiplied by alpha, same as DXT3. DXT5 generally produces superior results for transparency gradients than DXT3. Note that when creating an [ImageTexture], an sRGB to linear color space conversion is performed. + The [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S3_Texture_Compression]S3TC[/url] texture format also known as Block Compression 3 or BC3 that contains 64 bits of alpha channel data followed by 64 bits of DXT1-encoded color data. Color data is not premultiplied by alpha, same as DXT3. DXT5 generally produces superior results for transparent gradients compared to DXT3. + [b]Note:[/b] When creating an [ImageTexture], an sRGB to linear color space conversion is performed. - Texture format that uses Red Green Texture Compression, normalizing the red channel data using the same compression algorithm that DXT5 uses for the alpha channel. More information can be found here https://www.khronos.org/opengl/wiki/Red_Green_Texture_Compression. + Texture format that uses [url=https://www.khronos.org/opengl/wiki/Red_Green_Texture_Compression]Red Green Texture Compression[/url], normalizing the red channel data using the same compression algorithm that DXT5 uses for the alpha channel. - Texture format that uses Red Green Texture Compression, normalizing the red and green channel data using the same compression algorithm that DXT5 uses for the alpha channel. + Texture format that uses [url=https://www.khronos.org/opengl/wiki/Red_Green_Texture_Compression]Red Green Texture Compression[/url], normalizing the red and green channel data using the same compression algorithm that DXT5 uses for the alpha channel. - Texture format that uses BPTC compression with unsigned normalized RGBA components. More information can be found at https://www.khronos.org/opengl/wiki/BPTC_Texture_Compression. Note that when creating an [ImageTexture], an sRGB to linear color space conversion is performed. + Texture format that uses [url=https://www.khronos.org/opengl/wiki/BPTC_Texture_Compression]BPTC[/url] compression with unsigned normalized RGBA components. + [b]Note:[/b] When creating an [ImageTexture], an sRGB to linear color space conversion is performed. - Texture format that uses BPTC compression with signed floating-point RGB components. + Texture format that uses [url=https://www.khronos.org/opengl/wiki/BPTC_Texture_Compression]BPTC[/url] compression with signed floating-point RGB components. - Texture format that uses BPTC compression with unsigned floating-point RGB components. + Texture format that uses [url=https://www.khronos.org/opengl/wiki/BPTC_Texture_Compression]BPTC[/url] compression with unsigned floating-point RGB components. - Texture format used on PowerVR-supported mobile platforms, uses 2 bit color depth with no alpha. More information on PVRTC can be found here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PVRTC. Note that when creating an [ImageTexture], an sRGB to linear color space conversion is performed. + Texture format used on PowerVR-supported mobile platforms, uses 2-bit color depth with no alpha. More information can be found [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PVRTC]here[/url]. + [b]Note:[/b] When creating an [ImageTexture], an sRGB to linear color space conversion is performed. - Same as PVRTC2, but with an alpha component. + Same as [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PVRTC]PVRTC2[/url], but with an alpha component. - Similar to PVRTC2, but with 4 bit color depth and no alpha. + Similar to [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PVRTC]PVRTC2[/url], but with 4-bit color depth and no alpha. - Same as PVRTC4, but with an alpha component. + Same as [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PVRTC]PVRTC4[/url], but with an alpha component. - Ericsson Texture Compression format, also referred to as 'ETC1', and is part of the OpenGL ES graphics standard. An overview of the format is given at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ericsson_Texture_Compression#ETC1. + [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ericsson_Texture_Compression#ETC1]Ericsson Texture Compression format 1[/url], also referred to as "ETC1", and is part of the OpenGL ES graphics standard. This format cannot store an alpha channel. - Ericsson Texture Compression format 2 variant R11_EAC, which provides one channel of unsigned data. + [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ericsson_Texture_Compression#ETC2_and_EAC]Ericsson Texture Compression format 2[/url] ([code]R11_EAC[/code] variant), which provides one channel of unsigned data. - Ericsson Texture Compression format 2 variant SIGNED_R11_EAC, which provides one channel of signed data. + [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ericsson_Texture_Compression#ETC2_and_EAC]Ericsson Texture Compression format 2[/url] ([code]SIGNED_R11_EAC[/code] variant), which provides one channel of signed data. - Ericsson Texture Compression format 2 variant RG11_EAC, which provides two channels of unsigned data. + [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ericsson_Texture_Compression#ETC2_and_EAC]Ericsson Texture Compression format 2[/url] ([code]RG11_EAC[/code] variant), which provides two channels of unsigned data. - Ericsson Texture Compression format 2 variant SIGNED_RG11_EAC, which provides two channels of signed data. + [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ericsson_Texture_Compression#ETC2_and_EAC]Ericsson Texture Compression format 2[/url] ([code]SIGNED_RG11_EAC[/code] variant), which provides two channels of signed data. - Ericsson Texture Compression format 2 variant RGB8, which is a followup of ETC1 and compresses RGB888 data. Note that when creating an [ImageTexture], an sRGB to linear color space conversion is performed. + [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ericsson_Texture_Compression#ETC2_and_EAC]Ericsson Texture Compression format 2[/url] ([code]RGB8[/code] variant), which is a follow-up of ETC1 and compresses RGB888 data. + [b]Note:[/b] When creating an [ImageTexture], an sRGB to linear color space conversion is performed. - Ericsson Texture Compression format 2 variant RGBA8, which compresses RGBA8888 data with full alpha support. Note that when creating an [ImageTexture], an sRGB to linear color space conversion is performed. + [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ericsson_Texture_Compression#ETC2_and_EAC]Ericsson Texture Compression format 2[/url] ([code]RGBA8[/code]variant), which compresses RGBA8888 data with full alpha support. + [b]Note:[/b] When creating an [ImageTexture], an sRGB to linear color space conversion is performed. - Ericsson Texture Compression format 2 variant RGB8_PUNCHTHROUGH_ALPHA1, which compresses RGBA data to make alpha either fully transparent or fully opaque. Note that when creating an [ImageTexture], an sRGB to linear color space conversion is performed. + [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ericsson_Texture_Compression#ETC2_and_EAC]Ericsson Texture Compression format 2[/url] ([code]RGB8_PUNCHTHROUGH_ALPHA1[/code] variant), which compresses RGBA data to make alpha either fully transparent or fully opaque. + [b]Note:[/b] When creating an [ImageTexture], an sRGB to linear color space conversion is performed. Represents the size of the [enum Format] enum. + Performs nearest-neighbor interpolation. If the image is resized, it will be pixelated. + Performs bilinear interpolation. If the image is resized, it will be blurry. This mode is faster than [constant INTERPOLATE_CUBIC], but it results in lower quality. + Performs cubic interpolation. If the image is resized, it will be blurry. This mode often gives better results compared to [constant INTERPOLATE_BILINEAR], at the cost of being slower. - Performs bilinear separately on the two most suited mipmap levels, then linearly interpolates between them. - It's slower than [constant INTERPOLATE_BILINEAR], but produces higher quality results, with much less aliasing artifacts. - If the image does not have mipmaps, they will be generated and used internally, but no mipmaps will be generated on the resulting image. (Note that if you intend to scale multiple copies of the original image, it's better to call [code]generate_mipmaps[/code] on it in advance, to avoid wasting processing power in generating them again and again.) + Performs bilinear separately on the two most-suited mipmap levels, then linearly interpolates between them. + It's slower than [constant INTERPOLATE_BILINEAR], but produces higher-quality results with much less aliasing artifacts. + If the image does not have mipmaps, they will be generated and used internally, but no mipmaps will be generated on the resulting image. + [b]Note:[/b] If you intend to scale multiple copies of the original image, it's better to call [method generate_mipmaps]] on it in advance, to avoid wasting processing power in generating them again and again. On the other hand, if the image already has mipmaps, they will be used, and a new set will be generated for the resulting image. + Performs Lanczos interpolation. This is the slowest image resizing mode, but it typically gives the best results, especially when downscalng images. diff --git a/doc/classes/ImageTexture.xml b/doc/classes/ImageTexture.xml index 00a3c5c614f..0be09d1c8dc 100644 --- a/doc/classes/ImageTexture.xml +++ b/doc/classes/ImageTexture.xml @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ - Set the [Image] of this [ImageTexture]. + Sets the [Image] of this [ImageTexture]. diff --git a/doc/classes/ImmediateGeometry.xml b/doc/classes/ImmediateGeometry.xml index ca45fc5f9e6..ddfd3d74d53 100644 --- a/doc/classes/ImmediateGeometry.xml +++ b/doc/classes/ImmediateGeometry.xml @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ - Simple helper to draw a uvsphere, with given latitudes, longitude and radius. + Simple helper to draw an UV sphere with given latitude, longitude and radius. @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ Begin drawing (And optionally pass a texture override). When done call end(). For more information on how this works, search for glBegin() glEnd() references. - For the type of primitive, use the [Mesh].PRIMITIVE_* enumerations. + For the type of primitive, use the [Mesh].[code]PRIMITIVE_*[/code] enumerations. diff --git a/doc/classes/Input.xml b/doc/classes/Input.xml index 1c2826ee572..cae8356094e 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Input.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Input.xml @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ A Singleton that deals with inputs. - A Singleton that deals with inputs. This includes key presses, mouse buttons and movement, joypads, and input actions. Actions and their events can be set in the Project Settings / Input Map tab. Or be set with [InputMap]. + A Singleton that deals with inputs. This includes key presses, mouse buttons and movement, joypads, and input actions. Actions and their events can be set in the [b]Input Map[/b] tab in the [b]Project > Project Settings[/b], or with the [InputMap] class. https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/tutorials/inputs/index.html @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ - Add a new mapping entry (in SDL2 format) to the mapping database. Optionally update already connected devices. + Adds a new mapping entry (in SDL2 format) to the mapping database. Optionally update already connected devices. @@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ - If the device has a gyroscope, this will return the rate of rotation in rad/s around a device's x, y, and z axis. Otherwise, it returns an empty [Vector3]. + If the device has a gyroscope, this will return the rate of rotation in rad/s around a device's X, Y, and Z axes. Otherwise, it returns an empty [Vector3]. @@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ - Receives a joy button from [enum JoystickList] and returns its equivalent name as a string. + Receives a gamepad button from [enum JoystickList] and returns its equivalent name as a string. @@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ - Returns a SDL2 compatible device guid on platforms that use gamepad remapping. Returns "Default Gamepad" otherwise. + Returns a SDL2-compatible device GUID on platforms that use gamepad remapping. Returns [code]"Default Gamepad"[/code] otherwise. @@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ - Returns the name of the joypad at the specified device index + Returns the name of the joypad at the specified device index. @@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ - Returns mouse buttons as a bitmask. If multiple mouse buttons are pressed at the same time the bits are added together. + Returns mouse buttons as a bitmask. If multiple mouse buttons are pressed at the same time, the bits are added together. @@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ - Removes all mappings from the internal db that match the given uid. + Removes all mappings from the internal database that match the given GUID. @@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ Sets a custom mouse cursor image, which is only visible inside the game window. The hotspot can also be specified. Passing [code]null[/code] to the image parameter resets to the system cursor. See enum [code]CURSOR_*[/code] for the list of shapes. - [code]image[/code]'s size must be lower than 256x256. + [code]image[/code]'s size must be lower than 256×256. [code]hotspot[/code] must be within [code]image[/code]'s size. @@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ Sets the default cursor shape to be used in the viewport instead of [constant CURSOR_ARROW]. - Note that if you want to change the default cursor shape for [Control]'s nodes, use [member Control.mouse_default_cursor_shape] instead. + [b]Note:[/b] If you want to change the default cursor shape for [Control]'s nodes, use [member Control.mouse_default_cursor_shape] instead. @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ - Set the mouse mode. See the constants for more information. + Sets the mouse mode. See the constants for more information. @@ -350,8 +350,8 @@ - Starts to vibrate the joypad. Joypads usually come with two rumble motors, a strong and a weak one. weak_magnitude is the strength of the weak motor (between 0 and 1) and strong_magnitude is the strength of the strong motor (between 0 and 1). duration is the duration of the effect in seconds (a duration of 0 will try to play the vibration indefinitely). - Note that not every hardware is compatible with long effect durations, it is recommended to restart an effect if in need to play it for more than a few seconds. + Starts to vibrate the joypad. Joypads usually come with two rumble motors, a strong and a weak one. [code]weak_magnitude[/code] is the strength of the weak motor (between 0 and 1) and [code]strong_magnitude[/code] is the strength of the strong motor (between 0 and 1). [code]duration[/code] is the duration of the effect in seconds (a duration of 0 will try to play the vibration indefinitely). + [b]Note:[/b] Not every hardware is compatible with long effect durations; it is recommended to restart an effect if it has to be played for more than a few seconds. @@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ Makes the mouse cursor hidden if it is visible. - Captures the mouse. The mouse will be hidden and unable to leave the game window. But it will still register movement and mouse button presses. + Captures the mouse. The mouse will be hidden and unable to leave the game window, but it will still register movement and mouse button presses. Makes the mouse cursor visible but confines it to the game window. @@ -410,10 +410,10 @@ Cross cursor. Typically appears over regions in which a drawing operation can be performed or for selections. - Wait cursor. Indicates that the application is busy performing an operation. + Wait cursor. Indicates that the application is busy performing an operation. This cursor shape denotes that the application is still usable during the operation. - Busy cursor. See [constant CURSOR_WAIT]. + Busy cursor. Indicates that the application is busy performing an operation. This cursor shape denotes that the application isn't usable during the operation (e.g. something is blocking its main thread). Drag cursor. Usually displayed when dragging something. @@ -425,16 +425,16 @@ Forbidden cursor. Indicates that the current action is forbidden (for example, when dragging something) or that the control at a position is disabled. - Vertical resize mouse cursor. A double headed vertical arrow. It tells the user they can resize the window or the panel vertically. + Vertical resize mouse cursor. A double-headed vertical arrow. It tells the user they can resize the window or the panel vertically. - Horizontal resize mouse cursor. A double headed horizontal arrow. It tells the user they can resize the window or the panel horizontally. + Horizontal resize mouse cursor. A double-headed horizontal arrow. It tells the user they can resize the window or the panel horizontally. - Window resize mouse cursor. The cursor is a double headed arrow that goes from the bottom left to the top right. It tells the user they can resize the window or the panel both horizontally and vertically. + Window resize mouse cursor. The cursor is a double-headed arrow that goes from the bottom left to the top right. It tells the user they can resize the window or the panel both horizontally and vertically. - Window resize mouse cursor. The cursor is a double headed arrow that goes from the top left to the bottom right, the opposite of [constant CURSOR_BDIAGSIZE]. It tells the user they can resize the window or the panel both horizontally and vertically. + Window resize mouse cursor. The cursor is a double-headed arrow that goes from the top left to the bottom right, the opposite of [constant CURSOR_BDIAGSIZE]. It tells the user they can resize the window or the panel both horizontally and vertically. Move cursor. Indicates that something can be moved. diff --git a/doc/classes/InputEventAction.xml b/doc/classes/InputEventAction.xml index 9df7bbca74a..f5b93fd73e4 100644 --- a/doc/classes/InputEventAction.xml +++ b/doc/classes/InputEventAction.xml @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Input event type for actions. - Contains a generic action which can be targeted from several type of inputs. Actions can be created from the project settings menu [code]Project > Project Settings > Input Map[/code]. See [method Node._input]. + Contains a generic action which can be targeted from several types of inputs. Actions can be created from the [b]Input Map[/b] tab in the [b]Project > Project Settings[/b] menu. See [method Node._input]. https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/tutorials/inputs/inputevent.html#actions @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ If [code]true[/code], the action's state is pressed. If [code]false[/code], the action's state is released. - The action's strength between 0 and 1. This value is consired as equal to 0 if pressed is [code]false[/code]. The event strength allows faking analog joypad motion events, by precising how strongly is the joypad axis bent or pressed. + The action's strength between 0 and 1. This value is considered as equal to 0 if pressed is [code]false[/code]. The event strength allows faking analog joypad motion events, by precising how strongly is the joypad axis bent or pressed. diff --git a/doc/classes/InputEventJoypadButton.xml b/doc/classes/InputEventJoypadButton.xml index 78cd55b79ab..9df25d59e12 100644 --- a/doc/classes/InputEventJoypadButton.xml +++ b/doc/classes/InputEventJoypadButton.xml @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Input event for gamepad buttons. - Input event type for gamepad buttons. For joysticks see [InputEventJoypadMotion]. + Input event type for gamepad buttons. For gamepad analog sticks and joysticks, see [InputEventJoypadMotion]. https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/tutorials/inputs/inputevent.html diff --git a/doc/classes/InputEventJoypadMotion.xml b/doc/classes/InputEventJoypadMotion.xml index 5330b2a6e02..a5deacdf0a2 100644 --- a/doc/classes/InputEventJoypadMotion.xml +++ b/doc/classes/InputEventJoypadMotion.xml @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ - Input event type for gamepad joysticks and other motions. For buttons see [code]InputEventJoypadButton[/code]. + Input event type for gamepad joysticks and other motions. For buttons, see [code]InputEventJoypadButton[/code]. Stores information about joystick motions. One [InputEventJoypadMotion] represents one axis at a time. diff --git a/doc/classes/InputEventKey.xml b/doc/classes/InputEventKey.xml index 53b1f74bd42..0fe288cbda4 100644 --- a/doc/classes/InputEventKey.xml +++ b/doc/classes/InputEventKey.xml @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ Key scancode, one of the [enum KeyList] constants. - Key unicode identifier when relevant. Unicode identifiers for the composite characters and complex scripts may not be available unless IME input mode is active. See [method OS.set_ime_active] for more information. + Key Unicode identifier when relevant. Unicode identifiers for the composite characters and complex scripts may not be available unless IME input mode is active. See [method OS.set_ime_active] for more information. diff --git a/doc/classes/InputEventMouse.xml b/doc/classes/InputEventMouse.xml index 8ba272d470e..001be82c8d6 100644 --- a/doc/classes/InputEventMouse.xml +++ b/doc/classes/InputEventMouse.xml @@ -13,13 +13,13 @@ - Mouse button mask identifier, one of or a bitwise combination of the [enum ButtonList] button masks. + The mouse button mask identifier, one of or a bitwise combination of the [enum ButtonList] button masks. - Mouse position relative to the current [Viewport] when used in [method Control._gui_input], otherwise is at 0,0. + The global mouse position relative to the current [Viewport] when used in [method Control._gui_input], otherwise is at 0,0. - Mouse local position relative to the [Viewport]. If used in [method Control._gui_input] the position is relative to the current [Control] which is under the mouse. + The local mouse position relative to the [Viewport]. If used in [method Control._gui_input], the position is relative to the current [Control] which is under the mouse. diff --git a/doc/classes/InputEventMouseButton.xml b/doc/classes/InputEventMouseButton.xml index 99e25d2c6f2..a2437ca450b 100644 --- a/doc/classes/InputEventMouseButton.xml +++ b/doc/classes/InputEventMouseButton.xml @@ -13,13 +13,13 @@ - Mouse button identifier, one of the [enum ButtonList] button or button wheel constants. + The mouse button identifier, one of the [enum ButtonList] button or button wheel constants. If [code]true[/code], the mouse button's state is a double-click. - Magnitude. Amount (or delta) of the event. Used for scroll events, indicates scroll amount (vertically or horizontally). Only supported on some platforms, sensitivity varies by platform. May be 0 if not supported. + The amount (or delta) of the event. When used for high-precision scroll events, this indicates the scroll amount (vertical or horizontal). This is only supported on some platforms; the reported sensitivity varies depending on the platform. May be [code]0[/code] if not supported. If [code]true[/code], the mouse button's state is pressed. If [code]false[/code], the mouse button's state is released. diff --git a/doc/classes/InputEventMouseMotion.xml b/doc/classes/InputEventMouseMotion.xml index 3df47177dcb..a96543e4c28 100644 --- a/doc/classes/InputEventMouseMotion.xml +++ b/doc/classes/InputEventMouseMotion.xml @@ -13,10 +13,10 @@ - Mouse position relative to the previous position (position at the last frame). + The mouse position relative to the previous position (position at the last frame). - Mouse speed. + The mouse speed in pixels per second. diff --git a/doc/classes/InputEventScreenDrag.xml b/doc/classes/InputEventScreenDrag.xml index 36e47ee51aa..5b18697791f 100644 --- a/doc/classes/InputEventScreenDrag.xml +++ b/doc/classes/InputEventScreenDrag.xml @@ -1,8 +1,7 @@ - Input event type for screen drag events. - (only available on mobile devices) + Input event type for screen drag events. Only available on mobile devices. Contains screen drag information. See [method Node._input]. @@ -14,16 +13,16 @@ - Drag event index in the case of a multi-drag event. + The drag event index in the case of a multi-drag event. - Drag position. + The drag position. - Drag position relative to its start position. + The drag position relative to its start position. - Drag speed. + The drag speed. diff --git a/doc/classes/InputEventScreenTouch.xml b/doc/classes/InputEventScreenTouch.xml index 8f537f12bc8..279425aca67 100644 --- a/doc/classes/InputEventScreenTouch.xml +++ b/doc/classes/InputEventScreenTouch.xml @@ -14,10 +14,10 @@ - Touch index in the case of a multi-touch event. One index = one finger. + The touch index in the case of a multi-touch event. One index = one finger. - Touch position. + The touch position. If [code]true[/code], the touch's state is pressed. If [code]false[/code], the touch's state is released. diff --git a/doc/classes/InputMap.xml b/doc/classes/InputMap.xml index bb29a09d22e..6bbb402b15e 100644 --- a/doc/classes/InputMap.xml +++ b/doc/classes/InputMap.xml @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Singleton that manages [InputEventAction]. - Manages all [InputEventAction] which can be created/modified from the project settings menu [code]Project > Project Settings > Input Map[/code] or in code with [method add_action] and [method action_add_event]. See [method Node._input]. + Manages all [InputEventAction] which can be created/modified from the project settings menu [b]Project > Project Settings > Input Map[/b] or in code with [method add_action] and [method action_add_event]. See [method Node._input]. https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/tutorials/inputs/inputevent.html#inputmap diff --git a/doc/classes/InstancePlaceholder.xml b/doc/classes/InstancePlaceholder.xml index c4752c735d2..4b98166ef21 100644 --- a/doc/classes/InstancePlaceholder.xml +++ b/doc/classes/InstancePlaceholder.xml @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ - Retrieve the path to the [PackedScene] resource file that is loaded by default when calling [method replace_by_instance]. + Gets the path to the [PackedScene] resource file that is loaded by default when calling [method replace_by_instance]. @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ - Replace this placeholder by the scene handed as an argument, or the original scene if no argument is given. As for all resources, the scene is loaded only if it's not loaded already. By manually loading the scene beforehand, delays caused by this function can be avoided. + Replaces this placeholder by the scene handed as an argument, or the original scene if no argument is given. As for all resources, the scene is loaded only if it's not loaded already. By manually loading the scene beforehand, delays caused by this function can be avoided. diff --git a/doc/classes/ItemList.xml b/doc/classes/ItemList.xml index d78c9303515..42a21016f83 100644 --- a/doc/classes/ItemList.xml +++ b/doc/classes/ItemList.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ This control provides a selectable list of items that may be in a single (or multiple columns) with option of text, icons, or both text and icon. Tooltips are supported and may be different for every item in the list. - Selectable items in the list may be selected or deselected and multiple selection may be enabled. Selection with right mouse button may also be enabled to allow use of popup context menus. Items may also be 'activated' with a double click (or Enter key). + Selectable items in the list may be selected or deselected and multiple selection may be enabled. Selection with right mouse button may also be enabled to allow use of popup context menus. Items may also be "activated" by double-clicking them or by pressing Enter. @@ -31,15 +31,15 @@ - Adds an item to the item list with specified text. Specify an icon of null for a list item with no icon. - If selectable is [code]true[/code] the list item will be selectable. + Adds an item to the item list with specified text. Specify an [code]icon[/code], or use [code]null[/code] as the [code]icon[/code] for a list item with no icon. + If selectable is [code]true[/code], the list item will be selectable. - Remove all items from the list. + Removes all items from the list. @@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ - Returns the icon associated with the specified index. Default value is [code]null[/code] + Returns the icon associated with the specified index. Default value is [code]null[/code]. @@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ - Returns whether or not the item at the specified index is disabled. + Returns [code]true[/code] if the item at the specified index is disabled. @@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ - Returns whether or not the item at the specified index is selectable. + Returns [code]true[/code] if the item at the specified index is selectable. @@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ - Returns whether the tooltip is enabled for specified item index. + Returns [code]true[/code] if the tooltip is enabled for specified item index. @@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ - Returns whether or not item at the specified index is currently selected. + Returns [code]true[/code] if the item at the specified index is currently selected. @@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ Select the item at the specified index. - Note: This method does not trigger the item selection signal. + [b]Note:[/b] This method does not trigger the item selection signal. @@ -273,8 +273,8 @@ - Disable (or enable) item at the specified index. - Disabled items are not be selectable and do not trigger activation (Enter or double-click) signals. + Disables (or enables) the item at the specified index. + Disabled items cannot be selected and do not trigger activation signals (when double-clicking or pressing Enter). @@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ - Set (or replace) the icon's [Texture] associated with the specified index. + Sets (or replaces) the icon's [Texture] associated with the specified index. @@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ - Allow or disallow selection of the item associated with the specified index. + Allows or disallows selection of the item associated with the specified index. @@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ - Sets tooltip hint for the item associated with the specified index. + Sets the tooltip hint for the item associated with the specified index. @@ -387,14 +387,14 @@ - Ensure the item associated with the specified index is not selected. + Ensures the item associated with the specified index is not selected. - Ensure there are no items selected. + Ensures there are no items selected. @@ -409,8 +409,7 @@ If [code]true[/code], the control will automatically resize the height to fit its content. - Sets the default column width in pixels. - If left to default value, each item will have a width equal to the width of its content and the columns will have an uneven width. + Sets the default column width in pixels. If left to default value, each item will have a width equal to the width of its content and the columns will have an uneven width. Sets the default icon size in pixels. @@ -422,8 +421,7 @@ Sets the icon size to its initial size multiplied by the specified scale. Default value is 1.0. - Sets the maximum columns the list will have. - If set to anything other than the default, the content will be split among the specified columns. + Sets the maximum columns the list will have. If set to anything other than the default, the content will be split among the specified columns. @@ -431,7 +429,7 @@ If set to [code]true[/code], all columns will have the same width specified by [member fixed_column_width]. - Allow single or multiple item selection. See the [enum SelectMode] constants. + Allows single or multiple item selection. See the [enum SelectMode] constants. @@ -439,7 +437,7 @@ - Triggered when specified list item is activated via double click or Enter. + Triggered when specified list item is activated via double-clicking or by pressing Enter. @@ -449,8 +447,7 @@ Triggered when specified list item has been selected via right mouse clicking. - The click position is also provided to allow appropriate popup of context menus - at the correct location. + The click position is also provided to allow appropriate popup of context menus at the correct location. [member allow_rmb_select] must be enabled. @@ -491,8 +488,10 @@ + Only allow selecting a single item. + Allows selecting multiple items by holding Ctrl or Shift. diff --git a/doc/classes/JSON.xml b/doc/classes/JSON.xml index cb62a1e88e2..e834f5cb39a 100644 --- a/doc/classes/JSON.xml +++ b/doc/classes/JSON.xml @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ - Converts a Variant var to JSON text and returns the result. Useful for serializing data to store or send over the network. + Converts a [Variant] var to JSON text and returns the result. Useful for serializing data to store or send over the network. diff --git a/doc/classes/JSONParseResult.xml b/doc/classes/JSONParseResult.xml index c9caa5c5d47..f83c80924ce 100644 --- a/doc/classes/JSONParseResult.xml +++ b/doc/classes/JSONParseResult.xml @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Data class wrapper for decoded JSON. - Returned by [method JSON.parse], [JSONParseResult] contains decoded JSON or error information if JSON source not successfully parsed. You can check if JSON source was successfully parsed with [code]if json_result.error == OK[/code]. + Returned by [method JSON.parse], [JSONParseResult] contains the decoded JSON or error information if the JSON source wasn't successfully parsed. You can check if the JSON source was successfully parsed with [code]if json_result.error == OK[/code]. @@ -12,22 +12,22 @@ - The error type if JSON source was not successfully parsed. See [@GlobalScope] ERR_* constants. + The error type if the JSON source was not successfully parsed. See the [@GlobalScope] [code]ERR_*[/code] constants. The line number where the error occurred if JSON source was not successfully parsed. - The error message if JSON source was not successfully parsed. See [@GlobalScope] ERR_* constants. + The error message if JSON source was not successfully parsed. See the [@GlobalScope] [code]ERR_*[/code] constants. - A [Variant] containing the parsed JSON. Use typeof() to check if it is what you expect. For example, if JSON source starts with curly braces ([code]{}[/code]) a [Dictionary] will be returned, if JSON source starts with braces ([code][][/code]) an [Array] will be returned. - [i]Be aware that the JSON specification does not define integer or float types, but only a number type. Therefore, parsing a JSON text will convert all numerical values to float types.[/i] - Note that JSON objects do not preserve key order like Godot dictionaries, thus you should not rely on keys being in a certain order if a dictionary is constructed from JSON. In contrast, JSON arrays retain the order of their elements:[/i] + A [Variant] containing the parsed JSON. Use [method @GDScript.typeof] or the [code]is[/code] keyword to check if it is what you expect. For example, if the JSON source starts with curly braces ([code]{}[/code]), a [Dictionary] will be returned. If the JSON source starts with braces ([code][][/code]), an [Array] will be returned. + [b]Note:[/b] The JSON specification does not define integer or float types, but only a number type. Therefore, parsing a JSON text will convert all numerical values to float types. + [b]Note:[/b] JSON objects do not preserve key order like Godot dictionaries, thus, you should not rely on keys being in a certain order if a dictionary is constructed from JSON. In contrast, JSON arrays retain the order of their elements: [codeblock] var p = JSON.parse('["hello", "world", "!"]') if typeof(p.result) == TYPE_ARRAY: - print(p.result[0]) # prints 'hello' + print(p.result[0]) # Prints "hello" else: print("unexpected results") [/codeblock] diff --git a/doc/classes/JavaScript.xml b/doc/classes/JavaScript.xml index 68b6831103e..7737001a6cf 100644 --- a/doc/classes/JavaScript.xml +++ b/doc/classes/JavaScript.xml @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Singleton that connects the engine with the browser's JavaScript context in HTML5 export. - The JavaScript singleton is implemented only in HTML5 export. It's used to access the browser's JavaScript context. This allows interaction with embedding pages or calling third-party JavaScript APIs. + The JavaScript singleton is implemented only in the HTML5 export. It's used to access the browser's JavaScript context. This allows interaction with embedding pages or calling third-party JavaScript APIs. https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/getting_started/workflow/export/exporting_for_web.html#calling-javascript-from-script diff --git a/doc/classes/Joint.xml b/doc/classes/Joint.xml index 5cd59852df3..0235c841b72 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Joint.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Joint.xml @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ - Base class for all 3D joints + Base class for all 3D joints. Joints are used to bind together two physics bodies. They have a solver priority and can define if the bodies of the two attached nodes should be able to collide with each other. diff --git a/doc/classes/Joint2D.xml b/doc/classes/Joint2D.xml index b700bbd9918..ee7395d2d3e 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Joint2D.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Joint2D.xml @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ - When [member node_a] and [member node_b] move in different directions the [code]bias[/code] controls how fast the joint pulls them back to their original position. The lower the [code]bias[/code] the more the two bodies can pull on the joint. Default value: [code]0[/code] + When [member node_a] and [member node_b] move in different directions the [code]bias[/code] controls how fast the joint pulls them back to their original position. The lower the [code]bias[/code] the more the two bodies can pull on the joint. Default value: [code]0[/code]. If [code]true[/code], [member node_a] and [member node_b] can collide. Default value: [code]false[/code]. diff --git a/doc/classes/KinematicBody.xml b/doc/classes/KinematicBody.xml index 8ea3d8c1880..72cce106d95 100644 --- a/doc/classes/KinematicBody.xml +++ b/doc/classes/KinematicBody.xml @@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ Kinematic body 3D node. - Kinematic bodies are special types of bodies that are meant to be user-controlled. They are not affected by physics at all (to other types of bodies, such a character or a rigid body, these are the same as a static body). They have however, two main uses: - Simulated Motion: When these bodies are moved manually, either from code or from an AnimationPlayer (with process mode set to fixed), the physics will automatically compute an estimate of their linear and angular velocity. This makes them very useful for moving platforms or other AnimationPlayer-controlled objects (like a door, a bridge that opens, etc). - Kinematic Characters: KinematicBody also has an API for moving objects (the [method move_and_collide] and [method move_and_slide] methods) while performing collision tests. This makes them really useful to implement characters that collide against a world, but that don't require advanced physics. + Kinematic bodies are special types of bodies that are meant to be user-controlled. They are not affected by physics at all; to other types of bodies, such as a character or a rigid body, these are the same as a static body. However, they have two main uses: + [b]Simulated motion:[/b] When these bodies are moved manually, either from code or from an AnimationPlayer (with process mode set to fixed), the physics will automatically compute an estimate of their linear and angular velocity. This makes them very useful for moving platforms or other AnimationPlayer-controlled objects (like a door, a bridge that opens, etc). + [b]Kinematic characters:[/b] KinematicBody also has an API for moving objects (the [method move_and_collide] and [method move_and_slide] methods) while performing collision tests. This makes them really useful to implement characters that collide against a world, but that don't require advanced physics. https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/tutorials/physics/kinematic_character_2d.html @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ If [code]stop_on_slope[/code] is [code]true[/code], body will not slide on slopes if you include gravity in [code]linear_velocity[/code]. If the body collides, it will change direction a maximum of [code]max_slides[/code] times before it stops. [code]floor_max_angle[/code] is the maximum angle (in radians) where a slope is still considered a floor (or a ceiling), rather than a wall. The default value equals 45 degrees. - If [code]infinite_inertia[/code] is [code]true[/code], body will be able to push [RigidBody] nodes, but it won't also detect any collisions with them. If [code]false[/code] it will interact with [RigidBody] nodes like with [StaticBody]. + If [code]infinite_inertia[/code] is [code]true[/code], body will be able to push [RigidBody] nodes, but it won't also detect any collisions with them. If [code]false[/code], it will interact with [RigidBody] nodes like with [StaticBody]. Returns the [code]linear_velocity[/code] vector, rotated and/or scaled if a slide collision occurred. To get detailed information about collisions that occurred, use [method get_slide_collision]. @@ -139,13 +139,13 @@ If the body is at least this close to another body, this body will consider them to be colliding. - Lock the body's movement in the x-axis. + Lock the body's X axis movement. - Lock the body's movement in the y-axis. + Lock the body's Y axis movement. - Lock the body's movement in the z-axis. + Lock the body's Z axis movement. diff --git a/doc/classes/KinematicBody2D.xml b/doc/classes/KinematicBody2D.xml index b7ff4bac846..949e364ed3e 100644 --- a/doc/classes/KinematicBody2D.xml +++ b/doc/classes/KinematicBody2D.xml @@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ Kinematic body 2D node. - Kinematic bodies are special types of bodies that are meant to be user-controlled. They are not affected by physics at all (to other types of bodies, such a character or a rigid body, these are the same as a static body). They have however, two main uses: - Simulated Motion: When these bodies are moved manually, either from code or from an AnimationPlayer (with process mode set to fixed), the physics will automatically compute an estimate of their linear and angular velocity. This makes them very useful for moving platforms or other AnimationPlayer-controlled objects (like a door, a bridge that opens, etc). - Kinematic Characters: KinematicBody2D also has an API for moving objects (the [method move_and_collide] and [method move_and_slide] methods) while performing collision tests. This makes them really useful to implement characters that collide against a world, but that don't require advanced physics. + Kinematic bodies are special types of bodies that are meant to be user-controlled. They are not affected by physics at all; to other types of bodies, such as a character or a rigid body, these are the same as a static body. However, they have two main uses: + [b]Simulated motion:[/b] When these bodies are moved manually, either from code or from an AnimationPlayer (with process mode set to fixed), the physics will automatically compute an estimate of their linear and angular velocity. This makes them very useful for moving platforms or other AnimationPlayer-controlled objects (like a door, a bridge that opens, etc). + [b]Kinematic characters:[/b] KinematicBody2D also has an API for moving objects (the [method move_and_collide] and [method move_and_slide] methods) while performing collision tests. This makes them really useful to implement characters that collide against a world, but that don't require advanced physics. https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/tutorials/physics/kinematic_character_2d.html @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Returns a [KinematicCollision2D], which contains information about a collision that occurred during the last [method move_and_slide] call. Since the body can collide several times in a single call to [method move_and_slide], you must specify the index of the collision in the range 0 to ([method get_slide_count] - 1). - Example usage: + [b]Example usage:[/b] [codeblock] for i in get_slide_count(): var collision = get_slide_collision(i) @@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ If [code]stop_on_slope[/code] is [code]true[/code], body will not slide on slopes when you include gravity in [code]linear_velocity[/code] and the body is standing still. If the body collides, it will change direction a maximum of [code]max_slides[/code] times before it stops. [code]floor_max_angle[/code] is the maximum angle (in radians) where a slope is still considered a floor (or a ceiling), rather than a wall. The default value equals 45 degrees. - If [code]infinite_inertia[/code] is [code]true[/code], body will be able to push [RigidBody2D] nodes, but it won't also detect any collisions with them. If [code]false[/code] it will interact with [RigidBody2D] nodes like with [StaticBody2D]. + If [code]infinite_inertia[/code] is [code]true[/code], body will be able to push [RigidBody2D] nodes, but it won't also detect any collisions with them. If [code]false[/code], it will interact with [RigidBody2D] nodes like with [StaticBody2D]. Returns the [code]linear_velocity[/code] vector, rotated and/or scaled if a slide collision occurred. To get detailed information about collisions that occurred, use [method get_slide_collision]. diff --git a/doc/classes/KinematicCollision.xml b/doc/classes/KinematicCollision.xml index 4ce74df767b..38e7384fca8 100644 --- a/doc/classes/KinematicCollision.xml +++ b/doc/classes/KinematicCollision.xml @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ - Collision data for KinematicBody collisions. + Collision data for [KinematicBody] collisions. - Contains collision data for KinematicBody collisions. When a [KinematicBody] is moved using [method KinematicBody.move_and_collide], it stops if it detects a collision with another body. If a collision is detected, a KinematicCollision object is returned. + Contains collision data for [KinematicBody] collisions. When a [KinematicBody] is moved using [method KinematicBody.move_and_collide], it stops if it detects a collision with another body. If a collision is detected, a KinematicCollision object is returned. This object contains information about the collision, including the colliding object, the remaining motion, and the collision position. This information can be used to calculate a collision response. diff --git a/doc/classes/KinematicCollision2D.xml b/doc/classes/KinematicCollision2D.xml index 5a0303b7ba4..04d53be3d00 100644 --- a/doc/classes/KinematicCollision2D.xml +++ b/doc/classes/KinematicCollision2D.xml @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ - Collision data for KinematicBody2D collisions. + Collision data for [KinematicBody2D] collisions. - Contains collision data for KinematicBody2D collisions. When a [KinematicBody2D] is moved using [method KinematicBody2D.move_and_collide], it stops if it detects a collision with another body. If a collision is detected, a KinematicCollision2D object is returned. + Contains collision data for [KinematicBody2D] collisions. When a [KinematicBody2D] is moved using [method KinematicBody2D.move_and_collide], it stops if it detects a collision with another body. If a collision is detected, a KinematicCollision2D object is returned. This object contains information about the collision, including the colliding object, the remaining motion, and the collision position. This information can be used to calculate a collision response. diff --git a/doc/classes/Label.xml b/doc/classes/Label.xml index 8d52cae1860..f9978bb1f39 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Label.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Label.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Label displays plain text on the screen. It gives you control over the horizontal and vertical alignment, and can wrap the text inside the node's bounding rectangle. It doesn't support bold, italics or other formatting. For that, use [RichTextLabel] instead. - Note that contrarily to most other [Control]s, Label's [member Control.mouse_filter] defaults to MOUSE_FILTER_IGNORE (i.e. it doesn't react to mouse input events). This implies that a label won't display any configured [member Control.hint_tooltip], unless you change its mouse filter. + [b]Note:[/b] Contrarily to most other [Control]s, Label's [member Control.mouse_filter] defaults to [constant Control.MOUSE_FILTER_IGNORE] (i.e. it doesn't react to mouse input events). This implies that a label won't display any configured [member Control.hint_tooltip], unless you change its mouse filter. @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ - Returns the number of lines shown. Useful if the [Label] 's height cannot currently display all lines. + Returns the number of lines shown. Useful if the [Label]'s height cannot currently display all lines. @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ Align rows centered. - Align rows to the right (default). + Align rows to the right. Expand row whitespaces to fit the width. diff --git a/doc/classes/LargeTexture.xml b/doc/classes/LargeTexture.xml index 4611bc228ec..b4267f55f05 100644 --- a/doc/classes/LargeTexture.xml +++ b/doc/classes/LargeTexture.xml @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ - A Texture capable of storing many smaller Textures with offsets. + A [Texture] capable of storing many smaller textures with offsets. - A Texture capable of storing many smaller Textures with offsets. - You can dynamically add pieces([Texture]) to this [LargeTexture] using different offsets. + A [Texture] capable of storing many smaller textures with offsets. + You can dynamically add pieces ([Texture]s) to this [LargeTexture] using different offsets. @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ - Add another [Texture] to this [LargeTexture], starting on offset "ofs". + Adds [code]texture[/code] to this [LargeTexture], starting on offset [code]ofs[/code]. @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ - Returns the offset of the piece with index "idx". + Returns the offset of the piece with the index [code]idx[/code]. @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ - Returns the [Texture] of the piece with index "idx". + Returns the [Texture] of the piece with the index [code]idx[/code]. @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ - Sets the offset of the piece with index "idx" to "ofs". + Sets the offset of the piece with the index [code]idx[/code] to [code]ofs[/code]. @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ - Sets the [Texture] of the piece with index "idx" to "texture". + Sets the [Texture] of the piece with index [code]idx[/code] to [code]texture[/code]. diff --git a/doc/classes/Light.xml b/doc/classes/Light.xml index 05eb44b2f1b..8acc4ff6437 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Light.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Light.xml @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Provides a base class for different kinds of light nodes. - Light is the abstract base class for light nodes, so it shouldn't be used directly (It can't be instanced). Other types of light nodes inherit from it. Light contains the common variables and parameters used for lighting. + Light is the abstract base class for light nodes, so it shouldn't be used directly (it can't be instanced). Other types of light nodes inherit from it. Light contains the common variables and parameters used for lighting. https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/tutorials/3d/lights_and_shadows.html @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ - If [code]true[/code], the light only appears in the editor and will not be visible at runtime. Default value:[code]false[/code]. + If [code]true[/code], the light only appears in the editor and will not be visible at runtime. Default value: [code]false[/code]. The light's bake mode. See [enum BakeMode]. @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ The light's strength multiplier. - Secondary multiplier used with indirect light (light bounces). This works in baked light or GIProbe. + Secondary multiplier used with indirect light (light bounces). This works on both [BakedLightmap] and [GIProbe]. If [code]true[/code], the light's effect is reversed, darkening areas and casting bright shadows. Default value: [code]false[/code]. @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ The intensity of the specular blob in objects affected by the light. At [code]0[/code] the light becomes a pure diffuse light. - Used to adjust shadow appearance. Too small a value results in self shadowing, while too large a value causes shadows to separate from casters. Adjust as needed. + Used to adjust shadow appearance. Too small a value results in self-shadowing, while too large a value causes shadows to separate from casters. Adjust as needed. The color of shadows cast by this light. @@ -86,13 +86,15 @@ Represents the size of the [enum Param] enum. - Light is ignored when baking. Note: hiding a light does [i]not[/i] affect baking. + Light is ignored when baking. + [b]Note:[/b] Hiding a light does [i]not[/i] affect baking. - Only indirect lighting will be baked. Default value. + Only indirect lighting will be baked (default). - Both direct and indirect light will be baked. Note: you should hide the light if you don't want it to appear twice (dynamic and baked). + Both direct and indirect light will be baked. + [b]Note:[/b] You should hide the light if you don't want it to appear twice (dynamic and baked). diff --git a/doc/classes/Light2D.xml b/doc/classes/Light2D.xml index a83b48da88c..1d7ccb020e0 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Light2D.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Light2D.xml @@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ Casts light in a 2D environment. - Casts light in a 2D environment. Light is defined by a (usually grayscale) texture, a color, an energy value, a mode (see constants), and various other parameters (range and shadows-related). Note that Light2D can be used as a mask. + Casts light in a 2D environment. Light is defined by a (usually grayscale) texture, a color, an energy value, a mode (see constants), and various other parameters (range and shadows-related). + [b]Note:[/b] Light2D can also be used as a mask. http://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/tutorials/2d/2d_lights_and_shadows.html @@ -25,7 +26,7 @@ The Light2D's energy value. The larger the value, the stronger the light. - The Light2D's mode. See MODE_* constants for values. + The Light2D's mode. See [code]MODE_*[/code] constants for values. The offset of the Light2D's [code]texture[/code]. @@ -58,7 +59,7 @@ If [code]true[/code], the Light2D will cast shadows. Default value: [code]false[/code]. - Shadow filter type. Use [enum ShadowFilter] constants as values. Default value: [constant SHADOW_FILTER_NONE]. + Shadow filter type. See [enum ShadowFilter] for possible values. Default value: [constant SHADOW_FILTER_NONE]. Smoothing value for shadows. diff --git a/doc/classes/Line2D.xml b/doc/classes/Line2D.xml index 8a13e044f04..ab10426ebf4 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Line2D.