Moves copy and paste in their own functions so copy_nodes_request and paste_nodes_request are able to work.
Applies paste offset to the last mouse clicked position.
Settings that aren't within a subsection are difficult to reach when
other settings do have a subsection.
This also adds documentation for the project setting.
In all physics servers, body_get_direct_state() now silently returns
nullptr when the body has been already freed or is removed from space,
so the client code can detect this state and invalidate the body rid.
In 2D, there is no change in behavior (just no more errors).
In 3D, the Bullet server returned a valid direct body state when the
body was removed from the physics space, but in this case it didn't
make sense to use the information from the body state.
The hash symbol creates spurious issue references on GitHub if
the message is posted outside a code block, which means some issues
have a lot more references than originally intended.
Godot uses Variant parameters for calls to script methods.
Up until now we were boxing such parameters when marshalling
them for invokation, even if they were value types.
Now Godot allocates the marshalled parameters on the stack,
reducing the GC allocations resulted from boxing.
Keep track of MeshInstance and GeometryInstance override materials in the GLTFMesh object.
Ensure all arrays are non-empty to conform with "minItems":1 in glTF spec.
Fleshed out the "Optimize Mesh" options found in the mesh import UI
Gave a checkbox to every vertex attribute that can be compressed
Surfaced option to enable/disable Octahedral compression for
normal/tangent vectors
Also surfaces the vertex position compression option which previously
inaccessible because the defaults did not compress vertex positions
Supports all current importers (obj, fbx, collada, gltf)
Ensures that the `get_property_list` and `get_script_property_list`
methods push the script properties to the end of the given list, this
prevents the script property from appearing after the script variables.
Sets `AlignOperands` to `DontAlign`.
`clang-format` developers seem to mostly care about space-based indentation and
every other version of clang-format breaks the bad mismatch of tabs and spaces
that it seems to use for operand alignment. So it's better without, so that it
respects our two-tabs `ContinuationIndentWidth`.
GLB chunk padding length calculation was backwards and missing for the BIN chunk.
Fixed error caused by "skins":[] when no skins were present.
Finally, encode animations before textures to avoid accessor misalignment due to texture byteLength.
It triggers a crash when playing V9 videos.
Could likely be fixed if anyone wants to work on it, but so far nobody seems to
want to and WebM support is dropped in 4.0, so this workaround should help for