Frame deltas are currently measured by querying the OS timer each frame. This is subject to random error. Frame delta smoothing instead filters the delta read from the OS by replacing it with the refresh rate delta wherever possible.
This PR also contains code to estimate the refresh rate based on the input deltas, without reading the refresh rate from the host OS.
The delta_smooth_enabled setting can also be modified at runtime through OS::, and there is also now a command line setting to override the project setting.
If no StreamPeerTLS implementation is available, HTTPClient and
WebSocketPeer will now correctly refuse to connect using TLS returning
Similarly, ENetConnection will refuse to setup DTLS when PacketPeerDTLS
is not available.
Adds a new OS::get_system_ca_certs method which can be implemented by
platforms to retrieve the list of trusted CA certificates using OS
specific APIs.
The function should return the certificates in PEM format, and is
currently implemented for Windows/macOS/LinuxBSD(*)/Android.
mbedTLS will fall back to bundled certificates when the OS returns no
(*) LinuxBSD does not have a standardized certificates store location.
The current implementation will test for common locations and may
return an empty string on some distributions (falling back to the
bundled certificates).
- Fix project settings being ignored.
- Made usages of `native_thread_allocator` thread-safe.
- Remove redundant thread-safety from `low_priority_threads_used`, `exit_threads`.
- Fix deadlock due to unintended extra lock of `task_mutex`.
A common bug with using acos and asin is that input outside -1 to 1 range will result in Nan output. This can occur due to floating point error in the input.
The standard solution is to provide safe_acos function with clamped input. For Godot it may make more sense to make the standard functions safe.
This commit adds a new mbedTLS configuration header to customize the
built-in library (and can be optionally replaced by a platform-specific
Currently, it disables most weak cryptographic functions (with the
notable exceptions of MD5 and SHA-1), along with removing support for
TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1 (making TLSv1.2 the only supported one).
* Node processing works on the concept of process groups.
* A node group can be inherited, run on main thread, or a sub-thread.
* Groups can be ordered.
* Process priority is now present for physics.
This is the first steps towards implementing
No threading or thread guards exist yet in most of the scene code other than Node. That will have to be added later.