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Line2D.xml @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ - Add a point at the [code]position[/code]. Appends the point at the end of the line. + Adds a point at the [code]position[/code]. Appends the point at the end of the line. If [code]at_position[/code] is given, the point is inserted before the point number [code]at_position[/code], moving that point (and every point after) after the inserted point. If [code]at_position[/code] is not given, or is an illegal value ([code]at_position < 0[/code] or [code]at_position >= [method get_point_count][/code]), the point will be appended at the end of the point list. @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ - Remove the point at index [code]i[/code] from the line. + Removes the point at index [code]i[/code] from the line. @@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ The line's joints will be rounded. - Don't have a line cap. + Don't draw a line cap. Draws the line cap as a box. @@ -123,10 +123,10 @@ Takes the left pixels of the texture and renders it over the whole line. - Tiles the texture over the line. The texture need to be imported with Repeat Enabled for it to work properly. + Tiles the texture over the line. The texture must be imported with [b]Repeat[/b] enabled for it to work properly. - Stretches the texture across the line. Import the texture with Repeat Disabled for best results. + Stretches the texture across the line. Import the texture with [b]Repeat[/b] disabled for best results. diff --git a/doc/classes/LineEdit.xml b/doc/classes/LineEdit.xml index 44043a5a164..0f41e38d584 100644 --- a/doc/classes/LineEdit.xml +++ b/doc/classes/LineEdit.xml @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ - Executes a given action as defined in the MENU_* enum. + Executes a given action as defined in the[code]MENU_*[/code] enum. @@ -65,12 +65,12 @@ - Selects characters inside [LineEdit] between [code]from[/code] and [code]to[/code]. By default [code]from[/code] is at the beginning and [code]to[/code] at the end. + Selects characters inside [LineEdit] between [code]from[/code] and [code]to[/code]. By default, [code]from[/code] is at the beginning and [code]to[/code] at the end. [codeblock] text = "Welcome" - select() # Welcome - select(4) # ome - select(2, 5) # lco + select() # Will select "Welcome" + select(4) # Will select "ome" + select(2, 5) # Will select "lco" [/codeblock] @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ - Text alignment as defined in the ALIGN_* enum. + Text alignment as defined in the [code]ALIGN_*[/code] enum. If [code]true[/code], the caret (visual cursor) blinks. @@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ If [code]true[/code], the [LineEdit] will show a clear button if [code]text[/code] is not empty. - If [code]true[/code], the context menu will appear when right clicked. + If [code]true[/code], the context menu will appear when right-clicked. If [code]false[/code], existing text cannot be modified and new text cannot be added. @@ -147,13 +147,13 @@ - Aligns the text on the left hand side of the [LineEdit]. + Aligns the text on the left-hand side of the [LineEdit]. Centers the text in the middle of the [LineEdit]. - Aligns the text on the right hand side of the [LineEdit]. + Aligns the text on the right-hand side of the [LineEdit]. Stretches whitespaces to fit the [LineEdit]'s width. diff --git a/doc/classes/LineShape2D.xml b/doc/classes/LineShape2D.xml index 94409cbd836..67cb9b0eee6 100644 --- a/doc/classes/LineShape2D.xml +++ b/doc/classes/LineShape2D.xml @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Line shape for 2D collisions. - Line shape for 2D collisions. It works like a 2D plane and will not allow any body to go to the negative side. Not recommended for rigid bodies, and usually not recommended for static bodies either because it forces checks against it on every frame. + Line shape for 2D collisions. It works like a 2D plane and will not allow any physics body to go to the negative side. Not recommended for rigid bodies, and usually not recommended for static bodies either because it forces checks against it on every frame. diff --git a/doc/classes/LinkButton.xml b/doc/classes/LinkButton.xml index ef9f785f0fb..1dc0c3f91d8 100644 --- a/doc/classes/LinkButton.xml +++ b/doc/classes/LinkButton.xml @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Simple button used to represent a link to some resource. - This kind of buttons are primarily used when the interaction with the button causes a context change (like linking to a web page). + This kind of button is primarily used when the interaction with the button causes a context change (like linking to a web page). @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ - The LinkButton will always show an underline at the bottom of its text + The LinkButton will always show an underline at the bottom of its text. The LinkButton will show an underline at the bottom of its text when the mouse cursor is over it. diff --git a/doc/classes/MainLoop.xml b/doc/classes/MainLoop.xml index 312b2ff6926..f5bf12a876b 100644 --- a/doc/classes/MainLoop.xml +++ b/doc/classes/MainLoop.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ [MainLoop] is the abstract base class for a Godot project's game loop. It in inherited by [SceneTree], which is the default game loop implementation used in Godot projects, though it is also possible to write and use one's own [MainLoop] subclass instead of the scene tree. - Upon application start, a [MainLoop] implementation has to be provided to the OS, or the application will exit. This happens automatically (and a [SceneTree] is created) unless a main [Script] is provided from the command line (with e.g. [code]godot -s my_loop.gd[/code], which should then be a [MainLoop] implementation. + Upon the application start, a [MainLoop] implementation must be provided to the OS; otherwise, the application will exit. This happens automatically (and a [SceneTree] is created) unless a main [Script] is provided from the command line (with e.g. [code]godot -s my_loop.gd[/code], which should then be a [MainLoop] implementation. Here is an example script implementing a simple [MainLoop]: [codeblock] extends MainLoop diff --git a/doc/classes/MarginContainer.xml b/doc/classes/MarginContainer.xml index 3ea3204e569..fe63ba956f5 100644 --- a/doc/classes/MarginContainer.xml +++ b/doc/classes/MarginContainer.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Adds a top, left, bottom, and right margin to all [Control] nodes that are direct children of the container. To control the [MarginContainer]'s margin, use the [code]margin_*[/code] theme properties listed below. - [b]Note:[/b] Be careful, [Control] margin values are different than the constant margin values. If you want to change the custom margin values of the [MarginContainer] by code you should use the following examples: + [b]Note:[/b] Be careful, [Control] margin values are different than the constant margin values. If you want to change the custom margin values of the [MarginContainer] by code, you should use the following examples: [codeblock] var margin_value = 100 set("custom_constants/margin_top", margin_value) diff --git a/doc/classes/Marshalls.xml b/doc/classes/Marshalls.xml index c7118a4d9fc..083a3163cec 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Marshalls.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Marshalls.xml @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ - Returns [PoolByteArray] of a given base64 encoded String. + Returns a decoded [PoolByteArray] corresponding to the Base64-encoded string [code]base64_str[/code]. @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ - Returns utf8 String of a given base64 encoded String. + Returns a decoded string corresponding to the Base64-encoded string [code]base64_str[/code]. @@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ - Returns [Variant] of a given base64 encoded String. When [code]allow_objects[/code] is [code]true[/code] decoding objects is allowed. - [b]WARNING:[/b] Deserialized object can contain code which gets executed. Do not use this option if the serialized object comes from untrusted sources to avoid potential security threats (remote code execution). + Returns a decoded [Variant] corresponding to the Base64-encoded string [code]base64_str[/code]. If [code]allow_objects[/code] is [code]true[/code], decoding objects is allowed. + [b]Warning:[/b] Deserialized objects can contain code which gets executed. Do not use this option if the serialized object comes from untrusted sources to avoid potential security threats such as remote code execution. @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ - Returns base64 encoded String of a given [PoolByteArray]. + Returns a Base64-encoded string of a given [PoolByteArray]. @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ - Returns base64 encoded String of a given utf8 String. + Returns a Base64-encoded string of the UTF-8 string [code]utf8_str[/code]. @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ - Returns base64 encoded String of a given [Variant]. When [code]full_objects[/code] is [code]true[/code] encoding objects is allowed (and can potentially include code). + Returns a Base64-encoded string of the [Variant] [code]variant[/code]. If [code]full_objects[/code] is [code]true[/code], encoding objects is allowed (and can potentially include code). diff --git a/doc/classes/Mesh.xml b/doc/classes/Mesh.xml index d2911fd2991..6066d09b4ea 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Mesh.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Mesh.xml @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ - A [Resource] that contains vertex-array based geometry. + A [Resource] that contains vertex array-based geometry. - Mesh is a type of [Resource] that contains vertex-array based geometry, divided in [i]surfaces[/i]. Each surface contains a completely separate array and a material used to draw it. Design wise, a mesh with multiple surfaces is preferred to a single surface, because objects created in 3D editing software commonly contain multiple materials. + Mesh is a type of [Resource] that contains vertex array-based geometry, divided in [i]surfaces[/i]. Each surface contains a completely separate array and a material used to draw it. Design wise, a mesh with multiple surfaces is preferred to a single surface, because objects created in 3D editing software commonly contain multiple materials. @@ -22,7 +22,8 @@ - Calculate an outline mesh at a defined offset (margin) from the original mesh. Note: Typically returns the vertices in reverse order (e.g. clockwise to anti-clockwise). + Calculate an outline mesh at a defined offset (margin) from the original mesh. + [b]Note:[/b] This method typically returns the vertices in reverse order (e.g. clockwise to counterclockwise). @@ -88,7 +89,7 @@ - Set a [Material] for a given surface. Surface will be rendered using this material. + Sets a [Material] for a given surface. Surface will be rendered using this material. diff --git a/doc/classes/MeshDataTool.xml b/doc/classes/MeshDataTool.xml index 5cee9915fff..22c31306bf0 100644 --- a/doc/classes/MeshDataTool.xml +++ b/doc/classes/MeshDataTool.xml @@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ Helper tool to access and edit [Mesh] data. - The MeshDataTool provides access to individual vertices in a [Mesh]. It allows users to read and edit vertex data of meshes. It also creates an array of faces and edges. - To use the MeshDataTool, load a mesh with [method create_from_surface]. When you are finished editing the data commit the data to a mesh with [method commit_to_surface]. - Below is an example of how the MeshDataTool may be used. + MeshDataTool provides access to individual vertices in a [Mesh]. It allows users to read and edit vertex data of meshes. It also creates an array of faces and edges. + To use MeshDataTool, load a mesh with [method create_from_surface]. When you are finished editing the data commit the data to a mesh with [method commit_to_surface]. + Below is an example of how MeshDataTool may be used. [codeblock] var mdt = MeshDataTool.new() mdt.create_from_surface(mesh, 0) @@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ - Returns meta data associated with given face. + Returns the metadata associated with the given face. @@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ - Calculates and returns face normal of given face. + Calculates and returns the face normal of the given face. @@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ - Returns specified vertex of given face. + Returns the specified vertex of the given face. Vertex argument must be 2 or less because faces contain three vertices. @@ -139,15 +139,15 @@ - Returns format of [Mesh]. Format is an integer made up of [Mesh] format flags combined together. For example, a mesh containing both vertices and normals would return a format of [code]3[/code] because [constant ArrayMesh.ARRAY_FORMAT_VERTEX] is [code]1[/code] and [constant ArrayMesh.ARRAY_FORMAT_NORMAL] is [code]2[/code]. - For list of format flags see [enum ArrayMesh.ArrayFormat]. + Returns the [Mesh]'s format. Format is an integer made up of [Mesh] format flags combined together. For example, a mesh containing both vertices and normals would return a format of [code]3[/code] because [constant ArrayMesh.ARRAY_FORMAT_VERTEX] is [code]1[/code] and [constant ArrayMesh.ARRAY_FORMAT_NORMAL] is [code]2[/code]. + See [enum ArrayMesh.ArrayFormat] for a list of format flags. - Returns material assigned to the [Mesh]. + Returns the material assigned to the [Mesh]. @@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ - Returns array of edges that share given vertex. + Returns an array of edges that share the given vertex. @@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ - Returns array of faces that share given vertex. + Returns an array of faces that share the given vertex. @@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ - Returns meta data associated with given vertex. + Returns the metadata associated with the given vertex. @@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ - Returns normal of given vertex. + Returns the normal of the given vertex. @@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ - Returns tangent of given vertex. + Returns the tangent of the given vertex. @@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ - Returns UV of given vertex. + Returns the UV of the given vertex. @@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ - Returns UV2 of given vertex. + Returns the UV2 of the given vertex. @@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ - Returns bone weights of given vertex. + Returns bone weights of the given vertex. @@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ - Sets the meta data of given edge. + Sets the metadata of the given edge. @@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ - Sets the meta data of given face. + Sets the metadata of the given face. @@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ - Sets the material to be used by newly constructed [Mesh]. + Sets the material to be used by newly-constructed [Mesh]. @@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ - Sets the position of given vertex. + Sets the position of the given vertex. @@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ - Sets the bones of given vertex. + Sets the bones of the given vertex. @@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ - Sets the color of given vertex. + Sets the color of the given vertex. @@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ - Sets the meta data associated with given vertex. + Sets the metadata associated with the given vertex. @@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ - Sets the normal of given vertex. + Sets the normal of the given vertex. @@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ - Sets the tangent of given vertex. + Sets the tangent of the given vertex. @@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ - Sets the UV of given vertex. + Sets the UV of the given vertex. @@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ - Sets the UV2 of given vertex. + Sets the UV2 of the given vertex. @@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ - Sets the bone weights of given vertex. + Sets the bone weights of the given vertex. diff --git a/doc/classes/MeshLibrary.xml b/doc/classes/MeshLibrary.xml index ad5824640db..041d1fa80de 100644 --- a/doc/classes/MeshLibrary.xml +++ b/doc/classes/MeshLibrary.xml @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Library of meshes. - Library of meshes. Contains a list of [Mesh] resources, each with name and ID. Useful for GridMap or painting Terrain. + Library of meshes. Contains a list of [Mesh] resources, each with name and ID. This resource is used in [GridMap]. @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ - Get an unused id for a new item. + Gets an unused id for a new item. @@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ - Remove the item. + Removes the item. @@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ - Set the mesh of the item. + Sets the mesh of the item. @@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ - Set the name of the item. + Sets the name of the item. diff --git a/doc/classes/MeshTexture.xml b/doc/classes/MeshTexture.xml index d305cca482e..ba2b1621ff3 100644 --- a/doc/classes/MeshTexture.xml +++ b/doc/classes/MeshTexture.xml @@ -12,13 +12,13 @@ - Set the base texture that the Mesh will use to draw. + Sets the base texture that the Mesh will use to draw. - Set the size of the image, needed for reference. + Sets the size of the image, needed for reference. - Set the mesh used to draw. It must be a mesh using 2D vertices. + Sets the mesh used to draw. It must be a mesh using 2D vertices. diff --git a/doc/classes/MultiMesh.xml b/doc/classes/MultiMesh.xml index 0784fc3a42d..d0b9a04824e 100644 --- a/doc/classes/MultiMesh.xml +++ b/doc/classes/MultiMesh.xml @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ - Provides high performance mesh instancing. + Provides high-performance mesh instancing. - MultiMesh provides low level mesh instancing. Drawing thousands of [MeshInstance] nodes can be slow because each object is submitted to the GPU to be drawn individually. - MultiMesh is much faster because it can draw thousands of instances with a single draw call, resulting in less API overhead. + MultiMesh provides low-level mesh instancing. Drawing thousands of [MeshInstance] nodes can be slow, since each object is submitted to the GPU then drawn individually. + MultiMesh is much faster as it can draw thousands of instances with a single draw call, resulting in less API overhead. As a drawback, if the instances are too far away of each other, performance may be reduced as every single instance will always rendered (they are spatially indexed as one, for the whole object). Since instances may have any behavior, the AABB used for visibility must be provided by the user. @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ - Returns the visibility AABB. + Returns the visibility axis-aligned bounding box. @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ - Get the color of a specific instance. + Gets a specific instance's color. @@ -62,9 +62,9 @@ - Set all data related to the instances in one go. This is especially useful when loading the data from disk or preparing the data from GDNative. + Sets all data related to the instances in one go. This is especially useful when loading the data from disk or preparing the data from GDNative. All data is packed in one large float array. An array may look like this: Transform for instance 1, color data for instance 1, custom data for instance 1, transform for instance 2, color data for instance 2, etc... - [Transform] is stored as 12 floats, [Transform2D] is stored as 8 floats, COLOR_8BIT / CUSTOM_DATA_8BIT is stored as 1 float (4 bytes as is) and COLOR_FLOAT / CUSTOM_DATA_FLOAT is stored as 4 floats. + [Transform] is stored as 12 floats, [Transform2D] is stored as 8 floats, [code]COLOR_8BIT[/code] / [code]CUSTOM_DATA_8BIT[/code] is stored as 1 float (4 bytes as is) and [code]COLOR_FLOAT[/code] / [code]CUSTOM_DATA_FLOAT[/code] is stored as 4 floats. @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ - Set the color of a specific instance. + Sets the color of a specific instance. For the color to take effect, ensure that [member color_format] is non-[code]null[/code] on the [MultiMesh] and [member SpatialMaterial.vertex_color_use_as_albedo] is [code]true[/code] on the material. @@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ - Set custom data for a specific instance. Although [Color] is used, it is just a container for 4 numbers. + Sets custom data for a specific instance. Although [Color] is used, it is just a container for 4 numbers. @@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ - Set the [Transform] for a specific instance. + Sets the [Transform] for a specific instance. @@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ - Set the [Transform2D] for a specific instance. + Sets the [Transform2D] for a specific instance. @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ Format of custom data in custom data array that gets passed to shader. - Number of instances that will get drawn. This clears and (re)sizes the buffers. By default all instances are drawn but you can limit this with [member visible_instance_count]. + Number of instances that will get drawn. This clears and (re)sizes the buffers. By default, all instances are drawn but you can limit this with [member visible_instance_count]. Mesh to be drawn. diff --git a/doc/classes/MultiMeshInstance.xml b/doc/classes/MultiMeshInstance.xml index 70834d6085f..16f16fdc8b9 100644 --- a/doc/classes/MultiMeshInstance.xml +++ b/doc/classes/MultiMeshInstance.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ [MultiMeshInstance] is a specialized node to instance [GeometryInstance]s based on a [MultiMesh] resource. - This is useful to optimize the rendering of a high amount of instances of a given mesh (for example tree in a forest or grass strands). + This is useful to optimize the rendering of a high amount of instances of a given mesh (for example trees in a forest or grass strands). http://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/tutorials/3d/vertex_animation/animating_thousands_of_fish.html diff --git a/doc/classes/MultiplayerAPI.xml b/doc/classes/MultiplayerAPI.xml index b67d83efec6..afe2ebc40fa 100644 --- a/doc/classes/MultiplayerAPI.xml +++ b/doc/classes/MultiplayerAPI.xml @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ - High Level Multiplayer API. + High-level multiplayer API. - This class implements most of the logic behind the high level multiplayer API. + This class implements most of the logic behind the high-level multiplayer API. By default, [SceneTree] has a reference to this class that is used to provide multiplayer capabilities (i.e. RPC/RSET) across the whole scene. It is possible to override the MultiplayerAPI instance used by specific Nodes by setting the [member Node.custom_multiplayer] property, effectively allowing to run both client and server in the same scene. @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ Returns the sender's peer ID for the RPC currently being executed. - NOTE: If not inside an RPC this method will return 0. + [b]Note:[/b] If not inside an RPC this method will return 0. @@ -58,8 +58,8 @@ - Method used for polling the MultiplayerAPI. You only need to worry about this if you are using [member Node.custom_multiplayer] override or you set [member SceneTree.multiplayer_poll] to [code]false[/code]. By default [SceneTree] will poll its MultiplayerAPI for you. - NOTE: This method results in RPCs and RSETs being called, so they will be executed in the same context of this function (e.g. [code]_process[/code], [code]physics[/code], [Thread]). + Method used for polling the MultiplayerAPI. You only need to worry about this if you are using [member Node.custom_multiplayer] override or you set [member SceneTree.multiplayer_poll] to [code]false[/code]. By default, [SceneTree] will poll its MultiplayerAPI for you. + [b]Note:[/b] This method results in RPCs and RSETs being called, so they will be executed in the same context of this function (e.g. [code]_process[/code], [code]physics[/code], [Thread]). @@ -88,11 +88,11 @@ - If [code]true[/code] (or if the [member network_peer] [member PacketPeer.allow_object_decoding] the MultiplayerAPI will allow encoding and decoding of object during RPCs/RSETs. - [b]WARNING:[/b] Deserialized object can contain code which gets executed. Do not use this option if the serialized object comes from untrusted sources to avoid potential security threats (remote code execution). + If [code]true[/code] (or if the [member network_peer] has [member PacketPeer.allow_object_decoding] set to [code]true[/code]), the MultiplayerAPI will allow encoding and decoding of object during RPCs/RSETs. + [b]Warning:[/b] Deserialized objects can contain code which gets executed. Do not use this option if the serialized object comes from untrusted sources to avoid potential security threats such as remote code execution. - The peer object to handle the RPC system (effectively enabling networking when set). Depending on the peer itself, the MultiplayerAPI will become a network server (check with [method is_network_server]) and will set root node's network mode to master (see NETWORK_MODE_* constants in [Node]), or it will become a regular peer with root node set to puppet. All child nodes are set to inherit the network mode by default. Handling of networking-related events (connection, disconnection, new clients) is done by connecting to MultiplayerAPI's signals. + The peer object to handle the RPC system (effectively enabling networking when set). Depending on the peer itself, the MultiplayerAPI will become a network server (check with [method is_network_server]) and will set root node's network mode to master (see [code]NETWORK_MODE_*[/code] constants in [Node]), or it will become a regular peer with root node set to puppet. All child nodes are set to inherit the network mode by default. Handling of networking-related events (connection, disconnection, new clients) is done by connecting to MultiplayerAPI's signals. If [code]true[/code], the MultiplayerAPI's [member network_peer] refuses new incoming connections. @@ -101,26 +101,26 @@ - Emitted whenever this MultiplayerAPI's [member network_peer] successfully connected to a server. Only emitted on clients. + Emitted when this MultiplayerAPI's [member network_peer] successfully connected to a server. Only emitted on clients. - Emitted whenever this MultiplayerAPI's [member network_peer] fails to establish a connection to a server. Only emitted on clients. + Emitted when this MultiplayerAPI's [member network_peer] fails to establish a connection to a server. Only emitted on clients. - Emitted whenever this MultiplayerAPI's [member network_peer] connects with a new peer. ID is the peer ID of the new peer. Clients get notified when other clients connect to the same server. Upon connecting to a server, a client also receives this signal for the server (with ID being 1). + Emitted when this MultiplayerAPI's [member network_peer] connects with a new peer. ID is the peer ID of the new peer. Clients get notified when other clients connect to the same server. Upon connecting to a server, a client also receives this signal for the server (with ID being 1). - Emitted whenever this MultiplayerAPI's [member network_peer] disconnects from a peer. Clients get notified when other clients disconnect from the same server. + Emitted when this MultiplayerAPI's [member network_peer] disconnects from a peer. Clients get notified when other clients disconnect from the same server. @@ -129,12 +129,12 @@ - Emitted whenever this MultiplayerAPI's [member network_peer] receive a [code]packet[/code] with custom data (see [method send_bytes]). ID is the peer ID of the peer that sent the packet. + Emitted when this MultiplayerAPI's [member network_peer] receive a [code]packet[/code] with custom data (see [method send_bytes]). ID is the peer ID of the peer that sent the packet. - Emitted whenever this MultiplayerAPI's [member network_peer] disconnects from server. Only emitted on clients. + Emitted when this MultiplayerAPI's [member network_peer] disconnects from server. Only emitted on clients. @@ -152,13 +152,13 @@ Used with [method Node.rpc_config] or [method Node.rset_config] to set a method to be called or a property to be changed only on puppets for this node. Analogous to the [code]puppet[/code] keyword. Only accepts calls or property changes from the node's network master, see [method Node.set_network_master]. - Deprecated. Use [constant RPC_MODE_PUPPET] instead. Analogous to the [code]slave[/code] keyword. + [i]Deprecated.[/i] Use [constant RPC_MODE_PUPPET] instead. Analogous to the [code]slave[/code] keyword. Behave like [constant RPC_MODE_REMOTE] but also make the call or property change locally. Analogous to the [code]remotesync[/code] keyword. - Deprecated. Use [constant RPC_MODE_REMOTESYNC] instead. Analogous to the [code]sync[/code] keyword. + [i]Deprecated.[/i] Use [constant RPC_MODE_REMOTESYNC] instead. Analogous to the [code]sync[/code] keyword. Behave like [constant RPC_MODE_MASTER] but also make the call or property change locally. Analogous to the [code]mastersync[/code] keyword. diff --git a/doc/classes/Mutex.xml b/doc/classes/Mutex.xml index 2f41e100fc7..793696321be 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Mutex.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Mutex.xml @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ - A synchronization Mutex. + A synchronization mutex (mutual exclusion). - A synchronization Mutex. Element used to synchronize multiple [Thread]s. Basically a binary [Semaphore]. Guarantees that only one thread can ever acquire this lock at a time. Can be used to protect a critical section. Be careful to avoid deadlocks. + A synchronization mutex (mutual exclusion). This is used to synchronize multiple [Thread]s, and is equivalent to a binary [Semaphore]. It guarantees that only one thread can ever acquire the lock at a time. A mutex can be used to protect a critical section; however, be careful to avoid deadlocks. @@ -13,21 +13,21 @@ - Lock this [Mutex], blocks until it is unlocked by the current owner. + Locks this [Mutex], blocks until it is unlocked by the current owner. - Try locking this [Mutex], does not block. Returns [constant OK] on success, [constant ERR_BUSY] otherwise. + Tries locking this [Mutex], but does not block. Returns [constant OK] on success, [constant ERR_BUSY] otherwise. - Unlock this [Mutex], leaving it to other threads. + Unlocks this [Mutex], leaving it to other threads. diff --git a/doc/classes/Navigation.xml b/doc/classes/Navigation.xml index f0ae3fef99f..83e1889efc4 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Navigation.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Navigation.xml @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Mesh-based navigation and pathfinding node. - Provides navigation and pathfinding within a collection of [NavigationMesh]es. By default these will be automatically collected from child [NavigationMeshInstance] nodes, but they can also be added on the fly with [method navmesh_add]. In addition to basic pathfinding, this class also assists with aligning navigation agents with the meshes they are navigating on. + Provides navigation and pathfinding within a collection of [NavigationMesh]es. By default, these will be automatically collected from child [NavigationMeshInstance] nodes, but they can also be added on the fly with [method navmesh_add]. In addition to basic pathfinding, this class also assists with aligning navigation agents with the meshes they are navigating on. @@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ - Defines which direction is up. By default this is [code](0, 1, 0)[/code], which is the world up direction. + Defines which direction is up. By default, this is [code](0, 1, 0)[/code], which is the world's "up" direction. diff --git a/doc/classes/Navigation2D.xml b/doc/classes/Navigation2D.xml index 67b5d72182a..ea1b992d793 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Navigation2D.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Navigation2D.xml @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ 2D navigation and pathfinding node. - Navigation2D provides navigation and pathfinding within a 2D area, specified as a collection of [NavigationPolygon] resources. By default these are automatically collected from child [NavigationPolygonInstance] nodes, but they can also be added on the fly with [method navpoly_add]. + Navigation2D provides navigation and pathfinding within a 2D area, specified as a collection of [NavigationPolygon] resources. By default, these are automatically collected from child [NavigationPolygonInstance] nodes, but they can also be added on the fly with [method navpoly_add]. diff --git a/doc/classes/NavigationPolygon.xml b/doc/classes/NavigationPolygon.xml index 2630ae13771..555f308660c 100644 --- a/doc/classes/NavigationPolygon.xml +++ b/doc/classes/NavigationPolygon.xml @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ A node that has methods to draw outlines or use indices of vertices to create navigation polygons. - There are two ways to create polygons. Either by using the [method add_outline] method or using the [method add_polygon] method. + There are two ways to create polygons. Either by using the [method add_outline] method, or using the [method add_polygon] method. Using [method add_outline]: [codeblock] var polygon = NavigationPolygon.new() diff --git a/doc/classes/NetworkedMultiplayerPeer.xml b/doc/classes/NetworkedMultiplayerPeer.xml index ac84c32b5e6..c8040156597 100644 --- a/doc/classes/NetworkedMultiplayerPeer.xml +++ b/doc/classes/NetworkedMultiplayerPeer.xml @@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ Packets are not acknowledged, no resend attempts are made for lost packets. Packets are received in the order they were sent in. Potentially faster than [constant TRANSFER_MODE_RELIABLE]. Use for non-critical data or data that would be outdated if received late due to resend attempt(s) anyway, for example movement and positional data. - Packets must be received and resend attempts should be made until the packets are acknowledged. Packets must be received in the order they were sent in. Most reliable transfer mode, but potentially slowest due to the overhead. Use for critical data that must be transmitted and arrive in order, for example an ability being triggered or a chat message. Consider carefully if the information really is critical, and use sparingly. + Packets must be received and resend attempts should be made until the packets are acknowledged. Packets must be received in the order they were sent in. Most reliable transfer mode, but potentially the slowest due to the overhead. Use for critical data that must be transmitted and arrive in order, for example an ability being triggered or a chat message. Consider carefully if the information really is critical, and use sparingly. The ongoing connection disconnected. diff --git a/doc/classes/NinePatchRect.xml b/doc/classes/NinePatchRect.xml index 3095da14bec..d6759d7d434 100644 --- a/doc/classes/NinePatchRect.xml +++ b/doc/classes/NinePatchRect.xml @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Scalable texture-based frame that tiles the texture's centers and sides, but keeps the corners' original size. Perfect for panels and dialog boxes. - Better known as 9-slice panels, NinePatchRect produces clean panels of any size, based on a small texture. To do so, it splits the texture in a 3 by 3 grid. When you scale the node, it tiles the texture's sides horizontally or vertically, the center on both axes but it doesn't scale or tile the corners. + Also known as 9-slice panels, NinePatchRect produces clean panels of any size, based on a small texture. To do so, it splits the texture in a 3×3 grid. When you scale the node, it tiles the texture's sides horizontally or vertically, the center on both axes but it doesn't scale or tile the corners. @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Doesn't do anything at the time of writing. - If [code]true[/code], draw the panel's center. Else, only draw the 9-slice's borders. Default value: [code]true[/code] + If [code]true[/code], draw the panel's center. Else, only draw the 9-slice's borders. Default value: [code]true[/code]. The height of the 9-slice's bottom row. A margin of 16 means the 9-slice's bottom corners and side will have a height of 16 pixels. You can set all 4 margin values individually to create panels with non-uniform borders. diff --git a/doc/classes/Node.xml b/doc/classes/Node.xml index 6df207b2cd3..5956d7a364d 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Node.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Node.xml @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ To keep track of the scene hierarchy (especially when instancing scenes into other scenes), an "owner" can be set for the node with the [member owner] property. This keeps track of who instanced what. This is mostly useful when writing editors and tools, though. Finally, when a node is freed with [method Object.free] or [method queue_free], it will also free all its children. [b]Groups:[/b] Nodes can be added to as many groups as you want to be easy to manage, you could create groups like "enemies" or "collectables" for example, depending on your game. See [method add_to_group], [method is_in_group] and [method remove_from_group]. You can then retrieve all nodes in these groups, iterate them and even call methods on groups via the methods on [SceneTree]. - [b]Networking with nodes:[/b] After connecting to a server (or making one, see [NetworkedMultiplayerENet]) it is possible to use the built-in RPC (remote procedure call) system to communicate over the network. By calling [method rpc] with a method name, it will be called locally and in all connected peers (peers = clients and the server that accepts connections). To identify which node receives the RPC call Godot will use its [NodePath] (make sure node names are the same on all peers). Also take a look at the high-level networking tutorial and corresponding demos. + [b]Networking with nodes:[/b] After connecting to a server (or making one, see [NetworkedMultiplayerENet]), it is possible to use the built-in RPC (remote procedure call) system to communicate over the network. By calling [method rpc] with a method name, it will be called locally and in all connected peers (peers = clients and the server that accepts connections). To identify which node receives the RPC call, Godot will use its [NodePath] (make sure node names are the same on all peers). Also, take a look at the high-level networking tutorial and corresponding demos. https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/getting_started/step_by_step/scenes_and_nodes.html @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ Called when the node is "ready", i.e. when both the node and its children have entered the scene tree. If the node has children, their [method _ready] callbacks get triggered first, and the parent node will receive the ready notification afterwards. Corresponds to the [constant NOTIFICATION_READY] notification in [method Object._notification]. See also the [code]onready[/code] keyword for variables. - Usually used for initialization. For even earlier initialization, [method Object._init] may be used. Also see [method _enter_tree]. + Usually used for initialization. For even earlier initialization, [method Object._init] may be used. See also [method _enter_tree]. @@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ Adds a child node. Nodes can have any number of children, but every child must have a unique name. Child nodes are automatically deleted when the parent node is deleted, so an entire scene can be removed by deleting its topmost node. - Setting [code]legible_unique_name[/code] to [code]true[/code] creates child nodes with human-readable names, based on the name of the node being instanced instead of its type. + If [code]legible_unique_name[/code] is [code]true[/code], the child node will have an human-readable name based on the name of the node being instanced instead of its type. @@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ Adds a child node. The child is placed below the given node in the list of children. - Setting [code]legible_unique_name[/code] to [code]true[/code] creates child nodes with human-readable names, based on the name of the node being instanced instead of its type. + If [code]legible_unique_name[/code] is [code]true[/code], the child node will have an human-readable name based on the name of the node being instanced instead of its type. @@ -176,8 +176,9 @@ - Finds a descendant of this node whose name matches [code]mask[/code] as in [method String.match] (i.e. case sensitive, but '*' matches zero or more characters and '?' matches any single character except '.'). Note that it does not match against the full path, just against individual node names. - If [code]owned[/code] is [code]true[/code], this method only finds nodes whose owner is this node. This is especially important for scenes instantiated through script, because those scenes don't have an owner. + Finds a descendant of this node whose name matches [code]mask[/code] as in [method String.match] (i.e. case-sensitive, but [code]"*"[/code] matches zero or more characters and [code]"?"[/code] matches any single character except [code]"."[/code]). + [b]Note:[/b] It does not match against the full path, just against individual node names. + If [code]owned[/code] is [code]true[/code], this method only finds nodes whose owner is this node. This is especially important for scenes instantiated through a script, because those scenes don't have an owner. @@ -186,7 +187,8 @@ - Finds the first parent of the current node whose name matches [code]mask[/code] as in [method String.match] (i.e. case sensitive, but '*' matches zero or more characters and '?' matches any single character except '.'). Note that it does not match against the full path, just against individual node names. + Finds the first parent of the current node whose name matches [code]mask[/code] as in [method String.match] (i.e. case-sensitive, but [code]"*"[/code] matches zero or more characters and [code]"?"[/code] matches any single character except [code]"."[/code]). + [b]Note:[/b] It does not match against the full path, just against individual node names. @@ -284,7 +286,7 @@ - Similar to [method get_node], but does not raise an error when [code]path[/code] does not point to a valid [Node]. + Similar to [method get_node], but does not raise an error if [code]path[/code] does not point to a valid [Node]. @@ -489,7 +491,8 @@ - Prints the tree to stdout. Used mainly for debugging purposes. This version displays the path relative to the current node, and is good for copy/pasting into the [method get_node] function. Example output: + Prints the tree to stdout. Used mainly for debugging purposes. This version displays the path relative to the current node, and is good for copy/pasting into the [method get_node] function. + [b]Example output:[/b] [codeblock] TheGame TheGame/Menu @@ -504,7 +507,8 @@ - Similar to [method print_tree], this prints the tree to stdout. This version displays a more graphical representation similar to what is displayed in the scene inspector. It is useful for inspecting larger trees. Example output: + Similar to [method print_tree], this prints the tree to stdout. This version displays a more graphical representation similar to what is displayed in the scene inspector. It is useful for inspecting larger trees. + [b]Example output:[/b] [codeblock] ┖╴TheGame ┠╴Menu @@ -525,7 +529,7 @@ - Calls the given method (if present) with the arguments given in [code]args[/code] on this node and recursively on all its children. If the [code]parent_first[/code] argument is [code]true[/code] then the method will be called on the current node first, then on all children. If it is [code]false[/code] then the children will be called first. + Calls the given method (if present) with the arguments given in [code]args[/code] on this node and recursively on all its children. If the [code]parent_first[/code] argument is [code]true[/code], the method will be called on the current node first, then on all its children. If [code]parent_first[/code] is [code]false[/code], the children will be called first. @@ -600,7 +604,8 @@ - Sends a remote procedure call request for the given [code]method[/code] to peers on the network (and locally), optionally sending all additional arguments as arguments to the method called by the RPC. The call request will only be received by nodes with the same [NodePath], including the exact same node name. Behaviour depends on the RPC configuration for the given method, see [method rpc_config]. Methods are not exposed to RPCs by default. Also see [method rset] and [method rset_config] for properties. Returns an empty [Variant]. Note that you can only safely use RPCs on clients after you received the [code]connected_to_server[/code] signal from the [SceneTree]. You also need to keep track of the connection state, either by the [SceneTree] signals like [code]server_disconnected[/code] or by checking [code]SceneTree.network_peer.get_connection_status() == CONNECTION_CONNECTED[/code]. + Sends a remote procedure call request for the given [code]method[/code] to peers on the network (and locally), optionally sending all additional arguments as arguments to the method called by the RPC. The call request will only be received by nodes with the same [NodePath], including the exact same node name. Behaviour depends on the RPC configuration for the given method, see [method rpc_config]. Methods are not exposed to RPCs by default. See also [method rset] and [method rset_config] for properties. Returns an empty [Variant]. + [b]Note:[/b] You can only safely use RPCs on clients after you received the [code]connected_to_server[/code] signal from the [SceneTree]. You also need to keep track of the connection state, either by the [SceneTree] signals like [code]server_disconnected[/code] or by checking [code]SceneTree.network_peer.get_connection_status() == CONNECTION_CONNECTED[/code]. @@ -611,7 +616,7 @@ - Changes the RPC mode for the given [code]method[/code] to the given [code]mode[/code]. See [enum MultiplayerAPI.RPCMode]. An alternative is annotating methods and properties with the corresponding keywords ([code]remote[/code], [code]master[/code], [code]puppet[/code], [code]remotesync[/code], [code]mastersync[/code], [code]puppetsync[/code]). By default, methods are not exposed to networking (and RPCs). Also see [method rset] and [method rset_config] for properties. + Changes the RPC mode for the given [code]method[/code] to the given [code]mode[/code]. See [enum MultiplayerAPI.RPCMode]. An alternative is annotating methods and properties with the corresponding keywords ([code]remote[/code], [code]master[/code], [code]puppet[/code], [code]remotesync[/code], [code]mastersync[/code], [code]puppetsync[/code]). By default, methods are not exposed to networking (and RPCs). See also [method rset] and [method rset_config] for properties. @@ -653,7 +658,7 @@ - Remotely changes a property's value on other peers (and locally). Behaviour depends on the RPC configuration for the given property, see [method rset_config]. Also see [method rpc] for RPCs for methods, most information applies to this method as well. + Remotely changes a property's value on other peers (and locally). Behaviour depends on the RPC configuration for the given property, see [method rset_config]. See also [method rpc] for RPCs for methods, most information applies to this method as well. @@ -664,7 +669,7 @@ - Changes the RPC mode for the given [code]property[/code] to the given [code]mode[/code]. See [enum MultiplayerAPI.RPCMode]. An alternative is annotating methods and properties with the corresponding keywords ([code]remote[/code], [code]master[/code], [code]puppet[/code], [code]remotesync[/code], [code]mastersync[/code], [code]puppetsync[/code]). By default, properties are not exposed to networking (and RPCs). Also see [method rpc] and [method rpc_config] for methods. + Changes the RPC mode for the given [code]property[/code] to the given [code]mode[/code]. See [enum MultiplayerAPI.RPCMode]. An alternative is annotating methods and properties with the corresponding keywords ([code]remote[/code], [code]master[/code], [code]puppet[/code], [code]remotesync[/code], [code]mastersync[/code], [code]puppetsync[/code]). By default, properties are not exposed to networking (and RPCs). See also [method rpc] and [method rpc_config] for methods. @@ -739,7 +744,7 @@ - Enables or disables internal physics for this node. Internal physics processing happens in isolation from the normal [method _physics_process] calls and is used by some nodes internally to guarantee proper functioning even if the node is paused or physics processing is disabled for scripting ([method set_physics_process]). Only useful for advanced uses to manipulate built-in nodes behavior. + Enables or disables internal physics for this node. Internal physics processing happens in isolation from the normal [method _physics_process] calls and is used by some nodes internally to guarantee proper functioning even if the node is paused or physics processing is disabled for scripting ([method set_physics_process]). Only useful for advanced uses to manipulate built-in nodes' behaviour. @@ -766,7 +771,7 @@ - Enables or disabled internal processing for this node. Internal processing happens in isolation from the normal [method _process] calls and is used by some nodes internally to guarantee proper functioning even if the node is paused or processing is disabled for scripting ([method set_process]). Only useful for advanced uses to manipulate built-in nodes behavior. + Enables or disabled internal processing for this node. Internal processing happens in isolation from the normal [method _process] calls and is used by some nodes internally to guarantee proper functioning even if the node is paused or processing is disabled for scripting ([method set_process]). Only useful for advanced uses to manipulate built-in nodes' behaviour. @@ -808,7 +813,7 @@ - The override to the default [MultiplayerAPI]. Set to null to use the default SceneTree one. + The override to the default [MultiplayerAPI]. Set to [code]null[/code] to use the default [SceneTree] one. When a scene is instanced from a file, its topmost node contains the filename from which it was loaded. @@ -817,10 +822,10 @@ The [MultiplayerAPI] instance associated with this node. Either the [member custom_multiplayer], or the default SceneTree one (if inside tree). - The name of the node. This name is unique among the siblings (other child nodes from the same parent). When set to an existing name, the node will be automatically renamed + The name of the node. This name is unique among the siblings (other child nodes from the same parent). When set to an existing name, the node will be automatically renamed. - The node owner. A node can have any other node as owner (as long as it is a valid parent, grandparent, etc. ascending in the tree). When saving a node (using [PackedScene]) all the nodes it owns will be saved with it. This allows for the creation of complex [SceneTree]s, with instancing and subinstancing. + The node owner. A node can have any other node as owner (as long as it is a valid parent, grandparent, etc. ascending in the tree). When saving a node (using [PackedScene]), all the nodes it owns will be saved with it. This allows for the creation of complex [SceneTree]s, with instancing and subinstancing. Pause mode. How the node will behave if the [SceneTree] is paused. @@ -879,7 +884,8 @@ Notification received every frame when the process flag is set (see [method set_process]). - Notification received when a node is set as a child of another node. Note that this doesn't mean that a node entered the [SceneTree]. + Notification received when a node is set as a child of another node. + [b]Note:[/b] This doesn't mean that a node entered the [SceneTree]. Notification received when a node is unparented (parent removed it from the list of children). @@ -953,7 +959,7 @@ Inherits pause mode from the node's parent. For the root node, it is equivalent to [constant PAUSE_MODE_STOP]. Default. - Stop processing when the [SceneTree] is paused. + Stops processing when the [SceneTree] is paused. Continue to process regardless of the [SceneTree] pause state. diff --git a/doc/classes/Node2D.xml b/doc/classes/Node2D.xml index 1b97f3267f3..5fbcbc06654 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Node2D.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Node2D.xml @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ - A 2D game object, parent of all 2D related nodes. Has a position, rotation, scale and Z-index. + A 2D game object, parent of all 2D-related nodes. Has a position, rotation, scale and Z index. A 2D game object, with a position, rotation and scale. All 2D physics nodes and sprites inherit from Node2D. Use Node2D as a parent node to move, scale and rotate children in a 2D project. Also gives control on the node's render order. @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ - Multiplies the current scale by the 'ratio' vector. + Multiplies the current scale by the [code]ratio[/code] vector. @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ - Returns the angle between the node and the 'point' in radians. + Returns the angle between the node and the [code]point[/code] in radians. @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ - Adds the 'offset' vector to the node's global position. + Adds the [code]offset[/code] vector to the node's global position. @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ - Rotates the node so it points towards the 'point'. + Rotates the node so it points towards the [code]point[/code]. @@ -140,16 +140,16 @@ Rotation in degrees, relative to the node's parent. - The node's scale. Unscaled value: [code](1, 1)[/code] + The node's scale. Unscaled value: [code](1, 1)[/code]. Local [Transform2D]. - If [code]true[/code], the node's Z-index is relative to its parent's Z-index. If this node's Z-index is 2 and its parent's effective Z-index is 3, then this node's effective Z-index will be 2 + 3 = 5. + If [code]true[/code], the node's Z index is relative to its parent's Z index. If this node's Z index is 2 and its parent's effective Z index is 3, then this node's effective Z index will be 2 + 3 = 5. - Z-index. Controls the order in which the nodes render. A node with a higher Z-index will display in front of others. + Z index. Controls the order in which the nodes render. A node with a higher Z index will display in front of others. diff --git a/doc/classes/NodePath.xml b/doc/classes/NodePath.xml index 67f12813ccc..5deee941dac 100644 --- a/doc/classes/NodePath.xml +++ b/doc/classes/NodePath.xml @@ -17,21 +17,21 @@ - Create a NodePath from a string, e.g. "Path2D/PathFollow2D/Sprite:texture:size". A path is absolute if it starts with a slash. Absolute paths are only valid in the global scene tree, not within individual scenes. In a relative path, [code]"."