Found via `codespell -q 3 -S ./thirdparty,*.po,./ -L ackward,ang,ans,ba,beng,cas,childs,childrens,dof,doubleclick,fave,findn,hist,inout,leapyear,lod,nd,numer,ois,ony,paket,seeked,sinc,switchs,te,uint`
* Most resource types now have unique identifiers.
* Applies to text, binary and imported resources.
* File formats reference both by text and UID (when available). UID always has priority.
* Resource UIDs are 64 bits for better compatibility with the engine.
* Can be represented and used textually, example `uuid://dapwmgsmnl28u`.
* A special binary cache file is used and exported, containing the mappings.
Example of how it looks:
[gd_scene load_steps=2 format=3 uid="uid://dw86wq31afig2"]
[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://bt36ojelx8q6c" path="res://subscene.scn" id="1_t56hs"]
GDScript, shaders and other special resource files can't currently provide UIDs, but this should be doable with special keywords on the files.
This will be reserved for future PRs.
* Friendlier with version control.
* Generates pseudo unique IDs, to minimize conflicts when merging, but still
user readable (so, not UUID).
* Eventually will also allow to have more precisely named sub-resources in
imported files.
* This will allow better reloading on changes (including resources already
loaded) as well as better keeping track of changes on the DCC.
* Keeps backward compatibility with the old formats.
* Binary and text format version incremented to mark breakage in forward
- Move the "sync" property for RPCs to RPCConfig.
- Unify GDScript annotations into a single one:
- `@rpc(master)` # default
- `@rpc(puppet)`
- `@rpc(any)` # former `@remote`
- Implement three additional `@rpc` options:
- The second parameter is the "sync" option (which also calls the
function locally when RPCing). One of "sync", "nosync".
- The third parameter is the transfer mode (reliable, unreliable,
- The third parameter is the channel (unused for now).
* Added a new macro SNAME() that constructs and caches a local stringname.
* Subsequent usages use the cached version.
* Since these use a global static variable, a second refcounter of static usages need to be kept for cleanup time.
* Replaced all theme usages by this new macro.
* Replace all signal emission usages by this new macro.
* Replace all call_deferred usages by this new macro.
This is part of ongoing work to optimize GUI and the editor.
error: comparison is always false due to limited range of data type [-Werror=type-limits]
ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(p_port < 0 || p_port > 65535, ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "The local port number must be between 0 and 65535 (inclusive).");
Added new "encode_real" methods for handling real_t, and used them for vector types. Types are encoded based on compilation setting.
But for decoding, always check how it was encoded. This way, serialized data is cross-compatible with Godot compiled with singles and Godot compiled with doubles. At least, in theory.
The error check was added for `FileAccessUnix` but it's not an error when both
`p_src` and `p_length` are zero.
Added correct error checks to all implementations to prevent the actual
erroneous case: `p_src` is nullptr but `p_length > 0` (risk of null pointer
This fixes#49261, which was happening because of a deadlock in the resolver mutex. There was leftover old mutex code and it's all be converted to new MutexLock class now.