Produce an error when a class has the same name as a Singleton

If you somehow end up with a that looks like this:

	extends Node

	class_name Singleton

	func foo():

You will get an error when using it in another file:

	extends Node2D

	func _init():
	    # Parser Error: Non-static function "foo" can only be called from an instance.

This error is confusing. This patch ensures that an error on the class_name line will be produced:

    Parse Error: The class "Singleton" conflicts with the AutoLoad singleton of the same name, and is therefore redundant. Remove the class_name declaration to fix this error.

Fixes #28187.
This commit is contained in:
Mitch Curtis 2019-09-03 20:23:27 +02:00
parent 750f8d4926
commit 8f5ffeeacc

View file

@ -3533,6 +3533,15 @@ void GDScriptParser::_parse_class(ClassNode *p_class) {
if (p_class->classname_used && ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->has_setting("autoload/" + p_class->name)) {
const String autoload_path = ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get_setting("autoload/" + p_class->name);
if (autoload_path.begins_with("*")) {
// It's a singleton, and not just a regular AutoLoad script.
_set_error("The class \"" + p_class->name + "\" conflicts with the AutoLoad singleton of the same name, and is therefore redundant. Remove the class_name declaration to fix this error.");
if (tokenizer->get_token() == GDScriptTokenizer::TK_COMMA) {