[/code] and [code]".."[/code] indicate the current node and its parent. + Creates a NodePath from a string, e.g. [code]"Path2D/PathFollow2D/Sprite:texture:size"[/code]. A path is absolute if it starts with a slash. Absolute paths are only valid in the global scene tree, not within individual scenes. In a relative path, [code]"."[/code] and [code]".."[/code] indicate the current node and its parent. The "subnames" optionally included after the path to the target node can point to resources or properties, and can also be nested. Examples of valid NodePaths (assuming that those nodes exist and have the referenced resources or properties): [codeblock] # Points to the Sprite node "Path2D/PathFollow2D/Sprite" - # Points to the Sprite node and its 'texture' resource. + # Points to the Sprite node and its "texture" resource. # get_node() would retrieve "Sprite", while get_node_and_resource() - # would retrieve both the Sprite node and the 'texture' resource. + # would retrieve both the Sprite node and the "texture" resource. "Path2D/PathFollow2D/Sprite:texture" - # Points to the Sprite node and its 'position' property. + # Points to the Sprite node and its "position" property. "Path2D/PathFollow2D/Sprite:position" - # Points to the Sprite node and the 'x' component of its 'position' property. + # Points to the Sprite node and the "x" component of its "position" property. "Path2D/PathFollow2D/Sprite:position:x" - # Absolute path (from 'root') + # Absolute path (from "root") "/root/Level/Path2D" [/codeblock] @@ -42,9 +42,9 @@ Returns a node path with a colon character ([code]:[/code]) prepended, transforming it to a pure property path with no node name (defaults to resolving from the current node). [codeblock] - # This will be parsed as a node path to the 'x' property in the 'position' node + # This will be parsed as a node path to the "x" property in the "position" node var node_path = NodePath("position:x") - # This will be parsed as a node path to the 'x' component of the 'position' property in the current node + # This will be parsed as a node path to the "x" component of the "position" property in the current node var property_path = node_path.get_as_property_path() print(property_path) # :position:x [/codeblock] @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ - Get the node name indicated by [code]idx[/code] (0 to [method get_name_count]). + Gets the node name indicated by [code]idx[/code] (0 to [method get_name_count]). [codeblock] var node_path = NodePath("Path2D/PathFollow2D/Sprite") print(node_path.get_name(0)) # Path2D @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ - Get the number of node names which make up the path. Subnames (see [method get_subname_count]) are not included. + Gets the number of node names which make up the path. Subnames (see [method get_subname_count]) are not included. For example, [code]"Path2D/PathFollow2D/Sprite"[/code] has 3 names. @@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ - Get the resource or property name indicated by [code]idx[/code] (0 to [method get_subname_count]). + Gets the resource or property name indicated by [code]idx[/code] (0 to [method get_subname_count]). [codeblock] var node_path = NodePath("Path2D/PathFollow2D/Sprite:texture:load_path") print(node_path.get_subname(0)) # texture @@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ - Get the number of resource or property names ("subnames") in the path. Each subname is listed after a colon character ([code]:[/code]) in the node path. + Gets the number of resource or property names ("subnames") in the path. Each subname is listed after a colon character ([code]:[/code]) in the node path. For example, [code]"Path2D/PathFollow2D/Sprite:texture:load_path"[/code] has 2 subnames. diff --git a/doc/classes/OS.xml b/doc/classes/OS.xml index f6e2f47a429..cd530eddfa6 100644 --- a/doc/classes/OS.xml +++ b/doc/classes/OS.xml @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Operating System functions. - Operating System functions. OS Wraps the most common functionality to communicate with the host Operating System, such as: clipboard, video mode, date and time, timers, environment variables, execution of binaries, command line, etc. + Operating System functions. OS wraps the most common functionality to communicate with the host operating system, such as the clipboard, video driver, date and time, timers, environment variables, execution of binaries, command line, etc. @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ - Displays a modal dialog box utilizing the host OS. + Displays a modal dialog box using the host OS' facilities. Execution is blocked until the dialog is closed. @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ - Delay execution of the current thread by given milliseconds. + Delay execution of the current thread by [code]msec[/code] milliseconds. @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ - Delay execution of the current thread by given microseconds. + Delay execution of the current thread by [code]usec[/code] microseconds. @@ -101,15 +101,15 @@ Execute the file at the given path with the arguments passed as an array of strings. Platform path resolution will take place. The resolved file must exist and be executable. - The arguments are used in the given order and separated by a space, so [code]OS.execute('ping', ['-w', '3', 'godotengine.org'], false)[/code] will resolve to [code]ping -w 3 godotengine.org[/code] in the system's shell. + The arguments are used in the given order and separated by a space, so [code]OS.execute("ping", ["-w", "3", "godotengine.org"], false)[/code] will resolve to [code]ping -w 3 godotengine.org[/code] in the system's shell. This method has slightly different behavior based on whether the [code]blocking[/code] mode is enabled. - When [code]blocking[/code] is enabled, the Godot thread will pause its execution while waiting for the process to terminate. The shell output of the process will be written to the [code]output[/code] array as a single string. When the process terminates, the Godot thread will resume execution. - When [code]blocking[/code] is disabled, the Godot thread will continue while the new process runs. It is not possible to retrieve the shell output in non-blocking mode, so [code]output[/code] will be empty. - The return value also depends on the blocking mode. When blocking, the method will return -2 (no process ID information is available in blocking mode). When non-blocking, the method returns a process ID, which you can use to monitor the process (and potentially terminate it with [method kill]). If the process forking (non-blocking) or opening (blocking) fails, the method will return -1. + If [code]blocking[/code] is [code]true[/code], the Godot thread will pause its execution while waiting for the process to terminate. The shell output of the process will be written to the [code]output[/code] array as a single string. When the process terminates, the Godot thread will resume execution. + If [code]blocking[/code] is [code]false[/code], the Godot thread will continue while the new process runs. It is not possible to retrieve the shell output in non-blocking mode, so [code]output[/code] will be empty. + The return value also depends on the blocking mode. When blocking, the method will return -2 (no process ID information is available in blocking mode). When non-blocking, the method returns a process ID, which you can use to monitor the process (and potentially terminate it with [method kill]). If the process forking (non-blocking) or opening (blocking) fails, the method will return [code]-1[/code]. Example of blocking mode and retrieving the shell output: [codeblock] var output = [] - OS.execute('ls', ['-l', '/tmp'], true, output) + OS.execute("ls", ["-l", "/tmp"], true, output) [/codeblock] Example of non-blocking mode, running another instance of the project and storing its process ID: [codeblock] @@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ [/codeblock] If you wish to access a shell built-in or perform a composite command, a platform-specific shell can be invoked. For example: [codeblock] - OS.execute('CMD.exe', ['/C', 'cd %TEMP% && dir'], true, output) + OS.execute("CMD.exe", ["/C", "cd %TEMP% && dir"], true, output) [/codeblock] @@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ - Returns the scancode of the given string (e.g. "Escape") + Returns the scancode of the given string (e.g. "Escape"). @@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ - Returns current date as a dictionary of keys: year, month, day, weekday, dst (daylight savings time). + Returns current date as a dictionary of keys: [code]year[/code], [code]month[/code], [code]day[/code], [code]weekday[/code], [code]dst[/code] (Daylight Savings Time). @@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ - Returns current datetime as a dictionary of keys: year, month, day, weekday, dst (daylight savings time), hour, minute, second. + Returns current datetime as a dictionary of keys: [code]year[/code], [code]month[/code], [code]day[/code], [code]weekday[/code], [code]dst[/code] (Daylight Savings Time), [code]hour[/code], [code]minute[/code], [code]second[/code]. @@ -190,8 +190,8 @@ - Get a dictionary of time values when given epoch time. - Dictionary Time values will be a union of values from [method get_time] and [method get_date] dictionaries (with the exception of dst = day light standard time, as it cannot be determined from epoch). + Gets a dictionary of time values corresponding to the given UNIX epoch time (in seconds). + The returned Dictionary's values will be the same as [method get_datetime], with the exception of Daylight Savings Time as it cannot be determined from the epoch. @@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ - Returns IME cursor position (currently edited portion of the string) relative to the characters in the composition string. + Returns the IME cursor position (the currently-edited portion of the string) relative to the characters in the composition string. [constant MainLoop.NOTIFICATION_OS_IME_UPDATE] is sent to the application to notify it of changes to the IME cursor position. @@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ - Returns IME intermediate composition string. + Returns the IME intermediate composition string. [constant MainLoop.NOTIFICATION_OS_IME_UPDATE] is sent to the application to notify it of changes to the IME composition string. @@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ Returns the current latin keyboard variant as a String. - Possible return values are: "QWERTY", "AZERTY", "QZERTY", "DVORAK", "NEO", "COLEMAK" or "ERROR". + Possible return values are: [code]"QWERTY"[/code], [code]"AZERTY"[/code], [code]"QZERTY"[/code], [code]"DVORAK"[/code], [code]"NEO"[/code], [code]"COLEMAK"[/code] or [code]"ERROR"[/code]. @@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ - Returns the name of the host OS. Possible values are: "Android", "Haiku", "iOS", "HTML5", "OSX", "Server", "Windows", "UWP", "X11". + Returns the name of the host OS. Possible values are: [code]"Android"[/code], [code]"Haiku"[/code], [code]"iOS"[/code], [code]"HTML5"[/code], [code]"OSX"[/code], [code]"Server"[/code], [code]"Windows"[/code], [code]"UWP"[/code], [code]"X11"[/code]. @@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ - Returns the time in seconds before the device runs out of battery. + Returns an estimate of the time left in seconds before the device runs out of battery. @@ -287,14 +287,14 @@ - Returns the game process ID + Returns the project's process ID. - Returns the number of cores available in the host machine. + Returns the number of threads available on the host machine. @@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ - Returns the given scancode as a string (e.g. Return values: "Escape", "Shift+Escape"). + Returns the given scancode as a string (e.g. Return values: [code]"Escape"[/code], [code]"Shift+Escape"[/code]). @@ -327,13 +327,15 @@ Returns the dots per inch density of the specified screen. - On Android Devices, the actual screen densities are grouped into six generalized densities: - ldpi - 120 dpi - mdpi - 160 dpi - hdpi - 240 dpi - xhdpi - 320 dpi - xxhdpi - 480 dpi - xxxhdpi - 640 dpi + On Android devices, the actual screen densities are grouped into six generalized densities: + [codeblock] + ldpi - 120 dpi + mdpi - 160 dpi + hdpi - 240 dpi + xhdpi - 320 dpi + xxhdpi - 480 dpi + xxxhdpi - 640 dpi + [/codeblock] @@ -364,7 +366,7 @@ - Returns the max amount of static memory used (only works in debug). + Returns the maximum amount of static memory used (only works in debug). @@ -432,14 +434,14 @@ Returns a string that is unique to the device. - Returns empty string on HTML5 and UWP which are not supported yet. + [b]Note:[/b] Returns an empty string on HTML5 and UWP, as this method isn't implemented on those platforms yet. - Returns the current unix epoch timestamp. + Returns the current UNIX epoch timestamp. @@ -448,9 +450,9 @@ - Get an epoch time value from a dictionary of time values. - [code]datetime[/code] must be populated with the following keys: year, month, day, hour, minute, second. - You can pass the output from [method get_datetime_from_unix_time] directly into this function. Daylight savings time (dst), if present, is ignored. + Gets an epoch time value from a dictionary of time values. + [code]datetime[/code] must be populated with the following keys: [code]year[/code], [code]month[/code], [code]day[/code], [code]hour[/code], [code]minute[/code], [code]second[/code]. + You can pass the output from [method get_datetime_from_unix_time] directly into this function. Daylight Savings Time ([code]dst[/code]), if present, is ignored. @@ -484,7 +486,7 @@ - Returns the on-screen keyboard's height in pixels. Returns 0 if there is no keyboard or it is currently hidden. + Returns the on-screen keyboard's height in pixels. Returns 0 if there is no keyboard or if it is currently hidden. @@ -509,7 +511,7 @@ Returns [code]true[/code] if the feature for the given feature tag is supported in the currently running instance, depending on platform, build etc. Can be used to check whether you're currently running a debug build, on a certain platform or arch, etc. Refer to the [url=https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/getting_started/workflow/export/feature_tags.html]Feature Tags[/url] documentation for more details. - Note that tag names are case-sensitive. + [b]Note:[/b] Tag names are case-sensitive. @@ -546,7 +548,7 @@ - Returns [code]true[/code] if the "Okay" button should appear on the left and "Cancel" on the right. + Returns [code]true[/code] if the [b]OK[/b] button should appear on the left and [b]Cancel[/b] on the right. @@ -555,14 +557,14 @@ - Returns [code]true[/code] if the input code has a unicode character. + Returns [code]true[/code] if the input scancode corresponds to a Unicode character. - Returns [code]true[/code] if the engine was executed with -v (verbose stdout). + Returns [code]true[/code] if the engine was executed with [code]-v[/code] (verbose stdout). @@ -586,7 +588,7 @@ Kill (terminate) the process identified by the given process ID ([code]pid[/code]), e.g. the one returned by [method execute] in non-blocking mode. - Note that this method can also be used to kill processes that were not spawned by the game. + [b]Note:[/b] This method can also be used to kill processes that were not spawned by the game. @@ -623,7 +625,7 @@ Plays native video from the specified path, at the given volume and with audio and subtitle tracks. - Note: This method is only implemented on Android and iOS, and the current Android implementation does not support the [code]volume[/code], [code]audio_track[/code] and [code]subtitle_track[/code] options. + [b]Note:[/b] This method is only implemented on Android and iOS, and the current Android implementation does not support the [code]volume[/code], [code]audio_track[/code] and [code]subtitle_track[/code] options. @@ -652,7 +654,7 @@ - Shows all resources in the game. Optionally the list can be written to a file. + Shows all resources in the game. Optionally, the list can be written to a file by specifying a file path in [code]tofile[/code]. @@ -735,7 +737,7 @@ Sets the game's icon using a multi-size platform-specific icon file ([code]*.ico[/code] on Windows and [code]*.icns[/code] on macOS). Appropriate size sub-icons are used for window caption, taskbar/dock and window selection dialog. - Note: This method is only implemented on macOS and Windows. + [b]Note:[/b] This method is only implemented on macOS and Windows. @@ -791,7 +793,7 @@ - Shows the virtual keyboard if the platform has one. The [i]existing_text[/i] parameter is useful for implementing your own LineEdit, as it tells the virtual keyboard what text has already been typed (the virtual keyboard uses it for auto-correct and predictions). + Shows the virtual keyboard if the platform has one. The [code]existing_text[/code] parameter is useful for implementing your own LineEdit, as it tells the virtual keyboard what text has already been typed (the virtual keyboard uses it for auto-correct and predictions). @@ -825,7 +827,7 @@ If [code]true[/code], removes the window frame. - Note: Setting [code]window_borderless[/code] to [code]false[/code] disables per-pixel transparency. + [b]Note:[/b] Setting [code]window_borderless[/code] to [code]false[/code] disables per-pixel transparency. If [code]true[/code], the window is fullscreen. @@ -839,7 +841,7 @@ If [code]true[/code], the window background is transparent and window frame is removed. Use [code]get_tree().get_root().set_transparent_background(true)[/code] to disable main viewport background rendering. - Note: This property has no effect if "Project > Project Settings > Display > Window > Per-pixel transparency > Allowed" setting is disabled. + [b]Note:[/b] This property has no effect if [b]Project > Project Settings > Display > Window > Per-pixel transparency > Allowed[/b] setting is disabled. The window position relative to the screen, the origin is the top left corner, +Y axis goes to the bottom and +X axis goes to the right. diff --git a/doc/classes/Object.xml b/doc/classes/Object.xml index 7b262d80c79..551edff7bd9 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Object.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Object.xml @@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ - Connects a [code]signal[/code] to a [code]method[/code] on a [code]target[/code] object. Pass optional [code]binds[/code] to the call as an [Array] of parameters. Use [code]flags[/code] to set deferred or one shot connections. See [enum ConnectFlags] constants. + Connects a [code]signal[/code] to a [code]method[/code] on a [code]target[/code] object. Pass optional [code]binds[/code] to the call as an [Array] of parameters. Use [code]flags[/code] to set deferred or one-shot connections. See [enum ConnectFlags] constants. A [code]signal[/code] can only be connected once to a [code]method[/code]. It will throw an error if already connected, unless the signal was connected with [constant CONNECT_REFERENCE_COUNTED]. To avoid this, first, use [method is_connected] to check for existing connections. If the [code]target[/code] is destroyed in the game's lifecycle, the connection will be lost. Examples: @@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ - Get the object's property indexed by the given [NodePath]. The node path should be relative to the current object and can use the colon character ([code]:[/code]) to access nested properties. Examples: [code]"position:x"[/code] or [code]"material:next_pass:blend_mode"[/code]. + Gets the object's property indexed by the given [NodePath]. The node path should be relative to the current object and can use the colon character ([code]:[/code]) to access nested properties. Examples: [code]"position:x"[/code] or [code]"material:next_pass:blend_mode"[/code]. @@ -483,13 +483,13 @@ Called before the object is about to be deleted. - Connect a signal in deferred mode. This way, signal emissions are stored in a queue, then set on idle time. + Connects a signal in deferred mode. This way, signal emissions are stored in a queue, then set on idle time. Persisting connections are saved when the object is serialized to file. - One shot connections disconnect themselves after emission. + One-shot connections disconnect themselves after emission. Connect a signal as reference counted. This means that a given signal can be connected several times to the same target, and will only be fully disconnected once no references are left. diff --git a/doc/classes/OccluderPolygon2D.xml b/doc/classes/OccluderPolygon2D.xml index a52d51fa7de..ffab87f1a6d 100644 --- a/doc/classes/OccluderPolygon2D.xml +++ b/doc/classes/OccluderPolygon2D.xml @@ -15,21 +15,22 @@ If [code]true[/code], closes the polygon. A closed OccluderPolygon2D occludes the light coming from any direction. An opened OccluderPolygon2D occludes the light only at its outline's direction. Default value: [code]true[/code]. - Set the direction of the occlusion culling or disable it. Default value: [constant CULL_DISABLED]. + The culling mode to use. Default value: [constant CULL_DISABLED]. - A [Vector2] array with the index for polygon's vertices positions. Note that the returned value is a copy of the underlying array, rather than a reference. + A [Vector2] array with the index for polygon's vertices positions. + [b]Note:[/b] The returned value is a copy of the underlying array, rather than a reference. - Culling mode for the occlusion. Disabled means no culling. See [member cull_mode]. + Culling is disabled. See [member cull_mode]. - Culling mode for the occlusion. Sets the culling to be in clockwise direction. See [member cull_mode]. + Culling is performed in the clockwise direction. See [member cull_mode]. - Culling mode for the occlusion. Sets the culling to be in counter clockwise direction. See [member cull_mode]. + Culling is performed in the counterclockwise direction. See [member cull_mode]. diff --git a/doc/classes/OmniLight.xml b/doc/classes/OmniLight.xml index 408018fdcb2..b051f62bfbb 100644 --- a/doc/classes/OmniLight.xml +++ b/doc/classes/OmniLight.xml @@ -13,10 +13,10 @@ - The light's attenuation (drop-off) curve. A number of presets are available in the Inspector. + The light's attenuation (drop-off) curve. A number of presets are available in the [b]Inspector[/b] by right-clicking the curve. - Maximum distance the light affects. + The light's radius. See [enum ShadowDetail]. @@ -27,8 +27,10 @@ + Shadows are rendered to a dual-paraboloid texture. Faster than [constant SHADOW_CUBE], but lower-quality. + Shadows are rendered to a cubemap. Slower than [constant SHADOW_DUAL_PARABOLOID], but higher-quality. diff --git a/doc/classes/OptionButton.xml b/doc/classes/OptionButton.xml index 1f714656de8..9c8066fa619 100644 --- a/doc/classes/OptionButton.xml +++ b/doc/classes/OptionButton.xml @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - Add an item, with a "texture" icon, text "label" and (optionally) id. If no "id" is passed, "id" becomes the item index. New items are appended at the end. + Adds an item, with a [code]texture[/code] icon, text [code]label[/code] and (optionally) [code]id[/code]. If no [code]id[/code] is passed, [code]id[/code] becomes the item index. New items are appended at the end. @@ -30,14 +30,14 @@ - Add an item, with text "label" and (optionally) id. If no "id" is passed, "id" becomes the item index. New items are appended at the end. + Adds an item, with text [code]label[/code] and (optionally) [code]id[/code]. If no [code]id[/code] is passed, [code]id[/code] becomes the item index. New items are appended at the end. - Add a separator to the list of items. Separators help to group items. Separator also takes up an index and is appended at the end. + Adds a separator to the list of items. Separators help to group items. Separator also takes up an index and is appended at the end. @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ - Returns the icon of the item at index "idx". + Returns the icon of the item at index [code]idx[/code]. @@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ - Returns the text of the item at index "idx". + Returns the text of the item at index [code]idx[/code]. @@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ - Set the icon of an item at index "idx". + Sets the icon of an item at index [code]idx[/code]. @@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ - Set the ID of an item at index "idx". + Sets the ID of an item at index [code]idx[/code]. @@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ - Set the text of an item at index "idx". + Sets the text of an item at index [code]idx[/code]. @@ -205,14 +205,14 @@ - This signal is emitted when user navigated to an item using [code]ui_up[/code] or [code]ui_down[/code] action. ID of the item selected is passed as argument. + Emitted the when user navigates to an item using the [code]ui_up[/code] or [code]ui_down[/code] actions. The index of the item selected is passed as argument. - This signal is emitted when the current item was changed by the user. Index of the item selected is passed as argument. + Emitted when the current item has been changed by the user. The index of the item selected is passed as argument. diff --git a/doc/classes/PackedScene.xml b/doc/classes/PackedScene.xml index 78275711783..a5989f8494e 100644 --- a/doc/classes/PackedScene.xml +++ b/doc/classes/PackedScene.xml @@ -5,26 +5,27 @@ A simplified interface to a scene file. Provides access to operations and checks that can be performed on the scene resource itself. - Can be used to save a node to a file. When saving, the node as well as all the node it owns get saved (see [code]owner[/code] property on [Node]). Note that the node doesn't need to own itself. - Example of saving a node with different owners: The following example creates 3 objects: [code]Node2D[/code] ([code]node[/code]), [code]RigidBody2D[/code] ([code]rigid[/code]) and [code]CollisionObject2D[/code] ([code]collision[/code]). [code]collision[/code] is a child of [code]rigid[/code] which is a child of [code]node[/code]. Only [code]rigid[/code] is owned by [code]node[/code] and [code]pack[/code] will therefore only save those two nodes, but not [code]collision[/code]. + Can be used to save a node to a file. When saving, the node as well as all the node it owns get saved (see [code]owner[/code] property on [Node]). + [b]Note:[/b] The node doesn't need to own itself. + [b]Example of saving a node with different owners:[/b] The following example creates 3 objects: [code]Node2D[/code] ([code]node[/code]), [code]RigidBody2D[/code] ([code]rigid[/code]) and [code]CollisionObject2D[/code] ([code]collision[/code]). [code]collision[/code] is a child of [code]rigid[/code] which is a child of [code]node[/code]. Only [code]rigid[/code] is owned by [code]node[/code] and [code]pack[/code] will therefore only save those two nodes, but not [code]collision[/code]. [codeblock] - # create the objects + # Create the objects var node = Node2D.new() var rigid = RigidBody2D.new() var collision = CollisionShape2D.new() - # create the object hierarchy + # Create the object hierarchy rigid.add_child(collision) node.add_child(rigid) - # change owner of rigid, but not of collision + # Change owner of rigid, but not of collision rigid.owner = node var scene = PackedScene.new() - # only node and rigid are now packed + # Only node and rigid are now packed var result = scene.pack(node) if result == OK: - ResourceSaver.save("res://path/name.scn", scene) # or user://... + ResourceSaver.save("res://path/name.scn", scene) # Or "user://..." [/codeblock] @@ -74,10 +75,12 @@ If passed to [method instance], blocks edits to the scene state. - If passed to [method instance], provides local scene resources to the local scene. Requires tools compiled. + If passed to [method instance], provides local scene resources to the local scene. + [b]Note:[/b] Only available in editor builds. - If passed to [method instance], provides local scene resources to the local scene. Only the main scene should receive the main edit state. Requires tools compiled. + If passed to [method instance], provides local scene resources to the local scene. Only the main scene should receive the main edit state. + [b]Note:[/b] Only available in editor builds. diff --git a/doc/classes/PacketPeer.xml b/doc/classes/PacketPeer.xml index 4109d9d462d..34357eb8352 100644 --- a/doc/classes/PacketPeer.xml +++ b/doc/classes/PacketPeer.xml @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Abstraction and base class for packet-based protocols. - PacketPeer is an abstraction and base class for packet-based protocols (such as UDP). It provides an API for sending and receiving packets both as raw data or variables. This makes it easy to transfer data over a protocol, without having to encode data as low level bytes or having to worry about network ordering. + PacketPeer is an abstraction and base class for packet-based protocols (such as UDP). It provides an API for sending and receiving packets both as raw data or variables. This makes it easy to transfer data over a protocol, without having to encode data as low-level bytes or having to worry about network ordering. @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ - Get a raw packet. + Gets a raw packet. @@ -36,8 +36,8 @@ - Get a Variant. When [code]allow_objects[/code] (or [member allow_object_decoding]) is [code]true[/code] decoding objects is allowed. - [b]WARNING:[/b] Deserialized object can contain code which gets executed. Do not use this option if the serialized object comes from untrusted sources to avoid potential security threats (remote code execution). + Gets a Variant. If [code]allow_objects[/code] (or [member allow_object_decoding]) is [code]true[/code], decoding objects is allowed. + [b]Warning:[/b] Deserialized objects can contain code which gets executed. Do not use this option if the serialized object comes from untrusted sources to avoid potential security threats such as remote code execution. @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ - Send a raw packet. + Sends a raw packet. @@ -57,15 +57,15 @@ - Send a Variant as a packet. When [code]full_objects[/code] (or [member allow_object_decoding]) is [code]true[/code] encoding objects is allowed (and can potentially include code). + Sends a [Variant] as a packet. If [code]full_objects[/code] (or [member allow_object_decoding]) is [code]true[/code], encoding objects is allowed (and can potentially include code). - Deprecated. Use [code]get_var[/code] and [code]put_var[/code] parameters instead. - If [code]true[/code] the PacketPeer will allow encoding and decoding of object via [method get_var] and [method put_var]. - [b]WARNING:[/b] Deserialized object can contain code which gets executed. Do not use this option if the serialized object comes from untrusted sources to avoid potential security threats (remote code execution). + [i]Deprecated.[/i] Use [code]get_var[/code] and [code]put_var[/code] parameters instead. + If [code]true[/code], the PacketPeer will allow encoding and decoding of object via [method get_var] and [method put_var]. + [b]Warning:[/b] Deserialized objects can contain code which gets executed. Do not use this option if the serialized object comes from untrusted sources to avoid potential security threats such as remote code execution. diff --git a/doc/classes/PacketPeerUDP.xml b/doc/classes/PacketPeerUDP.xml index 376818fb86e..260dbae8e26 100644 --- a/doc/classes/PacketPeerUDP.xml +++ b/doc/classes/PacketPeerUDP.xml @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ - Close the UDP socket the [PacketPeerUDP] is currently listening on. + Closes the UDP socket the [PacketPeerUDP] is currently listening on. @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ - Join the multicast group specified by [code]multicast_address[/code] using the interface identified by [code]interface_name[/code]. + Joins the multicast group specified by [code]multicast_address[/code] using the interface identified by [code]interface_name[/code]. You can join the same multicast group with multiple interfaces. Use [method IP.get_local_interfaces] to know which are available. @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ - Remove the interface identified by [code]interface_name[/code] from the multicast group specified by [code]multicast_address[/code]. + Removes the interface identified by [code]interface_name[/code] from the multicast group specified by [code]multicast_address[/code]. @@ -70,10 +70,10 @@ - Make this [PacketPeerUDP] listen on the "port" binding to "bind_address" with a buffer size "recv_buf_size". - If "bind_address" is set as "*" (default), the peer will listen on all available addresses (both IPv4 and IPv6). - If "bind_address" is set as "" (for IPv4) or "::" (for IPv6), the peer will listen on all available addresses matching that IP type. - If "bind_address" is set to any valid address (e.g. "", "::1", etc), the peer will only listen on the interface with that addresses (or fail if no interface with the given address exists). + Makes this [PacketPeerUDP] listen on the [code]port[/code] binding to [code]bind_address[/code] with a buffer size [code]recv_buf_size[/code]. + If [code]bind_address[/code] is set to [code]"*"[/code] (default), the peer will listen on all available addresses (both IPv4 and IPv6). + If [code]bind_address[/code] is set to [code]""[/code] (for IPv4) or [code]"::"[/code] (for IPv6), the peer will listen on all available addresses matching that IP type. + If [code]bind_address[/code] is set to any valid address (e.g. [code]""[/code], [code]"::1"[/code], etc), the peer will only listen on the interface with that addresses (or fail if no interface with the given address exists). @@ -84,14 +84,14 @@ - Set the destination address and port for sending packets and variables, a hostname will be resolved using if valid. + Sets the destination address and port for sending packets and variables. A hostname will be resolved using DNS if needed. - Wait for a packet to arrive on the listening port, see [method listen]. + Waits for a packet to arrive on the listening port. See [method listen]. diff --git a/doc/classes/PanoramaSky.xml b/doc/classes/PanoramaSky.xml index 30d15c030a0..96aefc06232 100644 --- a/doc/classes/PanoramaSky.xml +++ b/doc/classes/PanoramaSky.xml @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ A type of [Sky] used to draw a background texture. - A resource referenced in an [Environment] that is used to draw a background. The Panorama sky functions similar to skyboxes in other engines except it uses a equirectangular sky map instead of a cube map. + A resource referenced in an [Environment] that is used to draw a background. The Panorama sky functions similar to skyboxes in other engines, except it uses an equirectangular sky map instead of a cube map. diff --git a/doc/classes/ParallaxBackground.xml b/doc/classes/ParallaxBackground.xml index 6c9d5de9455..ae560f22f14 100644 --- a/doc/classes/ParallaxBackground.xml +++ b/doc/classes/ParallaxBackground.xml @@ -12,19 +12,19 @@ - Base position offset of all [ParallaxLayer] children. + The base position offset for all [ParallaxLayer] children. - Base motion scale of all [ParallaxLayer] children. + The base motion scale for all [ParallaxLayer] children. If [code]true[/code], elements in [ParallaxLayer] child aren't affected by the zoom level of the camera. - Top left limits for scrolling to begin. If the camera is outside of this limit the background will stop scrolling. Must be lower than [member scroll_limit_end] to work. + Top-left limits for scrolling to begin. If the camera is outside of this limit, the background will stop scrolling. Must be lower than [member scroll_limit_end] to work. - Right bottom limits for scrolling to end. If the camera is outside of this limit the background will stop scrolling. Must be higher than [member scroll_limit_begin] to work. + Bottom-right limits for scrolling to end. If the camera is outside of this limit, the background will stop scrolling. Must be higher than [member scroll_limit_begin] to work. The ParallaxBackground's scroll value. Calculated automatically when using a [Camera2D], but can be used to manually manage scrolling when no camera is present. diff --git a/doc/classes/ParallaxLayer.xml b/doc/classes/ParallaxLayer.xml index 993f38c31a4..4b3861ed111 100644 --- a/doc/classes/ParallaxLayer.xml +++ b/doc/classes/ParallaxLayer.xml @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ A ParallaxLayer must be the child of a [ParallaxBackground] node. Each ParallaxLayer can be set to move at different speeds relative to the camera movement or the [member ParallaxBackground.scroll_offset] value. This node's children will be affected by its scroll offset. - Note that any changes to this node's position and scale made after it enters the scene will be ignored. + [b]Note:[/b] Any changes to this node's position and scale made after it enters the scene will be ignored. @@ -14,13 +14,13 @@ - The ParallaxLayer's [Texture] mirroring. Useful for creating an infinite scrolling background. If an axis is set to [code]0[/code] the [Texture] will not be mirrored. Default value: [code](0, 0)[/code]. + The ParallaxLayer's [Texture] mirroring. Useful for creating an infinite scrolling background. If an axis is set to [code]0[/code], the [Texture] will not be mirrored. Default value: [code](0, 0)[/code]. The ParallaxLayer's offset relative to the parent ParallaxBackground's [member ParallaxBackground.scroll_offset]. - Multiplies the ParallaxLayer's motion. If an axis is set to [code]0[/code] it will not scroll. + Multiplies the ParallaxLayer's motion. If an axis is set to [code]0[/code], it will not scroll. diff --git a/doc/classes/Particles.xml b/doc/classes/Particles.xml index d7e939ba319..a395b6c525e 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Particles.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Particles.xml @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ - Returns the bounding box that contains all the particles that are active in the current frame. + Returns the axis-aligned bounding box that contains all the particles that are active in the current frame. @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ If [code]true[/code], particles are being emitted. Default value: [code]true[/code]. - Time ratio between each emission. If [code]0[/code] particles are emitted continuously. If [code]1[/code] all particles are emitted simultaneously. Default value: [code]0[/code]. + Time ratio between each emission. If [code]0[/code], particles are emitted continuously. If [code]1[/code], all particles are emitted simultaneously. Default value: [code]0[/code]. The particle system's frame rate is fixed to a value. For instance, changing the value to 2 will make the particles render at 2 frames per second. Note this does not slow down the simulation of the particle system itself. diff --git a/doc/classes/Particles2D.xml b/doc/classes/Particles2D.xml index a874e8f6a08..676c633fa79 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Particles2D.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Particles2D.xml @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ The particle system's frame rate is fixed to a value. For instance, changing the value to 2 will make the particles render at 2 frames per second. Note this does not slow down the simulation of the particle system itself. - If [code]true[/code], results in fractional delta calculation which has a smoother particles display effect. Default value: [code]true[/code] + If [code]true[/code], results in fractional delta calculation which has a smoother particles display effect. Default value: [code]true[/code]. Amount of time each particle will exist. Default value: [code]1[/code]. @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ Particle system's running speed scaling ratio. Default value: [code]1[/code]. A value of [code]0[/code] can be used to pause the particles. - Particle texture. If [code]null[/code] particles will be squares. + Particle texture. If [code]null[/code], particles will be squares. Editor visibility helper. diff --git a/doc/classes/ParticlesMaterial.xml b/doc/classes/ParticlesMaterial.xml index 00862e56726..4c85a21ff0e 100644 --- a/doc/classes/ParticlesMaterial.xml +++ b/doc/classes/ParticlesMaterial.xml @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Initial rotation applied to each particle, in degrees. - Only applied when [member flag_disable_z] or [member flag_rotate_y] are [code]true[/code] or the [SpatialMaterial] being used to draw the particle is using [code]BillboardMode.BILLBOARD_PARTICLES[/code]. + Only applied when [member flag_disable_z] or [member flag_rotate_y] are [code]true[/code] or the [SpatialMaterial] being used to draw the particle is using [constant SpatialMaterial.BILLBOARD_PARTICLES]. Each particle's rotation will be animated along this [CurveTexture]. @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ Initial angular velocity applied to each particle. Sets the speed of rotation of the particle. - Only applied when [member flag_disable_z] or [member flag_rotate_y] are [code]true[/code] or the [SpatialMaterial] being used to draw the particle is using [code]BillboardMode.BILLBOARD_PARTICLES[/code]. + Only applied when [member flag_disable_z] or [member flag_rotate_y] are [code]true[/code] or the [SpatialMaterial] being used to draw the particle is using [constant SpatialMaterial.BILLBOARD_PARTICLES]. Each particle's angular velocity will vary along this [CurveTexture]. @@ -88,13 +88,13 @@ The sphere's radius if [code]emission_shape[/code] is set to [constant EMISSION_SHAPE_SPHERE]. - Align y-axis of particle with the direction of its velocity. + Align Y axis of particle with the direction of its velocity. If [code]true[/code], particles will not move on the z axis. Default value: [code]true[/code] for [Particles2D], [code]false[/code] for [Particles]. - If [code]true[/code], particles rotate around y-axis by [member angle]. + If [code]true[/code], particles rotate around Y axis by [member angle]. Amount of [member spread] in Y/Z plane. A value of [code]1[/code] restricts particles to X/Z plane. Default [code]0[/code]. diff --git a/doc/classes/Path2D.xml b/doc/classes/Path2D.xml index a50df96bda2..b49a3d928d1 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Path2D.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Path2D.xml @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ Contains a [Curve2D] path for [PathFollow2D] nodes to follow. - Can have [PathFollow2D] child nodes moving along the [Curve2D]. See [PathFollow2D] for more information on the usage. - Note that the path is considered as relative to the moved nodes (children of [PathFollow2D]). As such, the curve should usually start with a zero vector [code](0, 0)[/code]. + Can have [PathFollow2D] child nodes moving along the [Curve2D]. See [PathFollow2D] for more information on usage. + [b]Note:[/b] The path is considered as relative to the moved nodes (children of [PathFollow2D]). As such, the curve should usually start with a zero vector ([code](0, 0)[/code]). diff --git a/doc/classes/PathFollow.xml b/doc/classes/PathFollow.xml index f0b238eb1d3..58f66b07d6f 100644 --- a/doc/classes/PathFollow.xml +++ b/doc/classes/PathFollow.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ This node takes its parent [Path], and returns the coordinates of a point within it, given a distance from the first vertex. - It is useful for making other nodes follow a path, without coding the movement pattern. For that, the nodes must be descendants of this node. Then, when setting an offset in this node, the descendant nodes will move accordingly. + It is useful for making other nodes follow a path, without coding the movement pattern. For that, the nodes must be children of this node. The descendant nodes will then move accordingly when setting an offset in this node. @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ If [code]true[/code], the position between two cached points is interpolated cubically, and linearly otherwise. The points along the [Curve3D] of the [Path] are precomputed before use, for faster calculations. The point at the requested offset is then calculated interpolating between two adjacent cached points. This may present a problem if the curve makes sharp turns, as the cached points may not follow the curve closely enough. - There are two answers to this problem: Either increase the number of cached points and increase memory consumption, or make a cubic interpolation between two points at the cost of (slightly) slower calculations. + There are two answers to this problem: either increase the number of cached points and increase memory consumption, or make a cubic interpolation between two points at the cost of (slightly) slower calculations. The node's offset along the curve. diff --git a/doc/classes/PathFollow2D.xml b/doc/classes/PathFollow2D.xml index 6f38b9f08dc..dcf19a22322 100644 --- a/doc/classes/PathFollow2D.xml +++ b/doc/classes/PathFollow2D.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ This node takes its parent [Path2D], and returns the coordinates of a point within it, given a distance from the first vertex. - It is useful for making other nodes follow a path, without coding the movement pattern. For that, the nodes must be descendants of this node. Then, when setting an offset in this node, the descendant nodes will move accordingly. + It is useful for making other nodes follow a path, without coding the movement pattern. For that, the nodes must be children of this node. The descendant nodes will then move accordingly when setting an offset in this node. @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ If [code]true[/code], the position between two cached points is interpolated cubically, and linearly otherwise. The points along the [Curve2D] of the [Path2D] are precomputed before use, for faster calculations. The point at the requested offset is then calculated interpolating between two adjacent cached points. This may present a problem if the curve makes sharp turns, as the cached points may not follow the curve closely enough. - There are two answers to this problem: Either increase the number of cached points and increase memory consumption, or make a cubic interpolation between two points at the cost of (slightly) slower calculations. + There are two answers to this problem: either increase the number of cached points and increase memory consumption, or make a cubic interpolation between two points at the cost of (slightly) slower calculations. The node's offset along the curve. diff --git a/doc/classes/Performance.xml b/doc/classes/Performance.xml index 3bcc001a2b4..a2b5856624f 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Performance.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Performance.xml @@ -4,8 +4,9 @@ Exposes performance-related data. - This class provides access to a number of different monitors related to performance, such as memory usage, draw calls, and FPS. These are the same as the values displayed in the [i]Monitor[/i] tab in the editor's [i]Debugger[/i] panel. By using the [method get_monitor] method of this class, you can access this data from your code. Note that a few of these monitors are only available in debug mode and will always return 0 when used in a release build. - Many of these monitors are not updated in real-time, so there may be a short delay between changes. + This class provides access to a number of different monitors related to performance, such as memory usage, draw calls, and FPS. These are the same as the values displayed in the [b]Monitor[/b] tab in the editor's [b]Debugger[/b] panel. By using the [method get_monitor] method of this class, you can access this data from your code. + [b]Note:[/b] A few of these monitors are only available in debug mode and will always return 0 when used in a release build. + [b]Note:[/b] Many of these monitors are not updated in real-time, so there may be a short delay between changes. @@ -67,7 +68,7 @@ Vertices drawn per frame. 3D only. - Material changes per frame. 3D only + Material changes per frame. 3D only. Shader changes per frame. 3D only. diff --git a/doc/classes/Physics2DDirectBodyState.xml b/doc/classes/Physics2DDirectBodyState.xml index 1fd578ecd8f..af3bba9b86c 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Physics2DDirectBodyState.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Physics2DDirectBodyState.xml @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ - Applies a positioned impulse to the body. An impulse is time independent! Applying an impulse every frame would result in a framerate dependent force. For this reason it should only be used when simulating one-time impacts (use the "_force" functions otherwise). The offset uses the rotation of the global coordinate system, but is centered at the object's origin. + Applies a positioned impulse to the body. An impulse is time-independent! Applying an impulse every frame would result in a framerate-dependent force. For this reason, it should only be used when simulating one-time impacts (use the "_force" functions otherwise). The offset uses the rotation of the global coordinate system, but is centered at the object's origin. @@ -135,7 +135,8 @@ - Returns the number of contacts this body has with other bodies. Note that by default this returns 0 unless bodies are configured to log contacts. See [member RigidBody2D.contact_monitor]. + Returns the number of contacts this body has with other bodies. + [b]Note:[/b] By default, this returns 0 unless bodies are configured to monitor contacts. See [member RigidBody2D.contact_monitor]. diff --git a/doc/classes/Physics2DDirectSpaceState.xml b/doc/classes/Physics2DDirectSpaceState.xml index 040d7d05c35..e11e8918cd9 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Physics2DDirectSpaceState.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Physics2DDirectSpaceState.xml @@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ - Checks how far the shape can travel toward a point. Note that both the shape and the motion are supplied through a [Physics2DShapeQueryParameters] object. The method will return an array with two floats between 0 and 1, both representing a fraction of [code]motion[/code]. The first is how far the shape can move without triggering a collision, and the second is the point at which a collision will occur. If no collision is detected, the returned array will be [code][1, 1][/code]. - If the shape can not move, the array will be empty. + Checks how far the shape can travel toward a point. If the shape can not move, the array will be empty. + [b]Note:[/b] Both the shape and the motion are supplied through a [Physics2DShapeQueryParameters] object. The method will return an array with two floats between 0 and 1, both representing a fraction of [code]motion[/code]. The first is how far the shape can move without triggering a collision, and the second is the point at which a collision will occur. If no collision is detected, the returned array will be [code][1, 1][/code]. @@ -37,7 +37,8 @@ - Checks the intersections of a shape, given through a [Physics2DShapeQueryParameters] object, against the space. If it collides with more than one shape, the nearest one is selected. Note that this method does not take into account the [code]motion[/code] property of the object. The returned object is a dictionary containing the following fields: + Checks the intersections of a shape, given through a [Physics2DShapeQueryParameters] object, against the space. If it collides with more than one shape, the nearest one is selected. If the shape did not intersect anything, then an empty dictionary is returned instead. + [b]Note:[/b] This method does not take into account the [code]motion[/code] property of the object. The returned object is a dictionary containing the following fields: [code]collider_id[/code]: The colliding object's ID. [code]linear_velocity[/code]: The colliding object's velocity [Vector2]. If the object is an [Area2D], the result is [code](0, 0)[/code]. [code]metadata[/code]: The intersecting shape's metadata. This metadata is different from [method Object.get_meta], and is set with [method Physics2DServer.shape_set_data]. @@ -45,7 +46,6 @@ [code]point[/code]: The intersection point. [code]rid[/code]: The intersecting object's [RID]. [code]shape[/code]: The shape index of the colliding shape. - If the shape did not intersect anything, then an empty dictionary is returned instead. @@ -129,7 +129,8 @@ - Checks the intersections of a shape, given through a [Physics2DShapeQueryParameters] object, against the space. Note that this method does not take into account the [code]motion[/code] property of the object. The intersected shapes are returned in an array containing dictionaries with the following fields: + Checks the intersections of a shape, given through a [Physics2DShapeQueryParameters] object, against the space. + [b]Note:[/b] This method does not take into account the [code]motion[/code] property of the object. The intersected shapes are returned in an array containing dictionaries with the following fields: [code]collider[/code]: The colliding object. [code]collider_id[/code]: The colliding object's ID. [code]metadata[/code]: The intersecting shape's metadata. This metadata is different from [method Object.get_meta], and is set with [method Physics2DServer.shape_set_data]. diff --git a/doc/classes/Physics2DServer.xml b/doc/classes/Physics2DServer.xml index de4a8c233e7..ba00438ea1c 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Physics2DServer.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Physics2DServer.xml @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ - Physics 2D Server. + Server interface for low-level 2D physics access. - Physics 2D Server is the server responsible for all 2D physics. It can create many kinds of physics objects, but does not insert them on the node tree. + Physics2DServer is the server responsible for all 2D physics. It can create many kinds of physics objects, but does not insert them on the node tree. @@ -940,7 +940,7 @@ - Returns the type of a joint (see [enum JointType]). + Returns a joint's type (see [enum JointType]). @@ -1017,7 +1017,7 @@ - Returns the type of shape (see [enum ShapeType]). + Returns a shape's type (see [enum ShapeType]). @@ -1248,13 +1248,13 @@ - Set the resting length of the spring joint. The joint will always try to go to back this length when pulled apart. + Sets the resting length of the spring joint. The joint will always try to go to back this length when pulled apart. - Set the stiffness of the spring joint. The joint applies a force equal to the stiffness times the distance from its resting length. + Sets the stiffness of the spring joint. The joint applies a force equal to the stiffness times the distance from its resting length. - Set the damping ratio of the spring joint. A value of 0 indicates an undamped spring, while 1 causes the system to reach equilibrium as fast as possible (critical damping). + Sets the damping ratio of the spring joint. A value of 0 indicates an undamped spring, while 1 causes the system to reach equilibrium as fast as possible (critical damping). Disables continuous collision detection. This is the fastest way to detect body collisions, but can miss small, fast-moving objects. diff --git a/doc/classes/Physics2DShapeQueryParameters.xml b/doc/classes/Physics2DShapeQueryParameters.xml index 43d9b71c94f..7459e120f53 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Physics2DShapeQueryParameters.