when NOTIFICATION_WM_WINDOW_FOCUS_OUT is recieved by a viewport it will now call
_gui_cancel_tooltip() to avoid it hanging around after the mouse events stop
coming in
Decompress each body chunk over multiple iterations, this causes more
reallocations, but it ensures decompression will not fail no matter the
compression ratio.
This patch implements the functionality to cancel Drag and Drop
by using the escape key or more general, the ui_cancel action.
Since this would be the third location, where the finalization of
Drag and Drop would have to be implemented, that functionality was
put into the private function _perform_drop.
Simplified gui.drag_data.get_type() != Variant::NIL to gui.dragging
because they are equivalent.
A SubViewport with default-size doesn't display its content, but shows
pink color, until it is resized.
This patch makes sure, that the size gets set during initialization.
When resizing a non-focused window, the previously focused
Window got resized.
This patch grabs focus for the actually resized window, before
starting with the resizing.
Fix for 3D-physics processing:
- with enabled input_capture_on_drag now report correct position and
normals in _input_event
- mouse_enter and mouse_exit signals are emitted when the mouse cursor
leaves the visible area of the 3D-object, independently of pressed mouse
button or input_capture_on_drag
- make sure that collision input events are sent in the right order with
respect to mouse_enter and mouse_exit signals
MultiplayerPeer changes:
- Adds is_server_relay_supported virtual method
Informs the upper MultiplayerAPI layer if it can signal peers connected
to the server to other clients, and perform packet relaying among them.
- Adds get_packet_channel and get_packet_mode virtual methods
Allows the MultiplayerAPI to retrieve the channel and transfer modes to
use when relaying the last received packet.
SceneMultiplayerPeer changes:
- Implement peer signaling and packet relaying when the MultiplayerPeer
advertise they are supported.
ENet, WebRTC, WebSocket changes:
- Removed custom code for relaying from WebSocket and ENet, and let it
be handled by the upper layer.
- Update WebRTC to split create_client, create_server, and create_mesh,
with the latter behaving like the old initialize with
"server_compatibility = false", and the first two supporting the upper
layer relaying protocol.
Nodes may have been deleted by shortcuts. For example, when switching
scenes with `Ctrl` + `Tab` / `Ctrl` + `Shift` + `Tab`, some controls
will be deleted and recreated.