Added polygon antialiasing, but it does not work on nvidia. Will have to try something else..
This commit is contained in:
11 changed files with 46 additions and 15 deletions
@ -691,6 +691,13 @@ void RasterizerCanvasGLES3::_canvas_item_render_commands(Item *p_item, Item *cur
state.canvas_shader.set_uniform(CanvasShaderGLES3::COLOR_TEXPIXEL_SIZE, texpixel_size);
_draw_polygon(polygon->indices.ptr(), polygon->count, polygon->points.size(), polygon->points.ptr(), polygon->uvs.ptr(), polygon->colors.ptr(), polygon->colors.size() == 1);
if (polygon->antialiased) {
_draw_generic(GL_LINE_LOOP, polygon->points.size(), polygon->points.ptr(), polygon->uvs.ptr(), polygon->colors.ptr(), polygon->colors.size() == 1);
} break;
case Item::Command::TYPE_PARTICLES: {
@ -734,7 +734,7 @@ void CanvasItem::draw_set_transform_matrix(const Transform2D &p_matrix) {
VisualServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_set_transform(canvas_item, p_matrix);
void CanvasItem::draw_polygon(const Vector<Point2> &p_points, const Vector<Color> &p_colors, const Vector<Point2> &p_uvs, Ref<Texture> p_texture, const Ref<Texture> &p_normal_map) {
void CanvasItem::draw_polygon(const Vector<Point2> &p_points, const Vector<Color> &p_colors, const Vector<Point2> &p_uvs, Ref<Texture> p_texture, const Ref<Texture> &p_normal_map, bool p_antialiased) {
if (!drawing) {
ERR_EXPLAIN("Drawing is only allowed inside NOTIFICATION_DRAW, _draw() function or 'draw' signal.");
@ -744,10 +744,10 @@ void CanvasItem::draw_polygon(const Vector<Point2> &p_points, const Vector<Color
RID rid = p_texture.is_valid() ? p_texture->get_rid() : RID();
RID rid_normal = p_normal_map.is_valid() ? p_normal_map->get_rid() : RID();
VisualServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_polygon(canvas_item, p_points, p_colors, p_uvs, rid, rid_normal);
VisualServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_polygon(canvas_item, p_points, p_colors, p_uvs, rid, rid_normal, p_antialiased);
void CanvasItem::draw_colored_polygon(const Vector<Point2> &p_points, const Color &p_color, const Vector<Point2> &p_uvs, Ref<Texture> p_texture, const Ref<Texture> &p_normal_map) {
void CanvasItem::draw_colored_polygon(const Vector<Point2> &p_points, const Color &p_color, const Vector<Point2> &p_uvs, Ref<Texture> p_texture, const Ref<Texture> &p_normal_map, bool p_antialiased) {
if (!drawing) {
ERR_EXPLAIN("Drawing is only allowed inside NOTIFICATION_DRAW, _draw() function or 'draw' signal.");
@ -759,7 +759,7 @@ void CanvasItem::draw_colored_polygon(const Vector<Point2> &p_points, const Colo
RID rid = p_texture.is_valid() ? p_texture->get_rid() : RID();
RID rid_normal = p_normal_map.is_valid() ? p_normal_map->get_rid() : RID();
VisualServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_polygon(canvas_item, p_points, colors, p_uvs, rid, rid_normal);
VisualServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_polygon(canvas_item, p_points, colors, p_uvs, rid, rid_normal, p_antialiased);
void CanvasItem::draw_string(const Ref<Font> &p_font, const Point2 &p_pos, const String &p_text, const Color &p_modulate, int p_clip_w) {
@ -985,8 +985,8 @@ void CanvasItem::_bind_methods() {
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("draw_texture_rect_region", "texture", "rect", "src_rect", "modulate", "transpose", "normal_map", "clip_uv"), &CanvasItem::draw_texture_rect_region, DEFVAL(Color(1, 1, 1)), DEFVAL(false), DEFVAL(Variant()), DEFVAL(true));
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("draw_style_box", "style_box", "rect"), &CanvasItem::draw_style_box);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("draw_primitive", "points", "colors", "uvs", "texture", "width", "normal_map"), &CanvasItem::draw_primitive, DEFVAL(Variant()), DEFVAL(1.0), DEFVAL(Variant()));
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("draw_polygon", "points", "colors", "uvs", "texture", "normal_map"), &CanvasItem::draw_polygon, DEFVAL(PoolVector2Array()), DEFVAL(Variant()), DEFVAL(Variant()));
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("draw_colored_polygon", "points", "color", "uvs", "texture", "normal_map"), &CanvasItem::draw_colored_polygon, DEFVAL(PoolVector2Array()), DEFVAL(Variant()), DEFVAL(Variant()));