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Physics2DShapeQueryParameters.xml @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ - Set the [Shape2D] that will be used for collision/intersection queries. + Sets the [Shape2D] that will be used for collision/intersection queries. @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ The motion of the shape being queried for. - The [RID] of the queried shape. See [method set_shape] also. + The [RID] of the queried shape. See also [method set_shape]. the transform matrix of the queried shape. diff --git a/doc/classes/PhysicsDirectBodyState.xml b/doc/classes/PhysicsDirectBodyState.xml index e556e8037a3..e68d280cd14 100644 --- a/doc/classes/PhysicsDirectBodyState.xml +++ b/doc/classes/PhysicsDirectBodyState.xml @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ - Applies a positioned impulse to the body. An impulse is time independent! Applying an impulse every frame would result in a framerate dependent force. For this reason it should only be used when simulating one-time impacts. The position uses the rotation of the global coordinate system, but is centered at the object's origin. + Applies a positioned impulse to the body. An impulse is time-independent! Applying an impulse every frame would result in a framerate-dependent force. For this reason it should only be used when simulating one-time impacts. The position uses the rotation of the global coordinate system, but is centered at the object's origin. @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ - Apply a torque impulse (which will be affected by the body mass and shape). This will rotate the body around the passed in vector. + Apply a torque impulse (which will be affected by the body mass and shape). This will rotate the body around the vector [code]j[/code] passed as parameter. @@ -127,7 +127,8 @@ - Returns the number of contacts this body has with other bodies. Note that by default this returns 0 unless bodies are configured to log contacts. See [member RigidBody.contact_monitor]. + Returns the number of contacts this body has with other bodies. + [b]Note:[/b] By default, this returns 0 unless bodies are configured to monitor contacts. See [member RigidBody.contact_monitor]. diff --git a/doc/classes/PhysicsServer.xml b/doc/classes/PhysicsServer.xml index 77536e2b5b0..b06b0df40da 100644 --- a/doc/classes/PhysicsServer.xml +++ b/doc/classes/PhysicsServer.xml @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ - Server interface for low level physics access. + Server interface for low-level physics access. - Everything related to physics in 3D. + PhysicsServer is the server responsible for all 3D physics. It can create many kinds of physics objects, but does not insert them on the node tree. @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ - Returns an area parameter value. A list of available parameters is on the AREA_PARAM_* constants. + Returns an area parameter value. A list of available parameters is on the [code]AREA_PARAM_*[/code] constants. @@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ - Sets the value for an area parameter. A list of available parameters is on the AREA_PARAM_* constants. + Sets the value for an area parameter. A list of available parameters is on the [code]AREA_PARAM_*[/code] constants. @@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ - Sets the space override mode for the area. The modes are described in the constants AREA_SPACE_OVERRIDE_*. + Sets the space override mode for the area. The modes are described in the constants [code]AREA_SPACE_OVERRIDE_*[/code]. @@ -500,7 +500,7 @@ - Returns the value of a body parameter. A list of available parameters is on the BODY_PARAM_* constants. + Returns the value of a body parameter. A list of available parameters is on the [code]BODY_PARAM_*[/code] constants. @@ -588,7 +588,7 @@ - If [code]true[/code], the body can be detected by rays + If [code]true[/code], the body can be detected by rays. @@ -739,7 +739,7 @@ - Sets a body parameter. A list of available parameters is on the BODY_PARAM_* constants. + Sets a body parameter. A list of available parameters is on the [code]BODY_PARAM_*[/code] constants. @@ -1144,7 +1144,7 @@ - Creates a shape of type SHAPE_*. Does not assign it to a body or an area. To do so, you must use [method area_set_shape] or [method body_set_shape]. + Creates a shape of type [code]SHAPE_*[/code]. Does not assign it to a body or an area. To do so, you must use [method area_set_shape] or [method body_set_shape]. @@ -1162,7 +1162,7 @@ - Returns the type of shape (see SHAPE_* constants). + Returns the type of shape (see [code]SHAPE_*[/code] constants). @@ -1257,7 +1257,7 @@ - Sets the value for a space parameter. A list of available parameters is on the SPACE_PARAM_* constants. + Sets the value for a space parameter. A list of available parameters is on the [code]SPACE_PARAM_*[/code] constants. @@ -1318,10 +1318,10 @@ If [code]true[/code], a motor turns the Hinge - The maximum difference between the pivot points on their x-axis before damping happens. + The maximum difference between the pivot points on their X axis before damping happens. - The minimum difference between the pivot points on their x-axis before damping happens. + The minimum difference between the pivot points on their X axis before damping happens. A factor applied to the movement across the slider axis once the limits get surpassed. The lower, the slower the movement. diff --git a/doc/classes/PinJoint.xml b/doc/classes/PinJoint.xml index 4546377171c..925722fd21e 100644 --- a/doc/classes/PinJoint.xml +++ b/doc/classes/PinJoint.xml @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ - Pin Joint for 3D Shapes. + Pin joint for 3D shapes. - Pin Joint for 3D Rigid Bodies. It pins 2 bodies (rigid or static) together. + Pin joint for 3D rigid bodies. It pins 2 bodies (rigid or static) together. @@ -12,12 +12,10 @@ - The force with which the pinned objects stay in positional relation to each other. - The higher, the stronger. + The force with which the pinned objects stay in positional relation to each other. The higher, the stronger. - The force with which the pinned objects stay in velocity relation to each other. - The higher, the stronger. + The force with which the pinned objects stay in velocity relation to each other. The higher, the stronger. If above 0, this value is the maximum value for an impulse that this Joint produces. @@ -25,12 +23,10 @@ - The force with which the pinned objects stay in positional relation to each other. - The higher, the stronger. + The force with which the pinned objects stay in positional relation to each other. The higher, the stronger. - The force with which the pinned objects stay in velocity relation to each other. - The higher, the stronger. + The force with which the pinned objects stay in velocity relation to each other. The higher, the stronger. If above 0, this value is the maximum value for an impulse that this Joint produces. diff --git a/doc/classes/PinJoint2D.xml b/doc/classes/PinJoint2D.xml index 4a11ce30e10..bb651723656 100644 --- a/doc/classes/PinJoint2D.xml +++ b/doc/classes/PinJoint2D.xml @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ - Pin Joint for 2D Shapes. + Pin Joint for 2D shapes. - Pin Joint for 2D Rigid Bodies. It pins two bodies (rigid or static) together. + Pin Joint for 2D rigid bodies. It pins two bodies (rigid or static) together. diff --git a/doc/classes/Plane.xml b/doc/classes/Plane.xml index a5e5c7022fb..841f4c08d89 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Plane.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Plane.xml @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ - Creates a plane from the four parameters "a", "b", "c" and "d". + Creates a plane from the four parameters [code]a[/code], [code]b[/code], [code]c[/code] and [code]d[/code]. @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ - Returns the shortest distance from the plane to the position "point". + Returns the shortest distance from the plane to the position [code]point[/code]. @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ - Returns [code]true[/code] if "point" is inside the plane (by a very minimum threshold). + Returns [code]true[/code] if [code]point[/code] is inside the plane (by a very minimum [code]epsilon[/code] threshold). @@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ - Returns the intersection point of the three planes "b", "c" and this plane. If no intersection is found null is returned. + Returns the intersection point of the three planes [code]b[/code], [code]c[/code] and this plane. If no intersection is found, [code]null[/code] is returned. @@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ - Returns the intersection point of a ray consisting of the position "from" and the direction normal "dir" with this plane. If no intersection is found null is returned. + Returns the intersection point of a ray consisting of the position [code]from[/code] and the direction normal [code]dir[/code] with this plane. If no intersection is found, [code]null[/code] is returned. @@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ - Returns the intersection point of a segment from position "begin" to position "end" with this plane. If no intersection is found null is returned. + Returns the intersection point of a segment from position [code]begin[/code] to position [code]end[/code] with this plane. If no intersection is found, [code]null[/code] is returned. @@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ - Returns [code]true[/code] if "point" is located above the plane. + Returns [code]true[/code] if [code]point[/code] is located above the plane. @@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ - Returns the orthogonal projection of point "p" into a point in the plane. + Returns the orthogonal projection of point [code]p[/code] into a point in the plane. diff --git a/doc/classes/Polygon2D.xml b/doc/classes/Polygon2D.xml index 8f434e54998..4cfffa8a256 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Polygon2D.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Polygon2D.xml @@ -97,7 +97,8 @@ The offset applied to each vertex. - The polygon's list of vertices. The final point will be connected to the first. Note that this returns a copy of the [PoolVector2Array] rather than a reference. + The polygon's list of vertices. The final point will be connected to the first. + [b]Note:[/b] This returns a copy of the [PoolVector2Array] rather than a reference. diff --git a/doc/classes/PoolByteArray.xml b/doc/classes/PoolByteArray.xml index cb99b660ae9..08848e789b0 100644 --- a/doc/classes/PoolByteArray.xml +++ b/doc/classes/PoolByteArray.xml @@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ A pooled [Array] of bytes. - An [Array] specifically designed to hold bytes. Optimized for memory usage, does not fragment the memory. Note that this type is passed by value and not by reference. + An [Array] specifically designed to hold bytes. Optimized for memory usage, does not fragment the memory. + [b]Note:[/b] This type is passed by value and not by reference. @@ -15,21 +16,21 @@ - Construct a new [PoolByteArray]. Optionally, you can pass in a generic [Array] that will be converted. + Constructs a new [PoolByteArray]. Optionally, you can pass in a generic [Array] that will be converted. - Append an element at the end of the array (alias of [method push_back]). + Appends an element at the end of the array (alias of [method push_back]). - Append a [PoolByteArray] at the end of this array. + Appends a [PoolByteArray] at the end of this array. @@ -74,33 +75,33 @@ - Insert a new element at a given position in the array. The position must be valid, or at the end of the array ([code]idx == size()[/code]). + Inserts a new element at a given position in the array. The position must be valid, or at the end of the array ([code]idx == size()[/code]). - Reverse the order of the elements in the array. + Reverses the order of the elements in the array. - Append an element at the end of the array. + Appends an element at the end of the array. - Remove an element from the array by index. + Removes an element from the array by index. - Set the size of the array. If the array is grown reserve elements at the end of the array. If the array is shrunk truncate the array to the new size. + Sets the size of the array. If the array is grown, reserves elements at the end of the array. If the array is shrunk, truncates the array to the new size. @@ -109,14 +110,14 @@ - Change the byte at the given index. + Changes the byte at the given index. - Returns SHA256 string of the PoolByteArray. + Returns SHA-256 string of the PoolByteArray. diff --git a/doc/classes/PoolColorArray.xml b/doc/classes/PoolColorArray.xml index efc3582ba46..a1fb868ef5d 100644 --- a/doc/classes/PoolColorArray.xml +++ b/doc/classes/PoolColorArray.xml @@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ A pooled [Array] of [Color]. - An [Array] specifically designed to hold [Color]. Optimized for memory usage, does not fragment the memory. Note that this type is passed by value and not by reference. + An [Array] specifically designed to hold [Color]. Optimized for memory usage, does not fragment the memory. + [b]Note:[/b] This type is passed by value and not by reference. @@ -15,21 +16,21 @@ - Construct a new [PoolColorArray]. Optionally, you can pass in a generic [Array] that will be converted. + Constructs a new [PoolColorArray]. Optionally, you can pass in a generic [Array] that will be converted. - Append an element at the end of the array (alias of [method push_back]). + Appends an element at the end of the array (alias of [method push_back]). - Append a [PoolColorArray] at the end of this array. + Appends a [PoolColorArray] at the end of this array. @@ -40,33 +41,33 @@ - Insert a new element at a given position in the array. The position must be valid, or at the end of the array ([code]idx == size()[/code]). + Inserts a new element at a given position in the array. The position must be valid, or at the end of the array ([code]idx == size()[/code]). - Reverse the order of the elements in the array. + Reverses the order of the elements in the array. - Append a value to the array. + Appends a value to the array. - Remove an element from the array by index. + Removes an element from the array by index. - Set the size of the array. If the array is grown reserve elements at the end of the array. If the array is shrunk truncate the array to the new size. + Sets the size of the array. If the array is grown, reserves elements at the end of the array. If the array is shrunk, truncates the array to the new size. @@ -75,7 +76,7 @@ - Change the [Color] at the given index. + Changes the [Color] at the given index. diff --git a/doc/classes/PoolIntArray.xml b/doc/classes/PoolIntArray.xml index fca1083c257..730833b0971 100644 --- a/doc/classes/PoolIntArray.xml +++ b/doc/classes/PoolIntArray.xml @@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ A pooled [Array] of integers ([int]). - An [Array] specifically designed to hold integer values ([int]). Optimized for memory usage, does not fragment the memory. Note that this type is passed by value and not by reference. + An [Array] specifically designed to hold integer values ([int]). Optimized for memory usage, does not fragment the memory. + [b]Note:[/b] This type is passed by value and not by reference. @@ -15,21 +16,21 @@ - Construct a new [PoolIntArray]. Optionally, you can pass in a generic [Array] that will be converted. + Constructs a new [PoolIntArray]. Optionally, you can pass in a generic [Array] that will be converted. - Append an element at the end of the array (alias of [method push_back]). + Appends an element at the end of the array (alias of [method push_back]). - Append a [PoolIntArray] at the end of this array. + Appends a [PoolIntArray] at the end of this array. @@ -40,33 +41,33 @@ - Insert a new int at a given position in the array. The position must be valid, or at the end of the array ([code]idx == size()[/code]). + Inserts a new int at a given position in the array. The position must be valid, or at the end of the array ([code]idx == size()[/code]). - Reverse the order of the elements in the array. + Reverses the order of the elements in the array. - Append a value to the array. + Appends a value to the array. - Remove an element from the array by index. + Removes an element from the array by index. - Set the size of the array. If the array is grown reserve elements at the end of the array. If the array is shrunk truncate the array to the new size. + Sets the size of the array. If the array is grown, reserves elements at the end of the array. If the array is shrunk, truncates the array to the new size. @@ -75,7 +76,7 @@ - Change the int at the given index. + Changes the int at the given index. diff --git a/doc/classes/PoolRealArray.xml b/doc/classes/PoolRealArray.xml index c5f6062175d..7eaec823385 100644 --- a/doc/classes/PoolRealArray.xml +++ b/doc/classes/PoolRealArray.xml @@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ A pooled [Array] of reals ([float]). - An [Array] specifically designed to hold floating point values ([float]). Optimized for memory usage, does not fragment the memory. Note that this type is passed by value and not by reference. + An [Array] specifically designed to hold floating-point values ([float]). Optimized for memory usage, does not fragment the memory. + [b]Note:[/b] This type is passed by value and not by reference. @@ -15,21 +16,21 @@ - Construct a new [PoolRealArray]. Optionally, you can pass in a generic [Array] that will be converted. + Constructs a new [PoolRealArray]. Optionally, you can pass in a generic [Array] that will be converted. - Append an element at the end of the array (alias of [method push_back]). + Appends an element at the end of the array (alias of [method push_back]). - Append a [PoolRealArray] at the end of this array. + Appends a [PoolRealArray] at the end of this array. @@ -40,33 +41,33 @@ - Insert a new element at a given position in the array. The position must be valid, or at the end of the array ([code]idx == size()[/code]). + Inserts a new element at a given position in the array. The position must be valid, or at the end of the array ([code]idx == size()[/code]). - Reverse the order of the elements in the array. + Reverses the order of the elements in the array. - Append an element at the end of the array. + Appends an element at the end of the array. - Remove an element from the array by index. + Removes an element from the array by index. - Set the size of the array. If the array is grown reserve elements at the end of the array. If the array is shrunk truncate the array to the new size. + Sets the size of the array. If the array is grown, reserves elements at the end of the array. If the array is shrunk, truncates the array to the new size. @@ -75,7 +76,7 @@ - Change the float at the given index. + Changes the float at the given index. diff --git a/doc/classes/PoolStringArray.xml b/doc/classes/PoolStringArray.xml index 01dca93be3b..a408a18b19e 100644 --- a/doc/classes/PoolStringArray.xml +++ b/doc/classes/PoolStringArray.xml @@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ A pooled [Array] of [String]. - An [Array] specifically designed to hold [String]. Optimized for memory usage, does not fragment the memory. Note that this type is passed by value and not by reference. + An [Array] specifically designed to hold [String]s. Optimized for memory usage, does not fragment the memory. + [b]Note:[/b] This type is passed by value and not by reference. @@ -15,21 +16,21 @@ - Construct a new [PoolStringArray]. Optionally, you can pass in a generic [Array] that will be converted. + Constructs a new [PoolStringArray]. Optionally, you can pass in a generic [Array] that will be converted. - Append an element at the end of the array (alias of [method push_back]). + Appends an element at the end of the array (alias of [method push_back]). - Append a [PoolStringArray] at the end of this array. + Appends a [PoolStringArray] at the end of this array. @@ -40,12 +41,12 @@ - Insert a new element at a given position in the array. The position must be valid, or at the end of the array ([code]idx == size()[/code]). + Inserts a new element at a given position in the array. The position must be valid, or at the end of the array ([code]idx == size()[/code]). - Reverse the order of the elements in the array. + Reverses the order of the elements in the array. @@ -61,21 +62,21 @@ - Append a string element at end of the array. + Appends a string element at end of the array. - Remove an element from the array by index. + Removes an element from the array by index. - Set the size of the array. If the array is grown reserve elements at the end of the array. If the array is shrunk truncate the array to the new size. + Sets the size of the array. If the array is grown, reserves elements at the end of the array. If the array is shrunk, truncates the array to the new size. @@ -84,7 +85,7 @@ - Change the [String] at the given index. + Changes the [String] at the given index. diff --git a/doc/classes/PoolVector2Array.xml b/doc/classes/PoolVector2Array.xml index 45f619dc5dd..623247e639a 100644 --- a/doc/classes/PoolVector2Array.xml +++ b/doc/classes/PoolVector2Array.xml @@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ A pooled [Array] of [Vector2]. - An [Array] specifically designed to hold [Vector2]. Optimized for memory usage, does not fragment the memory. Note that this type is passed by value and not by reference. + An [Array] specifically designed to hold [Vector2]. Optimized for memory usage, does not fragment the memory. + [b]Note:[/b] This type is passed by value and not by reference. @@ -15,21 +16,21 @@ - Construct a new [PoolVector2Array]. Optionally, you can pass in a generic [Array] that will be converted. + Constructs a new [PoolVector2Array]. Optionally, you can pass in a generic [Array] that will be converted. - Append an element at the end of the array (alias of [method push_back]). + Appends an element at the end of the array (alias of [method push_back]). - Append a [PoolVector2Array] at the end of this array. + Appends a [PoolVector2Array] at the end of this array. @@ -40,33 +41,33 @@ - Insert a new element at a given position in the array. The position must be valid, or at the end of the array ([code]idx == size()[/code]). + Inserts a new element at a given position in the array. The position must be valid, or at the end of the array ([code]idx == size()[/code]). - Reverse the order of the elements in the array. + Reverses the order of the elements in the array. - Insert a [Vector2] at the end. + Inserts a [Vector2] at the end. - Remove an element from the array by index. + Removes an element from the array by index. - Set the size of the array. If the array is grown reserve elements at the end of the array. If the array is shrunk truncate the array to the new size. + Sets the size of the array. If the array is grown, reserves elements at the end of the array. If the array is shrunk, truncates the array to the new size. @@ -75,7 +76,7 @@ - Change the [Vector2] at the given index. + Changes the [Vector2] at the given index. diff --git a/doc/classes/PoolVector3Array.xml b/doc/classes/PoolVector3Array.xml index 0a682e2bafe..adc28b46cb4 100644 --- a/doc/classes/PoolVector3Array.xml +++ b/doc/classes/PoolVector3Array.xml @@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ A pooled [Array] of [Vector3]. - An [Array] specifically designed to hold [Vector3]. Optimized for memory usage, does not fragment the memory. Note that this type is passed by value and not by reference. + An [Array] specifically designed to hold [Vector3]. Optimized for memory usage, does not fragment the memory. + [b]Note:[/b] This type is passed by value and not by reference. @@ -15,21 +16,21 @@ - Construct a new [PoolVector3Array]. Optionally, you can pass in a generic [Array] that will be converted. + Constructs a new [PoolVector3Array]. Optionally, you can pass in a generic [Array] that will be converted. - Append an element at the end of the array (alias of [method push_back]). + Appends an element at the end of the array (alias of [method push_back]). - Append a [PoolVector3Array] at the end of this array. + Appends a [PoolVector3Array] at the end of this array. @@ -40,33 +41,33 @@ - Insert a new element at a given position in the array. The position must be valid, or at the end of the array ([code]idx == size()[/code]). + Inserts a new element at a given position in the array. The position must be valid, or at the end of the array ([code]idx == size()[/code]). - Reverse the order of the elements in the array. + Reverses the order of the elements in the array. - Insert a [Vector3] at the end. + Inserts a [Vector3] at the end. - Remove an element from the array by index. + Removes an element from the array by index. - Set the size of the array. If the array is grown reserve elements at the end of the array. If the array is shrunk truncate the array to the new size. + Sets the size of the array. If the array is grown, reserves elements at the end of the array. If the array is shrunk, truncates the array to the new size. @@ -75,7 +76,7 @@ - Change the [Vector3] at the given index. + Changes the [Vector3] at the given index. diff --git a/doc/classes/Popup.xml b/doc/classes/Popup.xml index e1b51463b21..ef7e3d2c117 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Popup.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Popup.xml @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ - Popup (show the control in modal form) in the center of the screen relative to its current canvas transform, at the current size, or at a size determined by "size". + Popup (show the control in modal form) in the center of the screen relative to its current canvas transform, at the current size, or at a size determined by [code]size[/code]. @@ -65,12 +65,12 @@ - This signal is emitted when a popup is about to be shown. (often used in [PopupMenu] for clearing the list of options and creating a new one according to the current context). + Emitted when a popup is about to be shown. This is often used in [PopupMenu] to clear the list of options then create a new one according to the current context. - This signal is emitted when a popup is hidden. + Emitted when a popup is hidden. diff --git a/doc/classes/PopupDialog.xml b/doc/classes/PopupDialog.xml index b510208ae2f..d85f568abf3 100644 --- a/doc/classes/PopupDialog.xml +++ b/doc/classes/PopupDialog.xml @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ - Base class for Popup Dialogs. + Base class for popup dialogs. PopupDialog is a base class for popup dialogs, along with [WindowDialog]. diff --git a/doc/classes/PopupMenu.xml b/doc/classes/PopupMenu.xml index d6249f73aad..0d869fc72f3 100644 --- a/doc/classes/PopupMenu.xml +++ b/doc/classes/PopupMenu.xml @@ -19,7 +19,8 @@ - Add a new checkable item with text "label". An id can optionally be provided, as well as an accelerator. If no id is provided, one will be created from the index. Note that checkable items just display a checkmark, but don't have any built-in checking behavior and must be checked/unchecked manually. + Adds a new checkable item with text [code]label[/code]. An [code]id[/code] can optionally be provided, as well as an accelerator ([code]accel[/code]). If no [code]id[/code] is provided, one will be created from the index. + [b]Note:[/b] Checkable items just display a checkmark, but don't have any built-in checking behavior and must be checked/unchecked manually. @@ -46,8 +47,8 @@ - Add a new checkable item with text "label" and icon "texture". An id can optionally be provided, as well as an accelerator. If no id is provided, one will be - created from the index. Note that checkable items just display a checkmark, but don't have any built-in checking behavior and must be checked/unchecked manually. + Adds a new checkable item with text [code]label[/code] and icon [code]texture[/code]. An [code]id[/code] can optionally be provided, as well as an accelerator ([code]accel[/code]). If no [code]id[/code] is provided, one will be created from the index. + [b]Note:[/b] Checkable items just display a checkmark, but don't have any built-in checking behavior and must be checked/unchecked manually. @@ -76,7 +77,7 @@ - Add a new item with text "label" and icon "texture". An id can optionally be provided, as well as an accelerator keybinding. If no id is provided, one will be created from the index. + Adds a new item with text [code]label[/code] and icon [code]texture[/code]. An [code]id[/code] can optionally be provided, as well as an accelerator keybinding ([code]accel[/code]). If no [code]id[/code] is provided, one will be created from the index. @@ -103,7 +104,7 @@ - Add a new item with text "label". An id can optionally be provided, as well as an accelerator keybinding. If no id is provided, one will be created from the index. + Adds a new item with text [code]label[/code]. An [code]id[/code] can optionally be provided, as well as an accelerator keybinding ([code]accel[/code]). If no [code]id[/code] is provided, one will be created from the index. @@ -116,7 +117,8 @@ - The same as [method add_check_item] but the inserted item will look as a radio button. Remember this is just cosmetic and you have to add the logic for checking/unchecking items in radio groups. + The same as [method add_check_item], but the inserted item will look as a radio button. + [b]Note:[/b] This is purely cosmetic; you must add the logic for checking/unchecking items in radio groups. @@ -137,7 +139,7 @@ - Add a separator between items. Separators also occupy an index. + Adds a separator between items. Separators also occupy an index. @@ -178,7 +180,7 @@ - Returns the accelerator of the item at index "idx". Accelerators are special combinations of keys that activate the item, no matter which control is focused. + Returns the accelerator of the item at index [code]idx[/code]. Accelerators are special combinations of keys that activate the item, no matter which control is focused. @@ -194,7 +196,7 @@ - Returns the icon of the item at index "idx". + Returns the icon of the item at index [code]idx[/code]. @@ -203,7 +205,7 @@ - Returns the id of the item at index "idx". + Returns the id of the item at index [code]idx[/code]. @@ -212,7 +214,7 @@ - Find and return the index of the item containing a given id. + Finds and return the index of the item containing a given [code]id[/code]. @@ -238,7 +240,7 @@ - Returns the submenu name of the item at index "idx". + Returns the submenu name of the item at index [code]idx[/code]. @@ -247,7 +249,7 @@ - Returns the text of the item at index "idx". + Returns the text of the item at index [code]idx[/code]. @@ -270,7 +272,8 @@ - Returns whether the item at index "idx" is checkable in some way, i.e., whether has a checkbox or radio button. Note that checkable items just display a checkmark or radio button, but don't have any built-in checking behavior and must be checked/unchecked manually. + Returns [code]true[/code] if the item at index [code]idx[/code] is checkable in some way, i.e. if it has a checkbox or radio button. + [b]Note:[/b] Checkable items just display a checkmark or radio button, but don't have any built-in checking behavior and must be checked/unchecked manually. @@ -279,7 +282,7 @@ - Returns whether the item at index "idx" is checked. + Returns [code]true[/code] if the item at index [code]idx[/code] is checked. @@ -288,7 +291,7 @@ - Returns whether the item at index "idx" is disabled. When it is disabled it can't be selected, or its action invoked. + Returns [code]true[/code] if the item at index [code]idx[/code] is disabled. When it is disabled it can't be selected, or its action invoked. @@ -297,7 +300,8 @@ - Returns whether the item at index "idx" has radio-button-style checkability. Remember this is just cosmetic and you have to add the logic for checking/unchecking items in radio groups. + Returns [code]true[/code] if the item at index [code]idx[/code] has radio-button-style checkability. + [b]Note:[/b] This is purely cosmetic; you must add the logic for checking/unchecking items in radio groups. @@ -306,7 +310,7 @@ - Returns whether the item is a separator. If it is, it would be displayed as a line. + Returns [code]true[/code] if the item is a separator. If it is, it will be displayed as a line. @@ -323,7 +327,8 @@ - Removes the item at index "idx" from the menu. Note that the indexes of items after the removed item are going to be shifted by one. + Removes the item at index [code]idx[/code] from the menu. + [b]Note:[/b] The indices of items after the removed item will be shifted by one. @@ -342,7 +347,7 @@ - Set the accelerator of the item at index "idx". Accelerators are special combinations of keys that activate the item, no matter which control is focused. + Sets the accelerator of the item at index [code]idx[/code]. Accelerators are special combinations of keys that activate the item, no matter which control is focused. @@ -353,7 +358,8 @@ - Set whether the item at index "idx" has a checkbox. Note that checkable items just display a checkmark, but don't have any built-in checking behavior and must be checked/unchecked manually. + Sets whether the item at index [code]idx[/code] has a checkbox. + [b]Note:[/b] Checkable items just display a checkmark, but don't have any built-in checking behavior and must be checked/unchecked manually. @@ -376,7 +382,7 @@ - Mark the item at index "idx" as a separator, which means that it would be displayed as a line. + Mark the item at index [code]idx[/code] as a separator, which means that it would be displayed as a line. @@ -387,7 +393,7 @@ - Set the checkstate status of the item at index "idx". + Sets the checkstate status of the item at index [code]idx[/code]. @@ -398,7 +404,7 @@ - Sets whether the item at index "idx" is disabled or not. When it is disabled it can't be selected, or its action invoked. + Sets whether the item at index [code]idx[/code] is disabled or not. When it is disabled, it can't be selected and its action can't be invoked. @@ -419,7 +425,7 @@ - Set the id of the item at index "idx". + Sets the [code]id[/code] of the item at index [code]idx[/code]. @@ -430,7 +436,7 @@ - Sets the metadata of an item, which might be of any type. You can later get it with [method get_item_metadata], which provides a simple way of assigning context data to items. + Sets the metadata of an item, which may be of any type. You can later get it with [method get_item_metadata], which provides a simple way of assigning context data to items. @@ -473,7 +479,7 @@ - Sets the submenu of the item at index "idx". The submenu is the name of a child PopupMenu node that would be shown when the item is clicked. + Sets the submenu of the item at index [code]idx[/code]. The submenu is the name of a child PopupMenu node that would be shown when the item is clicked. @@ -484,7 +490,7 @@ - Set the text of the item at index "idx". + Sets the text of the item at index [code]idx[/code]. @@ -533,21 +539,21 @@ - This event is emitted when user navigated to an item of some id using [code]ui_up[/code] or [code]ui_down[/code] action. + Emitted when user navigated to an item of some [code]id[/code] using [code]ui_up[/code] or [code]ui_down[/code] action. - This event is emitted when an item of some id is pressed or its accelerator is activated. + Emitted when an item of some [code]id[/code] is pressed or its accelerator is activated. - This event is emitted when an item of some index is pressed or its accelerator is activated. + Emitted when an item of some [code]index[/code] is pressed or its accelerator is activated. diff --git a/doc/classes/Position2D.xml b/doc/classes/Position2D.xml index 916bd991314..ccadee60181 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Position2D.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Position2D.xml @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ - Generic 2D Position hint for editing. + Generic 2D position hint for editing. - Generic 2D Position hint for editing. It's just like a plain [Node2D] but displays as a cross in the 2D-Editor at all times. You can set visual size of the cross by changing Gizmo Extents in the inspector. + Generic 2D position hint for editing. It's just like a plain [Node2D], but it displays as a cross in the 2D editor at all times. You can set cross' visual size by using the gizmo in the 2D editor while the node is selected. diff --git a/doc/classes/Position3D.xml b/doc/classes/Position3D.xml index 247f1fb6a36..4d43a6729dc 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Position3D.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Position3D.xml @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ - Generic 3D Position hint for editing. + Generic 3D position hint for editing. - Generic 3D Position hint for editing. It's just like a plain [Spatial] but displays as a cross in the 3D-Editor at all times. + Generic 3D position hint for editing. It's just like a plain [Spatial], but it displays as a cross in the 3D editor at all times. diff --git a/doc/classes/PrimitiveMesh.xml b/doc/classes/PrimitiveMesh.xml index 2214357308c..b3be8e431ae 100644 --- a/doc/classes/PrimitiveMesh.xml +++ b/doc/classes/PrimitiveMesh.xml @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ - Returns mesh arrays used to constitute surface of [Mesh]. Mesh array can be used with [ArrayMesh] to create new surface. + Returns mesh arrays used to constitute surface of [Mesh]. Mesh arrays can be used with [ArrayMesh] to create new surfaces. diff --git a/doc/classes/ProceduralSky.xml b/doc/classes/ProceduralSky.xml index 68deb5aff4b..13d6a9ce19a 100644 --- a/doc/classes/ProceduralSky.xml +++ b/doc/classes/ProceduralSky.xml @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ Type of [Sky] that is generated procedurally based on user input parameters. - ProceduralSky provides a way to create an effective background quickly by defining procedural parameters for the sun, the sky and the ground. The sky and ground are very similar, they are defined by a color at the horizon, another color, and finally an easing curve to interpolate between these two colors. Similarly the sun is described by a position in the sky, a color, and an easing curve. However, the sun also defines a minimum and maximum angle, these two values define at what distance the easing curve begins and ends from the sun, and thus end up defining the size of the sun in the sky. - The ProceduralSky is updated on the CPU after the parameters change and stored in a texture and then displayed as a background in the scene. This makes it relatively unsuitable for realtime updates during gameplay. But with a small texture size it is still feasible to update relatively frequently because it is updated on a background thread when multi-threading is available. + ProceduralSky provides a way to create an effective background quickly by defining procedural parameters for the sun, the sky and the ground. The sky and ground are very similar, they are defined by a color at the horizon, another color, and finally an easing curve to interpolate between these two colors. Similarly, the sun is described by a position in the sky, a color, and an easing curve. However, the sun also defines a minimum and maximum angle, these two values define at what distance the easing curve begins and ends from the sun, and thus end up defining the size of the sun in the sky. + The ProceduralSky is updated on the CPU after the parameters change. It is stored in a texture and then displayed as a background in the scene. This makes it relatively unsuitable for real-time updates during gameplay. However, with a small enough texture size, it can still be updated relatively frequently, as it is updated on a background thread when multi-threading is available. @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ Distance from sun where it goes from solid to starting to fade. - Color of the sun. + The sun's color. How quickly the sun fades away between [member sun_angle_min] and [member sun_angle_max]. @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ Amount of energy contribution from the sun. - The suns height using polar coordinates. + The sun's height using polar coordinates. The direction of the sun using polar coordinates. diff --git a/doc/classes/ProgressBar.xml b/doc/classes/ProgressBar.xml index 98d7e5c1289..2064ead8f4b 100644 --- a/doc/classes/ProgressBar.xml +++ b/doc/classes/ProgressBar.xml @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ - General purpose progress bar. + General-purpose progress bar. - General purpose progress bar. Shows fill percentage from right to left. + General-purpose progress bar. Shows fill percentage from right to left. diff --git a/doc/classes/ProjectSettings.xml b/doc/classes/ProjectSettings.xml index 316f9487788..73d4c7b5049 100644 --- a/doc/classes/ProjectSettings.xml +++ b/doc/classes/ProjectSettings.xml @@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ - Adds a custom property info to a property. The dictionary must contain: name:[String](the property's name) and type:[int](see TYPE_* in [@GlobalScope]), and optionally hint:[int](see PROPERTY_HINT_* in [@GlobalScope]), hint_string:[String]. - Example: + Adds a custom property info to a property. The dictionary must contain: name:[String](the property's name) and type:[int](see [code]TYPE_*[/code] in [@GlobalScope]), and optionally hint:[int](see [code]PROPERTY_HINT_*[/code] in [@GlobalScope]), hint_string:[String]. + [b]Example:[/b] [codeblock] ProjectSettings.set("category/property_name", 0) @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ Loads the contents of the .pck or .zip file specified by [code]pack[/code] into the resource filesystem ([code]res://[/code]). Returns [code]true[/code] on success. - Note: If a file from [code]pack[/code] shares the same path as a file already in the resource filesystem, any attempts to load that file will use the file from [code]pack[/code]. + [b]Note:[/b] If a file from [code]pack[/code] shares the same path as a file already in the resource filesystem, any attempts to load that file will use the file from [code]pack[/code]. @@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ Maximum call stack in visual scripting, to avoid infinite recursion. - Custom image for the mouse cursor (limited to 256x256). + Custom image for the mouse cursor (limited to 256×256). Hotspot for the custom mouse cursor image. @@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ If [code]true[/code], allows per-pixel transparency in a desktop window. This affects performance, so leave it on [code]false[/code] unless you need it. - Set the window background to transparent when it starts. + Sets the window background to transparent when it starts. Force the window to be always on top. @@ -389,10 +389,10 @@ Force the window to be borderless. - Set the window to full screen when it starts. + Sets the window to full screen when it starts. - Set the main window height. On desktop, this is the default window size. Stretch mode settings use this also as a reference when enabled. + Sets the main window height. On desktop, this is the default window size. Stretch mode settings use this also as a reference when enabled. Allows the window to be resizable by default. @@ -732,7 +732,7 @@ If [code]true[/code], forces snapping of polygons to pixels in 2D rendering. May help in some pixel art styles. - Disable depth pre-pass for some GPU vendors (usually mobile), as their architecture already does this. + Disables depth pre-pass for some GPU vendors (usually mobile), as their architecture already does this. If [code]true[/code], performs a previous depth pass before rendering materials. This increases performance in scenes with high overdraw, when complex materials and lighting are used. @@ -744,11 +744,11 @@ The video driver to use ("GLES2" or "GLES3"). - Note that the backend in use can be overridden at runtime via the [code]--video-driver[/code] command line argument, or by the [member rendering/quality/driver/fallback_to_gles2] option if the target system does not support GLES3 and falls back to GLES2. In such cases, this property is not updated, so use [method OS.get_current_video_driver] to query it at run-time. + [b]Note:[/b] The backend in use can be overridden at runtime via the [code]--video-driver[/code] command line argument, or by the [member rendering/quality/driver/fallback_to_gles2] option if the target system does not support GLES3 and falls back to GLES2. In such cases, this property is not updated, so use [method OS.get_current_video_driver] to query it at run-time. If [code]true[/code], allows falling back to the GLES2 driver if the GLES3 driver is not supported. - Note that the two video drivers are not drop-in replacements for each other, so a game designed for GLES3 might not work properly when falling back to GLES2. In particular, some features of the GLES3 backend are not available in GLES2. Enabling this setting also means that both ETC and ETC2 VRAM-compressed textures will be exported on Android and iOS, increasing the data pack's size. + [b]Note:[/b] The two video drivers are not drop-in replacements for each other, so a game designed for GLES3 might not work properly when falling back to GLES2. In particular, some features of the GLES3 backend are not available in GLES2. Enabling this setting also means that both ETC and ETC2 VRAM-compressed textures will be exported on Android and iOS, increasing the data pack's size. Maximum anisotropic filter level used for textures with anisotropy enabled. Higher values will result in sharper textures when viewed from oblique angles, at the cost of performance. Only power-of-two values are valid (2, 4, 8, 16). diff --git a/doc/classes/ProximityGroup.xml b/doc/classes/ProximityGroup.xml index ad4cb682cb5..184ba872291 100644 --- a/doc/classes/ProximityGroup.xml +++ b/doc/classes/ProximityGroup.xml @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ - General purpose proximity-detection node. + General-purpose proximity detection node. - General purpose proximity-detection node. + General-purpose proximity detection node. diff --git a/doc/classes/Quat.xml b/doc/classes/Quat.xml index 3ef65e1edba..ea805c91369 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Quat.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Quat.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ A unit quaternion used for representing 3D rotations. - It is similar to [Basis], which implements matrix representation of rotations, and can be parametrized using both an axis-angle pair or Euler angles. But due to its compactness and the way it is stored in memory, certain operations (obtaining axis-angle and performing SLERP, in particular) are more efficient and robust against floating point errors. + It is similar to [Basis], which implements matrix representation of rotations, and can be parametrized using both an axis-angle pair or Euler angles. But due to its compactness and the way it is stored in memory, certain operations (obtaining axis-angle and performing SLERP, in particular) are more efficient and robust against floating-point errors. Quaternions need to be (re)normalized. @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ - Returns a quaternion that will perform a rotation specified by Euler angles (in the YXZ convention: first Z, then X, and Y last), given in the vector format as (X-angle, Y-angle, Z-angle). + Returns a quaternion that will perform a rotation specified by Euler angles (in the YXZ convention: first Z, then X, and Y last), given in the vector format as (X angle, Y angle, Z angle). @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ - Returns Euler angles (in the YXZ convention: first Z, then X, and Y last) corresponding to the rotation represented by the unit quaternion. Returned vector contains the rotation angles in the format (X-angle, Y-angle, Z-angle). + Returns Euler angles (in the YXZ convention: first Z, then X, and Y last) corresponding to the rotation represented by the unit quaternion. Returned vector contains the rotation angles in the format (X angle, Y angle, Z angle). @@ -128,14 +128,14 @@ - Set the quaternion to a rotation which rotates around axis by the specified angle, in radians. The axis must be a normalized vector. + Sets the quaternion to a rotation which rotates around axis by the specified angle, in radians. The axis must be a normalized vector. - Set the quaternion to a rotation specified by Euler angles (in the YXZ convention: first Z, then X, and Y last), given in the vector format as (X-angle, Y-angle, Z-angle). + Sets the quaternion to a rotation specified by Euler angles (in the YXZ convention: first Z, then X, and Y last), given in the vector format as (X angle, Y angle, Z angle). @@ -172,16 +172,16 @@ - W component of the quaternion. Default value: [code]1[/code] + W component of the quaternion. Default value: [code]1[/code]. - X component of the quaternion. Default value: [code]0[/code] + X component of the quaternion. Default value: [code]0[/code]. - Y component of the quaternion. Default value: [code]0[/code] + Y component of the quaternion. Default value: [code]0[/code]. - Z component of the quaternion. Default value: [code]0[/code] + Z component of the quaternion. Default value: [code]0[/code]. diff --git a/doc/classes/RID.xml b/doc/classes/RID.xml index 89778e1c8bf..5edef100c59 100644 --- a/doc/classes/RID.xml +++ b/doc/classes/RID.xml @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Handle for a [Resource]'s unique ID. - The RID type is used to access the unique integer ID of a resource. They are opaque, so they do not grant access to the associated resource by themselves. They are used by and with the low-level Server classes such as [VisualServer]. + The RID type is used to access the unique integer ID of a resource. They are opaque, which means they do not grant access to the associated resource by themselves. They are used by and with the low-level Server classes such as [VisualServer]. diff --git a/doc/classes/RandomNumberGenerator.xml b/doc/classes/RandomNumberGenerator.xml index be7bcc9c35a..dc96bba304c 100644 --- a/doc/classes/RandomNumberGenerator.xml +++ b/doc/classes/RandomNumberGenerator.xml @@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ A class for generating pseudo-random numbers. - RandomNumberGenerator is a class for generating pseudo-random numbers. It currently uses PCG32. The underlying algorithm is an implementation detail. As a result, it should not be depended upon for reproducible random streams across Godot versions. + RandomNumberGenerator is a class for generating pseudo-random numbers. It currently uses [url=http://www.pcg-random.org/]PCG32[/url]. + [b]Note:[/b] The underlying algorithm is an implementation detail. As a result, it should not be depended upon for reproducible random streams across Godot versions. @@ -13,7 +14,7 @@ - Generates pseudo-random float between '0.0' and '1.0', inclusive. + Generates a pseudo-random float between [code]0.0[/code] and [code]1.0[/code] (inclusive). @@ -24,7 +25,7 @@ - Generates pseudo-random float between [code]from[/code] and [code]to[/code], inclusive. + Generates a pseudo-random float between [code]from[/code] and [code]to[/code] (inclusive). @@ -35,14 +36,14 @@ - Generates normally(gaussian) distributed pseudo-random number, using Box-Muller transform with the specified [code]mean[/code] and a standard [code]deviation[/code]. + Generates a [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Normal_distribution]normally-distributed[/url] pseudo-random number, using Box-Muller transform with the specified [code]mean[/code] and a standard [code]deviation[/code]. This is also called Gaussian distribution. - Generates pseudo-random 32-bit unsigned integer between '0' and '4294967295', inclusive. + Generates a pseudo-random 32-bit unsigned integer between [code]0[/code] and [code]4294967295[/code] (inclusive). @@ -53,7 +54,7 @@ - Generates pseudo-random 32-bit signed integer between [code]from[/code] and [code]to[/code] (inclusive). + Generates a pseudo-random 32-bit signed integer between [code]from[/code] and [code]to[/code] (inclusive). diff --git a/doc/classes/Range.xml b/doc/classes/Range.xml index 3c7317bf859..9f1863600b7 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Range.