* Simplified code a lot, bias based on normalized cascade size.
* Lets scale cascades, max distance, etc. without creating acne.
* Fixed normal biasing in directional shadows.
I removed normal biasing in both omni and spot shadows, since the technique can't be easily implemented there.
Will need to be replaced by something else.
* Added an extra stage before compiling shader, which is generating a binary blob.
* On Vulkan, this allows caching the SPIRV reflection information, which is expensive to parse.
* On other (future) RenderingDevices, it allows caching converted binary data, such as DXIL or MSL.
This PR makes the shader cache include the reflection information, hence editor startup times are significantly improved.
I tested this well and it appears to work, and I added a lot of consistency checks, but because it includes writing and reading binary information, rare bugs may pop up, so be aware.
There was not much of a choice for storing the reflection information, given shaders can be a lot, take a lot of space and take time to parse.
Found via `codespell -q 3 -S ./thirdparty,*.po,./DONORS.md -L ackward,ang,ans,ba,beng,cas,childs,childrens,dof,doubleclick,fave,findn,hist,inout,leapyear,lod,nd,numer,ois,ony,paket,seeked,sinc,switchs,te,uint`
* Shadow quality settings now specialization constant.
* Decal and light projector filters can be set.
* Changing those settings forces re-creation of the pipelines.
These changes should help improve performance related to shadow mapping, and allows improving performance by sacrificing decal and light projector quality.
* use valid format for framebuffer: VK_FORMAT_A2B10G10R10_UNORM_PACK32
* Unfortunately cant be used for compute.
* Mobile will need to do refprobe, sky, mipmapblurring using raster.
* Keep track of when projector, softshadow or directional sofshadow were enabled.
* Enable them via specializaton constant where it makes sense.
* Re-implements soft shadows.
* Re-implements light projectors.
* IF a texture was reimported (calling replace as an example), it would invalidate all materials using it, causing plenty of errors.
* Added the possibility to get a notification when a uniform set is erased.
* With this notification, materials can be queued for update properly.
* Implements the code to show the boot splash on load using RenderingDevice
* Does not work on X11 when maximized, some platform specific hack will be needed there.
* Fixed and redone the process to obtain render information from a viewport
* Some stats, such as material changes are too difficult to guess on Vulkan, were removed.
* Separated visible and shadow stats, which causes confusion.
* Texture, buffer and general video memory can be queried now.
* Fixed the performance metrics too.
The Optimized shadow depth range was removed in late 2020 in favor
of the Stable shadow depth range, but it still had a (broken) property
that allowed to enable it.