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("draw_polygon", "points", "colors", "uvs", "texture", "normal_map", "antialiased"), &CanvasItem::draw_polygon, DEFVAL(PoolVector2Array()), DEFVAL(Variant()), DEFVAL(Variant()), DEFVAL(false));
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("draw_colored_polygon", "points", "color", "uvs", "texture", "normal_map", "antialiased"), &CanvasItem::draw_colored_polygon, DEFVAL(PoolVector2Array()), DEFVAL(Variant()), DEFVAL(Variant()), DEFVAL(false));
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("draw_string", "font", "pos", "text", "modulate", "clip_w"), &CanvasItem::draw_string, DEFVAL(Color(1, 1, 1)), DEFVAL(-1));
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("draw_char", "font", "pos", "char", "next", "modulate"), &CanvasItem::draw_char, DEFVAL(Color(1, 1, 1)));
@ -251,8 +251,8 @@ public:
void draw_texture_rect_region(const Ref<Texture> &p_texture, const Rect2 &p_rect, const Rect2 &p_src_rect, const Color &p_modulate = Color(1, 1, 1), bool p_transpose = false, const Ref<Texture> &p_normal_map = Ref<Texture>(), bool p_clip_uv = true);
void draw_style_box(const Ref<StyleBox> &p_style_box, const Rect2 &p_rect);
void draw_primitive(const Vector<Point2> &p_points, const Vector<Color> &p_colors, const Vector<Point2> &p_uvs, Ref<Texture> p_texture = Ref<Texture>(), float p_width = 1, const Ref<Texture> &p_normal_map = Ref<Texture>());
void draw_polygon(const Vector<Point2> &p_points, const Vector<Color> &p_colors, const Vector<Point2> &p_uvs = Vector<Point2>(), Ref<Texture> p_texture = Ref<Texture>(), const Ref<Texture> &p_normal_map = Ref<Texture>());
void draw_colored_polygon(const Vector<Point2> &p_points, const Color &p_color, const Vector<Point2> &p_uvs = Vector<Point2>(), Ref<Texture> p_texture = Ref<Texture>(), const Ref<Texture> &p_normal_map = Ref<Texture>());
void draw_polygon(const Vector<Point2> &p_points, const Vector<Color> &p_colors, const Vector<Point2> &p_uvs = Vector<Point2>(), Ref<Texture> p_texture = Ref<Texture>(), const Ref<Texture> &p_normal_map = Ref<Texture>(), bool p_antialiased = false);
void draw_colored_polygon(const Vector<Point2> &p_points, const Color &p_color, const Vector<Point2> &p_uvs = Vector<Point2>(), Ref<Texture> p_texture = Ref<Texture>(), const Ref<Texture> &p_normal_map = Ref<Texture>(), bool p_antialiased = false);
void draw_string(const Ref<Font> &p_font, const Point2 &p_pos, const String &p_text, const Color &p_modulate = Color(1, 1, 1), int p_clip_w = -1);
float draw_char(const Ref<Font> &p_font, const Point2 &p_pos, const String &p_char, const String &p_next = "", const Color &p_modulate = Color(1, 1, 1));
@ -176,9 +176,10 @@ void Polygon2D::_notification(int p_what) {
Vector<int> indices = Geometry::triangulate_polygon(points);
// Vector<int> indices = Geometry::triangulate_polygon(points);
// VS::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_triangle_array(get_canvas_item(), indices, points, colors, uvs, texture.is_valid() ? texture->get_rid() : RID());
VS::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_triangle_array(get_canvas_item(), indices, points, colors, uvs, texture.is_valid() ? texture->get_rid() : RID());
VS::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_polygon(get_canvas_item(), points, colors, uvs, texture.is_valid() ? texture->get_rid() : RID(), RID(), antialiased);
} break;
@ -294,6 +295,16 @@ bool Polygon2D::get_invert() const {
return invert;
void Polygon2D::set_antialiased(bool p_antialiased) {
antialiased = p_antialiased;
bool Polygon2D::get_antialiased() const {
return antialiased;
void Polygon2D::set_invert_border(float p_invert_border) {
invert_border = p_invert_border;
@ -348,6 +359,9 @@ void Polygon2D::_bind_methods() {
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_invert", "invert"), &Polygon2D::set_invert);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_invert"), &Polygon2D::get_invert);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_antialiased", "antialiased"), &Polygon2D::set_antialiased);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_antialiased"), &Polygon2D::get_antialiased);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_invert_border", "invert_border"), &Polygon2D::set_invert_border);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_invert_border"), &Polygon2D::get_invert_border);
