When dragging and dropping a texture, mesh, or scene from the FileSystem into the
2D or 3D viewport, it will be added as a child of the current scene's root node.
This pull request fixes an issue where the paint and erase tools in the TileMap editor had the same shortcut (E). The erase tool having "E" be its shortcut makes more sense than the paint tool having that be its shortcut. So I changed the paint tool's shortcut to be "D" since nothing else uses it and it's short for "draw", it's also right next to "S" on the keyboard which happens to be the selection tool.
- Use the ° symbol instead of "deg" to reduce clutter.
- Round the displayed lengths to only one decimal instead of two
to further reduce clutter.
- Don't make the `px` suffix localizable, as it isn't localizable
anywhere else in the editor.
This makes it easier to notice that some menu items only appear when
specific nodes are selected.
This change applies to both 2D and 3D editors, including both plugin-based
menus and the hardcoded 2D layout/animation contextual menus.
* Fixed subgizmo editing on scaled nodes.
* Added more clarifications on the coordinate space of subgizmos.
* Given input priority to the transform gizmo over subgizmo selection.
* Added an extra stage before compiling shader, which is generating a binary blob.
* On Vulkan, this allows caching the SPIRV reflection information, which is expensive to parse.
* On other (future) RenderingDevices, it allows caching converted binary data, such as DXIL or MSL.
This PR makes the shader cache include the reflection information, hence editor startup times are significantly improved.
I tested this well and it appears to work, and I added a lot of consistency checks, but because it includes writing and reading binary information, rare bugs may pop up, so be aware.
There was not much of a choice for storing the reflection information, given shaders can be a lot, take a lot of space and take time to parse.
A Camera3D node still has to be selected to initially enable camera
preview, but another node can then be selected and the preview can
be disabled by pressing the shortcut key again.
Found via `codespell -q 3 -S ./thirdparty,*.po,./DONORS.md -L ackward,ang,ans,ba,beng,cas,childs,childrens,dof,doubleclick,fave,findn,hist,inout,leapyear,lod,nd,numer,ois,ony,paket,seeked,sinc,switchs,te,uint`
- Use background and line colors that match better with the
rest of the editor.
- Use translucent lines to make overlapping lines visible.
- Tweak the error message to mention the UV layer in question
when there is no UV for a defined layer.
* Most resource types now have unique identifiers.
* Applies to text, binary and imported resources.
* File formats reference both by text and UID (when available). UID always has priority.
* Resource UIDs are 64 bits for better compatibility with the engine.
* Can be represented and used textually, example `uuid://dapwmgsmnl28u`.
* A special binary cache file is used and exported, containing the mappings.
Example of how it looks:
[gd_scene load_steps=2 format=3 uid="uid://dw86wq31afig2"]
[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://bt36ojelx8q6c" path="res://subscene.scn" id="1_t56hs"]
GDScript, shaders and other special resource files can't currently provide UIDs, but this should be doable with special keywords on the files.
This will be reserved for future PRs.
The function `_gen_shape_list` is using the resource `Res<Mesh>`, but during the import phase the resource used is instead `Ref<EditorSceneImporterMesh>`.
Note: the `Ref<EditorSceneImporterMesh>` is an intermediate resource, that will be used to create a `Res<Mesh>` at the end of the import process. `Ref<EditorSceneImporterMesh>` and `Ref<Mesh>` are not inheriting each other, so the internal cast done by `Ref<>` during the assignment, is always null:
Ref<EditorSceneImporterMesh> import_mesh(/* Assume it's initialized */);
Ref<Mesh> mesh = import_mesh;
CRASH_NOW(mesh.is_null()); // <--- Here we have a crash, since it's impossible perform the above cast, and the `mesh` is always null.
Here the full list of call to `_gen_shape_list`, where we can notice that a `Ref<EditorSceneImporterMesh>` is passed:
- https://github.com/AndreaCatania/godot/blob/master/editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp#L428
- https://github.com/AndreaCatania/godot/blob/master/editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp#L454-L458
- https://github.com/AndreaCatania/godot/blob/master/editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp#L512-L516
As you can notice, we always pass the following mesh: `Ref<EditorSceneImporterMesh> mesh = mi->get_mesh();`.
We already have the function `_pre_gen_shape_list` that executes the exact same job but using the correct type; Since there is no further usage of the function `_gen_shape_list` in the code base, I think it's just some leftover code, so I removed it entirely to use the proper function.
- Makes tips clearer and more consistent.
- Removes outdated "shift+v" that doesn't work
- Adds Ctrl+RMB for adding nodes at position
- Removes tip for non-existent Alt+Drag in 3D select tool