* Occluder3D is now an abstract type inherited by: ArrayOccluder3D, QuadOccluder3D, BoxOccluder3D, SphereOccluder3D and PolygonOccluder3D. ArrayOccluder3D serves the same purpose as the old Occluder3D (triangle mesh occluder) while the rest are primitives that can be used to manually place simple occluders.
* Occluder baking can now apply simplification. The "bake_simplification_distance" property can be used to set a world-space distance as the desired maximum error, set to 0.1 by default.
* Occluders can now be generated on import. Using the "occ" and "occonly" keywords (similar to "col" and "colonly" for colliders) or by enabling on MeshInstance3Ds in the scene's import window.
* Fixed saving of occluder files after bake.
* Fixed a small error where occluders didn't correctly update in the rendering server.
Bonus content:
* Generalized "CollisionPolygon3DEditor" so it can also be used to edit Resources. Renamed it to "Polygon3DEditor" since it was already being used by other things, not just colliders.
* Fixed a small bug in "EditorPropertyArray" where a call to "remove" was left after the "remove_at" rename.
- Enable Read Sky Light to get proper outdoors lighting out of the box.
- Set bounce feedback to 0.5 by default to get a better quality result.
- Higher values may cause infinite feedback with bright surfaces.
- Increase the number of frames to converge to improve quality
at the cost of latency. Most scenes are fairly static after all.
- Use 75% Y scale by default as most scenes are not highly vertical.
- Reorder the Y scale enum to go from the lowest Y scale to the highest.
Also rename the "Disabled" setting to "100%" for clarity.
This improves rendering performance noticeably, especially when the
camera moves fast.
On a medium-sized test scene on a GTX 1080 in 2560×1440, going
from 6 to cascades saves 0.5 ms of frame time while looking visually
identical (as most of the scene fits within the 4 cascades).
Initial implementation of the MultiplayerReplicationInterface and its
default implementation (SceneReplicationInterface).
New MultiplayerSpawner node helps dealing with instantiation of scenes
on remote peers (e.g. clients).
It supports both custom spawns via a `_spawn_custom` virtual function,
and optional auto-spawn of known scenes via a TypedArray<PackedScenes>
New MultiplayerSynchornizer helps synchronizing states between the local
and remote peers, supports both sync and spawn properties and is
configured via a `SceneReplicationConfig` resource.
It can also sync via path (i.e. without being spawned by a
MultiplayerSpawner if both peers has it in tree, but will not send the
spawn state in that case, only the sync one.
Larger sizes take up a lot of memory for little visual benefit.
They also take a while to initialize, which makes the inspector slow
to refresh when the texture needs to be regenerated.
This provides better usability when a GradientTexture or CurveTexture
is added to a Control node.
Visual appearance of most GradientTextures and CurveTextures will
be unaffected.
A common source of errors is to call functions (such as round()) expecting them to work in place, but them actually being designed only to return the processed value. Not using the return value in this case in indicative of a bug, and can be flagged as a warning by using the [[nodiscard]] attribute.
The new default project theme uses StyleBoxFlat extensively for
a more modern design and better scalability to multiple resolutions.
SVG icons are now used in place of PNG icons. While this does not
allow for true vector-based icon drawing (icons are still rasterized
at load-time), this makes the design work easier for contributors
and opens the door to vector drawing in the future (e.g. with polygons
or SDFs).
Like for editor icons, the SVG header file is now built automatically
when a SVG file is changed. This removing the need for running
`` manually (TODO).
The "Use Hidpi" project setting has been removed in favor of a
"Default Theme Scale" project setting, which allows creating the
default theme at a higher/lower scale than the default.
This can be used when designing GUIs with a high base resolution
to ensure crisp visuals.
Co-authored-by: Yuri Sizov <>