@ -359,6 +373,7 @@ void Polygon2D::_bind_methods() {
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::COLOR, "color"), "set_color", "get_color");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::POOL_COLOR_ARRAY, "vertex_colors"), "set_vertex_colors", "get_vertex_colors");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::VECTOR2, "offset"), "set_offset", "get_offset");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "antialiased"), "set_antialiased", "get_antialiased");
ADD_GROUP("Texture", "");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::OBJECT, "texture", PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE, "Texture"), "set_texture", "get_texture");
ADD_GROUP("Texture", "texture_");
@ -375,6 +390,7 @@ Polygon2D::Polygon2D() {
invert = 0;
invert_border = 100;
antialiased = false;
tex_rot = 0;
tex_tile = true;
tex_scale = Vector2(1, 1);
@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ class Polygon2D : public Node2D {
float tex_rot;
bool invert;
float invert_border;
bool antialiased;
Vector2 offset;
mutable bool rect_cache_dirty;
@ -87,6 +88,9 @@ public:
void set_invert(bool p_invert);
bool get_invert() const;
void set_antialiased(bool p_antialiased);
bool get_antialiased() const;
void set_invert_border(float p_invert_border);
float get_invert_border() const;
@ -712,6 +712,7 @@ public:
RID texture;
RID normal_map;
int count;
bool antialiased;
CommandPolygon() {
@ -632,7 +632,7 @@ void VisualServerCanvas::canvas_item_add_primitive(RID p_item, const Vector<Poin
void VisualServerCanvas::canvas_item_add_polygon(RID p_item, const Vector<Point2> &p_points, const Vector<Color> &p_colors, const Vector<Point2> &p_uvs, RID p_texture, RID p_normal_map) {
void VisualServerCanvas::canvas_item_add_polygon(RID p_item, const Vector<Point2> &p_points, const Vector<Color> &p_colors, const Vector<Point2> &p_uvs, RID p_texture, RID p_normal_map, bool p_antialiased) {
Item *canvas_item = canvas_item_owner.getornull(p_item);
@ -661,6 +661,7 @@ void VisualServerCanvas::canvas_item_add_polygon(RID p_item, const Vector<Point2
polygon->colors = p_colors;
polygon->indices = indices;
polygon->count = indices.size();
polygon->antialiased = p_antialiased;
canvas_item->rect_dirty = true;
@ -745,6 +746,7 @@ void VisualServerCanvas::canvas_item_add_particles(RID p_item, RID p_particles,
//take the chance and request processing for them, at least once until they become visible again
canvas_item->rect_dirty = true;
@ -758,6 +760,7 @@ void VisualServerCanvas::canvas_item_add_multimesh(RID p_item, RID p_mesh, RID p
mm->multimesh = p_mesh;
mm->skeleton = p_skeleton;
canvas_item->rect_dirty = true;
@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ public:
void canvas_item_add_texture_rect_region(RID p_item, const Rect2 &p_rect, RID p_texture, const Rect2 &p_src_rect, const Color &p_modulate = Color(1, 1, 1), bool p_transpose = false, RID p_normal_map = RID(), bool p_clip_uv = true);
void canvas_item_add_nine_patch(RID p_item, const Rect2 &p_rect, const Rect2 &p_source, RID p_texture, const Vector2 &p_topleft, const Vector2 &p_bottomright, VS::NinePatchAxisMode p_x_axis_mode = VS::NINE_PATCH_STRETCH, VS::NinePatchAxisMode p_y_axis_mode = VS::NINE_PATCH_STRETCH, bool p_draw_center = true, const Color &p_modulate = Color(1, 1, 1), RID p_normal_map = RID());
void canvas_item_add_primitive(RID p_item, const Vector<Point2> &p_points, const Vector<Color> &p_colors, const Vector<Point2> &p_uvs, RID p_texture, float p_width = 1.0, RID p_normal_map = RID());
void canvas_item_add_polygon(RID p_item, const Vector<Point2> &p_points, const Vector<Color> &p_colors, const Vector<Point2> &p_uvs = Vector<Point2>(), RID p_texture = RID(), RID p_normal_map = RID());
void canvas_item_add_polygon(RID p_item, const Vector<Point2> &p_points, const Vector<Color> &p_colors, const Vector<Point2> &p_uvs = Vector<Point2>(), RID p_texture = RID(), RID p_normal_map = RID(), bool p_antialiased = false);
