Helps with discovery and setup of physics solver settings, in a specific
project settings section for both 2D and 3D.
Other changes for cleanup:
-Removed unused space parameters in 3D
-Added custom solver bias for Shape3D (same as Shape2D)
-Improved documentation for solver settings
The message about SpatialMaterial conversion was turned into a warning,
as it can potentially interfere with porting projects from Godot 3.x
(if there's a bug in the conversion code).
- Replaced unused code related to old close icon with a button
- Add bezier handle options to right-click menu
- Remove mirror handle mode, only keep balanced
- Update animation reference
This makes material setup faster and avoids mistakes, especially with
the metallic channel which defaults to 0.
The value is only changed when adding a texture when none was
previously assigned, not when assigning a different texture.
Same as what is already done for shape queries, applied to point and ray
queries. Easier to document and more flexible to add more parameters.
Also expose intersect_point method to script in 3D.
Remove intersect_point_on_canvas in 2D, replaced with a parameter.
Sets `AlignOperands` to `DontAlign`.
`clang-format` developers seem to mostly care about space-based indentation and
every other version of clang-format breaks the bad mismatch of tabs and spaces
that it seems to use for operand alignment. So it's better without, so that it
respects our two-tabs `ContinuationIndentWidth`.
Damping values are now non-negative.
Add new properties linear_damp_mode and angular_damp_mode to set the way
RigidDynamicBody and PhysicalBone (2D & 3D) use damping values.
It can now be Combine (default) to add to the default/areas, or Replace
to override the value completely (current behavior).
The built-in ALPHA in spatial shaders comes pre-set with a per-instance
transparency value. Multiply by it if you want to keep it.
The transparency value of any given GeometryInstance3D is affected by:
- Its new "transparency" property.
- Its own visiblity range when the new "visibility_range_fade_mode"
property is set to "Self".
- Its parent visibility range when the parent's fade mode is
set to "Dependencies".
The "Self" mode will fade-out the instance when reaching the visibility
range limits, while the "Dependencies" mode will fade-in its
Per-instance transparency is only implemented in the forward clustered
renderer, support for mobile should be added in the future.
Co-authored-by: reduz <>
Roughly based on (used format is slightly different).
* Implement bitwidth based animation compression (see animation.h for format).
* Can compress imported animations up to 10 times.
* Compression format opens the door to streaming.
* Works transparently (happens all inside animation.h)
* New track type BLEND_SHAPE
* Blend shapes are imported via this new track type
* Processing is more optimized (no longer relies on variants)
* Modified the Blend Shape API in MeshInstance3D to use indices rather than StringNames (more optimizes)
* Promo: Fixed a small bug in gizmo updating in Node3D that affected performance
Dedicated BlendShape tracks are required for both optimization and eventually implementing them in animation compression.
* New plugin system to control the whole import workflow
* Can add options and run code at every import step (general, per node, mesh, animation, material etc.)
This constitutes a first version of these plugins. The ability to interact with the import preview dialog will likely be added later on.
* Animations and Skeletons are now pose-only.
* Rest transform is kept as reference (when it exists) and for IK
* Improves 3D model compatibility (non uniform transforms will properly work, as well as all animations coming from Autodesk products).
* `Animation.TYPE_TRANSFORM3D` track is gone.
* Added POSITION_3D, ROTATION_3D, SCALE_3D tracks.
* GLTF2, Collada, FBX importers will only import the track types found.
* Skeleton3D bone poses are now Pos/Rot/Scale, pose matrix removed.
* AnimationPlayer and AnimationTree animate these tracks separately, only when found.
* Removed BakeReset code, is useless with these changes.
This is the first in a series of commits designed to make the animation system in Godot more useful, which includes:
* Better compatibility with Autodesk products
* Better reusability of animations across models (including retargeting).
* Proper animation compression.
* etc.
*Note* GLTF2 animation saving went broken with this PR, needs to be fixed in a subsequent one.
This property was intended to provide a way to have SSAO or VoxelGI
ambient occlusion with a color other than black. However, it was
dropped during the Vulkan renderer development due to the performance
overhead it caused when the feature wasn't used.
When packing a scene node which is not the root, errors where caused
by internal checks in is_editable_instance method.
This check can be safely made outside instead.
`core` and `scene` shouldn't depend on `editor`, so they can't query this style
setting in `get_argument_options`. But we can handle it after the fact in
GDScript's completion code.
Also cleans up a couple extra unused invalid includes in `core`.