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Range.xml @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Abstract base class for range-based controls. - Range is a base class for [Control] nodes that change a floating point [i]value[/i] between a [i]minimum[/i] and a [i]maximum[/i], using [i]step[/i] and [i]page[/i], for example a [ScrollBar]. + Range is a base class for [Control] nodes that change a floating-point [i]value[/i] between a [i]minimum[/i] and a [i]maximum[/i], using [i]step[/i] and [i]page[/i], for example a [ScrollBar]. @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ - Stop range from sharing its member variables with any other. + Stops range from sharing its member variables with any other. diff --git a/doc/classes/RayCast.xml b/doc/classes/RayCast.xml index 1368143b679..a38b45e2d8a 100644 --- a/doc/classes/RayCast.xml +++ b/doc/classes/RayCast.xml @@ -43,7 +43,8 @@ Updates the collision information for the ray. - Use this method to update the collision information immediately instead of waiting for the next [code]_physics_process[/code] call, for example if the ray or its parent has changed state. Note: [code]enabled == true[/code] is not required for this to work. + Use this method to update the collision information immediately instead of waiting for the next [code]_physics_process[/code] call, for example if the ray or its parent has changed state. + [b]Note:[/b] [code]enabled == true[/code] is not required for this to work. @@ -66,7 +67,8 @@ - Returns [code]true[/code] if the bit index passed is turned on. Note that bit indexes range from 0-19. + Returns [code]true[/code] if the bit index passed is turned on. + [b]Note:[/b] Bit indices range from 0-19. @@ -80,7 +82,8 @@ - Returns the collision point at which the ray intersects the closest object. Note: this point is in the [b]global[/b] coordinate system. + Returns the collision point at which the ray intersects the closest object. + [b]Note:[/b] This point is in the [b]global[/b] coordinate system. @@ -116,7 +119,8 @@ - Sets the bit index passed to the [code]value[/code] passed. Note that bit indexes range from 0-19. + Sets the bit index passed to the [code]value[/code] passed. + [b]Note:[/b] Bit indexes range from 0-19. diff --git a/doc/classes/RayCast2D.xml b/doc/classes/RayCast2D.xml index 90e0178ddb6..c68929d4a0a 100644 --- a/doc/classes/RayCast2D.xml +++ b/doc/classes/RayCast2D.xml @@ -42,7 +42,8 @@ - Updates the collision information for the ray. Use this method to update the collision information immediately instead of waiting for the next [code]_physics_process[/code] call, for example if the ray or its parent has changed state. Note: [code]enabled == true[/code] is not required for this to work. + Updates the collision information for the ray. Use this method to update the collision information immediately instead of waiting for the next [code]_physics_process[/code] call, for example if the ray or its parent has changed state. + [b]Note:[/b] [code]enabled == true[/code] is not required for this to work. @@ -79,7 +80,8 @@ - Returns the collision point at which the ray intersects the closest object. Note: this point is in the [b]global[/b] coordinate system. + Returns the collision point at which the ray intersects the closest object. + [b]Note:[/b] this point is in the [b]global[/b] coordinate system. @@ -115,7 +117,7 @@ - Set/clear individual bits on the collision mask. This makes selecting the areas scanned easier. + Sets or clears individual bits on the collision mask. This makes selecting the areas scanned easier. diff --git a/doc/classes/RayShape.xml b/doc/classes/RayShape.xml index 69b159fa97f..086654c469e 100644 --- a/doc/classes/RayShape.xml +++ b/doc/classes/RayShape.xml @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Ray shape for 3D collisions. - Ray shape for 3D collisions, which can be set into a [PhysicsBody] or [Area]. A ray is not really a collision body, instead it tries to separate itself from whatever is touching its far endpoint. It's often useful for characters. + Ray shape for 3D collisions, which can be set into a [PhysicsBody] or [Area]. A ray is not really a collision body; instead, it tries to separate itself from whatever is touching its far endpoint. It's often useful for characters. diff --git a/doc/classes/RayShape2D.xml b/doc/classes/RayShape2D.xml index e0ef01bd2a6..23cb06f57a5 100644 --- a/doc/classes/RayShape2D.xml +++ b/doc/classes/RayShape2D.xml @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Ray shape for 2D collisions. - Ray shape for 2D collisions. A ray is not really a collision body, instead it tries to separate itself from whatever is touching its far endpoint. It's often useful for characters. + Ray shape for 2D collisions. A ray is not really a collision body; instead, it tries to separate itself from whatever is touching its far endpoint. It's often useful for characters. diff --git a/doc/classes/Rect2.xml b/doc/classes/Rect2.xml index c4f7844a034..705e048e8e3 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Rect2.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Rect2.xml @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ - 2D Axis-aligned bounding box. + 2D axis-aligned bounding box. Rect2 consists of a position, a size, and several utility functions. It is typically used for fast overlap tests. diff --git a/doc/classes/Reference.xml b/doc/classes/Reference.xml index 9e6c403873e..70d41b665a9 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Reference.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Reference.xml @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ Increments the internal reference counter. Use this only if you really know what you are doing. - Returns whether the increment was successful. + Returns [code]true[/code] if the increment was successful, [code]false[/code] otherwise. @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ Decrements the internal reference counter. Use this only if you really know what you are doing. - Returns whether the decrement was successful. + Returns [code]true[/code] if the decrement was successful, [code]false[/code] otherwise. diff --git a/doc/classes/Resource.xml b/doc/classes/Resource.xml index d2315275b1f..8f1903378cd 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Resource.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Resource.xml @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ - Returns the RID of the resource (or an empty RID). Many resources (such as [Texture], [Mesh], etc) are high level abstractions of resources stored in a server, so this function will return the original RID. + Returns the RID of the resource (or an empty RID). Many resources (such as [Texture], [Mesh], etc) are high-level abstractions of resources stored in a server, so this function will return the original RID. diff --git a/doc/classes/ResourceFormatLoader.xml b/doc/classes/ResourceFormatLoader.xml index ef44a826b9e..ce37691e0a5 100644 --- a/doc/classes/ResourceFormatLoader.xml +++ b/doc/classes/ResourceFormatLoader.xml @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Godot loads resources in the editor or in exported games using ResourceFormatLoaders. They are queried automatically via the [ResourceLoader] singleton, or when a resource with internal dependencies is loaded. Each file type may load as a different resource type, so multiple ResourceFormatLoaders are registered in the engine. Extending this class allows you to define your own loader. Be sure to respect the documented return types and values. You should give it a global class name with [code]class_name[/code] for it to be registered. Like built-in ResourceFormatLoaders, it will be called automatically when loading resources of its handled type(s). You may also implement a [ResourceFormatSaver]. - Note: You can also extend [EditorImportPlugin] if the resource type you need exists but Godot is unable to load its format. Choosing one way over another depends if the format is suitable or not for the final exported game. For example, it's better to import [code].png[/code] textures as [code].stex[/code] ([StreamTexture]) first, so they can be loaded with better efficiency on the graphics card. + [b]Note:[/b] You can also extend [EditorImportPlugin] if the resource type you need exists but Godot is unable to load its format. Choosing one way over another depends if the format is suitable or not for the final exported game. For example, it's better to import [code].png[/code] textures as [code].stex[/code] ([StreamTexture]) first, so they can be loaded with better efficiency on the graphics card. @@ -19,7 +19,8 @@ - If implemented, gets the dependencies of a given resource. If [code]add_types[/code] is [code]true[/code], paths should be appended [code]::TypeName[/code], where [code]TypeName[/code] is the class name of the dependency. Note that custom resource types defined by scripts aren't known by the [ClassDB], so you might just return [code]"Resource"[/code] for them. + If implemented, gets the dependencies of a given resource. If [code]add_types[/code] is [code]true[/code], paths should be appended [code]::TypeName[/code], where [code]TypeName[/code] is the class name of the dependency. + [b]Note:[/b] Custom resource types defined by scripts aren't known by the [ClassDB], so you might just return [code]"Resource"[/code] for them. @@ -35,7 +36,8 @@ - Gets the class name of the resource associated with the given path. If the loader cannot handle it, it should return [code]""[/code]. Note that custom resource types defined by scripts aren't known by the [ClassDB], so you might just return [code]"Resource"[/code] for them. + Gets the class name of the resource associated with the given path. If the loader cannot handle it, it should return [code]""[/code]. + [b]Note:[/b] Custom resource types defined by scripts aren't known by the [ClassDB], so you might just return [code]"Resource"[/code] for them. @@ -44,7 +46,8 @@ - Tells which resource class this loader can load. Note that custom resource types defined by scripts aren't known by the [ClassDB], so you might just handle [code]"Resource"[/code] for them. + Tells which resource class this loader can load. + [b]Note:[/b] Custom resource types defined by scripts aren't known by the [ClassDB], so you might just handle [code]"Resource"[/code] for them. diff --git a/doc/classes/ResourceInteractiveLoader.xml b/doc/classes/ResourceInteractiveLoader.xml index 3c09959ff7a..df552d36562 100644 --- a/doc/classes/ResourceInteractiveLoader.xml +++ b/doc/classes/ResourceInteractiveLoader.xml @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Interactive [Resource] loader. - Interactive [Resource] loader. This object is returned by [ResourceLoader] when performing an interactive load. It allows to load with high granularity, so this is mainly useful for displaying loading bars/percentages. + Interactive [Resource] loader. This object is returned by [ResourceLoader] when performing an interactive load. It allows loading resources with high granularity, which makes it mainly useful for displaying loading bars or percentages. diff --git a/doc/classes/ResourceLoader.xml b/doc/classes/ResourceLoader.xml index 558852704e4..31bba181717 100644 --- a/doc/classes/ResourceLoader.xml +++ b/doc/classes/ResourceLoader.xml @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ - Deprecated method. Use [method has_cached] or [method exists] instead. + [i]Deprecated method.[/i] Use [method has_cached] or [method exists] instead. @@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ - Change the behavior on missing sub-resources. Default is to abort load. + Changes the behavior on missing sub-resources. The default behavior is to abort loading. diff --git a/doc/classes/ResourceSaver.xml b/doc/classes/ResourceSaver.xml index 57d5bfae2f2..f12d26d4b98 100644 --- a/doc/classes/ResourceSaver.xml +++ b/doc/classes/ResourceSaver.xml @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ Bundles external resources. - Change the [member Resource.resource_path] of the saved resource to match its new location. + Changes the [member Resource.resource_path] of the saved resource to match its new location. Do not save editor-specific metadata (identified by their [code]__editor[/code] prefix). diff --git a/doc/classes/RichTextLabel.xml b/doc/classes/RichTextLabel.xml index a097e2076f4..e1e93dbb150 100644 --- a/doc/classes/RichTextLabel.xml +++ b/doc/classes/RichTextLabel.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Rich text can contain custom text, fonts, images and some basic formatting. The label manages these as an internal tag stack. It also adapts itself to given width/heights. - Note that assignments to [member bbcode_text] clear the tag stack and reconstruct it from the property's contents. Any edits made to [member bbcode_text] will erase previous edits made from other manual sources such as [method append_bbcode] and the [code]push_*[/code] / [method pop] methods. + [b]Note:[/b] Assignments to [member bbcode_text] clear the tag stack and reconstruct it from the property's contents. Any edits made to [member bbcode_text] will erase previous edits made from other manual sources such as [method append_bbcode] and the [code]push_*[/code] / [method pop] methods. https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/tutorials/gui/bbcode_in_richtextlabel.html @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ - Adds raw non-bbcode-parsed text to the tag stack. + Adds raw non-BBCode-parsed text to the tag stack. @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ - Returns the total number of characters from text tags. Does not include bbcodes. + Returns the total number of characters from text tags. Does not include BBCodes. @@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ - Terminates the current tag. Use after [code]push_*[/code] methods to close bbcodes manually. Does not need to follow [code]add_*[/code] methods. + Terminates the current tag. Use after [code]push_*[/code] methods to close BBCodes manually. Does not need to follow [code]add_*[/code] methods. @@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ - Adds an alignment tag based on the given [code]align[/code] value. See [enum Align] for possible values. + Adds an [code][align][/code] tag based on the given [code]align[/code] value. See [enum Align] for possible values. @@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ - Adds a list tag to the tag stack. Similar to the bbcodes [code][ol][/code] or [code][ul][/code], but supports more list types. Not fully implemented! + Adds a [code][list][/code] tag to the tag stack. Similar to the BBCodes [code][ol][/code] or [code][ul][/code], but supports more list types. Not fully implemented! @@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ - Adds a meta tag to the tag stack. Similar to the bbcode [code][url=something]{text}[/url][/code], but supports non-[String] metadata types. + Adds a [code][meta][/code] tag to the tag stack. Similar to the BBCode [code][url=something]{text}[/url][/code], but supports non-[String] metadata types. @@ -215,9 +215,9 @@ - Edits the selected columns expansion options. If [code]expand[/code] is [code]true[/code], the column expands in proportion to its expansion ratio versus the other columns' ratios. + Edits the selected column's expansion options. If [code]expand[/code] is [code]true[/code], the column expands in proportion to its expansion ratio versus the other columns' ratios. For example, 2 columns with ratios 3 and 4 plus 70 pixels in available width would expand 30 and 40 pixels, respectively. - Columns with a [code]false[/code] expand will not contribute to the total ratio. + If [code]expand[/code] is [code]false[/code], the column will not contribute to the total ratio. @@ -247,14 +247,14 @@ If [code]true[/code], the label allows text selection. - The number of spaces associated with a single tab length. Does not affect "\t" in text tags, only indent tags. + The number of spaces associated with a single tab length. Does not affect [code]\t[/code] in text tags, only indent tags. The raw text of the label. - When set, clears the tag stack and adds a raw text tag to the top of it. Does not parse bbcodes. Does not modify [member bbcode_text]. + When set, clears the tag stack and adds a raw text tag to the top of it. Does not parse BBCodes. Does not modify [member bbcode_text]. - The restricted number of characters to display in the label. + The restricted number of characters to display in the label. If [code]-1[/code], all characters will be displayed. diff --git a/doc/classes/RigidBody.xml b/doc/classes/RigidBody.xml index 8dadca49e13..fefa519cea3 100644 --- a/doc/classes/RigidBody.xml +++ b/doc/classes/RigidBody.xml @@ -4,10 +4,10 @@ Physics Body whose position is determined through physics simulation in 3D space. - This is the node that implements full 3D physics. This means that you do not control a RigidBody directly. Instead you can apply forces to it (gravity, impulses, etc.), and the physics simulation will calculate the resulting movement, collision, bouncing, rotating, etc. + This is the node that implements full 3D physics. This means that you do not control a RigidBody directly. Instead, you can apply forces to it (gravity, impulses, etc.), and the physics simulation will calculate the resulting movement, collision, bouncing, rotating, etc. A RigidBody has 4 behavior [member mode]s: Rigid, Static, Character, and Kinematic. - [b]Note:[/b] Don't change a RigidBody's position every frame or very often. Sporadic changes work fine, but physics runs at a different granularity (fixed hz) than usual rendering (process callback) and maybe even in a separate thread, so changing this from a process loop will yield strange behavior. If you need to directly affect the body's state, use [method _integrate_forces], which allows you to directly access the physics state. - If you need to override the default physics behavior, you can write a custom force integration. See [member custom_integrator]. + [b]Note:[/b] Don't change a RigidBody's position every frame or very often. Sporadic changes work fine, but physics runs at a different granularity (fixed Hz) than usual rendering (process callback) and maybe even in a separate thread, so changing this from a process loop may result in strange behavior. If you need to directly affect the body's state, use [method _integrate_forces], which allows you to directly access the physics state. + If you need to override the default physics behavior, you can write a custom force integration function. See [member custom_integrator]. https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/tutorials/physics/physics_introduction.html @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ - Applies a positioned impulse to the body. An impulse is time independent! Applying an impulse every frame would result in a framerate dependent force. For this reason it should only be used when simulating one-time impacts. The position uses the rotation of the global coordinate system, but is centered at the object's origin. + Applies a positioned impulse to the body. An impulse is time independent! Applying an impulse every frame would result in a framerate-dependent force. For this reason it should only be used when simulating one-time impacts. The position uses the rotation of the global coordinate system, but is centered at the object's origin. @@ -79,14 +79,15 @@ - Applies a torque impulse which will be affected by the body mass and shape. This will rotate the body around the passed in vector. + Applies a torque impulse which will be affected by the body mass and shape. This will rotate the body around the [code]impulse[/code] vector passed. - Returns a list of the bodies colliding with this one. By default, number of max contacts reported is at 0, see the [member contacts_reported] property to increase it. Note that the result of this test is not immediate after moving objects. For performance, list of collisions is updated once per frame and before the physics step. Consider using signals instead. + Returns a list of the bodies colliding with this one. By default, number of max contacts reported is at 0, see the [member contacts_reported] property to increase it. + [b]Note:[/b] The result of this test is not immediate after moving objects. For performance, list of collisions is updated once per frame and before the physics step. Consider using signals instead. @@ -107,22 +108,22 @@ RigidBody's rotational velocity. - Lock the body's rotation in the x-axis. + Lock the body's rotation in the X axis. - Lock the body's rotation in the y-axis. + Lock the body's rotation in the Y axis. - Lock the body's rotation in the z-axis. + Lock the body's rotation in the Z axis. - Lock the body's movement in the x-axis. + Lock the body's movement in the X axis. - Lock the body's movement in the y-axis. + Lock the body's movement in the Y axis. - Lock the body's movement in the z-axis. + Lock the body's movement in the Z axis. RigidBody's bounciness. @@ -138,7 +139,7 @@ If [code]true[/code], continuous collision detection is used. - Continuous collision detection tries to predict where a moving body will collide, instead of moving it and correcting its movement if it collided. Continuous collision detection is more precise, and misses less impacts by small, fast-moving objects. Not using continuous collision detection is faster to compute, but can miss small, fast-moving objects. + Continuous collision detection tries to predict where a moving body will collide, instead of moving it and correcting its movement if it collided. Continuous collision detection is more precise, and misses fewer impacts by small, fast-moving objects. Not using continuous collision detection is faster to compute, but can miss small, fast-moving objects. If [code]true[/code], internal force integration will be disabled (like gravity or air friction) for this body. Other than collision response, the body will only move as determined by the [method _integrate_forces] function, if defined. @@ -147,19 +148,19 @@ The body's friction, from 0 (frictionless) to 1 (max friction). - This is multiplied by the global 3D gravity setting found in "Project > Project Settings > Physics > 3d" to produce RigidBody's gravity. E.g. a value of 1 will be normal gravity, 2 will apply double gravity, and 0.5 will apply half gravity to this object. + This is multiplied by the global 3D gravity setting found in [b]Project > Project Settings > Physics > 3d[/b] to produce RigidBody's gravity. For example, a value of 1 will be normal gravity, 2 will apply double gravity, and 0.5 will apply half gravity to this object. The body's linear damp. Default value: -1, cannot be less than -1. If this value is different from -1, any linear damp derived from the world or areas will be overridden. - The body's linear velocity. Can be used sporadically, but [b]DON'T SET THIS IN EVERY FRAME[/b], because physics may run in another thread and runs at a different granularity. Use [method _integrate_forces] as your process loop for precise control of the body state. + The body's linear velocity. Can be used sporadically, but [b]don't set this every frame[/b], because physics may run in another thread and runs at a different granularity. Use [method _integrate_forces] as your process loop for precise control of the body state. The body's mass. - The body mode from the MODE_* enum. Modes include: MODE_STATIC, MODE_KINEMATIC, MODE_RIGID, and MODE_CHARACTER. + The body mode. See [enum Mode] for possible values. Default value: [code]MODE_RIGID[/code]. @@ -167,7 +168,7 @@ If [code]true[/code], the body is sleeping and will not calculate forces until woken up by a collision or the [code]apply_impulse[/code] method. - The body's weight based on its mass and the global 3D gravity. Global values are set in "Project > Project Settings > Physics > 3d". + The body's weight based on its mass and the global 3D gravity. Global values are set in [b]Project > Project Settings > Physics > 3d[/b]. @@ -196,7 +197,7 @@ Emitted when a body enters into contact with this one. Contact monitor and contacts reported must be enabled for this to work. - This signal not only receives the body that collided with this one, but also its [RID] (body_id), the shape index from the colliding body (body_shape), and the shape index from this body (local_shape) the other body collided with. + This signal not only receives the body that collided with this one, but also its [RID] ([code]body_id[/code]), the shape index from the colliding body ([code]body_shape[/code]), and the shape index from this body ([code]local_shape[/code]) the other body collided with. @@ -210,7 +211,7 @@ Emitted when a body shape exits contact with this one. Contact monitor and contacts reported must be enabled for this to work. - This signal not only receives the body that stopped colliding with this one, but also its [RID] (body_id), the shape index from the colliding body (body_shape), and the shape index from this body (local_shape) the other body stopped colliding with. + This signal not only receives the body that stopped colliding with this one, but also its [RID] ([code]body_id[/code]), the shape index from the colliding body ([code]body_shape[/code]), and the shape index from this body ([code]local_shape[/code]) the other body stopped colliding with. diff --git a/doc/classes/RigidBody2D.xml b/doc/classes/RigidBody2D.xml index 3fdc367cc5b..f22ad9e4b2d 100644 --- a/doc/classes/RigidBody2D.xml +++ b/doc/classes/RigidBody2D.xml @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ - Applies a positioned impulse to the body. An impulse is time independent! Applying an impulse every frame would result in a framerate dependent force. For this reason it should only be used when simulating one-time impacts (use the "_force" functions otherwise). The position uses the rotation of the global coordinate system, but is centered at the object's origin. + Applies a positioned impulse to the body. An impulse is time-independent! Applying an impulse every frame would result in a framerate-dependent force. For this reason it should only be used when simulating one-time impacts (use the "_force" functions otherwise). The position uses the rotation of the global coordinate system, but is centered at the object's origin. @@ -84,7 +84,8 @@ - Returns a list of the bodies colliding with this one. Use [member contacts_reported] to set the maximum number reported. You must also set [member contact_monitor] to [code]true[/code]. Note that the result of this test is not immediate after moving objects. For performance, list of collisions is updated once per frame and before the physics step. Consider using signals instead. + Returns a list of the bodies colliding with this one. Use [member contacts_reported] to set the maximum number reported. You must also set [member contact_monitor] to [code]true[/code]. + [b]Note:[/b] The result of this test is not immediate after moving objects. For performance, list of collisions is updated once per frame and before the physics step. Consider using signals instead. @@ -114,7 +115,7 @@ - Damps the body's [member angular_velocity]. If [code]-1[/code] the body will use the "Default Angular Damp" in "Project > Project Settings > Physics > 2d". Default value: [code]-1[/code]. + Damps the body's [member angular_velocity]. If [code]-1[/code], the body will use the [b]Default Angular Damp[/b] defined in [b]Project > Project Settings > Physics > 2d[/b]. Default value: [code]-1[/code]. The body's rotational velocity. @@ -148,13 +149,13 @@ The body's friction. Values range from [code]0[/code] (frictionless) to [code]1[/code] (maximum friction). Default value: [code]1[/code]. - Multiplies the gravity applied to the body. The body's gravity is calculated from the "Default Gravity" value in "Project > Project Settings > Physics > 2d" and/or any additional gravity vector applied by [Area2D]s. Default value: [code]1[/code]. + Multiplies the gravity applied to the body. The body's gravity is calculated from the [b]Default Gravity[/b] value in [b]Project > Project Settings > Physics > 2d[/b] and/or any additional gravity vector applied by [Area2D]s. Default value: [code]1[/code]. The body's moment of inertia. This is like mass, but for rotation: it determines how much torque it takes to rotate the body. The moment of inertia is usually computed automatically from the mass and the shapes, but this function allows you to set a custom value. Set 0 (or negative) inertia to return to automatically computing it. - Damps the body's [member linear_velocity]. If [code]-1[/code] the body will use the "Default Linear Damp" in "Project > Project Settings > Physics > 2d". Default value: [code]-1[/code]. + Damps the body's [member linear_velocity]. If [code]-1[/code], the body will use the [b]Default Linear Damp[/b] in [b]Project > Project Settings > Physics > 2d[/b]. Default value: [code]-1[/code]. The body's linear velocity. @@ -163,7 +164,7 @@ The body's mass. Default value: [code]1[/code]. - The body's mode. See [code]MODE_*[/code] constants. Default value: [constant MODE_RIGID]. + The body's mode. See [enum Mode] for possible values. Default value: [constant MODE_RIGID]. @@ -171,7 +172,7 @@ If [code]true[/code], the body is sleeping and will not calculate forces until woken up by a collision or by using [method apply_impulse] or [method add_force]. - The body's weight based on its mass and the "Default Gravity" value in "Project > Project Settings > Physics > 2d". + The body's weight based on its mass and the [b]Default Gravity[/b] value in [b]Project > Project Settings > Physics > 2d[/b]. diff --git a/doc/classes/SceneState.xml b/doc/classes/SceneState.xml index 8cbc582bf5a..3bd958bfd4c 100644 --- a/doc/classes/SceneState.xml +++ b/doc/classes/SceneState.xml @@ -202,10 +202,12 @@ If passed to [method PackedScene.instance], blocks edits to the scene state. - If passed to [method PackedScene.instance], provides inherited scene resources to the local scene. Requires tools compiled. + If passed to [method PackedScene.instance], provides inherited scene resources to the local scene. + [b]Note:[/b] Only available in editor builds. - If passed to [method PackedScene.instance], provides local scene resources to the local scene. Only the main scene should receive the main edit state. Requires tools compiled. + If passed to [method PackedScene.instance], provides local scene resources to the local scene. Only the main scene should receive the main edit state. + [b]Note:[/b] Only available in editor builds. diff --git a/doc/classes/SceneTree.xml b/doc/classes/SceneTree.xml index 25c129d1d4a..5e898642d66 100644 --- a/doc/classes/SceneTree.xml +++ b/doc/classes/SceneTree.xml @@ -283,11 +283,11 @@ The default [MultiplayerAPI] instance for this [SceneTree]. - If [code]true[/code] (default value), enable the automatic polling of the [MultiplayerAPI] for this [SceneTree] during [signal idle_frame]. - When [code]false[/code] you need to manually call [method MultiplayerAPI.poll] for processing network packets and delivering RPCs/RSETs. This allows to run RPCs/RSETs in a different loop (e.g. physics, thread, specific time step) and for manual [Mutex] protection when accessing the [MultiplayerAPI] from threads. + If [code]true[/code] (default value), enables automatic polling of the [MultiplayerAPI] for this SceneTree during [signal idle_frame]. + If [code]false[/code], you need to manually call [method MultiplayerAPI.poll] to process network packets and deliver RPCs/RSETs. This allows running RPCs/RSETs in a different loop (e.g. physics, thread, specific time step) and for manual [Mutex] protection when accessing the [MultiplayerAPI] from threads. - The peer object to handle the RPC system (effectively enabling networking when set). Depending on the peer itself, the [SceneTree] will become a network server (check with [method is_network_server]) and will set root node's network mode to master (see NETWORK_MODE_* constants in [Node]), or it will become a regular peer with root node set to puppet. All child nodes are set to inherit the network mode by default. Handling of networking-related events (connection, disconnection, new clients) is done by connecting to [SceneTree]'s signals. + The peer object to handle the RPC system (effectively enabling networking when set). Depending on the peer itself, the [SceneTree] will become a network server (check with [method is_network_server]) and will set the root node's network mode to master (see [code]NETWORK_MODE_*[/code] constants in [Node]), or it will become a regular peer with the root node set to puppet. All child nodes are set to inherit the network mode by default. Handling of networking-related events (connection, disconnection, new clients) is done by connecting to [SceneTree]'s signals. If [code]true[/code], the [SceneTree] is paused. Doing so will have the following behavior: @@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ - Emitted when a node's configuration changed. Only emitted in tool mode. + Emitted when a node's configuration changed. Only emitted in [code]tool[/code] mode. @@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ - Emitted whenever the screen resolution (fullscreen) or window size (windowed) changes. + Emitted when the screen resolution (fullscreen) or window size (windowed) changes. @@ -415,10 +415,10 @@ Keep the specified display resolution. No interpolation. Content may appear pixelated. - Fill the window with the content stretched to cover excessive space. Content may appear elongated. + Fill the window with the content stretched to cover excessive space. Content may appear stretched. - Retain the same aspect ratio by padding with black bars in either axes. No expansion of content. + Retain the same aspect ratio by padding with black bars on either axis. This prevents distortion. Expand vertically. Left/right black bars may appear if the window is too wide. @@ -427,7 +427,7 @@ Expand horizontally. Top/bottom black bars may appear if the window is too tall. - Expand in both directions, retaining the same aspect ratio. No black bars. + Expand in both directions, retaining the same aspect ratio. This prevents distortion while avoiding black bars. diff --git a/doc/classes/ScriptCreateDialog.xml b/doc/classes/ScriptCreateDialog.xml index b2c2d0f060d..def2fa944a5 100644 --- a/doc/classes/ScriptCreateDialog.xml +++ b/doc/classes/ScriptCreateDialog.xml @@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ The [ScriptCreateDialog] creates script files according to a given template for a given scripting language. The standard use is to configure its fields prior to calling one of the [method Popup.popup] methods. [codeblock] func _ready(): - dialog.config("Node", "res://new_node.gd") # for in-engine types - dialog.config("\"res://base_node.gd\"", "res://derived_node.gd") # for script types + dialog.config("Node", "res://new_node.gd") # For in-engine types + dialog.config("\"res://base_node.gd\"", "res://derived_node.gd") # For script types dialog.popup_centered() [/codeblock] diff --git a/doc/classes/ScrollBar.xml b/doc/classes/ScrollBar.xml index 8b8314d2c8f..8576fd26e29 100644 --- a/doc/classes/ScrollBar.xml +++ b/doc/classes/ScrollBar.xml @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Base class for scroll bars. - Scrollbars are a [Range] based [Control], that display a draggable area (the size of the page). Horizontal ([HScrollBar]) and Vertical ([VScrollBar]) versions are available. + Scrollbars are a [Range]-based [Control], that display a draggable area (the size of the page). Horizontal ([HScrollBar]) and Vertical ([VScrollBar]) versions are available. @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ - Emitted whenever the scrollbar is being scrolled. + Emitted when the scrollbar is being scrolled. diff --git a/doc/classes/ScrollContainer.xml b/doc/classes/ScrollContainer.xml index 7d7dfe167a6..8eca55373b5 100644 --- a/doc/classes/ScrollContainer.xml +++ b/doc/classes/ScrollContainer.xml @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ - A helper node for displaying scrollable elements (e.g. lists). + A helper node for displaying scrollable elements such as lists. - A ScrollContainer node meant to contain a [Control] child. ScrollContainers will automatically create a scrollbar child ([HScrollBar], [VScrollBar], or both) when needed and will only draw the Control within the ScrollContainer area. Scrollbars will automatically be drawn at the right (for vertical) or bottom (for horizontal) and will enable dragging to move the viewable Control (and its children) within the ScrollContainer. Scrollbars will also automatically resize the grabber based on the minimum_size of the Control relative to the ScrollContainer. Works great with a [Panel] control. You can set EXPAND on children size flags, so they will upscale to ScrollContainer size if ScrollContainer size is bigger (scroll is invisible for chosen dimension). + A ScrollContainer node meant to contain a [Control] child. ScrollContainers will automatically create a scrollbar child ([HScrollBar], [VScrollBar], or both) when needed and will only draw the Control within the ScrollContainer area. Scrollbars will automatically be drawn at the right (for vertical) or bottom (for horizontal) and will enable dragging to move the viewable Control (and its children) within the ScrollContainer. Scrollbars will also automatically resize the grabber based on the [member Control.rect_min_size] of the Control relative to the ScrollContainer. Works great with a [Panel] control. You can set [code]EXPAND[/code] on the children's size flags, so they will upscale to the ScrollContainer's size if it's larger (scroll is invisible for the chosen dimension). @@ -41,12 +41,12 @@ - Emitted whenever scrolling stops. + Emitted when scrolling stops. - Emitted whenever scrolling is started. + Emitted when scrolling is started. diff --git a/doc/classes/Semaphore.xml b/doc/classes/Semaphore.xml index 412913807d6..7aee5c29518 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Semaphore.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Semaphore.xml @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ - A synchronization Semaphore. + A synchronization semaphore. - A synchronization Semaphore. Element used to synchronize multiple [Thread]s. Initialized to zero on creation. Be careful to avoid deadlocks. For a binary version, see [Mutex]. + A synchronization semaphore which can be used to synchronize multiple [Thread]s. Initialized to zero on creation. Be careful to avoid deadlocks. For a binary version, see [Mutex]. diff --git a/doc/classes/Shape2D.xml b/doc/classes/Shape2D.xml index c887e23de07..65abc352829 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Shape2D.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Shape2D.xml @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ - Base class for all 2D Shapes. + Base class for all 2D shapes. - Base class for all 2D Shapes. All 2D shape types inherit from this. + Base class for all 2D shapes. All 2D shape types inherit from this. https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/tutorials/physics/physics_introduction.html diff --git a/doc/classes/Skeleton.xml b/doc/classes/Skeleton.xml index b693ee0a5e4..a6e535bcfe9 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Skeleton.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Skeleton.xml @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ - Add a bone, with name "name". [method get_bone_count] will become the bone index. + Adds a bone, with name [code]name[/code]. [method get_bone_count] will become the bone index. @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ - Deprecated soon. + [i]Deprecated soon.[/i] @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ - Returns the bone index that matches "name" as its name. + Returns the bone index that matches [code]name[/code] as its name. @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ - Returns the name of the bone at index "index". + Returns the name of the bone at index [code]index[/code]. @@ -87,7 +87,8 @@ - Returns the bone index which is the parent of the bone at "bone_idx". If -1, then bone has no parent. Note that the parent bone returned will always be less than "bone_idx". + Returns the bone index which is the parent of the bone at [code]bone_idx[/code]. If -1, then bone has no parent. + [b]Note:[/b] The parent bone returned will always be less than [code]bone_idx[/code]. @@ -105,7 +106,7 @@ - Returns the rest transform for a bone "bone_idx". + Returns the rest transform for a bone [code]bone_idx[/code]. @@ -123,7 +124,7 @@ - Deprecated soon. + [i]Deprecated soon.[/i] @@ -218,7 +219,8 @@ - Set the bone index "parent_idx" as the parent of the bone at "bone_idx". If -1, then bone has no parent. Note: "parent_idx" must be less than "bone_idx". + Sets the bone index [code]parent_idx[/code] as the parent of the bone at [code]bone_idx[/code]. If -1, then bone has no parent. + [b]Note:[/b] [code]parent_idx[/code] must be less than [code]bone_idx[/code]. @@ -229,7 +231,7 @@ - Returns the pose transform for bone "bone_idx". + Returns the pose transform for bone [code]bone_idx[/code]. @@ -240,7 +242,7 @@ - Set the rest transform for bone "bone_idx" + Sets the rest transform for bone [code]bone_idx[/code]. @@ -251,7 +253,7 @@ - Deprecated soon. + [i]Deprecated soon.[/i] diff --git a/doc/classes/Sky.xml b/doc/classes/Sky.xml index a5e065203ea..cc9d2dc0df7 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Sky.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Sky.xml @@ -12,32 +12,31 @@ - The [Sky]'s radiance map size. - The higher the radiance map size, the more detailed the lighting from the [Sky] will be. + The [Sky]'s radiance map size. The higher the radiance map size, the more detailed the lighting from the [Sky] will be. See [enum RadianceSize] constants for values. Default size is [constant RADIANCE_SIZE_512]. - Radiance texture size is 32x32 pixels. + Radiance texture size is 32×32 pixels. - Radiance texture size is 64x64 pixels. + Radiance texture size is 64×64 pixels. - Radiance texture size is 128x128 pixels. + Radiance texture size is 128×128 pixels. - Radiance texture size is 256x256 pixels. + Radiance texture size is 256×256 pixels. - Radiance texture size is 512x512 pixels. + Radiance texture size is 512×512 pixels. - Radiance texture size is 1024x1024 pixels. + Radiance texture size is 1024×1024 pixels. - Radiance texture size is 2048x2048 pixels. + Radiance texture size is 2048×2048 pixels. Represents the size of the [enum RadianceSize] enum. diff --git a/doc/classes/Slider.xml b/doc/classes/Slider.xml index 8fdf2bc8486..482c83f225d 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Slider.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Slider.xml @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ - Base class for GUI Sliders. + Base class for GUI sliders. - Base class for GUI Sliders. + Base class for GUI sliders. diff --git a/doc/classes/SliderJoint.xml b/doc/classes/SliderJoint.xml index 75406df39f2..6a07bd97254 100644 --- a/doc/classes/SliderJoint.xml +++ b/doc/classes/SliderJoint.xml @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Piston kind of slider between two bodies in 3D. - Slides across the x-axis of the pivot object. + Slides across the X axis of the pivot object. @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ The amount of damping that happens once the limit defined by [member linear_limit/lower_distance] and [member linear_limit/upper_distance] is surpassed. - The minimum difference between the pivot points on their x-axis before damping happens. + The minimum difference between the pivot points on their X axis before damping happens. The amount of restitution once the limits are surpassed. The lower, the more velocity-energy gets lost. @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ A factor applied to the movement across the slider axis once the limits get surpassed. The lower, the slower the movement. - The maximum difference between the pivot points on their x-axis before damping happens. + The maximum difference between the pivot points on their X axis before damping happens. The amount of damping inside the slider limits. @@ -83,10 +83,10 @@ - The maximum difference between the pivot points on their x-axis before damping happens. + The maximum difference between the pivot points on their X axis before damping happens. - The minimum difference between the pivot points on their x-axis before damping happens. + The minimum difference between the pivot points on their X axis before damping happens. A factor applied to the movement across the slider axis once the limits get surpassed. The lower, the slower the movement. diff --git a/doc/classes/Spatial.xml b/doc/classes/Spatial.xml index f4c01344710..5614d0b8992 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Spatial.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Spatial.xml @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ - Most basic 3D game object, parent of all 3D related nodes. + Most basic 3D game object, parent of all 3D-related nodes. Most basic 3D game object, with a 3D [Transform] and visibility settings. All other 3D game objects inherit from Spatial. Use [Spatial] as a parent node to move, scale, rotate and show/hide children in a 3D project. - Affine operations (rotate, scale, translate) happen in parent's local coordinate system, unless the [Spatial] object is set as top level. Affine operations in this coordinate system correspond to direct affine operations on the [Spatial]'s transform. The word local below refers to this coordinate system. The coordinate system that is attached to the [Spatial] object itself is referred to as object-local coordinate system. + Affine operations (rotate, scale, translate) happen in parent's local coordinate system, unless the [Spatial] object is set as top-level. Affine operations in this coordinate system correspond to direct affine operations on the [Spatial]'s transform. The word local below refers to this coordinate system. The coordinate system that is attached to the [Spatial] object itself is referred to as object-local coordinate system. https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/tutorials/3d/introduction_to_3d.html @@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ - Rotates the local transformation around the X axis by angle in radians + Rotates the local transformation around the X axis by angle in radians. @@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ - Reset all transformations for this node. Set its [Transform] to identity matrix. + Reset all transformations for this node (sets its [Transform] to the identity matrix). @@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ - Set whether the node ignores notification that its transformation (global or local) changed. + Sets whether the node ignores notification that its transformation (global or local) changed. @@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ - Set whether the node notifies about its local transformation changes. [Spatial] will not propagate this by default. + Sets whether the node notifies about its local transformation changes. [Spatial] will not propagate this by default. @@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ - Set whether the node notifies about its global and local transformation changes. [Spatial] will not propagate this by default. + Sets whether the node notifies about its global and local transformation changes. [Spatial] will not propagate this by default. @@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ - Transforms [Vector3] "local_point" from this node's local space to world space. + Transforms [code]local_point[/code] from this node's local space to world space. @@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ - Transforms [Vector3] "global_point" from world space to this node's local space. + Transforms [code]global_point[/code] from world space to this node's local space. @@ -300,11 +300,11 @@ World space (global) [Transform] of this node. - Rotation part of the local transformation in radians, specified in terms of YXZ-Euler angles in the format (X-angle, Y-angle, Z-angle). - Note that in the mathematical sense, rotation is a matrix and not a vector. The three Euler angles, which are the three independent parameters of the Euler-angle parametrization of the rotation matrix, are stored in a [Vector3] data structure not because the rotation is a vector, but only because [Vector3] exists as a convenient data-structure to store 3 floating point numbers. Therefore, applying affine operations on the rotation "vector" is not meaningful. + Rotation part of the local transformation in radians, specified in terms of YXZ-Euler angles in the format (X angle, Y angle, Z angle). + [b]Note:[/b] In the mathematical sense, rotation is a matrix and not a vector. The three Euler angles, which are the three independent parameters of the Euler-angle parametrization of the rotation matrix, are stored in a [Vector3] data structure not because the rotation is a vector, but only because [Vector3] exists as a convenient data-structure to store 3 floating-point numbers. Therefore, applying affine operations on the rotation "vector" is not meaningful. - Rotation part of the local transformation in degrees, specified in terms of YXZ-Euler angles in the format (X-angle, Y-angle, Z-angle). + Rotation part of the local transformation in degrees, specified in terms of YXZ-Euler angles in the format (X angle, Y angle, Z angle). Scale part of the local transformation. diff --git a/doc/classes/SpatialMaterial.xml b/doc/classes/SpatialMaterial.xml index 45d92aa0c35..6b4a34826b5 100644 --- a/doc/classes/SpatialMaterial.xml +++ b/doc/classes/SpatialMaterial.xml @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ - If [code]true[/code], Depth mapping is enabled. See also [member normal_enabled]. + If [code]true[/code], depth mapping is enabled (also called "parallax mapping" or "height mapping"). See also [member normal_enabled]. @@ -118,7 +118,8 @@ If [code]true[/code], the object is unaffected by lighting. Default value: [code]false[/code]. - If [code]true[/code], render point size can be changed. Note: this is only effective for objects whose geometry is point-based rather than triangle-based. See also [member params_point_size]. + If [code]true[/code], render point size can be changed. + [b]Note:[/b] this is only effective for objects whose geometry is point-based rather than triangle-based. See also [member params_point_size]. @@ -129,10 +130,11 @@ If [code]true[/code], triplanar mapping is calculated in world space rather than object local space. See also [member uv1_triplanar]. Default value: [code]false[/code]. - The reflectivity of the object's surface. The higher the value the more light is reflected. + The reflectivity of the object's surface. The higher the value, the more light is reflected. - General reflectivity amount. Note: unlike [member metallic], this is not energy-conserving, so it should be left at [code]0.5[/code] in most cases. See also [member roughness]. + General reflectivity amount. + [b]Note:[/b] unlike [member metallic], this is not energy-conserving, so it should be left at [code]0.5[/code] in most cases. See also [member roughness]. @@ -154,7 +156,8 @@ Controls how the object faces the camera. See [enum BillboardMode]. - The material's blend mode. Note that values other than [code]Mix[/code] force the object into the transparent pipeline. See [enum BlendMode]. + The material's blend mode. + [b]Note:[/b] Values other than [code]Mix[/code] force the object into the transparent pipeline. See [enum BlendMode]. Which side of the object is not drawn when backfaces are rendered. See [enum CullMode]. @@ -182,13 +185,13 @@ - The number of horizontal frames in the particle spritesheet. Only enabled when using [code]BillboardMode.BILLBOARD_PARTICLES[/code]. See [member params_billboard_mode]. + The number of horizontal frames in the particle sprite sheet. Only enabled when using [constant BILLBOARD_PARTICLES]. See [member params_billboard_mode]. - If [code]true[/code], particle animations are looped. Only enabled when using [code]BillboardMode.BILLBOARD_PARTICLES[/code]. See [member params_billboard_mode]. + If [code]true[/code], particle animations are looped. Only enabled when using [constant BILLBOARD_PARTICLES]. See [member params_billboard_mode]. - The number of vertical frames in the particle spritesheet. Only enabled when using [code]BillboardMode.BILLBOARD_PARTICLES[/code]. See [member params_billboard_mode]. + The number of vertical frames in the particle sprite sheet. Only enabled when using [constant BILLBOARD_PARTICLES]. See [member params_billboard_mode]. @@ -433,10 +436,10 @@ Default value. - The object's z-axis will always face the camera. + The object's Z axis will always face the camera. - The object's x-axis will always face the camera. + The object's X axis will always face the camera. Used for particle systems. Enables particle animation options. diff --git a/doc/classes/SphereMesh.xml b/doc/classes/SphereMesh.xml index 4ebb2e919d0..c33c676ea1d 100644 --- a/doc/classes/SphereMesh.xml +++ b/doc/classes/SphereMesh.xml @@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ Full height of the sphere. Defaults to 2.0. - Determines whether a full sphere or a hemisphere is created. Attention: To get a regular hemisphere, the height and radius of the sphere have to equal. Defaults to [code]false[/code]. + Determines whether a full sphere or a hemisphere is created. + [b]Note:[/b] To get a regular hemisphere, the height and radius of the sphere must be equal. Defaults to [code]false[/code]. Number of radial segments on the sphere. Defaults to 64. diff --git a/doc/classes/SpotLight.xml b/doc/classes/SpotLight.xml index 7369189c72c..edd578a5b06 100644 --- a/doc/classes/SpotLight.xml +++ b/doc/classes/SpotLight.xml @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ - Spotlight [Light], such as a reflector spotlight or a lantern. + A spotlight, such as a reflector spotlight or a lantern. - A SpotLight light is a type of [Light] node that emits lights in a specific direction, in the shape of a cone. The light is attenuated through the distance and this attenuation can be configured by changing the energy, radius and attenuation parameters of [Light]. + A Spotlight is a type of [Light] node that emits lights in a specific direction, in the shape of a cone. The light is attenuated through the distance. This attenuation can be configured by changing the energy, radius and attenuation parameters of [Light]. https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/tutorials/3d/lights_and_shadows.html @@ -13,12 +13,16 @@ + The spotlight's angle in degrees. + The spotlight's angular attenuation curve. + The spotlight's light energy attenuation curve. + The maximal range that can be reached by the spotlight. diff --git a/doc/classes/Sprite.xml b/doc/classes/Sprite.xml index 097a5f2ed23..64889313549 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Sprite.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Sprite.xml @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ - General purpose Sprite node. + General-purpose sprite node. A node that displays a 2D texture. The texture displayed can be a region from a larger atlas texture, or a frame from a sprite sheet animation. @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ Returns [code]true[/code], if the pixel at the given position is opaque and [code]false[/code] in other case. - Note: It also returns [code]false[/code], if the sprite's texture is null or if the given position is invalid. + [b]Note:[/b] It also returns [code]false[/code], if the sprite's texture is [code]null[/code] or if the given position is invalid. diff --git a/doc/classes/Sprite3D.xml b/doc/classes/Sprite3D.xml index 81fe182782e..02976993377 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Sprite3D.