Removes _networking_ prefix from some methods and members, now that multiplayer has been largely moved out of Node and SceneTree and is seperated into its own set of classes.
Move multiplayer classes to "core/multiplayer" subdir.
Move the RPCConfig and enums (TransferMode, RPCMode) to a separate
file (multiplayer.h), and bind them to the global namespace.
Move the RPC handling code to its own class (RPCManager).
Renames "get_rpc_sender_id" to "get_remote_sender_id".
Prevent the root node to be set to PROCESS_MODE_INHERIT, since it causes
undefined behavior.
Fix a case where the process owner node is wrongly set to the direct
parent instead of the proper node.
Add errors for all unhandled cases.
This commit completely removes the RPC_MODE_MASTER ("master" keyword),
and renames the RPC_MODE_PUPPET to RPC_MODE_AUTHORITY ("auth" keyword).
This commit also renames the "Node.[get|set]_network_master" methods to
This commit also renames the RPC_MODE_REMOTE constant to RPC_MODE_ANY.
RPC_MODE_MASTER in Godot 3.x meant that a given RPC would be callable by
any puppet peer on the master, while RPC_MODE_PUPPET meant that it would
be callable by the master on any puppet.
Beside proving to be very confusing to the user (referring to where it
could be called instead of who can call it) the RPC_MODE_MASTER is quite
useless. It is almost the same as RPC_MODE_REMOTE (anyone can call) with
the exception that the network master cannot. While this could be useful
to check in some case, in such a function you would anyway need to check
in code who is the caller via get_rpc_sender_id(), so adding the check
there for those rare cases does not warrants a dedicated mode.
In the `master` branch, 16× MSAA caused the entire system to freeze
on NVIDIA GPUs. This is likely caused by graphics drivers not actually
implementing 16× MSAA, but combining 8× MSAA with 2× SSAA instead.
On top of that, modern shader complexity makes 16× MSAA very difficult
to use while keeping a good framerate. 8× MSAA is hard enough to use
as it is.
* `_gui_input`, `_input`, `_unhandled_input` and `_unhandled_key_input` are now regular C++ virutal functions.
* Everything else converted to GDVIRTUAL
* BIND_VMETHOD is gone, always use the new syntax from now on.
Creating `_gui_input` method and using the binder to register events will no longer work, simply override the virtual function now.
* New syntax is type safe.
* New syntax allows for type safe virtuals in native extensions.
* New syntax permits extremely fast calling.
Note: Everything was replaced where possible except for `_gui_input` `_input` and `_unhandled_input`.
These will require API rework on a separate PR as they work different than the rest of the functions.
Added a new method flag METHOD_FLAG_OBJECT_CORE, used internally. Allows to not dump the core virtuals like `_notification` to the json API, since each language will implement those as it is best fits.
Move the former "spawnables" functions to a dedicated
MultiplayerReplicator class.
Support custom overrides in replicator.
Spawn/despawn messages can now contain a state.
The state can be automatically encoded/decoded by passing the desired
object properties to `spawnable_config`.
You can use script properties to optimize the state representation.
2 Callables can be also specified to completely override the default
implementation for sending and receiving the spawn/despawn event.
(9 bytes overhead, and there's room for improvement here).
When using a custom implementation `spawn` and `despawn` can be called
with any Object, `send_spawn`/`send_despawn` can receive any Variant as
a state, and the path is not required.
Two new functions, `spawn` and `despawn`, convey the implementation
independent method for requesting a spawn/despawn of an Object, while
`send_spawn` and `send_despawn` represent the more low-level send event
for a Variant to be used by the custom implementations.
`PackedScene`s can be configured to be spawnable via a new
`MultiplayerAPI.spawnable_config` method.
They can be configured either to be spawned automatically when coming
from the server or to always require verification.
Another method, `MultiplayerAPI.send_spawn` lets you request a spawn on
the remote peers.
When a peer receive a spawn request:
- If it comes from the server and the scene is configured as
- Spawn the scene (instantiate it, add it to tree).
- Emit signal `network_spawn`.
- Else:
- Emit signal `network_spawn_request`.
In a similar way, `despawn`s are handled automatically in
In `SPAWN_MODE_SERVER`, when a new client connects it will also receive,
from the server all the spawned (and not yet despawned) instances.