void canvas_item_add_triangle_array(RID p_item, const Vector<int> &p_indices, const Vector<Point2> &p_points, const Vector<Color> &p_colors, const Vector<Point2> &p_uvs = Vector<Point2>(), RID p_texture = RID(), int p_count = -1, RID p_normal_map = RID());
void canvas_item_add_mesh(RID p_item, const RID &p_mesh, RID p_skeleton = RID());
void canvas_item_add_multimesh(RID p_item, RID p_mesh, RID p_skeleton = RID());
@ -1059,7 +1059,7 @@ public:
BIND8(canvas_item_add_texture_rect_region, RID, const Rect2 &, RID, const Rect2 &, const Color &, bool, RID, bool)
BIND11(canvas_item_add_nine_patch, RID, const Rect2 &, const Rect2 &, RID, const Vector2 &, const Vector2 &, NinePatchAxisMode, NinePatchAxisMode, bool, const Color &, RID)
BIND7(canvas_item_add_primitive, RID, const Vector<Point2> &, const Vector<Color> &, const Vector<Point2> &, RID, float, RID)
BIND6(canvas_item_add_polygon, RID, const Vector<Point2> &, const Vector<Color> &, const Vector<Point2> &, RID, RID)
BIND7(canvas_item_add_polygon, RID, const Vector<Point2> &, const Vector<Color> &, const Vector<Point2> &, RID, RID, bool)
BIND8(canvas_item_add_triangle_array, RID, const Vector<int> &, const Vector<Point2> &, const Vector<Color> &, const Vector<Point2> &, RID, int, RID)
BIND3(canvas_item_add_mesh, RID, const RID &, RID)
BIND3(canvas_item_add_multimesh, RID, RID, RID)
@ -482,7 +482,7 @@ public:
FUNC8(canvas_item_add_texture_rect_region, RID, const Rect2 &, RID, const Rect2 &, const Color &, bool, RID, bool)
FUNC11(canvas_item_add_nine_patch, RID, const Rect2 &, const Rect2 &, RID, const Vector2 &, const Vector2 &, NinePatchAxisMode, NinePatchAxisMode, bool, const Color &, RID)
FUNC7(canvas_item_add_primitive, RID, const Vector<Point2> &, const Vector<Color> &, const Vector<Point2> &, RID, float, RID)
FUNC6(canvas_item_add_polygon, RID, const Vector<Point2> &, const Vector<Color> &, const Vector<Point2> &, RID, RID)
FUNC7(canvas_item_add_polygon, RID, const Vector<Point2> &, const Vector<Color> &, const Vector<Point2> &, RID, RID, bool)
FUNC8(canvas_item_add_triangle_array, RID, const Vector<int> &, const Vector<Point2> &, const Vector<Color> &, const Vector<Point2> &, RID, int, RID)
FUNC3(canvas_item_add_mesh, RID, const RID &, RID)
FUNC3(canvas_item_add_multimesh, RID, RID, RID)
@ -798,7 +798,7 @@ public:
virtual void canvas_item_add_texture_rect_region(RID p_item, const Rect2 &p_rect, RID p_texture, const Rect2 &p_src_rect, const Color &p_modulate = Color(1, 1, 1), bool p_transpose = false, RID p_normal_map = RID(), bool p_clip_uv = true) = 0;
virtual void canvas_item_add_nine_patch(RID p_item, const Rect2 &p_rect, const Rect2 &p_source, RID p_texture, const Vector2 &p_topleft, const Vector2 &p_bottomright, NinePatchAxisMode p_x_axis_mode = NINE_PATCH_STRETCH, NinePatchAxisMode p_y_axis_mode = NINE_PATCH_STRETCH, bool p_draw_center = true, const Color &p_modulate = Color(1, 1, 1), RID p_normal_map = RID()) = 0;
virtual void canvas_item_add_primitive(RID p_item, const Vector<Point2> &p_points, const Vector<Color> &p_colors, const Vector<Point2> &p_uvs, RID p_texture, float p_width = 1.0, RID p_normal_map = RID()) = 0;
virtual void canvas_item_add_polygon(RID p_item, const Vector<Point2> &p_points, const Vector<Color> &p_colors, const Vector<Point2> &p_uvs = Vector<Point2>(), RID p_texture = RID(), RID p_normal_map = RID()) = 0;
virtual void canvas_item_add_polygon(RID p_item, const Vector<Point2> &p_points, const Vector<Color> &p_colors, const Vector<Point2> &p_uvs = Vector<Point2>(), RID p_texture = RID(), RID p_normal_map = RID(), bool p_antialiased = false) = 0;
virtual void canvas_item_add_triangle_array(RID p_item, const Vector<int> &p_indices, const Vector<Point2> &p_points, const Vector<Color> &p_colors, const Vector<Point2> &p_uvs = Vector<Point2>(), RID p_texture = RID(), int p_count = -1, RID p_normal_map = RID()) = 0;
virtual void canvas_item_add_mesh(RID p_item, const RID &p_mesh, RID p_skeleton = RID()) = 0;
virtual void canvas_item_add_multimesh(RID p_item, RID p_mesh, RID p_skeleton = RID()) = 0;
Reference in a new issue