If we update build gradle to use ``compileSdkVersion 23``,
``org.apache.http`` package causes error. (issue #4711)
We need to use ``useLibrary 'org.apache.http.legacy'`` to solve this problem.
To use ``useLibrary``, we need to use latest gradle also.
And now, we faced another problem with ``APK Expansion`` java sources.
137 : mCurrentNotification.setLatestEventInfo(mContext, mCurrentTitle, mCurrentText, mContentIntent); // causes error
So, some of APK Expansion java sources are updated by referencing commits from https://github.com/danikula/Google-Play-Expansion-File
And dropped V3CustomNotification.java which was for android 3.0, since godot supports android 14 (4.0) above officially.
Unfortunately, another problem, The 'MissingTranslation' error was occurred.
So, build.gradle is updated to use ``disable 'MissingTranslation'``
Additionally, I updated ``buildToolsVersion``, ``targetSdkVersion`` to latest version.
I tested APK Expansion funtionality on Android 6.0 (Nexus 9, Nexus 6p) and Android 4.4 (Galaxy Note 2) with Google Developer console.
It's no longer maintained and Chrome-specific, so it's not a viable solution
to deploy Godot games in browsers. The current prefered alternative is asm.js
(platform/javascript), and we're looking forward to WebAssembly.
It was apparently never fully functional and has not been maintained.
Flash itself is nowadays clearly a deprecated technology, so there will
not be further work on it. platform/javascript and the upcoming
WebAssembly technologies should have a brighter future.
Also Enables automatic detection of architecture for the MSVC compilers.
Builds without assembly optimisations for x64
Closes issue #3098
Signed-off-by: Aleksandar Danilovic <greatgames.alexandar@gmail.com>
It was added in 30d0ca9 for the Steam build but only enabled
when parsing a ._sc_ file that would define it.
It is now available for all users to toggle, in and outside of Steam.
The 4.9 version is the default one, people can still build using 4.8
with older NDK versions by setting the (optional) NDK_TARGET
and NDK_TARGET_X86 environment variables.
- Also updated the docs to reflect this.
- Added some vim temp files to gitignore
- Changed NaCL to be consistent with the other OS_Unix::get_date implementation
(added 1 to month to map to 1-12)