Add options for more human-friendly build output

This commit is contained in:
Timo Schwarzer 2017-07-08 11:26:31 +02:00
parent 171d8a501f
commit adac6d959f
3 changed files with 49 additions and 5 deletions

.gitignore vendored
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@ -307,3 +307,6 @@ platform/windows/godot_res.res
# Visual Studio 2017 and Visual Studio Code workspace folder
# Scons progress indicator

View file

@ -86,5 +86,5 @@ script:
- if [ "$STATIC_CHECKS" = "yes" ]; then
sh ./misc/travis/;
scons platform=$GODOT_TARGET CXX=$CXX openssl=builtin;
scons platform=$GODOT_TARGET progress=no verbose=yes CXX=$CXX openssl=builtin;

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@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
EnsureSConsVersion(0, 14)
@ -143,9 +142,11 @@ opts.Add('disable_3d', "Disable 3D nodes for smaller executable (yes/no)", 'no')
opts.Add('disable_advanced_gui', "Disable advance 3D gui nodes and behaviors (yes/no)", 'no')
opts.Add('extra_suffix', "Custom extra suffix added to the base filename of all generated binary files", '')
opts.Add('unix_global_settings_path', "UNIX-specific path to system-wide settings. Currently only used for templates", '')
opts.Add('verbose', "Enable verbose output for the compilation (yes/no)", 'yes')
opts.Add('verbose', "Enable verbose output for the compilation (yes/no)", 'no')
opts.Add('vsproj', "Generate Visual Studio Project. (yes/no)", 'no')
opts.Add('warnings', "Set the level of warnings emitted during compilation (extra/all/moderate/no)", 'all')
opts.Add('warnings', "Set the level of warnings emitted during compilation (extra/all/moderate/no)", 'no')
opts.Add('progress', "Show a progress indicator during build (yes/no)", 'yes')
opts.Add('dev', "If yes, alias for verbose=yes warnings=all", 'no')
# Thirdparty libraries
opts.Add('builtin_freetype', "Use the builtin freetype library (yes/no)", 'yes')
@ -172,7 +173,6 @@ opts.Add("CCFLAGS", "Custom flags for the C and C++ compilers")
opts.Add("CFLAGS", "Custom flags for the C compiler")
opts.Add("LINKFLAGS", "Custom flags for the linker")
# add platform specific options
for k in platform_opts.keys():
@ -229,6 +229,10 @@ if selected_platform in platform_list:
env = env_base.Clone()
if (env["dev"] == "yes"):
env["warnings"] = "all"
env["verbose"] = "yes"
if env['vsproj'] == "yes":
env.vs_incs = []
env.vs_srcs = []
@ -443,3 +447,40 @@ else:
for x in platform_list:
print("\t" + x)
print("\nPlease run scons again with argument: platform=<string>")
screen = sys.stdout
node_count = 0
node_count_max = 0
node_count_interval = 1
node_count_fname = str(env.Dir('#')) + '/.scons_node_count'
def progress_function(node):
global node_count, node_count_max, node_count_interval, node_count_fname
node_count += node_count_interval
if (node_count_max > 0 and node_count <= node_count_max):
screen.write('\r[%3d%%] ' % (node_count * 100 / node_count_max))
elif (node_count_max > 0 and node_count > node_count_max):
screen.write('\r[100%] ')
screen.write('\r[Initial build] ')
def progress_finish(target, source, env):
global node_count
with open(node_count_fname, 'w') as f:
f.write('%d\n' % node_count)
if (env["progress"] == "yes"):
with open(node_count_fname) as f:
node_count_max = int(f.readline())
Progress(progress_function, interval = node_count_interval)
progress_finish_command = Command('progress_finish', [], progress_finish)