Convert GLTF Document to use ImporterMeshInstance3D.
Add a GLTFDocument extension list and an extension for converting the importer mesh instance 3d to mesh instance 3d.
Use GLTF module when the editor tools are disabled.
Modified the render server to be less restrictive on matching blend arrays and have more logging.
Misc bugs with multimesh.
Always index the meshes.
Fixes#43733: "creating SpatialMaterial in a separate thread creates invalid
shaders (temporarily)."
The bug occurred because various setters called in materials' constructors add
materials to queues that are processed on the main thread. This means that
when the materials are created in another thread, they can be processed on the
main thread before the constructor has finished.
The fix adds a flag to affected materials that prevents them from being added
to the queue until their constructors have finished initialising all the
Add glTF2 uri decode for paths.
Add vertex custom apis.
Add scene importer api.
Change Color to float; add support for float-based custom channels in SurfaceTool and EditorSceneImporterMesh
Co-authored-by: darth negative hunter
With this PR it's possible to add a collision during the Mesh import, directly in editor.
To generate the shape is possible to chose between the following options:
- Decompose Convex: The Mesh is decomposed in one or many Convex Shapes (Using the VHACD library).
- Simple Convex: Is generated a convex shape that enclose the entire mesh.
- Trimesh: Generate a trimesh shape using the Mesh faces.
- Box: Add a primitive box shape, where you can tweak the `size`, `position`, `rotation`.
- Sphere: Add a primitive sphere shape, where you can tweak the `radius`, `position`, `rotation`.
- Cylinder: Add a primitive cylinder shape, where you can tweak the `height`, `radius`, `position`, `rotation`.
- Capsule: Add a primitive capsule shape, where you can tweak the `height`, `radius`, `position`, `rotation`.
It's also possible to chose the generated body, so you can create:
- Rigid Body
- Static Body
- Area
At runtime, packed scenes with nodes marked as editable instance where
saved with node type tags, which prevented the scene to be then loaded
as an instance, causing duplicated nodes in the tree.
This change ensures nodes marked as editable instances and their owned
children are properly set as instances.
That doesn't make a difference in the editor, since such nodes where
already set as instances based on their instance state, but it helps
at runtime where instance states are disabled.
Co-authored-by: latorril <>
Fixes shear effect with `BILLBOARD_FIXED_Y` when the camera is rotated around the z-axis by rotating the mesh correctly into view space.
Also removes shearing effects that occur when rotating the mesh by excluding the model rotation and scale from the billboard matrix.
This commit adds quite a chunk of modifications to particles
- particle (value + randomness) now use min and max instead
- passing a curveXYZtexture is now possible and will scale particles per-axis
- CPUParticle3D have an optional parameter to split the scale curve per-axis
* New syntax is type safe.
* New syntax allows for type safe virtuals in native extensions.
* New syntax permits extremely fast calling.
Note: Everything was replaced where possible except for `_gui_input` `_input` and `_unhandled_input`.
These will require API rework on a separate PR as they work different than the rest of the functions.
Added a new method flag METHOD_FLAG_OBJECT_CORE, used internally. Allows to not dump the core virtuals like `_notification` to the json API, since each language will implement those as it is best fits.
While calculating interpolated points, intervals between two baked
points has been assummed to be `baked_interval`. The assumption could
cause significant error in some extreme cases (for example #7088).
To improve accuracy, `baked_dist_cache` is introduced, which stores
distance from starting point for each baked points. `interpolate_baked`
now returns exact linear-interpolated position along baked points.
Capsule height and radius setters can modify each other, rather than
using clamping, to avoid cases where values are not set correctly when
loading a scene (depending on the order of properties).
Inspector undo/redo:
Added the possibility to link properties together in the editor, so
they can be undone together, for cases where a property can modify
another one.
Gizmo undo/redo:
Capsule handles pass both radius and height values so they can be undone
This comment is useful to determine the origin of ShaderMaterials
converted from built-in material types (such as CanvasItemMaterial
or StandardMaterial3D).
The Godot version is also included in case the shader needs to be
regenerated with a newer engine version.
This PR and commit adds a new IK system for 3D with the Skeleton3D node
that adds several new IK solvers, as well as additional changes and functionality
for making bone manipulation in Godot easier.
