Browsers doesn't really like forcing the mix rate, e.g. Firefox does not
allow input (microphone) if the mix rate is not the default one, Chrom*
will exhibit worse performances, etc.
Sphere occluders are now tested for self occlusion. Spheres that are behind another sphere in the current view are superfluous so can be removed, cutting down on the runtime calculations.
AABBs are now maintained for Occluders as well as individual spheres, meaning a bunch of occluder spheres can be frustum rejected as a block.
Update mesh_surface_get_format_stride and
mesh_surface_make_offsets_from_format to return an array of offsets and
an array of strides in order to support vertex stream splitting
Update _get_array_from_surface to also support vertex stream splitting
Add a condition on split stream usage to ensure it does not get used on
dynamic meshes
Handle case when Tangent is compressed but Normal is not compressed
Make stream splitting option require a restart in the settings
Update SoftBody and Sprite3D to support and use strides and offsets
returned by updated visual_server functions
Update Sprite3D to use the dynamic mesh flag
Add framework for supporting geometrical occluders within rooms, and add support for sphere occluders.
Includes gizmos for editing.
They also work outside the portal system.
This was reported by UBSAN.
Many methods were discussed, in the end this has the least evils and will use a 0,0,1 default on decompress.
Please see the PR for more info
Small bug in the logic, the roaming objects only should be set to done when they have been marked as visible, rather than the first time they are examined. This is because they can be seen in a room through multiple portals, and each needs to be tested until there is either a visible result or all the portals in are visited.
This backports the high quality glow mode from the `master` branch.
Previously, during downsample, every second row was ignored.
Now, when high-quality is used, we sample two rows at once to ensure
that no pixel is missed. It is slower, but looks much better and has
a much high stability while moving.
High quality also takes an additional horizontal sample the width of the
horizontal blur matches the height of the vertical blur.
Same thing that was already done in 2D, applies moving platform motion
by using a call to move_and_collide that excludes the platform itself,
instead of making it part of the body motion.
Helps with handling walls and slopes correctly when the character walks
on the moving platform.
Also made some minor adjustments to the 2D version and documentation.
Co-authored-by: fabriceci <>
When synchronizing KinematicBody motion with moving the platform using
direct body state, only the linear velocity was taken into account.
This change exposes velocity at local point in direct body state and
uses it in move_and_slide to get the proper velocity that includes
Fixed a bug in the complex PVS generation which was causing recursive loop.
Move some of the settings out of RoomManager into Project Settings.
Allow PVS generation method to be selected from Project Settings, and control PVS logging.
Fixes a bug whereby it read from the primary PVS in the gameplay monitor, using the size from the secondary PVS. This would read out of bounds and crash.
Removed debug code to update the gameplay monitor from the preview camera - this is no longer required.
Temporarily revert to the simple PVS generation method, because I've noticed a bug in the complex version, and the simple version is safer while I fix this.
With the octahedral compression, we had attributes of a size of 2 bytes
which potentially caused performance regressions on iOS/Mac
Now add padding to the normal/tangent buffer
For octahedral, normal will always be oct32 encoded
UNLESS tangent exists and is also compressed
then both will be oct16 encoded and packed into a vec4<GL_BYTE>
The existing tracing routine for building the PVS was rather simple compared to the main portal tracing, and could not correctly cope with paths that went through multiple portals from room A to B, and as a result would sometimes miss room entries in the PVS resulting in too many culled rooms in these circumstances.
This PR adds an improved function that can cope with entering a room multiple times during a trace. As a result it has to take care of portal directions (to prevent going back on itself) in a similar, but not identical way to the main portal tracing routine, and internal rooms, to prevent recursive loops.
The Transform::xform and xform_inv are made safe for Planes when using non-uniform scaling.
Basic unit tests for Transform.
Optimization of calling sites to prevent loss of performance from the changes to xform(Plane).
In some situations looking out from an internal room it was possible to look back into the portal into the internal room.
This PR fixes this by keeping a single item 'stack' record of the last external room, and preventing recursing into this room. This also makes tracing significantly more efficient out of internal rooms, as there is no need to trace the external room multiple times.
Initial octahedral compression incorrectly wrote tangent to the buffer
using an offset of 3 rather than 4, losing the sign of the tangent
vector needed for things like tangent space for texturing mapping
GLES3 renderer used remove_custom_define rather than set_conditional to
change back to the default conditional state the scene shader should be
In 3D, collision is disabled between kinematic/static bodies when
contacts are generated only to report them.
In 2D, this case was already fixed but the code is cleaned to make
it easier to follow.
This PR makes the 'convert rooms' button permanently on the toolbar and accessible whichever node is selected, so you can convert rooms without having to select the RoomManager first.
It also adds a togglable item 'view portal culling' to the 'View' menu which is a simple way of setting the RoomManager 'active' setting without the RoomManager being the selected node.
Both of these have keyboard shortcuts, which should make it much faster to reconvert rooms and edit.
In addition there the string in the 'Perspective' Listbox is modified to show [portals active] when portal culling is operational, for visual feedback. This is updated when you change modes, and when the rooms are invalidated.
When using the preview camera feature it turns out as well as culling the game objects, this also culls the editor gizmos from the preview camera, which makes the editor hard to use in this mode.
To get around this problem we simply disable frustum culling for GLOBAL portal_mode objects when in preview camera mode. This could be a bit slower in an editor scene with lots of gizmos but is the simplest way of solving the problem.
Implement Octahedral Compression for normal/tangent vectors
*Oct32 for uncompressed vectors
*Oct16 for compressed vectors
Reduces vertex size for each attribute by
*Uncompressed: 12 bytes, vec4<float32> -> vec2<unorm16>
*Compressed: 2 bytes, vec4<unorm8> -> vec2<unorm8>
Binormal sign is encoded in the y coordinate of the encoded tangent
Added conversion functions to go from octahedral mapping to cartesian
for normal and tangent vectors
sprite_3d and soft_body meshes write to their vertex buffer memory
directly and need to convert their normals and tangents to the new oct
format before writing
Created a new mesh flag to specify whether a mesh is using octahedral
compression or not
Updated documentation to discuss new flag/defaults
Created shader flags to specify whether octahedral or cartesian vectors
are being used
Updated importers to use octahedral representation as the default format
for importing meshes
Updated ShaderGLES2 to support 64 bit version codes as we hit the limit
of the 32-bit integer that was previously used as a bitset to store
enabled/disabled flags
Portal margins were not being correctly sent to the PortalRenderer from the SceneTree, so all margins were being used as default (1.0). This PR fixes this.