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Sprite3D.xml @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ - 2D Sprite node in 3D world. + 2D sprite node in a 3D world. A node that displays a 2D texture in a 3D environment. The texture displayed can be a region from a larger atlas texture, or a frame from a sprite sheet animation. diff --git a/doc/classes/SpriteBase3D.xml b/doc/classes/SpriteBase3D.xml index 237a8c9d129..b42ba23358a 100644 --- a/doc/classes/SpriteBase3D.xml +++ b/doc/classes/SpriteBase3D.xml @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ - 2D Sprite node in 3D environment. + 2D sprite node in 3D environment. A node that displays 2D texture information in a 3D environment. @@ -50,21 +50,21 @@ The objects visibility on a scale from [code]0[/code] fully invisible to [code]1[/code] fully visible. - The size of one pixel's width on the Sprite to scale it in 3D. + The size of one pixel's width on the sprite to scale it in 3D. - If [code]true[/code], the [Light] in the [Environment] has effects on the Sprite. Default value: [code]false[/code]. + If [code]true[/code], the [Light] in the [Environment] has effects on the sprite. Default value: [code]false[/code]. - If [code]true[/code], the texture's transparency and the opacity are used to make those parts of the Sprite invisible. Default value: [code]true[/code]. + If [code]true[/code], the texture's transparency and the opacity are used to make those parts of the sprite invisible. Default value: [code]true[/code]. - If set, the texture's transparency and the opacity are used to make those parts of the Sprite invisible. + If set, the texture's transparency and the opacity are used to make those parts of the sprite invisible. - If set, the Light in the Environment has effects on the Sprite. + If set, lights in the environment affect the sprite. If set, texture can be seen from the back as well, if not, it is invisible when looking at it from behind. diff --git a/doc/classes/StaticBody.xml b/doc/classes/StaticBody.xml index d2b7abebb1f..6d91f8b238c 100644 --- a/doc/classes/StaticBody.xml +++ b/doc/classes/StaticBody.xml @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ Static body for 3D physics. - Static body for 3D physics. A static body is a simple body that is not intended to move. They don't consume any CPU resources in contrast to a [RigidBody] so they are great for scenario collision. - A static body can also be animated by using simulated motion mode. This is useful for implementing functionalities such as moving platforms. When this mode is active the body can be animated and automatically computes linear and angular velocity to apply in that frame and to influence other bodies. + Static body for 3D physics. A static body is a simple body that is not intended to move. In contrast to [RigidBody], they don't consume any CPU resources as long as they don't move. + A static body can also be animated by using simulated motion mode. This is useful for implementing functionalities such as moving platforms. When this mode is active, the body can be animated and automatically computes linear and angular velocity to apply in that frame and to influence other bodies. Alternatively, a constant linear or angular velocity can be set for the static body, so even if it doesn't move, it affects other bodies as if it was moving (this is useful for simulating conveyor belts or conveyor wheels). @@ -14,16 +14,16 @@ - The body bounciness. + The body's bounciness. - The constant angular velocity for the body. This does not rotate the body, but affects other bodies that touch it, as if it was in a state of rotation. + The body's constant angular velocity. This does not rotate the body, but affects other bodies that touch it, as if it was in a state of rotation. - The constant linear velocity for the body. This does not move the body, but affects other bodies that touch it, as if it was in a state of movement. + The body's constant linear velocity. This does not move the body, but affects other bodies that touch it, as if it was in a state of movement. - The body friction, from 0 (frictionless) to 1 (full friction). + The body's friction, from 0 (frictionless) to 1 (full friction). diff --git a/doc/classes/StaticBody2D.xml b/doc/classes/StaticBody2D.xml index 98b38e9e267..9d6ab631f9a 100644 --- a/doc/classes/StaticBody2D.xml +++ b/doc/classes/StaticBody2D.xml @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ - Static body for 2D Physics. + Static body for 2D physics. - Static body for 2D Physics. A StaticBody2D is a body that is not intended to move. It is ideal for implementing objects in the environment, such as walls or platforms. + Static body for 2D physics. A StaticBody2D is a body that is not intended to move. It is ideal for implementing objects in the environment, such as walls or platforms. Additionally, a constant linear or angular velocity can be set for the static body, which will affect colliding bodies as if it were moving (for example, a conveyor belt). @@ -16,10 +16,10 @@ The body's bounciness. Values range from [code]0[/code] (no bounce) to [code]1[/code] (full bounciness). - Constant angular velocity for the body. This does not rotate the body, but affects colliding bodies, as if it were rotating. + The body's constant angular velocity. This does not rotate the body, but affects colliding bodies, as if it were rotating. - Constant linear velocity for the body. This does not move the body, but affects colliding bodies, as if it were moving. + The body's constant linear velocity. This does not move the body, but affects colliding bodies, as if it were moving. The body's friction. Values range from [code]0[/code] (no friction) to [code]1[/code] (full friction). diff --git a/doc/classes/StreamPeer.xml b/doc/classes/StreamPeer.xml index d278312fc3b..11b4c116c45 100644 --- a/doc/classes/StreamPeer.xml +++ b/doc/classes/StreamPeer.xml @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Abstraction and base class for stream-based protocols. - StreamPeer is an abstraction and base class for stream-based protocols (such as TCP or Unix Sockets). It provides an API for sending and receiving data through streams as raw data or strings. + StreamPeer is an abstraction and base class for stream-based protocols (such as TCP or UNIX sockets). It provides an API for sending and receiving data through streams as raw data or strings. @@ -13,28 +13,28 @@ - Get a signed 16 bit value from the stream. + Gets a signed 16-bit value from the stream. - Get a signed 32 bit value from the stream. + Gets a signed 32-bit value from the stream. - Get a signed 64 bit value from the stream. + Gets a signed 64-bit value from the stream. - Get a signed byte from the stream. + Gets a signed byte from the stream. @@ -50,21 +50,21 @@ - Returns a chunk data with the received bytes. The amount of bytes to be received can be requested in the "bytes" argument. If not enough bytes are available, the function will block until the desired amount is received. This function returns two values, an Error code and a data array. + Returns a chunk data with the received bytes. The amount of bytes to be received can be requested in the [code]bytes[/code] argument. If not enough bytes are available, the function will block until the desired amount is received. This function returns two values, an [enum @GlobalScope.Error] code and a data array. - Get a double-precision float from the stream. + Gets a double-precision float from the stream. - Get a single-precision float from the stream. + Gets a single-precision float from the stream. @@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ - Returns a chunk data with the received bytes. The amount of bytes to be received can be requested in the "bytes" argument. If not enough bytes are available, the function will return how many were actually received. This function returns two values, an Error code, and a data array. + Returns a chunk data with the received bytes. The amount of bytes to be received can be requested in the "bytes" argument. If not enough bytes are available, the function will return how many were actually received. This function returns two values, an [enum @GlobalScope.Error] code, and a data array. @@ -82,35 +82,35 @@ - Get a string with byte-length [code]bytes[/code] from the stream. If [code]bytes[/code] is negative (default) the length will be read from the stream using the reverse process of [method put_string]. + Gets a string with byte-length [code]bytes[/code] from the stream. If [code]bytes[/code] is negative (default) the length will be read from the stream using the reverse process of [method put_string]. - Get an unsigned 16 bit value from the stream. + Gets an unsigned 16-bit value from the stream. - Get an unsigned 32 bit value from the stream. + Gets an unsigned 32-bit value from the stream. - Get an unsigned 64 bit value from the stream. + Gets an unsigned 64-bit value from the stream. - Get an unsigned byte from the stream. + Gets an unsigned byte from the stream. @@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ - Get a utf8 string with byte-length [code]bytes[/code] from the stream (this decodes the string sent as utf8). If [code]bytes[/code] is negative (default) the length will be read from the stream using the reverse process of [method put_utf8_string]. + Gets an UTF-8 string with byte-length [code]bytes[/code] from the stream (this decodes the string sent as UTF-8). If [code]bytes[/code] is negative (default) the length will be read from the stream using the reverse process of [method put_utf8_string]. @@ -128,8 +128,8 @@ - Get a Variant from the stream. When [code]allow_objects[/code] is [code]true[/code] decoding objects is allowed. - [b]WARNING:[/b] Deserialized object can contain code which gets executed. Do not use this option if the serialized object comes from untrusted sources to avoid potential security threats (remote code execution). + Gets a Variant from the stream. If [code]allow_objects[/code] is [code]true[/code], decoding objects is allowed. + [b]Warning:[/b] Deserialized objects can contain code which gets executed. Do not use this option if the serialized object comes from untrusted sources to avoid potential security threats such as remote code execution. @@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ - Put a signed 16 bit value into the stream. + Puts a signed 16-bit value into the stream. @@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ - Put a signed 32 bit value into the stream. + Puts a signed 32-bit value into the stream. @@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ - Put a signed 64 bit value into the stream. + Puts a signed 64-bit value into the stream. @@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ - Put a signed byte into the stream. + Puts a signed byte into the stream. @@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ - Send a chunk of data through the connection, blocking if necessary until the data is done sending. This function returns an Error code. + Sends a chunk of data through the connection, blocking if necessary until the data is done sending. This function returns an [enum @GlobalScope.Error] code. @@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ - Put a double-precision float into the stream. + Puts a double-precision float into the stream. @@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ - Put a single-precision float into the stream. + Puts a single-precision float into the stream. @@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ - Send a chunk of data through the connection, if all the data could not be sent at once, only part of it will. This function returns two values, an Error code and an integer, describing how much data was actually sent. + Sends a chunk of data through the connection. If all the data could not be sent at once, only part of it will. This function returns two values, an [enum @GlobalScope.Error] code and an integer, describing how much data was actually sent. @@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ - Put a zero-terminated ascii string into the stream prepended by a 32 bits unsigned integer representing its size. + Puts a zero-terminated ASCII string into the stream prepended by a 32-bit unsigned integer representing its size. @@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ - Put an unsigned 16 bit value into the stream. + Puts an unsigned 16-bit value into the stream. @@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ - Put an unsigned 32 bit value into the stream. + Puts an unsigned 32-bit value into the stream. @@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ - Put an unsigned 64 bit value into the stream. + Puts an unsigned 64-bit value into the stream. @@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ - Put an unsigned byte into the stream. + Puts an unsigned byte into the stream. @@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ - Put a zero-terminated utf8 string into the stream prepended by a 32 bits unsigned integer representing its size. + Puts a zero-terminated UTF-8 string into the stream prepended by a 32 bits unsigned integer representing its size. @@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ - Put a Variant into the stream. When [code]full_objects[/code] is [code]true[/code] encoding objects is allowed (and can potentially include code). + Puts a Variant into the stream. If [code]full_objects[/code] is [code]true[/code] encoding objects is allowed (and can potentially include code). diff --git a/doc/classes/StreamPeerSSL.xml b/doc/classes/StreamPeerSSL.xml index f28e6e5544c..d529b6da996 100644 --- a/doc/classes/StreamPeerSSL.xml +++ b/doc/classes/StreamPeerSSL.xml @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ - SSL Stream peer. + SSL stream peer. - SSL Stream peer. This object can be used to connect to SSL servers. + SSL stream peer. This object can be used to connect to SSL servers. https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/tutorials/networking/ssl_certificates.html @@ -28,28 +28,28 @@ - Connect to a peer using an underlying [StreamPeer] "stream", when "validate_certs" is [code]true[/code], [StreamPeerSSL] will validate that the certificate presented by the peer matches the "for_hostname". + Connects to a peer using an underlying [StreamPeer] [code]stream[/code]. If [code]validate_certs[/code] is [code]true[/code], [StreamPeerSSL] will validate that the certificate presented by the peer matches the [code]for_hostname[/code]. - Disconnect from host. + Disconnects from host. - Returns the status of the connection, one of STATUS_* enum. + Returns the status of the connection. See [enum Status] for values. - Poll the connection to check for incoming bytes. Call this right before "get_available_bytes()" for it to work properly. + Poll the connection to check for incoming bytes. Call this right before [method StreamPeer.get_available_bytes] for it to work properly. diff --git a/doc/classes/StreamPeerTCP.xml b/doc/classes/StreamPeerTCP.xml index 49c62726061..bee026c851b 100644 --- a/doc/classes/StreamPeerTCP.xml +++ b/doc/classes/StreamPeerTCP.xml @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ - TCP Stream peer. + TCP stream peer. - TCP Stream peer. This object can be used to connect to TCP servers, or also is returned by a TCP server. + TCP stream peer. This object can be used to connect to TCP servers, or also is returned by a TCP server. @@ -17,14 +17,14 @@ - Connect to the specified host:port pair. A hostname will be resolved if valid. Returns [constant OK] on success or [constant FAILED] on failure. + Connects to the specified [code]host:port[/code] pair. A hostname will be resolved if valid. Returns [constant OK] on success or [constant FAILED] on failure. - Disconnect from host. + Disconnects from host. @@ -61,14 +61,14 @@ - Disable Nagle algorithm to improve latency for small packets. - Note that for applications that send large packets, or need to transfer a lot of data, this can reduce total bandwidth. + Disables Nagle's algorithm to improve latency for small packets. + [b]Note:[/b] For applications that send large packets or need to transfer a lot of data, this can decrease the total available bandwidth. - The initial status of the [StreamPeerTCP], also the status after a disconnect. + The initial status of the [StreamPeerTCP]. This is also the status after disconnecting. A status representing a [StreamPeerTCP] that is connecting to a host. diff --git a/doc/classes/StreamTexture.xml b/doc/classes/StreamTexture.xml index 1ff2500d1af..4723fec2103 100644 --- a/doc/classes/StreamTexture.xml +++ b/doc/classes/StreamTexture.xml @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ - A .stex texture. + A [code].stex[/code] texture. - A texture that is loaded from a .stex file. + A texture that is loaded from a [code].stex[/code] file. @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ - The StreamTexture's filepath to a .stex file. + The StreamTexture's file path to a [code].stex[/code] file. diff --git a/doc/classes/String.xml b/doc/classes/String.xml index 6395fe2ce8f..2b16bd2b334 100644 --- a/doc/classes/String.xml +++ b/doc/classes/String.xml @@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ - Changes the case of some letters. Replaces underscores with spaces, converts all letters to lowercase, then capitalizes first and every letter following the space character. For [code]capitalize camelCase mixed_with_underscores[/code] it will return [code]Capitalize Camelcase Mixed With Underscores[/code]. + Changes the case of some letters. Replaces underscores with spaces, converts all letters to lowercase, then capitalizes first and every letter following the space character. For [code]capitalize camelCase mixed_with_underscores[/code], it will return [code]Capitalize Camelcase Mixed With Underscores[/code]. @@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ - Removes indentation from string. + Returns a copy of the string with indentation (leading tabs and spaces) removed. @@ -471,7 +471,7 @@ - Returns [code]true[/code] if this string contains a valid color in HTML notation. + Returns [code]true[/code] if this string contains a valid color in hexadecimal HTML notation. Other HTML notations such as named colors or [code]hsl()[/code] colors aren't considered valid by this method and will return [code]false[/code]. @@ -533,7 +533,7 @@ - Does a simple expression match, where [code]*[/code] matches zero or more arbitrary characters and [code]?[/code] matches any single character except '.'. + Does a simple case-sensitive expression match, where [code]"*"[/code] matches zero or more arbitrary characters and [code]"?"[/code] matches any single character except a period ([code]"."[/code]). @@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ - Does a simple case insensitive expression match, using [code]?[/code] and [code]*[/code] wildcards (see [method match]). + Does a simple case-insensitive expression match, where [code]"*"[/code] matches zero or more arbitrary characters and [code]"?"[/code] matches any single character except a period ([code]"."[/code]). @@ -626,7 +626,7 @@ - Replaces occurrences of a substring with the given one inside the string. + Replaces occurrences of a case-sensitive substring with the given one inside the string. @@ -637,7 +637,7 @@ - Replaces occurrences of a substring with the given one inside the string. Ignores case. + Replaces occurrences of a case-insensitive substring with the given one inside the string. @@ -648,7 +648,7 @@ - Performs a search for a substring, but starts from the end of the string instead of the beginning. + Performs a case-sensitive search for a substring, but starts from the end of the string instead of the beginning. @@ -659,7 +659,7 @@ - Performs a search for a substring, but starts from the end of the string instead of the beginning. Ignores case. + Performs a case-insensitive search for a substring, but starts from the end of the string instead of the beginning. @@ -684,7 +684,7 @@ Splits the string by a [code]delimiter[/code] string and returns an array of the substrings, starting from right. The splits in the returned array are sorted in the same order as the original string, from left to right. If [code]maxsplit[/code] is specified, it defines the number of splits to do from the right up to [code]maxsplit[/code]. The default value of 0 means that all items are split, thus giving the same result as [method split]. - [b]Example:[/b] [code]"One,Two,Three,Four"[/code] will return [code]["Three","Four"][/code] if split by [code]","[/code] with [code]maxsplit[/code] of 2. + For example, [code]"One,Two,Three,Four"[/code] will return [code]["Three","Four"][/code] if split by [code]","[/code] with a [code]maxsplit[/code] value of 2. @@ -731,7 +731,7 @@ Splits the string by a [code]delimiter[/code] string and returns an array of the substrings. If [code]maxsplit[/code] is specified, it defines the number of splits to do from the left up to [code]maxsplit[/code]. The default value of 0 means that all items are split. - [b]Example:[/b] [code]"One,Two,Three"[/code] will return [code]["One","Two"][/code] if split by [code]","[/code] with [code]maxsplit[/code] of 2. + For example, [code]"One,Two,Three"[/code] will return [code]["One","Two"][/code] if split by [code]","[/code] with a [code]maxsplit[/code] value of 2. @@ -743,7 +743,7 @@ Splits the string in floats by using a delimiter string and returns an array of the substrings. - [b]Example:[/b] [code]"1,2.5,3"[/code] will return [code][1,2.5,3][/code] if split by [code]","[/code]. + For example, [code]"1,2.5,3"[/code] will return [code][1,2.5,3][/code] if split by [code]","[/code]. @@ -779,7 +779,7 @@ - Converts the String (which is a character array) to [PoolByteArray] (which is an array of bytes). The conversion is sped up in comparison to [method to_utf8] with the assumption that all the characters the String contains are only ASCII characters. + Converts the String (which is a character array) to [PoolByteArray] (which is an array of bytes). The conversion is faster compared to [method to_utf8], as this method assumes that all the characters in the String are ASCII characters. diff --git a/doc/classes/StyleBox.xml b/doc/classes/StyleBox.xml index a156f134e73..832f93e0ba6 100644 --- a/doc/classes/StyleBox.xml +++ b/doc/classes/StyleBox.xml @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ - Returns the content margin offset for the specified margin + Returns the content margin offset for the specified margin. Positive values reduce size inwards, unlike [Control]'s margin values. @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ - Returns the "offset" of a stylebox, this is a helper function, like writing [code]Vector2(style.get_margin(MARGIN_LEFT), style.get_margin(MARGIN_TOP))[/code]. + Returns the "offset" of a stylebox. This helper function returns a value equivalent to [code]Vector2(style.get_margin(MARGIN_LEFT), style.get_margin(MARGIN_TOP))[/code]. diff --git a/doc/classes/StyleBoxFlat.xml b/doc/classes/StyleBoxFlat.xml index ffee7366a30..53188d6b108 100644 --- a/doc/classes/StyleBoxFlat.xml +++ b/doc/classes/StyleBoxFlat.xml @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ - Border width (individual width for each border) - Rounded corners (individual radius for each corner) - Shadow - Setting corner radius to high values is allowed. As soon as corners would overlap the stylebox will switch to a relative system. Example: + Setting corner radius to high values is allowed. As soon as corners would overlap, the stylebox will switch to a relative system. Example: [codeblock] height = 30 corner_radius_top_left = 50 @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ - Anti Aliasing draws a small ring around edges. This ring fades to transparent. As a result edges look much smoother. This is only noticeable when using rounded corners. + Antialiasing draws a small ring around the edges, which fades to transparency. As a result, edges look much smoother. This is only noticeable when using rounded corners. This changes the size of the faded ring. Higher values can be used to achieve a "blurry" effect. @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ The background color of the stylebox. - When set to [code]true[/code], the border will fade into the background color. + If [code]true[/code], the border will fade into the background color. Sets the color of the border. @@ -112,39 +112,38 @@ Border width for the top border. - This sets the amount of vertices used for each corner. Higher values result in rounder corners but take more processing power to compute. When choosing a value you should take the corner radius ([method set_corner_radius_all]) into account. - For corner radius smaller than 10, 4-5 should be enough. - For corner radius smaller than 30, 8-12 should be enough. + This sets the amount of vertices used for each corner. Higher values result in rounder corners but take more processing power to compute. When choosing a value, you should take the corner radius ([method set_corner_radius_all]) into account. + For corner radii smaller than 10, 4-5 should be enough. For corner radii smaller than 30, 8-12 should be enough. - The corner radius of the bottom left corner. When set to 0 the corner is not rounded. + The bottom-left corner's radius. If [code]0[/code], the corner is not rounded. - The corner radius of the bottom right corner. When set to 0 the corner is not rounded. + The bottom-right corner's radius. If [code]0[/code], the corner is not rounded. - The corner radius of the top left corner. When set to 0 the corner is not rounded. + The top-left corner's radius. If [code]0[/code], the corner is not rounded. - The corner radius of the top right corner. When set to 0 the corner is not rounded. + The top-right corner's radius. If [code]0[/code], the corner is not rounded. - Toggels drawing of the inner part of the stylebox. + Toggles drawing of the inner part of the stylebox. - Expands the stylebox outside of the control rect on the bottom edge. Useful in combination with border_width_bottom. To draw a border outside the control rect. + Expands the stylebox outside of the control rect on the bottom edge. Useful in combination with [member border_width_bottom] to draw a border outside the control rect. - Expands the stylebox outside of the control rect on the left edge. Useful in combination with border_width_left. To draw a border outside the control rect. + Expands the stylebox outside of the control rect on the left edge. Useful in combination with [member border_width_left] to draw a border outside the control rect. - Expands the stylebox outside of the control rect on the right edge. Useful in combination with border_width_right. To draw a border outside the control rect. + Expands the stylebox outside of the control rect on the right edge. Useful in combination with [member border_width_right] to draw a border outside the control rect. - Expands the stylebox outside of the control rect on the top edge. Useful in combination with border_width_top. To draw a border outside the control rect. + Expands the stylebox outside of the control rect on the top edge. Useful in combination with [member border_width_top] to draw a border outside the control rect. - The color of the shadow. (This has no effect when shadow_size < 1) + The color of the shadow. This has no effect if [member shadow_size] is lower than 1. The shadow offset in pixels. Adjusts the position of the shadow relatively to the stylebox. diff --git a/doc/classes/StyleBoxTexture.xml b/doc/classes/StyleBoxTexture.xml index 8e557950530..b50dc741121 100644 --- a/doc/classes/StyleBoxTexture.xml +++ b/doc/classes/StyleBoxTexture.xml @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ - Texture Based 3x3 scale style. + Texture-based nine-patch [StyleBox]. - Texture Based 3x3 scale style. This stylebox performs a 3x3 scaling of a texture, where only the center cell is fully stretched. This allows for the easy creation of bordered styles. + Texture-based nine-patch [StyleBox], in a way similar to [NinePatchRect]. This stylebox performs a 3×3 scaling of a texture, where only the center cell is fully stretched. This makes it possible to design bordered styles regardless of the stylebox's size. @@ -40,35 +40,35 @@ - Expands the bottom margin of this style box when drawing, causing it be drawn larger than requested. + Expands the bottom margin of this style box when drawing, causing it to be drawn larger than requested. - Expands the left margin of this style box when drawing, causing it be drawn larger than requested. + Expands the left margin of this style box when drawing, causing it to be drawn larger than requested. - Expands the right margin of this style box when drawing, causing it be drawn larger than requested. + Expands the right margin of this style box when drawing, causing it to be drawn larger than requested. - Expands the top margin of this style box when drawing, causing it be drawn larger than requested. + Expands the top margin of this style box when drawing, causing it to be drawn larger than requested. - Increases the bottom margin of the 3x3 texture box. - A higher value means more of the source texture is considered to be part of the bottom border of the 3x3 box. + Increases the bottom margin of the 3×3 texture box. + A higher value means more of the source texture is considered to be part of the bottom border of the 3×3 box. This is also the value used as fallback for [member StyleBox.content_margin_bottom] if it is negative. - Increases the left margin of the 3x3 texture box. - A higher value means more of the source texture is considered to be part of the left border of the 3x3 box. + Increases the left margin of the 3×3 texture box. + A higher value means more of the source texture is considered to be part of the left border of the 3×3 box. This is also the value used as fallback for [member StyleBox.content_margin_left] if it is negative. - Increases the right margin of the 3x3 texture box. - A higher value means more of the source texture is considered to be part of the right border of the 3x3 box. + Increases the right margin of the 3×3 texture box. + A higher value means more of the source texture is considered to be part of the right border of the 3×3 box. This is also the value used as fallback for [member StyleBox.content_margin_right] if it is negative. - Increases the top margin of the 3x3 texture box. - A higher value means more of the source texture is considered to be part of the top border of the 3x3 box. + Increases the top margin of the 3×3 texture box. + A higher value means more of the source texture is considered to be part of the top border of the 3×3 box. This is also the value used as fallback for [member StyleBox.content_margin_top] if it is negative. diff --git a/doc/classes/SurfaceTool.xml b/doc/classes/SurfaceTool.xml index ef8db3ca772..153d88f1afc 100644 --- a/doc/classes/SurfaceTool.xml +++ b/doc/classes/SurfaceTool.xml @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Helper tool to create geometry. - The [SurfaceTool] is used to construct a [Mesh] by specifying vertex attributes individually. It can be used to construct a [Mesh] from script. All properties except index need to be added before a call to [method add_vertex]. For example adding vertex colors and UVs looks like + The [SurfaceTool] is used to construct a [Mesh] by specifying vertex attributes individually. It can be used to construct a [Mesh] from a script. All properties except indices need to be added before calling [method add_vertex]. For example, to add vertex colors and UVs: [codeblock] var st = SurfaceTool.new() st.begin(Mesh.PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES) @@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ st.add_uv(Vector2(0, 0)) st.add_vertex(Vector3(0, 0, 0)) [/codeblock] - The [SurfaceTool] now contains one vertex of a triangle which has a UV coordinate and a specified [Color]. If another vertex were added without calls to [method add_uv] or [method add_color] then the last values would be used. - It is very important that vertex attributes are passed [b]before[/b] the call to [method add_vertex], failure to do this will result in an error when committing the vertex information to a mesh. - Additionally, the attributes used before the first vertex is added determine the format of the mesh. For example if you only add UVs to the first vertex, you cannot add color to any of the subsequent vertices. + The above [SurfaceTool] now contains one vertex of a triangle which has a UV coordinate and a specified [Color]. If another vertex were added without calling [method add_uv] or [method add_color], then the last values would be used. + Vertex attributes must be passed [b]before[/b] calling [method add_vertex]. Failure to do so will result in an error when committing the vertex information to a mesh. + Additionally, the attributes used before the first vertex is added determine the format of the mesh. For example, if you only add UVs to the first vertex, you cannot add color to any of the subsequent vertices. @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ - Add an array of bones for the next Vertex to use. Array must contain 4 integers. + Adds an array of bones for the next vertex to use. [code]bones[/code] must contain 4 integers. @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ - Specify a [Color] for the next Vertex to use. + Specifies a [Color] for the next vertex to use. @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ - Adds an index to index array if you are using indexed Vertices. Does not need to be called before adding Vertex. + Adds an index to index array if you are using indexed vertices. Does not need to be called before adding vertices. @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ - Specify a normal for the next Vertex to use. + Specifies a normal for the next vertex to use. @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ - Specify whether current Vertex (if using only Vertex arrays) or current index (if also using index arrays) should utilize smooth normals for normal calculation. + Specifies whether the current vertex (if using only vertex arrays) or current index (if also using index arrays) should use smooth normals for normal calculation. @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ - Specify a Tangent for the next Vertex to use. + Specifies a tangent for the next vertex to use. @@ -89,8 +89,8 @@ - Insert a triangle fan made of array data into [Mesh] being constructed. - Requires primitive type be set to [constant Mesh.PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES]. + Inserts a triangle fan made of array data into [Mesh] being constructed. + Requires the primitive type be set to [constant Mesh.PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES]. @@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ - Specify UV Coordinate for next Vertex to use. + Specifies a set of UV coordinates to use for the next vertex. @@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ - Specify an optional second set of UV coordinates for next Vertex to use. + Specifies an optional second set of UV coordinates to use for the next vertex. @@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ - Specify position of current Vertex. Should be called after specifying other vertex properties (e.g. Color, UV). + Specifies the position of current vertex. Should be called after specifying other vertex properties (e.g. Color, UV). @@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ - Specify weight values for next Vertex to use. Array must contain 4 values. + Specifies weight values for next vertex to use. [code]weights[/code] must contain 4 values. @@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ - Called before adding any Vertices. Takes the primitive type as an argument (e.g. [constant Mesh.PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES]). + Called before adding any vertices. Takes the primitive type as an argument (e.g. [constant Mesh.PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES]). @@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ - Removes index array by expanding Vertex array. + Removes the index array by expanding the vertex array. @@ -211,24 +211,22 @@ - Generates normals from Vertices so you do not have to do it manually. - Setting [code]flip[/code] to [code]true[/code] inverts the resulting normals. - Requires primitive type to be set to [constant Mesh.PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES]. + Generates normals from vertices so you do not have to do it manually. If [code]flip[/code] is [code]true[/code], the resulting normals will be inverted. + Requires the primitive type to be set to [constant Mesh.PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES]. - Generates a tangent vector for each vertex. - Requires that each vertex have UVs and normals set already. + Generates a tangent vector for each vertex. Requires that each vertex have UVs and normals set already. - Shrinks Vertex array by creating an index array. Avoids reusing Vertices. + Shrinks the vertex array by creating an index array (avoids reusing vertices). diff --git a/doc/classes/TCP_Server.xml b/doc/classes/TCP_Server.xml index 663d3248e89..432d83f25bc 100644 --- a/doc/classes/TCP_Server.xml +++ b/doc/classes/TCP_Server.xml @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ - TCP Server. + A TCP server. - TCP Server class. Listens to connections on a port and returns a [StreamPeerTCP] when got a connection. + A TCP server. Listens to connections on a port and returns a [StreamPeerTCP] when it gets an incoming connection. @@ -24,24 +24,24 @@ - Listen on the "port" binding to "bind_address". - If "bind_address" is set as "*" (default), the server will listen on all available addresses (both IPv4 and IPv6). - If "bind_address" is set as "" (for IPv4) or "::" (for IPv6), the server will listen on all available addresses matching that IP type. - If "bind_address" is set to any valid address (e.g. "", "::1", etc), the server will only listen on the interface with that addresses (or fail if no interface with the given address exists). + Listen on the [code]port[/code] binding to [code]bind_address[/code]. + If [code]bind_address[/code] is set as [code]"*"[/code] (default), the server will listen on all available addresses (both IPv4 and IPv6). + If [code]bind_address[/code] is set as [code]""[/code] (for IPv4) or [code]"::"[/code] (for IPv6), the server will listen on all available addresses matching that IP type. + If [code]bind_address[/code] is set to any valid address (e.g. [code]""[/code], [code]"::1"[/code], etc), the server will only listen on the interface with that addresses (or fail if no interface with the given address exists). - Stop listening. + Stops listening. - If a connection is available, return a StreamPeerTCP with the connection/ + If a connection is available, returns a StreamPeerTCP with the connection. diff --git a/doc/classes/TabContainer.xml b/doc/classes/TabContainer.xml index 06299d65b67..3fce5909678 100644 --- a/doc/classes/TabContainer.xml +++ b/doc/classes/TabContainer.xml @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ - Tabbed Container. + Tabbed container. Sets the active tab's [code]visible[/code] property to the value [code]true[/code]. Sets all other children's to [code]false[/code]. @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ - Returns the [Texture] for the tab at index [code]tab_idx[/code] or null if the tab has no [Texture]. + Returns the [Texture] for the tab at index [code]tab_idx[/code] or [code]null[/code] if the tab has no [Texture]. @@ -100,7 +100,8 @@ - If [code]disabled[/code] is [code]false[/code], hides the tab at index [code]tab_idx[/code]. Note that its title text will remain, unless also removed with [method set_tab_title]. + If [code]disabled[/code] is [code]false[/code], hides the tab at index [code]tab_idx[/code]. + [b]Note:[/b] Its title text will remain, unless also removed with [method set_tab_title]. diff --git a/doc/classes/Tabs.xml b/doc/classes/Tabs.xml index b1105f231d7..989c079036c 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Tabs.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Tabs.xml @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ - Tabs Control. + Tabs control. Simple tabs control, similar to [TabContainer] but is only in charge of drawing tabs, not interact with children. @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ - Moves the Scroll view to make the tab visible. + Moves the scroll view to make the tab visible. @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ - Returns the [Texture] for the tab at index [code]tab_idx[/code] or null if the tab has no [Texture]. + Returns the [Texture] for the tab at index [code]tab_idx[/code] or [code]null[/code] if the tab has no [Texture]. @@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ - Returns the [Tabs] rearrange group id. + Returns the [Tabs]' rearrange group ID. @@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ - Rearrange tab. + Moves a tab from [code]from[/code] to [code]to[/code]. @@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ - Removes tab at index [code]tab_idx[/code] + Removes the tab at index [code]tab_idx[/code]. @@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ - If [code]true[/code], enables selecting a tab with right mouse button. + If [code]true[/code], enables selecting a tab with the right mouse button. @@ -135,7 +135,8 @@ - If [code]disabled[/code] is [code]false[/code], hides the tab at index [code]tab_idx[/code]. Note that its title text will remain, unless also removed with [method set_tab_title]. + If [code]disabled[/code] is [code]false[/code], hides the tab at index [code]tab_idx[/code]. + [b]Note:[/b] Its title text will remain unless it is also removed with [method set_tab_title]. @@ -146,7 +147,7 @@ - Sets an icon for the tab at index [code]tab_idx[/code]. + Sets an [code]icon[/code] for the tab at index [code]tab_idx[/code]. @@ -157,7 +158,7 @@ - Sets a title for the tab at index [code]tab_idx[/code]. + Sets a [code]title[/code] for the tab at index [code]tab_idx[/code]. @@ -166,7 +167,7 @@ - Defines rearrange group id, choose for each [Tabs] the same value to enable tab drag between [Tabs]. Enable drag with [code]set_drag_to_rearrange_enabled(true)[/code]. + Defines the rearrange group ID. Choose for each [Tabs] the same value to dragging tabs between [Tabs]. Enable drag with [code]set_drag_to_rearrange_enabled(true)[/code]. diff --git a/doc/classes/TextEdit.xml b/doc/classes/TextEdit.xml index 00db5ef2b9b..748e1c188b3 100644 --- a/doc/classes/TextEdit.xml +++ b/doc/classes/TextEdit.xml @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ - Add color region (given the delimiters) and its colors. + Adds color region (given the delimiters) and its colors. @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ - Add a [code]keyword[/code] and its [Color]. + Adds a [code]keyword[/code] and its [Color]. @@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ - Triggers a right click menu action by the specified index. See [enum MenuItems] for a list of available indexes. + Triggers a right-click menu action by the specified index. See [enum MenuItems] for a list of available indexes. @@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ - Removes all the breakpoints (without firing "breakpoint_toggled" signal). + Removes all the breakpoints. This will not fire the [signal breakpoint_toggled] signal. @@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ - Perform a search inside the text. Search flags can be specified in the SEARCH_* enum. + Perform a search inside the text. Search flags can be specified in the[code]SEARCH_*[/code] enum. @@ -394,11 +394,11 @@ If [code]false[/code], the caret displays as a bar. - If [code]true[/code], a right click moves the cursor at the mouse position before displaying the context menu. + If [code]true[/code], a right-click moves the cursor at the mouse position before displaying the context menu. If [code]false[/code], the context menu disregards mouse location. - If [code]true[/code], a right click displays the context menu. + If [code]true[/code], a right-click displays the context menu. If [code]true[/code], the "space" character will have a visible representation. diff --git a/doc/classes/Texture.xml b/doc/classes/Texture.xml index 4418a6ce8f1..5bd07b7ecb8 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Texture.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Texture.xml @@ -105,26 +105,26 @@ - Default flags. Generate mipmaps, repeat, and filter are enabled. + Default flags. [constant FLAG_MIPMAPS], [constant FLAG_REPEAT] and [constant FLAG_FILTER] are are enabled. - Generate mipmaps, which are smaller versions of the same texture to use when zoomed out, keeping the aspect ratio. + Generates mipmaps, which are smaller versions of the same texture to use when zoomed out, keeping the aspect ratio. - Repeats texture (instead of clamp to edge). + Repeats the texture (instead of clamp to edge). - Magnifying filter, to enable smooth zooming in of the texture. + Uses a magnifying filter, to enable smooth zooming in of the texture. - Anisotropic mipmap filtering. Generates smaller versions of the same texture with different aspect ratios. - More effective on planes often shown going to the horrizon as those textures (Walls or Ground for example) get squashed in the viewport to different aspect ratios and regular mipmaps keep the aspect ratio so they don't optimize storage that well in those cases. + Uses anisotropic mipmap filtering. Generates smaller versions of the same texture with different aspect ratios. + This results in better-looking textures when viewed from oblique angles. - Converts texture to SRGB color space. + Converts the texture to the sRGB color space. - Repeats texture with alternate sections mirrored. + Repeats the texture with alternate sections mirrored. Texture is a video surface. diff --git a/doc/classes/TextureButton.xml b/doc/classes/TextureButton.xml index 7b436fcf2bb..6f28c3f48f0 100644 --- a/doc/classes/TextureButton.xml +++ b/doc/classes/TextureButton.xml @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ Texture-based button. Supports Pressed, Hover, Disabled and Focused states. - [TextureButton] has the same functionality as [Button], except it uses sprites instead of Godot's [Theme] resource. It is faster to create, but it doesn't support localization like more complex Controls. - The Normal state's texture is required. Others are optional. + [TextureButton] has the same functionality as [Button], except it uses sprites instead of Godot's [Theme] resource. It is faster to create, but it doesn't support localization like more complex [Control]s. + The "normal" state must contain a texture ([member texture_normal]); other textures are optional. @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ Texture to display by default, when the node is [b]not[/b] in the disabled, focused, hover or pressed state. - Texture to display on mouse down over the node, if the node has keyboard focus and the player presses the enter key or if the player presses the [member BaseButton.shortcut] key. + Texture to display on mouse down over the node, if the node has keyboard focus and the player presses the Enter key or if the player presses the [member BaseButton.shortcut] key. diff --git a/doc/classes/TextureProgress.xml b/doc/classes/TextureProgress.xml index 3bbc05dfe7d..5b97f3e0de7 100644 --- a/doc/classes/TextureProgress.xml +++ b/doc/classes/TextureProgress.xml @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Texture-based progress bar. Useful for loading screens and life or stamina bars. - TextureProgress works like [ProgressBar] but it uses up to 3 textures instead of Godot's [Theme] resource. Works horizontally, vertically, and radially. + TextureProgress works like [ProgressBar], but uses up to 3 textures instead of Godot's [Theme] resource. It can be used to create horizontal, vertical and radial progress bars. @@ -12,10 +12,10 @@ - The fill direction. Uses FILL_* constants. + The fill direction. See [enum FillMode] for possible values. - If [code]true[/code], Godot treats the bar's textures like [NinePatchRect]. Use [code]stretch_margin_*[/code], like [member stretch_margin_bottom], to set up the nine patch's 3x3 grid. Default value: [code]false[/code]. + If [code]true[/code], Godot treats the bar's textures like in [NinePatchRect]. Use the [code]stretch_margin_*[/code] properties like [member stretch_margin_bottom] to set up the nine patch's 3×3 grid. Default value: [code]false[/code]. Offsets [member texture_progress] if [member fill_mode] is [constant FILL_CLOCKWISE] or [constant FILL_COUNTER_CLOCKWISE]. @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ Turns the node into a radial bar. The [member texture_progress] fills clockwise. See [member radial_center_offset], [member radial_initial_angle] and [member radial_fill_degrees] to control the way the bar fills up. - Turns the node into a radial bar. The [member texture_progress] fills counter-clockwise. See [member radial_center_offset], [member radial_initial_angle] and [member radial_fill_degrees] to control the way the bar fills up. + Turns the node into a radial bar. The [member texture_progress] fills counterclockwise. See [member radial_center_offset], [member radial_initial_angle] and [member radial_fill_degrees] to control the way the bar fills up. The [member texture_progress] fills from the center, expanding both towards the left and the right. @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ The [member texture_progress] fills from the center, expanding both towards the top and the bottom. - Turns the node into a radial bar. The [member texture_progress] fills radially from the center, expanding both clockwise and counter-clockwise. See [member radial_center_offset], [member radial_initial_angle] and [member radial_fill_degrees] to control the way the bar fills up. + Turns the node into a radial bar. The [member texture_progress] fills radially from the center, expanding both clockwise and counterclockwise. See [member radial_center_offset], [member radial_initial_angle] and [member radial_fill_degrees] to control the way the bar fills up. diff --git a/doc/classes/Theme.xml b/doc/classes/Theme.xml index 8fdef5540b1..e4db9243efc 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Theme.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Theme.xml @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ Theme for controls. - Theme for skinning controls. Controls can be skinned individually, but for complex applications it's more efficient to just create a global theme that defines everything. This theme can be applied to any [Control], and it and its children will automatically use it. - Theme resources can be alternatively loaded by writing them in a .theme file, see docs for more info. + A theme for skinning controls. Controls can be skinned individually, but for complex applications, it's more practical to just create a global theme that defines everything. This theme can be applied to any [Control]; the Control and its children will automatically use it. + Theme resources can alternatively be loaded by writing them in a [code].theme[/code] file, see the documentation for more information. https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/tutorials/gui/gui_skinning.html @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ - Clears theme [Color] at [code]name[/code] if Theme has [code]type[/code]. + Clears the [Color] at [code]name[/code] if the Theme has [code]type[/code]. @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ - Clears theme constant at [code]name[/code] if Theme has [code]type[/code]. + Clears the constant at [code]name[/code] if the Theme has [code]type[/code]. @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ - Clears [Font] at [code]name[/code] if Theme has [code]type[/code]. + Clears the [Font] at [code]name[/code] if the Theme has [code]type[/code]. @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ - Clears icon at [code]name[/code] if Theme has [code]type[/code]. + Clears the icon at [code]name[/code] if the Theme has [code]type[/code]. @@ -69,14 +69,14 @@ - Clears [StyleBox] at [code]name[/code] if Theme has [code]type[/code]. + Clears [StyleBox] at [code]name[/code] if the Theme has [code]type[/code]. - Sets theme values to a copy of the default theme values. + Sets the Theme's values to a copy of the default theme values. @@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ - Returns the [Color] at [code]name[/code] if Theme has [code]type[/code]. + Returns the [Color] at [code]name[/code] if the Theme has [code]type[/code]. @@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ - Returns all of the [Color]s as a [PoolStringArray] filled with each [Color]'s name, for use in [method get_color], if Theme has [code]type[/code]. + Returns all the [Color]s as a [PoolStringArray] filled with each [Color]'s name, for use in [method get_color], if the Theme has [code]type[/code]. @@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ - Returns the constant at [code]name[/code] if Theme has [code]type[/code]. + Returns the constant at [code]name[/code] if the Theme has [code]type[/code]. @@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ - Returns all of the constants as a [PoolStringArray] filled with each constant's name, for use in [method get_constant], if Theme has [code]type[/code]. + Returns all the constants as a [PoolStringArray] filled with each constant's name, for use in [method get_constant], if the Theme has [code]type[/code]. @@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ - Returns the [Font] at [code]name[/code] if Theme has [code]type[/code]. + Returns the [Font] at [code]name[/code] if the Theme has [code]type[/code]. @@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ - Returns all of the [Font]s as a [PoolStringArray] filled with each [Font]'s name, for use in [method get_font], if Theme has [code]type[/code]. + Returns all the [Font]s as a [PoolStringArray] filled with each [Font]'s name, for use in [method get_font], if the Theme has [code]type[/code]. @@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ - Returns the icon [Texture] at [code]name[/code] if Theme has [code]type[/code]. + Returns the icon [Texture] at [code]name[/code] if the Theme has [code]type[/code]. @@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ - Returns all of the icons as a [PoolStringArray] filled with each [Texture]'s name, for use in [method get_icon], if Theme has [code]type[/code]. + Returns all the icons as a [PoolStringArray] filled with each [Texture]'s name, for use in [method get_icon], if the Theme has [code]type[/code]. @@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ - Returns the icon [StyleBox] at [code]name[/code] if Theme has [code]type[/code]. + Returns the icon [StyleBox] at [code]name[/code] if the Theme has [code]type[/code]. @@ -184,14 +184,14 @@ - Returns all of the [StyleBox]s as a [PoolStringArray] filled with each [StyleBox]'s name, for use in [method get_stylebox], if Theme has [code]type[/code]. + Returns all the [StyleBox]s as a [PoolStringArray] filled with each [StyleBox]'s name, for use in [method get_stylebox], if the Theme has [code]type[/code]. - Returns all of the [StyleBox] types as a [PoolStringArray] filled with each [StyleBox]'s type, for use in [method get_stylebox] and/or [method get_stylebox_list], if Theme has [code]type[/code]. + Returns all the [StyleBox] types as a [PoolStringArray] filled with each [StyleBox]'s type, for use in [method get_stylebox] and/or [method get_stylebox_list], if the Theme has [code]type[/code]. @@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ - Returns all of the types in [code]type[/code] as a [PoolStringArray] for use in any of the get_* functions, if Theme has [code]type[/code]. + Returns all the types in [code]type[/code] as a [PoolStringArray] for use in any of the get_* functions, if the Theme has [code]type[/code]. @@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ Returns [code]true[/code] if [Color] with [code]name[/code] is in [code]type[/code]. - Returns [code]false[/code] if Theme does not have [code]type[/code]. + Returns [code]false[/code] if the Theme does not have [code]type[/code]. @@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ Returns [code]true[/code] if constant with [code]name[/code] is in [code]type[/code]. - Returns [code]false[/code] if Theme does not have [code]type[/code]. + Returns [code]false[/code] if the Theme does not have [code]type[/code]. @@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ Returns [code]true[/code] if [Font] with [code]name[/code] is in [code]type[/code]. - Returns [code]false[/code] if Theme does not have [code]type[/code]. + Returns [code]false[/code] if the Theme does not have [code]type[/code]. @@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ Returns [code]true[/code] if icon [Texture] with [code]name[/code] is in [code]type[/code]. - Returns [code]false[/code] if Theme does not have [code]type[/code]. + Returns [code]false[/code] if the Theme does not have [code]type[/code]. @@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ Returns [code]true[/code] if [StyleBox] with [code]name[/code] is in [code]type[/code]. - Returns [code]false[/code] if Theme does not have [code]type[/code]. + Returns [code]false[/code] if the Theme does not have [code]type[/code]. @@ -273,8 +273,8 @@ - Sets Theme's [Color] to [code]color[/code] at [code]name[/code] in [code]type[/code]. - Does nothing if Theme does not have [code]type[/code]. + Sets the Theme's [Color] to [code]color[/code] at [code]name[/code] in [code]type[/code]. + Does nothing if the Theme does not have [code]type[/code]. @@ -287,8 +287,8 @@ - Sets Theme's constant to [code]constant[/code] at [code]name[/code] in [code]type[/code]. - Does nothing if Theme does not have [code]type[/code]. + Sets the Theme's constant to [code]constant[/code] at [code]name[/code] in [code]type[/code]. + Does nothing if the Theme does not have [code]type[/code]. @@ -301,8 +301,8 @@ - Sets Theme's [Font] to [code]font[/code] at [code]name[/code] in [code]type[/code]. - Does nothing if Theme does not have [code]type[/code]. + Sets the Theme's [Font] to [code]font[/code] at [code]name[/code] in [code]type[/code]. + Does nothing if the Theme does not have [code]type[/code]. @@ -315,8 +315,8 @@ - Sets Theme's icon [Texture] to [code]texture[/code] at [code]name[/code] in [code]type[/code]. - Does nothing if Theme does not have [code]type[/code]. + Sets the Theme's icon [Texture] to [code]texture[/code] at [code]name[/code] in [code]type[/code]. + Does nothing if the Theme does not have [code]type[/code]. @@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ Sets Theme's [StyleBox] to [code]stylebox[/code] at [code]name[/code] in [code]type[/code]. - Does nothing if Theme does not have [code]type[/code]. + Does nothing if the Theme does not have [code]type[/code]. diff --git a/doc/classes/Thread.xml b/doc/classes/Thread.xml index ff8221fed3d..8f96ab0aeda 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Thread.