Improve the logic to compile for Android by automatically detecting and setting up the Android NDK if needed.
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 63 additions and 5 deletions
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ def get_name():
def can_build():
return "ANDROID_NDK_ROOT" in os.environ
return ("ANDROID_NDK_ROOT" in os.environ) or ("ANDROID_SDK_ROOT" in os.environ) or ("ANDROID_HOME" in os.environ)
def get_platform(platform):
@ -24,13 +24,36 @@ def get_opts():
from SCons.Variables import BoolVariable, EnumVariable
return [
("ANDROID_NDK_ROOT", "Path to the Android NDK", os.environ.get("ANDROID_NDK_ROOT", 0)),
("ANDROID_NDK_ROOT", "Path to the Android NDK", get_android_ndk_root()),
("ANDROID_SDK_ROOT", "Path to the Android SDK", get_android_sdk_root()),
("ndk_platform", 'Target platform (android-<api>, e.g. "android-24")', "android-24"),
EnumVariable("android_arch", "Target architecture", "armv7", ("armv7", "arm64v8", "x86", "x86_64")),
BoolVariable("android_neon", "Enable NEON support (armv7 only)", True),
# Return the ANDROID_SDK_ROOT environment variable.
# While ANDROID_HOME has been deprecated, it's used as a fallback for backward
# compatibility purposes.
def get_android_sdk_root():
if "ANDROID_SDK_ROOT" in os.environ:
return os.environ.get("ANDROID_SDK_ROOT", 0)
return os.environ.get("ANDROID_HOME", 0)
# Return the ANDROID_NDK_ROOT environment variable.
# If the env variable is already defined, we use it with the expectation that
# the user knows what they're doing (e.g: testing a new NDK version).
# Otherwise, we generate one for this build using the ANDROID_SDK_ROOT env
# variable and the project ndk version.
def get_android_ndk_root():
if "ANDROID_NDK_ROOT" in os.environ:
return os.environ.get("ANDROID_NDK_ROOT", 0)
return get_android_sdk_root() + "/ndk/" + get_project_ndk_version()
def get_flags():
return [
("tools", False),
@ -47,7 +70,31 @@ def create(env):
return env.Clone(tools=tools)
# Check if ANDROID_NDK_ROOT is valid.
# If not, install the ndk using ANDROID_SDK_ROOT and sdkmanager.
def install_ndk_if_needed(env):
print("Checking for Android NDK...")
env_ndk_version = get_env_ndk_version(env["ANDROID_NDK_ROOT"])
if env_ndk_version is None:
# Reinstall the ndk and update ANDROID_NDK_ROOT.
print("Installing Android NDK...")
if env["ANDROID_SDK_ROOT"] is None:
raise Exception("Invalid ANDROID_SDK_ROOT environment variable.")
import subprocess
extension = ".bat" if == "nt" else ""
sdkmanager_path = env["ANDROID_SDK_ROOT"] + "/cmdline-tools/latest/bin/sdkmanager" + extension
ndk_download_args = "ndk;" + get_project_ndk_version()
subprocess.check_call([sdkmanager_path, ndk_download_args])
env["ANDROID_NDK_ROOT"] = env["ANDROID_SDK_ROOT"] + "/ndk/" + get_project_ndk_version()
def configure(env):
# Workaround for MinGW. See:
if == "nt":
@ -270,7 +317,7 @@ def configure(env):
# Link flags
ndk_version = get_ndk_version(env["ANDROID_NDK_ROOT"])
ndk_version = get_env_ndk_version(env["ANDROID_NDK_ROOT"])
if ndk_version != None and LooseVersion(ndk_version) >= LooseVersion("17.1.4828580"):
env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-Wl,--exclude-libs,libgcc.a", "-Wl,--exclude-libs,libatomic.a", "-nostdlib++"])
@ -323,8 +370,14 @@ def configure(env):
env.Append(LIBS=["OpenSLES", "EGL", "GLESv2", "vulkan", "android", "log", "z", "dl"])
# Return the project NDK version.
# This is kept in sync with the value in 'platform/android/java/app/config.gradle'.
def get_project_ndk_version():
return "21.3.6528147"
# Return NDK version string in (adapted from the Chromium project).
def get_ndk_version(path):
def get_env_ndk_version(path):
if path is None:
return None
prop_file_path = os.path.join(path, "")
@ -98,6 +98,8 @@ android {
disable 'MissingTranslation', 'UnusedResources'
ndkVersion versions.ndkVersion
packagingOptions {
@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ext.versions = [
supportCoreUtils : '1.0.0',
kotlinVersion : '1.4.10',
v4Support : '1.0.0',
javaVersion : 1.8
javaVersion : 1.8,
ndkVersion : '21.3.6528147' // Also update 'platform/android/' when this is updated.
@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ android {
ndkVersion versions.ndkVersion
externalNativeBuild {
cmake {
path "CMakeLists.txt"
Add table
Reference in a new issue