This work was sponsored by GSoC 2020 and TwistedTwigleg
Full list of changes:
* Adds a SkeletonModification3D resource
* This resource is the base where all IK code is written and executed
* Adds a SkeletonModificationStack3D resource
* This node oversees the execution of the modifications and acts as a bridge of sorts for the modifications to the Skeleton3D node
* Adds SkeletonModification3D resources for LookAt, CCDIK, FABRIK, Jiggle, and TwoBoneIK
* Each modification is in it's own file
* Several changes to Skeletons, listed below:
* Added local_pose_override, which acts just like global_pose_override but keeps bone-child relationships intract
* So if you move a bone using local_pose_override, all of the bones that are children will also be moved. This is different than global_pose_override, which only affects the individual bone
* Internally bones keep track of their children. This removes the need of a processing list, makes it possible to update just a few select bones at a time, and makes it easier to traverse down the bone chain
* Additional functions added for converting from world transform to global poses, global poses to local poses, and all the same changes but backwards (local to global, global to world). This makes it much easier to work with bone transforms without needing to think too much about how to convert them.
* New signal added, bone_pose_changed, that can be used to tell if a specific bone changed its transform. Needed for BoneAttachment3D
* Added functions for getting the forward position of a bone
* BoneAttachment3D node refactored heavily
* BoneAttachment3D node is now completely standalone in its functionality.
* This makes the code easier and less interconnected, as well as allowing them to function properly without being direct children of Skeleton3D nodes
* BoneAttachment3D now can be set either using the index or the bone name.
* BoneAttachment3D nodes can now set the bone transform instead of just following it. This is disabled by default for compatibility
* BoneAttachment3D now shows a warning when not configured correctly
* Added rotate_to_align function in Basis
* Added class reference documentation for all changes
- Back to 1-based layer names to make it clearer in editor UI
- Layer bit accessors are renamed to layer value and 1-based too
- Uniform errors and documentation in render and physics
- Fix a few remaining collision_layer used in place of collision_mask
This PR and commit adds the functionality to arrange nodes in VisualScript/VisualShader editor. The layout generated by this
feature is compact, with minimum crossings between connections
& uniform horizontal & vertical gaps between the nodes.
This work has been sponsored by GSoC '21.
Full list of additions/changes:
• Added arrange_nodes() method in GraphEdit module.
• This method computes new positions for all the selected
nodes by forming blocks and compressing them.
The nodes are moved to these new positions.
• Adding this method to GraphEdit makes it available for
use in VisualScript/VisualShaders editors and its other
• Button with an icon has been added to call arrange_nodes() in GraphEdit.
• This button is inherited by VisualScript/VisualShaders editors
to invoke the method.
• Undo/redo is functional with this method.
• By using signals in arrange_nodes(), position changes are registered
in undo/redo stack of the subclass that is using the method.
• Metadata of the method has been updated in ClassDB
• Method description has been added to class reference of GraphEdit
Infinite inertia:
Not needed anymore, since it's now possible to set one-directional
collision layers in order for characters to ignore rigid bodies, while
rigid bodies still collide with characters.
Ray shapes:
They were introduced as a work around to allow constant speed on slopes,
which is now possible with the new property in CharacterBody instead.
Found via `codespell -q 3 -S ./thirdparty,*.po,./ -L ackward,ang,ans,ba,beng,cas,childs,childrens,dof,doubleclick,fave,findn,hist,inout,leapyear,lod,nd,numer,ois,ony,paket,seeked,sinc,switchs,te,uint`
* Most resource types now have unique identifiers.
* Applies to text, binary and imported resources.
* File formats reference both by text and UID (when available). UID always has priority.
* Resource UIDs are 64 bits for better compatibility with the engine.
* Can be represented and used textually, example `uuid://dapwmgsmnl28u`.
* A special binary cache file is used and exported, containing the mappings.
Example of how it looks:
[gd_scene load_steps=2 format=3 uid="uid://dw86wq31afig2"]
[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://bt36ojelx8q6c" path="res://subscene.scn" id="1_t56hs"]
GDScript, shaders and other special resource files can't currently provide UIDs, but this should be doable with special keywords on the files.
This will be reserved for future PRs.
* Friendlier with version control.
* Generates pseudo unique IDs, to minimize conflicts when merging, but still
user readable (so, not UUID).
* Eventually will also allow to have more precisely named sub-resources in
imported files.
* This will allow better reloading on changes (including resources already
loaded) as well as better keeping track of changes on the DCC.
* Keeps backward compatibility with the old formats.
* Binary and text format version incremented to mark breakage in forward
* Create the shader on demand.
* Makes sure compilation happens only once, then shader is cached.
* Speeds up scene loading times.
* Speeds up editor initialization.