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Thread.xml @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ A unit of execution in a process. - A unit of execution in a process. Can run methods on [Object]s simultaneously. The use of synchronization via [Mutex], [Semaphore] is advised if working with shared objects. + A unit of execution in a process. Can run methods on [Object]s simultaneously. The use of synchronization via [Mutex] or [Semaphore] is advised if working with shared objects. @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ - Returns the current [Thread]s id, uniquely identifying it among all threads. + Returns the current [Thread]'s ID, uniquely identifying it among all threads. @@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ - Starts a new [Thread] that runs "method" on object "instance" with "userdata" passed as an argument. The "priority" of the [Thread] can be changed by passing a PRIORITY_* enum. - Returns OK on success, or ERR_CANT_CREATE on failure. + Starts a new [Thread] that runs [code]method[/code] on object [code]instance[/code] with [code]userdata[/code] passed as an argument. The [code]priority[/code] of the [Thread] can be changed by passing a value from the [enum Priority] enum. + Returns [constant OK] on success, or [constant ERR_CANT_CREATE] on failure. diff --git a/doc/classes/TileMap.xml b/doc/classes/TileMap.xml index ed4f9141366..b4dd2379c9a 100644 --- a/doc/classes/TileMap.xml +++ b/doc/classes/TileMap.xml @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ - Returns an array of all cells with the given tile id. + Returns an array of all cells with the given tile [code]id[/code]. @@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ - Returns [code]true[/code] if the given cell is transposed, i.e. the x and y axes are swapped. + Returns [code]true[/code] if the given cell is transposed, i.e. the X and Y axes are swapped. @@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ - Returns [code]true[/code] if the given cell is flipped in the x axis. + Returns [code]true[/code] if the given cell is flipped in the X axis. @@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ - Returns [code]true[/code] if the given cell is flipped in the y axis. + Returns [code]true[/code] if the given cell is flipped in the Y axis. @@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ Sets the tile index for the cell given by a Vector2. An index of [code]-1[/code] clears the cell. Optionally, the tile can also be flipped, transposed, or given autotile coordinates. - Note that data such as navigation polygons and collision shapes are not immediately updated for performance reasons. + [b]Note:[/b] Data such as navigation polygons and collision shapes are not immediately updated for performance reasons. If you need these to be immediately updated, you can call [method update_dirty_quadrants]. Overriding this method also overrides it internally, allowing custom logic to be implemented when tiles are placed/removed: [codeblock] @@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ Sets the tile index for the given cell. An index of [code]-1[/code] clears the cell. Optionally, the tile can also be flipped or transposed. - Note that data such as navigation polygons and collision shapes are not immediately updated for performance reasons. + [b]Note:[/b] Data such as navigation polygons and collision shapes are not immediately updated for performance reasons. If you need these to be immediately updated, you can call [method update_dirty_quadrants]. @@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ - Applies autotiling rules to the cell (and its adjacent cells) referenced by its grid-based x and y coordinates. + Applies autotiling rules to the cell (and its adjacent cells) referenced by its grid-based X and Y coordinates. @@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ - Applies autotiling rules to the cells in the given region (specified by grid-based x and y coordinates). + Applies autotiling rules to the cells in the given region (specified by grid-based X and Y coordinates). Calling with invalid (or missing) parameters applies autotiling rules for the entire tilemap. @@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ The custom [Transform2D] to be applied to the TileMap's cells. - Amount to offset alternating tiles. Uses HALF_OFFSET_* constants. Default value: HALF_OFFSET_DISABLED. + Amount to offset alternating tiles. See [enum HalfOffset] for possible values. Default value: [code]HALF_OFFSET_DISABLED[/code]. The TileMap's quadrant size. Optimizes drawing by batching, using chunks of this size. Default value: 16. @@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ The TileMap's cell size. - Position for tile origin. Uses TILE_ORIGIN_* constants. Default value: TILE_ORIGIN_TOP_LEFT. + Position for tile origin. See [enum TileOrigin] for possible values. Default value: [code]TILE_ORIGIN_TOP_LEFT[/code]. If [code]true[/code], the TileMap's children will be drawn in order of their Y coordinate. Default value: [code]false[/code]. @@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ If [code]true[/code], TileMap collisions will be handled as a kinematic body. If [code]false[/code], collisions will be handled as static body. Default value: [code]false[/code]. - The TileMap orientation mode. Uses MODE_* constants. Default value: MODE_SQUARE. + The TileMap orientation mode. See [enum Mode] for possible values. Default value: [code]MODE_SQUARE[/code]. The light mask assigned to all light occluders in the TileMap. The TileSet's light occluders will cast shadows only from Light2D(s) that have the same light mask(s). diff --git a/doc/classes/TileSet.xml b/doc/classes/TileSet.xml index d5e2fd31f8e..8ad62f0fcb5 100644 --- a/doc/classes/TileSet.xml +++ b/doc/classes/TileSet.xml @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ - Clears all bitmask info of the autotile. + Clears all bitmask information of the autotile. @@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ Returns the subtile that's being used as an icon in an atlas/autotile given its coordinates. - The subtile defined as the icon will be used as a fallback when the atlas/autotile's bitmask info is incomplete. It will also be used to represent it in the TileSet editor. + The subtile defined as the icon will be used as a fallback when the atlas/autotile's bitmask information is incomplete. It will also be used to represent it in the TileSet editor. @@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ Sets the subtile that will be used as an icon in an atlas/autotile given its coordinates. - The subtile defined as the icon will be used as a fallback when the atlas/autotile's bitmask info is incomplete. It will also be used to represent it in the TileSet editor. + The subtile defined as the icon will be used as a fallback when the atlas/autotile's bitmask information is incomplete. It will also be used to represent it in the TileSet editor. @@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ - Returns the tile's z-index (drawing layer). + Returns the tile's Z index (drawing layer). diff --git a/doc/classes/Timer.xml b/doc/classes/Timer.xml index 74bd86b34b6..120367f42ed 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Timer.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Timer.xml @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ A countdown timer. - Counts down a specified interval and emits a signal on reaching 0. Can be set to repeat or "one shot" mode. + Counts down a specified interval and emits a signal on reaching 0. Can be set to repeat or "one-shot" mode. @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Starts the timer. Sets [code]wait_time[/code] to [code]time_sec[/code] if [code]time_sec > 0[/code]. This also resets the remaining time to [code]wait_time[/code]. - Note: this method will not resume a paused timer. See [member paused]. + [b]Note:[/b] this method will not resume a paused timer. See [member paused]. @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ The timer's remaining time in seconds. Returns 0 if the timer is inactive. - Note: You cannot set this value. To change the timer's remaining time, use [member wait_time]. + [b]Note:[/b] You cannot set this value. To change the timer's remaining time, use [member wait_time]. Wait time in seconds. diff --git a/doc/classes/TouchScreenButton.xml b/doc/classes/TouchScreenButton.xml index 4b5a832b058..8a15f078bab 100644 --- a/doc/classes/TouchScreenButton.xml +++ b/doc/classes/TouchScreenButton.xml @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ The button's texture for the normal state. - If [code]true[/code], passby presses are enabled. + If [code]true[/code], pass-by presses are enabled. The button's texture for the pressed state. @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ If [code]true[/code], the button's shape is visible. - The button's visibility mode. See [code]VISIBILITY_*[/code] constants. + The button's visibility mode. See [enum VisibilityMode] for possible values. diff --git a/doc/classes/Transform.xml b/doc/classes/Transform.xml index dfbb93acfc5..7f7bac9bbd8 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Transform.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Transform.xml @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ - 3D Transformation. 3x4 matrix. + 3D transformation (3×4 matrix). - Represents one or many transformations in 3D space such as translation, rotation, or scaling. It consists of a [Basis] "basis" and an [Vector3] "origin". It is similar to a 3x4 matrix. + Represents one or many transformations in 3D space such as translation, rotation, or scaling. It consists of a [member basis] and an [member origin]. It is similar to a 3×4 matrix. https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/tutorials/math/index.html diff --git a/doc/classes/Transform2D.xml b/doc/classes/Transform2D.xml index bc003284ad2..450768bb4d5 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Transform2D.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Transform2D.xml @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ - 2D Transformation. 3x2 matrix. + 2D transformation (3×2 matrix). - Represents one or many transformations in 2D space such as translation, rotation, or scaling. It consists of a two [Vector2] x, y and [Vector2] "origin". It is similar to a 3x2 matrix. + Represents one or many transformations in 2D space such as translation, rotation, or scaling. It consists of two [member x] and [member y] [Vector2]s and an [member origin]. It is similar to a 3×2 matrix. @@ -164,10 +164,10 @@ The transform's translation offset. - The X axis of 2x2 basis matrix containing 2 [Vector2]s as its columns: X axis and Y axis. These vectors can be interpreted as the basis vectors of local coordinate system traveling with the object. + The X axis of 2×2 basis matrix containing 2 [Vector2]s as its columns: X axis and Y axis. These vectors can be interpreted as the basis vectors of local coordinate system traveling with the object. - The Y axis of 2x2 basis matrix containing 2 [Vector2]s as its columns: X axis and Y axis. These vectors can be interpreted as the basis vectors of local coordinate system traveling with the object. + The Y axis of 2×2 basis matrix containing 2 [Vector2]s as its columns: X axis and Y axis. These vectors can be interpreted as the basis vectors of local coordinate system traveling with the object. diff --git a/doc/classes/Translation.xml b/doc/classes/Translation.xml index eea4f8ed039..8d24d559984 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Translation.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Translation.xml @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Language Translation. - Translations are resources that can be loaded/unloaded on demand. They map a string to another string. + Translations are resources that can be loaded and unloaded on demand. They map a string to another string. https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/tutorials/i18n/internationalizing_games.html diff --git a/doc/classes/TranslationServer.xml b/doc/classes/TranslationServer.xml index 268fb5b6a5b..f43d3bb24e8 100644 --- a/doc/classes/TranslationServer.xml +++ b/doc/classes/TranslationServer.xml @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ - Returns a locale's language and its variant (e.g. "en_US" would return "English (United States)"). + Returns a locale's language and its variant (e.g. [code]"en_US"[/code] would return [code]"English (United States)"[/code]). diff --git a/doc/classes/Tree.xml b/doc/classes/Tree.xml index aa287b1ed01..70e85b187fc 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Tree.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Tree.xml @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ - Create an item in the tree and add it as the last child of [code]parent[/code]. If parent is not given, it will be added as the root's last child, or it'll the be the root itself if the tree is empty. + Create an item in the tree and add it as the last child of [code]parent[/code]. If [code]parent[/code] is [code]null[/code], it will be added as the root's last child, or it'll be the the root itself if the tree is empty. @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ If [member drop_mode_flags] includes [constant DROP_MODE_INBETWEEN], returns -1 if [code]position[/code] is the upper part of a tree item at that position, 1 for the lower part, and additionally 0 for the middle part if [member drop_mode_flags] includes [constant DROP_MODE_ON_ITEM]. - Otherwise, returns 0. If there are no tree item at [code]position[/code], returns -100. + Otherwise, returns 0. If there are no tree items at [code]position[/code], returns -100. @@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ - Set the minimum width of a column. + Sets the minimum width of a column. @@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ - Set the title of a column. + Sets the title of a column. @@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ If [code]true[/code], a right mouse button click can select items. - The amount of columns. + The number of columns. The drop mode as an OR combination of flags. See [code]DROP_MODE_*[/code] constants. Once dropping is done, reverts to [constant DROP_MODE_DISABLED]. Setting this during [method Control.can_drop_data] is recommended. @@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ If [code]true[/code], the tree's root is hidden. - Allow single or multiple selection. See the [code]SELECT_*[/code] constants. + Allows single or multiple selection. See the [code]SELECT_*[/code] constants. @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ - Emitted when the right mouse button is pressed if RMB selection is active and the tree is empty. + Emitted when the right mouse button is pressed if right mouse button selection is active and the tree is empty. @@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ - Emitted instead of [code]item_selected[/code] when [code]select_mode[/code] is [constant SELECT_MULTI]. + Emitted instead of [code]item_selected[/code] if [code]select_mode[/code] is [constant SELECT_MULTI]. @@ -345,12 +345,12 @@ - Allow selection of a single item at a time. + Allows selection of a single item at a time. - Allow selection of multiple items at the same time. + Allows selection of multiple items at the same time. diff --git a/doc/classes/TreeItem.xml b/doc/classes/TreeItem.xml index f7887a87c83..d9c7013d341 100644 --- a/doc/classes/TreeItem.xml +++ b/doc/classes/TreeItem.xml @@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ - Returns the column's cell mode. See [code]CELL_MODE_*[/code] constants. + Returns the column's cell mode. @@ -527,7 +527,7 @@ - Sets the given column's text alignment. See [code]ALIGN_*[/code] constants. + Sets the given column's text alignment. See [enum TextAlign] for possible values. diff --git a/doc/classes/Tween.xml b/doc/classes/Tween.xml index ff1413cb943..c6949e915f1 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Tween.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Tween.xml @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Smoothly animates a node's properties over time. - Tweens are useful for animations requiring a numerical property to be interpolated over a range of values. The name *tween* comes from *in-betweening*, an animation technique where you specify *keyframes* and the computer interpolates the frames that appear between them. + Tweens are useful for animations requiring a numerical property to be interpolated over a range of values. The name [i]tween[/i] comes from [i]in-betweening[/i], an animation technique where you specify [i]keyframes[/i] and the computer interpolates the frames that appear between them. Here is a brief usage example that causes a 2D node to move smoothly between two positions: [codeblock] var tween = get_node("Tween") @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Tween.TRANS_LINEAR, Tween.EASE_IN_OUT) tween.start() [/codeblock] - Many methods require a property name, such as "position" above. You can find the correct property name by hovering over the property in the Inspector. You can also provide the components of a property directly by using "property:component" (eg. [code]position:x[/code]), where it would only apply to that particular component. + Many methods require a property name, such as [code]"position"[/code] above. You can find the correct property name by hovering over the property in the Inspector. You can also provide the components of a property directly by using [code]"property:component"[/code] (eg. [code]position:x[/code]), where it would only apply to that particular component. Many of the methods accept [code]trans_type[/code] and [code]ease_type[/code]. The first accepts an [enum TransitionType] constant, and refers to the way the timing of the animation is handled (see [code]http://easings.net/[/code] for some examples). The second accepts an [enum EaseType] constant, and controls the where [code]trans_type[/code] is applied to the interpolation (in the beginning, the end, or both). If you don't know which transition and easing to pick, you can try different [enum TransitionType] constants with [constant EASE_IN_OUT], and use the one that looks best. @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ Follows [code]method[/code] of [code]object[/code] and applies the returned value on [code]target_method[/code] of [code]target[/code], beginning from [code]initial_val[/code] for [code]duration[/code] seconds, [code]delay[/code] later. Methods are called with consecutive values. - Use [enum TransitionType] for [code]trans_type[/code] and [enum EaseType] for [code]ease_type[/code] parameters. These values control the timing and direction of the interpolation. See the class description for more information + Use [enum TransitionType] for [code]trans_type[/code] and [enum EaseType] for [code]ease_type[/code] parameters. These values control the timing and direction of the interpolation. See the class description for more information. @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ Follows [code]property[/code] of [code]object[/code] and applies it on [code]target_property[/code] of [code]target[/code], beginning from [code]initial_val[/code] for [code]duration[/code] seconds, [code]delay[/code] seconds later. - Use [enum TransitionType] for [code]trans_type[/code] and [enum EaseType] for [code]ease_type[/code] parameters. These values control the timing and direction of the interpolation. See the class description for more information + Use [enum TransitionType] for [code]trans_type[/code] and [enum EaseType] for [code]ease_type[/code] parameters. These values control the timing and direction of the interpolation. See the class description for more information. @@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ Animates [code]method[/code] of [code]object[/code] from [code]initial_val[/code] to [code]final_val[/code] for [code]duration[/code] seconds, [code]delay[/code] seconds later. Methods are called with consecutive values. - Use [enum TransitionType] for [code]trans_type[/code] and [enum EaseType] for [code]ease_type[/code] parameters. These values control the timing and direction of the interpolation. See the class description for more information + Use [enum TransitionType] for [code]trans_type[/code] and [enum EaseType] for [code]ease_type[/code] parameters. These values control the timing and direction of the interpolation. See the class description for more information. @@ -169,14 +169,15 @@ Animates [code]property[/code] of [code]object[/code] from [code]initial_val[/code] to [code]final_val[/code] for [code]duration[/code] seconds, [code]delay[/code] seconds later. Setting the initial value to [code]null[/code] uses the current value of the property. - Use [enum TransitionType] for [code]trans_type[/code] and [enum EaseType] for [code]ease_type[/code] parameters. These values control the timing and direction of the interpolation. See the class description for more information + Use [enum TransitionType] for [code]trans_type[/code] and [enum EaseType] for [code]ease_type[/code] parameters. These values control the timing and direction of the interpolation. See the class description for more information. - Returns [code]true[/code] if any tweens are currently running. Note that this method doesn't consider tweens that have ended. + Returns [code]true[/code] if any tweens are currently running. + [b]Note:[/b] This method doesn't consider tweens that have ended. @@ -299,7 +300,7 @@ Animates [code]method[/code] of [code]object[/code] from the value returned by [code]initial_method[/code] to [code]final_val[/code] for [code]duration[/code] seconds, [code]delay[/code] seconds later. Methods are animated by calling them with consecutive values. - Use [enum TransitionType] for [code]trans_type[/code] and [enum EaseType] for [code]ease_type[/code] parameters. These values control the timing and direction of the interpolation. See the class description for more information + Use [enum TransitionType] for [code]trans_type[/code] and [enum EaseType] for [code]ease_type[/code] parameters. These values control the timing and direction of the interpolation. See the class description for more information. @@ -325,7 +326,7 @@ Animates [code]property[/code] of [code]object[/code] from the current value of the [code]initial_val[/code] property of [code]initial[/code] to [code]final_val[/code] for [code]duration[/code] seconds, [code]delay[/code] seconds later. - Use [enum TransitionType] for [code]trans_type[/code] and [enum EaseType] for [code]ease_type[/code] parameters. These values control the timing and direction of the interpolation. See the class description for more information + Use [enum TransitionType] for [code]trans_type[/code] and [enum EaseType] for [code]ease_type[/code] parameters. These values control the timing and direction of the interpolation. See the class description for more information. diff --git a/doc/classes/UndoRedo.xml b/doc/classes/UndoRedo.xml index 71da4c684c8..7834719af63 100644 --- a/doc/classes/UndoRedo.xml +++ b/doc/classes/UndoRedo.xml @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Helper to manage undo/redo operations in the editor or custom tools. - Helper to manage undo/redo operations in the editor or custom tools. It works by registering methods and property changes inside 'actions'. + Helper to manage undo/redo operations in the editor or custom tools. It works by registering methods and property changes inside "actions". Common behavior is to create an action, then add do/undo calls to functions or property changes, then committing the action. Here's an example on how to add an action to the Godot editor's own [UndoRedo], from a plugin: [codeblock] @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ undo_redo.commit_action() [/codeblock] [method create_action], [method add_do_method], [method add_undo_method], [method add_do_property], [method add_undo_property], and [method commit_action] should be called one after the other, like in the example. Not doing so could lead to crashes. - If you don't need to register a method you can leave [method add_do_method] and [method add_undo_method] out, and so it goes for properties. You can register more than one method/property. + If you don't need to register a method, you can leave [method add_do_method] and [method add_undo_method] out; the same goes for properties. You can also register more than one method/property. @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ - Register a property value change for 'do'. + Register a property value change for "do". @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ - Register a reference for 'do' that will be erased if the 'do' history is lost. This is useful mostly for new nodes created for the 'do' call. Do not use for resources. + Register a reference for "do" that will be erased if the "do" history is lost. This is useful mostly for new nodes created for the "do" call. Do not use for resources. @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ - Register a property value change for 'undo'. + Register a property value change for "undo". @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ - Register a reference for 'undo' that will be erased if the 'undo' history is lost. This is useful mostly for nodes removed with the 'do' call (not the 'undo' call!). + Register a reference for "undo" that will be erased if the "undo" history is lost. This is useful mostly for nodes removed with the "do" call (not the "undo" call!). @@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ - Commit the action. All 'do' methods/properties are called/set when this function is called. + Commit the action. All "do" methods/properties are called/set when this function is called. @@ -130,14 +130,14 @@ - Get the name of the current action. + Gets the name of the current action. - Get the version, each time a new action is committed, the version number of the [UndoRedo] is increased automatically. + Gets the version. Every time a new action is committed, the [UndoRedo]'s version number is increased automatically. This is useful mostly to check if something changed from a saved version. @@ -145,21 +145,21 @@ - Returns [code]true[/code] if a 'redo' action is available. + Returns [code]true[/code] if a "redo" action is available. - Returns [code]true[/code] if an 'undo' action is available. + Returns [code]true[/code] if an "undo" action is available. - Returns [code]true[/code] if the [UndoRedo] is currently committing the action, i.e. running its 'do' method or property change (see [method commit_action]). + Returns [code]true[/code] if the [UndoRedo] is currently committing the action, i.e. running its "do" method or property change (see [method commit_action]). @@ -186,10 +186,10 @@ - Makes 'do'/'undo' operations stay in separate actions. + Makes "do"/"undo" operations stay in separate actions. - Makes so that the action's 'do' operation is from the first action created and the 'undo' operation is from the last subsequent action with the same name. + Makes so that the action's "do" operation is from the first action created and the "undo" operation is from the last subsequent action with the same name. Makes subsequent actions with the same name be merged into one. diff --git a/doc/classes/VSeparator.xml b/doc/classes/VSeparator.xml index ab33c24bb66..b0f0bf038ef 100644 --- a/doc/classes/VSeparator.xml +++ b/doc/classes/VSeparator.xml @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Vertical version of [Separator]. - Vertical version of [Separator]. It is used to separate objects horizontally, though (but it looks vertical!). + Vertical version of [Separator]. Even though it looks vertical, it is used to separate objects horizontally. diff --git a/doc/classes/Variant.xml b/doc/classes/Variant.xml index ee598c39f8d..eb07c70cc69 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Variant.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Variant.xml @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ The most important data type in Godot. - A Variant takes up only 20 bytes and can store almost any engine datatype inside of it. Variants are rarely used to hold information for long periods of time, instead they are used mainly for communication, editing, serialization and moving data around. + A Variant takes up only 20 bytes and can store almost any engine datatype inside of it. Variants are rarely used to hold information for long periods of time. Instead, they are used mainly for communication, editing, serialization and moving data around. diff --git a/doc/classes/Vector2.xml b/doc/classes/Vector2.xml index 243dbceced6..073035131da 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Vector2.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Vector2.xml @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ - Constructs a new Vector2 from the given x and y. + Constructs a new Vector2 from the given [code]x[/code] and [code]y[/code]. @@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ - Returns the vector's angle in radians with respect to the x-axis, or [code](1, 0)[/code] vector. - Equivalent to the result of atan2 when called with the vector's x and y as parameters: [code]atan2(x, y)[/code]. + Returns the vector's angle in radians with respect to the X axis, or [code](1, 0)[/code] vector. + Equivalent to the result of [method @GDScript.atan2] when called with the vector's [member x] and [member y] as parameters: [code]atan2(x, y)[/code]. @@ -51,14 +51,14 @@ - Returns the angle in radians between the line connecting the two points and the x coordinate. + Returns the angle in radians between the line connecting the two points and the X coordinate. - Returns the ratio of x to y. + Returns the ratio of [member x] to [member y]. @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ - Returns the 2 dimensional analog of the cross product with the given vector. + Returns the 2-dimensional analog of the cross product with the given vector. @@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ - Cubicly interpolates between this vector and [code]b[/code] using [code]pre_a[/code] and [code]post_b[/code] as handles, and returns the result at position [code]t[/code]. [code]t[/code] is in the range of [code]0.0 - 1.0[/code], representing the amount of interpolation. + Cubically interpolates between this vector and [code]b[/code] using [code]pre_a[/code] and [code]post_b[/code] as handles, and returns the result at position [code]t[/code]. [code]t[/code] is in the range of [code]0.0 - 1.0[/code], representing the amount of interpolation. @@ -245,8 +245,8 @@ - Returns the result of SLERP between this vector and [code]b[/code], by amount [code]t[/code]. [code]t[/code] is in the range of [code]0.0 - 1.0[/code], representing the amount of interpolation. - Both vectors need to be normalized. + Returns the result of spherical linear interpolation between this vector and [code]b[/code], by amount [code]t[/code]. [code]t[/code] is in the range of [code]0.0 - 1.0[/code], representing the amount of interpolation. + [b]Note:[/b] Both vectors must be normalized. @@ -277,10 +277,10 @@ - The vector's x component. Also accessible by using the index position [code][0][/code]. + The vector's X component. Also accessible by using the index position [code][0][/code]. - The vector's y component. Also accessible by using the index position [code][1][/code]. + The vector's Y component. Also accessible by using the index position [code][1][/code]. diff --git a/doc/classes/Vector3.xml b/doc/classes/Vector3.xml index 99bf3d2610e..ddb72f6d030 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Vector3.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Vector3.xml @@ -246,8 +246,8 @@ - Returns the result of SLERP between this vector and [code]b[/code], by amount [code]t[/code]. [code]t[/code] is in the range of [code]0.0 - 1.0[/code], representing the amount of interpolation. - Both vectors need to be normalized. + Returns the result of spherical linear interpolation between this vector and [code]b[/code], by amount [code]t[/code]. [code]t[/code] is in the range of [code]0.0 - 1.0[/code], representing the amount of interpolation. + [b]Note:[/b] Both vectors must be normalized. @@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ - Returns a copy of the vector, snapped to the lowest neared multiple. + Returns a copy of the vector snapped to the lowest neared multiple. @@ -278,13 +278,13 @@ - The vector's x component. Also accessible by using the index position [code][0][/code]. + The vector's X component. Also accessible by using the index position [code][0][/code]. - The vector's y component. Also accessible by using the index position [code][1][/code]. + The vector's Y component. Also accessible by using the index position [code][1][/code]. - The vector's z component. Also accessible by using the index position [code][2][/code]. + The vector's Z component. Also accessible by using the index position [code][2][/code]. diff --git a/doc/classes/VehicleBody.xml b/doc/classes/VehicleBody.xml index f5b26e4f117..0858b1f4dd6 100644 --- a/doc/classes/VehicleBody.xml +++ b/doc/classes/VehicleBody.xml @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ Physics body that simulates the behavior of a car. - This nodes implements all the physics logic needed to simulate a car. It is based on the raycast vehicle system commonly found in physics engines. You will need to add a [CollisionShape] for the main body of your vehicle and add [VehicleWheel] nodes for the wheels. You should also add a [MeshInstance] to this node for the 3D model of your car but this model should not include meshes for the wheels. You should control the vehicle by using the [member brake], [member engine_force], and [member steering] properties and not change the position or orientation of this node directly. - Note that the origin point of your VehicleBody will determine the center of gravity of your vehicle so it is better to keep this low and move the [CollisionShape] and [MeshInstance] upwards. + This node implements all the physics logic needed to simulate a car. It is based on the raycast vehicle system commonly found in physics engines. You will need to add a [CollisionShape] for the main body of your vehicle and add [VehicleWheel] nodes for the wheels. You should also add a [MeshInstance] to this node for the 3D model of your car but this model should not include meshes for the wheels. You should control the vehicle by using the [member brake], [member engine_force], and [member steering] properties and not change the position or orientation of this node directly. + [b]Note:[/b] The origin point of your VehicleBody will determine the center of gravity of your vehicle so it is better to keep this low and move the [CollisionShape] and [MeshInstance] upwards. @@ -16,7 +16,8 @@ Slows down the vehicle by applying a braking force. The vehicle is only slowed down if the wheels are in contact with a surface. The force you need to apply to adequately slow down your vehicle depends on the [member RigidBody.mass] of the vehicle. For a vehicle with a mass set to 1000, try a value in the 25 - 30 range for hard braking. - Accelerates the vehicle by applying an engine force. The vehicle is only speed up if the wheels that have [member VehicleWheel.use_as_traction] set to [code]true[/code] and are in contact with a surface. The [member RigidBody.mass] of the vehicle has an effect on the acceleration of the vehicle. For a vehicle with a mass set to 1000, try a value in the 25 - 50 range for acceleration. Note that the simulation does not take the effect of gears into account, you will need to add logic for this if you wish to simulate gears. + Accelerates the vehicle by applying an engine force. The vehicle is only speed up if the wheels that have [member VehicleWheel.use_as_traction] set to [code]true[/code] and are in contact with a surface. The [member RigidBody.mass] of the vehicle has an effect on the acceleration of the vehicle. For a vehicle with a mass set to 1000, try a value in the 25 - 50 range for acceleration. + [b]Note:[/b] The simulation does not take the effect of gears into account, you will need to add logic for this if you wish to simulate gears. A negative value will result in the vehicle reversing. diff --git a/doc/classes/VehicleWheel.xml b/doc/classes/VehicleWheel.xml index eee72db48ea..4106ec2157f 100644 --- a/doc/classes/VehicleWheel.xml +++ b/doc/classes/VehicleWheel.xml @@ -35,22 +35,22 @@ The damping applied to the spring when the spring is being compressed. This value should be between 0.0 (no damping) and 1.0. A value of 0.0 means the car will keep bouncing as the spring keeps its energy. A good value for this is around 0.3 for a normal car, 0.5 for a race car. - The damping applied to the spring when relaxing. This value should be between 0.0 (no damping) and 1.0. This value should always be slightly higher than the [member damping_compression] property. For a [member damping_compression] value of 0.3, try a relaxation value of 0.5 + The damping applied to the spring when relaxing. This value should be between 0.0 (no damping) and 1.0. This value should always be slightly higher than the [member damping_compression] property. For a [member damping_compression] value of 0.3, try a relaxation value of 0.5. - The maximum force the spring can resist. This value should be higher than a quarter of the [member RigidBody.mass] of the [VehicleBody] or the spring will not carry the weight of the vehicle. Good results are often obtained by a value that is about 3x to 4x this number. + The maximum force the spring can resist. This value should be higher than a quarter of the [member RigidBody.mass] of the [VehicleBody] or the spring will not carry the weight of the vehicle. Good results are often obtained by a value that is about 3× to 4× this number. This value defines the stiffness of the suspension. Use a value lower than 50 for an off-road car, a value between 50 and 100 for a race car and try something around 200 for something like a Formula 1 car. - This is the distance the suspension can travel. As Godot measures are in meters keep this setting relatively low. Try a value between 0.1 and 0.3 depending on the type of car . + This is the distance the suspension can travel. As Godot units are equivalent to meters, keep this setting relatively low. Try a value between 0.1 and 0.3 depending on the type of car. - If [code]true[/code] this wheel will be turned when the car steers. + If [code]true[/code], this wheel will be turned when the car steers. - If [code]true[/code] this wheel transfers engine force to the ground to propel the vehicle forward. + If [code]true[/code], this wheel transfers engine force to the ground to propel the vehicle forward. This determines how much grip this wheel has. It is combined with the friction setting of the surface the wheel is in contact with. 0.0 means no grip, 1.0 is normal grip. For a drift car setup, try setting the grip of the rear wheels slightly lower than the front wheels, or use a lower value to simulate tire wear. @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ This is the distance in meters the wheel is lowered from its origin point. Don't set this to 0.0 and move the wheel into position, instead move the origin point of your wheel (the gizmo in Godot) to the position the wheel will take when bottoming out, then use the rest length to move the wheel down to the position it should be in when the car is in rest. - This value effects the roll of your vehicle. If set to 0.0 for all wheels your vehicle will be prone to rolling over while a value of 1.0 will resist body roll. + This value affects the roll of your vehicle. If set to 0.0 for all wheels, your vehicle will be prone to rolling over, while a value of 1.0 will resist body roll. diff --git a/doc/classes/VideoPlayer.xml b/doc/classes/VideoPlayer.xml index 15d1dfcf19d..fcf7abd74f6 100644 --- a/doc/classes/VideoPlayer.xml +++ b/doc/classes/VideoPlayer.xml @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Control for playing video streams. - Control node for playing video streams. Supported formats are WebM and OGV Theora. + Control node for playing video streams. Supported formats are [url=https://www.webmproject.org/]WebM[/url] and [url=https://www.theora.org/]Ogg Theora[/url]. diff --git a/doc/classes/Viewport.xml b/doc/classes/Viewport.xml index caaaf662dc6..29f6e909bc7 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Viewport.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Viewport.xml @@ -78,7 +78,8 @@ - Returns the viewport's texture. Note that due to the way OpenGL works, the resulting [ViewportTexture] is flipped vertically. You can use [method Image.flip_y] on the result of [method Texture.get_data] to flip it back, for example: + Returns the viewport's texture. + [b]Note:[/b] Due to the way OpenGL works, the resulting [ViewportTexture] is flipped vertically. You can use [method Image.flip_y] on the result of [method Texture.get_data] to flip it back, for example: [codeblock] var img = get_viewport().get_texture().get_data() img.flip_y() diff --git a/doc/classes/ViewportContainer.xml b/doc/classes/ViewportContainer.xml index 1642f7e85f5..543140544f2 100644 --- a/doc/classes/ViewportContainer.xml +++ b/doc/classes/ViewportContainer.xml @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ - If [code]true[/code], the viewport will be scaled to the control's size. Default value:[code]false[/code]. + If [code]true[/code], the viewport will be scaled to the control's size. Default value: [code]false[/code]. diff --git a/doc/classes/VisibilityEnabler.xml b/doc/classes/VisibilityEnabler.xml index 4b33d1ebce9..72d02ddd3d3 100644 --- a/doc/classes/VisibilityEnabler.xml +++ b/doc/classes/VisibilityEnabler.xml @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ - Enable certain nodes only when visible. + Enables certain nodes only when visible. The VisibilityEnabler will disable [RigidBody] and [AnimationPlayer] nodes when they are not visible. It will only affect other nodes within the same scene as the VisibilityEnabler itself. diff --git a/doc/classes/VisibilityEnabler2D.xml b/doc/classes/VisibilityEnabler2D.xml index b3d41d1fce9..d954a379ae8 100644 --- a/doc/classes/VisibilityEnabler2D.xml +++ b/doc/classes/VisibilityEnabler2D.xml @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ - Enable certain nodes only when visible. + Enables certain nodes only when visible. The VisibilityEnabler2D will disable [RigidBody2D], [AnimationPlayer], and other nodes when they are not visible. It will only affect other nodes within the same scene as the VisibilityEnabler2D itself. diff --git a/doc/classes/VisibilityNotifier.xml b/doc/classes/VisibilityNotifier.xml index 986d6b8b13d..136f2c2845b 100644 --- a/doc/classes/VisibilityNotifier.xml +++ b/doc/classes/VisibilityNotifier.xml @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ If [code]true[/code], the bounding box is on the screen. - Note: It takes one frame for the node's visibility to be assessed once added to the scene tree, so this method will return [code]false[/code] right after it is instantiated, even if it will be on screen in the draw pass. + [b]Note:[/b] It takes one frame for the node's visibility to be assessed once added to the scene tree, so this method will return [code]false[/code] right after it is instantiated, even if it will be on screen in the draw pass. diff --git a/doc/classes/VisibilityNotifier2D.xml b/doc/classes/VisibilityNotifier2D.xml index 787a33d7523..b3387da72bd 100644 --- a/doc/classes/VisibilityNotifier2D.xml +++ b/doc/classes/VisibilityNotifier2D.xml @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ If [code]true[/code], the bounding rectangle is on the screen. - Note: It takes one frame for the node's visibility to be assessed once added to the scene tree, so this method will return [code]false[/code] right after it is instantiated, even if it will be on screen in the draw pass. + [b]Note:[/b] It takes one frame for the node's visibility to be assessed once added to the scene tree, so this method will return [code]false[/code] right after it is instantiated, even if it will be on screen in the draw pass. diff --git a/doc/classes/VisualInstance.xml b/doc/classes/VisualInstance.xml index 59f0a531ddd..ce8f729ce7f 100644 --- a/doc/classes/VisualInstance.xml +++ b/doc/classes/VisualInstance.xml @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ Sets the base of the VisualInstance, which changes how the engine handles the VisualInstance under the hood. - It is recommended to only use set_base if you know what you're doing. + It is recommended to only use [method set_base] if you know what you're doing. diff --git a/doc/classes/VisualServer.xml b/doc/classes/VisualServer.xml index 565d8b3ae08..230b9280058 100644 --- a/doc/classes/VisualServer.xml +++ b/doc/classes/VisualServer.xml @@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ - Adds a particles system to the [CanvasItem]'s draw commands. + Adds a particle system to the [CanvasItem]'s draw commands. @@ -606,7 +606,7 @@ - If this is enabled, the z-index of the parent will be added to the children's z-index. + If this is enabled, the Z index of the parent will be added to the children's Z index. @@ -617,7 +617,7 @@ - Sets the [CanvasItem]'s z-index, i.e. its draw order (lower indexes are drawn first). + Sets the [CanvasItem]'s Z index, i.e. its draw order (lower indexes are drawn first). @@ -675,7 +675,7 @@ - The light mask. See [LightOccluder2D] for more information on light masks + The light mask. See [LightOccluder2D] for more information on light masks. @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ - The light mask. See [LightOccluder2D] for more information on light masks + The light mask. See [LightOccluder2D] for more information on light masks. @@ -763,7 +763,7 @@ - The shadow mask. binary about which layers this canvas light affects which canvas item's shadows. See [LightOccluder2D] for more information on light masks. + The binary mask used to determine which layers this canvas light's shadows affects. See [LightOccluder2D] for more information on light masks. @@ -787,7 +787,7 @@ - The mode of the light, see CANVAS_LIGHT_MODE_* constants. + The mode of the light, see [code]CANVAS_LIGHT_MODE_*[/code] constants. @@ -841,7 +841,7 @@ - Sets the canvas light's shadow's filter, see CANVAS_LIGHT_SHADOW_FILTER_* constants. + Sets the canvas light's shadow's filter, see [code]CANVAS_LIGHT_SHADOW_FILTER_*[/code] constants. @@ -863,7 +863,7 @@ - Smoothens the shadow. The lower, the more smooth. + Smoothens the shadow. The lower, the smoother. @@ -924,7 +924,7 @@ - Sets an occluder polygons cull mode. See CANVAS_OCCLUDER_POLYGON_CULL_MODE_* constants. + Sets an occluder polygons cull mode. See [code]CANVAS_OCCLUDER_POLYGON_CULL_MODE_*[/code] constants. @@ -1330,7 +1330,7 @@ - Returns a certain information, see RENDER_INFO_* for options. + Returns a certain information, see [code]RENDER_INFO_*[/code] for options. @@ -1952,7 +1952,7 @@ Returns an array of object IDs intersecting with the provided 3D ray. Only visual 3D nodes are considered, such as [MeshInstance] or [DirectionalLight]. Use [method @GDScript.instance_from_id] to obtain the actual nodes. A scenario RID must be provided, which is available in the [World] you want to query. - Warning: this function is primarily intended for editor usage. For in-game use cases, prefer physics collision. + [b]Warning:[/b] This function is primarily intended for editor usage. For in-game use cases, prefer physics collision. @@ -2252,7 +2252,7 @@ - Sets a materials line width. + Sets a material's line width. @@ -2263,7 +2263,7 @@ - Sets an objects next material. + Sets an object's next material. @@ -2276,7 +2276,7 @@ - Sets a materials parameter. + Sets a material's parameter. @@ -2315,7 +2315,7 @@ - Adds a surface generated from the Arrays to a mesh. See PRIMITIVE_TYPE_* constants for types. + Adds a surface generated from the Arrays to a mesh. See [code]PRIMITIVE_TYPE_*[/code] constants for types. @@ -2477,7 +2477,7 @@ - Returns a mesh's surface's arrays for blend shapes + Returns a mesh's surface's arrays for blend shapes. @@ -3098,8 +3098,8 @@ - Schedules a callback to the corresponding named 'method' on 'where' after a frame has been drawn. - The callback method must use only 1 argument which will be called with 'userdata'. + Schedules a callback to the corresponding named [code]method[/code] on [code]where[/code] after a frame has been drawn. + The callback method must use only 1 argument which will be called with [code]userdata[/code]. @@ -3527,7 +3527,7 @@ - Sets the texture's flags. See [enum TextureFlags] for options + Sets the texture's flags. See [enum TextureFlags] for options. @@ -3639,7 +3639,7 @@ - Returns a viewport's render info. for options see VIEWPORT_RENDER_INFO* constants. + Returns a viewport's render information. For options, see the [code]VIEWPORT_RENDER_INFO*[/code] constants. @@ -3797,7 +3797,7 @@ - Sets the anti-aliasing mode. see [enum ViewportMSAA] for options. + Sets the anti-aliasing mode. See [enum ViewportMSAA] for options. @@ -3986,29 +3986,29 @@ - Generate mipmaps, which are smaller versions of the same texture to use when zoomed out, keeping the aspect ratio. + Generates mipmaps, which are smaller versions of the same texture to use when zoomed out, keeping the aspect ratio. - Repeat (instead of clamp to edge). + Repeats the texture (instead of clamp to edge). - Turn on magnifying filter, to enable smooth zooming in of the texture. + Uses a magnifying filter, to enable smooth zooming in of the texture. - Anisotropic mipmap filtering. Generates smaller versions of the same texture with different aspect ratios. - More effective on planes often shown going to the horrizon as those textures (Walls or Ground for example) get squashed in the viewport to different aspect ratios and regular mipmaps keep the aspect ratio so they don't optimize storage that well in those cases. + Uses anisotropic mipmap filtering. Generates smaller versions of the same texture with different aspect ratios. + This results in better-looking textures when viewed from oblique angles. - Converts texture to SRGB color space. + Converts the texture to the sRGB color space. - Repeat texture with alternate sections mirrored. + Repeats the texture with alternate sections mirrored. Texture is a video surface. - Default flags. Generate mipmaps, repeat, and filter are enabled. + Default flags. [constant TEXTURE_FLAG_MIPMAPS], [constant TEXTURE_FLAG_REPEAT] and [constant TEXTURE_FLAG_FILTER] are are enabled. Shader is a 3D shader. @@ -4035,10 +4035,10 @@ Array is a color array. - Array is a uv coordinates array. + Array is an UV coordinates array. - Array is a uv coordinates array for the second uv coordinates. + Array is an UV coordinates array for the second UV coordinates. Array contains bone information. @@ -4065,10 +4065,10 @@ Flag used to mark a color array. - Flag used to mark a uv coordinates array. + Flag used to mark an UV coordinates array. - Flag used to mark a uv coordinates array for the second uv coordinates. + Flag used to mark an UV coordinates array for the second UV coordinates. Flag used to mark a bone information array. @@ -4077,7 +4077,7 @@ Flag used to mark a weights array. - Flag used to mark a index array. + Flag used to mark an index array. Flag used to mark a compressed (half float) vertex array. @@ -4092,10 +4092,10 @@ Flag used to mark a compressed (half float) color array. - Flag used to mark a compressed (half float) uv coordinates array. + Flag used to mark a compressed (half float) UV coordinates array. - Flag used to mark a compressed (half float) uv coordinates array for the second uv coordinates. + Flag used to mark a compressed (half float) UV coordinates array for the second UV coordinates. @@ -4108,10 +4108,10 @@ Flag used to mark that the array contains 2D vertices. - Flag used to mark that the array uses 16 bit bones instead of 8 bit. + Flag used to mark that the array uses 16-bit bones instead of 8-bit. - Used to set flags ARRAY_COMPRESS_VERTEX, ARRAY_COMPRESS_NORMAL, ARRAY_COMPRESS_TANGENT, ARRAY_COMPRESS_COLOR, ARRAY_COMPRESS_TEX_UV, ARRAY_COMPRESS_TEX_UV2 and ARRAY_COMPRESS_WEIGHTS quickly. + Used to set flags [constant ARRAY_COMPRESS_VERTEX], [constant ARRAY_COMPRESS_NORMAL], [constant ARRAY_COMPRESS_TANGENT], [constant ARRAY_COMPRESS_COLOR], [constant ARRAY_COMPRESS_TEX_UV], [constant ARRAY_COMPRESS_TEX_UV2] and [constant ARRAY_COMPRESS_WEIGHTS] quickly. Primitive to draw consists of points. @@ -4145,10 +4145,10 @@ Is a directional (sun) light. - is an omni light. + Is an omni light. - is an spot light. + Is a spot light. The light's energy. @@ -4227,16 +4227,16 @@ Multisample antialiasing is disabled. - Multisample antialiasing is set to 2X. + Multisample antialiasing is set to 2×. - Multisample antialiasing is set to 4X. + Multisample antialiasing is set to 4×. - Multisample antialiasing is set to 8X. + Multisample antialiasing is set to 8×. - Multisample antialiasing is set to 16X. + Multisample antialiasing is set to 16×. The Viewport does not render 3D but samples. diff --git a/doc/classes/XMLParser.xml b/doc/classes/XMLParser.xml index 55dfb5d4895..6989246e246 100644 --- a/doc/classes/XMLParser.xml +++ b/doc/classes/XMLParser.xml @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ - Low-level class for creating parsers for XML files. + Low-level class for creating parsers for [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XML]XML[/url] files. - This class can serve as base to make custom XML parsers. Since XML is a very flexible standard, this interface is low level so it can be applied to any possible schema. + This class can serve as base to make custom XML parsers. Since XML is a very flexible standard, this interface is low-level so it can be applied to any possible schema. @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ - Get the amount of attributes in the current element. + Gets the amount of attributes in the current element. @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ - Get the name of the attribute specified by the index in [code]idx[/code] argument. + Gets the name of the attribute specified by the index in [code]idx[/code] argument. @@ -31,14 +31,14 @@ - Get the value of the attribute specified by the index in [code]idx[/code] argument. + Gets the value of the attribute specified by the index in [code]idx[/code] argument. - Get the current line in the parsed file (currently not implemented). + Gets the current line in the parsed file (currently not implemented). @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ - Get the value of a certain attribute of the current element by name. This will raise an error if the element has no such attribute. + Gets the value of a certain attribute of the current element by name. This will raise an error if the element has no such attribute. @@ -56,35 +56,35 @@ - Get the value of a certain attribute of the current element by name. This will return an empty [String] if the attribute is not found. + Gets the value of a certain attribute of the current element by name. This will return an empty [String] if the attribute is not found. - Get the contents of a text node. This will raise an error in any other type of node. + Gets the contents of a text node. This will raise an error in any other type of node. - Get the name of the current element node. This will raise an error if the current node type is not [constant NODE_ELEMENT] nor [constant NODE_ELEMENT_END] + Gets the name of the current element node. This will raise an error if the current node type is neither [constant NODE_ELEMENT] nor [constant NODE_ELEMENT_END]. - Get the byte offset of the current node since the beginning of the file or buffer. + Gets the byte offset of the current node since the beginning of the file or buffer. - Get the type of the current node. Compare with [code]NODE_*[/code] constants. + Gets the type of the current node. Compare with [code]NODE_*[/code] constants. @@ -93,14 +93,14 @@ - Check whether or not the current element has a certain attribute. + Check whether the current element has a certain attribute. - Check whether the current element is empty (this only works for completely empty tags, e.g. <element \>). + Check whether the current element is empty (this only works for completely empty tags, e.g. [code]<element \>[/code]). @@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ - Open a XML file for parsing. This returns an error code. + Opens an XML file for parsing. This returns an error code. @@ -118,14 +118,14 @@ - Open a XML raw buffer for parsing. This returns an error code. + Opens an XML raw buffer for parsing. This returns an error code. - Read the next node of the file. This returns an error code. + Reads the next node of the file. This returns an error code. @@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ - Move the buffer cursor to a certain offset (since the beginning) and read the next node there. This returns an error code. + Moves the buffer cursor to a certain offset (since the beginning) and read the next node there. This returns an error code. diff --git a/doc/classes/bool.xml b/doc/classes/bool.xml index 9ed029a500c..533963b4602 100644 --- a/doc/classes/bool.xml +++ b/doc/classes/bool.xml @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ - Boolean built-in type + Boolean built-in type. Boolean built-in type. @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ - Cast a [float] value to a boolean value, this method will return [code]true[/code] if called with a floating point value different to 0 and [code]false[/code] in other case. + Cast a [float] value to a boolean value, this method will return [code]true[/code] if called with a floating-point value different to 0 and [code]false[/code] in other case. @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ - Cast a [String] value to a boolean value, this method will return [code]true[/code] if called with a non empty string and [code]false[/code] in other case. Examples: [code]bool('False')[/code] returns [code]true[/code], [code]bool('')[/code] returns [code]false[/code]. + Cast a [String] value to a boolean value, this method will return [code]true[/code] if called with a non-empty string and [code]false[/code] in other case. Examples: [code]bool("False")[/code] returns [code]true[/code], [code]bool("")[/code] returns [code]false[/code]. diff --git a/doc/classes/float.xml b/doc/classes/float.xml index 506fb643e13..4c4ea831574 100644 --- a/doc/classes/float.xml +++ b/doc/classes/float.xml @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ - Cast a [bool] value to a floating point value, [code]float(true)[/code] will be equal to 1.0 and [code]float(false)[/code] will be equal to 0.0. + Cast a [bool] value to a floating-point value, [code]float(true)[/code] will be equal to 1.0 and [code]float(false)[/code] will be equal to 0.0. @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ - Cast an [int] value to a floating point value, [code]float(1)[/code] will be equal to 1.0. + Cast an [int] value to a floating-point value, [code]float(1)[/code] will be equal to 1.0. @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ - Cast a [String] value to a floating point value. This method accepts float value strings like [code]"1.23"[/code] and exponential notation strings for its parameter so calling [code]float("1e3")[/code] will return 1000.0 and calling [code]float("1e-3")[/code] will return 0.001. + Cast a [String] value to a floating-point value. This method accepts float value strings like [code]"1.23"[/code] and exponential notation strings for its parameter so calling [code]float("1e3")[/code] will return 1000.0 and calling [code]float("1e-3")[/code] will return 0.001. diff --git a/modules/enet/doc_classes/NetworkedMultiplayerENet.xml b/modules/enet/doc_classes/NetworkedMultiplayerENet.xml index 187e8d349d8..8a8511c0085 100644 --- a/modules/enet/doc_classes/NetworkedMultiplayerENet.xml +++ b/modules/enet/doc_classes/NetworkedMultiplayerENet.xml @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ - PacketPeer implementation using the ENet library. + PacketPeer implementation using the [url=http://enet.bespin.org/index.html]ENet[/url] library. A PacketPeer implementation that should be passed to [member SceneTree.network_peer] after being initialized as either a client or server. Events can then be handled by connecting to [SceneTree] signals. @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ - Create client that connects to a server at [code]address[/code] using specified [code]port[/code]. The given address needs to be either a fully qualified domain name (e.g. [code]www.example.com[/code]) or an IP address in IPv4 or IPv6 format (e.g. [code][/code]). The [code]port[/code] is the port the server is listening on. The [code]in_bandwidth[/code] and [code]out_bandwidth[/code] parameters can be used to limit the incoming and outgoing bandwidth to the given number of bytes per second. The default of 0 means unlimited bandwidth. Note that ENet will strategically drop packets on specific sides of a connection between peers to ensure the peer's bandwidth is not overwhelmed. The bandwidth parameters also determine the window size of a connection which limits the amount of reliable packets that may be in transit at any given time. Returns [constant OK] if a client was created, [constant ERR_ALREADY_IN_USE] if this NetworkedMultiplayerEnet instance already has an open connection (in which case you need to call [method close_connection] first) or [constant ERR_CANT_CREATE] if the client could not be created. If [code]client_port[/code] is specified, the client will also listen to the given port, this is useful in some NAT traversal technique. + Create client that connects to a server at [code]address[/code] using specified [code]port[/code]. The given address needs to be either a fully qualified domain name (e.g. [code]"www.example.com"[/code]) or an IP address in IPv4 or IPv6 format (e.g. [code]""[/code]). The [code]port[/code] is the port the server is listening on. The [code]in_bandwidth[/code] and [code]out_bandwidth[/code] parameters can be used to limit the incoming and outgoing bandwidth to the given number of bytes per second. The default of 0 means unlimited bandwidth. Note that ENet will strategically drop packets on specific sides of a connection between peers to ensure the peer's bandwidth is not overwhelmed. The bandwidth parameters also determine the window size of a connection which limits the amount of reliable packets that may be in transit at any given time. Returns [constant OK] if a client was created, [constant ERR_ALREADY_IN_USE] if this NetworkedMultiplayerENet instance already has an open connection (in which case you need to call [method close_connection] first) or [constant ERR_CANT_CREATE] if the client could not be created. If [code]client_port[/code] is specified, the client will also listen to the given port; this is useful for some NAT traversal techniques. @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ - Create server that listens to connections via [code]port[/code]. The port needs to be an available, unused port between 0 and 65535. Note that ports below 1024 are privileged and may require elevated permissions depending on the platform. To change the interface the server listens on, use [method set_bind_ip]. The default IP is the wildcard [code]*[/code], which listens on all available interfaces. [code]max_clients[/code] is the maximum number of clients that are allowed at once, any number up to 4096 may be used, although the achievable number of simultaneous clients may be far lower and depends on the application. For additional details on the bandwidth parameters, see [method create_client]. Returns [constant OK] if a server was created, [constant ERR_ALREADY_IN_USE] if this NetworkedMultiplayerEnet instance already has an open connection (in which case you need to call [method close_connection] first) or [constant ERR_CANT_CREATE] if the server could not be created. + Create server that listens to connections via [code]port[/code]. The port needs to be an available, unused port between 0 and 65535. Note that ports below 1024 are privileged and may require elevated permissions depending on the platform. To change the interface the server listens on, use [method set_bind_ip]. The default IP is the wildcard [code]"*"[/code], which listens on all available interfaces. [code]max_clients[/code] is the maximum number of clients that are allowed at once, any number up to 4096 may be used, although the achievable number of simultaneous clients may be far lower and depends on the application. For additional details on the bandwidth parameters, see [method create_client]. Returns [constant OK] if a server was created, [constant ERR_ALREADY_IN_USE] if this NetworkedMultiplayerENet instance already has an open connection (in which case you need to call [method close_connection] first) or [constant ERR_CANT_CREATE] if the server could not be created. @@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ - The IP used when creating a server. This is set to the wildcard [code]*[/code] by default, which binds to all available interfaces. The given IP needs to be in IPv4 or IPv6 address format, for example: [code][/code]. + The IP used when creating a server. This is set to the wildcard [code]"*"[/code] by default, which binds to all available interfaces. The given IP needs to be in IPv4 or IPv6 address format, for example: [code]""[/code]. @@ -113,27 +113,27 @@ The number of channels to be used by ENet. Default: [code]3[/code]. Channels are used to separate different kinds of data. In reliable or ordered mode, for example, the packet delivery order is ensured on a per channel basis. - The compression method used for network packets. Default is no compression. These have different tradeoffs of compression speed versus bandwidth, you may need to test which one works best for your use case if you use compression at all. + The compression method used for network packets. These have different tradeoffs of compression speed versus bandwidth, you may need to test which one works best for your use case if you use compression at all. Default value: [constant COMPRESS_NONE]. - Set the default channel to be used to transfer data. By default this value is [code]-1[/code] which means that ENet will only use 2 channels, one for reliable and one for unreliable packets. Channel [code]0[/code] is reserved, and cannot be used. Setting this member to any value between [code]0[/code] and [member channel_count] (excluded) will force ENet to use that channel for sending data. + Set the default channel to be used to transfer data. By default, this value is [code]-1[/code] which means that ENet will only use 2 channels, one for reliable and one for unreliable packets. Channel [code]0[/code] is reserved, and cannot be used. Setting this member to any value between [code]0[/code] and [member channel_count] (excluded) will force ENet to use that channel for sending data. - No compression. + No compression. This uses the most bandwidth, but has the upside of requiring the fewest CPU resources. - ENet's buildin range encoding. + ENet's built-in range encoding. - FastLZ compression. + [url=http://fastlz.org/]FastLZ[/url] compression. This option uses less CPU resources compared to [constant COMPRESS_ZLIB], at the expense of using more bandwidth. - zlib compression. + [url=https://www.zlib.net/]Zlib[/url] compression. This option uses less bandwidth compared to [constant COMPRESS_FASTLZ], at the expense of using more CPU resources. - ZStandard compression. + [url=https://facebook.github.io/zstd/]Zstandard[/url] compression. diff --git a/modules/gdnative/doc_classes/ARVRInterfaceGDNative.xml b/modules/gdnative/doc_classes/ARVRInterfaceGDNative.xml index efdb9486605..47c2ee33585 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/doc_classes/ARVRInterfaceGDNative.xml +++ b/modules/gdnative/doc_classes/ARVRInterfaceGDNative.xml @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ - GDNative wrapper for an ARVR interface + GDNative wrapper for an ARVR interface. - This is a wrapper class for GDNative implementations of the ARVR interface. To use a GDNative ARVR interface simply instantiate this object and set your GDNative library containing the ARVR interface implementation. + This is a wrapper class for GDNative implementations of the ARVR interface. To use a GDNative ARVR interface, simply instantiate this object and set your GDNative library containing the ARVR interface implementation. diff --git a/modules/gdscript/doc_classes/@GDScript.xml b/modules/gdscript/doc_classes/@GDScript.xml index 3eaee537893..3870a5ea7de 100644 --- a/modules/gdscript/doc_classes/@GDScript.xml +++ b/modules/gdscript/doc_classes/@GDScript.xml @@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ - Converts a 2D point expressed in the cartesian coordinate system (x and y axis) to the polar coordinate system (a distance from the origin and an angle). + Converts a 2D point expressed in the cartesian coordinate system (X and Y axis) to the polar coordinate system (a distance from the origin and an angle). @@ -173,10 +173,8 @@ Returns a character as a String of the given ASCII code. [codeblock] - # a is 'A' - a = char(65) - # a is 'a' - a = char(65 + 32) + a = char(65) # a is "A" + a = char(65 + 32) # a is "a" [/codeblock] @@ -210,14 +208,13 @@ - Converts from a type to another in the best way possible. The [code]type[/code] parameter uses the enum TYPE_* in [@GlobalScope]. + Converts from a type to another in the best way possible. The [code]type[/code] parameter uses the enum [code]TYPE_*[/code] in [@GlobalScope]. [codeblock] a = Vector2(1, 0) - # prints 1 + # Prints 1 print(a.length()) a = convert(a, TYPE_STRING) - # prints 6 - # (1, 0) is 6 characters + # Prints 6 as "(1, 0)" is 6 characters print(a.length()) [/codeblock] @@ -230,7 +227,7 @@ Returns the cosine of angle [code]s[/code] in radians. [codeblock] - # prints 1 and -1 + # Prints 1 then -1 print(cos(PI * 2)) print(cos(PI)) [/codeblock] @@ -244,7 +241,7 @@ Returns the hyperbolic cosine of [code]s[/code] in radians. [codeblock] - # prints 1.543081 + # Prints 1.543081 print(cosh(1)) [/codeblock] @@ -264,7 +261,7 @@ - Deprecated alias for "[method step_decimals]". + Deprecated alias for [method step_decimals]. @@ -326,7 +323,7 @@ The natural exponential function. It raises the mathematical constant [b]e[/b] to the power of [code]s[/code] and returns it. [b]e[/b] has an approximate value of 2.71828. [codeblock] - a = exp(2) # approximately 7.39 + a = exp(2) # Approximately 7.39 [/codeblock] @@ -355,7 +352,7 @@ Returns the floating-point remainder of [code]x/y[/code]. [codeblock] - # remainder is 1.5 + # Remainder is 1.5 var remainder = fmod(7, 5.5) [/codeblock] @@ -404,7 +401,7 @@ return("bar") a = funcref(self, "foo") - print(a.call_func()) # prints bar + print(a.call_func()) # Prints bar [/codeblock] @@ -437,7 +434,7 @@ Returns the integer hash of the variable passed. [codeblock] - print(hash("a")) # prints 177670 + print(hash("a")) # Prints 177670 [/codeblock] @@ -474,7 +471,7 @@ func _ready(): var id = get_instance_id() var inst = instance_from_id(id) - print(inst.foo) # prints bar + print(inst.foo) # Prints bar [/codeblock] @@ -490,7 +487,7 @@ Returns a normalized value considering the given range. [codeblock] - inverse_lerp(3, 5, 4) # returns 0.5 + inverse_lerp(3, 5, 4) # Returns 0.5 [/codeblock] @@ -551,7 +548,7 @@ [b]Note:[/b] Generates a fatal error if Variant can not provide a length. [codeblock] a = [1, 2, 3, 4] - len(a) # returns 4 + len(a) # Returns 4 [/codeblock] @@ -569,8 +566,8 @@ If the [code]from[/code] and [code]to[/code] arguments are of type [int] or [float], the return value is a [float]. If both are of the same vector type ([Vector2], [Vector3] or [Color]), the return value will be of the same type ([code]lerp[/code] then calls the vector type's [code]linear_interpolate[/code] method). [codeblock] - lerp(0, 4, 0.75) # returns 3.0 - lerp(Vector2(1, 5), Vector2(3, 2), 0.5) # returns Vector2(2, 3.5) + lerp(0, 4, 0.75) # Returns 3.0 + lerp(Vector2(1, 5), Vector2(3, 2), 0.5) # Returns Vector2(2, 3.5) [/codeblock] @@ -590,9 +587,9 @@ Loads a resource from the filesystem located at [code]path[/code]. - [b]Note:[/b] Resource paths can be obtained by right clicking on a resource in the Assets Panel and choosing "Copy Path". + [b]Note:[/b] Resource paths can be obtained by right-clicking on a resource in the FileSystem dock and choosing [b]Copy Path[/b]. [codeblock] - # load a scene called main located in the root of the project directory + # Load a scene called main located in the root of the project directory var main = load("res://main.tscn") [/codeblock] @@ -604,9 +601,9 @@ Natural logarithm. The amount of time needed to reach a certain level of continuous growth. - [b]Note:[/b] This is not the same as the log function on your calculator which is a base 10 logarithm. + [b]Note:[/b] This is not the same as the "log" function on most calculators, which uses a base 10 logarithm. [codeblock] - log(10) # returns 2.302585 + log(10) # Returns 2.302585 [/codeblock] @@ -620,8 +617,8 @@ Returns the maximum of two values. [codeblock] - max(1, 2) # returns 2 - max(-3.99, -4) # returns -3.99 + max(1, 2) # Returns 2 + max(-3.99, -4) # Returns -3.99 [/codeblock] @@ -635,8 +632,8 @@ Returns the minimum of two values. [codeblock] - min(1, 2) # returns 1 - min(-3.99, -4) # returns -4 + min(1, 2) # Returns 1 + min(-3.99, -4) # Returns -4 [/codeblock] @@ -653,7 +650,7 @@ Moves [code]from[/code] toward [code]to[/code] by the [code]delta[/code] value. Use a negative [code]delta[/code] value to move away. [codeblock] - move_toward(10, 5, 4) # returns 6 + move_toward(10, 5, 4) # Returns 6 [/codeblock] @@ -665,9 +662,9 @@ Returns the nearest larger power of 2 for integer [code]value[/code]. [codeblock] - nearest_po2(3) # returns 4 - nearest_po2(4) # returns 4 - nearest_po2(5) # returns 8 + nearest_po2(3) # Returns 4 + nearest_po2(4) # Returns 4 + nearest_po2(5) # Returns 8 [/codeblock] @@ -683,7 +680,7 @@ [codeblock] p = parse_json('["a", "b", "c"]') if typeof(p) == TYPE_ARRAY: - print(p[0]) # prints a + print(p[0]) # Prints a else: print("unexpected results") [/codeblock] @@ -697,7 +694,7 @@ - Converts a 2D point expressed in the polar coordinate system (a distance from the origin [code]r[/code] and an angle [code]th[/code]) to the cartesian coordinate system (x and y axis). + Converts a 2D point expressed in the polar coordinate system (a distance from the origin [code]r[/code] and an angle [code]th[/code]) to the cartesian coordinate system (X and Y axis). @@ -710,7 +707,7 @@ Returns the result of [code]x[/code] raised to the power of [code]y[/code]. [codeblock] - pow(2, 5) # returns 32 + pow(2, 5) # Returns 32 [/codeblock] @@ -723,7 +720,7 @@ Returns a resource from the filesystem that is loaded during script parsing. [b]Note:[/b] Resource paths can be obtained by right clicking on a resource in the Assets Panel and choosing "Copy Path". [codeblock] - # load a scene called main located in the root of the project directory + # Load a scene called main located in the root of the project directory var main = preload("res://main.tscn") [/codeblock] @@ -735,7 +732,7 @@ Converts one or more arguments to strings in the best way possible and prints them to the console. [codeblock] a = [1, 2, 3] - print("a", "b", a) # prints ab[1, 2, 3] + print("a", "b", a) # Prints ab[1, 2, 3] [/codeblock] @@ -775,7 +772,7 @@ [codeblock] printraw("A") printraw("B") - # prints AB + # Prints AB [/codeblock] @@ -785,7 +782,7 @@ Prints one or more arguments to the console with a space between each argument. [codeblock] - prints("A", "B", "C") # prints A B C + prints("A", "B", "C") # Prints A B C [/codeblock] @@ -795,7 +792,7 @@ Prints one or more arguments to the console with a tab between each argument. [codeblock] - printt("A", "B", "C") # prints A B C + printt("A", "B", "C") # Prints A B C [/codeblock] @@ -807,7 +804,7 @@ Pushes an error message to Godot's built-in debugger and to the OS terminal. [codeblock] - push_error("test error") # prints "test error" to debugger and terminal as error call + push_error("test error") # Prints "test error" to debugger and terminal as error call [/codeblock] @@ -819,7 +816,7 @@ Pushes a warning message to Godot's built-in debugger and to the OS terminal. [codeblock] - push_warning("test warning") # prints "test warning" to debugger and terminal as warning call + push_warning("test warning") # Prints "test warning" to debugger and terminal as warning call [/codeblock] @@ -831,7 +828,7 @@ Converts from radians to degrees. [codeblock] - rad2deg(0.523599) # returns 30 + rad2deg(0.523599) # Returns 30 [/codeblock] @@ -845,7 +842,7 @@ Random range, any floating point value between [code]from[/code] and [code]to[/code]. [codeblock] - prints(rand_range(0, 1), rand_range(0, 1)) # prints e.g. 0.135591 0.405263 + prints(rand_range(0, 1), rand_range(0, 1)) # Prints e.g. 0.135591 0.405263 [/codeblock] @@ -864,7 +861,7 @@ Returns a random floating point value on the interval [code][0, 1][/code]. [codeblock] - randf() # returns e.g. 0.375671 + randf() # Returns e.g. 0.375671 [/codeblock] @@ -874,10 +871,10 @@ Returns a random unsigned 32 bit integer. Use remainder to obtain a random value in the interval [code][0, N][/code] (where N is smaller than 2^32 -1). [codeblock] - randi() # returns random integer between 0 and 2^32 - 1 - randi() % 20 # returns random integer between 0 and 19 - randi() % 100 # returns random integer between 0 and 99 - randi() % 100 + 1 # returns random integer between 1 and 100 + randi() # Returns random integer between 0 and 2^32 - 1 + randi() % 20 # Returns random integer between 0 and 19 + randi() % 100 # Returns random integer between 0 and 99 + randi() % 100 + 1 # Returns random integer between 1 and 100 [/codeblock] @@ -938,7 +935,7 @@ Maps a [code]value[/code] from range [code][istart, istop][/code] to [code][ostart, ostop][/code]. [codeblock] - range_lerp(75, 0, 100, -1, 1) # returns 0.5 + range_lerp(75, 0, 100, -1, 1) # Returns 0.5 [/codeblock] @@ -950,7 +947,7 @@ Returns the integral value that is nearest to [code]s[/code], with halfway cases rounded away from zero. [codeblock] - round(2.6) # returns 3 + round(2.6) # Returns 3 [/codeblock] @@ -975,9 +972,9 @@ Returns the sign of [code]s[/code]: -1 or 1. Returns 0 if [code]s[/code] is 0. [codeblock] - sign(-6) # returns -1 - sign(0) # returns 0 - sign(6) # returns 1 + sign(-6) # Returns -1 + sign(0) # Returns 0 + sign(6) # Returns 1 [/codeblock] @@ -989,7 +986,7 @@ Returns the sine of angle [code]s[/code] in radians. [codeblock] - sin(0.523599) # returns 0.5 + sin(0.523599) # Returns 0.5 [/codeblock] @@ -1001,8 +998,8 @@ Returns the hyperbolic sine of [code]s[/code]. [codeblock] - a = log(2.0) # returns 0.693147 - sinh(a) # returns 0.75 + a = log(2.0) # Returns 0.693147 + sinh(a) # Returns 0.75 [/codeblock] @@ -1018,9 +1015,9 @@ Returns a number smoothly interpolated between the [code]from[/code] and [code]to[/code], based on the [code]weight[/code]. Similar to [method lerp], but interpolates faster at the beginning and slower at the end. [codeblock] - smoothstep(0, 2, 0.5) # returns 0.15 - smoothstep(0, 2, 1.0) # returns 0.5 - smoothstep(0, 2, 2.0) # returns 1.0 + smoothstep(0, 2, 0.5) # Returns 0.15 + smoothstep(0, 2, 1.0) # Returns 0.5 + smoothstep(0, 2, 2.0) # Returns 1.0 [/codeblock] @@ -1032,7 +1029,7 @@ Returns the square root of [code]s[/code]. [codeblock] - sqrt(9) # returns 3 + sqrt(9) # Returns 3 [/codeblock] @@ -1072,8 +1069,8 @@ [codeblock] var a = [10, 20, 30] var b = str(a); - len(a) # returns 3 - len(b) # returns 12 + len(a) # Returns 3 + len(b) # Returns 12 [/codeblock] @@ -1087,7 +1084,7 @@ [codeblock] a = '{ "a": 1, "b": 2 }' b = str2var(a) - print(b['a']) # prints 1 + print(b["a"]) # Prints 1 [/codeblock] @@ -1099,7 +1096,7 @@ Returns the tangent of angle [code]s[/code] in radians. [codeblock] - tan(deg2rad(45)) # returns 1 + tan(deg2rad(45)) # Returns 1 [/codeblock] @@ -1111,8 +1108,8 @@ Returns the hyperbolic tangent of [code]s[/code]. [codeblock] - a = log(2.0) # returns 0.693147 - tanh(a) # returns 0.6 + a = log(2.0) # Returns 0.693147 + tanh(a) # Returns 0.6 [/codeblock] @@ -1124,7 +1121,7 @@ Converts a Variant [code]var[/code] to JSON text and return the result. Useful for serializing data to store or send over the network. [codeblock] - a = { 'a': 1, 'b': 2 } + a = { "a": 1, "b": 2 } b = to_json(a) print(b) # {"a":1, "b":2} [/codeblock] @@ -1138,8 +1135,8 @@ Returns whether the given class exists in [ClassDB]. [codeblock] - type_exists("Sprite") # returns true - type_exists("Variant") # returns false + type_exists("Sprite") # Returns true + type_exists("Variant") # Returns false [/codeblock] @@ -1149,11 +1146,11 @@ - Returns the internal type of the given Variant object, using the TYPE_* enum in [@GlobalScope]. + Returns the internal type of the given Variant object, using the [code]TYPE_*[/code] enum in [@GlobalScope]. [codeblock] p = parse_json('["a", "b", "c"]') if typeof(p) == TYPE_ARRAY: - print(p[0]) # prints a + print(p[0]) # Prints a else: print("unexpected results") [/codeblock] @@ -1195,7 +1192,7 @@ Converts a Variant [code]var[/code] to a formatted string that can later be parsed using [method str2var]. [codeblock] - a = { 'a': 1, 'b': 2 } + a = { "a": 1, "b": 2 } print(var2str(a)) [/codeblock] prints @@ -1238,17 +1235,17 @@ a = wrapf(-0.5, 0.0, 10.0) [/codeblock] [codeblock] - # infinite loop between 0.0 and 0.99 + # Infinite loop between 0.0 and 0.99 f = wrapf(f + 0.1, 0.0, 1.0) [/codeblock] [codeblock] - # infinite rotation (in radians) + # Infinite rotation (in radians) angle = wrapf(angle + 0.1, 0.0, TAU) [/codeblock] - Note: If you just want to wrap between 0.0 and [code]n[/code] (where [code]n[/code] is a positive float value) then it's better for performance to use [method fmod] method like [code]fmod(number, n)[/code]. - The usage of [code]wrapf[/code] is more flexible than using the [method fmod] approach by giving the user a simple control over the minimum value. It also fully supports negative numbers, e.g. + [b]Note:[/b] If you just want to wrap between 0.0 and [code]n[/code] (where [code]n[/code] is a positive floating-point value), it is better for performance to use the [method fmod] method like [code]fmod(number, n)[/code]. + [code]wrapf[/code] is more flexible than using the [method fmod] approach by giving the user a simple control over the minimum value. It also fully supports negative numbers, e.g. [codeblock] - # infinite rotation (in radians) + # Infinite rotation (in radians) angle = wrapf(angle + 0.1, -PI, PI) [/codeblock] @@ -1274,11 +1271,11 @@ a = wrapi(-1, 0, 10) [/codeblock] [codeblock] - # infinite loop between 0 and 9 + # Infinite loop between 0 and 9 frame = wrapi(frame + 1, 0, 10) [/codeblock] - Note: If you just want to wrap between 0 and [code]n[/code] (where [code]n[/code] is a positive integer value) then it's better for performance to use modulo operator like [code]number % n[/code]. - The usage of [code]wrapi[/code] is more flexible than using the modulo approach by giving the user a simple control over the minimum value. It also fully supports negative numbers, e.g. + [b]Note:[/b] If you just want to wrap between 0 and [code]n[/code] (where [code]n[/code] is a positive integer value), it is better for performance to use the modulo operator like [code]number % n[/code]. + [code]wrapi[/code] is more flexible than using the modulo approach by giving the user a simple control over the minimum value. It also fully supports negative numbers, e.g. [codeblock] # result is -2 var result = wrapi(-6, -5, -1) diff --git a/modules/gridmap/doc_classes/GridMap.xml b/modules/gridmap/doc_classes/GridMap.xml index f8f9fc1af9e..951a49e0c1f 100644 --- a/modules/gridmap/doc_classes/GridMap.xml +++ b/modules/gridmap/doc_classes/GridMap.xml @@ -86,14 +86,14 @@ - Array of [Transform] and [Mesh] references corresponding to the non empty cells in the grid. The transforms are specified in world space. + Array of [Transform] and [Mesh] references corresponding to the non-empty cells in the grid. The transforms are specified in world space. - Array of [Vector3] with the non empty cell coordinates in the grid map. + Array of [Vector3] with the non-empty cell coordinates in the grid map. diff --git a/modules/mobile_vr/doc_classes/MobileVRInterface.xml b/modules/mobile_vr/doc_classes/MobileVRInterface.xml index 8876bcbe9d8..8cd63b304af 100644 --- a/modules/mobile_vr/doc_classes/MobileVRInterface.xml +++ b/modules/mobile_vr/doc_classes/MobileVRInterface.xml @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ - Generic mobile VR implementation + Generic mobile VR implementation. - This is a generic mobile VR implementation where you need to provide details about the phone and HMD used. It does not rely on any existing framework. This is the most basic interface we have. For the best effect you do need a mobile phone with a gyroscope and accelerometer. - Note that even though there is no positional tracking the camera will assume the headset is at a height of 1.85 meters, you can change this by setting [member eye_height]. + This is a generic mobile VR implementation where you need to provide details about the phone and HMD used. It does not rely on any existing framework. This is the most basic interface we have. For the best effect, you need a mobile phone with a gyroscope and accelerometer. + Note that even though there is no positional tracking, the camera will assume the headset is at a height of 1.85 meters. You can change this by setting [member eye_height]. You can initialise this interface as follows: [codeblock] var interface = ARVRServer.find_interface("Native mobile") diff --git a/modules/opensimplex/doc_classes/OpenSimplexNoise.xml b/modules/opensimplex/doc_classes/OpenSimplexNoise.xml index 894a1b3cedc..86acd4eaeaa 100644 --- a/modules/opensimplex/doc_classes/OpenSimplexNoise.xml +++ b/modules/opensimplex/doc_classes/OpenSimplexNoise.xml @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ Returns the 1D noise value [code][-1,1][/code] at the given x-coordinate. - Note: This method actually returns the 2D noise value [code][-1,1][/code] with fixed y-coordinate value 0.0. + [b]Note:[/b] This method actually returns the 2D noise value [code][-1,1][/code] with fixed y-coordinate value 0.0. @@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ - Generate a tileable noise image, based on the current noise parameters. Generated seamless images are always square ([code]size[/code] x [code]size[/code]). + Generate a tileable noise image, based on the current noise parameters. Generated seamless images are always square ([code]size[/code] × [code]size[/code]). diff --git a/modules/regex/doc_classes/RegEx.xml b/modules/regex/doc_classes/RegEx.xml index cc8205e4003..74b06039d47 100644 --- a/modules/regex/doc_classes/RegEx.xml +++ b/modules/regex/doc_classes/RegEx.xml @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Class for searching text for patterns using regular expressions. - Regular Expression (or regex) is a compact programming language that can be used to recognise strings that follow a specific pattern, such as URLs, email addresses, complete sentences, etc. For instance, a regex of [code]ab[0-9][/code] would find any string that is [code]ab[/code] followed by any number from [code]0[/code] to [code]9[/code]. For a more in-depth look, you can easily find various tutorials and detailed explanations on the Internet. + A regular expression (or regex) is a compact language that can be used to recognise strings that follow a specific pattern, such as URLs, email addresses, complete sentences, etc. For instance, a regex of [code]ab[0-9][/code] would find any string that is [code]ab[/code] followed by any number from [code]0[/code] to [code]9[/code]. For a more in-depth look, you can easily find various tutorials and detailed explanations on the Internet. To begin, the RegEx object needs to be compiled with the search pattern using [method compile] before it can be used. [codeblock] var regex = RegEx.new() @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ if result: print(result.get_string()) # Would print n-0123 [/codeblock] - The results of capturing groups [code]()[/code] can be retrieved by passing the group number to the various functions in [RegExMatch]. Group 0 is the default and would always refer to the entire pattern. In the above example, calling [code]result.get_string(1)[/code] would give you [code]0123[/code]. + The results of capturing groups [code]()[/code] can be retrieved by passing the group number to the various functions in [RegExMatch]. Group 0 is the default and will always refer to the entire pattern. In the above example, calling [code]result.get_string(1)[/code] would give you [code]0123[/code]. This version of RegEx also supports named capturing groups, and the names can be used to retrieve the results. If two or more groups have the same name, the name would only refer to the first one with a match. [codeblock] var regex = RegEx.new() @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ if result: print(result.get_string("digit")) # Would print 2f [/codeblock] - If you need to process multiple results, [method search_all] generates a list of all non-overlapping results. This can be combined with a for-loop for convenience. + If you need to process multiple results, [method search_all] generates a list of all non-overlapping results. This can be combined with a [code]for[/code] loop for convenience. [codeblock] for result in regex.search_all("d01, d03, d0c, x3f and x42"): print(result.get_string("digit")) @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ - This method resets the state of the object, as it was freshly created. Namely, it unassigns the regular expression of this object. + This method resets the state of the object, as if it was freshly created. Namely, it unassigns the regular expression of this object. @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ - Compiles and assign the search pattern to use. Returns OK if the compilation is successful. If an error is encountered the details are printed to STDOUT and FAILED is returned. + Compiles and assign the search pattern to use. Returns [constant OK] if the compilation is successful. If an error is encountered, details are printed to standard output and an error is returned. @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ - Searches the text for the compiled pattern. Returns a [RegExMatch] container of the first matching result if found, otherwise null. The region to search within can be specified without modifying where the start and end anchor would be. + Searches the text for the compiled pattern. Returns a [RegExMatch] container of the first matching result if found, otherwise [code]null[/code]. The region to search within can be specified without modifying where the start and end anchor would be. @@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ - Searches the text for the compiled pattern. Returns an array of [RegExMatch] containers for each non-overlapping result. If no results were found an empty array is returned instead. The region to search within can be specified without modifying where the start and end anchor would be. + Searches the text for the compiled pattern. Returns an array of [RegExMatch] containers for each non-overlapping result. If no results were found, an empty array is returned instead. The region to search within can be specified without modifying where the start and end anchor would be. @@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ - Searches the text for the compiled pattern and replaces it with the specified string. Escapes and backreferences such as [code]$1[/code] and [code]$name[/code] are expanded and resolved. By default only the first instance is replaced but it can be changed for all instances (global replacement). The region to search within can be specified without modifying where the start and end anchor would be. + Searches the text for the compiled pattern and replaces it with the specified string. Escapes and backreferences such as [code]$1[/code] and [code]$name[/code] are expanded and resolved. By default, only the first instance is replaced, but it can be changed for all instances (global replacement). The region to search within can be specified without modifying where the start and end anchor would be. diff --git a/modules/regex/doc_classes/RegExMatch.xml b/modules/regex/doc_classes/RegExMatch.xml index 245201006d3..398d2ee3b66 100644 --- a/modules/regex/doc_classes/RegExMatch.xml +++ b/modules/regex/doc_classes/RegExMatch.xml @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ - Contains the results of a regex search. + Contains the results of a [RegEx] search. - Contains the results of a single regex match returned by [method RegEx.search] and [method RegEx.search_all]. It can be used to find the position and range of the match and its capturing groups, and it can extract its sub-string for you. + Contains the results of a single [RegEx] match returned by [method RegEx.search] and [method RegEx.search_all]. It can be used to find the position and range of the match and its capturing groups, and it can extract its substring for you. diff --git a/modules/visual_script/doc_classes/VisualScript.xml b/modules/visual_script/doc_classes/VisualScript.xml index 8f0d881f30e..0d950751523 100644 --- a/modules/visual_script/doc_classes/VisualScript.xml +++ b/modules/visual_script/doc_classes/VisualScript.xml @@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ - Returns the info for a given variable as a dictionary. The information includes its name, type, hint and usage. + Returns the information for a given variable as a dictionary. The information includes its name, type, hint and usage. diff --git a/modules/visual_script/doc_classes/VisualScriptBuiltinFunc.xml b/modules/visual_script/doc_classes/VisualScriptBuiltinFunc.xml index b88d2890e12..7add0bc2ba0 100644 --- a/modules/visual_script/doc_classes/VisualScriptBuiltinFunc.xml +++ b/modules/visual_script/doc_classes/VisualScriptBuiltinFunc.xml @@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ Moves the number toward a value, based on the third input. - Return the result of 'value' decreased by 'step' * 'amount'. + Return the result of [code]value[/code] decreased by [code]step[/code] * [code]amount[/code]. Randomize the seed (or the internal state) of the random number generator. Current implementation reseeds using a number based on time. @@ -139,10 +139,10 @@ Convert the input from decibel volume to linear volume. - Converts a 2D point expressed in the polar coordinate system (a distance from the origin [code]r[/code] and an angle [code]th[/code]) to the cartesian coordinate system (x and y axis). + Converts a 2D point expressed in the polar coordinate system (a distance from the origin [code]r[/code] and an angle [code]th[/code]) to the cartesian coordinate system (X and Y axis). - Converts a 2D point expressed in the cartesian coordinate system (x and y axis) to the polar coordinate system (a distance from the origin and an angle). + Converts a 2D point expressed in the cartesian coordinate system (X and Y axis) to the polar coordinate system (a distance from the origin and an angle). @@ -203,7 +203,8 @@ Deserialize a [Variant] from a [PoolByteArray] serialized using [constant VAR_TO_BYTES]. - Return the [Color] with the given name and alpha ranging from 0 to 1. Note: names are defined in color_names.inc. + Return the [Color] with the given name and alpha ranging from 0 to 1 + [b]Note:[/b] Names are defined in [code]color_names.inc[/code]. Return a number smoothly interpolated between the first two inputs, based on the third input. Similar to [constant MATH_LERP], but interpolates faster at the beginning and slower at the end. Using Hermite interpolation formula: diff --git a/modules/visual_script/doc_classes/VisualScriptCustomNode.xml b/modules/visual_script/doc_classes/VisualScriptCustomNode.xml index cd3a663e810..b079653591b 100644 --- a/modules/visual_script/doc_classes/VisualScriptCustomNode.xml +++ b/modules/visual_script/doc_classes/VisualScriptCustomNode.xml @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ - Return the specified input port's type. See the TYPE_* enum in [@GlobalScope]. + Return the specified input port's type. See the [code]TYPE_*[/code] enum in [@GlobalScope]. @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ - Return the specified output's type. See the TYPE_* enum in [@GlobalScope]. + Return the specified output's type. See the [code]TYPE_*[/code] enum in [@GlobalScope]. @@ -125,9 +125,9 @@ Execute the custom node's logic, returning the index of the output sequence port to use or a [String] when there is an error. The [code]inputs[/code] array contains the values of the input ports. [code]outputs[/code] is an array whose indices should be set to the respective outputs. - The [code]start_mode[/code] is usually [constant START_MODE_BEGIN_SEQUENCE], unless you have used the STEP_* constants. + The [code]start_mode[/code] is usually [constant START_MODE_BEGIN_SEQUENCE], unless you have used the [code]STEP_*[/code] constants. [code]working_mem[/code] is an array which can be used to persist information between runs of the custom node. - When returning, you can mask the returned value with one of the STEP_* constants. + When returning, you can mask the returned value with one of the [code]STEP_*[/code] constants. diff --git a/modules/visual_script/doc_classes/VisualScriptSwitch.xml b/modules/visual_script/doc_classes/VisualScriptSwitch.xml index 35929b16ac5..3e3b88ebe00 100644 --- a/modules/visual_script/doc_classes/VisualScriptSwitch.xml +++ b/modules/visual_script/doc_classes/VisualScriptSwitch.xml @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Branches program flow based on a given input's value. - Branches the flow based on an input's value. Use "Case Count" in the Inspector to set the number of branches and each comparison's optional type. + Branches the flow based on an input's value. Use [b]Case Count[/b] in the Inspector to set the number of branches and each comparison's optional type. [b]Input Ports:[/b] - Sequence: [code]'input' is[/code] - Data (variant): [code]=[/code] diff --git a/modules/webrtc/doc_classes/WebRTCPeerConnection.xml b/modules/webrtc/doc_classes/WebRTCPeerConnection.xml index 4c2938d0db7..26082d73a8d 100644 --- a/modules/webrtc/doc_classes/WebRTCPeerConnection.xml +++ b/modules/webrtc/doc_classes/WebRTCPeerConnection.xml @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ "protocol": "my-custom-protocol", # A custom sub-protocol string for this channel. } [/codeblock] - NOTE: You must keep a reference to channels created this way, or it will be closed. + [b]Note:[/b] You must keep a reference to channels created this way, or it will be closed. @@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ The connection is new, data channels and an offer can be created in this state. - The peer is connecting, ICE is in progress, non of the transports has failed. + The peer is connecting, ICE is in progress, none of the transports has failed. The peer is connected, all ICE transports are connected. diff --git a/modules/websocket/doc_classes/WebSocketClient.xml b/modules/websocket/doc_classes/WebSocketClient.xml index 26122dfad40..0d425ad1dd4 100644 --- a/modules/websocket/doc_classes/WebSocketClient.xml +++ b/modules/websocket/doc_classes/WebSocketClient.xml @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ - A WebSocket client implementation + A WebSocket client implementation. - This class implements a WebSocket client compatible with any RFC 6455 complaint WebSocket server. + This class implements a WebSocket client compatible with any RFC 6455-compliant WebSocket server. This client can be optionally used as a network peer for the [MultiplayerAPI]. After starting the client ([method connect_to_url]), you will need to [method NetworkedMultiplayerPeer.poll] it at regular intervals (e.g. inside [method Node._process]). - You will received appropriate signals when connecting, disconnecting, or when new data is available. + You will receive appropriate signals when connecting, disconnecting, or when new data is available. @@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ - Connect to the given URL requesting one of the given [code]protocols[/code] as sub-protocol. - If [code]true[/code] is passed as [code]gd_mp_api[/code], the client will behave like a network peer for the [MultiplayerAPI], connections to non Godot servers will not work, and [signal data_received] will not be emitted. + Connects to the given URL requesting one of the given [code]protocols[/code] as sub-protocol. + If [code]true[/code] is passed as [code]gd_mp_api[/code], the client will behave like a network peer for the [MultiplayerAPI], connections to non-Godot servers will not work, and [signal data_received] will not be emitted. If [code]false[/code] is passed instead (default), you must call [PacketPeer] functions ([code]put_packet[/code], [code]get_packet[/code], etc.) on the [WebSocketPeer] returned via [code]get_peer(1)[/code] and not on this object directly (e.g. [code]get_peer(1).put_packet(data)[/code]). @@ -35,13 +35,14 @@ - Disconnect this client from the connected host. See [method WebSocketPeer.close] for more info. + Disconnects this client from the connected host. See [method WebSocketPeer.close] for more information. - Enable or disable SSL certificate verification. Note: You must specify the certificates to be used in the project settings for it to work when exported. + If [code]true[/code], SSL certificate verification is enabled. + [b]Note:[/b] You must specify the certificates to be used in the Project Settings for it to work when exported. @@ -66,7 +67,8 @@ - Emitted when a WebSocket message is received. Note: This signal is NOT emitted when used as high level multiplayer peer. + Emitted when a WebSocket message is received. + [b]Note:[/b] This signal is [i]not[/i] emitted when used as high-level multiplayer peer. diff --git a/modules/websocket/doc_classes/WebSocketMultiplayerPeer.xml b/modules/websocket/doc_classes/WebSocketMultiplayerPeer.xml index 103dbd771b8..b80a28e6482 100644 --- a/modules/websocket/doc_classes/WebSocketMultiplayerPeer.xml +++ b/modules/websocket/doc_classes/WebSocketMultiplayerPeer.xml @@ -30,10 +30,10 @@ - Configure the buffers sizes for this WebSocket peer. Default values can be specified in project settings under [code]network/limits[/code]. For server, values are meant per connected peer. + Configures the buffer sizes for this WebSocket peer. Default values can be specified in the Project Settings under [code]network/limits[/code]. For server, values are meant per connected peer. The first two parameters define the size and queued packets limits of the input buffer, the last two of the output buffer. Buffer sizes are expressed in KiB, so [code]4 = 2^12 = 4096 bytes[/code]. All parameters will be rounded up to the nearest power of two. - NOTE: HTML5 exports only use the input buffer since the output one is managed by browsers. + [b]Note:[/b] HTML5 exports only use the input buffer since the output one is managed by browsers. @@ -42,7 +42,8 @@ - Emitted when a packet is received from a peer. Note: this signal is only emitted when the client or server is configured to use Godot multiplayer API. + Emitted when a packet is received from a peer. + [b]Note:[/b] This signal is only emitted when the client or server is configured to use Godot multiplayer API. diff --git a/modules/websocket/doc_classes/WebSocketPeer.xml b/modules/websocket/doc_classes/WebSocketPeer.xml index 8a6868d3117..dd95f7432e5 100644 --- a/modules/websocket/doc_classes/WebSocketPeer.xml +++ b/modules/websocket/doc_classes/WebSocketPeer.xml @@ -18,30 +18,32 @@ - Close this WebSocket connection. [code]code[/code] is the status code for the closure (see RFC6455 section 7.4 for a list of valid status codes). [code]reason[/code] is the human readable reason for closing the connection (can be any UTF8 string, must be less than 123 bytes). - Note: To achieve a clean close, you will need to keep polling until either [signal WebSocketClient.connection_closed] or [signal WebSocketServer.client_disconnected] is received. - Note: HTML5 export might not support all status codes. Please refer to browsers-specific documentation for more details. + Closes this WebSocket connection. [code]code[/code] is the status code for the closure (see RFC 6455 section 7.4 for a list of valid status codes). [code]reason[/code] is the human readable reason for closing the connection (can be any UTF-8 string that's smaller than 123 bytes). + [b]Note:[/b] To achieve a clean close, you will need to keep polling until either [signal WebSocketClient.connection_closed] or [signal WebSocketServer.client_disconnected] is received. + [b]Note:[/b] The HTML5 export might not support all status codes. Please refer to browser-specific documentation for more details. - Returns the IP Address of the connected peer. (Not available in HTML5 export) + Returns the IP address of the connected peer. + [b]Note:[/b] Not available in the HTML5 export. - Returns the remote port of the connected peer. (Not available in HTML5 export) + Returns the remote port of the connected peer. + [b]Note:[/b] Not available in the HTML5 export. - Get the current selected write mode. See [enum WriteMode]. + Gets the current selected write mode. See [enum WriteMode]. @@ -70,10 +72,10 @@ - Specify that WebSockets messages should be transferred as text payload (only valid UTF-8 is allowed). + Specifies that WebSockets messages should be transferred as text payload (only valid UTF-8 is allowed). - Specify that WebSockets messages should be transferred as binary payload (any byte combination is allowed). + Specifies that WebSockets messages should be transferred as binary payload (any byte combination is allowed). diff --git a/modules/websocket/doc_classes/WebSocketServer.xml b/modules/websocket/doc_classes/WebSocketServer.xml index 5c4647b1cec..1af5e403e64 100644 --- a/modules/websocket/doc_classes/WebSocketServer.xml +++ b/modules/websocket/doc_classes/WebSocketServer.xml @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ - A WebSocket server implementation + A WebSocket server implementation. - This class implements a WebSocket server that can also support the high level multiplayer API. + This class implements a WebSocket server that can also support the high-level multiplayer API. After starting the server ([method listen]), you will need to [method NetworkedMultiplayerPeer.poll] it at regular intervals (e.g. inside [method Node._process]). When clients connect, disconnect, or send data, you will receive the appropriate signal. - Note: This class will not work in HTML5 exports due to browser restrictions. + [b]Note:[/b] This class will not work in HTML5 exports due to browser restrictions. @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ - Disconnects the peer identified by [code]id[/code] from the server. See [method WebSocketPeer.close] for more info. + Disconnects the peer identified by [code]id[/code] from the server. See [method WebSocketPeer.close] for more information. @@ -68,9 +68,9 @@ - Start listening on the given port. + Starts listening on the given port. You can specify the desired subprotocols via the "protocols" array. If the list empty (default), "binary" will be used. - If [code]true[/code] is passed as [code]gd_mp_api[/code], the server will behave like a network peer for the [MultiplayerAPI], connections from non Godot clients will not work, and [signal data_received] will not be emitted. + If [code]true[/code] is passed as [code]gd_mp_api[/code], the server will behave like a network peer for the [MultiplayerAPI], connections from non-Godot clients will not work, and [signal data_received] will not be emitted. If [code]false[/code] is passed instead (default), you must call [PacketPeer] functions ([code]put_packet[/code], [code]get_packet[/code], etc.), on the [WebSocketPeer] returned via [code]get_peer(id)[/code] to communicate with the peer with given [code]id[/code] (e.g. [code]get_peer(id).get_available_packet_count[/code]). @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ - Stop the server and clear its state. + Stops the server and clear its state. @@ -116,7 +116,8 @@ - Emitted when a new message is received. Note: This signal is NOT emitted when used as high level multiplayer peer. + Emitted when a new message is received. + [b]Note:[/b] This signal is [i]not[/i] emitted when used as high-level multiplayer peer.